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Hadith No. 1381 to 2822

Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad

bin Hanhal Ash-Shalbanl
{164-241 AH- 7BM55 CE>

AhleSunnah Library ( )

Translated by
1 If aalruddln AJ-Khatiab

Edited by
Hud* AJ-Khattab

AhleSunnah Library

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (^
{ 164-241 AH - 780-855 CE }
A Buniyiiah
Damn i.u ii

Yj AJ-Balir



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Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (**)
Abu Abdullah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal Ash-Shaibani

{ 164-241 AH - 780-855 CE }

Volume 2. (Hadith 1381 to 2822)

Ahadeeth Edited, Researched and Referenced by


Translated by
Nasiruddin Al-Khattab

Edited by
Huda Al-Khattab

Riyadh . Jeddoh . Al -Khobar . Sharjah
Lahore • London » Houston • New York
3b (Ji&jVamssafM/aA,
l/t& Most; <&aciow6 tA& Mo&l Jflercfal

© Maktaba Dar-us-Salam, 2012

King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bin Hanbal, Imam Ahmad

Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal,/
Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal. Riyadh, 2012
ISBN: 978-603-500-107-6 (Set)
978-603-500-109-0 (vol.2)
1-Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad 241 H 2-Hadith-
Criticism, Interpretation, etc. I-Title
922.584 dc 1433/3700
L.D. no. 1433/3700
ISBN: 978-603-500-107-6 (set)

978-603-500-109-0 (vol.2)


Musnad of Abu Muhammad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah 4fi, 7

The Musnad of az-Zubair bin al-' Awwam 4» 21

Musnad Abu Ishaq Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas *& 35

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail & 113

Musnad of 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf az-Zuhri <& 127

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, whose name was 'Amir bin 'Abdullah & .... 145

The Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr ^* 153

Hadeeth of Zaid bin Kharijah^ 161

The Hadeeth of al-Harith binKhazamah^ 163

Hadeeth of Sa'd, the freed slave of Abu Bakr .*- 165

The Musnad of Ahlul-Bay t & Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib ^ 1 67

The hadeeth of Al-Husain bin 'Ali & 173

Hadeeth of 'Aqeel bin Abi Talib & 177

Hadeeth of J a' far bin Abi Talib & It is Hadeeth of ahHijTah (migration) 179

Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja' far bin Abi Talib & 187

Musnad Bani Hashim (Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib (^t) from the
Prophet^ 197

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas & narrating from the Prophet ^ 213

Hadeeth of Tammam bin al-'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib from the Prophet (ife,) .... 229

Hadeeth of 'Ubaidullah bin al-'Abbas 4 from the Prophet (j&) 231

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib from the Prophet jg§ . . , 233
" '

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah * 7 & *iit Jdic ^ ^aJla j*m ji oii-i

Musnad of Abu Muhammad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah 4*>

1381. It was narrated that IbnAbi yj. ^ ^ tfjU- :

^ £j^ -\T"A\
said: Talhah bin
(-*,) said;
Messenger of Allah (Kg) say:
I heard the


„ .,



^ l
Jj ( : jjj _££ ^ i^U= J'J
good are the family: 'Abdullah, the '^ •'*.'(",'>>.
father of 'Abdullah and the mother y
j ^\
a f
jU ^S\ jil
^ :J>: 3^
of Abdullah."
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef
DrAY ^. : (] ^\ ^ ^ t Jj, ^
because it is interrupted]

.i^Jj? il^x J i£LL> ^1 jjI t«j^Ua£N "^v*-^ «^--l :

1382. It was narrated that Ibn
^ >£ g^ :
j^*J\ xi> tife- ->?AY
Abi Mulaikah said: Talhah bin p '

o ,

'Ubaidullah said: I do not usually ^ J^ -^-> ^** J>) Cf^J^ 0? ;

narrate anything from the Messenger

of Allah (|g), but I heard him say:
'" *"
„ \ >J >


'Amr bin al-'As fa) is one of the J\ ^\ V*li *S1\ Jj^ <V il^i
righteous of Quraish." 'Abdul- '.»,«.,
/abbar binWard added, narrating

^ ^ ^ Jj~*

°' ,
from Ibn Abi Mulaikah, that ^ j CjJ\ ±S Sijj : Jii .*jy} ^Li
Talhah said: "How good are the ,,'.., „...., *
/ .,

family: 'Abdullah, the father of :M *^b 'J.

r&l* ^\ j>\ j* >jj

'Abdullah and the mother of '{-

^^ ft Jj, & ^1\
\il 1^»
'Abdullah." ' ' ' '

Comments: [Its ts/ifld is da eej like (_-

the previous report]

.AjL>\ i uU^ 6-jL~->i •&S*
1383. It was narrated from ^| tfj^ :

Jq ^ 1^ ^j^. -WAV
Mu'adh bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin -",*,,
'Uthman at-Taimi that his father ^ ^ J^ J
* s
-u^- J^-^
.. , r- -


'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Uthman J\ ^ t ^j, ^^ ^ jj_*y ^ j,\

said: We were with Talhah bin / ,_ '^ -**,'•,'.
'Ubaidullah fa) and we were in ^^ ^ C5 :JU oL^ j*^>M t^

ihram. We were given a bird as a

gift whilst Talhah was sleeping.
^^ "
- '
' -
, ,

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah <& 8 *. ajuI JU ic ^j a-Ju ^i s- jl aJuU

Some some of us
of us ate and * -
- -

, ^ , „ s - - e . . * *

refrainedand did not eat. When LJ ^ ^ l

J*' ^ ^^ ^^J
Talhah woke up, he approved of
those who had eaten it and said;
^ jij .iAiL i^,| Llli . jit lli

We ate it with the Messenger of ^


J131 Jj^j £*
°^ : jL ^ ^

Comments: [Its I'sffflrf is saheeh, Muslim (1197)]

1384. It was narrated from Yahya . , *. ,r * ,-;* . f ,,,? ,-;*

bin Talhah that his father said; ^ ~

'Umar saw Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah :JU <J
ji- <.i^l\s
^ ^J ;^Lp ji-
looking upset and said: What is the
matter with you, Father of So
and so? Perhaps your cousin's
O : JU l
*=*" ^ ^ „/.-",,';
<* ^> ^3
^i ;-j J&Li ilk] t j^i rf U Jjj U
being appointed as caliph has
upset you, O Father of So and so?
He said; No, but I heard a hadeeth

°^ ^
t t
' *. <.



^9*^ L'' L
„> /
from the Messenger of Allah fjte)
fof j|
-^ u lla^
^ Jd!
J,^ '

and nothing prevented me from <ci*^ toU JS- ^Xe- ijj£}\ Vl <l£

asking him about it except the fear y V- ri -- m r

-i^ * T- IT ", *i i-

of not being able to comply with it

; '

I did not ask him about it]

he died. I heard him say: "I

<L* iLl

<.^ t$J j^il
VI ^
know a word which no one says at ^ U r^ ^
^ JUi
- .-
!ul1 '"^
the time of death but his colour will ^ Ltpf las; *j& jj ?^ ,^j : : ju
brighten and Allah will relieve him X ,. , ' «,.,-"' (

of his distress." 'Umar {^) said: I ^1 ^i ^ ^J^ -^ *^ ^ 3^ 1

know what it is. What
is it? 'Umar said; Do you know any
_ Jjl} _ ^ ;dili :klL JU ?&l

word that is greater than the word H Av :

.£fr jJ -l>?

he enjoined his uncle to say when

he was dying, la ilaha illallahl
Talhah said; You are right. By
"C^ ^ :

Allah, that is what it is.

Comments: [Its isnad is sflfceefr]

1385. It
Isma'eel said:
was narrated
saw Talhah with his
that j^ : j^ j^^, -
^^ ^ _^ rAo


hand paralysed; he had protected ** u<>Li '^ ^^ ^0 :

) !r4*
the Messenger of Allah
on the day of Uhud.
(m) with it _^j

" ^
# '
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah 4. 9 &*ii\ Ju^ C* *&* ***** J ^J>

[Its isnad is salieeh, al-
(i'ir) ^ B ^L_-l '.fuJ+i
Bukhari (4063)]

1386. It was narrated from Yahya £^ .^^ ^ ' |-j £j^- -M"A1
bin Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah, from '' ',-','
his father, 'Umar (4>) saw
that ^if^

•>* ^^ ^
t "l

J~* ^

him looking sad and said: What is
the matter with you, O Abu
: J^
t Jbl
^ii /,!
^^ '

^ s
U :JU* il^
Muhammad? Perhaps you are
upset about your cousin being
appointed caliph? - referring to

^ ^


j^ £j


^ ^
, f

Abu Bakr. He said: No. And he ^1Jp Jifj iV :JU _ JZ

spoke highly of Abu Bakr (*),
[then he said:] But I heard the
^-4* ^ -^- ^ ^ .j

^j^'jflj; i Jz

Prophet (*fe) say: "[There is] a <CP ill 1

£^ v; ^iy Jtl*. Jlp Lg-!j^i V
word which no one says when he is j-1 ' -*„ •,
4JU1I jl jJcJ> Ui .
1 41.^5
dying but Allah will relieve him of
distress and his colour will
brighten." Nothing prevented me
J jUi .0L0 ^ i^i* yih vi ^
from asking him about it except the
j :LUL ^J jui ,^S/ J]
^ - t

fear of not being able to

with it [anddid not ask him about
^ las j&; Ji : 'j** A J Li«
it] until he died. 'Umar said to him:
VI 3l V :lli -

^ >' ^as y; ^1
I know what it is. Talhah said to

him: What is it? 'Umar said: Do

^ ?^lj
^ ?iiii

you know any word that is greater :

than the word he enjoined his

uncle to say when he was dying, La
^^ * «
- Qr*"
ilaha Wallah? Talhah said: You are

right. By Allah, that is what it is.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1387. Dawood
Dinar narrated that he and a man
bin Khalid bin
J^ /-
-Jj| x* 'J> £J6> l£U- -\rAV

called Abu Yoosuf, who was from Is. ^ <J^

J ; .

u~ CS-
t , e

^ f

(the tribe of) Banu Taim, passed

by Rabee'ah bin Abi 'Abdur-
.3 ^"'V~ ^ - *\ .^ j
r ti

Rahman (.#,) and Abu Yoosuf said J ~^j J> J^ j? ^*^ji ^

to him: We find that you have a :,,"•*> n >\ 'u- . V - -
=Mi s-
hadeeth thatwe did not find with '
s /
anyone else. He said: I have a lot SA>J N U cuoAJl ^ hj& jIp j*^S

of hadeeths, but Rabee'ah bin al- [ , •> „ . *,.*',' -,.:: «V*

Hudair - who used to stay close to >=? - ^- - S
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah ^ 10 ^i^i^^iuujii^
Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah - said that
he did not hear Talhah narrate any
hadeeth from the Messenger of
Allah [#&) except one. Rabee'ah bin
4^Ji* ^*ZJ JU
iS\ :_ aJJi jlIp ^ <AIi>

Abi 'Abdur-Rahman said: I said to

him: What is Talhah
it? He said:
said to me: We went out with the
Messenger of Allah (gg) until we J Jli :Jli ?>i Uj :ij oil :^^l
approached Harrat Waqim, When
we drew
w J^ #$ jii JP3 ^ i^> :iUL
close to it, we saw some
graves at a turn in the valley and tl^U U^ii : Jli 4 ^iij i^i- JU £]^M
we said: O Messenger of Allah, are
these the graves of our brothers?
i J] i
J^/, l; :iliiii t ^u, j^ liil

He "The graves of our

companions." Then he left and
«lll>^i jjji : Jli ?
ii £i_^.| ^
when we came to the graves of the :Jli i.l^iJl 3^ ^r lij
J^ l^>
martyrs, the Messenger of Allah
'ty^i j^" ji* 1 : sgg Jui J^3 Jli
(%) said: "These are the graves of
our brothers." •il^i :

Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan]

1388. was narrated from Moosa


bin Talhah that his father said: We

^U-. iL*-ii : XJ. ^ ^ Cjj^. -\rAA
used pray with animals passing
in front of us. We mentioned that
to the Prophet (jfe) and he said: "If
you put something the height of
the back of a saddle in front of you,
?>> j^ B
JLii '^ ^ iJUi l^ii

then it will not matter what passes

beyond it." •^ x 0*^
°3* j^ J^j a
?^ r° ^
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan,
Muslim (499)]

1389. It was narrated that Abu

Salamah said: Two men from
iU«i llil^ : jli ^ Ju^i tiJU -WA*
Yemen came to stay with Talhah
bin 'Ubaidullah. One of them was
killed with the Messenger of J*' J? i>*»-j O^/W J>
:Jli ilL
Allah ($ag) and the other remained j4^ ;Jji jiX ii^& jii di
^; wr
for a year after that, then he died
in his bed. Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah
>^ii vii^
J ,^ J] 1
j^ ^ uiJ^i
was shown [in a dream] that the HAL oU
^jjXi tOI^J jJ
li. IJ t£i *^
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah & 11 * *ii1 aJu£ ^ '**&* *^ ^ '^- i

one who died in his bed entered .., - .

r .*
f, .-* *.

Paradise some time before the ^ — T ' *-* -

' , " ,

other.Talhah mentioned that to LJd> JjU* <.^y. >-Sh J^ ^>Ji

the Messenger of Allah fcgg), and
» > / - '

the Messenger of Allah (*g) said: r

;& ^ J ^ JU >

"How long did he live after (the ^£j I

J^3 Jl« * V^ :Jli «?!Uy iJ^
one who died first)?" He said: , ^ __, .,
*•? s

One year. The Messenger of Allah f^J ^;^ tfLi^J uji J^" Ǥ :

(Sis) said: "He offered eighteen [u 'T U M :>l].«JUi3 t

hundred (extra) prayers and

fasted Ramadan," <A»Zj il— J IJlaj k^jO j—?- '^ir^
Comments: [Hasan because of y. „^ ^Jj ti^JI iijA, jj i*L-'oi o^
corroborating evidence; this is a ,i>JJs

1390. Malik narrated from his £jU- -.^J^ ^ ^-> -^ ^JU- ~^ rv

paternal uncle, from his father, that
he heard Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah ^

--i; -

*' :

*- •-
J* ^"

say: A Bedouin came to the Prophet

(^r) and said: O Messenger of Allah,
jj; j^ jj
^1^1 £lf :jjjb -dJl


what is Islam? He said: "Five :<-^ ^^X U '^ J 1

^ ^ : JUi ^
prayers every day and night." He *U - ^U"
\i :jti «;b'j j o1}L>
said: Do I have to do anything other - ^"
;" \ _ ^ „ ,

^ ^j ?^*>
than that? He said: "No." He asked *- >5Jl «V» :J13
him about
"Fasting (the
and he
^ ^ ^^ .^
^^ ((

He said:
other than that?
Do I have to
"No," He
He said:
do anything ^
: JU
>;j : J^ "^

mentioned zdb* and said: Do I have ^ * ;^ :Jlj

" Vr "

J*S ^U
to do anything other than that? He ^ Jj| j^,- j i£ .^L> /^l
j t

said: "No." He said: By Allah, I will

•*^ xi 6 Jj " j

do no more and no less than that. l C^

The Messenger of Allah {M) said: /«-\ .
i i.
He will prosper, if he means what r (_ c (--'

he says."
Comments: [Its isnad is sahee/t, al-Bukhari (46) and Muslim (11)]

1 It was narrated from Malik

39 1 .
Jjr U ^p t o llii tJj>- -ST\\
Aws: I heard Umar (&) say ',.>.'

bin , .; .
tMr . - *, •*..

to 'Abdur-Rahman, Talhah, az-

^** ^^^^ V/' ^ ^> ^ fc

Zubair and Sa'd: I adjure you by : jJL^-3 ^lj i^ii*} O^-S 11 ^ J^

Allah, by Whose power heaven ,
,.' _ , >/ « * .>,>.-
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah & 12 & «it Jlu± ^ '**&* 4^» J >Aii-i
and earth exist - Sufyan said on «*.,.,* , . f .*

one occasion: by Whose leave ^'

r^* - f^" 1
S;^ li^ 1 :
v* o^li JL*ji

heaven and earth exist - do you

&J U ,i^' ^ Ul» J li gg j -
know that the Messenger of Allah
(#5) said: "We
[Prophets] are not Em ^U -'^'^


to be inherited from; what we
leave behind is charity"? They

l0r,<u> :

C*t>— flJ
M ^>-'
said: By Allah, yes. .**H> J* Jjx wov) (

Comments: [Its isnad is sfl/iee/t, al-Bukhari (3094) and Muslim (1757)]

1392. was narrated from ^ -- tf^

£ j. lXj >; _, ny
Mu'adh bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin
'Uthman at-Taimi that his father ^ .',, _
\",. , ^

If- j> '

said: We were with Talhah bin
'Ubaidullah and we were in ihram.
A bird was given to him as a gift *f

t ;

, ^,.


J i^iL

\.^ ^ ^

-Ji &

: JU

when Talhah was sleeping. Some

of us ate and some of us refrained.
When Talhah woke up, he approved


b ^
J 4
J <^ U ^
,*- „,

Jjlj i^ii ks/'..l llli t j-j}; ^ iL j JSI ^


who had
of those
We ate
Allah (m)-
eaten and said:
with the Messenger of *^




3 ^ ,, -

1\yay :^\j]
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (1197)] .< m v) :

r ^^ ei L-l :

^ ^" W
1393. It was narrated from r ;- '> .--,-,-;*'„
^ L
. -,

Moosa bin Talhah that his father ^ ' *


said: The Messenger of Allah

J^ ^^ i*All. ^' ^jj ^ ^_ t

Jv '^^
was asked: What will serve as a
screen (sutrah) for one who is
praying? He said: "[Something]


v.. ./
„ 'f , -;.
.,,. /.
^ ^'/V; J~-
» * , ,

[WAA \ ~.\j] Jj^JU^l jL»

the height of the back of a
saddle." .({Iv :

.^.jLl :
Comments: [Its isnad is /iflswn, (Muslim 499)]

1 3 94. A similar report was narrated

from Moosa bin Talhah, from his

jj 1^,1
., ^
^ ^
!j -
£&. _ j

father, from the Prophet (^§). ^ <«^AU*

^ ^j^ ^ "^^ jl iJLL-

Comments: [Its isnad is /lasan, [^rAA :«-1j] .iiL. ^j ^1 •£ «_,f

C '

"^ -

"" ;
.(i^s) :

.^_^ 0L-1 :^>«-
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidul lah & 13 ^ *i» I Juut <£ i*ti* ,Aw j Ji-^i

1395. It was narrated from

Moosa bin Talhah that his father
>\ ^ .

-^ ^ ^ £^ _^ r<u

said: The Messenger of Allah {^) j* ti^ii*

^ ^y j* <-$^ j* ^y-
passed by some people who were u - j^ J
at the top of the palm trees. He ^ y

^ m fa ^>*
^ ^ J


said:"What are these people i^'Ji Ui :jUi jJ^Jl ^j^

doing?" They said: Thev are
^J^ ^
,.<• . ,* : '- . , ^>r,> ^,-
4 J >^- u U
pollinating (the trees), putting the - '

male with the female. He said: "I Ij^-li ^ «&i JjLJi ^tl U» :Jl»
do not think this can help in any /„
J^ ^ ^ >^ ^> ^ ,>,---;
s ", »,

way." They were told about that :

^1 J
and they stopped doing it. News
of that reached the Messenger of
^ J^ S £^gl 1^
/" '
" *
oLS jj»
., ,!

Allah (5&,) and he said: "If it will ty


J&j ^^ ^Jj^y' ^ ^ t

benefit them, then let them do it. * V r -. « , , *.

J., , •<**•-*?

It was only a passing thought Do '

U *-
"., s , -

not blame me for a mere thought, :^l] -«l£i ^1 Ji -JjA^I

but if I tell you anything about
ru«. t )v^
Allah (may He be glorified and
exalted) then accept
for I will never tell

from me,
lie about
^^ ^^ ^^ '
*"" ^

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan, (Muslim (2361)]

1396. It was narrated from Moosa V^J £jb- : jL ^ il^i UiJ^- -^1
bin Talhah, that his father said: I
7; , ,;/ .,. ^
said: O
Messenger of Allah, how If.
^^ ,
&i^ :£j^N1 J~ J}

do we send blessings upon you?

He said: "Say: O Allah, send Your
j^ J-
<.h& J>
^r Is ,
^r ;
^ 5
f t
salah (grace, honour and mercy)
upon Muhammad and upon the
family of Muhammad, as You sent
S^UaJl ^ilS

j^ y^
tjJl Jj^-j

<£,, .




Your upon the family of

sa/fl/i kjJUl t.jU*^!

^* ^4^ ^ *^*^ J

Ibraheem, You are indeed Praise- - *

^ ,
- ^ , , - ^ ,

worthy, Most Glorious. And send - t
- J J -
-^ -
Your blessings upon Muhammad J^j <.l_*.!yl Ji ip cJ^C Ui" i-uAi
and the family of Muhammad, as '
. .

You sent Your blessings upon the * s*> -*

family of Ibraheem, You are indeed i ....

Praiseworthy, Most Glorious).
Glorious - ' ^'

Comments: [Its isnad is qaun]

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah 4fe 14 4* <dt1 -
Vjj c ^j a^.Ju , t ^, jj ;^ ^

1397. Bilal bin Yahya bin Talhah >• VT' r^V . .- '*,-:<- **.„
bin Ubaidullah narrated/ from his Jr

father, from his grandfather that y, JJ^ j>_ J% ^jS- :^jjIJI h\jd<
when the Prophet (gg) saw the new
moon, he would say: "O Allah,


/— ^
- , , -



Ji ^- -

bring itover us with blessing and ^Ll» J^jl J\^

: JLi \l\ l\s 0; ^i\
faith, and with soundness and ,„ /. l _,

My Lord and your Lord is V^O OLLVjj
j^l tf
£1* iUl

«&' ^33 j:
Comments: [Hffftrn because of
corroborating evidence; this is a -^i '^*J hjJj>Ij.lJ ^_>- : 24j*"J
^ j^ ^^ oUtU ^^ t

1398. It was narrated from Moosa ^ ^^Ij U ^M| ^ £&. ^ *A r

bin Talhah, from his father, that the " -

Prophet ($&) said: "Let one of you ^ ti ** it

^! ^r-^ It* *»^o>- ^ 4^
put something in front of him the .-.
^a^^'J^." -J^^M
. i> -
'.- -
-wii - s u f

height of the back of a saddle, then

pray." [^AA :^lj] .«JLii^5 kJ^^li^jL
Comments: xsnad Hasan,


U "' :

f -^ M &j^
*J :

1399. was narrated from
^ ^"^^
It . - : „-. ,:., -,«*,. >.. .-;* , .„,_.
. 1 \

Simak that he heard Moosa bin

-^ i , 1

Talhah narrate that his father said: ^>) 'j* ^jlAJ oJL ^ ^^ 1^, £1 t ilU_.
I was with the Prophet
(*g) and
'„, . - s ,


he passed by some palm trees of

' ^° s^ & ir*

C °^> :Jl^

Madinah, and he saw some

people at the top of the palm trees

, > ,
( ,
'^ ^
^ ,

who were pollinating them. He ^ oj^K :JU «?*Vji £-^ U» :JUi
said: "What are these people
doing?" [Talhah] said: They are
: jui t ,
\\^ ^

^ , iftl J E J^i
. ill

taking (pollen) from the male and ^f'P

t , ^
^ ^-^> ^i


putting it in the female, to fertilise
it. He do not think this
said: "I
^ (ur/ ^ ^^
^^^ ^ ^ ^^ '

^ ^]
^ ^

can help in any way." News of J^ >* t^j, a : J Ui I JijS ili k iSli

that reached them, so they .,.'/'*, ** ,^ r


^ 4^
-. .

stopped doing that and came

U t '^w U '
jl5 d

down from the trees, which did ^j tJ—su'j

U fJtlS jLlj .liol. ^L;
not bear any fruit that year as a
result. News of that reached the ^ ^^ !

^^ j



:(L& cJi
,,' , .i

Prophet (#g) and he said: "It was [^ : ^3 .,^- ^ Jj,

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah * 15 & «iil J^C*^3 -^*5 " J^^*

only a thought that crossed

mind. If it helps in any way, then
my _ (Yru) ;-
„ M ^^ '

do it. I am only human, just like

you, and thoughts may be right
or wrong. But if I tell you that
Allah, may He be glorified and
exalted, said something, I will
never tell a lie about Allah, may
He be glorified and exalted."
Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan, Muslim (2361)]

bin Talhah...
It was narrated from Moosa
and he narrated a

' \^^ ^ ^^^ .

_ u , .

similar report. J> ^»y If ^3** if.

^^ &j^
Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan - see [W^o : «^lj] .s^SUl ...LuL.
the previous report]

1401. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin Shaddad that three
^ ^ j.^
,^ ; ^
- -
u ,^

people from Banu 'Udhrah came y m

Ju^i y rrf^'i 0^ '^^ ji uc^
to the Prophet to) and became \ *-
f a-. , * .. .- ;,rr
Mus km. The Prophet said: ^ ^~ y: - .. t.


"Who will take care of them?" j^iliU ^ ^1 l^l =j^ ^ ',

Talhah said: I will. So they stayed
with Talhah. The Prophet (m)
sent out an expedition and one of
., , ,


''^ ^ < -


Jj£ /^]L \J& :JU L kii jl* , ! :

(these three men) went on that '^ -- *.-,-. - . * , * , -

„ .

expedition and was martyred. *i^,li ^^-1 o> £>J ilii: #, ^1

Then he sent out an expedition,
and another of them went on that
^ ^
, *
t ^ '
^ *1 .jj

expedition and was martyred. .Ol^i ^U *iJlJl oli jL* :J^ ^x^^li
Then the one died in his
third ,
>-. , * ;r^,. s t.. * f,r ..'-?; -,,;

bed. Talhah said: I dreamt that * <-*'

, .

these three people who had <j;|^ cJXJl ^'y '^J 1

_*? o^
stayed with me were in Paradise, , t , ., * , ,*„ . , ;

and I saw the one who had died **& Ls* -*f^ d^ ^- ^ 'r*^
1 l

in his bed was ahead of them. I : jij SAyC\ 1^1 V°— ti^Jl ^J33 '

saw the one who was martyred /

last next to him, and I saw the Si

4p ^" u
, „ f,

<-^ ^ , ,

Jt J^^
one who was martyred first at the
back. I was confused about that
j^ 3^ j^ .j^ t £j Jn;
so I went to the Prophet (&&) and ^-1

^ -^ ^

^3^' u >

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah & 16 * <UJl JlV i f ^ 4J*lla J^jl* jt JiLi

told him about that. The Messenger

of Allah (^) said: "What did you f^X 1
yi 'J^- &** hi ^ &* j-^l
find so strange about that?
one is better before Allah then a
No nw i^j-] .°aU£] ^j ^_jij
believer who lives longer as a <.Uu*-J> jLJ \±*j t(j J j^>- ;*uj>c
Muslim, because of his tasbeeh,
takbeer and tahled."

Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad]

1402. Muhammad bin 'Abdur- £_bl :^j i^ jj ji &jU- -

j! \ £ * Y
Rahman bin Mujabbar narrated
from his father, from his grand- x* ^ j^>^ ^.u- ;;„lp ^ CjjU-JI
father, 'Uthman (4&) looked
out at those who were besieging
him. He greeted them with salam
but they did not respond to him.
"Uthman (*&) said; Is Talhah among ^aAIJ? ^jiJl ^1 :jUii Jlii tjlii iji^;

the people? Talhah said: Yes. He 5JI L]j Jj VJ^i :Jli ijUi :^JL Jll
said: Verily, to Allah we belong and
unto Him is our return! I greet
people among whom you are and lix* U toiSj
li^Jl : Jli Ai : JU ! V 0/^
they do not return the greeting!
Talhah said: I returned the greeting.
'Uthman said: This is not the way to
return the greeting. I made you hear
me but you did not make me hear
you. O Talhah, adjure you by

Allah, did you hear the Prophet (^) "^^H J^ L^ J^i j! t-AJtlz^l JuJ r^j;

say: "The blood of a Muslim is not U jlilj Jlii iuii ^5o ^i

J4L1 ;Jli
permissible except in one of three
cases: if he disbelieves after jlULf ^ c^j Vj to^p j£i ijjl 03&I
believing, or he commits zina after
having been married, or he kills a
soul and may be killed in return." I4J
J^>; LliJ oiis U^ < \JsJk> a ^lL\ I i
Talhah said: Yes, by Allah. 'Uthman
said takbeer, then he said: By Allah, I
have never denied Allah since I
"^*^ ^M ^j "jjJ >~^ l
to know Him. never
* j*-3"^'-1?*' i> Xu^oj ti_i_ii^i J^ijLsJl
committed zina during the Jahiliyyah
or in Islam. I abstained during the
Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah & 17 -& <tLl JLlft jj <b«lb Jibi* ji .ililui

jahiliyyah because I hated it and in

Islam so as to maintain my chastity.

And I have never killed anyone in
return for which killing me would
become permissible.
Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnnd]

1 403. was narrated from Talhah

j>%£!>^ :.^ tp £1- -u-r
ji i;
bin 'Ubaidullah thattwo men came
to the Messenger of Allah {#.) and 'pi* 'Si! if. -h^* °o* 'r^' j? j* j-" 1

they both became Muslim, but one . z,u . - - > *.. ->- . .-\, \ < -

of them strove harder in worship ^ ^ L

</~^ -• S^ s£ ^*
than his companion. The one who Jji J^i-3 ^ Uai ^_^U-j 01 : jJJI -Cp
strove hard in worship went out on a
military campaign and was L ^-^ -^J tU
, , *

, , „

^ U^^UI , \>> ~ -

martyred. The other one remained
for a year after that, then he died.
^-^, ^ ^. Li
7 ',„.>',
t ^ ,^, ^
Talhah said: I saw in a dream that 1 1 ^^
^ „-•
>^V «i-^ p J+IilU '

«. U4I*
was at the gate of Paradise, and I > .«,. ,,.,-. >
.f,: *-rr -,,; ?,; <;

saw them both. Someone had come r- ^r ~ ~r -

out from Paradise and he gave ~J^ jjj Ll^ Jl bl 14I4J1 ^->U Jil* J>\S
permission to the one
(to enter);
then he came out and gave
* >t

^ , / ^
U t
5 ,

^ ^ ^
permission to the one
martyred. Then they both came back
who had been *l

^ jU
,/^:.\ ^jjj
^u ^r - ,- -

to me and said to me: Go back, for .JiJ

<C^ ^^j 1 '•

^J ^^ c)\ ^tj
your time has not yet come. The next ,
> .-. , .*,. {'-^--n -- . 1- '»-

morning, Talhah told the people •*'-

^ ^- "

about that and they were amazed by ^» :jUi t^ Jjl J^i-j ^^ M^ '^A!
it. News of that reached the
Messenger of Allah {&) and he said: ^
^ * -

J A> L

^ "^^' ^ ^
* , , # _ „ , - - < t

"Why are you amazed?" They said: ,h\ \^ j^ x£b*\ p c iSl^-l lil 015
O Messenger of Allah, this one \ ;/ ",', ', „ ^ I
,, ,

strove harder in worship then was ^^ J5 O-^'

' : JLi* !iG ££J| loi J^ij
martyred for the sake of Allah, but ri-'i--,, .
"n :
T- .1 n- ,,p
; '- l
v- il-

the other one entered Paradise

* .- , - ' ' * ' - -

before him? He said: "Did he not J^j* 1 :

J La tJC :1^JU «^Lii jLJ^S
remain for a year after (the other ^
one) died?" They said: Yes. He said: ^
, ,


» -


J,l^ ^J
- , , :
^ -. -

"Did he not live until

came and fast it?" They
said: Yes.
L^^ji £ U j^f U^i LOi» :^§ J^S

He said: J
'Did he not pray this many \_\TK\ :^r\jl J^J>)^\j

rak'ahs during that year?" They said:

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah ~fc 18 b <UJl •&+£ ijj Axilla >1«m ji fc ' * "

Yes. The Messenger of Allah (^) 1. JlLj's . iL-l

said: "Verily, the distance between
them is the distance between 4* rJ

heaven and earth."

Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence; and its isnad is interrupted]

1404. Salim bin Abi Umayyah ^ytZ

fcjj- : &JJ» - \ £ £
Abun-Nadr said: I sat with an old
man of Banu Tameem in the
mosque of Basrah who had a
document in his hand. That was at
the time of al-Hajjaj. He said to me:
slave of Allah, do you think that
this document could help me in any -^ ^ '•

ij. ^^* -?r^>t( 'l oUj ujj :Jls

way with this governor? 1 said: JLp Uli £ju OBJI

J* iJli \Sy\ tjJUl
What is this document? He said:
This is a document from the
Messenger of Allah ($&) which he
wrote for us to say that no trans-
gression should be committed iiiiaii J £U ^l£ n Li i5j
against us with regard to our zakah.
1 said: No, by Allah,, I do not think

that this document will help you at :JLi ?

v £fjl ija Llji 6 IS" O^j *£i
all. But what is the story about this

document? He came to
said: I

Mad in ah with my when I

was young boy, with some
camels of ours to sell. My father 1m Jji ^
was a friend of Talhah bin
'Ubaidullah at-Taimi, so we stayed
Li : Jlii : JU ; Ji J^l J ^J
^ £^1
with hirn. My father said to him: /^ >i^ ^ ^ Li .is ^fe-Jji j^j
Come out with me and sell these £^L
t^-U-li iUi ^'j oQ (Hi
camels of mine for me. Talhah said:
The Messenger of Allah (jg;) has £Li 3
J^rj Irf ^rf3 'H* '^J ^^'J
forbidden townsmen to sell for
Bedouins. But I will go out with
you and sit with you. Offer your
camels for sale and if a man comes
and makes you an offer and I think
he is honest and sincere, will tell
you to sell to him. So we went out
^liLuf :^f Jj ju ^^ 1; ji3 uiui

to the marketplace and showed the i6_yyU* aeLij _>J C-^jJj JJ i-ju :JL*

mounts that we had for sale, and

Musnad Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah <*. 19 -& AJJl -L1.LC ^ 4j*iia JLaaw jl ,t
u*ti J

Talhah sat nearby. People made

offers to us, then when a man
offered what we wanted, my father
said to (Talhah): Shall I sell to him?
He said; Yes, I am sure he is honest,
so sell to him. So we sold to him,
then when we took our money and
ended our business, my father said
to Talhah: Ask the Messenger of
Allah ($g) for a document for us,
:Jli il;te ^ Jjl Jj-^j I,*

stating that no one should t^ 4JJI Jj-^j ^J\ Uj J Li ^>- T-y>^

transgress against us with regard to
our zakah. (Talhah) your
said: This is ^ ji^JI iJu Ll till Jj-^j L :Jlii

rightand it is the right of every ^J& jl C-Z-\ 'jSj *. LEJ jjJ-i i^pi J^
Muslim. He said: Nevertheless, I

would have a document from

like to
J lis <.4isJu> ^ £& <_£-^e ^ ^' ^^? ^

the Messenger of Allah (gig). So he

took us out and brought us to the
jj5C jl Ji t«Ul Jj-ij U :Jli
Messenger of Allah (jg) and said: vJl-i-l ajJ

O Messenger of Allah, this man is a

man of the desert and is a friend of
d C&i :Jli kiUi JLp ^^? ^ *3Ip

ours. He would like you to write a .^u£Jl IJi ^ Jjl Jj-^3

document no
for him, stating that
one should transgress against him
with regard to his zakah. The
Messenger of Allah (3k) said: "That
is his right and it is the right of
every Muslim." He said: O
Messenger of Allah, he would like
to have something from you in
writing concerning that. So the
Messenger of Allah (jgj) wrote this
document for us.
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

End of the hadeeths of Talhah bin 'Ubaidullah &

, y

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam .& 21 4* pt.»AH & jch^ 1 J^Il*

The Musnad of az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam 4&

1405. It was narrated that az- <.jj^ J> JlL^I j* j^Ii &JL*- t
Zubair said: When the verse "Then, ' '

on the Day you

of Resurrection, will ^ "T^ ^

y* "^ 1
( t

^ ^^
a ^

be disputing before your Lord" [az- ; Jjjj &' :JL» «&^1 ^ ^l ^l t

Zumar 39:31] was revealed, az-

Zubair said: O
Messenger of Allah,
4Sji-#^ j3s£
,., ^ ',,,,./
x$ a^I £ P^}
-T „.- V^.
(is this) in addition to our disputes

in this world? He said: "Yes." When

the verse "Then on that Day you &j .«^ H :Jl* ?£jJI
^ ^^^ ^
shall be asked about the delights
(you indulged in, in this world)" [at-
& M & ^* ^^
^^^ u-i' 'X
^f — " '-' - ;
: i'

Takathur 102:8] was revealed, az- 4 Jjl J^3 ^l :^l Jli (a :

Zubair said: O Messenger of Allah, .»»

- ^* o& lAi JLj

what delights will we be asked - R3 r^ ^'
about? All we have is the two black JiJi *>j £|i :
Jl* ?illilj ^j-Jl : jly^'Vl
ones - dates and water. He said: " '

, ,

"This will certainly take place/' ^ iri :

> l] * OjS^

Comments: -o~^ »J ^~j -^Hj^

[Its isfwd is liasan] !

1406. was narrated from Malik

It ^jijJl ^p «. jjlp ^ Ollli ^5-u=- -U '

bin Aws: I heard TJmar (-£) say >'

^ .! ' > „, *,
^^^ V^' ^ ^ ^

to 'Abdur-Rahman, Talhah, az- J >- '*>* U

Zubair and Sa'd: I adjure you by
Allah, by Whose power heaven
^ •&& -^ ^J^ ^^
', ,.'

. , , ] s

and earth exist - Sufyan said on ol^- ^jNlj Jli} _ £U-Ul


one occasion: by Whose leave fn ' >'*A'l'\'\ > *- A\ ,\\\

heaven and earth exist - do you ' l
" -; "

know that the Messenger of Allah : J^ »«li tS'J U t ^3> ^ W* : <Jl» #s

(&j) said:
"We [Prophets] are not
be inherited from; what we

T~ C^
,r s ,*

^ > :

leave behind is charity"? They .

L <r.<U) ^ .^^ aJ L_
said: By Allah, yes.
.i*li> /i OjJU ( \Y0V)

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3094) and Muslim (1757) without
mentioning Talhah]
Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam .&, 22 >& f l^ill ^ JftJjJI JLiiki

1407. It was narrated that az-

i a Li* °\J- itl lip
JoJ&- QjL>- - \t * V
Zubair bin al-'Awwam said: The
Messenger of Allah (j^) said:
"Verily, for a man to carry a rope
and gather firewood, then come
and sell it in the marketplace and
make himself independent of
means thereby, so that he can
spend on his (needs), is better
than him asking people, whether
they give him anything or not."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .<\iv\) :

C'Ct^ •qij**
Bukhari (1471)]

1408. It was narrated that az-

Zubair said: The Messenger of
Allah (#;) mentioned both of his jS 11
J* '^ J *u\ ±s j* 1*^1

parents together for me on the Day

of 'Uhud [i.e., in the phrase "may
my father and mother be sacrificed
for you".]

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh

according to the conditions of al-
Bukhari and Muslim]

1409. It was narrated that jp ZlL* C^l :^lii ^1 IJ&U-.-W*^

'Abdullah bin az-Zubair said: On
jl£ 111 :Jli ^jJl ^J *iil jlp j* 4jl
the day of al-Khandaq, 'Umar bin t

Abi Salamah and I were in the fort

where the wives of the Messenger
of Allah (^) were, the fort of
Hassan. He would lift me up and I
would lift him up. When he lifted
I saw my father go
Quraizah, as he was
past on oisj i$u'j
^ jj 3*: ^ ^i ^jy.

fighting alongside the Messenger

itjJliJl />3i ^ ^ Jj-'J f-" J^^i
of Allah (jg) on the day of al- cJii "VLgJijUj M :JU>
*^i3* iJi J^- dr^
Khandaq. He said: "Who will go to
Banu Quraizah and fight them?" I
said to him when he came back: O
my recognized you when
father, I

you were going to Banu Quraizah.

He said: O my son, by Allah, the
" t

Musnadaz-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^a, 23 & p1.$*)t j>J J^JjJ' ^" *

Messenger of Allah (jfe) mentioned * -,,. ', ' . .«--,,- - . -f

both his parents together tor me, s£ -

Jr - ~ ^ - - ,

when he said: "May my father and [ \i « a :

*->-ij] ."J^l}
mo ther be sacrificed for you .

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- :

i(i"vt*) :£ .^-^ «ib— I
Bukhari (3720) and Muslim .<u\i)

1410. It was narrated from az- \'--'-\ .' »,- >< \ - \-.v\- \*\.
Zubair bin al-'Awwam that a man

gave a mare called Ghamrah or tjUi£ ^1

^ , ,^»3 ,_^ _ JU1L-
Ghamra' [for jihad], then he found , .*- . r,, .- . -

a horse or a colt for sale which V •

^- T ^ {' ^- - - ^
was said to be from that mare, ; L^J JU^ ^^ JU Jl^- *>U-j 5'i :^\'yj\

but he was told not to buy it.

fZ " - -


- -
^l^*J- jl o^*i-
.- X > .

J ^S*
Comments: [Its isnad is satae/i]

1411. It was narrated

Zubair bin al-'Awwam (^) said:
that az- ^ */.
^' ^, J-^\
; 1^ £j^ _ un
, f t

We used to pray Jumu'ah with the f'r^

ji jri^ 1
O* ^-^r ^ ;4^ J^
Prophet (&;), then we would *l
leave and seek the shade of the
J^ 'tf

„ * , , J '
_• " .

fortress, but we would not find j^ Nj -L>^ ^LfVl ^ jJc~i Jij^a^


any shade except (an area) the >

width of our feet /?

f^' :j

^ ',,; ,- ,-°f

Comments: [Sa^ee/i, because of [UVl i^JaJ 1

] JU»^M
corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad because u~^ ab—l \l±j ia^JJ ^^-^ £!> '"
it is : :

^ ^^ ^ l4e ^M
1412. It was narrated that az-
Zubair bin al-'Awwam (4b) said:
^- .r *
u j. *

^ ^m
The Messenger of Allah (jg) said: ^° ^i^j ,>* ^^S ^1 ^°
1»J ^p j>L^a

"There has come to you the disease

of the nations before you, jealousy
and hatred. Hatred is the 'shaver' ^ jjjji ^J ^t^J ^p t^iS ^1 J,
(destroyer) that shaves (destroys) ,*.,*"'
^W^ ^
' . ..,.

religiouscommitment; it does not -^


^ 1

^ l

J" T^
shave hair. By the One in Whose
Hand is the soul of Muhammad, -
'^\ >& 'Jz}\
^ : ^
JJ| J.^i*


you will not believe until you love l>?

JLiiJlj .JLiiJlj a^All :
Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam & 24 * fl^idl & JW^ 1

one another. Shall I not tell you of

something which, if you do it,
you will love one another? Spread \y*y V *+>**
tS-^J lf~A> (_5JJIj
(the greeting of) salam amongst
yourselves." iyC^S 13] t
iCf"^. f-^V ^*' iljjUiJ

Comments: [All Hadeeth is Hasan

because of corroborating evidence
and its isnad is interrupted] oj\~*j to jr"J
F?**-* f^
—" — f '
?H J***

1413. It was narrated from 'Amir t 4_a^ Uj j^- : j&*^- ^j -U>i^ Ujjl»- -ill"
bin 'Abdullah bin az-Zubair that
his father said: I said to az-Zubair
(4s=): Why don't I hear you
narrating from the Messenger of
Allah (£w) as hear Ibn Mas'ood

and So and and So and so? He

said: 1 never left him since I became
Muslim, but I heard something
from him: "Whoever tells a lie
about me deliberately, let him take ^^o ojjti* lj,.;llj t IjuJcIj (V^c t-'Jo jj4 *

his place in Hell."

[UU i^l] .iijlljl

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

<W> c .^l^ :

1414. It was narrated that Mutarrif

We O Abu
said: said to az-Zubair:
'Abdullah, what brought you here?
You let the caliph down until he was
Gjl£ t>' ^ - jij-i £_l^-

Hi :JL» ^jb» j* <

j_Jt .J>
killed, then you came seeking
vengeance for him? Az-Zubair (<&,) p^j- ?fi^ ;U- U t J]l jlU Ul U :^1J
said: At the time of the Prophet {$£),
Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman *,
we read the verse: "And fear the JL'i j^j j^ ju uli^ i!i :^i jii

Fitnah (affliction and

affects not in particular (only) those
trial) which
ill I
^j jlliij ^} ^C ^1} ^
of you who do wrong (but it may
afflict all the good and the bad

people)..." [al-Anfal 8:25], But we ^ r

p (To :juVl) ^"il fiL*
never knew that it referred to us
until the turmoil befell us.
[UTA :^l] ,^J3j
« ' '

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam 25 4* f li*N Oi J^jJ' ^""*

Comments: [Its isnorf is jayt/id] ,jl>- oL— [ :

1415. It was narrated that az- £^ :li^ ^ ju^J> \-1j^ -\l\o
Zubair (4*) said; The Messenger of
Allah (^) said: "Change grey hair, <>*

, ^


- ,«^ .,-,.*
<> °J>


^ -

and do not resemble the Jews."

Comments: [Hasan because of
.^ Jj, ^ „
j^ .

j^ ^, ^

corroborating evidence and its •*^>fi?4 'j^r^" ^J v^-™ 'j£** 1

isnfld is dd'ee/]

1416. was narrated that az-

It jja V. _ OjUJI ^ Jjl jIa &j^ - ^ t \ 1
said: We came from
Zubair (4&) * ,.'**,, -s >•-;*..
i?^ ^C
a „

Liyyah with the Messenger of J ^'^ 0? -^-^

s*^ :
Allah (afe), and when we reached
Sidrah, the Messenger of Allah (^)

^^ .,
; Jij _ jiJ] *'
^ '

stood at one side of QamukAswad, : J^ _^^ ^ <

J?.'J\ ^ °3y^ 0* l
^' <L^
facing it, then he turned his gaze
towards Nakhibah - i.e., a valley -
^ ,r,'

- ^ ^
^ "

- -
and he waited until all the people ^)* j^ #§ 4JJ1 Jj-^3 ^j 1S3IUI jlp
had stopped too. Then he said:
"Hunting in Wajj and cutting
down its plants is haram; it is sacred
^ ^ ^7" - - ,* - ',-•-.,'
U l

^ ^ ^' *;.

ffi ^\1J1 Jlii5i
J^. Cm'/j _ C^lj (_X
to Allah." That was before he came
to at-Ta'if and besieged Thaqeef.

Comments: [Its fsna^ is Jo'et^]


-^-^ ;jL^r3 —ajLtaJI aJj^ Jj

£J -^



1417. It was narrated that az- v^l

^ ^J\
&jJ- :^yu6 &jj- -\IW
Zubair said: heard the Messenger
<Ul Sis- jLp jJ (_j^ (jj^
-^ ^liLp^l
of Allah (#$) say one day: "Paradise J!>

is due to Talhah/' when he did what tj^j| ^ Jjl j^ ^ fc? J ^ ^jjt ^i

he did for the Messenger of Allah
, "
' , 4 , , , _ ,

(3g), i.e., when Talhah leaned down J >- ^ ^' J -^3 ^V- :
^u y
and the Messenger
climbed on his back.
of Allah
Allah {m) j^ '
'^ %U& ^'/u

Comments: [Its isnad is Iwsan]

t oUi? aJ ll^i j->- jX
i t
i <J& U ^s <dJ I

—^ 0i1 ^ — 'i
Musnad az-Zubatr bin al-'Awwam & 26 & f^l & JUJJI ''•''*

1418. It was narrated that'Urwah

said: My father az-Zubair (4&) told
me that on the day of Uhud, a _ jU^JI ^1 5? 1
^>~ _ O^*-^ 1
^ l^-f
woman came running, and when
she was aboutto reach where the
slain were, the
Prophet ($&) did not
want her to see them, and he said,
lVj,\ cJJj ^\ ^ 5lS UJ
ill :^,;j1
"The woman, the woman!" az- ^
- ^

^^ ° l
, _,

°J ^ 4
, -

^ '^
Zubair (&) said: I thought that she
was my mother Safiyy ah, so I went
jf ^
a j£
• „?
: jlj
t j^],

running towards her and caught ^^»'jf* -'4^ Jl» «sl^Jl sl^UU :JUi
up with her before she reached the
slain. She shoved me in the chest,
t ^ -^ ^^

jj t ^ '{

and she was a tough woman. She : J I* 'l^&I J>\ Csf^ ^ Jr* Lf£>>li
said: Stay away from me, may you *-:, **,. 'i>- •- • --r
have no land! I said: The .

Messenger of Allah (^) is urging :ciii :JU .ilJ

J^ ^'
*^I : ^~^
you (not to go and see them). She - .-.,-, s - =

stopped and took out two pieces of

: Jli
'^ f> ^ ^ J ^J

cloth that she had with her and
said: These are two pieces of cloth

jjui t
^ ^

that I have brought for my brother ^ >*- ^"^ **# ^h" ^ -^

^ ll*
Hamzah. I have heard that he has ^J j^ ^ ;<££ .$& >L'
been killed; shroud him with them. ',.,'" :


We brought the two pieces of cloth 5r^ (_4 Ij

^ U>>- U^J y$& jrij^ (

to shroud Hamzah with them, but ,-i -' ',

we saw beside him one of the ^ ,J

^ ^ •:

*, :

. , ri,.

& ^ *. > -

Ansar who had been killed, and b>\ il^-j L^Uii LA>-ji :Jl* uSj!^
the same had been done to him as
to Hamzah. We did not feel it was ^
, ^ -
N ^J

.*' _
. ,,.


appropriate to shroud
two pieces of cloth and to leave the
Hamzah in
,^'J ^LiiSoj
^^ s^J ':
llHi t Jj

Ansari with no shroud, so we said: '^"^ ^ ^'

, i

^ , £ ,

. .

^ ^^j^

One piece for Hamzah and one j i^

piece for the Ansari. We measured "
^13 # |£& t uft; Ci>li

(the pieces of cloth) and found that -* 1

j^ o^ vj^ 11 1

one of them was larger, so we drew

lots between them and shrouded

each of them in the piece of cloth

that was selected for him.

Comments: [Its isnnd is hasan]

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^* 27 &f 1^*11 & jy*j^ <^^*
1419. It was narrated that az- *
^\ ^\ .^ £ £&. -\m
Zuhri said: 'Urwah bin az-Zubair ^ '
' "

told me that az-Zubair (4*) used to 01 :jfy\ l), °j'J- ^.'J^ '-^ ij*'^
narrate that he referred to the , - > , , , . -; >*\ .
* * ^ : ,?. ,.-*,.

