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Final Report – Port DA – ( Week 2 + Tuesday )


My second week was spent learning all about the PDA procedure and processing with

Things I learnt :

 What are ESI discounts and ports with ESI discounts

 Request forms
 Bank details checking
 Paying proformas process
 Paying TBN proformas process
 Cash to master payments

I also had a lot of contact with various operators about PDA payment instructions as well
as resolving any issues with VIP.

Other tasks I managed :

 Continued to handle FDA payments/settlements : 14 FDA’s

 Sending out emails for paid porformas
 Managing proforma payments and following up with operator/bookkeeping
 Managing TBN payments
 Managing FDA and PDA email communication to agent and operator
 Handling special cases such as adding new bank details or new agent into system

I also learnt about various agreements we have with agents, charterers, etc which helped
me gain more knowledge about the contracts that will come my way when I become an
operator and this training helped me familiarize myself with such things.

Separate Invoices

Svetlana also taught me about the procedures of handling invoices that are paid separate
from the proformas and DA’s. These are contract and agreement based such as tugs
payments for certain charterers is split half and half between owners and charterers.
Such invoices have different methods of handling and payments and such was taught to
me by Svetlana.


In conclusion my time in port DA was very valuable as it helped me gain a lot of knowledge
in various different topics that will help me become a better operator and I thank my
trainers from team 2 ( Julia, Shimin and Svetlana) for it.

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