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Marine Accounting

Port DA

Week 1 – Report

My time in Port DA all started with an amazing introduction done by Mr. Raplh where we
went through the basics and fundamentals of the Port DA department as a whole and what
they are doing. He also explained to me about the different teams we have across the
world and which regions they manage.

I learnt :

 The basics of a port call

 Services rendered during a port call
 The difference between a voyage CP and time CP

I started my training with Julia from team 2 (Africa and EC South America) where she first
taught me all about proformas and FDA’s as well as the process of creating an FDA and
sending it out to the respective operations managers/teams. I was consequently taught
how to use VIP for our work as well as working with Sedna.

Some of the things I learnt :

 Checking tariffs mentioned on FDA’s against the port tariff guide.

 Proforma payments and FDA’s – creation
 Allocation of costs and accounting
 Checking balance and advance payments

Later during the week I also got to learn from Shimin about the procedure of paying
proformas and entering PDA’s according to what operations request. She also taught me
about the different agreements we have with certáins companies for payment procedure
as well as how to update bank details or enter a new agent into the system after doing the
respective checklist and vetting.

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