Prophet ($g) a dispute with an

Ansari man who had been present
^l^j; J>


^J}\ J>\ \'j'x j+1


li jLi;\ll
at Badr about the streams of the
Harrah, with which they both used
palm trees. The
^ ; s
/ ^^ V ' .,

^; *^-
. .„.-., .-,-.
l *
t ,:.

to irrigate their *hj\£- J-.jt *J i^il* :^'>U #S

said to az-Zubair ,'
Prophet (jfe)
"Water (your trees), then let the
(*&): .

^^ ^ !

^ \ ./.
:JU J 1^-^*1 -r-f-*

water flow to your neighbour."

The Ansari got angry and said: O
^ ^ Jj,

><& ij^ ^i
Messenger of Allah, it is because he 1 O*n/0 ^ J-^ 1
" :
^>^ J^ ^
is your cousin! The face of the

Messenger of Allah (^) changed

^ ^^
s*T ;
- .,
^- £l J|

colour, then he said to az-Zubair: <|§ ^1)1 jtf j tii^- _^>U ^~~r ^5
"Water (your trees), then block the ,- s„ _ .
s i, „i :, .
- ,r

water until it backs up to the '--

, ; - - -^
bottom of the wall." So the Prophet J^ ^uJNl £U-f llii t^jLii^Jj
(&i) told az-Zubair (<*) to take all
of his rights in full. Before that, the
"" ^ ^ .i'^
*$5 J"
J>-J ^J-
had suggested to az-

something that would




ju ,jjj\

;Ji ^_~^i
^J '?

be good for both him and the J N[cJ>l L^ <UlJ

Ansari, but when the Ansari

annoyed the Messenger of Allah
^ '
^^v, <,
^^ ^ ^ ^^

(^), he told az-Zubair to take his ££ ,^-^ ^ \ja_^ "5

^ vU^? ^2.
rights in full in a clear ruling.
'Urwah said: az-Zubair (4k) said:
" ^^^
' ' •
^^ ^
By Allah, I think that this verse [n\\l ;^l]
was revealed concerning that:
"But no, by your Lord, they can t(Tv*A):^ .^*w» iL| :

have no Faith, until they make .(rrav)

you (O Muhammad jg) judge in
all disputes between them, and

find in themselves no resistance

against your decisions, and accept
(them) with full submission" [an-
Nisa' 4:65],

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (2708) and Muslim (2357)1

, ' .

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^ 28 & ^l^iil ^ ^jjji /y^ y

1420. It was narrated that az- £=-- £«^ -

<j' •"'-
"J jl£ ilT
Zubair bin al-'Awwam (.&) said: "" '
" ^ "^
The Messenger of Allah (jfc) said: :

tA'^ Jj^ i? S- ^J^- : JlJ>M ^1

"This land is the land of Allah _(:*.
and the people are the slaves of
Allah, so wherever you find
t -* >s



, t
^J 1 ^^ 1

^ .r


j; £$\ J, if |^j| ^ _^| jj

something good, stay there." ' .' s -
, ' _ ',

Comments: [Its isnad is daeej] - ,

, I

-"^ o-»- Jj^ 1 >^Jl ^ l

Jr*^ ^%* v ti
-v^' jM : £:>-*"

1421. It was narrated that az-

Zubair bin al-'Awwam (<&,) said: I
.^^j, -
^ ^ '

^ _ un
heard the Messenger of Allah (^) ^- ^ ^ J^ l
u 'J^r J$^~
recite this verse when he was in "•-

'Arafah: "Allah bears witness that ^

^ "'n

f~- ^f f . -

La ilaha ilia Huioa (none has the cJ^ :Jl* ^\yS\ J jfy\ ^ ^ij^l
right to be worshipped but He), -^ - '
. . t ; ' . « '.

and the angels, and those having


- '
! ^ !

>- ^>; > J ^ ^' J

knowledge (also give this witness); &
ij$J l££jrj jl
^^ V J2f 1^£>
(He always) maintains His creation
^ _ *
,., „, -/
Wi ^
, tf

in justice, La ilaha ilia Huwa (none ** ^i ^i v i^

has the right to be worshipped but j^ h J|> OA 01 ,
ji) i;,^;jf

He), the All-Mighty, the All-Wise" '

[Al 'Imran 3:18]. And I am one of -Vj l- ^i^LlJl
the witnesses to that, O Lord.
.aIjL^ i-ijt-^ «iL^i :
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eeflike the previous report]

1422. Abdullah bin' Ata', the son t- f £^ .^-'- ^^ _ UY Y

of Ibraheem the freed slave of az- s ^^
Zubair narrated that his mother t^=* If.
*U\ -^ ,_,£*> :JU^j ^ aI^J
and his grandmother Umm 'Ata' *„ /
said: By Allah, it is as if we can
see az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam (*)
"^ J ^
*t .

f I^K
^ ^A ^

^ _£}\ J\ *J£ Jjlj : flU t

when he came to us on a white ' '-•• ,',--. *

- - , .{ .

mule of his and said: O Umm :JUi tU ^ J UU1 C^ 1

^ 1

Messenger of Allah (^)

'Ata', the
has forbidden the Muslims to eat
^ ^ , .
_ ,
Jj t

^ f

from the meat of their sacrifices <-*)*

rf^ f^ ^ '-^^ ^' -U
Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam *&> 29 4° fl.jiJI CH jt^ 1 i 1

after three days. I said: May my >; . : -.,-^r ;

;f f .
> jk .
-: h ^i
father be sacrificed for you! What C^" - '
^ ; ' "^
should we do with that which has t ^|j ^jj,| i; iii :jui ?£j ^jjt H,
been given to us? He said: As for "
, ,%/,
what has been given to you, it is L°AV .
^IjJ .^ jSoLt*

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

1423. It was narrated that &. i£j^ ^j ^ J^Iip lli^U- -Utr

'Abdullah bin az-Zubair {.&>) said: ti . *

^- ^
^ , , f t

On the day of al-Ahzab 'Umar bin ii f^-? U ^> -^>^ l


Abi Salamah and I were put with .

j^ fy j;&\^j>'j> K J\ ^ \yj>
the women, I looked out and saw
az-Zubair on his horse, coming and
" '' ^
^ ^*>-

1 1

going from Banu Quraizah two or

three times. When he came back I


- '
^ ^ -
-^^ ^ '

, 7
said: O my father, I saw you i£*& j\ J5 Ji c&l'j* j^> Ji\ ^-o&-4 t-f'j*

coming and going. He said: Did '..-'; V«f- -f r '

i- - - -

you see me, O my son? 1 said: Yes. ' -

y - • L.

He said: The Messenger of Allah t ljJ ; k £ii :Jii <?^ i: ^i'j J*j : 3^
(*£;) said: "Who would like to go to t „ , " *
^ s , , ,

Banu Quraizah and bring me news <>' UL -


<!;-* : Ju ^ ^ J -^J o^ :

of them?" So I set out and when I ^j- ,X$w.\i «V1>^L jJti iL;>
came back/ the Messenger of Allah , .
tf > '

($g) mentioned both his father and

-'^ £y} % 5^1 J^O J £^r ^-3 *

his mother for me and said: "May

my father and mother be sacrificed
[ U •
1 : «-
^ lj] jj\}
J- h&*
foryou" :(
. ^(rvTfO :^ .£^> <oL~.l :£>>«"
Comments: [Its (swid is saheeh] .{ T £ \ \)

1424. Sufyan bin Wahb al- : ju ij| ii i£U :il^ -UY*

Khawlani said: When we conquered s

-./,.* ^
Egypt without a peace deal (i.e., by C?\ ^ <& j*j _ 4^ ^

?^l o^ U^i
* 4

force), az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam -

>. ' , .;*, , ^^ 5. . 1

(4i>) stood up and said: O 'Amr bin '

"- -
; *''*,"

al-'As, divide the land. 'Amr said: I «f^ urf' jh Sj^*^ 1

dri A" -^ ^5^ S*^
not divide
By Allah,

az-Zubair (&)
will divide
it as
^'^ ^ ^ ^^ °^ :J ^
the Messenger of Allah {^) divided ^Jl ilj Jl|p-
^IL ^. £>c~i! llJ : J_^
Khaibar! 'Amr said: By Allah, I
-- '
Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam 4* 30 ^ f»t£*Jl qj jfrJjJ' Q ui*

shall not divide write to "


Ameer al-Mu'mineen. So he wrote

until I -

r' *'
^ :
j «-

^ il

to 'Umar (*) and 'Umar wrote

back to him (saying): Leave so
jji J^ ^ u£ i^J^ Jli} ; ^t

^ V , *

that the third generation J*~

; _

^'3 :
J^M ^ •'£ M
^ ^ '/^
(lit. the
offspring of the foetuses currently
J, .^]IJl ^l jl C%\
in their mothers' wombs) may use t f
-"' /'
the income from it to go out on ^-? jsh J^ 1 L*3*' ^ :

J** Q\ v^o
campaign for the sake of Allah. -^j v- .

Comments: [Its isnad is da'ee/]

./.^-^ ,-J iS^ fij:
n ^ ^V^ t-a
>. > jU—J ; wjw
1425. It was narrated from al- ; jyi i^ £^ j^ &^- _ut« :

Mundhir bin az-Zubair (*&) from , '-,,„,'>-.*s> .

J^ ^ ^^ i! {4* £'J+\

his father that the Prophet '^' t> 1

gave a share to az-Zubair, a share r^ ^ .J
to his mother, and two shares to
" ^ ^,
^- "*

his horse. •0~*4~' ^y3 ^^^4-" ^'3

Comments: [Hasan because of „ v\\-
"^ .

corroborating evidence and this is

J ^t-^ •
a da' cef isnad, Fulaih is unknown] • J^>* £^
1426* Al-Hasan narrated: A man ,<* ' fn^fi r.* - **- rl* - .<*.
came to az-Zubair bin al- Awwam .


and said: Shall I kill 'Ali for you? ^\ J>_ J$\ J\ jJrj *^r : Jii ,>^Jl
He said: No; how can you kill him iv- -.',•,' - - - .-. _ — *,.* -*

when he has the troops with him? -

J ^
He said: I will catch up with him <l \ JU .4, ihi'li ^ j^Jl : Jli S^^l iiij
and assassinate him. He said: No. ,,, , .'
* ' - , * , ^

The Messenger of Allah (sg) said:

*? ^' °i
B :JU ^ ^' J P3 ^1

"Faith prohibits assassination; no [urr .UW ^1] .^ jj ibL' N\ iliill

believer should resort to that."

Comments: [Saheeh] -£^ :

1427. Al-Hasan said: A man i'--'f .
', 'r '• ', .- tf*. -
came to az-Zubair bin al- Awwam g .

and said: Shall I not kill 'Ali for J\ :Jli o^Jl ^1^ :iJL^ ^ hjC
you? He said: How can you kill
him when he has people with
^^ ^ >& .

-^ ^ ^^ -^rj
,. ^ ,
* .,

him?... and he narrated a similar ?/^&l ^j iia •. h^*^ ^$'3 -^ ^^

Comments: [Sabee/i] L-

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam 4* 31 * ftj*lt l>J JWJ^

1428. It was narrated from 'Amir .^ ^ ^^ ^ £^ _ UYA

bin 'Abdullah bin az-Zubair that
his father said:
az-Zubair bin
I said to
my father,




. ^

^ t



Why don't you narrate from the <-* - ^ ^ ^ ^ -

Messenger of Allah (j^)? He said: I

1 CVCl left
ICll 111111 since 1I became
him 311IV.C L'ttailit
U :^ipl
' ; n
^ ^£jl ^
f' '
' *

' vt
^ \\\
II'.- i o

w -^^
Muslim, but I heard him say *^ -

something. He said: "Whoever tells ^ Jj^, J[£j 4 ^jiil ii ia^li

a lie about me,
place in Hell."
let him take his
^^ „ _ ,,
^" :
* ^ „,
*^ '^
,„ ,

Comments: [Its isnad is so/zee/i] [U\t :^>-lj] .«j&l ^ =-^ l^iJ

1429. Hisham bin 'Urwah .^ ^ -^ ^ £^ _ UM

narrated from his father, that his
grandfather - Ibn Numair said: -s^r o*



«J^ ^ ^

1 ^ __„,


from az-Zubair (<fc) - said: The ^ : J l» _ j^ »

<j* ^ J^
Messenger of Allah (5^) said: "For ^
^ *". **""
i'"\i ,V- *

one of you to take a rope and go to '^-' ^-^ -^ # ^ J j^;

^^^ ^

the mountains, then bring a bundle ; t j^, ^ft

of firewood on his back and sell it, ;'" ^ -'.
^ s^ ^
; _


and make himself independent of ^ l 4~*ij 6r*^ L


^ ^^
' .

means thereby, is better for him

than to ask of people, whether they
y^ .j j(- jf ^
give him something or not." Hfc'V :^-\j]

Comments: [Its isnad is saheehM- (uv>)

C l ^
Cw , , jL ^
Bukhari (1471)] '

1430. Ya'eesh bin al-Waleed ^^ el: :<>^ -^ ^^ -\IV<

narrated that a freed slave of the - '*.'- • >

' -
, i


family of az-Zubair told him that az- '

V>} ? fy- - '^ <>

Zubair bin al-'Awwam {&) narrated : illi. ^jjl J^ J>y> "o\ : iiJ^ jJ^ll ^1
'- ,*
to him that the Messenger of Allah * o , ;:; , • . ;,
j .

(jgg) said: There has come to you ^ J

\^ ^ '-- r

the disease of the nations before j^jJi ; liXj ^Vl *Ij f-^Jl v^' : ^
you, jealousy and hatred. Hatred is > >z - >, '» .-•.:.. ,-•,:.
the shaved (destroyer). I do not say ^" - ^ •

that it shaves hair; rather its shaves i>JJij '^rt^ 1

i^ 1-f^J 'S^ j^" 1

(destroys) religious commitment. By

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^32 & ftjiit {£ jfuJJl i\\m i

One in Whose Hand is the soul ,,,-.*

of Muhammad, you will not enter ^ -

— ;

^ ^ °M ^ ,J j1

Paradise until you believe, and you 1^1"
Jj- \J^£ ^3 ^J^y J> £>*Jt
you love one
will not believe until
another. Shall I not tell you of '^
. >- -


^ 4 r^ *' ^
, 9-t _ ,
M -£
,- f

4 ,

something that will help you to [UH :^lj] ,«licl' ;*AUU Jiil
achieve that? Spread (the greeting
of) salam amongst yourselves," V^ J "-^ C^" r £i>* f-*"""
51 -5 : ,;;

Comments: [Its isnad is Jo 'eef] -^^Jr'^^ ^v^ iM^j'^Cr*

1431. It was narrated from ^ Q* GjI^ :^U _^l llijb- ~\it\
Ya'eesh bin al-Waleed that a freed -
J.- - *< . ,..,.
slave of the family of az-Zubair ^^ ^ '^ ^

y. J*h cA '^j^ 1

him that az-Zubair (*) told
The Prophet (£g) said:
s _
: ^ ^1 " J-
s , r


"There has come to you../' and he 4^' :Jli *l ^r 11

<^ :
&^- 3^'
narrated it. r\*v. - 1 i '-eY- „• £•»

Comments: [See the previous

report] .aJLjU ^-\j :^_j^
1432. It was narrated from
slave of the family of az-Zubair
a freed -

£^ -
£j- _ un >


that az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam told u1 ^ 0* l

<j) J>. J*h J* < y^> I/-

.^ ^ jV, ^ ^ ^ ^y
him: The Messenger of Allah (gj) y ^^ ^
. .

said: There has come to you..." - '
\ ' ^
and he narrated it. #£ aJJI JjJ-3 ^ :^-U- /•!}*) I' /y" ^ITjJI

Comments: [See the previous [UT , -

,j _;-££ -i-(( ^J| ^» jij
report] <- ' '

1433. It was narrated that al-Hasan

A man said to az-Zubair: Shall ^ ^f
&Jb- -\irr ^ :J_pL1^1

^ ffi ^ £& & ^ -^ ^1

said: I ,

kill 'AH for you? He said: How

would you him? He ^ ^ ^ ^^
kill said: I will .

j^ ? : Jii%i!u
assassinate him. He said: No; the .>"'.' s

Messenger of Allah ($g) said: "Faith Jj jLL vJl» :

^c J^ij JU
<iJl t V
prohibits assassination; no believer rwv, *.* ',,.? .-:

should resort to that."

[,m ,t
^'J-"^^^^), -

Comments: [Saheeh] .£~^> '-gtj*£

1434. It was narrated that az- ... •' Vi

*£jJ* i^jii. •
Zubair bin al-'Awwam said: When '^ ~ " ' F™ ^
this soorah was revealed to the jj j*^-^' ^ jj ^>4 ^ «
„ jj^- ly)

Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^33 ** jM^adl (W Jw^ 1 !'"«

Messenger of Allah <#=;): "Verily,

you {O Muhammad &) will die, ^
^&^ , ,<
^ ]
** 0* ^U , . ,

and verily, they (too) will die.

Then, on the Day of Resurrection,
j^ J^ ;3^iJl oil cJj vXJ :JU f$Jl

you will be disputing before your


>* 9 *

r ° °^ r^P ^
- **. . >
s * #-
- * v
^ '-


Lord" [az-Zumar 39:30,31], az-

Zubair said: O Messenger of Allah,
.^ ,
s ,
^ ,
j^ jidl f>;

willwe face again the disputes we S^ ^ L 1

Jj-j ti 1 :
j^y 1 JIS (r 'i iT •

had among us in this world in

addition to other sins? He said:
r, ~
o^-P" C*
^ -
& h\S \, OS
"Yes, you will face these disputes J>- ^^ j^^J ijU^ :Jli *V>^ 1

again until everyone who has a * . ,„*., -..

=: »*- »- . ».a ,| s„,
right has been given his right. Az- - J ^- r ^ ^-^^^ ^
Zubair said: By Allah, the matter is [ U » o : «- 1
J . jiH ^Sj OJ I

very serious.

Comments: [Its is nad is hasan]

'^~^ 0J "
1435. 'Urwah said: I heard 'Ikrimah ^JL^} :^^i Jii :iu*i »&£ -\iro
[recite]: "And (remember) when We , , ^ -*„^ , - .

sent towards you (Muhammad &0" l^ ts/3 4^1 t£i i£^> :

and it was recited to Sufyan from
az-Zubair: "a group (three to ten
^ &$:J&\

persons) of the jinn, (quietly) tiUJj :J15 (Y^ :.JU*-SM) 4^*^

listening to Ih^a" [al-Ahqaf .

^ ^ .^ j^, ^j
46:29].He said: [That was] in ^' ^ ' ' ^ '

Nakhlah. The Messenger of Allah .(H :j*A\) 4Q & iJJii

(^) was praying 'hha', and "they
(the jinn) just made round him a ^^jJC :5ul^
J* (
\ \V\ :jlUI J I*
dense crowd as if sticking one over '

the other (in order to listen to the *v>~


^ *^ ^K ', .» > ,. „* -

Prophet's recitation)" [al-Jinn ^_ ^, ^ ^ §


72:19]. Sufyan said: They were one "

' _

above the other, like thick masses '^ ^ J "^^ ^ t

of clouds one above the other.
Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence and its isnad is da'eef
because it is interrupted between Ikrimari and Az-Zubiar]

1436. Muslim bin Jundub ?*.,,':*- -< > -: s -

narrated: someone who heard ^ ^ r ^ ^cr ^

him told me that az-Zubair bin al- *j^ jlj^ : ^jjj- J> lili t;ii. : ^Jj
'Awwam We
used to pray
/umu'ali with the Prophet (s£),
then we would leave and seek
"• , a ,


:J >-

^ 1



^'z11 ^

^ l^ «j t t Jj! jp^
Musnad az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam ^34 &f l^aJl
^ jujjl Vimt

shade of the fortress, but we , - „- -. - .* - s *'

would not find any shade except *? ^ :JU jl
tL * ,Jil £f> N
i J^ 1

(an area) the width of our feet. [\i\\ :

^g .tL.ijif ^j,^ jlkj i

Comments: [Safree/i because of
corroborating evidence; this is a ^rv^ J
M '-i*j '^ ^e^ £f>« 3 :

tfrt'ee/" because the chain

between Muslim bin Jundab and
.^( ^ ^j^ ^, ^ iL^iyi ^l^J

Az-Zubair is unknown]

1437. It was narrated that 'AH or £lL» £JU ifLi* ,v ^ &<!>- -UVV
az-Zubair said: The Messenger of
Allah (?&) used to address us and
J 1
- ^ J ^ ^ ^'^ ^
,, /*
t , ti

remind us of the annals of Allah (ci.
14:5), until we could see that on his
^ _ ^ /J^j ' „
: ^j Ju
t l^b

s >

^^j ^ ',
'-^ J?'^ J*

face (because of alarm).
he was warning people against an
enemy would attack them in
It was as if

; - ^ ^
- :,
L:££ t ^^ j'

the morning. If he had just recently fir-*1; fy ^ *^3 'J-R-3 ^ ^J

met with Tibreel, he would not
smile until Jibree had departed
~ ., - *, - - -

from him.
Comments: [Its xsnad is htzsflu]

1438. Az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam j;yr ^-^ :^t£ ^ j)-M tl-^- ~\t?A
said: This verse was revealed when > . >..-*,. -,,: -,.; -,-:. >. . -,.-

we were present with the ^ . -

Messenger of Allah (jte): "And fear ii Oj^l}^ ^Jj £Nl l

a-U cJjI ;j>l^Jl

the Fitnah (affliction and trial)

which affects not in particular IS U?4> ^ ^k ijijlj^ :#z Jjl J

(only) those of you who do wrong Qi^j (To : JlijNl) ^*i£E. ^C- |#i.
(but it may afflict all the good and , ,.,=*,,... , . . > ,„

the bad people)" [al-Anfal 8:25], ^-^ c*"

*' >^ ^3 ^> -4* ^ :
We started saying,. What is this [\£\i I ] JlSj"
fitnah? And we never thought that *"-

it would happen as it did. :©>*

Comments: [A Hadeeth Jayyid]

Aic JUS 0"lA/\) aJJl

^j fl^iJt ^j J^j^JI wy4*- >>i

End of the hadeeths of az-Zubair bin al-'Awwam $&

Musnad Sa d bin Abi Waqqas^
35 -& (j^iij tji ^ jlau' (jbtiij jji iiiiU

Musnad Abu Ishaq Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4&

1439. Ibn Abi Najeeh said: I :^jV^\ 4* ^-^ : <JUp ^^ -MV^

asked Tawoos about a man who
stoned the Jamrah with six pebbles
and he said: Let him donate a
handful of food. Then I met
Mujahid and I asked him and told
him what Tawoos had said: He
said: May Allah have mercy on
Abu 'Abdur-Rahman. Did he not
hear the words of Sa'd bin Malik?
He said: We stoned the jimar - or
j\ _ jUji Ly3 :Jii 4UU ^! 4^
the jamrah - when we did Hajj
with the Messenger of Allah (s^),
(Cs~j *^~^j Jli j* U*i ijjliij luLU-
then we sat and talked, and i

among us were those who said: I

V^ u*j
:Jli '£-*: k^~*j : <J^ O* ^J
threw and among us
six pebbles;
were those who said: I threw t
^—-^J O aj ! (J <J [V" **JJ t La — O

seven; and among us were those

who said, I threw eight; and
hvr :^1] .Lit ijjl 1j^ jUi

among us were those who said: I

threw nine. And they did not see
anything wrong with that.
^^J ^ (ji "^ O* ^*-^ r 5

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef because it is interrupted]

1440. It was narrated from Sa'd Qj^- :i_4a j ^-^ :jLip uJjl*- -Hi-
that the Messenger of Allah ($&)
entered upon him to visit him
when he was sick, when he was
in Makkah. He said: O Messenger
of Allah, 1 am afraid that I will L^O ^ 4JJI Jjh^j (-1 ' : •$*-" (V" ' ^- u

die in the land from which I

migrated as Sa'd bin Khawlah

died. Pray to Allah to heal me. He .j3j*yij Cjj^I jl O-l?1 -Xi t <lLH Jj^j Ij

said: "O Allah, heal Sa'd, O Allah,

heal Sa'd, O Allah, heal Sa'd." He

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas <«, 36 & (jolij <J ^ J** ^b*^ ji jjuii
O ..«*,-
said: Messenger of Allah,
a great deal of wealth, and

have ^ r^ • * ,-
" :jLi
- -

*J^ °' ^ t^
no heir except one daughter. Can ^t j^Li t uLi ^| ^( ^_ t (

I bequeath all my wealth [to , * * , ' , ,

charity]? He said: "No." He said: ^U J ty ^1 ^3 L: :

J^ •
l(1 ^-
Can I bequeath two thirds of it? ({ £, £ ,,- - «'- -

t ^, tl
He said: "No/' He said: Can I -
,, ;„ \ /' '\ ,,
bequeath half of it? He said: "No." ?^ ^fj^ ;Jli Wi :JU ?4£ Jll,
He said: Can I bequeath one third? „v u -.,; P . . frf -.,; o '<,:

He said: "One third, and one third " "

is a lot. If you spend from your t*iJEjl> ; Jb V4J&L ^rfjbi : JLi
wealth, it is a charity for you; if - - - .
, , - ..^ 6 " , » *i

you spend from your wealth on ' ^ ^^ t J=^ ~a~"J


your dependents, it is a charity for t £ii Jju Jul* JL£ .m-^ jjj t Sii
you; if you spend from your
wealth on your family, it is a


^ ^^ ^ ^'
- s *„, , , ,

, ^
•^ 43 ,,, s

charity for you. If you leave your

family something that is enough
^ £i _ ^ - "
: JU }f _ ^
iu*i *

I s

for them to live on, that is better * UVi ;^l] .«^ r .\Ul O^jils^ jL^x jl

than leaving them

for help.
to ask people
[UM tUM ur ^ ^ m
Comments: [Its isnad is saliceh, al- :

<.( a "0
:£_ -(^-^ ^M :
Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)] .< n Ya)

— & ^1
1441 was narrated from 'Amir
bin Sa

d that his brother 'Umar

^, ^^ ' -
'f !&.. - uM

went to Sa'd on the outskirts of J* jU^L. ^ 3^ &ii. :a~^Ul j^p ^1

Madinah, where he was living with i, '.;? :, --* >.:; *?
some sheep of his. When Sa d saw ' * - -

him he said: I seek refuge with **3 L*-^ *fs^Jl S? l*-^ 'd
^ Jt jj^
Allah from the evil of this rider. -«!, ,'- *\ . ?,, J A '..: *.,
When he came to him, he said: O :

my father, are you happy to live ^j^> *J' »^r-fj' 'v^l Ij : Jl* ol^l Llli

like a Bedouin with your sheep ', *-,--- > ,*„- ;, ^ -

when the people are disputing -
v ,'."..
over power in Madinah? Sa'd i
S*f ' 3-^ -1 *-- ^3-** ^^^ 4^"
struck 'Ulnar's chest and said: Be *t; m 'i *- ' • - *. •?-., ',,--
quiet! I heard the Messenger of #

Allah (jfe) say: "Allah loves the ^' ^» 4^ fe > ^1 i|» -Jjk
slave who is pious, independent of
means and reclusive."
[1 e Y * : iil] .i v^Jl
Ss? ^ ^7

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^37 & u^lij jt ^j jlu jbk^^jl -Liiui


isnad is gaini,
{x ^ o) .

,j ijL^,
- * '
; ^
1442. 'Amir bin Sa'd
bin ' Abdul-' Azeez,
when he was
'Umar ^ -£
^ .

^ u £ tffc
the governor of Madinah, that Sa'd _ r^" ji' ^- - i>*^ 1
4?* <>:

The Messenger of Allah (*j)
"Whoever eats seven 'a/uwJi
^^ - '
u i^ :Jli

dates from between the

fields of Madinah on an empty
two lava Ijl^s

,. -.«
jl :o.uJl
, , .,...
^ *
* .
, -.-
^ J-iJ^ 1

stomach m the morning, nothing C; ^ ^ ' - •

r ^-'

will harm him that day until evening J£ *^JuJl ^"^ ^j L» ;;>*** o'^
comes." Fulaih said; And I think he a _ . -
r ,, ,, » . - ,

said: "And he eats them in the

if J^ ^ t! ^> °>- '>* r 1


evening, nothing will harm him ^f ^ f : jvs ££(j :£li Jtf t^^-^
until morning comes." 'Umar said:

Think, O 'Amir, about what you are -'Cr^ ^ ^

t! (j^
, ,,
» .-

r 1

^T"^ ^"
narrating from the Messenger of
Allah (sfcg). He said: I bear witness
^^j U >U U 1*1 :^p JUi
_ ]

that have never told lies about

I ^Js- U .4J.I ;JU» ?^ jlJl J^3
Sa'd and Sa'd never told lies about
the Messenger of Allah (*j). "^ ^ '^ J ' ^^ ^ *
^ J ^'

Comments: [A saheeh hmdeeth] ^ ovr ^ oYA >^ :

.(T'iv) :ji Jo it o) :
j- .j^-ff ^-Jb- :^.>»;

1443. It was narrated from 'Amir » -

^ Jj,
^ g^ . ^ >f £^ _ u ir
bin Sa'd that Sa'd went to his
fortress in al-'Aqeeq,
found a slave hitting a
where he
tree to
^ -
j^ J-^* J>, J^U-i-J
',.,*.', *f „



make its leaves fall or cutting it '; <-*-•..--'

^ ^ -

down, so he stripped him of his tiiL^jl tl^J- JaJ« UlAp Ji^ji ij^t
the owners of the slave came and
Sa'd returned,

, , s


'„. _^.
CT^ ^ ^ ,-

asked him to return what he had

taken from their slave. He said:
j^- tl^Sti -^ i^-l li ^ 01 ijXKi
i *

Allah forbid thatI should return '$£ ^1 J^3 Ji^ ^P h* ^ ]

^ iU;
something that the Messenger of [Ml»
^iit] L^^'M
rt ^ ^ ^ J(j
Allah (ife) granted me of booty.

And he refused to return it to OriO :^.^»^»<,jL-1 :«>«

Comments: [lis isnorf is saheeh, Muslim (1364)]
, ,

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^=38 & (j<*li$ jl ,^j jJu |jb*i.| Ji a\j,'*

1444. It was narrated from 'IjJlL ll*ii.

4li * ,J
Isma'eel bin Muhammad bin Sa'd '- "
~~ ^-JJ

bin Abi Waqqas, from his father,

that his grandfather Sa'd bin Abi
Jrf^! 1/- <--£^>-
^ j> ^t><^ llii^

Waqqas said: The Messenger of ^

, ,

^ ^
t .

^ ',

. s

^^ ^

Allah (£5) said: "One of the signs : Jli ^U} ^1 J;

jj^ <>j±
that theson of Adam is blessed is
that he prays istikharah, asking f
$ OiUL-
L^ :^ jUl .

J.r-O JLi

Allah for guidance in making a eLij jo' 1 ;SU^ JiJ t il

decision. And of the signs that the
son of Adam is blessed is his
being content with what Allah
^ f
S '

1 O frA-*j IriJ t iLi
ur^ Uj

r 'f r , .,..!. . - f,, ; -.r ,

decrees. And one of the signs that - y


the son ofAdam is wretched is -"J^} J-*
^' u-^"
thathe does not pray istikharah,
asking Allah for guidance in "*=**" ^ 0* 1
"-*-"» °M :
making a decision. And one of the .«—* JU- j-b.

signs that the son of Adam is

wretched is his being discontent

with what Allah decrees."
Comments; [Its isnad is da'eef]

1445. Isma'eel bin

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas
narrated, "
- ^ £- -.^'/j
\&. -\tto

from his father, that his grand- ^*~- ^ t

^ J^^I ^-^ £**- :

father said:The Messenger of Allah ,-,.:«;-.. , *

(Si) said: The signs that the son of '

_- ^ - ^ "^\ ^ ^
f f

Adam is blessed are three: a good ^% :

fSl jjl *jU_;
^ $fe Jjl J ^3 Jli
wife, a good house and a good
the signs that the son of
wretched are three: a bad


\ .

^ :

^ 0«
J£jUJIj ^UjLjiJI sl^Jl
wife, a bad house and a bad mount."
Comments: [A
saheeh hadeeth; this
a da'eef isnad because Ibn Abu
^&^ &
, (


i^Jlj ^^Ul
V '^J
'^ ^^
^.-'.^i} tijiJl
Humaid is da'tje/]

.J-a>- ^1 ^1 l_ j« ^3.1 —aj-^i

« »jb_J Ijjbj t?w^_if ti_iJb- : *%s yJ»J

1446. Bukair bin 'Abdullah bin al- M

Ashajj narrated that he heard
n_i U
,,,,,, ^
^^i j_^ ^1 £ jjl - i \

'Abdur-Rahman bin Husain

narrate that he heard Sa'd bin Abi

& J> !&

^ , ,


& &'^
Waqqas say: I heard
of Allah (t^)
say: "There will be

^ ."^\\X^'^"
-^ (_?)

( \

\\ j

\) %\

:^jo^J j^li
' ^"
. '\

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4* 39 ^(j^lij^I^^iiiii jb^l ji-iiii

which the one -,,,,,

(fitnah) in
is sitting be better than
> *

J*~ t

'^ ** ^
., «
J ^ '^ ,


the one who is standing, the one

who is standing will be better than
^j L'UJlj i*Jli]l
^ ^ Ifj j*liJi i&i

>^ ^ ^

. > , , *.

the one who is walking, the one ^ ! UJ| J -#J t

^ UJl

who is walking will be better than

the one who is running/' He said:
^ ^r u>'l
i3» ju Ji'f- : ju .i^pLUI

And I think he said: "And the one t n ' * :

>^ -V**^ d* ^ 1

who is lying down will be better ...

than the one who is sitting." V" *"=*^ **
^ C?*~*•&***

Comments: [Salweh because of corroborating evidence]

1447. It was narrated from Sa'd \j, ,.ZXl \£^j. •_

.u: _^1 &JU- -\iiV
that the Messenger of Allah (^*) t

"^ ^ / '^

said ofBanu Najiyah: "I am of If

( t

C 1

^ ^^
them and they are of me." : v>-tf <^J 'jtf ^$ ?W J>iO 01 : uii
Comments: [Its isnad is da'ee/] * .*. . ,= :f

1448. The nephew of Sa'd bin

Malik said: They mentioned Banu
^ j^
* -

^^ ,
_ UfA
Najiyah in the presence of the ^ dks, ^\ ^'l jUi : <j iJsi vloJAJl

Messenger of Allah (#;) and he ,, .. ;- - , ,-: .- . ,.

said: They are a tribe who -

-*^ J - --r ^ ->-r

belong to me." *j 'J 3$ jUj <J^ ^ Ji :JU*» ^

Comments: [Its isnad is da 'eef like r
^ j jy . -1
the previous report]
C (

1449. It was narrated from

Da wood bin 'Amir bin Sa'd bin
.^J -
( ^ .^
^ j
_ m

Abi Waqqas,, from his father, from ^^ ol \?'-> ^ ^r*"

CS. -^ ^-^
his grandfather, that the Prophet . , * '

than a fingernail-
(#,) said: "If less ^ '

^ '

/ ^



sized piece of what is in Paradise

J^ U jl p» :JU 3^ ^JJl i»l>-

could appear, would adom every-

it -.- 'j :'^-d 1" r *"-
r ^
thing in all directions between ^ ^^S^P ^-"fi
- •
^ - S*^

heaven and Earth. And if a man s^ ^\ jjj <t

y>'}iv3 c^l^I^JI Jil>i-
from among the people of Paradise ,* t .
were to look out and his bracelets Lr^
> t
"^ rf ]
>-V C^ ]

^ J1
-^ ! '^

were to appear, their light would

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas *& 40 ^(^lij ji^aiiijlsfciljiajii

outshine the light of the sun as the ,.*,,;-,-

lieht of the
light sun outshines the light
lieht of ^ ^ '^ ^
. * -
, t
8 -»^

the stars." [uiv :^ij] .«

_^iji £>i
Comments: [Hasan]
1450. It was narrated from 'Amir
bin Sa'd, that Sa'd said: Make a
^f : ^f^ji
^L ^f £j>. -\i*.
\ s

lahd (niche) for me and block it up <.^u^ J>_ J-*-U^J j* <.y^r ^ Jjl jli-

with bricks as was done for the

Messenger of Allah (j£g). Jl IjjAJl : jli a^, ^ t ju^ ^ ^U ^

/snad is saheeh, &* ^ l
^* ^& '-^'j ^

1451. It was narrated from

j, «1JI x£ tfli :
{$£* jli £&. -Uo \
Sa'd... and he mentioned a similar
report. j* t^l ji *..uAi ^* J-pU^-J ^p i^^U.
Comments: [See the previous ^U J£ jl^ .&
*" jf Jaft '
report] -

[UA1 :>;i].^l>Ji J^l^jJUJi

1452. It was narrated from Abu :^L«Jl SjlS jl iuli »3Jji -U«Y
Salamah bin 'Abdur-Rahman, ""-.,,. >

from Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, that :

~ f**r Is) J^. _ Jrf- 1*^! &•*»
the Prophet (gj) said concerning
wiping over the khuffain (leather ^~

- Vj. ,.
\ ^ ^^ ^^
> ^
slippers); "There is nothing wrong
with it."
^ j* t .

JL?* j| ^ Jji . -.-

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] "1 '


[UM :>l] .iiui ,>t N» ;^diJl

.(T * T : ^A^JI ^ju "•*rr°J. ^^') '

r .p-jw bjL—J Imj^u

1453. It was narrated that 'Amir .:",- . -

a v '- - . ,
WaV ,

bin Sad bin Abi Waqqas said: I -


heard my father say:

the Messenger of Allah (ik) sav
I never heard 1


• ,
pJLi ^ _ ^1
,-- f .

^ •
_ JjJU
, - . -

concerning any living person who '

* « ^ - y- -F ^
' ,

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4» 41 ^ ^tij^i^^^^jij' j^

was walking on the face of the > L ,,

^ ^ ^ J ^ ^^
* - ' », *
, . ,

earth, that he would be in Paradise, '

except 'Abdullah binSalam. jl^J «^Jl "tfj ^ «;|» :

1 _r ^ ^llil ^ ^J
Comments: [Its

Bukhari (3812) and Muslim

isnad is srfrctfi, al-
[Aorr .

^ ^^-,]



1454. It was narrated that Abu

'Uthman said: When a claim was - ;
^ oJU U^\ :^
made concerning the father of (.»^fc CI oJjJ jl^j ,jpjI lU : JU jUic-

Ziyad, I met Abu Bakrah, and * „.*.-.. ?. ,'- .- . * :^ . -,,=

said: What have you done? I vt f

t *-

heard Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas say: ^j| l^ : J^£ ^lij ^1 ^° a*-i ti^w-i
^^ &
ears heard the Messenger of
Allah (Ss) say, "Whoever claims
to belong to a father in Islam who

^ s

: J

^^ ^

J -


t «J >£
" "
%\ jjfc fa ,J\'£ ;
^\\ J
not his father, knowing that he *
^- -, ."

is not his father, Paradise will be #j


** J^»
fi „ ,,

-'f^ ^ ^^
forbidden for him." Abu Bakrah
t ^ Mv .
] .^ Jj| j^,; ^ ,.£j^
said: And I (also) heard it from ' '

the Messenger of Allah (s^). [* • HI ^ o or ,\ o . £ t \ i^

Comments: l^y^
[Its isnorf is so/tee/z, al- -
(irn) 7- lJ. »^l_-i
Bukhari (4326) and Muslim
c r

1455. It was narrated from 'Amir j£, ^j^i ^ t

i^^il ju &jl»- -\iso
bin Sa'd, from his father, that the
'^ ^ d & ,„,
w ^ ? , ,


Prophet (#,) said: "The hand is to 0? 0* n* J
off for the price of a *X* % : j^ ^^
\J\ *,f
t _u_-

,. , .

Comments: [Saheeh because of -'o^ j^ J

corroborating evidence]
jJL>wJt }y%+*r
-^ I—*J-i
_^JJI Jlilj y\ ii-i-Jwi jU-1 IJ^j t »j^J £f"—" '

1456. Isma'eel bin Muhammad f *. >*-

Xp^ > '.-.i**
+ •- ,;i
e -

— Wrt -
11° *
j! -jt -rjj *-*•*>
bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas narrated, -
from his father, that his grand- Ju^i jy* J^U^t lii>- ^-i^ 1
father said: The Messenger of Allah
(^i) instructed me to call out if U*^-> U Jt ^^ Jt 1

during the days of Mina: "These '$^ jj ? tf|
ji Jli J^3 ^^1 :3*i
are days of eating and drinking, so J
no one should fast during them" - JU& * ^^ ,. >

, £ ,



i.e., the days of at-ta&reeq. ^ , , .
^,] ._ ^^j, ^ uf ^

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4* 42 a, u^tij jl qj ^^ ^U. ,'..1 jl \ \ .'..

Comments: [Saheeh because of

corroborating evidence]
<_^j, A ^l ij^ t0j jj ^^ :


1457. was narrated that Sa'd bin

It \^_ :JL ^J ;• c^ \g^_ -\%&y
Abi Waqqas said; What is between e \ r

the two lava fields of Madinah is a or*

**>** &J*- ' liiUIli. ^' JlAiJl
sanctuary. It was made a sanctuary
by the Messenger of Allah (ft) just
r . -

^ ^l»j
,. .

^ M^& ^
J f
. -

as Makkah was made a sanctuary li : Jl» ^1 ^ ^' juL, t _u^ jli

by Ibraheem.
blessing in

in their sa's
O Allah, make
twofold and bless
and mudds
the ',*.*,

^ J
t ilu
^ ^^ & -'

* . -


JW?'y!! fS*"
(weights and measures). \
Comments: [Saheeh,
corroborating evidence,
because of
^ ^

[\oir t\ovr

Jijl] .L»-iij


(1362,1387) and its isnarf is Hasan]

Mus'ab bin
It was narrated from
from his father,

^ ^ "^ ^
^r ,. > s , ,'* ,

* »„
~ UeA
that a platter was brought to the y. , jJL- Ji ^L^ ^ &£ ^ l^U \i'j£\
Prophet (gg) and he ate from it, but
was some '^
r .'^t\ 5 1*

i^ t
, t Wt

^ ^t^ ^ ^ J ^'
there left over. The :
Messenger of Allah {&) said: "A j£
: jj, iiiii
man will come from this direction V ^j ,*


who is one of the people of Paradise, *^* J5^ 1

J* 1
<>? li*
J* J^j
and he will eat these leftovers." Sa'd ,»'* . f > a -; >>2-~ .
*., ,,= „;;•.-;,

said: I had left my brother 'Umair

. , „

doing wudoo' and I said: It will be *Uo :JU t^lii 3* JjUi ;Jli tliji


'Umair. Then 'Abdullah bin Salam ^. y -f r >.?,*.,

r , . , ..

:>1] .l*b
,, ,, r T

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan) .j—j- »iL--] :«j,pij

1459. It was narrated from Abu :;*- /, Vl / u .

V- :;<- k~a
Salarnah, from Sa d bin Abi
Waqqas, in a hadeeth attributed to tf c~^ : Jl» Cip ^ ^ji llili- :
the Prophet (gg) about wudoo' and
(wiping) over the khuffain, that &Oi
there is nothing wrong with it.

tj^*) {
& ^ ^1 Jl ^j ^J^- y&j
[Its ismid is saheeh]
[ > i o Y* :
^ I j] I >fc V 2( :
^1 J^
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4, 43 ^^jji^aii^U-S^Ii^i

1460. It was narrated

Sulaiman bin Abi 'Abdullah said: I
that -
.,.-., ;«
_ uv ^
saw Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas who had 6UIU ^ *{-^ urf c^- ^-^ fj^ :

caught a man hunting in the

sanctuary (haram) of Madinah, - ;
< ,.

-^ Y.f.
: ju Jj|
", "
J ^1
, s

which the Messenger of Allah (jfe)

declared to be a sanctuary, and he
^ J^

> ,,
j^ J
stripped him of his garments. His " " '
, ' -
J ^v S
masters came and he [Sa'd] said: '^ jg| Jj( J^] j| ;Jiii *Jl^ z\Jj>

The Messenger of Allah (#0 >v ,/

. ,, . -
, , , ir

declared this to be a sanctuary and 5=S -^ •j**'; : ^ UJ f^ 1 |AA

said: "Whoever you see hunting ^j£ *J^ ^f ^ K ^L iii .£i

anything in it, you may strip him of ~

^ ^ ^^J.^ ^ ^J^ .j^j ,,

, ',

^ , , s

his belongings." I will not return a

J fe1*1* 1

gift that the Messenger of Allah

(#5) gave to me, but if you wish

y ^
^^ ^ 3^ *
>>- t ,* - \* .*
shall give you its price. And on one [\iit : ^- 1 j] . j^kpl <li;
^^ !

occasion 'Affan said: If you want

me to give you its price, I will give .( ^1 i
) :
f -j^ ^-^ : £>j^
it to you.

Comments: [A scOweh hadeeth, Muslim (1364)]

1461. Muhammad bin 'Abdur-

J\ £jU- '-^J^t &y»-
Rahman bin 'Abdullah bin al- ',',./'„,.>«,,
<^ ^M
r ;*
^ u^
- -- ..

Husain narrated from Sa'd bin Abi 0^ u^" ^ - 8 :

Waqqas that he would pray 'Isha'

in the mosque of the Messenger of
^ ^^ *
Jl ij^ill
J aJJI Ju£
_. „ , , , ,ss s

Allah (#;), then he would pray

^' >^i <^ ^ "-^J ^ ^
Wifr with one rak'ah and no more.
He was asked: Do you pray Witr


' ,'
jj (

j^ ^^ j
1 ,' '

with one rak'ah and no more, O JL& :JU <-^* ^


^ ^
'.A j-^r 1


Abu Ishaq? He said Yes; I heard

the Messenger of Allah (m) say: ^-^

s ,

^^ ,
"One who does not sleep until he ; jju $£ Jjl J^j cJL-i ^1 tjLii

has prayed Witr is a man of ,,,,,«. rb

# , vt -1,.

resold." -T J- f - ^ ^^ , *

Comments: [Hflson
corroborating evidence]
because of ^ ju^ aJ ^i ^ '
0jjj t> ^
^^ ^^^)ij^

1462. Ibraheem bin Muhammad <&- /^ ^ J^L^i LJjl^ -\i*lY

bin Sa'd told us: My father s ..•-., *,.,'*
Muhammad told me, that his &^ :^ , "L **Jl 'J 1
^! 1/J

^ ir'y-
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4> 44 *, ^lij j( jj Ji^ 3b*u,! ji '*'---

father Sa'd said: I passed by

'Uthman bin 'Af fan in the masque ^-^


^ .

<* ^~ i; r^ 1

and greeted him with salam. He 5l£L ^— .jtf _^ J r^ t
looked straight at me but did not ' ' 7 ""

return my greeting. I went to

^** l
^ .-,
, ,*
Lj to^Ut

^ jU*

ji 1

Ameer al-Mu'mineen 'Umar bin al- *'

Khattab and said twice; O Ameer ^
^ •!•

4 'v*j)
, fT
s ''
^ ^ ^ *\^ i

:cJUi ^IkiJt
al-Mu'mineen, has something new L-
^ ^li J^?3^ 1

been introduced into Islam? He *£*\\ .'---•.- - .*: *

said: What has happened? I said: I f ^ u* ^^ > 1 ^>JI jrfl

passed by 'Uthman just now in the :Jli ?i!lj Uj tV :JU ji^i ?S^
mosque, and I greeted him with
sa/mn, and he looked straight at me
but did not return my
^ ^
^^ ^^ , . « «'
^' N l tV :
greeting. li
J, ^^ SUi
, ,j.:.lri ,^JJJ\
'Umar sent for 'Uthman and -/.,-.*--- ''

summoned him, and he said: What J! ./** J-^ ^ - .


prevented you from returning your
brother s greeting? 'Uthman said: I
did not do that I said: Yes you did.
^fc y
^ :jU£* J IS

u j£
?^LtJ| ijL^i

^ ^^

And he swore an oath and so did I.
:Jl» t
J5 :1JS :lX^. Jtf
Then 'Uthman remembered
something and said: Yes [I did 'J* li^li jl jU
; Jli tcil^j OJU-
that]; ask Allah for forgiveness

and repent to Him. You passed by

me just now when was thinking
^l -
- * -

, >V

t .„ f
-> <«>' : JLii

I ^_i' ia^t llj til ^ oj^

" ;
to myself of something I heard
from the Messenger of Allah {^). U ^'3 ^

^^ . s

J>^3 ^ l&~
Allah, I

heart and my eyes are

never remember it but J^ J±
} ^ J%-^l
Jj ^
overwhelmed. Sa'd said: I will tell Jj-^j *JJ :
^ Uli : jJL^ Jli :Jii
you what it is. The Messenger of
AHah («) was about
first d« 'a ',
to tell
then a Bedouin came and
us the

^'/^ r
i-;{ -i-



Vf n
J U ^'

-^ r
>_ '*


of Allah (gfc)
until the
got up and followed ^^ -^ ^! ^¥^
» ., - .. - - .;,.*>
0l c il ^ ^- i ,

him. When I got worried that he % J^j ^u Jjl ^'1 t ^jVi ^U

would reach his house before I ,.>,,/* ,r . \ ,;

could catch up with him, 1 stamped :cJi :Jli (

-^1 J^
" : J^*
my foot on the ground. The : Jj; : ju «^ ju : t Jj, j >; L' vj
Messenger of Allah (#5) turned to
, _, , ,.;«,"/
me and said: "Who is this? Abu r
'5^ J3 1
^ ^^^ -SJLil VI jJJlj V


Ishaqri said: Yes, O Messenger of :

^.^t' lii ^
. *

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas *& 45 4t (>»tij jl ^ -lii tjbfc^! ji Jbui^

Nothing, by Allah,
is the -*v
V ? ^-^Jl J*
,: :.
. ,* :

^ ^&
. s . >
s >^

except that you started to tell us ^ Ls£=. j\ J&HL cJ\ V 1

about the first du'a', then this -..'>=- <!
Bedouin came and distracted you. ^ £** H *^ (AV :
^ .
V,) tib^

He said: Yes, the du'a' of Dhun- yj j^, «jj

U :
^- J^ ti'.:
Noon when he was in the belly of
the fish: "La ilaha ilia Anta [none has .^_^ toL^i : ry,y*z
the right to be worshipped but You
(O Allah)], Glorified (and Exalted)
be You [above all that (evil) they
associate with You]! Truly, have I

been of the wrongdoers'' [al-

Anbiya' 21:87]. No Muslim calls
upon his Lord with it for anything
but he will receive a response."
Comments: [Its isnad is hasart]

1463. It was narrated from :^L* j±> J>'y J^ y} y"-^ ~^ r

'A' ishah bint Sa'd,
that 'Aliwent out with the Prophet
from her father,
^& —
.*.>.*.,, r

' ^ --= ,
* 6 '
^ --* ,

(ife) to Thaniyyat al-Wada', and

'Ali was weeping and saying: Are

'J{ ;\^J\\£
,^. cJL, iliU j* J^^

&^ ^ ^ J^ ^ ^ C &* ^
* . , * - -

you leaving me behind with those '

who stay behind (i.e., the woman,

who do not go out on campaign)? //
?ly|-^j t
; ti
^ ^3

[The Prophet ($$)] said: "Does it 5^. J^ 0^ 01 ^y Ujl» :jUi

not please you to be to me as . ,..,-1 .o;«j*i, st. - * • : ';
Haroon was to Moosa, except with
regard to Prophethood?" [ n • A fc W • ^ AT t \ • t , i V
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .„„
Bukhari (3706) and Muslim ''*
;(fVM) .

C •&*"* "^ . .

(2404)] .(Ti-O

1464. It was narrated from Sa'd

bin Abi Waqqas, from the Prophet
£ j\ ^J'^
: jJU-
^ fUw- l£j£

(££) that he used to say: "My ^ ^^ ^.^'i'J- e t

~'<fij> ^> 'J) J^i -


not going to be impatient
Lord when they are
'^ *\ .^
' .'-'
^ '
^^ J"
' 1
^ -

t f

delayed for half a day." asked I <^a-ij ^'y-'y 0' ^S s

^*' j^ ^" : J>^
Rashid: Did you hear anything
about what this half a day is? h!
— * ^ -i^
*.*!, ,',- r.-r t-
= '^ ^^
i* »i- 'if -

„ »-

said: Five hundred years. t U 10 : ^t] .ii ^U ^JLi :

J la
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas -& 46 •& ^ 11$ ji yj d*ui ijbkutl ,jt jaiiti

Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence]

1465. It was narrated from Sa'd -Ule

bin Abi Waqqas, from the Prophet
^ JZ y\ ti'jJ- : jUJl y\ l£U

(s&), that he hope that my

said: "I
before my
will not be impatient
Lord when they are
^ A$ J\? '
^ ^ 3§ ^ J- o"&J
delayed for half a day."
How much
It was •*fjt ^~^i r*j>~ji j| ^j -^ ^ ;**" y
said to Sa'd:
day? He said: Five hundred
is half a
aSL. ^Jj. : J 13 ^ ^£ fij : jJLJ j^i

Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence. This is a

1466. was narrated that Sa'd bin


Abi Waqqas said: The Messenger of

Allah (^) was asked about this
verse: "He has power to send
torment on you from above or
from under your feet" [al-An'am J £ J*fii J> ;-0\ eii ^ j& Jjl
The Messenger of Allah ($£)
6: 65].

said: "Verily it is going to happen, ^£fe1 ^^ jt -££ ji £& fa iz

but its fulfilment is not yet due." Uf» :^ ijl J^ JUi (io :

Comments: [Its isrtad is da'eef .<Ji*j LjJLjL- oU jjj &tf l£|
because Abu Bakr bin Abdullah is
rfff'ee/and its isnad is interrrupted]

1467. It was narrated from

Dawood bin 'Amir bin Sa'd bin
Abi Waqqas, from his father, from
his grandfather, that the Prophet

(3fe) said: "If less than a fingernail

sized piece of what is in Paradise
could appear, it would adorn
everything in all directions Iju £>J1 ^ Li* ^t Ji* U j! 3J11 :Jli

between heaven and Earth. And if

a man from among the people of
Paradise were to look out and his
bracelets were to appear, their

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4, 47 ^^^lij jijjai-^b^! jialki

light would outshine the light of ,.-.*,. -. , -TT " ij-f : vl ;u,|
*** **** ^~*^ t6j
^ ^ 't™*
the sun as the light of the sun
outshines the light of the stars." .V>?i]' *)J> ^ »AH ^~*L 1*5 ^JJlM
Comments: [Its isnad is /icrsart] [
W £ ^ '

.o-l .]

1468. It was narrated that Sa'd :^^Jl IjM ^ 6LUU GiJ^- -U^a
Waqqas said: On the day of
bin Abi .
" " f , *
, . ,., ,.-„•*'

Uhud, saw on the right of the If *>*>} If *t*^ ^f\ L 3^'

1 J**-**} If.

Messenger of Allah (&) and on his

left, two men in white garments
, •£ .

^ -
jjJy -'
.j ^
*-^ ^

who were fighting to defend him in j^rj '^ ^y. »j^-i ^j J-*-* J

the fiercest manner. have never I ... ..._\. * \\- >., . -,,c, •*
* ... s
r ^
seen them before or since. - ' ' ' ? ', 7 '\
Comments: [Its isnad is »jfcft?/i] ^ °r '
l UV ^

> ,] -^ ^ J^ ^3

1469. Ibraheem - i.e., bin Sa'd -

Jfe \J~* ^ jU^] tfj£ -U^
narrated that Mu'adh at-Taimi "
said: I heard Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas
^ l
- ^ ^ !

^ - r*

say: heard the Prophet ($g) say:

"There are two prayers after

- ^ ^^j^ : ju (
^j; ^
" ^
^ ; -
7. , s

which no nafl prayer is to be M s

°-^- :J >- ^> u 3 ^}

offered: %V, until the sun rises
^jj, .

^^ J^- ^ oL -^ B :
jy; "

and 'Asr until the


corroborating evidence]

because of ^>"

^ ^^
- .

^ a

:^i] .o^jJjl
>. ,


<> OL^ jil ijJi <^A ^ -1 *- >^ Jji (^ ^j*^ 1

^ -^ £^ '&?*
J>3 oLIiJI

1470. Itwas narrated that Sa'd ji- jL*Q tijj. : •>>' lili- -UV>
bin Abi Waqqas said: I heard the * ,- * *

Messenger of Allah (m) say... and

' jL "
^ JU :>

,. . . , ,

J ^
. ,
he narrated a similar report. j^ ^ 1 , .-:
; ^Uj
Jii ^1 ^* .u^ ^p
Comments: [A
previous report]
repeat of the
[u ^ C / ^ ^\
^ Jb
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4, 48 * ^lij J & ^ii, ^b^l jf V..M

1471. Ibraheem bin 'Abdur-

Rahman bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas
l&U- :Vl» JbU-3 v 1
^ ^JU- ~^v^
said: On the day of Uhud, I saw ^r*Q :^w J IS _ »lr j* 14J je ^
^ ^ ^
on the right of the Messenger of „. */ - -
' " "

> . , ,

Allah fcjg) and on his left, two :JU - ** 0^ 1

men in white garments who were

fighting to defend him in the
^ ^ Jji^ Aij rj^j; ^,jj f

fiercest manner. I have never seen s^" J

^"' f-* ^^^ ^'
^ ^ ^.£ ^ ^ ^
s s!>-0
them before or since. t jfcj,
Comments: [Its isnad is snheeh]

.(Tr-i) ^ i(t'of) :^.^>^^M :^i>m;

It was narrated from
bin Sa'd bin Abi
:^JjC ^J\ ti'jj- tijJ- -UVY
Waqqas that his father Sa'd bin Abi ^ S^ ^^ 1
JUi :

Waqqas 'Umar asked for
said: lUi M
permission to enter upon the
^ j^JI '
o^ ^ ol^Jl
, t s , ,\\ = _ \


Messenger of Allah (^), and there ^~" olj''

^ *S^ u^j :

^ ji j|l

were some women of Quraish with

- .'^ *%; j

him who were talking to him and

asking too much of him and raising
their voices. When 'Umar asked


j* ^ Jx*j $&
' ,

4JUI J^3
* >V . f J*u* *-. > -

permission to enter, they got up

t ^ J~* - ^jr>—dJ
and hastened to conceal them-
selves.The Messenger of Allah (^)
5JUI Jji.^ il Oili

t^U^Jl Ojj£
gave him permission to enter, so he
entered and the Messenger of
*& -
fu '1

J >* JJ

- J
^ :

^ - ^
U ilL iiJi iujil :^ Jlii ciLOj
Allah(jk) was smiling. 'Umar said: * , „ , s

May Allah make you happy all c


^" ^ ^
. .

J >^3 J^ ^' J>^j



your life, O Messenger of Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (5^) said:
^ ^y
^T ,,,,.,
^, .

"I wonder at these women who ^^

— V^
^~* ^ J^ 1
^j^? 1 *iL:

^' ^ ^ ^
were with me. When they heard '.,= *i •*;
*.-f - - * *. -, ,, .,
your voice they hastened to ^ '^ ol (
J l-

conceal themselves." 'Umar said: ^j J££\ ^S^' ^J^ $ '^

O Messenger of Allah, you are trif " -\

° ^ ^ *^

more deserving of being feared.

Then 'Umar said: O enemies of
^ . ,-
. r e

J >-J
J] l
J^3 jis .^ Jji J^^
^ ii(;
your souls, do you fear me and you
do not fear the Messenger of Allah

d[ ^^
- „
- .


^ ^'> '.,

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 49 <& (jalij (jt (>i JLkw (jbfcLl ji .A'iii>4

(j^)? They said: Yes, for you are

harsher and tougher than the
Messenger of Allah (sfe). The \j> '.
t_j yju Jlij : j I JL> :4JJ| jlp J Li
Messenger of Allah (3^) said: "By
the One in Whose hand is my soul,
the Shaitan never meets you on a [UTi ,\o\\
road but he takes a different road."
:J^\] .^^ J\

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3294) and Muslim

1473. Yoosuf bin al-Hakam Abul-

&;U :i\l iL-3 Z,j& tiJ^ -uvr
Hajjaj narrated that Sa'd bin
Waqqas said: I heard the Messenger ^u^- :*->\&? J±\ ^ i^JLi jp ^1
of Allah (ife) say: "Whoever wants ' > > " ! " 1 ' Tl/j f > 3 * * ^ ,*

to humiliate Quraish, Allah will

humiliate him."

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

y. -Jjl *jL*I i^y jI^a ijj

L^" : J_?^

[\oAV *loAl t \oY\ :^l]


^ J-*- i ^l ^j "J-*" ^-i-^- :

1474. 'A'ishah bint Sa'd said:
Sa'd said: I fell sick in Makkah
and the Messenger of Allah (jfe) :dJtf jJL- iiL i*:U ^^U- : JV* ^jl
entered upon me to visit me. I
Jp^is t^lL ^jJ ,^}5Li cJ£Li\ : JU-i Jli
said: O Messenger of Allah, I am
leaving behind wealth and I have U :*iJL» : Jli i^j^j ^ ^JJl J>^j ^i-
no one except one daughter.
Should I bequeath two thirds of \J 'u4j W JJ ') ji
J\ t Jdi J^
my wealth {to charity) and leave
her one third? He said: "No." I
said: Shall I bequeath one half
.^VlL ^jlil : Jli aN» :JU ?jJd!
and leave her one half? He said: Jli «V» :Jli VO^l ^ i^fj
"No." I said: Shall I bequeath one
third and leave her two thirds? Jli ?^Ej| l«J i^lj oJ&l ^jlil
He said: "One third, but one third Jli ljI^ X^U «^S" XjWlj iiJ&H
is a lot" three times. Then he laid

his hand on my forehead and ,^rj ^-*j '£*?* <J^ o-^i

wiped my forehead, chest and
il-uJ. i_iil JLJAil* :Jlij
stomach, and said: "O Allah, heal ,j^j ^iJ-^J
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .&. 50 . a.
u ^tij ji ^ \ \ i .-..

jj \ \ 4, ^

Sa'd and make his migration

complete." I still imagine that I
can feel the coolness of his hand
^H <W
*£ :

s -,
^ ^ "^
*° ,- *- , >-


.i^LUl JU- ^xS Jj. *ju S"; j*-!

on my heart until today. "

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- '

Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)] _< nVA) ^ i(M) ^.^^^j •

1475. It was narrated from y\ ji- UC^J tfli (WY/^) ~\tvo
'Abdullah bin Abi Salamah that *('-.'
Sa'd heard a man saying Lflbfwrifa
jl :iU^ ^'
t *


^^^ ^^
Dhul-Ma'arij (here
Lord of the ways of
I am at Your .^UUJl 1j iid ij^l; "fe ^ IjJL^
^ 'C^ ^
, >.. „,
s> s jS , „

ascent). He indeed the

said: He is sW ^ ^ 1
-^ *°l

Lord of the ways of ascent, but '^ j^£ V ^ Al

we were with the Messenger of
Allah (3g) and we did not say ^J <JU ^1 ^1 s ^*i ^t_J igj^J
that -

' iL^.
Comments: [Its isnflrf is fto'ee/]

1476* It was narrated that Sa'd jULi- ^ jla^, li^U- : L53 ^- L;*- — > i V"l

bin Abi Waqqas said: The *

„, , , ->-> s , >• •

Messenger of Allah (*£) said: "He ^- ^ L

- ^' <*' ¥ ^^>-J1
is not one of us
recite the Qur'an
who does not ^jj ^1 ^ j^ ^ tdL^ ^1 Jl
>"'.",' ;
in a nice voice." '-
/' '- * ",

Wakee' said: i.e., feeling content ? 0*


^ 54 1 " :
^^ J>^j- Jl* :JU
Comments: [So/ieeh because of
-ft u^J ^ :^JiJ
.«or^ ^£
corroborating evidence]
LUM ^° U :
^ 1]

.^JjAj'V ^iL^ ^1 ^ 4JUI.UP .fj^S £—*-£> '.


1417. It was narrated that Sa'd Jbj ^ fclil llii^

:J-Sj l£U -Mvv
bin Malik said: The Messenger of - ..«..,
^ '*»T^ ^^ ^ ^ ^- ^
, i
, ; , . s , , „ ,

Allah (-afe) said: "The best of rffofrr

is that which is silent, and the : £& <JUl JjJ-3 Jli :Jli dUU ^1 jJL-
best of provision
just enough."

[Its isnflrf is da'eef]

that which is
A <J^ U JJ>' ^^

[nxr ^ol« t \£o^

^ -*.*'_,,

t \
/-^ S^*

iVA :^1]

.^^UvU JiiUlj awe) :

I— j (in*) :^ l^J! <^^i .«L-ji x*>^ Jl
Musnad Sad bin AbiWaqqas-^ 51 ,» L3a\k^ j\ { l
jJ^M^\sk^\ ^^^J> i

It was narrated
Muhammad nuuui-
uui 'Abdur-
that Usamah ^;i
o\ j, juij ;, & }
ejji -uva

Rahman bin Labeebah said... j> -&>** ^sf^ : ^L -' 1

if '-^j^'
Comments: [Its isnad is da 'eef like
^ J^j; %\ : ^ul£ ^ Jjr U ^ Jji jIp
the previous report] „', ' - - ^ f - -'

ni id;! Li y :_ oiLiJi ^ ^ _

1479. Hisham narrated, from his i ^J ^ *l!a £^ ^3 : £ji. --\iv<\

father, from Sa'd, that the Prophet
^ i i

entered upon him to visit leJ >^ *^ J^ ^ 4r S M ^ :

^" if

him when he was sick. He said: O

Messenger of Allah, shall I - '
f ^\

; jj, ^ ^

v^ ^

bequeath all of my wealth (to :J15 :Jli <W» :JU ?<ii JU,
He said: "No." He
He said: "No." He
jj£ J
^ .

? J^Li ' >
:<jli t~t*

and one
third? He
third is
a lot."
"One third, [ \ 1 1 • :
^\j] ."
^ j\ _ 'jj

Comments: [Saheeh, because of

corroborating evidence al- ^' ^ 'Jj* *'-<. * J M ^J -(^ YA )

Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628) .j^ ^ ^_,

and its isnad is Aj'ee/]

1480. It was narrated from 'Amir jJL^ }J. ollLl llijLi- : LSj ^-^ ^ * A "

bin Sa'd, from his father, that the

Prophet (Sg) said to him: "What-
01 :



^ , #

^ ^U
„ .

, .

. .

ever you spend on your family of

maintenance, you will be rewarded
Jj, ^J£\ \^ iq,, .
Jj jj ^ ^ji
for, even the morsel that you lift to


^ c
^ ^J* ^^
^ .. * ,

Irf ^M

your wife's mouth."

[m .
:^|J Ailfcl ^ Jl l#>

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)] .(nu): f i(fli) :

C"£^ ,jU-l ^^
1481. It was narrated from ^ j^ ^^. :
*yj £jj^ _ma^
Mus'ab bin Sa'd that his father ~. "
, TV £

said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, 0? 'r***


dr^ ^^ Jl

oi (^-f
1 *
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4fc 52 ^ (j^Q j ji ^ J«*- jUiij J ,Vi u i

which people are most severely

tested? He said: "The Prophets, ^ ^ * -

J li :
, -.




^ ^
then the righteous, then the next
best and the next best. A man will
"j ^^'l
: JU ?;£ 1m
-lijl #
,, #( .,
s> ; ^

be tested according to his level of <-^^ 0? J^^ u J^' P ''J^^ 1

religious commitment:
religious commitment is solid,
if his
^ '

^ ^^ ;
^ ^
test will be greater and if there is **£ Jt o\S o[j <.£'% J> Jbj li'Su* cj
some weakness in his religious *- ,-;. , -,:. v., ... ».. -.*> *
commitment his test will be ; ' ^ f

lighter. A slave [of Allah] will be *&?* <& J-tJ ^J^ $> J* 1

tested until he walks upon the
face of the earth with not a single
[n '
v ^°"^"« '^
sin on him."
jL_J :
Comments: [Its isnad is faisrtn]

1482. was narrated from Sa'd


that the Prophet (^*) entered upon

^ ^^ : L53 £^ _ UM
^ , . , ,

1A :Ol^i ^
him to visit him when he was sick in Jtf *ji-*l^[ Ai~
Makkah. I [Sa'd] said: O Messenger t _^ Jj
- t ;
<- j^ .;,
of Allah, should I bequeath all of my ; f \ ; , 6 sr
' "
wealth (in charity)? He said: "No." I >j * «^>~ *^* J^-j 3£j| ^1 o\ '
-^ ji-

said: One half? He said: "No." I *- 7*' =£-- v

said: One third? He said: "One



^ J
i- *

third,and one third is a lot. If you JU f^kljli Jjj W» JU ?*ll JUj
^ ^ ^^
: : :

leave vour heir independent of

means,' that is better than leaving
>?.,.." *

|B :JU
-, - „
#, -

^ -'

him poor and having to ask people l& >&j\j }£ h\ >l£\ _ $ _ *,J
[for help]. Whatever you spend on - s ^
" , s „_ ',
~ . .. "'„

your family of maintenance you will ^1^ ',>UI «-«&S

j=*» **^. <Jl
J? ^
be rewarded for, even the morsel
that you lift to your wife's mouth."

^^ '

/ mt
h ^il'i ui;

On that day he only had one il

S:\y>\ Jt J>\^
\±*j'j; iUlJl
^J JU- 1 14J
daughter. And Sa'd mentioned *.' -fi r -"1 mi •
'•- 'i • £- '\- 'u-
migration (Hyrah) and he [the , , .
Prophet (#r)] said: "May Allah JiJj *EI>p j|I iilt
JU->1» :JUi 4 i^j|
have mercy on the son of 'Afra'.
Perhaps Allah will extend your life
so that He may benefit some

: ^
S ',.
,, ; -


-^ ^^^

:«^-lj] .«jj^.T
,,, .

£ .*

people through you and harm

others through you." .Otta) :^ t(ol) ^.j^oU :
Comments: [Its isnad is soheefi, ai-Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1228)]

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^53 4» y*»tlj jt ^ jjuu (jb^wl ji JLuLu*

1483. It was narrated that Ziyad

bin Mikhraq said: I heard Abu
.^ - *^l ^ ^ _ UAr
'A bay ah narrate from a freed slave -J^ jl>>v y, -?^j a* V"-* 1
of Sa'd that Sa'd heard a son of his ,--, :f ..,';.-.- :,.— ,-t -* ° -

making du and saying: O Allah, I

a r
' ' ^^ cr - . .

ask You for Paradise and its ^1 Ljjjl :

^jk }*'j >-j*k. ^ & 1
delights and brocade... and I seek '
refuge in You from the Fire and its
^ >^ *^3 l
- ...

^3 ^' ^^
chains and fetters. He said: You L^U^j j&l ^ II iyS'3 t lii
have asked Allah for a great deal of \ ^, %
good and you have sought refuge J 3^ '!> ^' ^^ -^
./ .,/>,.
^ -QWj ,.;

with Allah from a great deal of evil. ;• - V ^ *'* •

Jn : i* ; -

But I heard the Messenger of Allah / > / '

/ > =

(sfe) say: "There will be people who fj* <jy^r- ^1* :

J_r*i sis ^' JV-3
will overstep the mark in du'a'." (-"tk •
-^n - i-' . i-'u : ''•-

And he recited this verse: "Call on ^ r - " '

*f ^ > >
your Lord with humility and in ^<U-£& £4i V /&[ i^ii-3 £j^ ^33
private: for Allah loves not those ->-.*- „ * *

who trespass beyond bounds" lal-

:J ^ 01
^T~; °iJ
(0 °
;^ Nl)

A'raf 7:55]. It is sufficient to say: O ^ ^jj" J^ ^.j t £^j| JjuUl J[ UJLJ!

Allah, I You for Paradise and
ask s , ' >*, ,
the words and deeds that will U3 *j&l ^ ^. i^'j 'J*^ jl J>
refuge in
me close to
You from
it, and
the Fire
I seek
and the
[UAi .^ -
r^ ]
j^ ^ -],
words and deeds that will bring ^i... ^ ji^i ljuj .s^jJ j_~»- '-{^.j**
me close to it. . -n ,

Comments: [Hflson because of corroborating evidence]

1484, was narrated from 'Amir


bin Sa'd, that his father said: The ^J^ >f„ * ,


, , s ,.
^ ^
" UAt
Messenger of Allah (^) used to - ^ ^^iU- ^ 5L1 Jlp dli- : Nli j_^
Abu Sa'eed said: I saw the
Messenger of Allah (sg) - say :JU

^^ ^ -

JU -


to his right
that the whiteness of his
(turning so t jj^
\ ,

' s
j^J ^ j^U^J \&±
", ,

cheek could be seen, and to his J? ^J - ^ ^U1 J P3 0^ : J15 ^1 j*

left (turning so much) that the ,
v : : ;. M --!
iilajjij ''.jji' jlj^
—'- r
- J
whiteness of his cheek could be '

seen. i_53i J^" 'Sj^ Cj^3 ^-^ ^^ S") J^ r

Comments: [Its isnad is sahceh, \_\^\\<.\o\l

Muslim (582)]
; Jil]
^'j,C" , p jJ.

.("AY) :^ .^~^^o oju—I '.


Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas^ 54 ^^lij jl^Jkii jb^t jlaii-i

It was narrated from
bin Sa'd, from his
^ -
-^1 ^
^ (wr/ ^ _ UAe
father, that the Prophet {#*) If^jsfr Ji Ir'A h* l ^& J* 'f

entered upon him in Makkah when ^ s ?| . -

jjj .
^ tjL ^ ..

he was sick. He said: I have only

one daughter; should I bequeath all ^i : Jti* <-
j*J-j' j*J *^r

^ J3-^
of my wealth (to charity)? The ,^ ,
£ ,
ft J
Prophet (Ǥ) said: "No." He said: -
- *


Should 1 bequeath half of it? The ur?J^

^' B

M ffl ^^ , t

Prophet (jte) said: "No." He said: {' .

v A j, .* > =>,,
v P .

Should I bequeath one third of it? -

K f t n
He said: "One third, and one third -^ ^lj t^JIJh :JU ?*±,
is a lot"
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)] .(nTA): i(oi)
i^.^^oL-l :£;>J
1486. It was narrated from £jj- :»l!» lil^- :*£ tjji». -UA"l
bin Sa'd bin Malik,
Prophet (&*)
his father, that the 0?

^ y?

* , , .

0* '
^^ ^ ^
*- *,;„..-

entered upon him... and he narrated

...^ JiS £g ^i ;
jf J ^ ,dUU :?
And 'Abdus-Samad '
a similar report.
said: "A lot," meaning one third. J^i *j£ :
-^ ]1


J ^3 ^ >^ \'-,

Comments: [See the previous [\JAY :**-lj] .Jjill


cr ,j
1487. It was narrated from
'Umar bin Sa'd that his father
^ ^^ ^ ,
tf^ _ UAV
', „ , ,

^^ ^1

said: The Messenger of Allah (^) J} J* :

ur^ 1

said: "I am amazed at the decree --> • - t

-> * ,-:.-?, -
of Allah, may He
be glorified and
exalted, for the believer: if
f 'Vf
J>ij JUI :
? ^
tJJLi jy°l

something good befalls him, he

praises his Lord and gives thanks, J^, > JJI ;
Lii j, oU^» :#g

and if calamity strikes him, he i^J ?3 -^ '^ ^^' il :

praises his Lord and bears it with ^ ^ ,„'

'^ ^ f
^ ti , .
_ ,

patience. The believer will be "^ 'W* ^ Lil °1-'

rewarded for everything, even the ^

morsel he lifts to his wife's
J J±

>i JJ
^-ji j-jiil

^ ,1

mouth." '-Ml .*&s\ J J\ l«ii>: iiiUl

[uvot>or\ t u^
Musrtad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4= 55 & (j<alij ^)i {£ Jiiu jt*^| i_J

Comments: [Saheeh, because of

corroborating evidence]

1488. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd, that his father said that
:Jli <wl \£- tJj<^J -j>_ jAi' '-jf- l Jlji*j
the Prophet (^) came to visit him
when he was sick in Makkah, and &^£j jAj t ^5«j y^j ojj^j $g£ ^f~i\ t,i\>-

he did not want to die in the land

from which he had migrated. The
Prophet (jge) said: "May Allah have
mercy on Sa'd bin 'Afra', may
Allah have mercy on Sa'd bin S\ tf
If: fJj «fl^ lf\
J^ iiJi |U>;
'Afra'." He [Sa'd] only had one
daughter, and he said: O Messenger
of Allah, should I bequeath all of my :JU ?..'ft^'lU :
J15 «N» :
J li ?*l£ JU,
wealth (to charity)? He said: "No."
1&\j t JJbJlJt :Jli ?JJ&U :JU W»
He said: Half of it? He said: "No."
He said: One third? He said: "One
third, and one third is a lot. Leaving
your heirs independent of means is

better than leaving them in need

and asking of people by stretching
out their hands. Whatever you
spend on maintenance is charity,
even the morsel you lift to your
wife's mouth. Perhaps Allah will [MAY :^IJ .«0j^T
extend your life and benefit some
people through you and harm •r
u«-v) :

c .j^ aL-l

others through you." <UYA)

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)]

1489. It was narrated that Sa'd

said: Make a lahd (niche) for me and
block it up with bricks as was done *<*' if <-y?^> J>. j^^-j if f**r Irf

for the Messenger of Allah (^).

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
(Muslim (966)]
[ ^ £ \ : ^Ij] .££§ ill J^ jj ui

1490. It was narrated that Sa'eed ^JA ^_^ _ j LL>- UjJL>- ; j Up UjJL>- - \ I ^ *

bin al-Musayyab said: I said to Sa'd

bin Malik: I want to ask you about oi -b** If L -£.'->
If. Q* U ^' :
- ^^
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .&, 56 & (j^lij ^i & Jii jbuj ji ''-
a hadeeth, but
you about

too shy to ask

son of my brother. If
Do not feel V ^l
> i *

Lrt ^ ^,«--,>•
^ :
like that,
you know that I have some
^j{^\ j| JiJUl Ulj
t( ^j^ ^ iljLl M
**,....' - ^
knowledge then ask me about it ^ °*^ 4 'err If) W 1

J*^ ^ : J^* £* •

and do not feel too shy of me. I

said: What did the Messenger of

j£ ^ ^ ^j ^ ^

Allah (3%) say to 'AH when he left «1^ Orr 3i 4" J^-3 ^'J
him in charge of Madinah during * *n '•?' *• - "u^ ;i
»- -• . --

the campaign to Tabook? Sa d said: - ^ "^ ^ " '


The Prophet (^) left "Ali in charge

of Madinah during the campaign
U :Jlii ihjz i"/^-
J> aLjlJIj &* ^
to Tabook, and he ['Ali] said: O
Messenger of Allah, are you
eUJ '

«/ - UJi
^ ^

^ ^ J
^-J uf» J Lai VjULUlj

leaving me behind with those who ,,-//-.
are staying behind, the women and J-^ L ^ ,

-ij-jT 1 Jjj *
- !r?

children? He
please you to be to
said: "Does it not
me as Haroon
J, £j s
^ -g

j^ ^ '

was to Moosa?" He said: Yes, O OJ* £r> : ^^ JL* o»j .£ki; £Ji jli
Messenger of Allah. Then he ^on
turned and rushed back, and it is as
[\o(v * >o.l : il] .£^ -

if I can see the dust kicked up by :

<(rv--i) :
^ .„^ ^j^

his feet. And Hammad said: And (t*.m
'Ali went back quickly.
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

1491. Yahya bin Sa'd said: *J>

jL-li llili- :6U^ \£U- -UM
Mention of the plague was made in
the presence of theMessenger of
j$i£- ;jJU 'J, &JZ* ^lU- :jl!^

Allah (^) and he said: "That is a

punishment that was sent against
j^UJl ^si : Jtf jJ
"' ^ jJL;
^ ^
those who came before you. If it is * 'rrf £}

: Jui ^ ^ ^3 A-
some land, do not enter it, and if
is in a land where you are, do not
-£ t ^(, ;
^ ^ '
leave it." ^ <-\fr

p^'j *4; <J^ *^!j iL*^i>.x'

Comments: [A so/ree/j hadeeth] [ \ Y v t ^ » A :

j& lj] .1 1£* 1

1492. It was narrated from 'Umar

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that his
father said: The Messenger of Allah


,, .

^ ^' ^ Wa^ «f
1 :
*. ^ ,'s
_U ^ t

J,/^^ ^;A^/^^<^\J

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas^ 57 h*. (j^lii ji l>j aii» (3U*i(! ji .'ijwi4

(;&£) said: "I am amazed at the

decree of Allah, may He be
glorified and exalted, for the
believer: something good befalls

him, he praises his Lord and gives

thanks, and if calamity strikes him,
he praises his Lord and bears it
J 'Jr%, J^ ^/l J^ J 'Jr% &y-^
with patience. The believer will be [wav ^ijl.'^i J J\ i4ii>;uiiJi
rewarded for everything, even the
.^_>- ii^«) iJl»_j .(jAJ *^j*l~0 '.
morsel he lifts to his wife's mouth."
Comments: [Saheeh because of corroborating evidence and its isnad is Hasan].

1493. It was narrated that Sa'd Juilj ^ jX^S &jJ- '^j &J^- -HM"
bin Malik said: I said: O Messenger
of Allah, the courageous man who
shields others in battle, will his
aI-U- 0_j>j J>^-pl 'jiil Jj-*j ^ :
share and that of others be the
*'. * • , , > > .
same? He said: "May your mother
be bereft of you, O son of Umm
ff ^1 JlM Jj£tp :Jli
Sa'd! Are you given provision
except by virtue of your weak J*£j\j£-Ju Nl ojjSa^j j^*jy
IjLHj .(TA11) '.

£ .SjjJ r>y>^» '.frlj>£

Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a
weak isnad because it is

1494. Mus'ab bin Sa'd narrated ij^J. Lj JL>- : jii>- (V -Uj*«^ Lj JL>- - ^ i \ i
that Sa'd said: I asked the
Messenger of Allah (3^): Which
people are most severely tested?
He said: "The Prophets, then the
next best, then the next best. A man : jUi ftyZ il\ ^l!jl £l :^ Jj! (W*
will be tested according to his level
of religious commitment: if his
religious commitment is weak, he
will be tested according to that; if
his religious commitment is solid,

he will be tested in accordance w^i

JIj; Ui» :JU <.th\l JU. ^£i
with that" He said: "A man will be
tested until he walks upon the face
of the earth with not a single sin on
[UA^ :^rlj] JiUa^ O^

Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas-fe 58 i&jj^lij ji^JLiw^bfciljjtiiii^i

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan] ,^ „^i ;_, j^

1495. It was narrated that Sa'eed

bin al-Musayyab said: Sa'd bin
kxl til^

iUi Oil^ - > i <U

Malik said: The Messenger of <-~Z—j\ jj ^^ ji- t^*^- ^ <_^« ly*

Allah (sfe) mentioned his father \ > - i
—' .
,in' '* V - V .
and mother together for me on - ^
W ,

the day of Uhud. [\ =>*lY : >l] u£l f>;

££l ^ ^LJ!

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3725) and Muslim

i(rvYo) :£ .^^ «L^j : g^w-
(2412)] -(n>T)

1496. Mus'ab bin Sa'd narrated

from Sa'd that the Messenger of
&iA :
^ JU>J &Jb* -
yii^- ^ t ^ "\

Allah (%&) said: "Will one of you be cJ^ :JL» c£^ J'y Jji x£ ^1 ^
incapable of earning one thousand
hasanah in one day?" He said: Who ^ ^^^ ^ , ,
. , . , _ >
* . , .



is able to do that? He said: "He c_£ M ^| ^f» : ju J-f ^ Jj|

says tasbcch one hundred times,,
and it will be recorded as one ^ &J,

^ :
, ,f

f jP
thousand hasanahs [good deeds]
and will erase one thousand
^ ^gg <.*^ fy £A
'& ]]

^ /
"\ ,"
,, t{

sayyi'ahs [bad deeds]." : jJiilJ .«4—' L/ ^j ::

«.£-^- ^1
Comments: [Its /sttdd is saheeh, [\'\\X t\"UY t\o^V
Muslim (2698)]

1497. It was narrated that 'Asim . „..

al-Ahwal said: I heard Abu ,'.-*".'

'Uthman say: I heard Sa'd - who OUi* Cl i*iJL^ :Jtf J^*^ p-f^ dr*
was the first one to shoot an „ >* --
^ ^^
* , s < „>, *.

arrow for the sake of Allah - and ^J ^ ^ ^ J ~ ''

Abu Bakrah who '
- climbed the 'yyZ _ VjZl Ulj _ ^
Jjl L_i ,, [

wall of the fortress of at-Ta'if with * - -

^ <^' ^i ^^ V^ ^ ^ -^
, ,.,

other people then came to the
Prophet (^*) - say; We heard the ^» j^ ^^ ^ ^j| i-:,-. ^'ui
: ;
Prophet (gj) say: "Whoever
claims to belong to a father other
^ (-^ >J ^
/ >K /,
> I' .- ' t -


^ l
than his father, knowing that he is
not his father, Paradise will be
[ \ i o i : ^ij
£^JU t ol

forbidden to him."
Xvr) :

.(irri) ^.^^pw-.iM :^>«;
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (4326) and Muslim (63)]
Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas^ 59 i*,yolij ji^-Jun jl»i! jt jJuLi

1498. It was narrated

Isma'eel said: heard Qais bin Abi

Hazim say: Sa'd said; I was one of ^i ^ ^jj t j .«»„; rji; "L^U^i ^i.
the first seven to embrace Islam " ,^ , , , .

with the Messenger of Allah (*&), £u y^ ^

, f

^ t
and we had no food except the
leaves of al~hublah (a desert tree),
*^ ^ tf ^ "
j^,- -
and one of us would produce £f* & ^) U-iil
ty J*- ^f^ 1
stools like a sheep, so dry that >- : --.j '! *, i
fy\J^ ^ t ;\jji
And now Banu
^T ^"^^l
nothing stuck to it.
^ \ /">
Asad are teaching me about my lij ^^r^- JL£ lJjjJ^. tP 1

religion, in which case I must have >. , . *,-,

r >
.' .. , n .

been doomed and my efforts s?T ^^ J

wasted. .(T<m) : t (etU) ^.j^.iL-i :^.>«"

Comments: [Its isnad is snfceeh, al-Bukhari (5412) and Muslim (2966)]

1499. Abu 'Uthman an-Nahdi >^ ^-q .

-^,| ^ £*^ _\t<\<\
said: heard Ibn Malik say: The
I * '
, '

Messenger of Allah ($g) said: "Who- :Jli ^jl^J! Llli* J,\ ^li i^U ^
ever claims to belong to a father
other than his father, knowingly,

>~ , , ,

J ^J
, ^
^ '-^A

^ y


, t

Paradise will be forbidden to him."

SjX ,J\ jl J\ J-\\ ^ :^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
[mv ., j *,-
Bukhari (4326) and Muslim 63)] CT JJ f ^ -

.(ir) :ji t (im) ^.^j^.aL-i :g;y«

1500. Isma'eel bin Muhammad ';* -* i-"'f . >- > • *,

s - *
i;^, - \* .

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas narrated, -

from his father, that his grand- JuA» ^ J^U^-J ^'J?~\ :

^r^" t> 1

The Messenger of Allah
father said:
) said to me: "O Sa'd, get up and ^ & ^ & '^
*, ,, ? ,,
*, * . ., ..

proclaim in Mina: 'These are days <,jj^ £» ;

0k Jjl J^-3 <_J J^ :
of eating and drinking, so do not
fast at this time.'"

Comments: [So/ief/i lighairihi and its

^ '^'^
> „ ,c ,



^ '. .**-.>
° jU ^

j'sHflrf is da'eef because of the

weakness of Muhammad bin «-*,-"•* ^^-) l-^j • Jr*J {^-^ {Hj>*
Abu Humaid] t ..^ 1 .

1501. It was narrated that Abu

'Abdur-Rahman as-Sulami said:
Sa'd said; It was concerning me Cj^~'^ •£? »jf' 0* "ri^' ^ '^ O*
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^60 * jjalij jl ^ dJL* &\*LJl jj Xul

that the Messenger of Allah (^)

established the principle of
(bequeathing) one-third. He came
' , , *

"L ^' JLi :JLi

to visit me when I was sick and

££ ^tf
J Jlii :Jli tt/"'*;".- :ij&l ^/
said to me: "Did you make a
",,<„, .„-
J U ^-^ *r~ ;c^ ^ -
bequest?" I bequeathed
said: Yes, I .^ -,3 ^ujr, .,-#, , &
all my wealth to the poor, needy '".-', '

s .

and wayfarers. He said: "Do not do '*£*> ^Sj

0| : <^H "J^* V» :Jli
that." I said.
independent of means. [Can I
My heirs are
^ : JJJ .'*
: ju 9^fi,
: ^
bequeath] two thirds? He said: idJ&l* :Jli ?iJLl :JJi «V* : JLi
"No." I said: Half? He said: "No." I ,»
said: One third? He said: "One
[m "
£^ ] J ^ ^'j
, ,

third, and one third is a lot." h1VA v, ,„v . . ...

Comments: [Its isnad is /wsfln]

1502. It was narrated from Sa'd

bin Malik that the Messenger of
:jrf Gsii :^ ^
i;^i &Jb- -\o»Y

Allah fe) said: "There is no Aamfl/i ^ ^^ oi.I^^^ j* ,^i *&> 1

[refers to a /afa/t Arab tradition -J . ,m (

- *,•-*; *-»i, • ,

described variously as: a worm ^


which infests the grave of a murder *^j-^ ^3 ^L* V» :Jli ^ JM J^3

victim until he avenged; an owl;
or the bones of a dead person
'^ ^ <^ ^ 4 »> ^
r .*,-:, .; * • -„. vT ,

turned into a bird that could fly], [\ooi ijiiilj] .i^djlj

no 'flrfwfl [contagion, transmission
of infectious disease without the -£=- °M :
permission of Allah] and no tiyarah
[superstitious belief in bird omens].
If there were any (omen), it would

be in a woman, a horse or a house."

Comments: [Its isnad is jayyid]

1503. Malik bin Anas narrated,

from Ibn Shihab, from
^ ,,,'":
-«,, ^
jU ofi -\o-r
Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin al- ^ *J>.

^Li U^l ^J'j^ -^

Harith bin Nawfal bin Abdul-
Muttalib, that he told him that he
heard Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas and


^ ^ j^

- * ••


ad-Dahhak bin Qais, the year «/ *„,-,' ',

"W V*
Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan ^ J ^ & '^ CT" ^ :Aij^
performed Ha;)* and they were
talking about continuing 'Umrah
^1 ^ i; jL^ 1^ ^^ ^ jUJdlj
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas Jh 61 & <j*^j lJ' lW 4**" <jl*i<i ji dGoJt

on to the Ho/; [tamattu' or i/rran]. - ^. > - ..-^ *•„ , . , .

Ad-Dahhak said: No one does "-^t S^^ ; {^ , J

- J ° -

that except one who is ignorant of VI iuj> • y : V : iJLLlil Jlii t 4^Jl

the command of Allah. Sa'd said: \t , ^ * ,, * t ,

What a bad thing you have said, oii U >l :^i ;

Jlii .*Ut ^1 J^ ji

O son of my brother! Ad-Dahhak ^'jj.% :il£jJl Jlii ^1 U

^1 ."
said:'Umar bin al-Khattab has '.,.., '/, i
forbidden that Sa'd said; The

Ji :
Ju^ JU* .JJJS jp ^ ,

Ji ^iLLil

Messenger of Allah (ife) did it and > — rr*'-- ^k. iu

» -
i—- -

we did with him.


[Its isnad is boam] C m A :

^ ' ]

1504. It was narrated that Abu ^»- -^°'t

'Uthman an-Nahdi said: Sa'd said
Ci^U- :j^-*i>!i ^ J^e -^! 1

^ , , . > t
- and on one occasion he said: I :JU JfJ^I d\^* ^1 ^e- J^-Nl jLfU-
heard Sa'd say
andmy heart understood from
-: My ears heard j t ^ ^_ '
£ ^ _^ ^
Muhammad (^) that "whoever £l :si^J> j*
& ,-,
^ iie'/j ^Uif iU^i :_

claims to belong to a father other , -
'/ t - ,t a

than his father, knowing that he is > ^ (^ >J

not his father, Paradise will be tf ,' _;ij
: ju ,«ir^ .dp £iJU *^l
forbidden to him."
Abu Bakrah and told it to
and he said: And my ears
He said: I met
uil ^^
g ^^
^ -
„.* ,-


[u<w J£ ujj

heard it
it mv heart
my heart understood
anrl nnHcn-ctr*oH *—

it from Muhammad (^). \* t(irTT) : ±- .^jt^jt ojL^} \*uj>£

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .(ir)
Bukhari (4326) and Muslim (63)]

1505. It was narrated that Sa'd bin (wo/1) :

J*S- *J>
xUJ> &J&- -\o*o
Ibraheem said: I heard Ibraheem bin
Sa'd narrate, from Sa'd, that the
r ,


^ t

^ ^
, „, e ^

Prophet («;) said to 'Ali: "Does it
not please you to be to me as
^ *J*
^Q JJL^ *- '

HaroonwastoMoosa?" ^ J>j ^ T» :
4^ J^ ^ ^ ^rJ^

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .»?^.^ J^*

^jj^* ^r-^ -J-;
' ^^
Bukhari (3706) and Muslim '
' ' "

(2404)] [^H* :^lj]

Mus na d Sa'd bi n Abi Waqqas & 62 .& ^lij jl ^ ,jii ^t*^! jt -V-'-*

1506. It was narrated from

Muhammad bin Sa'd, from Sa'd/
that the Prophet (j2g) said: "If the ^-^ ^ «.«Sl*» ^* CLi ^^U-
. i r .

belly of one of you were to be * s s * i Z * t t s $s t e

filled with pus that corrodes it,

that would be better than filling
[his mind] with poetry."
j^. *j3Z j\" :
J L5 ^ ^1 ~
, o _ ,r „ ,- „,, , . > *

Comments: [Its lsfmrf is saheeh, < ~ ~ -

Muslim (2258)] [ \ o 1 ^ c^ora Mo-v :^l] ,«l^_i

If. ir-'ji ^~*^ '
£}>** J U

1507. It was narrated from 'Umar

bin Sa'd bin Malik, from Sa'd, that
^^ .^ ;£^ _ u , v

the Messenger of Allah (^te) said: "If J>. ^ J> 'y^-

^S& ji. UJLi
the belly of one of you were to be .
V* 'm i

' -
with pus that corrodes it, that
filled -

would be better than filling [his ^y_ JJ- IAj ^jl^-I Jiji- ^iii: 6^»
mind] with poetry." _'
Comments: [A SaheeJiHadeeth its
^°^ : ^Ij]
-"lyv Lr^
, . •

jl /rf

see the previous ._. «_*^ ^^^ *^

is /rasan, .
A \^\ II* '

°^ "^^ "

1508. It was narrated from Sa'd, i- i ,:;* - .

'. - >.>*,:. , : i», . ,

from the Prophet (jfe), that he '

- ^
said concerning the plague: "If it If- '••^ J>) j* \Z>p^ j* <.;SlH» ji-
occurs in a land, do not enter

^^ ^y ^
it, , * '. -' - *n «

. „ ,

and you are in

if (that land), do
: 1

^ «S
not flee from it."
^ '
liij t \ijj-x ^i ^'^" ^3 jl ill*

Comments: [A Aa^/i]
[UM .^^ (j ^^

^ ^ ^- j *

^^ jje^ i^^ aVl-1 IJuj (YY\A) :

Urivr) :
^ .^^w ^a^ :?h>^

1 509. It was narrated that Ali bin

' £^ .
i^ - J^^ ^i^ _ , e (
said: I

heard Sa'eed bin
I said to Sa'd bin

-Vv ^~*^ JLi ojj

^ ^ ji- ^
. " , ,

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4= 63 -#> ^115 jl <jj JJuii t^l*^! ji -U .ka

Malik: You are a hot-tempered . . . , * -.- * ,* ,


man, but I want to ask you y- - - ; - ^

something. He said: What is it? I tiubj of jbjt LI} tsi*. iLi ouJj il!j

said: The hadeeth of 'Ali. He said: , , ., , „ ,


The Prophet (*g) said to 'Ali: "Does -& ^-^ :oi* :Jli '> U :JUi

it not please you to be to me as

tf t i^ "'
JU ^ ^Ij| l\ : JUi : Jli
Haroon was to Moosa?" He said: I '
„ ,",>„,*

am pleased, I am pleased. Then he <>? J-?J^* ^>*^ lt? ^^ ^'

said: Indeed, indeed. .',:*' > .

- > .- .'\r«e - >

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

1510. Bahz said: I heard Jabir bin

Samurah say: 'Umar said to Sa'd:
hj; £;U
^^ iUi IHSjl^-
- > > -

You are causing people to j&J •»3*-'

^ j^ u* ^j* ^ Lr*

complain about you in everything,

even your prayer. He said: As far
j\ j£\ .

^ £^ .^ ^^
as I am concerned, this is what I do: c-i*^. :JL* JL*

If. sM- :
_# <.j>p

I make the first two rak'ahs long

and I make the last two rak'ahs

* . t . ,
^ j^ ,„
: jj
. *
brief. I do my best to follow the ^^ J u -j^l J J^ '^ J* ^ :

example Messenger of Allah

of the
(5^) in my prayer. 'Umar said: That
,^^l ^ JiJbUj ^'_$' ^
', / " ,, ,_
^ ,

is what one would think of you -

^l ^3 s^> J* 9. ^-^ ^ ^ ^3 (

or: That is what 1 thought of you.

Comments: isnad safweh, al-

^ J^ •(
^^^ : ^i Jij .^

Bukhari (770) and Muslim


[\ooV ^ofcA tUH ijkil]

.(tor) if ,(vv-) :^.^^ .^l :^i>«"

1511. It was narrated that j^

" ^ ^L tfjii :^^ £& -^^*
"Abdullah bin ar-Ruqaim al-Kinani , % ,. - s

^ ^
t t

said: We went out to Madinah at the p*^ 1

j? •£* J* i
^ij^ <y.

time of the Battle of the Camel, and \ -. < -] j, ir» . r .

j , .i^j,

we met Sa'd bin Malik there, who .

/" „
said: The Messenger of Allah (^) :Jlii <,l# ^JJU ^ jJLi iLaii iJI^Jl
instructed us to shut the gates that * ^- « , ,.f

, » > ',


led from the houses into the mosque, ^ ^p ^ LiJI

V^ V -
J J ^
but to leave the gate of Ali (^)'
.$* {J& ^> K> $% t i
r .'
:i I

Comments: isnad is da'eef

[Its ,

because Abdullah bin Ar-Ruqaim ^ ^^ l <*-&?*-6 *

, {Hr™
is unknown] -v <-ii^j *iL v-i ^ ^iJlJ-pj ^^J 1
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas* 64 ^ob^J^'l* 4** (jb^l^iJLiLi

1512. It was narrated from Sa'd bin ;~

AbiWaqqas, from the Messenger of **f-J "

^' C^ :
*,* - ,-;« ,
ba" " UU
, „

Allah (&$), that he said: "He is not ^1 ^ Jjl iU ^jli : Ij i&U :^\
one of us who does not recite the
Qur'aninanicevoice." ^

^^ -
* ...,',*
'4^' r
s >

Comments: [Sfl/iee/r because of i* ^^3 ^ o? ^ j* '^W ^1
corroborating evidence and
its .:.*.*
t* ^ ^ ^ -^ *
, ,- ' -.- ,a .,...

#S *W

[\m :^|J .(.ji^Jt

.^jyu 1/ .4^ ^l j, 4JLlp l.-L^ ii^.^1 ijaj , Bjjj ^^ :g^»j
1513. It was narrated from Sa d ^Joi- rod £'jJ-\ :£\ZJ- Gili -^<Mr
bin Abi Waqqas that he said: The
Messenger of Allah (jg) forbade a ^ J{ ^ i* t
V^ L
j* J^
man to knock at his family's door ;f -r
^ f,
-. ,
' ? ',,: '?f ,i-

after /s/ia prayer. -

Comments: because of
.*LlJl j^Li i^ *lii J^Jl J^L
corroborating evidence and its •
, . jt^l li* J 0rjj
isnflJ is rffl'ee/ beccause it is ° C=>w! £•>*" '

interrupted] -'-^ -^ ^ ^^ o*

1514. Sa'eed bin al-Musayyab

narrated that he heard Sa'd bin Abi
J^ : ^j L'-^f
£ i^. Gjj^ - \ o u
; t

Waqqas say: 'Uthman bin Maz'oon 0; -^ l^ 1


'"•f^ y. 1
j* J^
wanted to be celibate, but the j- j - :•/ - ,
Messenger of Allah (g$) told him
not to. If he had allowed him to do
«l£i <
f; ^ Oy^>
^ ^
jl jUiX
: Jli
that, we
selves castrated.

would have gotten our-

[Its isnact is sahech, (al-

^ ;.,:

[Uaa tUrs :^|] .£LiiW

^ **§

* .

Bukhari (5073) and Muslim


^ 0,v l"> x -£^w> oj^] :^>J

1 5 1 5. It was narrated that Sa'd bin

Abi Waqqas said: The Messenger of
U tiU :
^j ^ G&. I
- U \

' , -"
r s

Allah (jg) was asked about selling ^P^ 1

Jr ^iji j? ^1 iU ^jS- :^j\
./ ."-,/
fresh dates for dried dates.
"Doesn't the fresh date shrink
He said:
^ ^

^ ^ V-
., M e-

^ °^ ^'

when it becomes dry?" They said: ^ ^ jil Jj^j Jxi Jli ^lij


Yes it does. And he disapproved of ',



^ -f
j,B :JUi
V^ ^^' 't^
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .£, 65 .*. fjaXk^ fj\ l>J jJlu (jliw! jl jLult*

Comments: [Its isnad is fjauii]

1516. Itwas narrated from 'Amir i^U -\o\\

^ juJU uiJU \

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that his

father said: We came with the
Messenger of Allah (#3) and
passed by the mosque of Banu
Mu'awiyah. He went in and
prayed two rak'ahs, and we prayed
with him, then he conversed with
his Lord, may He be glorified and :
J^-3 y. J,] cJb» :JU t^jL
exalted, for a long time. He said: "I
asked my Lord for three things: I
asked Him not to let my ummah be
destroyed by drowning, and He
granted me that; I asked Him not to
let my ummah be destroyed by
[\ovi :>:!]
famine, and He granted me that;
and I asked Him not to let
their .(TA^<) :ji.7t^-wj> toL—1 : ptjjpij
enmity be amongst themselves, but
He withheld that from me."
Comments: [Its isnnd is snheeh, Muslim (2890)]

1517. It was narrated that 'Umar

bin Sa'd said:
from Abu Sa'd;
I needed something
and Abu Hayyan
* '' * ' 1 W *i
' »* - - • -

told us that Mujammi' said: 'Umar

bin Sa'd needed something from me.
So he said something before stating y\ iL'ii- j :Jli ._JLi ^i ^J i^U-
his need to me, that was similar to
what people say before stating their
j^ t>! j+Q .j^ -l)i* /***»* ^ <->£=-

needs, but it was something with

which he was not familiar. When he

finished, he said: O my son, have
you finished speaking? He said: Yes.
He said: You have never been less
likely to get what you need and I U :Jli t jUJ :Jli ?JJU^ ^ cJy
have never been less interested in
you since I heard these words of

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .£> 66 *& j* tl^ ,ji ^j '-r» (jbtit jj jQ^j»

yours. heard the Messenger of

I -,-,->. '.,

Allah say: "There will be

, ,
lLu ^^ c-^ ^ 4

people who will earn a living by

means of their tongues as cattle eat
j^fc ^ i^i> :
j^ ^ j^- Jj,

from the ground." -V^ ^

^' ^
, , f

^ r^


Comments: [Hasa?: because of [^MV :^l]

corroborating evidence]

y. j^i ^^^' *— lt '

^ l
^^ l-* "' ^j'^
,, 1
^^ ,yj '°^ >-*- -Qij*"

15 18.
It was narrated
The people of
that jabir
^ .
^ ^j ^
complained to 'Umar about Sa'd and : JU s^li ^ yli ji- «, ^lli ^ 4WDI jlp
said: He does not pray properly. 7 * - '
/,> -.' m, I? .;
1. .r *..f
J«- '^» Jj '»- ?/3l J.I Ifti
'Umar asked him and he said: I lead \ '

them in prayer as the Messenger of ^1 : JUi t^li iJLJ : J J .JLa^ ^-^

Allah (*£) prayed; I make it long in \\. - =^

the first two (rak'ahs) and I make it ^ ^ ^^ f

« ,

V>- J ^" e
r* *>*'

brief in the last two.

He said: That
thought you would do, O
^ : jy .^^V)
j JiJifj jtfj^'
is I ;' '

Abu Ishaq. ^°^ :

'^^i L -

Comments: [Its isnarf is saheeh, al-

Bukhaari (755) and Muslim

1519. Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas

narrated: The Messenger of Allah
y^ ^ -j,^,
^ £^ _^ eM
OS?) said: '"Killing a believer is &-*»
, o

^^ 3** 0* ni^-J ^

fcu/r (disbelief) and reviling him is f,, ', > -
v .
M; ,£- j > < > * ,

evildomg. It is not permissible for - -

; ^
a Muslim
more than
to shun his brother for Tj -.<j_?^J ^^j y" p-!--^ 1
J^f" :
three days." ,„* ,f - -.',-* ,/. >e , >, *

Comments: [Its j'stto/i is hasan, and ^ "

the lladeeth is Saheeft] [^»A^ t \orv :>JI]

1520. was narrated from 'Amir


bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that his


L ^
1 :

^ b^

WY *

father said: The Messenger of Allah ^1 ^ jJL- ^° ^.Lt ^p i^y*>Jl ji-

said: "One of those who "',,'" */,-'- ."'

^ ^' J ^
(3fe) - - * '«.

commit the greatest offence against : jLi :Jli ^' ^ 'o^J

the Muslims is a man who asks t u;* ' -.
Ai $\ j r i
;^ )| -£j ! ^
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^67 4* <jd&3 ji <ji 4*« ^bfcij jl .Vu'u *

about something and persists in -,,-'-

asking about it until a prohibition

J /'

s ,

^ ^ ^ ^ Ju
,., ,*~,
J *^3

revealed concerning because of


his asking."
it .^jLi J^-l
j* L^i;
iuj ^

Comments: [Its isnfld is sflfeeeh, al-Bukhari (7289) and Muslim (2358)]

1521- It was narrated from ,y^ &j_ ;Jl^J| x* &j£. -\oy\

'Umar bin Sa'd or someone else
, . '
4 %
f t

that Sa'd bin Malik said: I heard ^ '$Js $ Ji s* If "i^ J*

the Messenger of Allah ($$) say:
"Whoever humiliates Quraish,
^ ^
j^ ,.
: ju ,JGU v 1U-
" '

, ,

# j

Allah (may He be glorified and -"Jfj > ^' ^."J Jf. If * 1 :

exalted) will humiliate him," wv in
1 tvr
« •

, a^-IjJ
Comments: [Its isnad is /tasan]

jt-l :

1522. was narrated from 'Amir

It t^lJU U^-I :6\y^ alp U£U- -\aYY
bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that his
father said: The Prophet (^) gave
to some men and he did not give

0* ^ U ^ [ , .





anything to one man among them.

^ ^, J^f .j^
L ^,jj

, ,

Sa'd said:O Prophet of Allah, you ^^ '^ p4^ ^rj ^J ^^-j

gave to So and so, and So and so,
but you did not give So and so
t ^^ ^> '
^ ' ,


^ ,

anything, and he is a believer. The ^\ JlSi .^^ ^ij 1 £i U^ .Ui; ^Jj

Prophet (j8$) said: "Or a Muslim/' ; *., .--.-I = - j,.» .* -
until Sa'd repeated it three times, ^^ r^ J ^
and the Prophet (&$) said: "or a ^ijl J 15 li i«llli jl* :Jji; #r; ^Ijlj

Muslim." Then the Prophet (#s) ;\; ,,*' .*" V " .,"

said: "I give to some men and leave 4^ > >^^J
, ,

' *^J 1 ,>!" :

someone who is dearer to me than
them, so I do not give him
\f£ l\ y^
^ *
^f ^1
, -
1 1^

anything, for fear that they may be h ° V* ^l] X^Jrj J* ; jllll

thrown on their faces in Hell."
.(W-) : 4 <yv) i^.j^w. *it-l :^>«;

Comments: [Its z'snni/ is saheeh, al-Bukhari (27( and Muslim (150)]

1523. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that his
^ y£,
\&j_ :J|]^i & Gia^- -^oYr
, , ,
J #

father said: The Messenger of Allah ^^ irf' if v

-^ Cs. j?^ b* ^J*J ]
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 68 & jja\kj jl ^ jlL^ (jb*i«! jl JJ

(^) enjoined the killing of geckos

and he called them vermin." oL
"- J

J=* ^ ^ ?

^_ ,.


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, . LLJ^i

Muslim (2238)]

1524. was narrated from 'Amir


bin Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas that his

^ — £^
A^ ^1^ -^Yi

.. ,

father said: I was with the '^ J 3 J} o! j? _r?^ ^ '^y^ 1

Messenger of Allah (^) during the

Farewell Pilgrimage, and I fell sick "

^ '
,. ^ .^ J
. ,

. ( ,

and almost died. The Messenger of u^ ^r4-- 1

^y 1
^w*^» 'jj^ 1
Allah (s&) visited me and
Messenger of Allah, I have a great
I said: O ^ .
^ Jj, j /-
su; o ^,
deal of wealth, and no one will ^1

<j^*ji 0-^-J

'x^ ^^ e

*->! ;

^' J>-3

inherit from me except a daughter

of mine. Can I bequeath two thirds
(( ^„ .j^ v ,
u ^ ft
, t.,

my ^ -^ , ^ .,
\ "
/ "

J^ >1 H*
. .,

^ _^ ^
of wealth (to charity)? He said: " *J <i ? :


One half?
One third

^ ? ,
/( fz
wealth? He said: "One third, and a ^ Jt ^ "Jf~
;l ^' *^jj ^
\ .


*^ ,

third is a lot. O Sa'd, if you leave >i '•' r *i-i - i

u • '
v-- =ii - * '--:
your heirs independent of means, t a 3
" _
^>r' ^ l* (jii ^^ j£
that is better for you than if you
leave them poor and asking from
people. O Sa'd,
spend anything, seeking thereby
you will never
^^, j j


-' -'

ijj| Ji
t ^
• « f-U' ^ : :

the Countenance of Allah, may He

be exalted, but you will be
^ , .
t &£ U

: ju ? .U-if

rewarded for it, even the morsel ti*i Jj "^'i* <i

^'^j\ N| tJil i>-j <l.

that you put in your wife's <=*.-'

,'i' f
m 'in -'f- i- 'A - In-i-
mouth. I said: O Messenger of ; *-
•? S »fl
Allah, will I be left behind by my 'f-J-'S^ i^^^-'V o^ j^ *0i^ ^ 1 1

companions? He said: "You will " jj^ *

-ni d *
liif j^, •
never be left behind by them and
do a good deed, seeking thereby

•J^ •Sis
' 8
^ ^T ^^ „
s= - '^ 5^' Jj-^j *J
i^j «iJ}^
the Countenance of Allah, but it
hi AY

will increase you in status. Perhaps -

you will stay behind so that Allah : l(si) :^ .«_^_^ eJ L^l '-^i/^
may some people through
benefit .Oiya)
you and harm others. O Allah,
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 69 4fi> (J*»l3j (jl t>J JLXii jbfcil Jt 1 jJi •

complete the migration (hijrah) of

my Companions and do not cause

them to turn back on their heels.
But Sa'd bin Khawlah is the one
who is truly unfortunate." The
Messenger of Allah ($£) felt sorry
for him, and he died in Makkah.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (56) and Muslim (1628)]

1525. was narrated that Sa'd bin


Abi Waqqas said: The Messenger of

Allah (gg) refused to let 'Uthman be
celibate. If he had allowed him, we
would have gotten castrated.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5073) and Muslim
.<U V) :^*(o>vt) : £ .^w? «iU„-j '.gij*^

1526. It was narrated from Dawood

bin "Amir bin Sa'd bin Malik, from
his father, that his grandfather said:
The Messenger of Allah (^) said:
"There was no Prophet who did
not describe the Dajjal to his ummah,
but I will describe him in a way that
^ jj £(• :
jgg Jjl J^3 Jli

no one before me described him: He

is one- eyed and Allah, may He be

glorified and exalted, is not one-

eyed." [UVA ^fl.l^l^'^J*
Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence]

1527. It was narrated from :Nli 0ll*3 U /ill Jt!£ &£. ->oYV
Yahya bin Sa'd, from Sa'd, that
mention of the plague was made />) ii^^p liJL>- :jll>-
^ jLi-' ^-^
in the presence of the Messenger
<j* _ J?*^ -ill* JU _ JJU- j| <\VV
of Allah (£$) and he said: "It is a
punishment that befell those who
came before you. If it is present in
a land, do not enter it, and if you
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas •& 70 -& t^lij yfi i>j JLAu (jlflfci)) ^1 .ilk*

are in a land where it is, do not


Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; it is *>b « L^j ya_j 1,1-9 j l; ftXS Vi\j i L*jJl>-Jl;

repeated (1491)]

.(U u) :^ i.(Vivr) :
^ .^j^wa ^.i*. .ptj>£

1528. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin
Ma'mar said: 'Amir bin Sa'd told j*** y- o**-^ 1
^ i>!
*w £* o* &>*
'Umar bin 'Abdul-'Azeez, when he
was governor of Madinah, that
Sa'd said: The Messenger of Allah IjJL. jl : o^uJI L
js- 'jjA y>j y>jAi\

(&,) said: "Whoever eats seven

'ajwaJi dates from between the two CT $ I?* W$ ^ Jj^S Jli :J^

lava fields of Madinah in the

morning, nothing will harm him * - * ', j|[- *- .- »* \ - ' > . >

that day until evening comes."

Fulaih said: I think he said: "And if 01j» : Jli jj ctij :i^li JL# ti^^JJ
he eats them in the evening,
nothing will harm him until
morning comes." 'Umar said: O
^^ *^ 1
p- '^j-** o^r Hi£[
U ^L*jl t_^Lp Ij :^Ip JUi :JU ."t^JJ
'Amir! Watch what you are
narrating from the Messenger of /jaM. JUi t^ <JJ1 J^3 0* ^^A;
Allah (ag). 'Amir said: By Allah, I

did not tell a lie about Sa'd, and

Sa'd did not tell a lie about the [UiY :^1J .5^ JUI J^3 J£
Messenger of Allah (ife).
1.(0 1 to) : ? -Fy*-" ^ri-1^ :
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; it is

repeated (1442)] .(Wv) :(


1529. It was narrated from

'Umar bin from his father,
that he said: His son'Amir came
to him and he said: O my son, do
you want me to be a leading
figure in the turmoil? No, by ji^it ^iill ^l i^| lJi :jui ^Lp Si
Allah, not unless I am given a
sword which, wanted to strike
if I
'••-.: i< '•- ,-t 1* , > ^ ^ '. :.
a believer with it would refuse

to strike him, but if I wanted to

strike a disbeliever with it, it
MusnadSa'dbin Abi Waqqas 4i* 71 ^y^lij jt^ JuLijlswilji JLuLJi

kill heard the
of Allah
(£) say:
"Allah, may He be glorified and
_ ,.





:*^-lj] ."^ill
= «
j 1"

exalted, loves the one who is

independent of means, reclusive v ^N,lj i^r"*-^ ^-^ '&/**
and pious," t ju_- ^ ^u y> i^ili ^jj ^JJU i^Ji

Comments: [A sa/ift?/* liadeeth] y. Ll^ o^ 01 »yt -u- Jl *U- jjlJIj

jj, £j» ^j\j~oi\ iJ\-C- »JUj JJj iJji^ ,v jr »*

1530. It was narrated that Sa'd yLL* CJjU- :j£* ^* -uAi &-i>- -\*r*
Waqqas said: On the day of
bin Abi
Uhud, I saw on the right of the *}


^ & ^ & ^A**^ &

, , , %

Messenger of Allah (^) and on his ^ &\ J^; ^ ^ Jjjj : ju ^Jj

two men in white garments, I
left, *„»„','„ .'-
, . > t ^ — •

have never seen them before or V^ S^* 0=^-> '-H f£ ^^ ^>

since -
n*v\ ^iji.^^cjj^f^j^
Comments: [Its iswid is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5826) and Muslim :

*Coati) :£ .^^ .jU :£»>«*
(2306)] .(rr.-y)

1531. It was narrated from 'Umar IjL; GSjU :>»*»- y, i^» £&> -^°^
bin Sa'd, from his father Sa'd, from ,,
„ • „ - r

^ /
, , ,

, , „

the Prophet (j&), that he said: "I am ^ >* ^ 'J 1 1

' <J^i t

amazed at [the situation of] the

Muslim: if some- thing good befalls
: JU ill
#| '
^ '
t jJ^ J\ j£ .jJ^

him, he praises his Lord and gives ^ -h^ l

-4^ ^^ ] -

thanks, and if calamity strikes him,

- ' '
| t L^ o'Lii lil' t'iL;'«
he praises his Lord and bears it t
with patience. The believer will be -uiJJl ^j ^^ >-%^ JS" ^ ./r}; (4-^ 1

rewarded for everything, even the r*<A*/ . . i „ i,

<-' -r -
morsel he lifts to his mouth.

Comments: [Its isnad is Jiasan] -Jr-^ a:i

M :
^iv *" 1

1532. Ibn al-Musayyab told us:

^ ^ u^f ijljpl x^ £&- -ion
A son of Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas
narrated (a hadeeth) from his ^ __

: ^ u ^^-^
, , , ,'



4^3 "^
„ -, „-

father, so I entered upon Sa'd and

^ ^^ -, ;<- ^J, f
• .

said: I was told something from ,./,'.*,
* '

'^ ^ d^Ii :JU


you, about when the Messenger ^ a^i l^j^-

of Allah (g&) left 'Ali in charge of '.;!-., - :•- "i* > -r.
- * ;;-

Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas^ 72 .^

u^ *} j' &} }'— &*•
1 '-\ j' '* :

Madinah. He got angry and said:

- - „• - « *

- .,

Who told you that? I did not

:Jb ^^ Jl
%& ^\
want to tell him that his son had -,1
c-ij& ?<u ^jj. :Jlii ,/a^
told it to me, lest he get angry „ ,
s ,-/,,.,
; . ;//,; s ^
with him. Then he said: When the ; Jli
r '^* C-A^i 4_^ &| 01 °>M
Messenger of Allah (gg) set out on
the campaign of Tabook, he
^^ -^ ^ C-^ -

m Jj,
, /

Madinah and
'Ali in
charge of
said: O
li :
^ J^is

t^-^ 1

»jr^ &* i-ili^l

n, 'i > -

Messenger of Allah, I do not like

^ r
' ^/
you to go anywhere but I am with JU hjtz jl : Jlii tilii llij

you. He said: "Does it not please J - »«.:„,, :,-.:..

you to be to me as Haroon was to &

^ <jI
^ '^>*

0* °-> jLft
Moosa? Except that there will be no [ \ £ <\ .
: ] j^jZ \

Prophet after me."

C *C^ "^
XY <rv "°
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
* l) :

' ' : :
bin Sa'd said:
It was narrated
heard my father
that 'Amir £^ .^ ^ ^^
^ _^ rr

,* ,. a
say: 1 never heard the Prophet (#c) y) &jS- :_ y\ ^C _ syc>
say of any walking, living person f i - 'n-',*- *
i- • - *.
that he will be in Paradise except / - ' -

'Abdullah bin Salam. ^ J^l; ^ ^Jl JJL^ li :J^


isnad is s<rfi«/i,

and Muslim
; «Jl!l juJ
" '
i £l»

(2483)] [Uor :^.\J\ .^

1534. was narrated that 'Amir


bin Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas said: I

heard Sa'd and some of the
Companions of the Messenger of
Allah @g) say: There were two
men, who were brothers, at the
time of the Messenger of Allah ^ f„ ,
,' , ... ..... . .,

(*£), one of whom was better ' - ^ * >

than the other. The one who was Jj-^3 -H* Jt o\y-\ J^U-j Otf '
the better of the two died; the
^ ",
^^ ^J ^ ^' ,,' s - , *

other outlived him for forty days, ^' <* lH 1


then he died too. The superiority v^i ^i l5 t Ll^uif 'y, ^jji ^_^i
of theone who died first over the ^
other was mentioned to the 4*"'A 'A&

^ , s >

^ ^ ^'J ,„ l'. t~>*„ t


Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas^ 73 ^^lij^l^-iii^Uii! jl^Lki

Messenger of Allah fcgj), and he
said: "Did he (the other one) not

* ^' > -

^^^^ ,*•

pray?" They said: Yes, O Messenger J^ u

Jj : i^Jlii ^ «?JLiJ Jf*
was nothing wrong
of Allah; there
with him. He said: "You do not r^-
. > .,
b "

:JUi '*

> ^^ *"
- - -,- *

know where his prayer took him." -^ jj^ j^ jj «?£%> <o ^JJl bU
Then he said: "The likeness of the '
" , „_',./
^ ,*

5^J> J^
prayer is that of a river flowing by ^. ^ J^ ^i M

the door of a man, deep and fresh, , . •: .* \i > ;i- ; •: .'-

and he immerses himself in it five \ '"
} \ _

times every day. Do you think any - u

*ij^ 1st ^^ ^rt ^jy ^ ^ '•^s*
dirt would be left on him?"

Comments: [Its zsnad is qawi]

1535. It was narrated from &\£ \£& kxl : && : *& &j*- - \ »Y
bin Sa'd bin Abi ,
s ^ t
, . ,

Waqqas, from his father, that the i>J i>! ^*- 0? -^^ S* 4
0? ur'y. 0*
Messenger of Allah (sfc) said: "For ^ ^ ^ j^ ^ J{ ^ ^3 .


the belly of one of you to be filled ,,'%>'

^ ^ ^

with pus and blood is better for 01 j? L*^ <d Usj U*4* (*-^-="~* *-*^
him than filling [his mind] with
Ho-i ^g.r^^iiL;

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, .(YYoA) :^ .£~>w ail— 1 '-{Hj***

Muslim (2258)]

1536. Habeeb bin Abi Thabit ; Zkl £?jU- (WA/\) :^ llili- ~^Y"i
said:I came to Madinah and we , , , , t , ^ ti
heard that the plague had broken °^ m

U c/-'


^T ^^ l

out in Koofah. I said: Who ,'^pl ft j^lLjt jl &£ .ojuJi

narrated this hadeeth? It was said: \ ,.,.,,
'Amir bin Sa'd. And it was said: :,)=*

^.^ ^ Jj>: ,y


*-^ : ^
He was not there. Then I met
Ibraheem bin Sa'd and he told me ^
- ,-.,

j^£ " '
^^ '
rJlijii^U " "*" "

thathe heard Usamah bin Zaid tell J^j ^ ii^-l g-" ^ ^-^ t -^-' Iri

Sa'd that the Messenger of Allah , = , .c. -,.: ,,- * -. ,,*?,'., * " ->
Jr^ v
(^) said: If the plague breaks out CJ & -

in a land, do not enter it, and if it liifj li} tijj <.U^J: ^ ^'/^ O^liaJl
breaks out in a land where you
are, do not leave it." I said: Did ^ '^,.,-«-
, ./
- .


^^•/ ^ /,
you hear it from Usamah? He said: [\t<K\ «* j] lii J li ^^.U-l £ 1-*-
^ ^
- '

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4* 74 *, i^iij <^i (^j jla4« ^bu* ^i jiiiitj*

Comments: [Its rsnarf is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3473) and Muslim
(2218)] .CtTU)

153 7. It was narrated from

^r* tfjU :>^ i: £U tfjU -\otv
Muhammad bin Sa'd bin Malik,
from his father, that the Prophet J. t JU^t ^1 ^ XJ) 'J- Lr>A y)
(%) said: "Fighting a Muslim is

kufr (disbelief) and reviling him is

fisq (evildoing)."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

[\oM l^j]

.njtjs jL^i :
1538. It was narrated from
Mus'ab bin Sa'd that Sa'd bin
Malik said: O Messenger of Allah, I

feel joy because Allah enabled me U :Jtf Ji» dJi; Ji jj^ '^
^jJL; ^1
to wreak vengeance on the
mushrikeen; grant me this sword.
He said: "This sword not for you

and it is not for me; leave it alone."

I down, then I came back
put it

Perhaps this sword will

:Jl» »W J 1
Vj iiJ ^ .V s
M tli

be given today to someone who

did not do as well as me. Then I
heard a man calling me from
behind and I said: Has something :cJ5 :Jl» t ^l3j ^ ^1; j^-3 ii]

been revealed concerning me? He

said; You asked me about the
sword, and it was not mine. But
now it has been granted to me, and
it is yours." And he said: This verse
jy£j^ :£Vl oii cJyl} :Jli «iu ^Ji

was revealed (interpretation of the JLiiVl) ^Jj^lfj jkVi

meaning): They ask you (O
: <i
^ JliVi ^
Muhammad (0)) about the spoils
How :^l] .O
of war, say: Thespoils are for Allah
and the Messenger" [al-Anfal 8:1].

Comments: [Its isnad is hctsan]

1539. was narrated that Sa'd


bin Abi Waqqas said: When the

Messenger of Allah (^) came to ^Jj^ :
o; Ja>*j ^1 ^liS" ^ OjJjJI
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4* 75 & ^lii J J* J** (JUil J ^ii
Madinah, (the tribe of) Juhainah ... ^ _ ^ • ., , „
u- = ; u V;
came to him and said: You have ^^ ^ '%'*.'
settledamongst us; write it in a '

J^-^ Jup- jJ^ JVj _ gf.^1 £*^ J ]

document for us so that we may „; s r * ,, s „ ,.,/.> „

come to you and you may grant ^ * -^^ ^

"^ -L ^~J -^
safety for us. So he wrote a
J jJL. ^ i^ J jLj ^ .jJUJJl
document for them and they '
tf , .
V - - •-, ;

^ ^1 4*^3 ^ :J^ o^j ^

became Muslims. The Messenger f-**

of Allah (£g) sent us on an

expedition in Rajab, and we were
^^ #

c. ,
^, ,

less than one hundred men. He • £?>j >^£L <>>- & Jij^ ^j*^ 1
ordered us to raid a clan of Banu > ,, r ^-r -.- *\A-. . >; -_;.(:

Kinanah who lived beside t

Juhainah, so we attacked them and L^tj tSiU d_^& Nj iy>; ^ ^ jlM

they were great in number. We -"„__».*

sought refuge with Juhainah and T^
- ,,

^ '
- ^^
, , ^

they give us protection, but they &$ tl^JS \J\S} >
gfr U^ti*^r-
said: Why you fighting in the
sacred month? He said: We are J ^»" ^ U J tU -^
, , ,
, , '',*,'".>
^ J|
only fighting those
us from the sacred land in the
who expelled -
^£\ ^£ ^, q£ ? .^J


^ (

sacred month. And we said to one JLsi ^I^JI J4^


oJ f
^ 1
•^ 1

another: What do you think? Some <: .

a - -,,-v p t . ,;
. . .-, , : \ >-
U Ujy
of us said; We will go to the ^
• '
s \

Prophet of Allah (#*) and tell him. j: A :^i JU} t!^ili *1JI
And some people said: No; rather * , ?;_ r >,- * .:

t , :f . :
,j LI cJ^j L-*U -_^
we •ii j.
will stay here.
l t
j some
t j :

s^ y-LI,*-*

people who were with me said: No; ^j vliiUvi - i jlu^i ^J^i ^p ^L j:

rather we will go to the caravan of ,..*,.,,_'
Quraish and intercept it. So we set
out to capture the caravan. The

^ ^b H ^^^^ ^^J k
£u^l jiUr, tj _Jl Jl liiiiJli .iJ >4i
way the booty was given at that / ^ ^ /^ ,

time was that whoever took jL^i* ^Ui (.^r^' "Jjt^^ 4

^ ^T 51

something, it was his. So we went = .

;«-'i„ . 'i,:r . ,t, *->
towards the caravan, and our -
, } % ,

companions went to the Prophet jlS

^iiUl U:^ ?^/^ ^%J ^*^"
(ig) and told him what had - f,, .'r, s;,.y
Jj-j( J^j
happened. He got up angrily, and '- • •
J C^^ ^^ ^ v^~ '

his face turned red and he said: «

iLiJlj fj^\ J& Jli^' »^j^>v
"You went away from me together
and came back separately? Those ^xJi\ jJJr- 'Ji
JLi lld^ ^Li
who came before you were .fSLi^l J> 'J>\ ^ Jjl b&
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 76 4< j_^»tij (jl ,jj jJlu 31*ui! fji JlIuij*

destroyed because of division. I

shall certainly send as the
commander over you a man who is
not the best of you but he is the
most patient in bearing hunger and
thirst." And he sent to us as our
commander 'Abdullah bin Jahsh
al-Asadi, and he was the first
commander appointed in Islam.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]

1540. It was narrated that Nafi' xs- je- tiJilj ji <.j^J- ilia*. -\oi«
bin 'Utbah bin Abi Waqqas said:
The Messenger of Allah (jfe) said:
: sjjlj &jj- : ju.^I xSj J^J, J, V;JIIJ|

"You will fight in Arabia and

Allah will grant you victory over
it, then you will fight Persia and

Allah will grant you victory over

it, then you will fight Byzantium

and Allah will grant you victory o^Lii' p k ;j3 ill i i^uy i^-^Ji
over it. Then you will fight the
Dajjal and Allah will grant you
victory over him." Jabir said: The
Dajjal will not emerge until the
Byzantines are conquered.


isnnd is saheeh, .fjjjl ^ J^ JI^IJI £^ N :^U
[loM :jLt]

-i*-X— JA ^-J 'JteiL. •j*

1541. It was narrated from Nafi'

bin 'Utbah bin Abi Waqqas that he
heard the Prophet (%$) say: "You
will fight in Arabia and Allah will
grant you victory over it, then you
will fight Persia and Allah will tj*iJ <UJl t^Uj i <_/)*" *SiJ^" Jj Jr*J
grant you victory over it, then you
will fight Byzantium and Allah "jj^'j «-^-SJ -UJI L^iij i^-jli
will grant you victory over it. Then *Jl4-JLll Jjjii^ iJUl l+»^y
<-fe ifj^JI
you will fight the Dajjal and Allah
will grant you victory over him/'
^ .

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 77 .*, ^ya^i dt) Cw 4*^ i^! ji oilJ

[Its isnad is sflfcce/i,
t (TV*) > ~^
*^^ o^h-J
.4-lC- jj ^jU x— j*

1542. was narrated from Sa'd

f Jj^ :ju ^j^ ^-^ -\olY
bin AbiWaqqas that some people . ,

^>*- ^ -W^ ]/• ^±~

s > ^ t s ^

who owned farmland at the time of ji t^ 1

the Messenger of Allah (fe) used to
rent out their farmland in return for
^ LJ ^ ^^t o^
•-,.-. t

s £

what grew on the edges of streams o 1 :

^J *>: ^*~" 0^ »-^
rr1^ 1

and whatever grew by means of

water around the wells. They came
^^ '
^^ '
" .

- >-
^j, ^j
to the Messenger of Allah (jg.) and (J
JL£ j_j5^ Uj ^jl>» *->j^ L"^
disputed concerning some of that,
so the Messenger of Allah (*&)
forbade them to rent out the land
^^ ^
^ J^

• - '



^ /'


like that and he said: "Rent it out

for gold and silver." Jj-^-j J-*l£i iiiJi ^^' J» Ij^-i^-Li

Comments: [Saheeh because of :Jl»j tiiji 1^ M (W*/U 3& Jjl

corroborating evidence and its s » , - , . t

isnad is da'eefi
^ oM -^ -"J^'j ^ JL ;

1543. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd that his father Sa'd said: I
au^i ^ 5j£ J _^

^ -

heard the Messenger of Allah (3^) ^-^ J^j ^ ^' &-U- :

1 :
say: "If
one of you spits in the
let him bury his sputum
J''"','>^ ^ _"^j ,., .
j,, &
lest it get onto the skin or garment «, -&* 5-1 i 'j* aJj^- xL^ ^* ^U j* <.j^
of a believer and annoy him/' ^ *--,:, \ >. -.-. f,. -. , - ' ,,-

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan] ,

„" '
, . , ,

Jl 4^.bxj . JUL) tjL>w_*Jl ^ *5a^-l

1544. It was narrated that Zaid

Abu Ayyash said: Sa'd was asked _

about selling wheat for thin- ^ £j l/- *••>»£ oi ^ •£* J* ^^

husked barley. He disliked it and Ti„ ,-..1, - * • - '1.'
°^ V -i*'
said: I heard the Prophet (^) ' -
' " - * '
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas <fr 78 &> o»li$ (jl ^ Jjbu ^bfcij jj '''*!-

being asked about selling fresh

dates for dried dates and he said:
"Does it shrink when it is dried?"
They said: Yes. He said: "Then
no." [\oio :^lj].«ll}^» :Jli t |Uj :l^li

Comments: [Its isnad is qawi]

1545. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd, from his father, who
attributed it to the Prophet (#):
"The Muslim who causes the
greatest offence against the
Muslims is the one who asks about
something that was not forbidden,
then it became forbidden for the
[\or* :^r\j] jJbs jJr\ y>
people because of his asking," t(VYA^)
:'i ,*^>^> (iL_*l \^,^i
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .(Y1"3A)
Bukhari (7289) and Muslim

1546. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd, that his father said: I fell
-5" ' ' ' i >

sick in Makkah during the year of

the conquest and was so sick that
I almost died. The Messenger of
Jj- o. Jjjl\ iIjls U^ ^lii ^u
Allah (#k) came to visit me whilst
I was O Messenger of
sick. I said:
,M J_^
Allah, have a great deal of
i\'j£ Nli
J l\ u :ii;

wealth and no one will inherit

from me except my daughter. Can
I give two thirds of my wealth in

charity? - on one occasion Sufyan

said: Can I give all of my wealth
^V 1,
*& j!«;E : ^ b' *^ 1 :
in charity? He :iiS :JU «V» jli V^Lljli :^ii «v»
- said: "No." I said:

Can I give two thirds of my

wealth in charity? He said: "No."
I said: Half? He said: "No." I said:

One third? He said: "One

3U J^ ^ ^ j! t suif ii^3j il^;

and one third is a lot. leave If you

your heirs independent of means,

that is better than leaving them
dependent and asking of people. ^ ^JJL>-I tjjl J_^,j i; :^Ji .«Ji;|^|
Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas^ 79 <& ^ttj jl & >***" <3^M j' >>' 1 "' «

You will never spend anything

{on their maintenance) but you
be rewarded for it, even the

^ owjl
^ t ' »

*iUU :JU ^-JfJ**

will Nl l Jjl i^-j ^ 1J Slli jUii

morsel that you lift to your wife's ^ *'_-_ "
' '„ ,

mouth," I said: O Messenger of '(&


J^ ^^ , ,


- , , ,,

Allah, will I be left behind (in

Makkah) and lose the virtue of
^] «$;

dj £] ^ '
^ '^ ^
my migration (Hijrah)? He said: <j* '^y ^j 'ffc*** ^^^l
"If you are left behind after me ..... ..:,.-. >> >•* , ,,-i, A . ,;»f

but you do good deeds, seeking -

^ '


thereby the Countenance of Allah, [\ oYi :

^- l
J -^*j oU jl J
you will rise thereby in status.
Perhaps you will be left behind so :

c C^ M ^-^ °°

that some people may be ,{uta)

benefitted through you and others
may be harmed through you. O
Allah, complete the migration of
my Companions and do not cause
them to turn back on their heels.
The one who is truly unfortunate
is Sa'd bin Khawlah." He (the

Prophet ($£)) felt sorry for him

because he died in Makkah.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (6733) and Muslim (1628)]

1547. It was narrated from Sa'd

that the Prophet (a£) said to 'Ali:
y. &cs^ > ' >',1'"
Ji (JL-A^ Li jU-

"You are to me as Haroon was to

01 '^ 'a* '^ ^V'*^ lr* *f!j

Moosa." It was said to Sufyan:

"But there is no Prophet after
oft : ^UJ J« (
^ ,j4ji

me." [Sufyan] said: Yes. & v M >» :jdiJ JJ •^^ ^

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth] [ \t ^ - : *^ lj] .li : Jl* : Jl* -"^^v

It was narrated from
heard it from
.^ n
j l ^ ^
^ £^ _ WA
Jabir bin Samurah: The people of jij&Jl J»l L5Lt :;^ti ^° ^U- j^ *^>
Koofah complained to 'Umar , ,, ^ >*. . .ji£ ^-' j. i**-
about Sa'd and said: He does not ,
pray properly. He said: The L^ j\\ U JJlj l^^jLe-Yi' : <J^ '^J^

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas4fc 80 ^^llj J& JLi^b^lji" ji&i

Bedouin? By Allah, I strive hard

to make my prayer with them as
much like the prayer of the


^ r ,.

^ ^3


Messenger of Allah (#*) as I can.

j ^/Jl
JiJL^T> t j ^l ^~,
In Zu/?r and 'Asr I make the first
I^ ^-^ ^j^ 1
, ,,
^ ;

long and make „

two short. I heard Umar say:

I the r


j _^, '
tf c
^ -

That is what I thought of you, O .(tor) :- t (voo) ;i .-^, b3 l_j -~,*;

Abu C e "
Ishaq. '

Comments: [Its isnad is sntee/i, al-Bukhari (755) and Muslim (453)]

1549. It was narrated from

jJJ> If.
6 llii ^ ju- -\«h
'Ubaidullah bin Abi Naheek, that
Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas said: The '4^ ^ ^ ?Ll J^ ^ &£ ^,1 j|l
Messenger of Allah (3^) said: "He
is not one of us who does not feel

that the Qur'an is sufficient."



^^ ^
-"; '









Comments: [Sahech because of

\\tv\ -£^j-I1 I

corroborating evidence and its

J5«fld is da'eef

Nahcck is
Ubaidullah bin
^ '**-> '^ Cr^ 3 '•


1550. It was narrated from Malik

bin Aws: I heard 'Umar say to
^ '.'-.-
j* * ^Jjl
'.', *
^ iuli
l^ - \ 00 >

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf, Talhah, u^^ ±Q ^' ^* ^-"^ :y)l

az-Zubair and Sa'd: I adjure you
by Allah, by Whose power

_^ -^
t ^^ t

r t > *
heaven and earth exist - on one :
v- J^j _ ^j^Mj ^U-Ul *, jjjl
occasion he said: by Whose leave
heaven and earth exist - do you
know that the Messenger of Allah
said: "We
[Prophets] are not

: I^JU

'1 *-

' ^' ; ff '-,-f

Li ti^
> J-






to be inherited from; what we Cm ^ ^P^ : l
',, s

leave behind charity"? They

c .^ -M j*,~
is ,-.
^r •
« 1 . . . ,

said: By Allah, yes.


-oJU* ^j jjju (Wov)

Comments: [Its isnad is srt/ire/i, al-Bukhari (3094) and Muslim (1757)]

1551, was
Itnarrated from Bakr
bin Qirwash, from Sa'd - it was
^;i ^Z
_ ; ^j| ^
jd^ £&- -^00

\ jit _ , ,

said to Sufyan: From the Prophet J? 'o* '

J^ 5
^^ j* _ o-^ 1
(Sfe)? And he said: Yes - that he ,?i. - ',r'>i "1 - .•- •' .,-.-
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 81 ^, ijaX^j ji &jjuii$\3*tyij\ Ju^Jt

"The devil of ar-Radhah

be knocked down (killed)
him" - meaning a man from
^_,. ( *

:JU - (^


. ,-




tribe of] Bajeelah.

Comments: [Its isnad is da'«/, Bakr ^^ && ^^ '^ £^ k :

bin Qirwash is unknown] J^ ^ l&j ^' ^LLiVlj J^*^>1 c

jsi i

1552. It was narrated that Abu i ^- G&- -N**¥

J, J^ ^-! 1

o^ 1

'Ayyash said: Sa'd was asked '

I *

about selling thin-husked barley

% .



^' ^ ^ '*=*'

yrf *>-

for (ordinary) barley or

like that and he said:
The Prophet *""
' -
- -
^ j^
, .
j^ ^^
* ~

(Ste) was asked about selling dried M oP' J^ :<-J^ il-i* »>? *,>- j'

dates for fresh dates and he said:

ti[ illa^Jl yliJ> :JU* »_hjj yJl Vpi-
"Does the fresh date shrink when (

it is dried?" They said: Yes. He .Hal "£» :JU t

JUl : IjJU «?c~l
said: "Then no."
[\Mo i^lj]
Comments: [Its isnad is t^wn]

1553. It was narrated that Abu ^jU- -\«or

J^ K
jL*l* Ufj^- •

'Uthman an-Nahdi said: 1 heard - - , 5 -"., .* '

f '

Sa'd say: My ears heard and my : Jli <s& {

oU^ ^' J >^ Vl ^
heart understood from Muhammad -— '
^( ^ ^
j J; |jj^ ^

t : ^ ;, ; o
g t

"Whoever claims
that to "
^ '

(jjfe) ,

belong to someone who is not his j^ J), l^-* 1

<>* ^i* '-^^ 'j*

father, knowing that he is not his .i~ &,].! f

>.-. >?\ >\*. ^>- \

father, Paradise will be forbidden " ^

'" _ ' " " ;

to met Abu Bakrah and told

him." I : J lis i£jbo i'^S <. \f\
U ; J la .*£ !_/*"

and he said: my ears also

to him, -

heard and my heart understood ^ ,,, , -*i

u*-» '^ U1

° A /" *
/ \
^~ • - '*-
L1 ^

from Muhammad (^fe). [ \ o * t : ^-lj] .^ jjUJ ^

Comments: [Its isnfld is saheeh, al- , . . '

nr> i({rr °
Bukhari (4326) and Muslim (63)]
''? :

t-&~"^ CV~ :

1554. It was narrated
bin al-Musayyab said: I
that Sa'eed
asked Sa'd
^\ .
", '
6j^ -\eol

bin Abi Waqqas about tiyarah and ^j-^ ^ 1 l

j£ ^ JM b* ^j^^ J*
he rebuked me and said: Who told
^JU. : ji; ^-l^Ji
J>. -h*^ c/> * j>-V a^

you about that? I did not like to tell

him who told me. He said: The ^j^^ ^S^ 1

0* l^^J i>' (1/
Jj ^ J
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas * 82 4fc (jalij jl <ji JULi (3ls*i| jt JLiii

Messenger of Allah (#5) said:

"There is no Wwa [contagion,
transmission of infectious disease
without the permission of Allah],
no tiynrah [superstitious belief in
bird omens] and no ham [refers to a tol^Ulj
Wj ijljJlj t^i^nJl
Jahili Arab tradition described
variously as: a worm which infests
the grave of a murder victim until
[ U t
\\ :
^\j] .«o \/J "£ 1 l* ^1 j
he avenged; an owl; or the bones

of a dead person turned into a bird t(rtvr) •.£ .jif 0L-1

:(. :gij*3
that could fly]. If there were any
(omen), it would be in a woman, a
horse or a house. And if you hear
of the plague in a land, do not go
there, and if it is in the land where
you are, do not flee from it."
Comments: [Its isnad is jayyid]

1555. It was narrated that

Mus'ab bin Sa'd said: Sa'd said: O
Messenger of Allah, which of the J r?^ 0* &'J-"^ f
1-^ ^^ '•-

people are most severely tested? He

said: "The Prophets, then the next
Jj^m J Li :
J li jX^m
J <^Zaj> /J- l a} j4->

best, then the next best. And a person

will be tested according to the
level of his religious commitment.
If his religious commitment is Cl^> o\S jU ijli oj jjj JU jlUJI

solid, he will be tested accordingly

- and on one occasion he said: his
jlil :S^ Jlij _ *J£ jjj JU ^£l ^.1)1

test will be more severe - and if

there is some weakness in his
^ ^' '^j ^ <_*i ^ ^!j - 'j"^

religiouscommitment, he will be _ 4^j i_^L>- jU : s^i Jl*3 _ Jli jA»

tested accordingly - and on one

occasion he said: according to his
j^: JU- ,aUJi j^ i;iii ^ ui : ju

level of religious commitment -.

And never disappear

from (the life of) a person until he
[WA\ ^IJ
walks on the earth with not even
one sin on him."
:cJi :Jli tjJL- ^ :
Jlij : ,_^1 Jli

Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan]

.^^ .jL-1 :^>j

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas >& 83 ^ ^jalij jf\ {ji jjuii ^bfcLy) (ji Jllula

1556. was narrated that Sa'd


bin Abi Waqqas said: On the day

of Badr my brother 'Umair was
killed and I killed Sa'eed bin al-
'As and took his sword, which
was called Dhul-Kateefah, and ' , > \'C -t,s r , \ '. i •, > „, : i
JU^ dJ£*j (. j~*£- ^r' (J^*
j-*J fji J"-

brought it to the Prophet of Allah

(ig). He said: "Go and put it with b ( _f
l-lj Li\Sj t<til^ OJL>-lj i^\Jti\ ^y\

the seized booty." went back,

feeling distress

such as no one
4-*^ M '-^ M^ Zr> a c-^u *^*^ 1

knows except Allah because of

the killing of my brother and the
taking of my was not
booty. It
4^-b ^> fe h* ^' XI *&i ^
long before Soorat al-Anfal was
revealed and the Messenger of
-111 J^j J jUi t juS/l ;S_^ cJ>
Allah («g) said to me: "Go and
take your sword." [lot A :«-lj] .«^1^ .ii* <^iil» :^
Comments: [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence and its
isartd is da'eef\

1557. It was narrated that Jabir

bin Samurah said: The people of
Koofah complained about Sa'd to :Jli i'J^M j| ^U- ^^ jl 4LO
'Umar, and said: He does not
pray properly. 'Umar mentioned
that to him and he said: The way :jUi c<i jX*- ^liJi ^S"ii tjji-Ai ^^r^y
the Messenger of Allah {^)
JL>f cis ia M, ?ii Jj^-3 bu> tfi
prayed is how I lead them in
prayer; I make it longer in the
first two (rak'ahs) and shorter in
.jU^-l Ul iL ^L I III j :Jlii t^^'l
the last two. He said: That is what
I thought of you, O Abu Ishaq.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

:* i(Vi>o) :^ .Ty^-a ojL^j iw^'
Bukhari (775) and Muslim (453)] .(ior)

1558. Abu 'Abdullah al-Qarraz

said:I heard Sa'd bin Malik say: I
:J^ Jil^aJI Jjl Jup j|l ,_^J^ :jll:
heard the Messenger of Allah (^5)
say: "Whoever wishes for major
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .-$, 84 .& ^llj Ji jj jljL* jb»i,t ji ,Yu «'t

calamity for - or wills ill towards -

.--,!-.<-,*, £

the people of Madinah, Allah will f^ ^-^Jl >' ^ ^* : J >-

> *

cause him to melt as salt dissolves j IjJ) ^i
^ 5ji tiif tc yL j\
in water." ' ' ' ,

Comments: [Its isnad saheeh,

Muslim (1387)] _ orAV)

1559. It was narrated from Sa'd

bin Malik that the Prophet
l^UJ ^ j^ ^ J^ \£jS- -\oM
;," -
,./*... '_, - s

^ ^ -^ ^^ , s
j ,

said: "The best of dhikr is that 0* O*^ 1

il :
which is silent, and the best of
provision is that which is just
: j^ m ^'\ v
^ ^ "',,''»
u •
^ .-

enough." A J^- ^ S?^ 1

^^ ij^ 1
J^ j^ ] )]

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef [WW :*^-ljJ

because of the weakness of
Muhammad bin Abdur Rahman, ^ ±^>^. j. -il <. ^l ^ ^l^i : ?**>*;
then it is interrupted] .-
,, , ,. . .,


was narrated
' ,"

.. ,
^; ^"'
t£U -\ev

'Amr bin'Uthman told me that J^ s :JU & 0?


^^ ^ t t

^j ^ 1 1

Muhammad bin 'Abdur-Rahman -•

s '*
-,f >\\'li . •; -* '*-'
bin Labeebah told him... and he '

„, ,.<--'"'
narrated [the same report], .a^ii ••Vt'11 Kr) £*
J>. J^-'J^
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef like [Uo<\ ; «.( ,]
the previous report]
L>L«5 ^j..n-j oiL^.1
1561. Mus'ab bin Sa'd narrated ^J, ji. „ u^ -

{J, JJ^, Lili. -WO

from his father that a Bedouin
came to the Prophet (jfe) and said: :
^' ^ ^ Oi V*-^ ^-^
'i ,
Teach me some words to say. He
said: "Say: 'There is no God but
^ ,/.
-i : Jlii
^ <3i jl t\'l\
., / ,, „
Allah alone, with no partner or ^ **^3 ^

^! *\ ^
JJ» :Jla .ilyl

associate; Allah is most great, much

j^^ t|

* '^[^,,3^1
praise be to Allah, glory be to Allah '

the Lord of the Worlds, there is no % *,>*J^I VJ i^ 1

i^j ^*j$
power and no
Allah, the Almighty
five times." He
strength except with
said: This is for
< ,:




* ,,*
: Jli


Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 85 & ^llj ji ^>J JLiuL jbii* <ji JJuL*

Lord; what is there for

"Say: 'O Allah, forgive me, have
mercy on me, grant me provision,
me? He said:
^ .;
^^^ V ^ ^

• *

:Jz\] '^i^ 1
guide me and pardon me.'"

Comments: [Its (snnrf is saheeh,

Muslim (2696)]

1562. Yahya - i.e., bin Sa'eed al-

jj± £JU :_l*^ J*Z £jb- -\elT
Ansari - narrated:
bin al-Musayyab say:

heard Sa'd
heard Sa'eed
% t

„ ,

JU - lijL*^
o£ .

^^ ^ urt _

say: The Messenger of Allah (£§) ^j^ -


j^ t _1:J,
mentioned both of his parents '
„ ,

together for me on the day of Uhud. \'y. £y}


3@5 ^ Jj-^j ^J. (^r ; <Jj^

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- [\ i^o :**--! j] ..a^-1

Bukhari (3725) and Muslim



1563. Mus'ab bin Sa'd narrated: ^AJl ,^ _ ^^ jp ^^ lllJii- - \ « VT

My father told me that the ;( '


^ ^^
^^ j .-

ol V-*"^ _
Messenger of Allah (*fc) said: "Will :
oi :

one of you be incapable of earning

one thousand hasanahs in one
^_£ -J*^'
'^\, ^ j^- 'J

j^ Jj,

^W ^ „

^ ^ r^ ^ ^ ^J.^^
day?" One of the people who were :
Cx? J^J «?5^->- CiJ I

sitting with him said: Who is able .

to do that? He said: "He says y^" * '

^ 4*^

tasbeeh one hundred times, and it

will be recorded as one thousand
i^4 ^ J' >>&-*-

$ 'i**^
- *'<:»,
t A , n ., ,

hasanahs [good deeds] or it will
erase one thousand sayyi'ahs [bad ,, .% < .,',., -,,;


deeds]/' "^ \
jU :Ulil <*' Jls J

^ Jb
? tl ;

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, .«ia>*j jl» :

LJJI ,_,!*; j

Muslim (2698)]

1564. was narrated from 'Amir >•

^j g^ -- £j^ uu
^ _
It .

bin Sa'd, that his father Sa'd bin

_ , , s

Malik said: The Prophet ($%) used 0*" S~;^ *y* v-^ t^-^*"
to say salam to his right and to his
left (at the end of the prayer, turning if. ^U l/
'f*-" CH +**** if- Jrf u-'l

his head) so much that the white- jl5 :JU *iiJU ^ jJL^ *J\ j*
ness of his cheeks could be seen.

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4, 86 ^fcyrtlij^t^jjLinjbkiJjl JLuLJ

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

1565. It was narrated from 'Amir - ,-.


bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, from his

father Sa'd, that the Messenger of Ip

Allah ($fe) said: "Whoever says

when he hears the mu'adhdhin:
'And I no
bear witness that there is

God but Allah alone, with no

partner or associate, and that
Muhammad is His slave and His
Messenger; I am content with
Allah as my Lord, Muhammad as t ^j^j ±L>*ajj t Lj 4JUL1 >-^-ij

my Messenger and Islam as my

religion/ his sins will be forgiven
him. j4* <v (*~^-" ^j* n»i-^JL3 1 oUjJl»- :JUi

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (386)]

1566. Qais told us: I heard Sa'd

bin Malik say: I was the first of
the Arabs to shoot an arrow for ^ IL: cJLj, :JU ^4* t^JLi- :

the sake of Allah. There was a

time when we would go out on
campaign with the Messenger of aJJi Jj-^j iJi jji; ilii3 JiJj >*JJi
Allah {^) and we would have no
food except the leaves of al-hublah
and as-samur (desert trees), and
one of us would produce stools
like a sheep, so dry that nothing
would stick to it. And now Banu
Asad are teaching me about my
religion, in which case I must [U1A l^lj.^
have been doomed and my efforts
wasted. :

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3728) and Muslim (2966)]

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 87 ^o»lij jt£>J4**i< jls*i! jiJUi-»

1567. It was narrated that

Mus'ab bin Sa'd said: Four verses
were revealed concerning my -^ <y.


a sword (as
father said:
booty) and
I acquired
said: O

j^ ^j q\ "
J j

Messenger of Allah, grant it to me '^ ^r*J ^ :oJj '^ ^-^r^ 1 :

^ 1

(in addition to my share of the

t jj, j^ L:
„^ ^ l .Jj
said: O
He said:

Messenger of Allah,
"Put it down."

1 ^ '^ ^ ^^ J^ J^ *<=^
be treated like one who is of no
use (in war)? He said: 'Tut it back
( j^, ^yLp : djjli «£l^1 ^^
where you got it from." Then this - ^^ iy^ ^ t
iVA J &s :
verse was revealed: "They ask ^J^ (\ ju;Vl) ^JkSn i>
J,\ :

you (O Muhammad 3fe) about the "

„ - -.,*,* -*

spoils ot war. Say: Ihe spoils are •>¥ r-^ - -; -^ - <-'


for Allah and the Messenger" [al- ^yl\ ^ t £uL jlT N Jblj ^J^l
Anfal 8:1] - it is like that in the ***- v: . - >; s .. * ,:«,; ;, ..., i

recitation of Ibn Mas ood: Say:

u ^

The spoils". My mother said to me: $£ ^>jt^ ^**t ^4** 'j>^ J 10-

Didn't Allah command you to

hA _ ^rljl
_ p*»j rju^rfo : JLi
uphold ties of

your parents? By Allah,

kinship and honour
I shall not
>H > ^„ .,
^ ^ A% S^J fo£* '&?*
., ,,^s, „ - >i-

any food or drink anything
you disbelieve in Muhammad.
*jg ^ :

£ J^ f^ <^J £ foj
^r J x -**"
And she did not eat until they <^r

opened her mouth with a stick and J^-j Ij : >^J* '(jAi^ ^'3 '-Jet tJr^
poured water into it - Shu'bah said: .
*jj .,-< P Ti
f J)|

And think he said: and food -

' "
I ' "
H , ,

then this verse was revealed: "And -^ ^

: < ^» :
^ ?^^l
We have enjoined on man (to be
^ ^3 £j,j .0 ^&| j^ti .iJ^i
dutiful and good) to his parents.
His mother bore him in weakness

^ ^'^ W^ |>^ U tLaUJ

, '
' "

* ^^ ''*

and hardship upon weakness and iDUiiU *r^ 0^ Jj illij t^iijl

hardship, he recited until reached >,,•{], j,,°C \s— ,
*-,:-: j-
what you used to do [Luqman t

31:14, 15]. The Prophet (j£) entered O^lfUl :0j^-lfUl cJl*j 1^

upon me when I was sick. I said: --'- *- • r V - J
i ,':fi *
O Messenger of Allah, should I
" '
Musnad Sa'dbin AbiWaqqas Jfc ^* jU. '} ,jt
j->'* j ji

88 «- ^ fi m • .: -

bequeath all my wealth (to

cJ^li i \jj'yL* jjij* \^jH\ jlSo i<uil
charity)? He told me not to do
that. I said: Half? He said: "No." I J[ i^ZT, j£f Ox &£ iJt $s^
said: One third? And he remained V
t :;juUI) i*£J ft J«*^ rs!>
silent so the people followed that.
A man of the Ansar made some [\or\ :^U]
: -(<n

food and they ate and drank and

.(\VU) :

.j^ .jU :
got drunk. That was before it was
prohibited. We gathered at his
place and started boasting to one
another. The Ansar said: The Ansar
are better. The Muhajireen said: The
Muhajireen are better. A man threw
the jawbone of a camel at him and
cut his nose, and Sa'd's nose was left
with a mark. Then this verse was
revealed: "O you who believe!
Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic
drinks), and gambling, up to So, will

you not then abstain?" [al-Ma'idah

5:90, 91].

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

1568. Ghunaim narrated: I asked U^l :

Ju*^ &IU- - > o 1A
Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas about
tamattu' [in Hajj],
that when this
one was
said: We
: jl>
j^ ^'^ _ :
^ x
J*t _ ^^*
: JL» ?iiLJl ji ^^'j ^1 If.
-^ cJU
disbeliever living in Makkah -

referring to Mu'awiyah. ._ aL?1^ J^t _ J-'J^^. j^ l-iij Litliii

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, r\3*r

^ 11

Muslim (1225)]

.(WYa) :^ -7^-^ oil— I



1569. It was narrated from

Muhammad bin Sa'd that his
father said: The Messenger of tJ^i ^ jlIA^ j* i

>j ^ ^
<^-^ j*
Allah (*£) said: "If the belly of .'^
one of you were to be filled with

^ *"' J

^ JU


'^ *' 0*

pus, that would be better than :J£s o\ ja *1± LAJ ji^il ^>i M^'
filling [his mind] with poetry."
ho.-\ :^\j] .n^J;
; i '

Musnad Sa'd bin AbiWaqqas-^ 89 ^yalij ji\jj jUuj (jbtiij jiaii-i


isnad is satee/i, (rrfiA) ...
_^, h1 ^,
^^ '
1570. It was narrated that
Mus'ab bin Sa'd said: I prayed
J- i
J^^! 1^ J~ ^ -^ ov '

with Sa'd and I did this with my '-^

. r

^ J v^"
o t , , > .


'if-** J.

- jj^
£') K

hands - Yahya described putting q^ y^ Jj£ t jj^

the two hands together between , ^
' "'
, /, y- ,

the knees. He struck my hand and :

J^J ii-4 ^>" _ i^J^ J^h <-^>jj ]

said: We used to do that, then we *.*,, j,

-:.: :f ,:. f' ,- V'-' r?£
were instructed to lift our hands > ' *-

to the knees. [\ov*i :^l]

Comments: [Its isnad
Bukhari (790) and Muslim
is saheeh, al-

- .

C"C?^ ^ " E?^


1571. It was narrated that Sa'd efo efc - \ev\

The Messenger of Allah (sge)
said: "Whoever eats seven 'ajwah
:J15 ^ ' = -
If L - jJLi
^ i^jLi- '-ji-
* 1

dates in the morning, no poison or ^" III J J- j J 15

Crl £i
witchcraft will harm him that day." >
i >
> •
' i r '- ',,
• - •

f °^ ^ *?"S"

' »
~"' J

'r**t t
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- (*""" f-^'
Bukhari (5445) and Muslim [^VT '^
Jill] .y^- ^j •


.(Y'iV) : t(atio) :^ lC? »^ .jI^-1 :


1572. It was narrated from 'Amir ^U ji- Ij.U llili- : j^SU £!> -\ovY
bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, from /
He quoted a similar Iwdeeth.
?X ...-^ j*
# .
i^j ^

J> ^ .y}

'Abdullah said: And my father said:

Abu Badr told us from Hashim from
: ^f j^j
fe j^ ^ '

^ ^^

'AmirbinSa'd. •*— • jl It* p? 1 * C^ J^ ^'
Comments: [Its is«ad is saheeh e al- [ H i T : *>- j]
u ' 1

Bukhari (5445) and Muslim



1573. 'Amir bin Sa'd narrated j^

I i _ jLiU ^ ^11; ^1 li-L>- -\oVf

of Allah (#;)
The Messenger
that his father said:
said: "I declare sacred
J* ^
y y^ Uj^-'
- r^ ^
- *

what is between the two lava fields

i^i-t ^yl* ;
^ jJLil Jj-^; Jli

- ,

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .& 90 ^(jadij^i^jJui jUiljIJili^J

of Madinah, (and I forbid) cutting ,t , , ,'.*>*%.. ,\ ,„: „

of its thorny shrubs or killing of its ^ ^ ' C^-
f — ' ^^ ^ U

game." And he said: "Madinah is jj LjJ ^ ojJJIn :Jlij «Uali Jii^

better for them, if

No one leaves it out of dislike for

but Allah will replace him with
only they knew.
:,;,*.*. >,'
^ J "^ ** C>"
10 ji ^ ly^

- -

^W >-.

VI £*

someone better than him, and no

one bears its hardships and
difficulties with patience, but I will

^ ^ > ^ ^ ^^
.,.,,., a-


ULii 3'

' '



intercede for him, or be a witness for

him, on the Day of Resurrection." J
(-.^jw.-j- .£e>~
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
' '
. .

Muslim (1363,1387)]

1574. 'Amir bin Sa'd narrated

from his father that the Messenger
oUU ^ jlil ^* Jjt jl^ &I^ -^«Vfc

came one day from al-

of Allah (#,)
'Aliyah, and when he passed by
» i


^ ^ ^ J'^

w \ . , . ti

^J. (\AY/\) iiJl JLi Jjl
the mosque of Banu Mu'awiyah, he „*,-•*.
went in and prayed two raJc'a/zs, ^-^ > c^ ^' ^ lj

Crf r^
- -


and we prayed with him. Then he

called upon his Lord for a long
\d^j .J^s]
^ t j^j fcjUi ^

^^ r
, . . r ,

time, then he turned to us and said:

J ^ ^! L
"^ tfi
C '> U 'J '
"I asked my Lord for three things, j^'3 j£\ jfe& iti% J] cJUi .

and He granted me two and
6 * - - r ,

withheld from me one. I asked '^4

^ 61
s*^ ^^ ^'j

Him not to let my ummah be tj^JL ^f iu£ "tf M $Lj .L^JlUti

destroyed by famine, and He
let my ummah be destroyed by
^ .>,./,>
r^ 1 J^-


Jl ^J 'fe^




drowning, and He granted me that;
and I asked Him not to let their .(tAV) if .^w «L-] :^>«j"
enmity be amongst themselves, but
He withheld that from me."
Comments: [Its isnad is Saheeh, Muslim (2890)]

1575. It was narrated from' Umar ji. JJl^l OijU :Ij>j tili- -^«ve
bin Sa'd that his father said: The ,/.' 7
_ -

Messenger of Allah (ag) said: "I am l

^^ ^>
t ,
^' J

y* ^ jb^.1 ^.1

amazed at [the situation of] the

j^ ju :^ Jt; ^^ -^ -
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4. 91 +> o-tij J ^ JL*i &**M J
believer: if something good befalls „,. » „ * ; ,• ». . ,

him, he praises his Lord and gives ^ ^y-j--

thanks, and if calamity strikes him, t£~*i oU>f OJj t^j iLs I x^~
he seeks reward with his Lord and
bears it with patience. The believer
will be rewarded for everything,
even the morsel he lifts to his
^ _jj ^j£^- ;;-n i

mouth." t UAV -CT^ 1

Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan] ./,_=- .jL-i '.gijp*

1576. It was narrated Mus'ab

that _j^ f
^\ £JU- \%Sj fca^
bin Sa'd said: When bowed, I *\ ]'

would put my

hands between my ^ 0?

v*-^ 0* ^-^
f t

C* ^-^
knees. My father Sa'd bin Malik *~ *-^ Jj^' Jj^- i^t ^if : jj
saw me; he told me not do that, -
- -
^ _,*'.,
and said: We used to do that and ^^ u? -^ u^ a^*
^ <i^*->
were told not to do
Comments: [Its

isnad is saheeh, al-

^ ^^ "g '^ .3^

^ ov
Bukhari (790) and Muslim (535)]
' :

;^ t(VA«) :^ •£-—> «M ^j**


1577. was narrated that Sa'd

It <~?~ j* J^ && :J^j
&*- -WV
Khuzaimah bin Thabit
bin Malik,
and Usamah bin Zaid said: The
Messenger of Allah (^) said: "This
. ,

. -

< .


- ....

A * ^> ^ ^

^ i^>^-j 4^
. - ,:


plague is a punishment or the '* _ '« >

- * ' ,, -, -

remainder of a punishment with

J -
?p J. 3S§ .. r^) ° r
which people who came before t liX» *jj 5, ^jlp ^IJl^ j* £* }1 ^>rj
you were punished. If it occurs in a ,..,'',- .*,-.:'
land where you are, do not leave it,
fleeing from it. And if you hear that

*&? 'jHr^"

^ ^^ '

^ j ^ £3 ^
^ ^-f ^ ^ -j^
lir, t £. I'l^i
it is in some land, do not enter it." * . ^ - - -

C?" J
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- - " '

Bukhari (3473) and Muslim 11-

(2218)1 !r
n £ -Z^

'&*" '
' .(tua)

1578. It was narrated from ^ i^J Lr^f :i^ lii-b- -UVA

Dawood bin 'Amir bin Sa'd bin .',>-.,-.,.
Malik, from his father, that his 0?

^ t

^ ^^
t _

J -? b ^ ^^
MusnadSa'd bin AbiWaqqas^ 92 ^(j^Qj jl^ jJui^b^l j\iii^

grandfather said: The Messenger of

Allah (&*) said: "I shall certainly J

^ , -
- .


^ „

0* *' 0*

'^ U
describe the Daj/a/ in a way in
[^ (J LL> Jbtljl ^V* :
gg <Ll
which no one before me described s
s ^

him. He is one eyed and Allah, J^? i* ^0 'jj*t <\ '

J? Jl^ ^
may He be glorified and exalted, is
Wl " ' '
>!* L> u~?
[ 1
not one eyed."
C? •

Comments: [Saheeh because of jL-^I u^ >4jjj ^^ :«>;

corroborating evidence; it is
repeated (1526) and its isnad is

J** *j

^ . ^ .
jL-~! ^1 ^j. t

1579. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd bin Malik, from his father,
^ ^j" j\ ,_Jj £-jX\ : ±,£ &j&- ~\ oV5

' '

^ if ^ U
f /„ . ,.
from the Prophet some
(jg) that Cx j!^ u ^ ^>^
people came to him and asked him ^Uj t J- jtf £j .^ ^ y

(for help), and he gave them

,, M , , , , ',
V .

except one man among them. Sa'd c~Ui :-u^- JU ^3 N]

^ ^^
: t jL$l? jUaLLpli
said: I said: O
Messenger of Allah, ' S -

you gave to them and you left out ' ^ ^ J r*^^ (1

U -^ J b-

So and so; by Allah I think he is a «(Dj^ )[» :

3g ^III jlii t ll*ji JljV Jl
believer. The Prophet (j^) said: "Or
a Muslim." Sa'd repeated that ^^ ./ „_
' ^
, ,
", „
: L ^ /,

^i -^



three rimes, saying that he was a

believer, and the Prophet (*g) -
^^ ( ?j, j£ alU:j J•(„
^ J
* ?j,

replied: "Or a Muslim." Then the i^l J^ J^^ 1

Ji ^'> :&&!

^ ^' ^
Prophet (gg) said, the third time: m *:*:; >".'

> >< >^, r -

U ^~ '** j'.f „. :
"By Allah, I give something to a *"' ** ul

man although someone else is [UYY ^Ij] :

.«j&l ^ <p-j
dearer to me than him, for fear that
Allah may throw him on his face in -^ ° * > :

<( YV > f.f^oU :

Comments: [Its isnaJ is safcee/i, al-Bukhari (27) and Muslim (150)]

1580. Abu Nu'aim said: I met ,

v f .'**,
iu ',- -:* - i- A
Sufyan in Makkah, and the first : * \
one he asked me about was when j^ JjU i*£L jllii o_iJ :-Iii ^t Jtf
he said: How is Shuja' [the brave a .'*, > '''*..
one]? meaning Abu Badr.
- 'i^
s*^ X.
^ -

: JU ^^
JL: '

Comments: [This is not a hadeeth; [\0VY «-lj]

rather it is a report]

j^i s^ 1
C^ JL~ "^j^ 1
>»j ~^^- J' (^ ^i j* jit
j^ Jj ^^-^v j-J lJu»

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^93 4* u-»iij <J» <>j a«*ii <jl*i4
yji Tult*

It was narrated from
bin Sa'd that his
^- >

,-, ^] .^ ^ _ WA>

^^ ^^
father said:'Umar bin al-Khattab J^* ^!
^ ^4^j
1 : 1

*J> r U>
entered upon the Messenger of ,
^ ^
. . . .

Allah (£g) when some women of ^ r?* ~ ; ^ p
Quraish were with him, asking _ oXilS ^ ^JLi J^"-^- :J^ '-^t-^
too much of him and raising their „. „ ,j _ " . , * . --,

voices. When they heard the voice

^^*-^ <f *•
C? ^ ' -^ J J

of 'Umar, they stopped talking ^ j^ ^ 'o^S ^* u? ^t^ 51 1

and fell silent, and the Messenger
of Allah (Ss) smiled. 'Umar said:
V^ ^ ^
& 1
:JU 1

^ ^
j£ ^ t^ — £g
O enemies of your souls, do you
; Jj| J^ J^
fear me and you do not fear the -
1 . , .*

Messenger of Allah (&$)? They Llli 'S#>*i ^^ l

S ^'J^i'j <.&\X
said: You are harsher and tougher
lyL* O^uJ
t^^XS^j j^ajti)
t tj*^"
than the Messenger of Allah (#=).
The Messenger of Allah ($&) said: C :^i JUi tjgg «JU1 j^j
"O 'Umar, the Shaitcm never meets s > -

you on a road but he takes a

J>^j Cr^" ^ sr^" '0*^' ^j-**
different road." jgg <JJ| j^j ^ iii ijjj : ji« ^ *lii

Comments: [Its ismuf

Bukhari (3294) and Muslim
is sofae/i, al-
u ^
',U W -
: #
J »ijJ J^
°^ ^

(2396)] ^ lii iJLb N| £i ISJU. ilkill JOJ

[WVY i^lj] .lilii

1582. It was narrated that Sa'd jJLi ^ l_Aly*l l/^-t : 1^ liil^- -\«AY
bin Malik said: We used to rent >
out farmland at the time of the 0*

t s
^ /,
^ ^>e
* --

*-*- j-
* - » . -

Messenger of Allah (m) in return ^<p, ^S Ji ^JJ. j* ,

Li* Ji ^UJt
for what grew by the streams and - " ^ '
, / - '%

what was irrigated with water 4-~- j* l

v^' 0? ^rf- i* ^ ^ t j i

from them, but the Messenger of

Allah (^) forbade us to do that
^^ j^
- >!
^ jj ^^
*" *\ " '

and permitted us to lease it for Ujj £J>Jl ^ ^'j^J (J* ^ $^\ 3y*) 1

gold or silver.

Comments: (Hassn because of

^ ^ ^.
>> •* *,
^ ^'^ ^
.' -' --•-
' :

corroborating evidence; this is a Wij& *J^ -Lr*^^ j (

_ ^ <J^J ''-i ^ :i

da'eef isnad]
[\atf ^Ijl.ij^ljw-iJUl

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 94 ^i^^jjt^ Jii^b^l jij^ii

1583. It was narrated that Sa'd bin ;-•' i^*.- . • - : >=" ,:;*- VaAY.
Abi Waqqas The Messenger of
Allah (£s) left 'Ali bin Abi Talib in oii ^ * Jii
^ ^^ii ^ ^ tf &Jl
charge [of Madinah] during the
campaign to Tabook. 'Ali said: O
Messenger of Allah, are you
^ f[

U :JU* t.hjj sjj> ^j ^_JLU ^i £1 *U

J ^ ,.
J ^ '.?-' .



^\ ^
*'. s

leaving me behind with the women '

A., "a ."
and children? He said: "Does it not ^^^h ^1 J
„ , , .

^^ ^ ^j
please you to be to me as Haroon
was to Moosa? Except that there
y^ JL. o^
^j,-J tf> : JU

will be no Prophet after me." /^ 4? ^ ^ l

^ ?lA>* Irf ^Jj 1*

Comments: [Its zsnad is sdheeh, al- [ > i S *
:*jt1j] ,«^^'(ur
Bukhari (4416) and Muslim
C '

(2404)] tUtU) :£ .^^w, oU :


1584. Qais bin 'Abayah

narrated from a freed slave of Sa'd
al-Qaisi : ^ji=d^ hi :^lj| '!
bin Abi Waqqas, from a son of Sa'd, ^~- ^
j-4» :JU uiS?3^ J ^j
^W ^
'Ji 1
that he was praying and saying in >.><-> ~,~

,*;« . T.- . - ; * -*
his supplication: O Allah, I ask You
for Paradise and I ask You for its : J Li <jly^ J jUj y iXi ll'JU- i^rlU-
delights and blessings and so on, *.-.-»*'*, /.
& ^^ <^'
,;i .,, ;

and I seek refuge in You from the <-^ ^ •

;> >=*
Fire and its chains and fetters, and h\S Z'\ : juLJ ^*l
J, ^^j u>} J> -^
so on. Sa'd kept quiet, then
had finished praying, Sa'd said to
when he - >%
^^ ^\ r^ ;
* ,, ,*

^ '„, *>
^ J^
/ ,



him: You have sought refuge from a

great deal of evil and you have
t& ^ ^,-j
, ,
^ ^ ^^^ ^ t

u? ^ ^ j ^ O^j ^ ^j ^
asked for a great deal of good - or he J ' ' ' < l-H

said: [Your supplication) was long

winded; Shu'bah [one of the
t ^ ^ ^j- ^^^ .

Wv^j j^^ -
. .

,f t ?
narrators] was not certain. - The
"J ^ ^ '-^ <* oi^-i '-ij*^
, ,
Messenger of Allah (^) said:
"There will be people who will
overstep the mark in duV." And


Jii LU
^ l-

1 %^L

:Jli ji




he recited this verse: "Call on your ->.,,>->' ^ * »

Lord with humility and in private: ^ djJ ^ T^ ^ ^' J ^J

°-^ ^1" :

for Allah loves not those who $ ^| ^ ^ ^ \£fy ^^.^

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^ 95 * O-Qij J & oki £b*i.| ^1 JlU*

beyond bounds" [al-A'raf
Shu'bah lone of the

narrators] said: I do not know

^ >,,>

\& ^sSSLj C^> ^3j tyol^


_ (.. :^» <<£»*» C*

... ,


^^- >>

^jil N
whether the words "Call on your ,, , _ , _ , _

-^ J J1*j _ ^ ^1
„ s

Lord with humility and in private" : <J j* }W aii Jy ^

were spoken by Sa'd or by the
Prophet (jg). - And Sa'd said to
j.= ^^
^ t £^j
( Jjul^f tiLl
,^ .

him: Say: O Allah, I ask You for Uj
\&\ 4"j* tj&1 ^ ^L i^pl} i Jli jl

Paradise and the words and deeds
that will bring me close to it, and I
L U AY" :
^ I
. J^ ,1 v y ^
seek refuge in
and the
You from the
words and deeds that
will ^^ ^^ J "^ ^^ £^"
" Jy ^^

bring me close to it.

-- 1

Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnad

because of the freed slave of Sa'd is unknown]

1585. It was narrated from Sa'd t^j, tfjjU- :^iU- 'J,

x!jj, £!U- -^A«
bin Abi Waqqas that he used to ,.,'., „
enjoin reciting these fiveand he

J* ;
V^ J* l
J^ J *^
^^ ., . ,

narrated them from the Messenger

Allah (m): "O Allah, I seek
^- >± ^ ${ . j- f

of ' '
f '

^ ^,,, ^ ' .'. .


refuge with You from miserliness, I -W& J>o J* OV-^J i^-iiJI

seek refuge with You from cowardice, ^ '{:

l^ : ^ 'if J, ^j|»
I seek refuge with You from being sent '. , ^ J ^ /
back to senility (cf. 16:70), I seek Jijl
lj\ of ^ Mb ^J^ ^ 1

refuge with You from the trials of this >e'< ,•


>i >

world, and I seek refuge with You

J ' - "^
<: . . ^

J i

from the punishment of the grave." [\~tf\ <~>\J£ °y, ii;

J^\] .*J&\
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (6370)] - (vrv '
) ;

C 'C?~° '^ :

1586, It was narrated that Sa'd bin

-J, J^l^i &^- :
J?^ .?? t&»- - * ° M
Abi Waqqas The Messenger of
Allah $j§) said:
"Whoever humiliates *
^^ ^ ^ oL-^ C^ ^^
_ ',
^ , '.
. , iS ,

Quraish, Allah (may
and exalted)
He be glorified
will humiliate him"
^^ ^ "' -'"
^ ^
^\±, J\
*, ,
^ '\

Comments: [A /wsan Iwdeeth; this is ^ ^*- '

^ '
C ;
^ f^ ^ ^^^ ^
a ^asan isnad] 'j\J>\
v;« : ^ Jji jp3 ju : Jii ^li j ^|

[\tw ^ij.i^jpiinibUi Llrj

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas-& 96 >-.
j ji j / * - r j' -^ '> ji

Sa'd said:
It was narrated from
bin Sa'd that his father
I heard the Messenger of
"^ -«f

^ ^* *'
v^r ^} if ^^
.v.- ~^*„ AV

AjLi ^lU
:.- , .* >\

i% ,

Allah (s^) say: "Whoever wants to -•' .* .' - , t «,,"

^ %J1 ^ °^ ^ ? ^— a*
• , ,

humiliate Quraish, Allah will -

humiliate him." Jj* aJ jJ^ ^ jI^J ^ ^U- -J.

t t

Comments: [A hasan hadeeth] **•-% 'i

-- «^ iii 'i
*-'• - '.=

[uvr ^ij .liln Zti jy) ji>

^y j^>. ib^\ IJlaj .j_^ ^j^ '{Hj*t

1588. It was narrated that Sa'eed y J^Q m

£&* :
J;^ r' ^ Jb- -^ AA

bin al-Musayyab said: I heard *,..-*

Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas say: The ^

**" 0*
, ,

V^ ^' L ^ ^ :

Messenger of Allah (sfcjj) refused ^lij ^1 ^ 1L, UL^ :

J li ^±J|
to let 'Uthman be celibate. If he ', , .;' / * >
y' f

M ^ J^3 & t ,

had allowed him, we would have 1

0UiP J^ ^3 : J>;
gotten castrated. .eLi=iV <J 3 Oil # ,jllM j^
Comments: [Its iswarf is saheeh; al-
Bukhari (5073) and Muslim n U ° :


.<U«Y) :
c(o-vr) :^ .^^^ 0J L-t 'gijU

1589. It was narrated from

J^S-M ^ju- :
^ JJ^ &JU- -\«A*
bin Sa'd bin Malik, ,
,' .
Sr> . __

that his father said: The Messenger Oi ^- 0? ^*~ 0* 'Jl^j i/j <>*

of Allah (jjg) said: "It is not :

m> J,, j^ j^ .
jy J
permissible for a Muslim to forsake „ _ r
his brother for more than three -^^ Jy 6 ^L| y^t o\ (4-^ J^v.
h.» :c?1J
Comments: [Its isnad is s<tfiee/i]

.«->%*<> ajUj*<] : M Ju

1590. It was narrated from

Mus'ab bin Sa'd that his father ^' l^
' ,
r . , ,-;* - .- T
^ L^ ...,-:-. lJk4
said: I swore an oath by al-Lat and
a\~'Uzza, and my companions
<*>) i* <•
^ ji ^ .% ^* ^ Jjb^-1 ^1 ^
said: You have said something y^^^ s

±&. :JU
unseemly. So I went to the -,] :ciii M ^p\ 1& <. I^U oil ju
Prophet (^) and said: I am newly '
e ,» , * "i .-,
"- - - - ^, *

^^'3 ^^ L ^^- J$ &/ o\S j^S\

, *

Muslim, and I swore an oath by .

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi YVaqqas & 97 *, (jrtlij ji jjj aiii (j^3*«! J'

al-Lat and al-'Uzza. The Messenger

of Allah (2£) said: "Say La ilaha
A I ^l ill i 'J* ;
|g Jjl J^j JU
illallali wahdahu (there is no god
but Allah alone) three times, and
spit dryly to your left three times, [urr :
Jk;\] jJJS iy^j
and seek refuge with Him, and do
not do it again."

Comments: [Its isnad is sahceh)

1591. It was narrated from

Mus'ab bin Sa'd, from his father,
that a platter of thareed was ;j>CU- &jS- :NL* ^JJUJl oUZ-j J-pU^.1

brought to the Prophet (^=) and he

ate, and there was some left over.
He said: "A man will come from
this direction who is one of the
people of Paradise, and he will eat
\^ Jf^-Jj} :JU» t iLai o i}-"* '3^
these leftovers." Sa'd said: I had aii jsu t£>Ji jit ^ jij aIji iju
left my brother 'Umair bin Abi
Waqqas getting ready to come to
the Prophet (£g)and I hoped that
he would be the one. Then
'Abdullah bin Salam came and ate

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh; it is

[U<=A :^lj] .l^ti
^ ^1

repeated (1458)]

1592. 'Abdus-Samad told us: :iui l£U :juJ*J1 jC^ liil^ -^oU
Aban told us: 'Asim told us... and
he mentioned a similar report, :Jl* <cl ^l tfttLLi _^Ji ...l^U £o^
except that he said: I passed by
'Uwaimir bin Malik.

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan] ,v—»- ojL^i : txjj^j

1593. Usamah - meaning bin Zaid -\MV

- told us: Abu
'Abdullah al-Qarraz
i*U-l Wjb- :^*p ^ OLi^ L>jl>-

told us that he heard Sa'd bin jii I -L»P _^j I Uj Jji- .

_ Jj
4*3j ^ 1 .^jt, __

Malik and Abu Hurairah say: The

Messenger of Allah (**&) said: "O
Allah, bless the people of Madinah iSjU ^AJ1» :#, 5AJI J^ JU :j^
in their city, bless them in their sa's,
bless them in their mudds [weights
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 98 * u^iij ujl tH 4** jbul^t JJuk*

and measures]. O Allah, Ibraheem

"was Your slave and Your close
friend (khaleel) and I am Your slave iiJLi ^iiLuj hjii ^*£i
and Messenger. Ibraheem asked
you for the people of Makkah and I t & jJ& iu'L j^iyi ii5 ^^/j
am asking You for the people of
Madinah, as Ibraheem asked You
for the people of Makkah, and as hi oa* /\) ii; iiLj t &; ji\ (Lai^i

much again. Madinah is

surrounded by angels; on every
route into the city there are two ij t S_^iji i^i; i *Uiii^j oisii
angels guarding it; neither the
plague nor the Dajjal will enter it.
Whoever wishes ill to it Allah will [Uov :^r\j] .«
^ £jLJ) 4^
cause him to melt as salt dissolves
in water.

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeih; this .,>-> jU ijuj .ow

is a hasan isnad]

1594. It was narrated from tfk

Muhammad bin Sa'd that his
father Sa'd said: The Messenger of
Allah (^) came out to us, striking
^JOl Jj^-j ^4^ rS^ :
<-!^ J'*-* **' (>*"
one hand against the other and
saying: "The month is like this
and like this," then he held one
finger down the third time.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (1086)]
.0 'AT) :* .7<^>t^a ajL—J ! nj Ju

1595. It was narrated from

Muhammad bin Sa'd, from his
father, that the Prophet (jg) said:
"The month is like thisand like
this," ten and ten, and nine once.

Comments: [See the previous


1596. It was narrated from

Muhammad bin Sa'd that his
father said: The Messenger of
Allah ($&) said: "The month is
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas .& 99 .£, ^11j Ji &j Jj^u (jlsfcij jf jj«-i

like this and like this and like ,,«„ .,,.. «,'.,-,- -, - t


this - meaning twenty-nine. -r *^ ** - -^ J u u ?=

Comments: [This is a qawi isnad, >Ois^*j

^~i J^. *l-&*j ti£*j liiU "

Muslim (1086)] .

1597. was narrated that Sa'd bin

It \£jj_ oUJoJl £ U'jL Gij£ -\o^V
Abi Waqqas said: The Messenger of
,','«'* ;

^ If - (J^J^I ^ -
. ,

Allah (ji) said: "The Hour will not Cf- JiJ^ 1

begin until some people emerge
who will eat with
tongues their

^ '
- ^\ L

(words) as cattle eat with their f>£ ^ J>^j
^-LSJI w
: #§ fiJl
Comments: [Hason because of
corroborating evidence and its
#< J# tf .^?Jt OjKfc

,0 ^ :
\ , t

isnad is da'eef\

ir* £•—i (fl (*J— 'I
i> ^j ON '-a .,».
> jL-iI tjj*j .«^*J
< r>- i

1598. It was narrated from Abu *^J- &jS- \

y>M- ^ >^*\ &jj- -\o^A
Bakr - i.e., bin Hafs - and he , % \ t

- fi &

narrated a story. Sa'd said: I

s*' J>. j^*V*I If-
heard the Messenger of Allah (sg)
say: "What a good death if a man
; IJLi JU L^
>ii _
<', ^ \
/Jl ^ ' '


dies defending his right." ^' <W !

D :
<J>^ ^5 ^' *J>-j

because it is
[Its isnad
is da'eef jjj- 'o/z ji^Jl ^^

1599. It was narrated from 'Amir

bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, that his
£^_ .
j^ '
^^ _ yo ^
father Sa'd said: I said: O {J} jM _ ^ j* _ fj^- ^jl
ij~ _
Messenger of Allah, can I bequeath
all my wealth (to charity)? He said: V, f


^^^^.. . *, . ,


"No." I said: Two thirds of it? He ^/\

tjLl J>ij U :cii : J I* ^1 ^
said: "No." I said: Half of it? He > »

., - - . ^ „.
'^ /^

said: "No." I said: One third? He

J '^ :
said: "One third, and one third is a ^jJiJU ; cJj *N» : JU Vilki : Jji «>j»
one of you leaves his family
lot. If >~.t >, . h ,n
in a good state, that is better for
* U1

tS r^^
. , t
1 l
V ^'j

t ^ LiJI>1 : JU
Musnad Sa'd bin AH Waqqas^b 100 "#.y»tijtjiyiiA»*«(jjbfc£i! ji iVi m*

him than leaving them dependent

on what people give them."
Comments: [Its isnad is flfl^i, al-

U r^ x ^'^^
^ ^


£ AT :*^lj]
,- , -


Bukhari (2744) and Muslim

(1628)] .(UYA) :

4 (TViO :^.^ob! :

1600. It was narrated from j^ Oik :^jji I^-f ^1 tfii -\v
Hamzah bin 'Abdullah, from his
father, that Sa'd said: When the if -

^ jl V^ # ^ _ ^l
Messenger of Allah (jg) set out on
the campaign to Tabook, he left
j^ ^
r; t J
^\ ^ ;^
; ^ jj,
' ' ""

c ,

'AH in charge. ['Ali] said to him: •>-&* $£ fj'^ J> M J>-^ *ill

Are you leaving me behind? He ,,« .

,r -, - * !?;>; . *; -,,;• .*.-

said: Does it not please you to be -

to me as Haroon was to Moosa? ^^y* M ^J>'J

j? o/j^ <J>^ J>» hj£
Except that there is no prophet ,« ' „ . *

ate me." h nt CT^ -'^ -i? N ^ N


^ ^:«>«

Comments: [Saheeh because of

corroborating evidence]
f t <rV'i) ;i

^ .^ ^.

^ ,
(T fc

1601. Isma'eel bin Muhammad : *u ^ J- _^ '*',

^f fti^ _ n .\
narrated from 'Amir bin Sa'd that ,- "
_ ,'. '-
>. ,- a

Sa'd said when he was sick: If I Jr* 1^! £^ ->^- ^ <Dl a^ tfJU-

die, make a hM (niche) for me j^ y oii O ^l£ :

J£ iUi yl
and do what was done for the ,.-*»'',*'', j^
Messenger of Allah (^g). J *j-b*JU io Ul li£ :
**f ^ ^ J^
Muslim (966)]
[Its jsmid is safcreli, .^ Jj| j^ -
, L:
icJ, U jL I^Litj jl^J

[WT :>JI]

It was narrated
Make a fo/ut (niche) for
that Sa'd
me and
- ^ ^ ^ ^^ £^ ,. >
_ n .

block it up with bricks as was done J> J^Ll^i \f j^r j? Jjl i^p U^l
for the Messenger of Allah (j^). '-
,, *,,
^ ',

Comments: See
:jb a**-
. .
t^i jj

^u ^. „

report; it is
the previous
repeated (1450)] ^ C^

^ '.fr^'j
^J ^-^J

[Uo. :
^lj] .^ ill Jji>. ^i
Musiiad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4, 101 .^^dj<ji 1
^JJLi*i< )3b»ii jijiii-i

1603. It was narrated that Sa'd

,f £^ ;0L ^, ,. ,.-,
£&. _ n . r
bin Malik said: We
did tawaf with / ^
the Messenger of Allah (i*£). Some '£=*" urf* ^ J* ^L^AJl ^p ^^
of us did seven circuits, some of us /* -. - /,,-'. •', .- ' *'
did eight and some others did '
^ '
^^ " *"
more than that, and the Messenger t liU, .lili ^ iLi t ^g Jjl J^3 ^
of Allah
matt er,"
(jgg) said: "It does not

^ , , ,

i>* ^<

* ^ ^/ ^
, , .


Comments: [Its isnad is rfa'ee/ **£>*" ^B :

Wi ^ J>-*3 J^* ik A^ h*
because it is interrupted]

1604. It was narrated that a son of u^f : oj^i jl ijjU lijli- - n *


Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas said: heard

I , ,
" ti s

my heard the ^ - f*~* ^ cij^ ^3 ^ ^ ft



father say: I
1 :

Messenger of Allah (%) say: "Faith

began as something strange and
-_/ .
• j,, & -y & $ -
__ , , ,

will go back to being as it began, so ^?l

^ *^ fj^ tf Ol :_ Ojjl* J^ Ui

glad tidings to the strangers

the peoplebecome corrupt. By the
^ -^
{^ .^ -
J ^ ^ f
^ '

One Whose hand is the soul of 5l» :J^i: '^"

3 ^ *lll J^ cJ^
Abul-Qasim, faith will retreat _
*-,.. ., , ,„ . , - *-, -

between these two mosques as a ^^" iU^l*i j^j L,> ix oU,\1

snake retreats into its hole."
J\ ^ <j; jj r, t ^&t id lil
L;>L J^>;
Comments: [Its isnad is iayyid] ,\~ , - V \n '.
f-i ,- ( ^i

1605. was narrated from Sa'd

& tf-^f -^ ^ ^^ £^. _ n .

bin Abi Waqqas that he heard the '


Messenger of Allah (gj) say: One - ^^ ^ <J^- - u^l^

prayer in this mosque of mine is
better than a thousand prayers
^ ^^


f ^
^ '

elsewhere, except al-Masjid al- M *^ 1

3j-^S ^*^ 2' :
,_^^ ^' j?
Haram." j*. ^

Comments: [Sff/ice/i because of r „

corroborating evidence; this is a '3*^' -L>*^Jl ^1 o'}-* l^J ~*~XJ*

hasan isnad]
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 102 & y^ll} j ^j \h'u jb^j <jl V^4 ,

1606. 'Amir bin Sa'd narrated *• , ,-t,

>•- ,:;* - .
*, - r;
- . _ _
The Messenger
that his father said:
of Allah (sg) said: I declare sacred :?££- ^ Oao/^ iui£ 1/^4 :jUj
what is between the two lava fields
J Is :Jls 4-jI jp jJLi ^j* ^L£
of Madinah as Ibraheem declared
his sanctuary sacred. Its leaves are JSV £ U i^-l Ji» ;
£gj Jj| J^3
not to be cut
not to be killed.
for lack of interest in
down and
its game
but Allah

\£, £\-j v/j
V ^ t

r* f> ^ ^-^
Ua^ j£ Vj l^UU



will replace him with someone ,,'-,«

* -
-„ * * . *

better than him. Madinah is better l

*~J ^' ^l 1 V] 1 1£* Zi-j o^-l

for them if they but knew. No one \r -, >r- i

':> -T • >\ *•'. -: ,'!,-

wishes ill to them (people of ^ s


Madinah) but Allah will cause him 40-* ^' *^' ^i J>^ -^ p-*-^
to melt as lead melts in the fire and . r^ - .r

as salt dissolves in water." - C^ rJs

' '
J.f ^ </- ^ s
Comments: [Its isnarf is sfl/ieeh, f U0A :£fL>] .*>UJl
Muslim (1363)] m^-,^ . , , .

1607. It was narrated from : ^

J^ £^. -^ £^_ _^,V
Mus'ab bin Sa'd, that his father , .,, ,

said: 1 said to the Messenger of 0? v*-** ^-^

^ il p~*f^ &-^

Allah (gg):
severely tested?
Which people
"The He
are most
.gg ^ j >m ill
r '
: j!| J ^:i j^
, ^ /";
Prophets, then the next best and ^UJ^l» :JUi :JU ?S^ lil^&l £f
the next best. A man will be tested v
according to his level of religious V _^
^ j,
l^ j^, *£VJi- V^'l s *
•J-* <_p (-

commitment: if his religious olj <**j% JcJ.\ QJ» <Lo oi£ d(i «.^
commitment is solid, his test will be ,,',>.
T ^ ^ **>'$& ^ ^
,: ti -. -

greater and if there is some weakness

^J-- i J "

in his religious commitment he will

Jj. ^Z '&'£ J^ _^\ ;^g) *^
be tested in accordance with his level ;,'-'-
' -

of religious commitment. Tests will

[UM :

C^ * syaj: u J>'^ s

continue to befall a slave [of Allah]

'°~~ " 3^
until he walks upon the face of the ' C-^
earth with not a single sin on him."
Comments: [Its isnad is hasar]

1608. It was narrated from 'Amir 1;U-

lL JU- : jl^ ^ t^i
IL jl^ - \ 1 A
bin Sa'd that his father said: heard ^
the Messenger of Allah (m) say

to ^ _^
'J- ^^ ^ /
Jfi J*
J^^i 0? 1

I' Ali], when he left him in charge Jj (

j^^ ^j^, j^ .

fe f t
^ ^,
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas * 103 *. yallj ^jl ^j di^ jb»il ji .'ill a

[of Madinah] during one of his

campaigns. 'Ali said: O Messenger
- ,:


,^ : „
J *
,- * ^
-^ *^
of Allah, are you leaving me ^1 £ j3jJ\ t *JUl J^3 U :£U
behind with the women and .?,,"*
children? He said: "Does it not 0I cr^>" ^ ^ L-" ^^'j
please you to be to me as Haroon £f
^^ ^> u y^ J, ^:
to Moosa, except there will be '
, ' "

no Prophet after me?" And I heard fjt ^yt <£**-_> *"<i — '^ ^
him say on the day of Khaibar: "I
shall certainly give the banner to a
^ ,,, ^ ^ ^,* " '^
^^ -^
t ^

man who loves Allah and His : JUi <. LjJ HJjUai* k1^33 ^U 1
Messenger/ and Allah and His .*,,.? --.f _.|r .«.- »..

^ ^^

Messenger love him," We all ^

% & ~ <& -^
hoped for it, but he said: "Call 'Ali
for me/' He was brought, and he
tfjj .^ ill I ixii id\ L'l^Jl iiSj ^
* , ' >_• ., -

^ ^J>
, , , , ,

Jl) <>^'J G;C ^ £*? 0"

had a sore eye. [The Prophet (j&)]

spat in his eye and gave the banner

to him, and Allah granted victory
fe ^ Jj, ^3 US CM : jl^
, , ,

at his hands. And when this verse : JLii t

J^i* jlJl jl^j ll^-j

^^f ^* ^
was revealed: "let us call our sons
and your sons" [Al-'Imran 3:61],
[m ,

& ,

-, H


the Messenger of Allah (gg) called 4 <rvi) :^ .^y .jLI :^.>;

:f "

'Ali, Fatimah, Hasan and Husain '

{&) and said: "O Allah, these are
my family."
Comments: [Its isnad is qauri, al-Bukhari (3706) and Muslim (2404)]

1609. It was narrated from Busr JJ £^ :ju ^ %£ £^_ - W^ ''

bin Sa'eed that Sa'd bin Abi ~ "".,"",

Waqqas said, at the time of the <y. J& if •o ^ J'^f if -^ ^ -

turmoil surrounding
'Affan: "There will be turmoil in
'Uthman bin ,.
* ^^
-., *f

'^ ^f\^ '% ^


. ,> ., * ..

which the one who is sitting will :<1>Up ^ oUi* &i J J ^ela) ^1 jl*
be better than the one who is > >,,
'_* - - ._ * - ,
_' * ? >

standing, the one who is standing

b &^ ^i"
: JU ^ ^' ^^^ (1>l -L*-il

will be better than the one who is ^i

walking, and the one who is
'>u]|) t ^liil
A*uJi t iHi

walking will be better than the J? ^ ^^'j s ^ ' r?'

L 1
^ S^
one who is running. He said:
How about it he enters upon me ^^ - " -
v> ^ ^.^| .^
/ -\

in my house and stretches out his .^'i\ J>\S ^" : J IS ^^i^ ^1 & ^^
hand wanting to kill me? He said:
"Be like the son of Adam
" LUn :


Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 104 4* yolij <ji ^ aii, ^bfcil jl '*'''

Comments: [Its isnad is sateen!

1610. Tt was narrated that Sa'd bin ^jU- :*Ll x* ^ *1* tiiJU _% -^ ^ *

Abi Waqqas said: The Messenger of ", .

Allah ($&) said to al-' Abbas; "This :
^.-^JI J*' & j^ 1 i^li- ji -^
is Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib,
al-' ,*
j^^ ;
- imj- *• >-iT ^, >
, y-~
the most generous of Quraish and !*/",.'/ ^ ^ -

* ^ .

the one who most upholds ties of J^ J^ ^^j ^ J^-


<_^' ^ n. t.~: q.M

kinship "
. . i; >iiJMii» :^'dj ag jiii
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

1611. It was narrated from

J^ _^ - Jj, J^ £^ _ nu
Mus'ab bin Sa'd that his father

said; A Bedouin came to the j* - 4^ jl

J?"- - uAr ^-^ :
Prophet (m) and said; O Prophet of «*u-i' .V f" >

Allah, teach me some words to say. - -

"- ^ ^ ;

He said: "Say: 'There is no God but jJAi- t JLil £J U :JUi '^^1 5^

Allah alone, with no partner or -"' ,"*;
associate; Allah is most great

^ ^
* ,-
Ji V
^ .»
- -

"* 1 > l U ^
much praise be to Allah, glory be to iullj ,\'^S ^1 ill ^ iL 1 V iJU-'.
Allah the Lord of the Worlds, there _ , / ^ s *

isno power and no strength except ^ 'd^^ Vj 1

^ jlAli tt^iS

with Allah, the Almighty Most _, ,j, ^j ^ ^ -^ -
Wise. He said: This is for my V' - - ' ; ' ^ -^
Lord; what is there for me? He Ui
: Jli ?^J t
J^ ji J^J t vji :Jli
said: "Say: 'O Allah, forgive me, . ^ .".* 3
t a ^ s ,
have mercy on me, guide me and V^* 1
-* ^J'j * J- J^ 1

1 :


grant me provision." [yo ^ :^lj .«J^lj

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (2696)1
L6 «^iU» d :^^ Jli :^j ^ Jli

1612. It was narrated from ^^ tfi; J^ V Jj| & Q^ _ nu


Mus'ab bin Sa'd: My father told

- '
tf> s ;s ^

me: We were sitting with the ^ :c]U


t/;' s^'-
^ :

if. .1^
Messenger of Allah (^) and he ^j, j£ :
^ jj, j^ ^ u ^_
' ^

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas ^> 105 4* ^lij (jf (£ JLJui ij\stLt\ jj ,\u'n *

said: "Willone of you be incapable -- „,, _ -? ., « fi , v, ^ .^.c

or earning one thousand hasanahs - f ^ ur .
- - ,

every day?" One of the people

sitting with him asked him: O
Jj^s i<l]l ^J
li rjJLjLt
^ JJU iiLi
^ - , -•?->;:,.
Prophet of Allah, how could one of ^ ,,
1 :Jli -^ ^Ul L^l ^^
us earn one thousand hasanahs? He £^ j^ | £^. ^i £j ^lis^i ^„„',;

said: "He says tasbeeh one hundred


^^ ^

times, and it will be recorded as [WM :^-'j] K

one thousand hasanahs [good

deeds] or will erase one thousand
' (mA) :
f "CT^ ojL-! :

sayyi'ahs [bad deeds]/'

Comments: [Its isoad is sahceh, Muslim (2698)]

1613. It was narrated from j^^ £1^ -0, ^ Jz £j^ -u\r

Mus'ab bin Sa'd that his father , .

said: We were sitting with the & :

1?} b* '^ J>- v^" ^
Messenger of Allah $g) and he
said: "Will one of you be incapable
; j£ t ^ Jj, j^ ^
ti s
^ t
^ ^^-1
of earning one thousand hasanahs
every day?" One of the people
sitting with him asked him: O

^| ''""„"." ^^ <-<Jl
J? -r-r5^

* ^
Messenger of Allah, how could one :JlI
V£^J- JiJi j£ iaIH J^-j Ij

of us earn one thousand hasanahs

every day? He said: "He says **^
, ,

^ ^ > >% ^
t v,-
, , ,,

,, ,

tasbee/t one hundred times, and it [\m :«-lj] .«jy»^ ^l ^^ ji

will be recorded as one thousand
hasanahs [good deeds] or will erase .*iL_£ pw> «iU-.l :
one thousand sayyi'ahs [bad

Comments: [Its isnad is sjrfiedi like the previous report]

1614. It was narrated from t>l &^ :

>if -J iL^ £1^ -U\i
Mus'ab bin Sa'd that his father '


said: Four verses were revealed *?) cA '£"-- ^ i

^-*~AA tl^ 'r}^*^ J*
concerning me. One the day of >.,f ,,7 >-.{ .. • \
•* -,,:

Badr, acquired a sword (as

I '
booty) and I said: O Messenger of
Allah, grant it to me (in addition
«. aL(
\ ,

: J^i SH
t * %,
^1 ^^
^ ;*-

r w
to my share of the booty). He " '

said: "Put it down." Then he iJi^i :jUi .^Ji t Jjl J^3 U :Jlii
stood up and said: MessengerO ,
t .», * - - ,, , ..

of Allah, give it to me, and he J^ '5^ 1

^^^ J >^3 ^ :JLi ^^ ^
said: 'Put it down." Then he
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 106 * ^llj jl ^ ou <jb^4 <j!

stood up and said; Messenger O

of Allah, give it to me; shall I be &

" :
^ i-^ JUi ^
_. * , _, ,,

^^& . .

treated like
(in war)?
He said:
who is of no use

"Put it back
^ '
: Z^\
~ ~
I' -.
,JLi dJp «£Ul
>*x» >
Jt*^0 A^y*%
where you got from." Then this -^

^ J&Vi JU&T
it ik J»
verse was revealed: "They ask v- .^
- '
you (O Muhammad $&)) about _ '_ , _
the spoils of war. Say: The spoils :<Jl» i Gliil
J£ ^UJl ft^ tLUai
are for Allah and
[al-Anfal 8:1]. A man of the Ansar
made some food and invited us, and
we drank wine until we got drunk.

jL ^ ^ '/^


+ „..i-

*. ,



Then the Ansar and Quraish began ^ , -

J- Hy
, *,
^ r

"^ U l
, >,

r^ J^

to boast to one another. The Ansar ; Ji; 4 ;^ jj^ ^j <, ^^Jj tJJ ^
said: We are better than you, _ .^ / /'
, ",

, t t(
p m

Quraish said: We are better than !^* ^s* : tl l>>* *~*i Jl&
An Ansari man picked up the
and struck the
of a camel
j^tf; Vtf

£. ;-, : ^" .^,

nose of Sa'd with it, and Sa'd' s nose

was cut. Then this verse was
. -..:
1 '
ip ^ ^ ...
r&& i&V£
/r , > i*~
,, :

revealed: O you who believe! ,


^^ ^^ ,

Intoxicants {all kinds of alcoholic ^Jl> V^JIj Jjt^i -J &l ^1 :aii £l

drinks), and gambling, and A/-

Unsafe (stone altars for sacrifices to
and Al-Azlam (arrows for
idols etc),
^ *,
^^ ^
, „ . * -

^r \ / .

lij |^l& : Jli .j,^ >JS jl o^ii

seeking luck or decision) are an / \
abomination of Shaitan's (Satan's)

1 lLi
# ,

S ^ , r
!j >^
,*, -

^^5* ^
, • , • *

, *

handiwork. So avoid (strictly all)

that (abomination) in order that you
£^ , ,
: ^1 ,Ii jjjsi :JU cUj^-jf

may be successful. Shaitan (Satan) '-^ ^ A '^^*JD $bli. Z2j^ ^J^

wants only to excite enmity and ,'- .., r- -^ f
u \ ,, -.-.-,

hatred between you with t-j u^ j

intoxicants (alcoholic drinks) and i^l Jj^-3 ^ : JUi *»Jj* '•l^.J"
gambling, and hinder you from the
remembrance of Allah and from As-

,-!' r
^ J^ «fJ , - '*

Salali (the prayer). So, will you not ^^ii i^»

.^iij-i :Jli :JU :Jli3
then abstain?" [al-Ma'idah 5:90, 91].
The mother of Sa'd said: Didn't hMV C?^ :

Allah command you to honour your

(wiA) cr *' oi L-i **i

parents? By Allah, I shall not eat any r "

* ' --r

food or drink anything until I die or

you disbelieve in Muhammad.
Musnad Sa d bin Abi Waqqas &
107 *& u*&3 ij ui 4** jl*^, tj JJ£J»

When they wanted to feed her, they

opened her mouth with a stick and
poured (food or water) into it. Then
this verse was revealed: "And We
have enjoined on man to be good
and dutiful to his parents" [al-

'Ankaboot 29:8], The Messenger of

Allah (jg) entered upon Sa'd to
visit him when he was sick. He
said: O Messenger of Allah, can I

bequeath all my wealth (to

charity)?He said: "No." He said:
Two thirds of it? He said: "No." He
said: One third? And he remained

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan, Muslim (1748)]

1615. It was narrated from Sa'd £j^ ~^° :

K3l _v~* Oi ^3-* ^^*"
bin Malik that the Messenger of "\

J^ J &'A^ 0* JM &^ W
, ', . „, s , t

l S
Allah said: "If the plague :

some land, do not go there,
and if it is in a land where you

•- ^ ^
^J, z^-

- -

^L O^uJl > ^ _ #

are, do not flee from it." Olf b|» : Jli #, Jji 6^'j
Comments: [Its isnad is jayyid] ,^ ^l *j-|j t £>tf bjj t^l*- l^L^' ^

.(u\a) : urvvr) :£.jij.«L-.l :^.>«;


1616. It was narrated from Sa'd ji- 6*^ 1 ._>l*)Jl jl* to0>- -\"0"\
bin Malik that the Messenger of ~
Allah (&) said on the day of
01 :
^U ,

C* ^ 0* '^^ ^ l
Uhud: "Shoot him, may my father jij^ t yn : j^{ -^ jtf
<gg Jj; jp^
and mother be sacrificed for you!" b
^ .

[U ^° (^'^ 'V ,J :

Comments: [Sa^eeh because of *>;'

corroborating evidence; this is a ;. t (rvTo) :*- .b^jJ ?v»w ^ffiy"**
munpn" (interrupted)""^!
^ lju
1617. It was narrated from ir^U :ijjLi ^ ijj CJjU- -\1W
Yahya bin 'Ubaid al-Bahrani that
Muhammad bin Sa'd used to do
wudoo' in az-Zawiyah. One day

-0 (/.

J^ u*
s ^3' ji C ^
1 1
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas & 108 >&, ,^11^ jl ^i oxi <jl*i| j j
y, -

Muhammad bin Sa'd came out to

us from the washroom, and he
did wudoo' and wiped over his
khujfain. We were surprised and
said: What is this? He saiet.My
father told me
he saw the
Messenger of Allah (^) do what I
have done. [WoT :£ r l
J ]. ( iJ&L;jL
Comments: [A hasan hadeeth]
•^*j' -
-o—^ w-^-
y. r^** -pis*"

1618. It was narrated that Qais

L^l :jj;U ^ ij; Cjai, -n\A
said: 1 heard Sa'd bin Malik say:
By Allah, I was the first of the
Arabs to shoot an arrow for the
sake of Allah. We used to go out
on campaign with the Messenger
of Allah ($£) and we would have
no food except the leaves of al-
hublah and as-samur (desert trees),
and one of us would produce
stools like a sheep, so dry that
t-kk £u SUJI «_uaJ U5
nothing stuck to And now
it. ill

Banu Asad are teaching me about

my religion, in which case 1 must [\ma .-^g .jx^ j^>)
have been doomed and my efforts

Comments: [Its isnarf is sn/z«?/i, al-Bukhari (3728) and Muslim (2966)]

1619. was narrated from 'Amu-
j* jl^ y\ H'jJ-l :juj: &js. -\\\*>
bin Sa'd that his father said: I saw
the Messenger of Allah (s^) say
salam to his right and to his left.

Comments: [Saheeh because of

corroborating evidence; this is a
[WAi i^lj ,<JUj,
because of the weak-
da'eef isnad
l-Uj .(oAY) :(• . (yjJ t^-^ 'pis**
ness of Abu Ma'shar]
1620. It was narrated from 'Amir
bin Sa'd that his father said: On a* i>> a?
1 Gi^ ;

CJJ tfl^ -m«

the day of al-Khandaq, there was ai ^u ^ ^>^1 J -^ j? J^UJ

Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas 4,, 109 4* y^lij j' ^ Ji*i< tj**"! j' '*"*

a man who was shielding himself -'*'u *.- :,' .*; .

M ; . -

with his shield, doing something '^ f-^



^ '"^
like this with it; he would put it jlsdi j-^JL J_^ Jif V^ J^j (-


over his nose, then do something '--,'*> .?--,,.-

like this, and then put it down. I
stretched my hand out towards
vlisU J ^-
r J^

^ ^^
J^.^.2 t ^i^ Jj ^J^S jii ,i^ :

my quiver and took out a blood- '


^^j^ uS <£*^>y ^-^ U4-- L^?

stained arrow, which placed on


the string of
my bow. When he did
like this,and lowered
^ *

^ ^
V^ ^ ^ j^ ^
his shield, I shot the arrow. I have i^/ll ^ *JSj lis

,_,!* f^iP 1
£*j ^—^
never forgotten how it hit the
shield, and he (the man) fell and ^ ^ ^*
{. t
- - ~ :

^ .,


< ? - ,
^ -. :

started kicking with his foot. The _£i^-li; o_b ^- : J IS il_>-i _ 3g£
Prophet of Allah (jg) smiled -I [the
narratorj think he said: so broadly


Jli *-i'
*H ^ ' 1'-
Jli V
that his eyeteeth could be seen- I ,
... , . . .

said: Why? He said: Because of

what that man did.
^ **<" -

' J


Comments: [Its (snud is rfu'ec/ because Muhammad bin Muhammad bin al-
Aswad is unknown]
1621. It was narrated that 'Abdul- jup ji- iXl lL*-U-
:fjj Ui-b- -UY\
Malik bin 'Umair said: 1 heard
Mus'ab bin Sa'd narrate from his ^ & V*-"
, , , , , t , ,
. _
- ;

father Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas that he i)\S £) '-y^j ^} J>,

-^ ^ y-
used to enjoin this supplication and
narrate it from the Prophet (#$): "O ^ 4?

* °"^
** ,
^ '1



: 1

<J* - *l
Allah, I seek refuge with You from
miserliness, I seek refuge with You
^^ "
,' ,
t J^l ^

5^f J} i^l*
, ^ , .
E t

from cowardice, I seek refuge with <.JJ>i\ Jjjl ^! ^j 1 <->'

^ J y=- ( j t

You from becoming senile, I seek .

j. . j, ? >j- ^-r
*- 1 --. .
; '['
refuge with You from the trials of ; ;
' :

this world, and I seek refuge with [\oao :n^.\j] jj^i\

You from the punishment of the

grave." .(yayy) :^ .^>w» eaU-i ^j^^"

Comments: [Its fsnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (2822)]

1622. It was narrated from j^ fy Ji^jl ^ ^J. tJo>. -nYY (

Mus'ab bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, - . - . > ,-«

from his father, that he swore by Jli

- ^^1 ^' 0* J^^i b'"^ NLi :

and al-'Uzza, and ^

a/-Lflt his
^ _ jy^, &a£ :Jl» :j^ r1

MusnadSa'dbin AbiWaqqas^ 110 >- ^aj J tf.

j i.-.. ^ t.\
J '*

companions said to him: You

have said something unseemly. So
he went to the Prophet (&) and


^ Uj

*^ •>
* ,

^ .

0* ,

tf -Z\^,\ i Jlii ^^]tj o^JL Oi

said: I am newly Muslim, and I ,• * ' .- -'- " ',
> , *

swore an oath by al-Laf and a\- -4^1 oi : J& ££§


^1 ,yti -l^i JJJ

Vzza The Prophet (jg) said to
him: Say La i/a/w ula/Zah wahdahu
^-] tj
^j L
m£ V
vt t ^^
(there is no god but Allah alone)
three times, and spit dryly to your
(UV/1) ^ iiJ l JLi

3 Jlii

,i.j; »- . . « ,:. .c * ,
*f, t

left three times, and seek refuge

/ '
^ v J

with Allah from the Shaitan, and j* «Ll j^irj cCSC ilJLLi '-^ jijlj
do not do it again.
[\eV :^lj].«jii;Nj OlkI)l
Comments; [Its isnad is saheeh]

.ry^~e I »*y jJ*j

1623. It was narrated from J-wf ril- .-" "-i-:> i-;

a -
Muhammad bin Abdur-Rahman s ..

bin Labeebah that Sa'd bin Malik M :£J jl &J-'J\ ±s- y_ ju^J j£
said: I heard the Prophet (%) say: ^ .?'*».', ,' '

"The best of «r
is that which is ^ ^^"^ JU
-,.: .

^ U
^ u~

silent and the best of provision is Li JJ^JI 'J^.j t( yiJl /jjl ^» :

that which is just enough." '

J S*^
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]
£? '

1624. It was narrated from &\- V'l' :>,; *f ,rf* - .-»*

Muhammad bin Sa d that his father _

said: 'Umar asked permission to : oi^S ^ ^JLi j* j^- ^ (~*^I

enter upon the Messenger of Allah .. .
,f ., . , , . ,;*/
<%), and there were some women *f ^ ****" ** ^ Y^ ^ -^ lj

with him whose voices had :JU ol ^ aJLi ^* aUJ ^ 'C^~^

drowned out his voice. He gave
him permission to enter, and they

' .

^ ^ ** ',,
- » *
Ljil ^ 1

hastened to leave. 'Umar came in

and the Messenger of Allah (£&)
JS y&\'^\
: Jt ^.-

^ ',*

was smiling. 'Umar May J ^JJ r* l j?*-^ 'OJSCi »J

said: J^-^
make you happy all your life,
O Messenger of Allah; may my
*Jjl iUi-l :Jii JUi .iui;
^ Jjl
, _ ^ #( (

father and mother be sacrificed for : <J^ -c^O ^Jl ^L *^1 Jj-^3 ^ *^L
you. He said: "1 wonder at these -• - ,*r: • =i --.*.-•:
women who were with me. When ^ "
' ' ^ -
-'^ •

they heard your voice they i 1 : J^ ^4^ JjU o^liii OJjL' iil^
Musnad Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas * 111 4» o^j jl {£ 4*i (jtx^l jj aii-i
hastened to leave." 'Umar turned
to them and said: O enemies of
your souls, by Allah you should :
^ ^j\ j^- jl£ .J^ 'J£ ji j^i
have feared the Messenger of Allah
(3fe) more than me. The Messenger

of Allah "Let them be, O

^ . > .



^ I; j& ^»
(agj) said: _ lu ^j yi ij- YJ\ n/| 1= ~^
->iu- Mi
'Umar. By Allah, the Shaitan never "
* ^ '

meets you on a road but he takes a [ \ i VY :

^- lj]
different road."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3294) and Muslim

End of the hadeeth of Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas *&

; ,

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4* 113 * ju j ^ Jyuu- .Vni.*

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid bin *Amr bin Nufail 4&

1625. It

Sa'eed bin Zaid bin

was narrated from
'Amr bin
: ju
5^ - -^ £j^. _ mo
Nufail that the Prophet of Allah <y. jy^ 'J- p* l). 44^ ^
(^5) said: "Truffle are a kind of
manna, and its water is a healing
for the eyes" ^ SILS3I* :JU jgj 5L1 £J M :J>*
Comments: [Its

Bukhari (4478) and Muslim

isnad is saheeh, al-
t u^ ^ Ji;l] ."-J^L illi U^li"*

(2049)] [\iri ^uro t \in iwnr

1626. It was narrated from J^ 4UUI JlIp ji- jcL. liia*- -HYI
Sa'eed bin Zaid, from the Prophet •* >

(m): "Truffle are a kind of manna, & — & '^^ & J r* & f** "

and its water is a healing for the

t ^Ji ^ sUsJl» :
^ ."^In ^ '

Comments: [bee the previous <- *r

,-dil« «-1
C^ G -^ J J

1627. It was narrated that 'Amr :

^ ^j^.
,i : U..XM aU Ci*U- -UXV
bin Huraith said: My father told ." ~
, , , , . ,
- , ,-*

me that Prophet (sg) said:

the ^ J
H" ^ T^ tf

^ £Uft * Li -^
"Truffle are a kind of manna, and jji jy/, \£ ^J\ ^Jjj. : ji= ^j^
its water is a healing for the eyes." . " " - .

1 628. It was narrated from Sa'eed ^ oliLii IJL* :Jli jllli &5J- -\"UA
bin Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail, that "
, a , , .*„-..
the Messenger of Allah (ag) said:
**^ Crf

** ui ^^ ^ 'cSW
„ .
Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid & 114 * jjj ^ '
--- 'i'..'.:

^ ^ ^.,.,-.
"Whoever is killed defending his * c ,-:> .

property is a martyr and whoever 01 '

^ "^ ^ J
v* **
wrongs another with regard to a
handspan of land, his neck will be
t <ju Oji jJ ^» :JU
^ Jjl J^

encircled with it down through (,1

S?r' t^j^ 1
0? j^ j*j •>-^f-
i 3^
seven earths."
Comments: [Its isnad is s«7ie?e/i]
[nri :>:!] .^31 ^ ^ ^>
1629. It was narrated from
Sadaqah bin al-Muthanna: Riyah
; -
^^^ <',.,
- ^j £^ _ nM
bin al~Harith told me, that al- ^ :
4o Wl ^lj *J>
<j"^- J&l
Great Mosque, and the people of
L ^,
x^Jl i -,15 ZXl -1 s'^Ji
' ' - /, . ,

Koofah were with him, to his right l

5J^**i O^J t
?r^ ^ ii^Jl Jil »x*j
A man called Sa'eed
bin Zaid
to his left.
him and al-
Mugheerah greeted him and
^ .-; -


- „

^ >^-^
x* ilLM} iS^^I
, •, *,- 1 -

t^j^Jl JU *lL?-^

seated him by his

on the couch.
Then a man of Koofah came and
turned to al-Mugheerah, and ?r^
^ ,i

^^ -,.-'-'


J~^ <y
^^ .(

J^ '^j ^
started spouting insults. Sa'eed ',

^'4^ ^

- , , t \

Who man reviling, O L- JU ^' :J ^


is this

Mugheerah? He said: He is reviling

'Ali bin Abi Talib. He said; O ~
^ :
- L

' '
, t , \ t
Mugheer bin Shu'b, O Mugheer <->j~-i iH f-Ul J^ij ^L^il ^Lii

bin Shu' b - three times - why do I - >-m i'f

: »'i <i- >^' <i V
hear the Companions of the

Messenger of Allah (jgj) being »U^j 'lS^ 1 cJL»J< LL i^g Jbl J^

reviled in your presence and you
do not object or try to stop it? I bear
witness about the Messenger of

£\\ :JLi £f
^ r ^
* -


\l\ ^
^^ 'f.


, ,- .


L'iS JIp

Allah ($%), that my ears heard and ^, •".),,, *

^. •
" .,
my heart understood from the it ^ i^J
t *^jl J ^*j '^ J ,
Messenger of Allah <&), and I have
never narrated any lie about him
j 5^3 t ^j, j ^^ t ^J,

that he would hold against me if I Jt Cr^S^ ^j ^^l ^ js^'j 4

5^ 1

met him; (I bear) witness that he ' i=- .-?-?, .

Jt ,
r >. '.-- -*-n
said: "Abu Bakr will be in Paradise, -"' ,
, f . r .

'Umar will be in Paradise/ Ali will v^-l ol ci*i 'J iiiAJl ^i ^^Jl
be in Paradise, 'Uthman will be in k vt *-' :JU
Paradise, Talhah will be in '^^
> >.-,
^~J >' gH"
, ',,- >;,
^ ::J

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid & 115 * J^j ^ JU*jj .'tiJi *

Paradise, az-Zubair will be in

Paradise, 'Abdur-Rahman will be
in Paradise and Sa'd bin Malik will


^ -

^ ^^ ,,
, ..

jf t l_i^ jjjij 1(Jjl ^^iii; :jii

be in Paradise." And the ninth of
, ' '
. ^ , „

the believers who will be in ^ 'jr 1^ ^ J^jJ f

, [
S^ 1
Paradise -if you want
him, I name him. The people
me to name ^j J^ .j^ ^
— '

in the mosque started urging him, t^ *JW Jj-i-3

^ M^j J^"3 Srf j?*j

raising their voices, adjuring him: „{,.>,*

O Companion of the Messenger of C*

r >>
,** >-,
* 3 r ^ <r^ ^ ^"
_ - . ?j

(jg), who is

As you have adjured me by

the ninth? He [uvo* \ m :>Jl] .fSLUl *i^

Allah, and Allah is Almighty, I am •£?*-* «jU->! :


the ninth of the believers, and the

Messenger of Allah (5^5) is the tenth.
Then he followed that with an
oath: By Allah, one action of one of
them who went out on campaign
once and got his face dusty when
he was with the Messenger of
Allah ($s) is better than all the
actions of one of you, even if he
were to live as long as Nooh (^*).

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1630. It was narrated from

bin Zaid that the Prophet (#,} said:
Sa'eed j^J. ^ idi, £JU- : LSj £-b- -
Mr *

*\„ \
-h^ J* V ^
t [

" Be still, O
Hira', for there is no one ^3 0? L
Ji S "*? 3
0* " jj^J
on you but a Prophet, a Siddeeq or j _^ -
*^ j^ .

fy y^ j^- _
a martyr." And on the mountain , >
,,/'' -,
were the Prophet (j£), Abu Bakr, 0* 'r^ y!
J* 'Vr^ :s
r J'J 3 ^3
'Umar, 'Uthrnan, 'All Talhah, az-
'Abdur-Rahman bin
j,^ r^,„
: jtf ^ «^| ,j ; _ jj ^ j^
Zubair, Sa'd,
'Awf and Sa'eed bin Zaid, may


, -;
jl *£J M[


^ ^J ^^,^3^J

Allah be pleased with them. j-^f- iJUkI^

Comments: [SaJiee/1

corroborating evidence]
because of the
». „ *>*.*„.. i-r;'-
*^«^J l
, —
*J^J V"

t\iie inii i\irA :>;i].|^iLi

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid -*, 116 o£b ^Jj lH ,l " *'"
*"" '*

1631. It was narrated

that 'Abdur-
Rahman bin al-Akhnas said: al-
^ji ^ 'Cj. i&U- :^j i-jjU- -nn
Mugheerah bin Shu'bah addressed
us and criticized 'Ali (&). Sa'eed bin
Zaid stood up and said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (}*$) say: "The J^—j C~**~- I J Lis Juj \°,
XjkL> iUi ii£fc
Prophet will be in Paradise, Abu
Bakr will be in Paradise, 'Umar will
be in Paradise, 'Uthman will be in
Paradise, "Ali will be in Paradise,
Talhah will be in Paradise, az-
Zubair will be in Paradise, 'Abdur-
Rahman bin 'Awf will be in
Paradise and Sa'd will be in
Paradise." And if you wish, I shall
name the tenth one.
Comments: [A Saheeh Hadeeth and
its istiad is when other isnads
are taken into consideration]

1632. It was narrated that Sa'eed

bin Zaid said: I heard the Prophet

(Ss) say: "Truffle are a kind of

manna, and
for the eyes."
its water is a healing
^ &iJl> :jj: ^ *£] ,IJL^ :JLf

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (4478) and Muslim
:^ t<i£VA) :£ .^>w= «jLJ ^t^;,^

1633. It was narrated from Sa'eed :

j=^ O^J (^ C/' J^- ^-^ -^YT
bin Zaid that the Prophet (sg£) - Ibn
Numair said: I heard the Messenger
of Allah (ag) "Whoever takes
- said:
a handspan of land unlawfully, his
neck will be encircled with it on the & ^i :jii _ ^ ill j^ ^u^
Day of Resurrection down through
seven earths."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, a\-
Bukhari (2452) and Muslim
[nn * ATi . :^i] Xj~j>j\

.(\-n») :
UXior) i^.^^^^i^i :£ij^;
Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid & 117 .& jjj jj .'_'- jjii

1634. It was narrated that Sa'eed iuii &i^- : w-^Jl jlp llil*- — ^ "\V i
bin Zaid said: The Messenger of
Allah (0) came out to us with &

^& ,..,',„,
j^ ^° ^ -^ i*
v1 1

some hand and he

truffle in his
said: "Do you know what this is?
^ ^
: J li jil
j J
jl^ ^ ^'J.
s >

This is a kind of manna, and its '^^ tiL** ;^ c*?J *^§ <W J^j
water is a healing for the eyes."
ujUj t -j, ^ J; ^ u ^i=>
Comments: [Its

Bukhari {4478) and Muslim

isnad is saheeh, a]-
t nY ° :
<V~U -'O^J ^
.(W<0 i(MVA)
c lce^

: .jL-1 \gij>£

1635. It was narrated that tLi l£U :^lU ^ lUi ;

lL jb- -nro
'Abdul-Malik bin 'Umair said: I ,
' , „

heard 'Amr bin Huraith say: I /A* ^V- :

<-^ J** J>. 4*P l
heard Sa'eed bin Zaid say: I heard . *i -- ,' "\ - i- - .
V * •" . > , S

the Messenger of Allah {0) say: ^

"\ '

''Truffle is a kind of manna, and ^ 5L^-S3t B J>Si ^ j^i.3 ^-^-

^^ ^

its water is a healing for the

[mfl .
eyes. ">- y- ' ' ^ ^ ^
Comments: [See the previous .-dJU £>-lj '&/*'

1636. It was narrated from

Sa'eed bin Zaid, from the Prophet
' „
^* 2iJ


t ,

Shu'bah said: When al-

(3fe)... J^ 0*^0? r^ ] 1

J>' :v->
Hakam narrated it to me, 1 .-^ - ?- * ' *
^ *"l]i
. •
t t

recognized it from the Jiadeetfi of ^//' "\'^ /' -

' '

'Abdul-Malik, and I did not find J>"^ LlJ :hi JU ... ^ ^Jl ^ ^
it strange because of the hadeeth of ..,-:. ,- . . >,xt-T1 >>-;,
"*" *» **>~

^ '^' r '(•*»» JJ

Comments: [See the previous U"lTo :£»-lj]

.<uu £r'j £!/»'

1637. It was narrated from

'Abdur-Rahman bin al-Akhnas
J^j, ^ :> ^ ^; ^Ui £&- -\irv
that al-Mugheerah bin Shu'bah L

CS. j^ J*

^ J?^
, , ,a

gave a speech and criticized 'Ali
^j, ^
:^,. •
.^1 _- ^
(*&). Sa'eed bin Zaid stood up and - ;
^ ^
said: I

the Messenger
bear witness that
of Allah fa&) say: ^
I heard

^^ Jlli


b .
^**^ ^1 x^\
„ .: ^ . .
v ; J :JLa jjj ^ jl*^
Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid * 118 ^ 4^j lH +4*"'* V^ >*

"The Messenger of Allah will be « > , , > , ,, * „

Abu Bakr will be

in Paradise, in J *& ^ J ^-3 H -^A M^ <J^S
Paradise, 'Umar will be
Paradise, "All will be in Paradise,
j "
^ t ^j| jz
j",.'.*' ^ t ^J,

^s .



'Uthman be in Paradise,
will l Jl t
^ t

'Abdur-Rahman will be in
Paradise, Talhah will be in
4 &j, ^
, ,
t ^J,
\ ^
; -^,,
Paradise, az-Zubair will be in '
Jl» jU <*>JI ^ J^j i£»JI
^ ^'jilj

Paradise and Sa'd will be in

Paradise." Then he said: And if
you wish I will tell you about the
*„•.: ,*r
^ *i
^ l
^ r^ t .-:. . v.-»f

[\1V\ :«-IJ
. >.

, *


tenth. Then he mentioned himself.

.ryj*~0 wjJb- . gUjpm*
Comments: [A SaJieeh Hadeeth]

1638. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin Zalim said: al-
^^ '

iu : ; il^ eslt -nVA
Mugheerah bin Shu'bah gave a ->r* J* ^^ J>.
J^? C^ *jh^ ^
speech and criticized 'Ali. Sa'eed '-**\ >• *. .*\. -;- , -„: ,'r. » (.

bin Zaid came out and said; Are . * ' '

you not surprised at this one :JUi jjj ^ -u^ £^J i^ ^ J&

reviling Ali? bear witness about

Pl *,,,--." <s

^ ^^
'.-if ,«., , . .- t

the Messenger of Allah (a£): we ^^ - ;

were atop Hira' or Uhud, and the jf t ji^> JU & ill tj£| *1JI J_^3 JU
Prophet (g$) said: "Be still, O Hira'
- or Uhud - for there
you but a Siddeeq or a martyr."
is no one on -
^ ,.

^ ^'

J -^


^ , (

jt j,ju, U"ii _ Ait jf

And the Prophet (i^) named the *'^
./,/ s

ten. He named: Abu Baler, 'Umar, '3** J <-J". fy ur*-^* tS^ii)! ^Jl Ji^
'Uthman, 'Ali, Talhah, az-Zubair, .;•" — ^u- ;-lL' i
i;- m-:'-
j - ^ j
Sa'd, and 'Abdur-Rahman, and ^ . /
Sa'eed named himself. • J i^ ^-*> i_f^*j l
VJ^ 'J>. C^**"^
Comments: [Sa/j^e/i because of ^if ^^
[ ^ > t
«, )

corroborating evidence; this is a
hasan isnad]

1639. It was narrated from .^ *;:; i'f*^ •

u V;. I'il^
Sa'eed bin Zaid bin 'Amr bin
Nufail that he heard the Prophet ^j* Ji ^ +* ui i ^Us If t^jJI
say: "Whoever steals a .. /
^ ,^ ^
(^,) . . , , ,

s .

handspan of land, his neck will be ^ "^

^ ^"^ ^
encircled with it down through 5^ £^JI i!I :Jll* J Ip ^ Jjr j^j
seven earths." Ma'mar said: I
U ) ,

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4° 119 &, jlJj ^ juam jiiii

heard that az-Zuhri - although I
did not hear it from him - added
"And whoever
«> '^
,« ,

Oi ^ -,

to this hadeeth:
killeddefending his property is


JU »j-^3l
, c
', .

li* urf ^J _ ^? -*^ ^3 _ i/) 11

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .«jl^^ 34* *-*l^ <Jj* Jr* ir*3
B :

'r-;-^ 1

Bukhari (2452) and Muslim

LUTA ;^l^]
.(\-U*) : i(rioY) :^.^^>^ e il^l :gi>J

1640. It was narrated from Abu

Salamah that Marwan said: Go and
Q u^.f :i,3U ^ ij; £-b- -\\i*
- • t
t , .

reconcile between these two, <-J*~^ ±* Jt 4^^ yl ^

'u* tf-
Sa'eed bin Zaid and Arwa. Sa'eed
,^5 ,^r, .

jj y .^ f

said: Do you think I took anything ^ f

that belonged to her? I bear witness J^ *-c5jJ0 ^j ^ ^-~J 0^ ^
I heard the Messenger of Allah
say: "Whoever takes a ™
*f „,#.'
^^ ^
.,*. .

..-'; * ,

handspan of land unlawfully will j+] y,* ; Jjk #5 Jjl J ^3 cJL^i ^1

be encircled with it down through ^- K > *, ,- ,.
seven earths. Whoever becomes CT ^

"°^ '^ ^ rr


the mawla of a freed slave without

permission from the one who
r«H jf\ f^* <-}'>" ^ l^ J i
o=-?j 1

manumitted him, upon him be the J

cH* ^ ' *"' °A^ s
^ ^
^ V^ ^,

curse of Allah.
the wealth of a
And whoever seizes
Muslim by means
^ "
£ ft, ^ ^ t

* '

of a false oath, may Allah not bless ^ n H JX

[ \l i :

it for him."
.(uv) :* t (r\u) ^.jy^u
^ :?k/-
Comments: [Its isnad is ^awi] " ^*

1641. 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Amr J* ^4^ &'*> -o\Q\ y) ^^- -Wi\

bin Sahl narrated that Sa'eed bin ', * , ,. *.;-;? ;« „ , . j,,

Zaid said: I heard the Prophet ^ *

(&=) say: "Whoever takes a hand Y^ J, ^JS ^ yl*-'J>\ x* 0' '-^'y-

span of land unlawfully, his neck *
3 -;'.-,.- * »,-•
will be encircled with it down ir

^^ .

:Jli -J »> "^^ °'


: *^'

through seven earths."

fy tl
^ ^'Vi ^ p ^1, :JU ^g
Comments: [Its

Bukhari (2452) and Muslim

isnad is saheeh, al-
r ,

Cr ,jJ
J ^

1610 )J • m a y> • •
1. 1 •-

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid *& 120 *.

y/j q\ .>--.. \->.:.:

1642. It was narrated that Talhah

bin 'Abdullah bin 'Awf said:
jj iUJ
-U*^. Li^l
ir-J-i :!•;, c£U- -mr
Arwa bint Uwais came to me «IJl -£* J[ iUi. ^ ^ijj*ji\ ^ Ju^,j
with some people of Quraish
among whom was 'Abdur-
Rahman bin 'Amr bin Sahl, and
^ ^
°i ^ Jjl

^ It
- /
^ ,


jJJ. *£ j^-^Jl jup l^j t^JJ^* ^ i:

she said: Sa'eed bin Zaid has
added to his land some of my
^ & i?- ^ =

di :
^& l
J*^ J ]

land that is not his. I want you to ^ ^j u ^-[ J\ ^j \\ -^,

go him and speak to him. So
to . /**"'.-
, _
I ',*-,- > ;
we rode to him when he was in -3* :
^^ .ojIiSci o^'L" jl c4*>-t -^j
his land in al-'Aqeeq.
saw us, he said: I
When he
know why you
- .^
^ ,
^ _^ ^ ^ ;

-"' -
' ;

have come and I will tell you ^ ^ii^-Lij i^X tl>- ^jl)1 c-i^*
what I heard from the Messenger
of Allah
flfe). I heard him say:
takes any land that is







^^Vl ^
* °^*
, ,

1^1 '^»
not his, his neck will be encircled - * , , , • ' * •

with it down through seven <& ^ J ^^ t 1

f>- iSr^ 1

<>? ^A^ 1

earths on the Day of Resurrection, [\"\YA : «-lJ .u^i ^i JU Oji

and whoever is defending
his property is a martyr." :p t(Ytor) :^-.^w»^;jb- :gi>~*

Comments: [A Sotedt Hadeeth] . O "n >

1643. It was narrated from 4* &^- :

^j ±* cj> ^.y. &•'*' -\^i r
Talhah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Awf , ,j , t ~i '* • >

that 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Amr bin ^/^ ^ i^' s*^ l

*#' oi l

Sahl told him that Sa'eed bin Zaid 2± of :

^*}p ^ aLi
jilc- -J U& V
said: heard the Prophet (^) say:

"Whoever takes land unlawfully, ^ ^ A,S^

, a
^ :
J>. Jp- 0? O^ 1

his neck will be encircled with it -„ :

$£ ^ jj^ .^ ^ ,.,

down through seven earths ." ~>

/ l\ / .. ' ^

Comments: [So/hk/i] CT ^ *& ^ tl

^ t^' & p
[\-\ri i^lj] J^l

1644. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin Zalim al-Mazini
^u ^ : ji|
' '
t£U- -Ult
^ ^ 6* y^

said: When Mu'awiyah left 4

0? J^* S^ L ^'
Koofah, he appointed as his -
^ jU; -y_ tf :JU VjU3l rJ^ v'l
governor al-Mugheerah bin ^ - - > -
^ '

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4* 121 A Jjj ^ .Wfiii i't'n'i»

Shu'bah. He allowed some speakers

JIj iuaJi /J S~Jl*JI L«J*iiit t^ijSJl
to criticise 'AH. was beside Sa'eed

bin Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail and he

got angry and stood up. He took me
tff- -j b-
^ ^ 5^ ^qJ. -jg

by the hand and I followed him, and : JIj

J^ J> jjj- J> a^j ^ x*^ ^L-
he said: Don't you see this man who -,,;:*».< , ' -\: ,.ir. - ::

is wronging himself, who is allowing ; - - -> r

the people to insult a man who is one ^jji , , '^i jq^i ji^l \li jj j^- ^1
of the people of Paradise? I bear ~,
f t(r
' , ,

witness with regard to the nine that J* Ar& l

£^ J* j* J^j <_A 1
j- o1j-

and if I bore
they will be in Paradise, ' • 1 .r. -s ,• ' . ..«
witness concerning the tenth I would ?^ ^ '
^ r^ '

not be sinning. I said; How is that? : Jtf ?ij|i Uj :cJl> : Jti .15 1J jJ-UJl
He said: The Messenger of Allah ($£) - >s . „ ,. s > ' , ,

0-4^ iil> ^Jl» *W J_^3 JG

said: "Be still, Hira', for there is no
one on you except a Prophet or a
Siddeeq or a martyr." I said: Who
.3^ ^ ~-
.( *
^ '


^, j^
were they? He said: The Messenger #\'j t$|g Jjl Jj-^j : jUi ?li J^ : ^r-ii

of Allah, Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman,

'Ali, az-Zubair, Tainan^ 'Abdur- ^^ ^J '* 1

tjUip} ^j *,£
Rahman bin 'Awf and Sa'd bin >• ^- ^- - -y, ^j ^,- t

Malik. Then he fell silent. I said: And ^ , ., . j7 ,

who was the tenth? He said: Me. ^3 : >^~^ - JLs i-^Jk^ p :

JU t^^°
Comments: [Sa/iee/i because of [ur< :**-!;] .t
corroborating evidence and its
c '

isnad is Hasan]
rJ^. 3ll _j 1^ t0 ^jj ^^^ :
1645. It was narrated from
'Abdullah bin Zalim at-Taimi that
^ .^
- ^ £^ ' ^
_ nie
Sa'eed bin Zaid bin 'Amr bin If o**-y\ $•* Jt ^^ ^^ : *J
Nufail said: I bear witness that 'AH
is one of the people of Paradise. I
-Jit rj> aJUI xs- Ij*
n-iLlJ ^ <J^?

said: How is that? He said: He is J!i J> jJS J,

Joj ^ ju: ji. t^Bl

^ ^ ^ 1:Jl>
one of the nine, and if you want '
, •{ ,s ^r .% „
*f , „.? - -

me name the tenth, I shall

:cJi '^ ;>> ^
name him. He said: Hira' shook, c_ | t
^Jj ^.-. , '-M ^ ji : Jli ?i)ia Uj
and Messenger of Allah (^)
the ;,,
'^ 'A^
£^ , , , ^ ; . £

said: "Be still, Hira', for there is ^> 3^ p

! :
^^ J^ ^ ]

no one on you but a Prophet or a

Siddeeq or a martyr." He said:
^ ^ t
( ^ u -^
Jj ( j^-, j^
S - t' * * t I a , *

The Messenger of Allah (#,), Abu "-^ J 1

* Je-H* J 1
'<> ^! ^4^ 1^
Bakr, 'Umar, 'Ali, 'Uthman, >-^ >- n- ^^ ,,,
', j- .

Talhahj, az-Zubair, Abdur-

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4fc 122 & jjj ^ juj^i. Jiiiui
meaning Sa'eed
bin 'Awf, Sa'd and
me -

^ ,.,,
,*„ l
J t4
~U *-f

t0Uip J

Comments: [Saheeh because of •*-&* <_^*; ^j i-^-j <>^'y-
^J> 0*^^'
corroborating evidence and its '
> >,

isnad is Hasan] L^' '^rbl .^Ji

1646. 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Amr .

£j| f
>• > ,-, £^ _ nn
bin Sahl narrated that Sa'eed bin -
Zaid said: I heard the Messenger u^
[ t
&j*y\ ^ „

^V ?\
j!^ ^^
of Allah (gg) say: "Whoever
any land unlawfully, his neck will
takes ^ ?f
" ' ^ ^
' "

be encircled with it down through x^ ul : sj^l

J4-* ^ J^r** ^ J^jJ'
seven earths." > *, .,,.. '-,'*.' -, -
- ,
: dj* $§ <UI J^3 c .;«: : Jtf ^3 /Jl
Comments: [Saheeh because of , , _ ^, ^
corroborating evidence, al- ^ «^"
*U * £i ^jS/l ^ lit y»
Bukhari (2452) and Muslim '

(1 610) and its isnad is Hasan]

L n™ :

rlj] "^


.,>.*- jL-[ U*j .(^-) :

,(TfoT) :£ .^ ^^ :gi>:

1647. It was narrated that Sa'eed ^1| : l;ui ^ ;lU Gili- -mv
bin Zaid said: The Messenger of "

Allah (3fe) mentioned (i.e., warned $*** hf "j^ J> 44^' +* ^ ^~?
against) turmoils (jitnahs) like
^ t
,£ Jj, _^ - twiUJ .,

pieces of dark night. I think he said: _

*«',"' ,V „ / '


"People may rush to become ^ 5H <W f-^j : <-^ ^L; ^ ^5^

involved in them very quickly." It ';'•,• vf V li-'w i-tn T -*
was said: Are all of them (those '

t ,
^r CT^ V
who get involved in them) doomed jL^Kl
:J^ :JU «^Ui ^-1 ^llll l^j
or some of them? He said: "The . . , . >>. .
'-. - _.,>.,.( * ,

killing will be enough (reason) for rfr^i J 1

f*^ w : Jl *
-r+^ f

them (all to be doomed)." .«

V£j| _
Comments: [Its isHrtrf is hasan]
iL_1 :
It was narrated from Nufail

Hisham bin Sa'eed bin Zaid bin

^^jjl llfl; ^^ '
^ -^-\u

'Amr bin Nufail, from his father, ^ Js^ J>. ^'J ji t ^

o? f Li» j? J^

that his grandfather said: The

Messenger of Allah {^;) was in
$>- ^ ,
:JU '.1;
" '
u' t J
u' t
Makkah along with Zaid
Harithah, and Zaid bin 'Amr
„,:, ,,
^ jjjj y. <S1L
..-:' . .-',,'.-
^ *JUI
Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4t 123 * JJ j & JU*^ aiii

Nuf ail passed by them. They called

him to eat some food they had with
them and he said: O son of my

J5 V


^' ^
ui :JU
* ,.

&\ JU
* JU
- ;r

^^ ,->

brother, I do not eat what has been " / „/ .^

slaughtered on stone altars. After 'Y^

^ C' , >

^ ^ J* 1

^ ;

that the Prophet (jg) was never ^^J^ t Jj t j^- L: Jjj j^

seen eating anything that had been *,%'/',,*
slaughtered on stone ^'J>\ jJj t^UL'j cJl^
OWU -u

Messenger of Allah, my father
as you saw and as you heard;
altars. I said:

^ ^
^ .^ ^^
if he had lived to see you he would iil jiUiJl (*_# <^~»^ *Jli t*3 ^ii^li
have followed you; pray for *»»..* i-, t „*' • -

forgiveness for him. He said: Yes,


pray for forgiveness for him.
be resurrected on the Day
^ ^ ijA_j,
. , .,,
v ^^ M , : ^
. ,

of Resurrection as one nation on <-* ^^^

his own." "^ ^* > ^^ r° °^ 1 !j
^ ("^
Comments: [Its isnad is ds'ee/]

1649. It was narrated that Abu %Ji ^.l ^1 tf^l :

i>: &^- -\tH
Salamah said: Marwan said to us:
Go out and reconcile between these
*^ ^ j* 'u~*-^ <£* cs, v'j^ 0* 1

two: Sa'eed bin Zaid and Arwa ^ 'j^P'^ ij^ikil : jlj_^ U J :JU IS

bint Uwais, We came to Sa'eed bin

Zaid and he said: Do you think I
have taken any of her rights? I bear jj jfi ^yj\ ;jui j^ ^
witness that I heard the Messenger
of Allah (ig) say: "Whoever takes a ^-^
^ -^
„ *

^ *

handspan of land unlawfully, his
neck will be encircled with it down
^ j^f -, .^ ^
Jj, 3^3
\ ,

through seven earths. Whoever ^Ji^fJ Irt ^P** '^ J^\ o^J^'
takes anybody as a mawla without f.] • r «' ^« ; j- —
the permission (of those who \'
" '^' Js ^V , *

manumitted him), may the curse of ilJl il^t "5^ t*j^ *-*' J^ ^i 1

Allah be upon him. And whoever _'
, n ^
seizes the wealth of his brother by CT
means of his oath, may Allah not
bless it for him."
i(nW :

(Ti6T ) : .^
c "
j oJ ^i
Comments: [Its isnad is qawi, al-Bukhari (2452) and Muslim (1610)1

1650. It was narrated that 'Amr ^ r^ tfjj. :

j^ j\ \&±. -\-\o-

bin Huraith said: I came to *\

Madinah and I divided some If
^ "^ >a
0? 44^'
V- ^-^-
, ;

^.P 1
Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid 4- 124 & jj'j jj «-., ,y^ , ;

wealth between me and my -, ,. > .


brother. Sa'eed bin Zaid said: The ^-^ :JU V^> J. Jj^
Messenger of Allah J^j
(m) said: 01
:^3 ^ i*i Jlii ^! lliia
"Allah does not bless the price of ,
, V , *,'
, s
land or a house if it is not put again ^J ^J 0^ 1

<_*? ^j ^ ^' 1 :Jti 5£| «Ul

into land or a house." « r \i- *f V > vT '

Comments: '
[Its ("snad is da'eef] * ~

1651. It was narrated that C^l r

l ^l :ouJl ^1 lilJU- -n<M
'Abdullah bin 'Abdur-Rahman bin '_
/ '/ c

Abi Husain said: heard that <J^


^ O^P ^ ^ ±f J* ]

0^ 1

I C*
Luqman used to say. O my son, do
^ t ^ Y ^ ^''y .

not acquire knowledge in order to , . ,

boast about what you have of a <jj& j\ iSUliJl aj ^*C5) iLJl JJ3
knowledge when you are with
scholars or to use it in argument '"^
\,J t -.

".H^ J




with the foolish and to show off in
gatherings... And he said: Nawfal
'" ^ t j^uJ ^ li^ tfjU : ju;

^^ . ; .'
', >s , ,

bin Musahiq told us, from Sa'eed

( (

: <Jl* ^ M £; J* £j cj}
bin Zaid, that the Prophet teg) said: *.-*-.
One of the worst types of nba is to ^p , . >\ K

. .

. ;r,r

v ;. ./,,.

slander the honour of a Muslim ,>** k
j^^ 1
0* ^^ r^ 1

s4* ^ii
with no justification. And this
>r > - s
rahim (ties of kinship) is derived
.H^JI Op <UI
f^ L^k;
from ar-Rahman; whoever breaks
ties of kinship, Allah will forbid
Paradise to him/'
^* ,. .

•£?^> ">L-ti



^ ,

't/^ r^" u ^


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1652. was narrated that Sa'eed

It ^l^jl Oil; -
tfi; : Sjis ^ oU±L \ lot
bin Zaid said: The Messenger of irt ,„„,
Allah (#;) said: "Whoever is killed
defending his property is a martyr;
**^ 0^-4^ L*;'
f ,


' *J 0* ^ 0? r^

Jll jl* ; Uii *> -,U J ,1^
* ^v
* *l

whoever is killed defending his '*'>" /I , „

~ "f '

family is a martyr; whoever is killed ^ J^3 l

J l» ;
J^ ^3 0^ Jrf^- ^ ij/
- ^
defending his religion
is killed

defending his
a martyr;

i_l^ ^i
> -,

J ' ^^ ^

oj jjj Jy
; ,*: !",,:>-'.-
U J?
^ <^

^j *jl^S ^i c<Ul

Comments: [Its fS H«d is ^uun']

[ H YA :
^ g .«1^ £ t ^S o jS jJ ^j

Musnad of Sa'eed bin Zaid * 125 & ajj ^>j Ju**> a ti

« *

1653. It was narrated from

Talhah bin 'Abdullah bin 'Awf
^ :^^ -Wr
- J
.; -

that Sa'eed bin Zaid said: I heard j* ^^ J

^1^ Su^£ j*
the Messenger of Allah (&;)... and
he narrated a similar hadeeth.
^ .
^^ ^ ^ S
^^ ;




Comments: [Its isnad is qawi] — ^ ^

'}& ^-^ Jj^J : ^U f*J

[UYA :^ljl -ili-

1654. It was narrated that \£jj_ js> \j* \.^a\\ S&i- -\"\ol
Ibraheem bin Muhajir [said]: I , s *
. . , >

was told by someone who heard I? J?^ '

fr^v 0? f^! i* J^S-M
'Amr bin Huraith narrate that • , - :; i\" *•-' :' -•- - -

Sa eed bin Zaid said: I heard the -

, t s ^ - „ ,

Messenger of Allah (3&) say: "O ^ B :J>* W> J^l Jj-^j c-i*i :JL* Jj°j

Arabs, praise Allah Who has >&, ,:, -1. -f,, .

>.... ,.,. ,;.-
waived the umoor [a kind of tax s
or levy] f rom yo u .
« 3 j-^
Comments: [Its /'snad is rfa'ee/]
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 127 •£> J^ <>J £*>jJl Ju£ it'luiii

Musnad of 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf az-Zuhri 4&

1655. It was narrated from

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf that the
Prophet (^) said: "I was present If ttjyiii if iju^j jj' ji^Ji

Treaty of al-Mutayyabeen
paternal uncles when I
^ If (
-^ 1
(^" c/. J^r Cy.

was a boy, and I would not like

to have red camels in return for \'\' ' ** ' ' * a t * t 'M * ' Ml
\j\j lj>y*& put ^.jfaoll

k_jll>- <1jX^>>
breaking (that deal)/'

Az-Zuhri said: The Messenger of

Allah (s£) said: "Islam did not
come after any alliance but it made
it stronger; but there are no
The Messenger
alliances in Islam/' fj»
:m, il J^j J^ :!sf^ JU
of Allah (jg) created a bond
between Quraish and the Ansar.
Comments: [Its isnad is Salteeh]

o— aJ L^l :

1656. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that 'Umar (4*>) said to

him: O boy, did you hear from the

Messenger of Allah (£&) or from
t^^i- U :^Xp il Jli ^1 ^£p ^1 ji-
one of his Companions anything
about what a man should do if he
is not sure about his prayer? Whilst

he was saying that 'Abdur-Rahman

bin 'Awf came and said: What are jlp jji il JjUJ5 'jk UTa :Jli ?£uk;
you talking about? 'Umar said: I
asked this boy whether he heard
anything from the Messenger of
Allah (£g) or from one of his
Companions about what a man

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 128 * U^c ^ t>*S>_>J) Juc. iWi
should do if he is not sure about his ,,.
>4 , .. „_
r ^

prayer. 'Abdur-Rahman said: I

JUi '(^ GU
heard the Messenger of Allah (*&)
one of you is not sure about
say: "If

j, :
j^ ^ Jjl j >

, \
his prayer and does not know
sl^ljl j_C Jji c^ ^j

' * „ '<

whether he prayed one or two

[ra/c a/is], let him assume it is one;
~ ,-,3
V^ Vj y-^r«
&^\^ yr- if
f ,>* U
and if he does not know whether * j^i 1*1***^* ?tt^5 I
JLi> ^; ji

^^^ —
he prayed two or three, let him ^ L%
assume that it is two; and if he does
,-?- ^' 01

S -f

^ ,: ::'
• '.;

not know whether he prayed three
or four, let him assume that it is
jij C^U>
^ ^ til Jl^J *J ttf**5

,/, \ ,, /. .

three; then let him prostrate twice

^^ ]
-"O?-^ 'p^i 01 Jj

when he finishes his prayer, whilst

[ Ua 1
* t \ ivv
he is still sitting, before he says the
salam." .J^U- j,L_Al U*j texJJ

Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence]

1657. Sufyan narrated from 'Amr .'C* .

thathe heard Bajalah say: I was a

scribe for Jaz' bin Mu'awiyah, the
r* «ij£* if. t'M ^^ '-Jjk '^^y
paternal uncle of al-Ahnaf bin Qais.
A letter came to us from 'Umar one
year before he died, telling us to
J li U!jj _
^ — ^
.-> '>


^c J£

1J&1 jf \<l*
.; . ..*;

execute every male practitioner of ...;»;' '
'J .

witchcraft - and perhaps Sufyan & ^* J 01V>) _ ;>Uj :jOi

said: and every female practitioner
of witchcraft - and separate all
^ li^lj t ^Ji ^ ^

mahram couples among the

\ t ,f
**J* ^^-j
> j^


Magians, and forbid them to
murmur. We executed three
l4 Jj|
' "
; ^
" -
- ;

^J ^
.^n t


practitioners of witchcraft,
separated every Magian man from
and we ^*^JI u-*j*j J l^ ^^ ^ £->j

his wife who was forbidden to him


^ fj
-J ..:Tf'
'^ ^'
- ' -u ---
• -

inmarriage according to the Book of

Allah.He made a great deal of food,
'^>j ^ j* \j£Vj ^/j ^ jdi^
-; "•, '..;.,«, '-%
^ -^ P^
> > -


then he placed his sword on his ' ° '

J JJ - - "^
thigh and called the Magians. They j^i <^-^i
J^ j> i;>J!
threw down one or two mule- loads ,'.. = -,,'*'* '>,",>
of silverand they ate but they did ^ ^ l j >^j J' :
^> ^ O^"^ 1

not murmur. 'Umar did not take the
jizya/i from the Magians until
[ n Aa :
JJ^l] .
^ -

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin y Awf «& 129 & Ja ji. ^ ,>**>" 4^ J-Wi

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf bore ^ , „ , t

witness that the Messenger of Allah £* ^^ s

£?~ :
^^ J^ ^^ J^j
(^) had taken it from the Magians :
• -,- ~ >

of Hajar. My father said: Bajalah

a* -

did Ha;; with Mus'ab in 70 AH. .(V ^ a 1) : £ .t^>^ .jL-1 : £.>J

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3156)

1658. It was narrated from Malik ji- tjjs- V^ j^ UJjU- -^oA

bin Aws: I heard 'Umar say to ', .'

'Abdur-Rahman, Talhah, az-Zubair ^ ^*^ V

rt , „*
J '

^ - ^ ^> t

and Sa'd: I adjure you by Allah, by tj^'3 ^^JLj ^^Jl JuiJ J^i;
Whose power heaven and earth
exist - and he said on one occasion;
by Whose leave heaven and earth


^ ^ j^&^ s '* .>,...

f^ij 4JJI i^JJl o^* J^J __ ^J^'j
exist - do you know that the „ ,
( t t %

Messenger of Allah (3&) said: "We *^ ]

J>-^> ol jU^-l _ ^j^'j iU-Ui
[Prophets] are not to be inherited
from; what we leave behind is
^ ^-: u ^,j ^ ,?„

charity"? They said: By Allah, yes. [WT :^lj] .^ JLjlh : ijJl*

Comments: [Its isnot/ is saheeh, al- a o

Bukhari (3094) and Muslim

t(r '
M) "M :

C -C=~ ;

(1757)] -i*JJp jSi jjJL (

1659. It was narrated from C^-l :jjjU ji -n^ -^ &-^

Ibraheem bin 'Abdullah bin Qariz
that his father told him that he
enteredupon Abdur-Rahman bin
^ J} y. L^ ^ £'3^ f^
j! ;iijij jj >Uj1 JLP .y '^a\'Z\
'Awf when he was sick. 'Abdur-
Rahman May your
said to him: ^> J? LT^ 1

relatives uphold ties of kinship ;..r.

' . .«,. >., *-. -.,- * . _>..

^^ ^ J

with you. The Prophet {$%) said: / ^ T '

"Allah, may He be glorified and y. iLl Jlii :JU ^ ^Jl Si

exalted, said: 'I am ar-Rahman and

I have' created flr-raW^'"(ties"o7
kinship) and have derived its name
^~^ J
r^j ^^J\
^ [1^ i^Lu j^i
'<>^Jl L^ :

t(J ^il j^ l^j
from My name. Whoever upholds
ties of kinship, I will uphold ties ^ ,, t

I? :

, ^ r

J 1
- "^ u
>s> £-

with him and whoever breaks ties [MAV Jajll nil's

of kinship, I shall break ties with
him and cut him off." t J^ ^N i iJL*_. , tjj^ ^^ :
Comments: [Saheeh because of .aJ aJs- iJ ^ i
^U^^i ^jJj^.1 jSj
corroborating evidence]
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf £, 130 4i> J»$£ (jJ 0*>-jJl 4J£ Xu*y*

1660. An-Nadr bin Shaiban said: I

met Abu Salamah bin 'Abdur-
:-_iU ^ ^y, Xj^m Ja &jl>- -^*\V

Rahman and said: Tell me of some-

thing you heard from your father,
y^~"J I Ju*-
ly ilLi- CI c~jJ : J L» j QJi
that he heard from the Messenger l t

of Allah (ag) about the month of

Ramadan. He said: Yes; my father
told me that the Messenger of
Allah (^,) said: "Allah, may He be
glorified and exalted, enjoined
fasting Ramadan and have made
I f^f lS*J J^J J* **h Ji" ; J^
it Sunnah to pray cfiyam during it
[i.e., Whoever fasts it
and prays qiyam during it, out of
faith and seeking reward, will
[uaa ijlijij] .«ii! I'jJj
emerge from sins as on the day his
mother bore him."
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef] lyt *^l ^-i*-" : i*i— ^1 Jy ^j tjL»-i

1661. It was narrated that

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf said:
The Messenger of Allah (0,) said:
^1 j! :^lv- ^1 ^ <1JI u^ jp 4i^J

"If a woman prays her five [daily

prayers], fasts her month, guards
her chastity and obeys her
husband, it will be said to her:
Enter Paradise by whichever of
the gates of Paradise you wish."
Comments; [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad because of the weak- s_4JUw£> jU
ness of Ibn Lahee'ah]

1662- It was narrated that

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf said:
The Messenger of Allah (jg) went
out and I followed him until he
grfl JP t Jj*P ^1 ^ J^P JP
entered a grove of palm trees. Then
he prostrated and remained in
prostration for a long time, until I

was afraid that Allah had taken his

^ , ,'

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf ^ 131 ^ jjc ^ i>*^jJl jCul Aim.'*

I went to look, and he raised

head and said: "What is the ^ '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

, , 1
,. , ..
, s , ,,,> -

matter, O 'Abdur-Rahman?" I told _ ^ J^ ,?...»..: ;f _ S^LiSl JlLti

him what it was and he said:
"Jibreel (,*a) said to me: 'Shall I not
tell you the glad tidings? Allah,
^ ^^ ^ ^^

^ ^ Ul

, , , , ,



oU >"

„ ., >s
* U|

„ , . >

may He be glorified and exalted,

__ /-
„ ,

says to you: "Whoever sends ^ ^ *-^ o^ii :JU «?^^}Jl

' 4

blessings upon you, 1 shall send

blessings upon him, and whoever
^ :J ^
, ,
, ^
T '

sends salams upon you, I shall send 'J*

:iJU <JjZ J>-} j* iLl o! Sh^S
salams upon him.'"" 'Si* A ~ * .? - -,'.:- ?-
*iQp jjLi j» j
t a*U
cX> klULp (_y
Comments: [Hasan because of .,

corroborating evidence; this is a t^lf :^l] a

f^ C-1JL^
da'eef isnad]

1663. It was narrated that iJu^ ^ JLlJ VI5jl^- :^jj £Jl*- -\"ni*
'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf said: I -/ , os ... . , , , „ ..

entered the mosque and saw the ^ ^ y*^ ^* ^ <-3S>* if

Messenger of Allah $g) coming _^ t^ t ^i J ,
aUJ> 'J>
out of the mosque, so I followed , , ', • ^ ' - - . '_

him.And he narrated the hadeeth... t-^^l

cJ*-S :J^ oj*
- tf
^ ^^ *

£ -

Comments: [Hasan because of tJ^-Dl ^ l>> jgg <U1 J^3 cJly

corroborating evidence; it is a '
- „• -i- «.,*_
repeat of the previous report] [mi : ^1] .^aAJ I
JSii .
.4sil li

1664. It was narrated that

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf said:
^ ^j^ Ju^ jjI £*!*- ~-^Tt

The Messenger of Allah (#j) came ^^

t >t
J ^ ^"^
\ tr ,,., ,
, ,.>,,-,
0? 'J^ ^-^

out of the mosque and went

towards where the zakah was kept.
^ '
^ ^,
" ^y ^^
' . '

He went in and turned to face the <lri o*^^ 1

-M- ^ V_>* (_rt w^^ 11

qibtah, then he fell down in -^;' ; ^ ?„ ', > - ---: . ',,- .


prostration and remained in „".'.,

prostration for a long time, until
thought that Allah, may He


tillill Jl^U
. .

icii^ j^i

> -r. -
Mll .-

^ -.-f: .

glorifiedand exalted, had taken his ^ -

soul. I drew close to him and sat 1J: 4L o^ji t l^j 4_li: JX*

J^rj S^
down, and he raised his head and - ^ , t - -
t -

VlJUb ^» :JUi 013 i*> l.: ,' IC

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 132 4* u»ji jj (>»ijJi aJic, iii hi*

said: "Who is this?" I said: 'Abdur- r i


Rahman. He said: "What do you

want?" I said: O Messenger of c- ~l> - *x*lZ< c^jS*J* tjJJl Jj_lj U '
: n
Allah, you prostrated for so long
may He be 14-i *iLli ^aJ 0j& jl
thought Allah, J^-j ^p
that I 4

glorified and exalted, had taken ^1

l^ f*>HJl a^p
J,^ :Jlii
your soul. He said: "Jibreel {«$)
came to me and gave me glad
tidings. Allah, may He be glorified
and exalted, says: Whoever sends
inp ^ ^j iOp ijL, idp Jb>
blessings upon you, I shall send .«l_
5Li Jij ^p 4JJ o-L^li k £Lp c_U^.
blessings upon him, and whoever
sends salams upon you, I shall send
[mr :^g
salams upon him. So I prostrated to i OtjJ> .}L**1 1Jj»j tOj-iJ j—*" '.
71J y>H
Allah, may He be glorified and
exalted, out of gratitude."

Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence and its isnad is da'eej]

1665. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin al-Waleed that he
heard Abu Salamah bin 'Abdur-
Rahman narrate from his father i^\ Ji M\ £* j* ji-t-tj ) u.jb- :
rj U
thathe was with the Prophet (£g)
on a journey. The Prophet (£te) jp lIjJAj
tlr*^^" £* If,
*-^L"' ^) (*-*-" ^'
went to relieve himself, then the
time for prayer came and they got
up to pray, and asked 'Abdur-
Rahman to lead them in prayer.
Then the Prophet {^) came and
prayed one rak'ah with the people
behind him. When he said the
salam, he said: "You did the right
thing" or "You did well."

Comments: [Sake eh because of

corroborating evidence. This is a

I -Up >-J,.«..^ JLhj V "wl-Lij

da'eef isnad]

1666. It was narrated that Ibn £1^ :^3j &*» -^Tt

'Abbas heard 'Abdur-
said: I
^' ^
Rahman bin 'Awf say: I heard the Xp ^ JJl X°1p ^p oji^l l^JU- .'i^ii*-

Messenger of Allah ($%) say: "If

there is an epidemic in some land
x> cJU^. :JU ^& ^1 ^ t jji
' "

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf 4» 133 .& ^_j£ <3j |>»i>jJ1 JLuc *" -

and you are not there, then do not

<JJl J^-^j Ca*^" '
J_j^ ^_B_^ ',j -,*^-^Jt
enter it; if it is in a land where
you are, do not leave it." jjj'3 ^t ;^l 5 15 ill* :J^i; #=
Comments: [Its isnaJ is qaun, al- - :;"- .
»f : ,i ,',- ^'\ ,
°~ ^ ,-

Bukhan (5729) and Muslim J

^ J •
^ ^^ ^
(2219)] t HVA :J£\] .1^ £^j ^ tl^

[\^M t MAY" *. UV<\

.(TT^) :

1(0 VY1) :£ .jji .jU : gj>«J

1667. It was narrated from

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf that
'^ ^ -
u - >^.\

^ _ niv
some people
of the Arabs came to
Messenger of Allah (%,) in
Madinah and became Muslim, and


^ if ^J^^l



-u^> j* iU-^

'' -


they fell sick with the sickness

J, ^J-"Ji\ -^- j* 1^/ jj Cr*^"/' ^'
(fever) of Madinah. They fell sick '
'* - ,1 *..',,-**
^ ^ ^ V^ ^
, .

and left Madinah, and were met by -

l J J '
U ^ Jl
1 :

a group of his Companions -
:o-uJL SCj ^Lilj J^tuli ojuji
meaning Companions of the Prophet >,


^^ ^ „

(isj) - who said to them: Why are Jl

drf l
Wj 1*

you leaving? They said: We have jX

got the fever of Madinah so we

_ ^Uw-f
^^ ,

^^ - ^ ^'

decided to leave Madinah. They ^^rj p-& ^ :

said: Don't you have a good - ,'.,-•,: ,.-- ,-. -

v ,\, -- ,-t, f , u -

"' "
example in the Messenger of Allah? , ^
Some of them Companions)
(the JUi <V^I <i!l J^i-3 <j? r& '

said: They have become hypocrites * .> t
* ..,>... -../- ;: ; ,
. > * ...

l '**'
and some of them said: They have -^ ~ r r*~^ J -^ ? *

not become hypocrites, they are still J3 £^ :

J^} ji ill I J]iti 4 OjlLU li

Muslims. Then Allah, may He be 'Xvf >"?- >"* ^ * ->~
glorified and exalted, revealed the t^^ ^ pp® *^j £& u&^ 4
verse: "Then what is the matter with ( AA ,.l_ji) ^v; (

you that you are divided into two

parties about the hypocrites? Allah' JU— I ^J <.*-v^> .:U :
has cast them back
because of what they have earned"
(to disbelief) j -4
^ t
^^ ^^ ^^ ^j^

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

1668. It was narrated

that £<- ^j,
- ^u ^^, _ n^A
'Abdullah bin 'Amir bin Rabee'ah s
P tf
^ *
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf 4fc 134 & ut^c ^ t>*>-^Ji ait Xu*J

said; 'Umar bin al-Khattab (*) > • > - > - .. \.- -~ * • ,- ..


heard the voice of Ibn al- oi r^ c?*

- *** J
4* -P if-

Mughtarif - or Ibn al-Gharif - the

camel driver [one who urges
camels on with his singing or J^J 'jS 51
^>yr Ji ^?^l -^^
chanting] in the middle of the
night, when we were setting out
for Makkah. 'Umar made his
camel speed up until he joined the
people, and found himself with
'Abdur-Rahman, When dawn
broke, 'Umar said: Now keep
quiet, for dawn has broken;
remember Allah. Then he saw y«> '^a H^Lj jS :JUi !?jlLij :JU
'Abdur-Rahman wearing khuffain
(leather slippers) and he said:
:^i Jlii -^ aLi jpj, £ }l mill; ^
Leather slippers?! He said: I wore
them with someone whom was
better than you, or with the
Messenger of Allah (^). 'Umar
said; I urge you to take them off,
for I am afraid that the people
will see you and follow your
Comments: [Its isrsad is da'eef\

1669. Ishaq bin 'Eesa told us;

Shareek told us:... and he narrated
it with the same isnad and said: We
U^J :jl*j eJ^L i^SAi t^j-i &^-

wore them with the Messenger of .3^ *iJt

Aiiah (my
.aIJU ,«-»^j aL-1
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef; see
.». :
the previous report]

1670. It was narrated from Jo

' ^'*
* .-""if

LJii- ~^*VV'
'Urwah that 'Abdur-Rahman bin
'Awf said: The Messenger of
Allah (|jj) allocated the land of
such and such to me and 'Umar
bin al-Khattab. Az-Zubair went to JiS3 lis J^ji v dJJi ^ ^ij ^ *i)i

the family of'Umar and bought

his share from them. Then he
went to 'Uthman bin 'Affan and jI*' OJ :JLii t jUp ^1 jUi<^ ^li iLf^
Musnad Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf ^
' 135 <& u»>c ^ <>*>^J1 Jit jJul*
said:'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf is S £
«i!l J^ij Jl jU-J *J^ tl.^^'
claiming that the Messenger of If.

Allah (3fe) allocated the land of ,\js'j IJtf ^jl ^.iLiJl ^ 3^3
such and such to him and 'Umar > ,,,,.. ^ >
_ , ,

bin al-Khattab, and I have bought :

^ )U ^ Jui -^ J 1
4^ ^3^ <y}j

the share of 'Umar's family. ^j £ ^Sl^ljl jJl£ ^^1 -^

'Uthman said: 'Abdur-Rahman is
a man whose testimony is good, ^Lw J j! \| c^u; -00>-j '-mj*1
it is for him or against "
.^ J ^ ^ ^jll* ^ 5jJ p

Comments: [Its men are thiqat]

1671. It was narrated from Ibn as- QjS. : -jlJ ^J l£>Jl llil>- -\tV\
Sa'di that the Prophet (#,) said: , _, ; ..1 . , „ ,. >

"Hijrah (migration) will never l

**JJ C* H *^ ^ ^^ 1

0^ J^ 1^!
cease so long as there is an enemy *
^^ jj
£>- _^ * -^ t^
to be fought." Mu'awiyah, 'Abdur-

/ '
* - "

^ ^^

Rahman bin 'Awf and 'Abdullah -'^ ^ ti^l

bin 'Amr bin al-'As said: The
Prophet (^) said: " Hi) rah is of two
j^ -^
5 ,
^^ " ^ ;,.t
^^ '

types: one is forsaking (tahjur) bad jj «JJl J^J ^.j* J**~J^ -^*3 *ij^


deeds and the other is migrating * -. ^ .^ «,

(hijrah) for the sake of Allah and °^ ! J

& ^'

His Messenger. Hijrah will never 3^; j| UilJiil : jBJai- =3>v$Jl

cease so long as repentance can be

accepted, for repentance will never h Ji >tf M li^^j*"!

cease to be accepted until the sun ^-Jftg ^ \-j^\ Qg <yj ^^33

rises from its place of setting; when ',„

^ ^
,, '. < >
s > ^ > ,, 5

it rises thus, a seal will be placed on ^*" ^-^ ^'j^

4 1
^J '^J^ 1

every heart with what is in it, and

j^ -J, ^xj^ ,^ t *J,
people will no longer have to <
-^ s
- -


strive." ,«J^I ^&l ^3 iji l^

Comments: [Its is nod is hasan]


1672. Sulaiman bin Moosa ^ x^ &jJ- :*3c**JI _*' ^-^" -^ v *

'Abdur-Rahman bin
narrated that
'Awf said: When the Majoosi ^^ ,, , ,

^ > ,,
^ 0U^-
> -

-* ,

^^^1 ° ,,
[Magian] came out from the
presence of the Messenger of
^ i-j^l ^/- & "
: JU ^°<f J
^ ^ —^Jw ^
S S( ,r. ,,.,- ,' s

Allah (m) Iasked him, and he 6^' 'J 1

^> b lC,Li !

told me that the Prophet (m) had J;jJ, 3^^ j£^ ^rj, L
;^ ^
given him the choice between '
- '
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf4fc 136 •&* tj$£ j>j (j*» jit dU£ .'I'lini

paying the jizyah or execution,

and he chose to pay the jizyah.
Comments: [Its isnad is ria'ee/]

1673. It was narrated from Salih - it. ft * .

t t ;,' >t -'* ,

bin Ibraheem bin 'Abdur-Rahman

bin 'Awf, from his father, from his j^i ^Ju, (\vr/\) ^ i^di
grandfather 'Abdur-Rahman bin

Awf, that he said: Whilst I was

standing in the ranks en the day of
Badr, I looked to my right and my
and I saw that I was between

two boys of the Ansar who were

very young. I wished that I was -\'-\" j '
:£ m * *-• i- 'V • i < -

Standing between two who were

stronger than them. One of them t|U
Ji. 15 :
JL^ 1 lUjl^-I ^j^ii t L*4^?
gestured to me and said: O uncle,
do you know Abu Jahl? I said: Yes; Uj 1.'^ : oJi :JLj CI ^Jjc
what do you want with him O son
of my brother? He said: I have been
^ ill j£ :Jli ?^l ^l u i£;U
told that he reviles the Messenger *j|j }J tjX, )jr?
i; ljJJIJ (.^ 5JJI J^j
of Allah (&s). By the One in Whose
jj^-\i ^j*d t/*- toSi^- iS^y* 3j^A *J
hand is my
soul, if J see him I will
not leave him until the one of us
who is destined to die first is dead.
Then the other one gestured to me
and said something similar. And I
was impressed by that. It was not
long before I saw Abu Jahl moving ovbi ^jJi ui^u lii VjUy- vi : ujJ
about among the people. I said: Do
you not see? This is the one you
were asking about. They hastened
towards him and struck him with
U£- J^O J5 Jlii «?iia US^fi :jUi
their swords until they killed him.
Then they went to the Messenger
of Allah {^) and told him. He said:
"Which of you killed him?" Each of jui to£ui ^ ^ Jji j^3 ^ ,v
them said: I killed him. He said:
"Have you wiped your swords
t>' Jj*^ if. ^^ ?^^ ur^"J *^* Ui"^"

yet?" They said: No. So he looked

at their swords then he said: "Both
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 137 * J$t <ji O**"^ ^- 1 ^ u4-i

of you killed
that his belongings
him/' And he decreed
should be taken *
(r u :

c u "
, aM :

t -"
by Mu'adh bin 'Amr bin al-
Jamooh. The two men were
Mu'adh bin 'Amr bin al-Jamooh
and Mu'adh Ibn Afra'. '

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3141) and Muslim

1674. It was narrated from' Umar ^ ZVy. J\ lL

l^ :jCU £jj»- -UVi
bin Abi Salamah, that his father
said: The preacher of the people of ^"^
;s( , -
:Jb *'
- *

^ "^
. , - ~




Palestine told me: I heard 'Abdur-

Rahman bin 'Awf say: The
J^ l_-v'"- :Jli ^ • u jif
s ,.-
^J °1 J >- V> ^^
. # , ,

Messenger of Allah (#;) said: "By ^ ^1 :

the One in Whose hand is the soul
^ tejC_^ ^ XSfr jj,j t :Jli
Muhammad, there are three '/'

of ,, , -_

things which I could certainly ^ J^ J^& ^ : 1*^* ty\£A

swear an oath about: no wealth _,::...,"'... ^.. vj- .
-* - : -;; -

decreases because of chanty, so , , -

give in charity; no one forgives a j _ l^e- l^. <JJl -uUj, N) <UI **-j l^ .^j*^ ;

wrong done him, seeking

to *'

^ ^ ^l
,* , . , . - , ,* -, :
^ J ^ **"* *

thereby the Countenance of Allah, ;

but Allah will raise him in status ^c li 4^ *^} _ iiGJI i£ l^p L^
thereby Abu
Sa'eed the freed
^ ^ ^ C^ ^ ^ ^
- ., , ,, * ,s '

slave of Banu Hashim said: but *>

Allah will increase him in honour ..,,, .

on the Day of ~
thereby -

Resurrection; and no one starts ^ -

^ j** 0=^ J>. J*'


^ ^^

asking of people but Allah will
increase him in poverty."

Comments: [Hasan because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnad]

1675. It was narrated from

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf that the
^ £^ .^
^ ^ _^ Va

Prophet (^) said: "Abu Bakr will o^-JJ 1

# ^ li^j}^^ P~ ^ j
?~y^ ]

be in Paradise, 'Umar will be in

Paradise, 'AH will be in Paradise,
> cr~j»
o< I?- ^'
±* 0*
i^-^ -^ ^yis-
tf '^**- ^
'Uthman will be in Paradise, i&Jl j^ jjl» :J^ M^ o\ :
Talhah will be in Paradise, az- ,>•*/-*-:,
^Jl ^ & J ^' ^ ^ ,,.- j=-t, ,,>.
jU> ^
. .

Zubair will be in Paradise, ^ t J

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf will be t «L^J\ jt 'J^^Vj t^Jl ^ iAU»3 iiAJ

M usna d 'A bdur-Rahman b in 'Awf 4, 138 * *j'$* Oi t^**^ 1
4j* J^«-i

in Paradise, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas

will be in Paradise, Sa'eed bin
Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail will be
in Paradise and Abu 'Ubaidah bin
al-Jarrah will be in Paradise."

Comments: [Its isnad is qawx] [mi .-^g.i^ji

1676. It was narrated that JIAJ.) *J>\

Oiji^ : j^UJ-1 l£U -HV1
'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf said:
The Messenger of Allah (£§;) said:
"I was present at the treaty of al-
Mutayyabeen with my paternal
uncles when I was a boy, and I
would not like to have red camels
in return for breaking (that deal)."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] s&\ j\j j^ji y^ j h\ ij ^

1677. Makhool said: The

Messenger of Allah (a&) said: "If
one of you prays and is uncertain ^ &j M :J^ ^jjU, : juil
about his prayer, if he not sure
whether it was one or two
{rak'ahs), let him assume it was '0^0 s-^lJJl J Ili j^i i? ;^U
one; if he is not sure whether it

was two or three, let him assume

it was two; if he is not sure
whether it was three or four, let
him assume it was three, until he
doubts only that he may have
done too much, then let him
prostrate twice before he says the ^
salam, then let him say the salam."
Muhammad bin Ishaq said:
Ji :Jj| Xs. £ 'J^J. Jjiij :ju^j
Husain bin 'Abdullah said to me: ^-^ &J :JUi iV : villi filJ SliLI
Did he tell you the isnad? I said:
No. He said: But he told me that v>!
y* ^ <j"& y) Jy C'J jl

Kuraib, the freed slave of Ibn JU 4

' '

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 139 A j>* 6^ CH*-.^ 4^ J^> 1

> ^ 4 V^
'Abbas, told him that Ibn 'Abbas ,, - ,„. - fi , ,. -. -
said: I sat with 'Umar bin al-Khattab >^ 1

and he said: O Ibn 'Abbas, if a man : ^£_ii ^J^i' ff Sljl jjj lii iji^-i u*
is not sure about his prayer, and , t r mt / . < *

does not know whether he prayed <JU -^' u l

^ jl U 0=^' jrf
1 l- ^J
too many or too few [rak'ahs], (what ^'f i; Jj\j :
^£ JUi . v£Ll iiJi ^
should he do)? By Allah, O
said: "
\ '
^ ,' ."',

^ H ^> ^ 0^ ^
I , . , . , ,

Ameer al-Mu'mineen, I do not ^P l

: Jli

know; I did not hear anything about ?

.^> j, ,^ u .j£ vtJ> y,
that. 'Umar said: By Allah, I do not '
/ y > ^ ^
^ _
know either. Whilst we were like ^^-^ ^ ^-^ J^ 1
^j^ -j** ^ <-^
that, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf ._ :,,'.,, *. , ',.;: P >- . - '-^
came and said: What are you talking ' ' -^ ' -

about? 'Umar said to him: We were W'WX : **? j] .«1-jJ*Ji lAi

I .
talking about a man who is not
certain about his prayer; what *- a > * .
a jI^-J I-x*j i»j^ ,>-^ -g^r*"
should he do? He said: I heard the .JJt-L* ^ j™" ^-**-*J

Messenger of Allah (^) say:,., and

he narrated the same hadeeth.
Comments; [Hasan because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnad]

1678. It was narrated from Salim, - -^ , -:;ii i^

,fut^- \lili- -\"WA
from 'Abdullah, that 'Abdur- ^'"^7 '

t - . .-

Rahman bin 'Awf told 'Umar bin ^ 'ti/i 11

^ v^ ^ l
1 lJ 1

al-Khattab, when he was marching

towards Syria, that the Prophet
y .^ "

^u j ^j,
" ^
^ t jii
# f -

(^) said: "The people who came j> 'J** 3^' Vj* If. Lr*-^ -V*
before you were punished with "''

. -
i ' * '

this sickness. If you hear of it in ¥ -J Lili

^-T -** J
V lliJl -
some land, do not it; and if it
enter *, ^,jp liiii l_u 5j» :JU ^ ^!
happens where you are,
in a land ',
t% ,,, r y ,(j
> . ._ ,

do not leave it, fleeing from it." So * l

> ^ r"^ J l

*t >
5 '
r ^ r
'Umar bin al-Khattab turned back
from Syria.
^ ;
'Aj \l\y t ^ U^JJ

^ ^

, .

^' :JU -"^ 'j*> j^>°

Comments: » -^ A^-> 1

j • l
[Its jsnarf is saneen, al-
• , i
c* ^ ' ,
s .

Bukhari (5729) and Muslim ^iin : *^lj] ..ijjl

C "
^ _AiJl
(2219)] -

1679. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas said: 'Umar
^ ^^
^\\ j,^, .

( ^ n /^ _ nv ^
bin al-Khattab set out, heading ^ 4r^' ^ S*

. f. , ,


Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf 4* 140 & jj£ ^ ^^Jl jO* .V...:

the same
and he narrated
'Abdur- said:

^ ^ 0* l
V 1 ^
= ,.

J>. -£j J>. j^*J\

then he
bin 'Awf was not there,
came and said: know
Jj, ^^f ^^j,
• .


> ;. - ,

something about this. I heard the Up

^& <->LkiJl £^>- Jl* ^!
- ^ .^ ^^ ^' ^

Messenger of Allah (*) say: "1/ '

you hear of it being in some land, „ , .

" >

do not go there; if it occurs in j[ :Jlii alAi t &U j^ 'J, J^'J^


some land and you are there, do

m /^ ^^ ^
« -, ,. > . , ,-f ,- .
J l
'^ Of
not leave it, fleeing from it." '

Comments: [Its isrwrf is softeefr, al- '^-^ ^* '^J 1

^ 5^ p^-^ ^j* :J>*

Bukhari (5729) and Muslim M-r r .»:*{, "
.f .;. -
'. ,
T ,

J 'lt^j 1
b -t-^

.<TY\*) :
.(OVY^) :£.£^ ^| 8
:&p £;
1680. It was narrated from
'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf that he
^ v£\ _. s .,,.',,-
: Jij^l A^
heard the Messenger of Allah (*k) il)1 :
J**') x

£* Cf. ^^ r'
^-^ ^^^'

say: "Allah, may He be glorified

and exalted, said: 'I am ar-Rahman a
:^JjJ.^&^ V^
/ ,
^; f/ , ,
^ -
andhave created ar-rahim (ties of
I ^ <Ut JL^» Jj£ £& Jjl J^i/, 1^, £1

^ ^ ^^

kinship) and have derived its name

from My name. Whoever upholds
W '< ;;;-.* - s,, ; :{: *-.*„.:?
U ^ J

ties of kinship, I will uphold ties y'3 <^U>j ^L»j jli <. LLi.1 ^l ^
with him and whoever breaks ties
of kinship, I shall cut him off.'"
Ln °*

£^ ] '"<

Comments: [Saheeh because of tjjj- JuUl alSj .
0j jJ ^^^ :
corroborating evidence] '

1 681. It was narrated from

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf that he

^j>) .y, ^-4^ If.
'-i; ^^ -HA\
heard the Messenger of Allah {%&) if.
*^- y} J&* <{>f^ y- J\ jSjS-
say: "Allah, may He be glorified ..- • - >-; ~^ h .*.,' *\ V. ..

and exalted, said: 'I am ar- , ^ ^^ y v^^ y '

,-f s

Rahman and I have created ar~ '
jjc % 5AJ I
J^j i^i a!I o> ^ ^^Jl
ra/H'm (ties and have
of kinship) *-. '« *',-
derived its name from My name. °^ > !,-
-^^' Ut Mj
s ,

" :
>J > ^ l
Whoever upholds ties of kinship, , L^bj -^ lLjr^t ^ L^ .i.^V i^ '
I will uphold ties with him and ' / ' , , , s V-'
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 141 4- Jfljc & Cy***^ 1
4i** -J^-»

whoever breaks ties of kinship, I .. ...

^ C^^
. . . ,

shall cut him off.'" <? C-^"

Comments: [Sa/ireh because of corroborating evidence; see the previous

1682. It was narrated from ^M :

lJ L^ ^ jl^l \£jJ» -HAY
'Abdullah bin 'Amir bin Rabee'ah
that 'Umar bin al-Khattab set out yt^
" '

J> ^

>£* It* 'if^

t ^


^ ,,

towards Syria. When he was in

Sargh, he heard that an epidemic
J/ ^ .
( ,,
^ ^
„, -


had broken out in Syria. 'Abdur- -As f^l 01 -UJJ t ^. *U- Uii t^UJl
Rahman bin 'Awf told him that
the Messenger of Allah (&) said:
"If you hear of it in some land, do
^ ^
^ liiw
. ,„ ,.

s .


^ >^
>.. *-.(:

5^ Jjl
^ ,

not go there; if it

land and you are there, do not

occurs in

leave it, fleeing from it." So 'Umar


'^ CV



4' '*>
\Jr J^>

^£ ^ ....




bin al-Khattab returned from „

Sargh. C nvA (T^ : ]
''IT & Y^ ^ >* 1

Comments: [Its isnad is so/ircA, al- .

t (ovr<\) ;^ .7^^^ .jL-l :?^>«;
Bukhari (5729) and Muslim

1683. It was narrated from j-^\ -j_^ ' ^ JUJ-! tijS- -\"\Ar
"' ,'
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas that 'Umar *

'if^ J- ^ U
bin al-Khattab set out for Syria, ±* Ji +^^ -£* If
was met by
when he was
in Sargh,
Jj, ^^ t ^lUJl
£ S& ^ ^)\
', ; '

the troops, Abu 'Ubaidah bin al- £* y- t

J»r j! ^J^ 1
Cri ^' 4^ a 1

larrah and his companions, and ,,^ .;':;, .» ..* *f

they told him that an epidemic ^ , '

had broken out in Syria.... and he IV£\ '<££ i^L jli lit

narrated the same hadceth. He w

said: 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf

'«i^»J C
, r
, •

-^ ^

came, who had been away on an ...till. jSj Ji itfl d\

-Jj± '
errand, and said: I know tt ti >t
, , ,

something about this. I heard the ^> 0? o^-^ -^ 1

^^ : J 1
* •^.-^Jl

Messenger of Allah {^) say: "If it

[the epidemicj is in a land and
^ .j^
^ "
i? ^u ^ j ^ 5^
v '.•''-",
you are there, do not leave it, ^ *^' J>-3

c-i*^< 1 m* ^^ t?-^*

fleeing from and if you hear of

it; ^ r . ;:?- ..( : ,s ,', .
', i-

it in some land, do not go there. - ' *

Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf ^142 * ^£c ^ t
>«i^Jl ait \'\~.\

He said: So 'Umar praised Allah,

then he turned back. 4


; *



"^ % ^^ ^

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- jw i^Xp <UI juA* ;Jl> ii-di. I_^Jl1
Bukhari (5729) and Muslim " .

(2219] f^l" 1
:^rlj3 -o>i;l

1684. It was narrated that ijl^i

^ <>^Ji ?
SU5l ^1 l£U- -UAl
'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf

^ ^^' ^ ^ f^
said: I ' , tt , . ,. , , ,,«

heard the Messenger of Allah (^) oi b

say: "If you hear of it in some
j^ ^ j^ ^ ^^Ji ^ tt
J> _Ci^
land and you are not there, then ',,*>.''"-'
do not enter ^

J ^ ^"^ :JU V>


it (that land); if it Ji J^''^
do not leave
when you
it fleeing
are there, then
from it."
^~ ^ ^^ ;
-i^ ,-„'
^ ^^ *f

Comments: [Its isnsrf is Ziasan; it is * ' ^ CN

^ c *
similar in meaning to the ((
k^ |'
- '>::
previous report] '

1 6 85It was narrated that Bajalah

^ \ \-'j£\ ;j (j^j J^ | £^ _ nA
said: 'Umar did not want to take s
_ ,',.,.', , t

the /izyo/i from the Magians until ^^ ^ J^0 i; J^ uij? 3 ^ :


^O^P M ^^ J^
'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf testified ^j, ^fc iJ J jl5 "lj]|
that theMessenger of Allah (£g)
had taken it from the Magians of
, , . \^
*?* <-
iJ ~j^\ j*
^r^ ^ L^l

21 Jul Jji3 01 :o>

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (3152)] [Uov : ^ij] .^

1686. It was narrated that Abu

Salamah said: Abur-Raddad fell
sick and 'Abdur-Rahman bin
f «-

^*^ ^

^^ ~™

j? .j&AI
*.-••' :;*.


JU ^ ^ ^'
'Awf visited him. Abur-Raddad *,^ « -,.- .-.
^ ;^' ,< s .. .,, ,.
. ,

said: The best of them and the *' l

one who most upholds

f d
ties of jlp JUi .Ji^J c-^U U I^Mj
kinship, as far as know, is Abu
Muhammad. 'Abdur-Rahman bin

^ ^ J °^ *>!

V> 1h o^-JJI
'Awf said: I heard the Messenger
of Allah (M) say: "Allah, may He
t iiJ i Gl : Uj > ii Jii» -jl' # J
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf & 143 <£ ua>c jj j**.^! Ju& Ji«^

be glorified and exalted, said: 'I

j^3 t 4iU»j t\+L>3 jii 'i^ 1

am Allah and I am ar-Rahman. I

have created ar-rahim (ties of [\"IA* :^lj] .««•£ l^XLa

kinship) and have derived its

name from My name. Whoever J^\ ^J [
y) -\^ iy^> '
upholds ties of kinship, will 1
.^ j}j ^#™
uphold ties with him and whoever
breaks ties of kinship, I shall cut
him off/"
Comments: [Saheeh because of corroborating evidence.]

1687. It was narrated from *lIa J^-l :OjjU ^ !_£ &Jb- -nAV
Ibraheem bin 'Abdullah bin Qariz '
^^ ,. , - < .

^ ^

that his father told him that he y* h* VA & " </} ?• ^"-
enteredupon 'Abdur-Rahman bin v^ £\ £^. Jrj| jf ^J ^ Jj|
J^. :

'Awf when he was sick, and

'Abdur-Rahman said to him: May
^ ^ ^-j* >J
, ^ 4 ^

^ J^~^ <£*

your roMm uphold ties of kinship

with you. The Prophet (#,) said:
Jj t

^^ . ,
- g, . .

''Allah, may He be glorified and cJUj <.'J*^*)\ & :^H ^ )]

exalted, said:
am ar-Rahman.
Allah and I

have created or-

derived its name from My name.


rahim (ties of kinship) and have



. .;

: JU

,^ L^";
^ ^!» i*.\*




Whoever upholds ties of kinship, '

CT J '
I will uphold ties with him and

whoever breaks ties of kinship, I r ^ ^^ ^u ^ ^

shall cut him off." •& ^ '
***>" J "^
Comments: [A saiieeh hadeeth - see 1659]

1688. It was narrated from an-

Nadr bin Shaiban al-Huddani that
£<- :
oUiLl y-
^ ~^ AA

Abu Salamah bin 'Abdur-Rahman

t^^4^' ^ y. jr^ <y <~rJ i> C-^

said to him:
a from your father
don't you . ,

..* ,• > ...

-„ , . .
A M ,


~ .?,.


that your father heard from the ^ ^

Messenger of Allah (*£)? He said:
Ramadan came and the Messenger

tf J_li

,< ,_


, ^^ —
J> *-^~*
>^j ^
of Allah (^) said: "Ramadan is a j^ ^\j^j jjl : Jill ?^ aIji J^3
month that Allah has enjoined
fasting and I have established the


^ ^^3
^ . . , 5

J|" : iSj ^

Sunnfl/i of praying giyom during it

'^..$\ JJL. J\j ^\Lf ^> &l
Musnad 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf ^144 ^ Jl^t ^ (>*i.jjt aii V.-i

for the Muslims. Whoever fasts it , , r . . ,,.,,, , ,

out of faith and seeking reward *>- £> ^L_^.lj UU,! «0,LJ, ^li *<iUj
willemerge from his sins as on
day his mother bore him."
the [nv :„-!;] .#{ ^ ;-j ^

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef. See

ol ^ <^ -^lJi '^V^ »*M ^/^
1660] ,«J <y ^L- ^.1 ^U-.
^ jjj .^j,

1689. It was narrated from tli oA^ r^^Jl j^ ^l JU -UA*

'Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah, from /, , ,

„,,. ^

Ibn 'Abbas, that he was discussing ^-^ :

5^ -^ urf' V^" l*»

the issue of prayer with 'Umar. -,,«---#.>

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf came to ^

</, ^
\.> •


/ ^ V" ^ "^
s - *

them and said: Shall I not tell you j*' 0* *. -L 1

1 ju*-
j^ 5U I
jCp ji. i^^ijJl
of a hadeeth that I heard from the '-m's.. -f» — *^'>J .; *s
f ,«-

Messenger of Allah (3*$)? They ^^ ^ "

said: Yes. He said: I bear witness : Jlii **j}p ^ J^-^ i* 1

rfcJl ^^
that heard the Messenger of Allah

(#*) say: ''Whoever offers a prayer -


' ^ , ,

J ^ ^^
. „.'
^i^i r^
>\ >

1 Nl

and thinks that he did less than he cJUJ. ^1 j^lli : Jli t JL; : lju ?^
let him continue praying
he thinks that he did more
than he should."
^ '^ J^

> „
," *




^ M ^ Jp3
: • 1

- ^n
Comments: [Its rswarf is da'eef]
Hadeeth of Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah -&
' 145 * C'j*" Cw * ^^ ^ 1

.4* *ii( 4^ CH JH ^ Aiilj ^tjJtl( ^ SjQ-t£

fj) i_LjJb»>

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah,

whose name was 'Amir bin 'Abdullah 4&

1690. It was narrated that 'lyad

bin 'Ghutaif said: We entered
upon Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah
to visit him when he was sick,
and his wife Tuhaifah was sitting
by his head. We said: How is Abu
'Ubaidah? She said: By Allah, he
is gaining reward. Abu 'Ubaidah *'» *'
* - i '!;-•
said: I am
not gaining reward. He JUlP eJiS-\i ^jLaj 4jI\jA\
J Cy&\ (^}5Li
was facing the wall and he turned
to face thepeople and said: Why
don't you ask me about what I U : ;.C» jjl J Lai .y^ ^^ -^ t^JUij

said? They said: We did not like

what you said, so we did not ask
iJaSUJI ^JlP ^-^ "^-1* Oiij tyf-L JLj

you about it. He said: I heard the "Vl :JUi (*JaJI Jr*^
<-tyry, (J^
Messenger Allah (j^) say:
"Whoever spends wealth for the
sake of Allah will be rewarded jIll Jj-^j cJL^. :Jli .^ iliu-i tl £if
seven hundred fold, and whoever
spends on himself and his family, j~^ ^ aL^u iii jj^i v^* ^Jy^ ^
or visits a sick person, or removes '
a^-aJ ^jIp j^iil ^j t, aS Lfc*. ^- j t <JUl
something harmful (from the
road), his good deed will be
rewarded tenfold. And fasting is a
shield unless he makes a hole in
it. If Allah tests a person with
physical sickness, it is a means of
forgiveness for his sins."

Comments: [Its isnad is Imsan]

1691. It was narrated that Abu £jii-

y a^i £jU- -nM
'Ubaidah said: The last words the
Prophet (^) spoke were: "Expel

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah .& 146 &, C*^ 1

" ; 'j."^
the Jewsof the Hijaz and the .,--,- ~„,
people of Najran from the ^ ^ ^'-^^^ «

t ol
r ,

^ ^^

Arabian Peninsula. And know

that the most evil of people are
^ .
' ,
:#g ^lll
m *

those who take the graves of their '"rV^ 1

'O/fr j* ^'J^> J*lj Ol>*^l

Prophets as places of worship."
Comments: [Its isnfld is saheeh]
^ IjiiJl'^iJl ^\
'/'£ if l'^rj
[\"m t mi :,&!] .u^-Lli j^iUJl
, t

1692. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin Suraqah, from Abu
'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah, from the
**** ^
r r= ..

tjjp J>

f* ^
, , ,

^.> -^ ,
~ nU
jIs- °Jz Jj( jl*
J^ ,jjU j*
Prophet (gg) that he mentioned /--„/ -
the and described him in a
Dfl//fl? C J aJ^ ^



^^ </ ^

way I cannot remember. They ;&J .J^jJI Ji Z\ :^ ^l ^

said: O Messenger of Allah, how
will our hearts be on that day? ^ t „

J >-J L- :

^ , ,

L^Iiii! V H>«

Will they be like they are today? yj£

^ .(, .

j^ ? .-^ ^„ gg j^
He said: Or better. \*
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eej] [
^Ar j&\]

1693. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin Suraqah, that Abu
£^. : ^ ji^l&j i& &U. -mr

'Ubad ah bin al-Jarrah said: I heard •£* J* * 1 -^ -^M L^ :ULi {J> 1 alii,

the Messenger of Allah (m) say: \ . - ::,,, .?,,.... .; , ?.,

There was no Prophet after Nooh ^ \ ^ r- - ^ ^^ ^ -

but he warned his people about the #, Jj^j cJl^ ^I^Jl

Jll ; Jli
J sjCp
Dajjal, and I am warning you of ,- >t . ; , '-„*-.>.; < ^' J >

him/' Then the Messenger of Allah

jXI ^^ V C> ^ ^- H ! ^ ^1" :
J >-
(^?) described him to us and said:
"Perhaps some of those who saw
d U^y
, „„.,,*,*
JJ «i_^i^*jjf
Jl} t
^ *

me or heard my words will live to Is <j*% ^^ ^* : JU J ^ ^1 J^j

see him." They said: O Messenger t Jj, jy^ u •

(jJ j _,
^ L-^ ^f -^
of Allah, how will our hearts be on

that day? Will they be as they are


J^ '-^ ^fP'
, , .

,t f

? ^>^ ^^ „ ;

today? He said: "Or better."

Comments: [Its isnad is dfl'ec/ like
[nqT g ^
the previous report] .ii.L-£ ^i.».j> ojL-I \g±j>*l
, ,

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah & 147 & £)j*i\ £& 5 JLuc ji iua#-

1694. It was narrated from Sa'd

bin Samurah, from Samurah bin
J undub, that Abu 'Ubaidah bin al- If ti^Ls J>
aiJ. ^ OjX^ ^ (~*Q.
& ^^ ^ ^
Jarrah said: The last words the .«-:, . ;-..» f . . >> * . ,»

Prophet of Allah (#Q spoke were:


^-/^ y*
1 6

"Expel the Jews of the Hijaz from :M |$| *Ll ^i * jjfe U >T ZjV5 : Jli
the Arabian Peninsula, and realise • '\ '
- * > < ?

^ ^/^
„ \

that the worst of people are those

7^ &*" ^ ^ — J

who take graves as places of ^j^ ^jji ^&| 31^ J,{ 1^13
worship." '

Comments: [Its rsfiad is sa/iee/i]

[n<u '«-ij]
C -
«Jb~Li* jtiiii

1695. It was narrated from al- ij£U i^li £J J^^i £&*- -^**
Qasim Abu Umamah said: A
man among the Muslims granted
protection to a man when Abu
^ .

- - .*


& j,

1^ * .
0* J^>i

'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah was in


J "'„ -

^j U ^f "

; \

charge of the army. Khalid bin al- J^j " *^rj ^y l'...»)\ j* J*-j j\^\ : Jtf

Waleed and 'Amr bin al-'As said: " *n '

V* i
s ' It '• "",»- /
'f ."ii
" y
You should not acknowledge his "
But Abu 'Ubaidah said: JUi .i/j^ V ^^ ,

oi j^j> J^l
will grant him protection;
heard the Messenger of Allah (j^)
^ *

say: "One
grant protection
of the Muslims may
and it is binding
,«liwU-! ( ^r
_JJ-iJl ^ ^J" : Jjii

upon all the Muslims." kJl^j* jL_>! IX* j t

jJ ^r
_^ :^j >»u f


Comments: [Hasan because of 'ij*

1 * ^J o-^ ^^ C/. c 1 1

corroborating evidence; this is a

da'eef isnad]

1696. Abu Hisbah Muslim bin *&~y> £il^ '-\'j^\ J>J

^^ -H^
Ukyas, the freed slave of 'Abdullah
bin 'Amir, narrated from Abu Cr^

,„ »



^^ J r* ^' :

'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah: a man

entered upon him [Abu "Ubaidah]
/\) ^ " "
^ ^
^^ ^
'"', ,
_& J-
^ J^ ^ ^ ^ ^

and found him weeping. He said: ^^' I

: 1 Jl 1
Cr* ur?

Why are you weeping, O Abu ,:-, rf L

u .3^ X ;^^
'Ubaidah? He are
said: We "'
/ ";' -""
weeping because the Messenger of U £y_ 'j>'i ^g JJI J^ij jl ,_^ :JUi
Allah (^;) mentioned one day the
victories that Allah would grant to ^^ s , . .-, ,

'^' J
^^ > ^ ^
, ,t
r, ^, *,.

fO|^>§ 7r£ )«EIW4iittrWhHffi«)GM^i«» >HA0f

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah 4, 148 *> c'^^' Ch "-'O.'"

j' ^v

theMuslims and how much booty

He would grant them, and he even
ui u iiu! j Li; lu :jui ,fi!]i -ji

mentioned Syria. He said: "If you pjU- iSltt j* dLll^j

fj^Jl *.»jCp
live long, O Abu 'Ubaidah, three
servants will be enough for you: a (•^H f?^"J * <^kk* Jt^~i (S?^J h-1LoJl>J

servant to serve you, a servant to

travel with you and a servant to
serve your family and take care of
them. And three mounts will be
sufficient for you: a mount to carry
you, a mount to carry your luggage
and a mount to carry your slave."
And now here I am, look at my
j& ^ Jji Jj^S ^1 wli^s iXij
house, it is filled with slaves, and
look at my stable, it is filled with
mounts and horses. How can I
meet the Messenger of Allah (^g)
after this?The Messenger of Allah
fe) advised us: "The dearest of
you to me and the closest of you to
me is the one who meets me in the
same state as he was when he left

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]

1697, It was narrated from Shahr U- ,J\

£j^ -^j^h &Ii- -mv
bin Hawshab al-Ash'ari, from
Rabbih, a man from among his
people who married Shahr's
mother he
after his father died, that
witnessed the plague of 'Amwas.
He said: When the epidemic grew
JiuM \Xi :JU l^I^Ip jjili o^Jt jl5
severe, Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah
stood up to address the people and
said: Opeople, this epidemic is a
mercy from your Lord and the
answer to the prayer of your
^-3JI lii Jt t^liJI 1^1 :JUi

^j^J fc
(^Sr J
"j^J *~^J
Prophet, and this is how the
righteous before you died. Abu
'Ubaidah is asking Allah to give
him his share of it. Then he got the * * * , s i *"
„ * t „ j tf f

plague and died, may Allah have

Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah 4* 149 &, £l>?Jl i>j 5dJ_u; ji %iu

mercy on him. Mu'adh bin Jabal

succeeded him as the people's
leader and stood up to address

^ Ul ^

r&J Sy-Sj L&j L^ i^ji

-- ,-,_,,-
^ lli

them after he died. He said: O , t

, , a
, ., '

people, this epidemic is a mercy ^^ bL~ ^b 'r^ l^ -^ 1 1

from your Lord and the answer to
the prayer of your Prophet, and
;jii .^ ^
^ jSl
b\ &l

this is how the righteous before (^ <.^Lli oil* ^ l

>*^yl -V -
°! (
you died. Mu'adh is asking Allah •:?: - ,- . - f: v. >s- ,--: .,:

to grant a share of it to the family of

" - " ' r

Mu'adh. Then his son 'Abdur- jp

t«S ^U J^ P l
^i ^~l ^Jj
Rahman bin Mu'adh got the
plague and died. Then he asked his
/^ UI_i dlJ U-; ^ 1 il>- 1 U :
J yZ

Lord for his own share of it, and ^&i oU

/JJ, Jj, ^iji^l Uli .CjJI
[symptoms of the plague]
appeared on his hand. I saw him ^ :JUi 4
^ ^- f
V" 1*31
looking at it then he turned his
hand over, then he said [to his
^± ^
^ ,-,

-pi ili !>l

t ^tl]|

hand]: would not like to have J^ .JU^Jl J* <^ l>4>*3 j&\ JUfil

I <

anything in this world in return for ^ J^ -^ '


jj j^
what you have got. When he died, / -

'Amr bin al-'As succeeded him as

the people's leader. He stood up to
address them and said: O people, if

this epidemic breaks out, then it

will spread like wildfire, so flee
from it to the mountains. Abu

Wathilah al-Hudhali said to him:

You are lying, by Allah. I
accompanied the Messenger of
Allah (5gg) when you were no better
than this donkey of mine. He said:
By Allah, I will not respond to
what you said. By Allah, we will
never stay with it. Then he went
out and the people went out and
scattered from him, and Allah ^-^ {/ ^ ^-v^ «*M :gj>«J
warded it off from them. News of •
'Amr's opinion reached 'Umar bin
al-Khattab and by Allah he did not
dislike it. Abu 'Abdur-Rahman
'Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Hanbal
Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah «& 150 & £l>»h ^ * JJui jl -'ijij-r-

said: Aban bin Salih was the

grandfather of Abu 'Abdur-
Rahman Mushkudanah.
Comments: [Its- isnad is da'eef]

1698. It was narrated that 'Amir ji. ^ji J",,„..

juAi &1^ -\"\^A i£

The Messenger of Allah (0,)

appointed Abu 'Ubaidah in charge

J ^ ^ :JU

^U ^

iLii^U L-S^Ul oli

^ tt

t "ViU-
of the Muhajireen and Amr bin al- '
,. - ,.,\ , , ,,*
'As in charge of the Bedouin, and s^ 1

«* >J** J^'j ^^T 1 ** 11 u^

he said to them both: "Cooperate : Jli .«lp)lL »
: U^J JUi t^l^Vl J*
with one another." And they were
instructed to raid [the tribe of] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^3
, - .

^ . , -,

Bakr. So 'Amr set out and raided [the tUuJ

\'jz ^U h\ Jl*. ^uti tJ

^ ^ > ^
Quda' ah, because Bakr were
tribe of] < - -,.> ,. > ,• ,--.- ,* . *

> J\ Oi ; Jl u tJI L|
his maternal uncles. Al-Mugheerah
bin Shu'bah went to Abu 'Ubaidah ilUi£ii $jg Jji J_^3 ^| ; Jiii t sj££
and said: The Messenger of Allah ,
.< . -> ' . *

(m) has appointed you over us, but f^ 1

>' C?^ 1

* £* oi l

°P tl

the son of so and so [i.e., 'Amr] is jj ;;Ju£ ^j Jiii t ^| ii; Jju -jj
leading the people and you should „'t -^
have nothing do with him to & S UU
-u ,

"IT* °

U >'



[because he did the wrong thing]. JUp o|3 #; Jjl J^j
Abu 'Ubaidah said: The Messenger
of Allah (s&) commanded us to -^j* ^ Nj ^li' *lu-j :^.>«"

cooperate with one another, and I

shall obey the Messenger of Allah

(dig) even if 'Amr disobeys him.
Comments: [Its men are thiqat but it is Mursal]

1699. It was narrated that Abu ^ ^ ^^ -^

s^jj, -\-\\\
'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah said: The '.,'-*.,> -

last words spoken by the Prophet ±*~* 0*. S^^i j* s^*^ J I ^^ 0^^
(&) were: "Expel the Jews of the .• :-.-£ i
:; . i
:; =-'- *i

Hijaz and the people of Najran - ~\ ''

, ,
from the Arabian Peninsula." '£& ^Ji * jjfe U >l 01 : Jli ^l^jl
Comments: [Satee/i] jifj t ^J| j;f '^ \^U' :Jtf

L^'CW :^-ij] -VS^ 1

?>-,*- ^ ^S^"
Hadeeth of Abu 'Ubaidah bin al-Jarrah 4* 151 * vy?*^ Oi »J^t^ ji ^=>

1700. It was narrated that 'Iyad

bin Ghutaif said: We entered upon
Abu 'Ubaidah to visit him when he
was sick. He said: I heard the
SjC*- j1 Ji- llL>-i : JU i a tao -J ^jJ>L*
Messenger of Allah (#*) say:
"Whoever spends wealth for the
sake of Allah will be rewarded
seven hundred fold, and whoever
t<JJi j—*i ^ iL^U iiii jj;i v^*

spends on himself and his family,

or visits a sick person, or
^ j 1
*<?* ^ J^ o^j ^W^™*
something harmful (from the t ^y^ ^v^ ^il jU j I i Uiijj^ jU- _jl c aIs!

road), his good deed will be

rewarded tenfold. And fasting is a
shield unless he makes a hole in it.
If Allah tests a person with
physical sickness, it is a means of
[m- :^-lj] .«S« r iJ

forgiveness for his sins."

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

1701. It was narrated

bin Ghutaif said: We
that 'Iyad
^ ^ U^-l :1>; £lc -WM
upon Abu 'Ubaidah,.. and he
narrated the same hadeeth.

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

[\1V ijv-lj] .ioO^Jl

.j—*- ail— i : ?Hj*J

Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr 4> 153 <* j£*i $ & u^v^ £*• ^^

The Hadeeth of *
Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr 4&

1702. It was narrated that

'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr
^ ^
^ iUJ
^o^ -\V*Y
said: Abu Bakr (*) came with a ^
t ^
jU^ ^' 0*

-^ iS

^ . t
-"J 1 -^-
guest or guests, then he went to
the Prophet (#2) in the evening.
£,\£ ^
' '

; ,'/',>'
When he came back, my mother :
^ - J


J _ J v^H ">

said to him: You stayed away

from your guest {or guests) since
^^ ^
,j^ ^^ - ;
,' '


night began. He said: Didn't you }l _ uiiil-i ji- c~ll>-l i^l *J cJli

give them supper? She said: No. „. ,= , .a -,.: ,r.f 1(

•> :,.,-•.!

She said: I offered it to him (or r s-

them) but they refused (or he }| _ ^Ip iilj c~i^ :cJLj <.
\' :cJli
refused). Abu Bakr got angry and .- - „r- > -

^--^J „;

^ -<H>
,( „ - ,

swore that he would not eat, and -*' ^-^ 1

- 1

the guest (or guests) swore that

they would not eat until he ate.
.V^h ^ii^; t iuk N M ^Uj ^ *

^ , , »
. , E , f £

Then Abu Bakr said: This is from °P^ N ^ - -»^' J

^ _

the Shaitan. So he called for the

food and ate, and they ate too.
^^ a

p£ _
j^ t


They did not lift any morsel to iJSU ^LU=Jl^ U.ii :Jli .jUaliil

their mouths but more than that * :„.•: :' >-.,, v ,

. ;,- : ',.;

appeared beneath it. He said: O ^ ^

sister of Firas, what is this?
Banu ti^-l U :JU* tl4~?
^ l
LfU- 1 '
<>? *—*!J

She What a surprise, now it

is more than it was before we ate!

So they ate and sent some of it to Vj

t "]£f- jl L£* J£\ 0^1 Uj) ..j^
the Prophet (^). And he mentioned „, t ,st .-, „ -


that he ate some of it. ^ >^ -

^ l
J! ^
Comments: [Its isnad is pa/i^/i, al- [ \ V\V i\ V U t N v . I

Bukhari (6141) and Muslim

(2057)] .(Y-oy) :

.<-m\) :£-.£5»_* 9
jM £J~
1703. It was narrated from ^£ii ^"^ U -W-r
^ ;^ ; tiiJ£
'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr that ^'

he said: We were one hundred 'J-



b{ ^^ t> -

°'J* ^'



Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr & 154 > j^j ji ,^j &*>-jl\ Jui '.yr-

and thirty men with the Prophet „, *, --,«., «

(#r),and the Prophet (^) said: C" ^ ;JU *^ >' ^J j! J^->^

"Does any one among you have
any food?" One man had a sa' of
^ ^, j£
"' , ,
, ,
^ '

foodstuff or the like, so he made <>J £ 'H* "'f

1^ r^ ^' (T
some dough. Then a man, a tall £l
- '* - ' '>•: .f rr • ;.,
mushrik with dishevelled hair, / '
!> ,
t -

came along with some sheep that tl4*_j^ (^v Ji> OL^lJ i^ii ji;,
-7^ ving -
^ ^P

said: "Will you sell one or give it

*> : J« }f
" ft
" U=t.
: tfj "
^T Jia
as a gift?" He said: No, I will sell «1* ^^iili .£; j: t ^ : Jli «?2xi :fi
it. So he bought a sheep from him . ,<„ , , , ,

-^ ^

and it was slaughtered and ^ > - '

'^-^ <

prepared. The Messenger of Allah

^ U 'Mj .III : Jli t
^ jjj ji jLJl
ordered that liver be /*',--*,,«
^' J ^ J >
(3?ss) its ^ ' ^

grilled. By Allah, there was no ^| *» '^Ij 0=**"

one among those one hundred
and thirty who was not given his
^^ ^^ , ( ^
^ ' ,'„*'.

^m '

share of that liver by the J U -^ ^ &^ OlS h\j iSCj UiLpI

^f ^

Messenger of Allah if the

man was present, he gave it to


^^ ^ -

him, and if he was absent he set it JU ouUUJ <.

J?S.^u}\ ^ JJiij i l
>.-^ j
aside for him. And he set out two '
large bowls from which we all ate
L VU :
^ IJ
JU ->' ^ '^
* :

our fill, and there was some left /., n ^ . . > ,

. . ..
over in the two bowls, which I ^ ^ ' ^

Ioaded onto a camel.

Comments: [Its isruu* is sa/zee/z, al-Bukhari (2616) and Muslim (2056)]

1704. Abdur-Rahman bin Abi

Bakr narrated that Ashabus-Suffah
£^ .^
^ ^ a ;
u _ w ,

were poor people. The Messenger :

?^^ ^ J Up Jli ijU^JLJ- ^' ^*£ii
of Allah (^g) said on one occasion:
"Whoevcr has food for two, let
him take a third person with him -

^ jl
^ ^1

.-;« -



^& J *• ^


'Af fan said: three people;

has food for four^ let
him take a ^
^^ s

^ > ^
* s,

^ Ll
' -*

^ s -

or words
sixth person with him,"
to that effect. Abu Bakr
v j£\
;," _ ,.
> ^
- .,
v;» ; =^
, r

came with three people and the o*J - ?"^ :01 ^ JLi 3 _ v-!^. ^iOi
him, and
m) took ten people with
Abu Bakr took three.
t ^Uo
' '
^^ —'
" *
*^ ;^
. ,

Hndeeth of ' Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr & 155 4» j^i ^1 ji 0**^' ^^ ^

Comments; [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (602) and Muslim
^ ^^^b>jj
^ £ V ^
tf Jt ju^;.f ^^ g
(2057)] JU _ $yL £ yV 3 ,l'JJu m, ^ J&l}
[W'Y ^Ijl-.^U; :JbU

1705. It was narrated from' Amr- _ 3 JS ^p k^s- ^ jUii £li£ -W*o

i.e., bin Dinar - that 'Amr bin Aws

ath-Thaqafi told him: 'Abdur- <S-J

^ J S>* V^ 1
_ jW$ lr!
Rahman bin Abi Bakr told me: The ^ ^1 ^ i^-^ 1
-^ ujJj^' :
*^^ t

Messenger of Allah (jg;) instructed

me to take 'A'ishah behind me on
my mount to at-Tan'eem, then let
'„ "',

> .%
^ ^ ^ J^
. ,_

> "

^ t


Jz\] --*!!) I
her do 'umrah.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-


^ WAi >

c •£>-" ejL~^ :

Bukhari (1784) and Muslim .OTH)

1706. It was narrated from :&£S\ & y. Jw & <&- -W-1

'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr that ." ,*'
, -. „ , ,. > - ,:*

the Messenger of Allah (jg) said: ^ T ^ J ** r '

"My Lord has granted me seventy

thousand of my ummah who will
^ j^; jl ,jll ^, ^^ j£. tjl^i-
* -

. .

( ^ t
( t ^ . - . ,

enter Paradise without being ^ -& :

^* 0* l

brought to account." 'Umar said:

O Messenger of Allah, why didn't
^^ ^y^\ j-
"" *'
: ju ^f Jjl J^O
^ ^ <

. * .
s * ,

you ask for more? He said: "I did .«^l^ -cAJI j^j; ^1 ^ UJl

ask for more, and He granted me

with each man seventy thousand.
^.^ ^1 t Jj| J^ U :^i JUi

"'Umar said: Why didn't you ask J*-3 J* £* ^^-^ njj^ 1 jj» :JU
for more? He said: "I did ask for '-. - „>;.,-.. "«-r ^> -„; „/:f , .,

more and He granted me with ~ T ^ ^" ^

every man seventy thousand." ^ua*^ ^ja-" ^

^^^ J^-j ^ J5
1 b

'Umar said: Why didn't you ask for /,

more? He said: "I did ask for more, ^"

? ^^'
^ ^"* -
,-* -,


and He granted me like this -" and r;

^\ ^ -^ .aioSU ^Lkpli i^ij^l
'Abdullah bin Bakr held his hands
apart, stretching out his arms and '^ L '
^J '-^ -^ Ju ^ '^ £ &
making a scooping motion. Hisham
said: This is from Allah, the
,^^ : :lia
JU _, .ill
^ iL^j

number of which is not known. .oap U (jj4 M *i)l

Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr 4* 156 -^ J^f <J' Oi i>**V^ 4-^ '^uJUfc

Comments: [Its isnad is dnVc/J

jl» :^j ,J_^^ j«p j, ^ yj ^^

1707. It was narrated that
'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr
said: The Messenger of Allah (^)
said: "Allah, may He be glorified
and exalted, will call the debtor
on the Day of Resurrection and Jl» :
m h J^j J li : JL: Jz J y\
make him stand before Him, then
He will say: O My slave, how did
you dispose of the people's
money? He will say; O Lord, You
know that I did not squander it;

rather was lost in a flood or a


fire, or it was stolen or lost (in

trade). Then Allah, may He be

glorified and exalted, will call for
^'yrf 4J'-^* j*JL*
(_j* £i>^ J^v >* -*JJ *

something and will put it in his

balance, and his good deeds will
outweigh it."
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef,
Sadaqah bin Moosa is da'eef and
Qais bin Zaid is unknown]
1708. It was narrated from : <*i^ £JU- : -uJJl iU LlijL^- -W*A
'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr that
the Messenger of Allah (%%) said:
"Allah will call the debtor on the
Day of Resurrection until he is
made to stand before Him, and it : Jli #; <l)l J^ (HA/O Li :^;
will be said: O son of Adam, why
did you take this debt? Why did
you neglect people's dues? He
will say: O Lord, You know that I

took it but I did not use it for

food or drink or clothing, and I
was not negligent, but what
Ji ^ iili ;^: u ij^y ^&i
happened to me was a fire or
theft or loss (in trade). Allah, may
He be glorified and exalted, will
say: My slave has spoken the
Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr * 157 .£, >£*j ji ^ u**-^' 4^ .
.i.i . .ti .

pay it
I am
the most deserving to
you today. Then
Allah will call for something and

Z6 j>
,„ - ;

. ,

-f ,-*

ill I
^ _^Ii

- .

will put it in the pan of his ' "

balance, and his good deeds will J^ ^^
, * , ,

^ ^"^ ^>
- .. „ t

outweigh his bad deeds, then he [\y.y :**-lj] .«a^-j J_il c^Jl
will enter Paradise by grace of His
mercy." .<dJL* *^-ij ><-«_,; <oL_| : t^j*^

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eefi see the previous report]

1709. It was narrated from Ibn

Abu Najeeh that his father told him
j^p U^Zil :<jU^} ^
^ li£jL»- -W*^
that someone who heard 'Abdur- V ^
3 U
1 :
- ^^ ^ ^ .

- -

Rahman bin Abi Bakr told him that

The Messenger
;tf ^ •

j^\ ^ j^j ^\
[the latter] said: of - /. '. ,' •< & :*i^
Allah (#r) said: "Ride this she- if.

O^ .
11 xJ- '^ '^ ^\ *^\

camel and put your sister behind

you, then when you come down

„, .^
fa V^ j^

^£ I/'
' "

from the hill of at-Tan'eem, both of U-JaT » . !ili t.i&M *_jjjl ^ tiilUl ?
you should enter i/iram and come -'-. -,,r. ; if, * fr *,, ..>? .

here, That was on the day when - ' •- p' '

the pilgrims do the tawaf of [ > V > *

:Jai1] .^JuIaJI
farewell before leaving Makkah.

Comments: [Saheeh because of

corroborating evidence, al-Bukhari
(1784) and Muslim (1212)]
^ ^ ^^ :U ^ -C^^r
Sj\)\ iJL^J l

^i &
jL-S Laaj

l ,(UU
£— ^1
1710. It was narrated from
Hafsah the daughter of 'Abdur-
^ ^ -WW : 'ftj| hvj^
jjlS UJjb-

Rahman bin Abi Bakr, from her If 'r^

^& -

^ tkiJ1

^ ^ -
father, that the Messenger of Allah
^ £, (^ .*
i jIiu

j^ >

(j&) said to 'Abdur-Rahman: "Put ^ '", „ „ ,


your sister - meaning 'A'ishah - <j'l : 14_J ^ t jjJ-2aJ( _iy ^.1

J> j^-^
behind you on your mount and •.
.{ .
.. . s , .,,
: ^ '? '


take her for Umrah from at- ' y ^ ' ' -

' ^^

Tan'eem. When you bring her tr?«IlM /^ U^ili _ UjIp ^^ _ iJu^-i

down from the hill,, tell her to enter '..>".>' ,~t* ,>
^^ U > ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^
~ ., -
ihram, and it will be an 'Umrali that
will be accepted by Allah." [ W • o : *>-l j] .< J££i E^U V^^i

Comments: [Its rsnad is salieeh, al-

Bukhari (1784) and Muslim :

'<^ VA i)
t'Cr ,)L !

(1212)] .(UH)
' -

Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr «& 158 & jiLu jl ^ i

>*»-^JI JLJ£ '';^

1711. It was narrated from :

r .r, ^> :".-* a,- J
\<\ -
^ ^^

'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr that "



he said: We were one hundred and 0**"^' <j^ 'j^* J*

^m^ # ^
(>! <j>) -1z>) 'u*
thirty men
with the Prophet <«), ..
;Jj j, {
and the Prophet (s&) said: Does f c , \
any one among you have any '?£-; ^1 -^- [
£* J*" '•?$$ J Lai t^U}
food?" One man had a sa' of
^ ^^ <T^ $ ^
. -. "^ K ,
foodstuff or the like, so he t ^ , ^ f ^ '[

some dough. Then a man, a tall olii» ii^l* 0^

J>-3 JLr jLJ l
musftrtt with dishevelled hair,
came along with some sheep that
.^ H
^ j£ ^ / ^ ^-
J\ \
* r

he was driving. The Prophet ($£) -^ j; l V '•

J^ *^v? 1
' : JIj }l «V^kp

^^ ^
said: "Will you sell one or give it as
a gift?" He said: No, will sell So
m fa
> r
^ ^^^
J-^ ^^

I it. ,
he bought a sheep from him and it ^ j^ij :JU <i_s>^ 01 ^k]l jl^
was slaughtered and prepared. - ^ ^ ^Jr /
^ ,- y^tj,
The Messenger of Allah (^) t , . \ ^\, ^,
ordered that its liver be grilled. By U*Li
eUai-l Otf OK LgJaJ ^1^ j* V^- il

Allah, there was no one among r : -,-" •

'w- 'if-' i*.i- -if V Vi
those one hundred and thirty who „.

was not given his share of that liver l ^-* j ^ j^r I

^ \

L* J^ t
by the Messenger of Allah (#£); if .f - r- >
r i- ' : •".:!, •'-.'.:-

the man was present, he gave -" u

it to -

him, and if he was absent he set it [ W • f : ^Ij] ,Jli U5

aside for him. And he set out two
large bowls from which we all ate

'< nn> :

t •£*-* ai
^ :
our fill, and there was some left .(T-oi)

over, which I loaded onto a camel.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (2216) and Muslim (2056)]

1712. Abdur-Rahman bin Abi

Bakr narrated that the people of
^ £^

^ £^ _ mr
as-Suffah were poor people and on ^-^ ^' jUi* y) ui-i>- :
J^x- oUlLi
one occasion the Messenger of - - • M c" '• -'*u '•'

^^ ^
f f

Allah (St) said: "Whoever has

^ ,/' V
enough food for two people, let Jjl JjJ-j 01 j tfl^ii Li 1:1 I^L? aIaJI
him take three with him, and ^,
whoever has enough food for four ^1 f^ '^ K* > - ,~.
- .- . ,

-/ J^
-. -

people, let him take a
sixth with him/' or words
fifth or a U^f fuL ^ ^ i^JlL ' »Vli
to that -
s , t

effect. Abu Bakr took three people tJU J 1

V'^ '^^1 ^"^


Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr * 159 * J=** j} & it^jX 4^ *iy4*

with him and the Prophet of

Allah (gfe) took ten. Abu Bakr *^-
^ ^ ^
^_ ^

took three and he {the narrator) ^fj

ui y£ :Jli t ^-^L ^ j?j 1 5j^-~
said: That was me and my father e . , - - . , ' .*<
^ ,{.'

and my mother - and I do not - ti^J :Jb i> ^ jl

*-> - ^ ,J

know if he said:
and a servant whom we shared
- and my wife
k jz ^J ^3
~ s
^£ ,,


with the household of Abu Bakr. J^

s s>
^ <-M ^ ^j •** ^>
Abu Bakr ate dinner with the
Prophet $S), then he stayed until
^ ^^ iJi ^3
^ - ^'

7sfa' prayer was offered, then he J^Jl Ul^ ,>- ^^-^ £L>J <.*$$ aUI J^j
went back and stayed until the
Messenger of Allah (^) became ^ j^ ^ ,^
( jj ^ ,& JU li

drowsy, and he came after as U^l :JU _ ?^liili :cilj jl _ ilil^i

much of the night had passed as -_ - ,s,
Allah willed. His wife said to him:
^ l
\^ ^ *
, ;


What kept you away from your tf J-Uji : J\J .U^ii* j^fe 'j-i>
guests? Or she said: your guest.
He said: Have you not given •>* ^
^, _*,„„,.

:Jli J
; ,
^^ , r,. •


them dinner? She said: They

refused (to eat) until you came.
.j^ ^


,^ -j^
t ^ ;^J
( ^
'^ ^ ^ £ ^
/ ,


^ s

They brought the food to them,

but they insisted on not eating. I
went and hid myself, and he said:
^ .



^ ^ j^ ^ y

O ignorant fellow! And he Ujl» :JL* .JlLllM ^ ;^* : .^' y>)

reprimanded me and berated me. ^'fri^i- ?„ '-r us 'itf :

rf n
He said: Eat, but you may not P ^r r ;

enjoy it. And he said: By Allah, I ; ju 4 l^ "p\ L^ili! ^ Gj Nj i^J ^

will never eat it. By Allah, we did ,,.,,,. ,. ( , , , \ * s ,

not take any morsel but there J^ oJl5 L^ ^51 OjUj t^-i ^^
appeared beneath it more of it,
until we had eaten our fill and
^ ^ ^ ^ '
^f ^jjt
^ ^ t

there was more of it than before. <J> ^^* ^

, '



,. r
^' l
Abu Bakr looked at it and saw
that it was as it had been before "^

. s i.

; ^ .^ ^ u

or more than that. He said to his J5Li ,jl> O^Ai ii]i

Jj L^ >5I jSli-

wife: O sister of Banu Firas, what , - 'r r - .-« ',. = , 1- .

-f ,-.

is this? She said: No, O pleasure ^ -

t < - ^ >

of my eye, now it is three times \£* J51

L l
t aL^ ,j^_ 0^4^'
more than it was before. Abu
Bakr ate some of it and said: That
was from the Shaitan - meaning •= :•-;

Hadeeth of 'Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Bakr .& 160 ^ j4-,} ji &j O**"^ 1 ^ ^ ^"

his oath. Then he ate a morsel of

itand took it to the Messenger of ^
„, ,

„: ,.

^^ J^
, , .


Allah (*&), and the Messenger of •* LUl *$ £' k " ^'
C ill t

Allah (^) found it in the

^ .

L, . ,. . „ u\ , \>
morning. He said: There was a l
r*^ ^-~ ^' 3^ k
J^J J*
treaty between us and some
people which came to an end, and
[W ,

c }] ^^ .j fr^f

we appointed twelve men, each of


* (1 \ i\ ) :
._^ ai ^j : —^
had many men with him, *

and Allah knows best how many
were with each man, and all of
them ate from it.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (6141) and Muslim (2057). See 1702]

1713. Abu 'Uthman narrated (m/W C'^U :SlU GJjU- -\V>r

that 'Abdur -Rahman bin Abi ,

^ ^^

Bakr told him that Ashabus-Suffah '-^A

( t
'^ j^- 'J>.
were poor people. The Messenger >• -**,, '.- k- -
»?f ?.-;> « ,<-

of Allah (m) said: "Whoever has

,j ^ s j
. ,

food for two, let him take a third ^1 ^^ *1aJI OUwil ji :^ ^1

person with him; whoever has
food for four, let him take a fifth
and sixth person with him," or


^j ^

JU ^,
^ ^ /^
iSli ^liJdi lj^JI fUi iilp
-, ,. ?f/
J,J ^ *

words to that effect. Abu Bakr . •,-

^^ .,.*'
- . >*.
brought three people with him 'y^; '^' f*
1 ^ oa ^
and the Prophet of Allah (&§) took
ten people with him. He said:
t uf

}! ..i^jL,
- ^
That was me and my father and :

^ l

!^S %^& jl^j ty^j

my mother - and I do not know if 'n: '1; - ii \r *\- V \'-\

he said; - and my wife and a " ^-

servant whom we shared with the j^ ,>.' S~?J ^ /^ f-?^J _ J)'^1

household of Abu Bakr (4*). *

r , w . . .,'- ;,-",„' -

Comments: [See the previous

report] .4JU

Hadeeth of 'Zaid bin Kharijah -> 161 *& i*-J^»- t>J JJJ v

Hadeeth of Zaid bin Kharijah <&>

1714. Khalid bin Salamah said:

'Abdul-Hameed bin 'Abdur-
Rahman invited Moos a bin Talhah
when his son got married. He said: (ji
ju^ ol : aIJL^ jJU-
O Abu Moosa, what have you
heard about sending blessings
upon the Prophet (3£*)? Moosa
said: I asked Zaid bin Kharijah
about sending blessings upon the \J*y Jlii V^ ^Jl J* ;*^J| J
Prophet (^5) and Zaid said: I asked
the Messenger of Allah (gfej about
that myself. I said: How should one
send blessings upon you? He said:
stg 4&1 J^j cJL ui :1;3 J^ ^
"Send blessings upon me and try
your best, then say: O Allah, bless Js- JjU J4UI :i^Jy tb^-O
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as You blessed the
family of Ibraheem, verily You are
Most Praiseworthy, Most Glorious."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
. ,

Hadceth of AI-Harith bin Khazamah & 163 4* £-«>* & 40^' fc

J i

The Hadeeth of al-Harith bin Khazamah 4*

1715. It was narrated from Yahya *£^> Uil^ : >J -J *U l£U - \V 1 o

bin 'Abbas that his father 'Abbad -„;.;,,.,-.-
bin 'Abdullah bin az-Zubair said: al- j^. 0* ^li^^l ji ~h**-* j* ^-^ ^
Harith bin Khazamah brought these *U JL* *j 4^ } 'up ji
•jj 1 i l_C- 1 /^C- I, I

two verses at the end of Bara'ah [at-

Tawbah]; "Verily, there has come J?\& **£ *J>
*i>jUJl Jft :J^ £>)\
unto you a Messenger {Muhammad
j|g) from amongst yourselves. It

grieves him that you should t HA :i>Jl) 4 ,'^/"' *

receive any injury or difficulty. He
(Muhammad £g) is anxious over


3 „

^ ^ J I
you; for the believers (he
of pity, kind, and merciful But
& is) full

- '
\ '-
.f ^ .j^ ? ,^
u ^
, . *
they turn away, say (O Muhammad t^ *Ui Jj-^j <>? l£l*_J JL^il

-^ r-u*'
i/fl/ifl i//a Huw «
me. La
#5); 'Allah is sufficient for
(none has the right

, • * -i,
J *
*-""-* '
>, , ,

to be worshipped but He) in Him I

y :jj lj t ^ ii J^J, ^
put my trust and He is the Lord of
\' y \'
-^ ^

Mighty Throne.'" [at-Tawbah
9:128, 129] to 'Umar bin al-Khattab,
said: I
else will testify to
do not know; by
J* ~'.>r-


'S jL-


* '

Allah, I bear witness that I heard

them from the Messenger of Allah ^ JUj ™ ^^ i -i ^-» °M '•&;»*

(#,) and I understood them and !}jju ^ OJix* j, jU i^LLiNj iiU~J

memorised them. And 'Umar said: ji^ —
And by Allah, I bear witness that I
heard them from the Messenger of
Allah (#?,). Then he said: If they
were three verses/ I would have
made them a soorah on its own;
look for a soorah of the Qur'an and
put them with it. Then I put them
at the end of Bara'ah [at-Tawbah].

Comments: [Its isnad is da 'eef because of tadlees of Muhammad bin Ishaq and
because it is interrupted]
Hadeeth of Sa'd, the freed slave of Abu Bakr & 165 ^ j£aj Jl ^l^i i^iiii >*iJil>-

a - j

Hadeeth of Sa'd, the freed slave of Abu Bakr

1716. It was narrated from al-

cj j^_ _ Sjii y. iuli £jb- -wn
Hasan that Sa'd, the freed slave of
Abu Bakr, said: I brought some
dates to the Messenger of Allah
(#0 and they started taking two
at a time. The Messenger of Allah
(#;) said: "Do not take two at a

Comments: [Saheeh, because of

corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad]
^l_J Ijl»j °_^*-' ?t~»wj» : ?%*j?*v

1717. It was narrated from al- -WW

Hasan concerning Sa'd, the freed
jS til^ :SjlS ^ ouli l^^.

slave of Abu Bakr, who used to

serve the Prophet (^), that the
Prophet ($&) liked his service and
m & h\$j ^ 4^Ji fAL; ii5j

said:"O Abu Bakr, manumit Sa'd." ^^pl >-^j Ci U_h : JUL* i4^»jl>- <4->u*j

He said: O Messenger of Allah, we

have no helper except him. The
j^U ll! U t<JJl Jj-^-j C :JUs 'iljuui

Messenger of Allah (^) said: j*f» Jji Jj^-3 JUi :Jli .J^
"Manumit Sa'd; other men are
coming, other men are coming." JU «JU-^ll i£l t JC^I i£'l S£ju
Abu Dawood said: Le., slaves.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef,
because of the weakness of Abu c*;
Amir Al-Khazzazl

Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tablib & 167 4> yJU* J & ^ & jiaJI JJ+1»-

Utf <r (jJl*2 Alii ^>j ^JUa ^ C& (J^ C>^ t> *^ il '

The Musnad of Ahlul-Bayt &

Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Talib ^
1718. It was narrated from Abul- ^f ^J^ £1; ^ : L*j Qij^. ~^v^A
Hawra' that al-Hasan bin 'Ali said:
The Messenger of Allah (#z) taught

J* 'gtb^
e „

, i


-^ jL
^ M
me some words to say in Qunootal- jj *j^ J, ^jj\
; ^ t; lj)AJl ^J\
Wiir. "O me along
Allah, guide '/
' \ '* > V
iW ^^ M

with those whom You have J


^1 J^3 j^
guided, pardon me along with
those whom You have pardoned,
W^ ^i>»
protect me along with those whom H^-J^J S*=i ^yj tk£-j^ Cr^ ^rJ^J
You and bless for me that
which You have bestowed. Protect
u £ u^J ^^^ ^j J il>J

me from the evil You have decreed, i!i t ijdU ^^ii' *vj (/^* ijL> . ct.^i
for verily, You decree and none can
.iciuiij UJj CijW '
^— '3^ ji: n
decree over You. For surety, he
whom You protect is never abased. [WTV wirr t . W\ :>l]
O our Lord, Blessed and Exalted
are You." -0—^ «M '{Hj>*>

Comments: [Its tsnad is Hasan]

1719. It was narrated from ^f ^

tJL^ j* %S's &*- -W^
Hubairah: al-Hasan bin 'Ali (4») ,,.,',* •,-
addressed us and said: A man [i.e., & Ir^



*£* J*


'Ali] left you yesterday whom none

of the early ones surpassed in
jj;;^ -^
\ t
^ ^

knowledge and none of the later *Sj'-£ Vj <.pi** JjJj' 1

^4 ^ o~**\
ones will ever catch up with him. „. s *;-„''.
& f„ ', ^:,; - >

The Messenger of Allah (jfe) would ~ y


* - ^ - -^ J J ^ .<,,

send him with the banner, Jibreel V t?JU-i ^p J^^j n^~ ^ i^T
on his right sideand Mika'eel on
,- ,,.,

his left, and he would not give up [ WT •

>ilj .^J

until victory was granted to him.


Iladeetli of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tablib ^168 4k >^l\la J Cw i

^ CH 0*^1 ^¥4*

Comments: [Hasan; this is a da'eef „ . . .

, ..

^ ^^ ^ ^
1720. It was narrated that 'Amr f

M "i
- 'i - " <--
( :IV
" W
u/» '

bin Hubshi said: al-Hasan bin 'Ali

addressed us after 'Ali was
^ :
0=^:JU ^ilt

(4,) i Jj, -J,

killed. He said: A man you '"
^ ^ 4T "^ ^ ^
left '-
lui - '
' *1£ lli
'I' ' *
yesterday whom
none of the early
ones surpassed in knowledge and U o-'Vl tU41i
J^-3 fi^>U JLsI : Jlii
none of tne
the latter ones will ever
catch up with him. The Messenger
of Allah (&*) would send him and <_L^



&£j 3^
^ ^J^


> ;, ,

give him the banner, and he 7, „ 777 7 *

^ 6^ ^
>. ,., - -,

> ^J
would not give up until victory ^*j-^ "**
^-'i 1 '

had been granted to him. He did

not leave behind any yellow or
v/l uLiL' Vj ;l>b> ^ (Y-/\)
7 7' ,

white (i.e., gold or silver) except C-^ ^-^^ ^ ^^ 7? p-*jj * i'^*r - ;

seven hundred dirhams of his '

[W\* I
J1 *li^
'- -
stipend that he was keeping to 'C?"
buy a servant for his family. .j^ ^^ ^ 3j^. ^^_^ i^Jc
Comments: [Hasan] _^j U .

1721. It was narrated from al- * •' .

't s
£ LT^I :Jlj*j! aU &Jb- -WY^
Hasan bin 'Ali that the Messenger
of Allah (jjg) taught him to say in
Wi7r... and he narrated a hadeeth
'^7° ^1 <y*

^>' ^p
ljLA^I ^1 ^

.-j ,

like that of Yoonus.

'^ ^ C^

v^ ''Tp^ ^ ^
Comments: ••y^ ^ Jyi ol ^ J^

isnad 1
[Its is sotee/i; see
£^ A ">* ^^ J^ 'A

It was narrated from ^ *lU ^f :oiii £L ~WYY
bin 'Ali, from al-
Hasan bin 'Ali, that a funeral u* '-^ J>.4^ J* i«ltjl
J> £ 4^-1
passed by them and the people
U -^
-,£ ^,- 7 '

stood up but he did not stand up. C


^ ^
^ * i-
^ C^
, ,;,

Al-Hasan said: Why did you do ^^^ & : ^-^Jl Jlii 4 li; IJj Ijiji
that?The Messenger of Allah ($$) *

* ,.! - - *

only stood up because he was ^'-^ r ?f-

^ - '
J ^ >
J C U U l

offended by the smell of the Jew. [ \ VY T :

Hadcctii of al-Hasan bin All bin Abu Tablib & 169 & ^Ha dt} CH s^ & C*" * ^4*-1 11

Comments: [Its isnad is daV/ j>_ rl»»*Ji JiJ Jju* bjL—J :«j^u"
because of Tadkes of al-Hajjaj bin
Artat and because it is

1723. Yazeed bin Abi Mary am bi:^ -WYr

jf -h^ 1
<J- <j^-
narrated that Abul-Hawra' as-
Sa'di said: I said to al-Hasan bin
'AH: What do you remember from
the Messenger of Allah He
said: I remember that
from the zakah dates and put it in
took a date J J&f :Jli ?jg h J^j ^ ^
my mouth. The Messenger of Allah
($&,) took it out, with the saliva on

it, and put it back with the dates. A

man said to him: What is wrong if

he eats this date? He said: "We do
not consume charity." And he used
to say:"Leave that which makes
you doubt for that which does not
make you doubt, for honesty leads li
Jl i^J li jo» :J^i: Lt5j :JU
to tranquillity but dishonesty leads
to doubt." And he used to teach us
this supplication: "O Allah, guide LjljU :sUJJl IJLi CiLj Ol^j :Jli XCj
me along with those whom You
have guided, pardon me along with
those whom You have pardoned,
protect me along with those whom
You have protected, and bless for
me that which You have bestowed. £3 c-^3 ^ " :
J L» Uj j j «dJt
Protect me from the evil You have
decreed, for he whom You protect is
never abased." And perhaps he
said: "Blessed and Exalted are You,
our Lord."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1724. Rabee'ah bin Shaiban

narrated that he said to al-Hasan bin
'Ali (*):What do you remember
from the Messenger of Allah (^)?
He said: He took me into the store
room where the zakah was kept,
Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tablib 4* 170 <& t-Jli» jl ^ Jc ^ ^^iisJl iua*.


took a date from
it and put it

mouth. The Messenger of ^ J ^ JUi

* U|
» ',''-'
^^ '
> - ,f'

Allah (*&) said: "Take it out for it is
not permissible for the Messenger
^ ^ j^j t Jj,
V : n/
^ ;
of Allah (jg) or for any other f WTr :

Cf b3 -'SrtJ*^^
members of his household."
Comments: [Its isnorf is sa/ieefc]
u "
* ^
1725. Buraid bin Abi Maryam
narrated that Abul-Hawra' said:

4 ^ _

We were with Hasan bin 'Ali and ^} cy. Ay. :^Li ^ i*>UJl \£jj-
he was asked: What do you "", £i "
r .-n
, -- . -..: *

remember from the Messenger of ^~^\ '

*"' J ~^ ^ ^r 1 -^

Allah (^)? He said: I was walking )l

^ diii U Jxli ^1p ^1
?«Ll JjJ.j :

with him and he passed by a store

> '*~ ^' o^5> JlM'dJl J^j ^
s „ r »-„' ,f * - - *' '

room for the zakah dates. I took a :

date and put

he took it

out with
in my
mouth, and
saliva on it.
,\^ oi^U tiilSJl ^5 ^
, ,,

„, \ „ . ,V-
^ ,.»-
One of the people said: What is t>^' JUi V^ *-^ u '^ ^ 4^ L

.jtf ,^
wrong you He
if left it? said: jf £,, J^ Uj .*, -j

"Chanty is not permissible for us,

^'. _ f \ t ^\
the family of Muhammad." And I
*»* cJipj ; Jtf .«Si5Jl t=J
J>J V xL^
learned from him the five prayers. hv/y . ,
-i , ' i. ,;<„
Comments: [Its j'smwi is saheeh]

1726. Yazeed - i.e., Ibn Ibraheem, jZ _ ij tik- : ill* l£U. -WT1

who is at-Tustari - narrated to us: -"

Muhammad narrated to us: I was :<


-^ "L
* s
^ ,,
,% 4 „ j
^ Jj *" '•isj^' 1

>j _ prf'Sll

^ ^^3 T
told that a funeral passed by al- •.- «ir .• .
- -i. T- •** :i,v U 1 1»-

^ .^ '
Hasan and Ibn 'AbbasW
bin 'Ali
^ \ .
Al-Hasan stood up and Ibn 'Abbas ^j i>-^Jl f
Ui tjLJI* ill I
remained sitting. Al-Hasan said to "

V ^ ^ ^^ JU V^ ^
~- .*- '* . -!, '„;: .*' >.
*\\ .
Ibn 'Abbas: Did you not see when a y ^ " *

funeral passed by the Prophet

(^) ,jJl Jlii ^ o^ ^
?fUi ij£> ^I]|
and he stood up? Ibn Abbas said:
Yes, and he sat. al-Hasan did not
object to what Ibn 'Abbas said.
U ^ &^
-i ]

^* i'



^ -^
:^j|] iJUi
^3 ^^ ^i j\j
Comments: (Hasim 'because of
corroborating evidence; this is a
rnYi^VY<l wya

Jijr^ Ji -^J— ^--fr!

ti-^ 1
tiJ 1
^ 1 ^l4*»J tk-v^ 1
J ^l !^*J t0 ^r»J j—> : ?«J>»"
Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tablib * 171 & yJUa J ^ ^ & o^' ^4*-
1727. Buraid bin Abi Maryam *.. * , ;B , c. . >.'*.* r ;* , ..,-.,

narrated that Abul-Hawra said: I i ^

said to al-Hasan bin 'AH: What do \j, J^j^j --y ^\
" ^ ££ cJL-^ :
J I*
you remember from the Messenger
of Allah (jfe)? He said: I remember :
^ j!


^ f


^^^ ,


from the Messenger of Allah (flfe)

that I took a date from the zakah ^

^ j , .

dates and put it in my mouth. The j£ ^ \'J^

^j^t ^ J>\
Jjl Jjij
Messenger of Allah ($g) took it out, ^ _U ,•_-
with the saliva on it and put it ^> : J ^ ^^J '? x ^ ]

with the other dates. It was said: O

Messenger of Allah, what is wrong
^ ^ -C^ <-f-
l ^^ ^ ; ^
J,, ^ ,-

with letting this boy have this ;

li ^ jjd^ 015 U t^JUl J^3 ^ :
date? He said: "We are the family ,_ a - „

of Muhammad; charity is not N ^-


Jl U[* :JU f^l U«J ;>Ji

permissible for us." He

he used to say: "Leave that which
said: And -, .^
^ .

j^ _ ^j^, ^ ^ :

makes you doubt for that which jJJaJl jli *1&J_ M U J! iiljj U
' ^
does not make you doubt, for -. >

, , .

^ U - **-?


tC i



: 1

honesty leads to tranquillity but

dishonesty leads to doubt." And he
used to teach us this supplication:
u %'"
^ ,
..^ ^ ^
"O Allah, guide me along with jlJ J^j ^^^ j^j ^^3 tJJi*
those whom You have guided,
pardon me along with those whom ^
„ ,

^ \ -.?.«,.
t0^' ^ ^ ^ '^ •. , - * -

You have pardoned, protect me

along with those whom You have
^ j£ ^ ^"

^ ^; '


protected, and bless for me that j! Etlj :i£i JU .«cJlj ji JJ^ N <o|

which You have bestowed. Protect -

^„ ^ ,:
. ,„_ . . - ,e . -

me from the evil You have decreed, -*^K> ^j ^jL-» : ^J ?^

for verily, You decree and none can [WYV :^j\
decree over You. For surety, he
whom You protect is never £T-. (j* c^'-^ ^*J
abased." Shu'bah said: And I think
he said this too: "Blessed are you, J>\ ^r^ ^^^ '-^ -^^ V^ <J[ [^

our Lord, and exalted,"

: ^ ^iiiJ lii i^l v^ 1
"^ l5t^4-*^'
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh; see , . ,. ^ , , . „

1723] Jilj dUI :v^J cJUi ccJ^&j c-J^P 11

Hadeeth of al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Tablib 4 172 4* wJUa Ji ^ J^ ^ j^i^i ijjL*

^ "^ * ^^
1728. It was narrated from Ibn *-.
- ,*;s -,< a >..
r ;*

* f~
" .
Sireen that a funeral passed by
Ibn 'Abbas and al-Hasan bin 'AH; ^fe y\ 01 : jjj*- ^1 ^jh5
one of them stood up and the *

' ".
<™/W^U£ o> .

other remained seated. The one ^ i>

^Ji J
who stood up said: Do you not Jlii t ^Sf! ^1^ uiiit ilii A]£>-
know that the Messenger of Allah
(&$) stood up (sometimes)?
and he remained seated
He -f
U ^^

J >^ ^
s (




^ «

said: Yes,


] j^ t
?- .


Comments: [Hffsffn because of ^r*-^ ^M li\» "^ >-> :

corroborating evidence; and
iSHtfd is rfd'ee/]
its Vj ^U ^1 ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ _u^ jU
l> Ji >->J1 i>*

1729. It was narrated from - ^, ^J, j- £^ _ wn

Muhammad that al-Hasan bin
" ;
, ,


'Aliand Ibn 'Abbas saw a funeral; u^ 1

If. ir^^ ^ '&^* ^J}

one of them stood up and the -.-=- r",-f -\'-' *-'\" A- i
s -
other remained seated. The one B „ s

who stood up said: Didn't the *UI J>^3 fi Jjf :

f I* ^JJl JU t ^l
Messenger of Allah (m) stand up? ~"

The one who remained seated '^ "^ , i --;-

'•> :a"
;- -

<*>" J
-1, -,

^ ^
-, « „-

and said: Yes, and he remained [WYt

seated (sometimes).

Comments: [Hffsim because of ' " Ll

C "^ 5
-^ O-* -
corroborating evidence; see the
previous report]
Hadeeth of al-Husain bin 'Ali & 173 j (JfcC £J £-iit3*JI tilJ

The hadeeth of Al-Husain bin 'Ali \#

1730. It was narrated from :VU j^^\ j^j y/j Uio^- -wr.
Fatimah bint Husain that her father
- 'Abdur-Rahman said: Husain bin 0* '^^
'Ali - said: The Messenger of Allah

(0,) said: "The beggar has a right,

even if he comes on a horse."
Comments: [Its isnad is da'ecf
because Ya'la bin Abu Yahya is
unknown] •V> J* ^ ^13 v

1731. Thabit bin 'Umarah lj\Sj- y, C~;C tijJ- '-X$j ^'jJA -Wf ^

narrated that Rabee'ah bin Shaiban

said: I said to al-Husain bin 'Ali
/j •Ll^} cJU :JL» tjCLi ^ -^jj /tP

(^): Do you remember anything

from the Messenger of Allah (^)?
He said: I climbed up to a room
with him and took a date and put it *^» 'M i^i ju ^ ^ i^£ t

in my mouth, but the Prophet (jfe;)

said: "Take it out, for charity is not [WU :«-lj] .«0l5dl 6 J^- ^ L^> :

permissible for us."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1732. It was narrated from &^ :i\l JXj J^l $ !&£ -wr*
Shu'aib bin Khalid, that Husain bin
'Ali said: The Messenger of Allah
a good
said: "Part of a person's being
saying little
^ iUl
^j ^ ji £-* 'if '^> ji 1

about that which does not concern

him." [wrv :^i],«a-^ V Uj^^idias i*^Ji
Comments: [This hadeeth is hasan
because of corroborating evidence;
this is a da'ecf isnad because it is
muncjatV (interrupted)]
Hadeeth of al-Husain bin 'Ali & 174 & ^ CH l*-^ 4?4*

1733. It was narrated from

Husain and Ibn 'Abbas, or from
one of them, that he said: The

V i

^ ^

&~ ^-^
V- b^

: <J^
" tWrt

Messenger of Allah (^§) stood up
because of the funeral of a Jew
that passed by him and said, "Its £%.

' -^ ^
jil ^ $£
\s ., .<


^' J

^ '

: jtf

smell bothered me." '

/ , ,

Comments: [Its isnad is rfa ee/ - - - ^ ^-W

because it is munqati' (interrupted)] [WYY :*>-lj3

1734. It was narrated from

Fatimah, the daughter of al-
*^ &
^ >&j 1;
/'--"',"'" &j± -wn
Husain, from her father al-Husain ;jLt^ J - (*^-* u^
f^* 1^-1
1 1* 1
J/' If,

bin 'Ali, that the Prophet (m) said: *. >\. <., :-.
':.,"' . ,
There is no Muslim, male or -
, " ' .
~ '

who is afflicted
and when he remembers
with a M $\ J*
^) '
r , .

it even after a long rime, he says, ^ - — ^J r^ ^ U " :JU

'Verily we
Him is
belong to Allah and JU _ Uji^ JlL j]} tli^li ( L^
unto our return'
but Allah will renew (the reward)
for that, -


tr \,
- U -^
~„ "

^ y

for him and will give him the same

reward as on the day the calamity
^ j^ #
^ vj,


t ^\i^

befell him." ""^ \rrf f£ '

^^ J^? «Ua*^
Comments: [Its isHflrf is da'eefjiddan i . 1
1 .. T , , ,

(very weak)] - ' _

G 1 -'

Husain bin
It was narrated
that al-
^ ^ A^i U^-I :!£ i£U
'Ali said:
grand- t \ ^ / , , s

father -or he said: the Prophet (ag)- i/-

<>• -^ ^

^ti^-J t>j ^ ^1
taught me some words to say in . .^l\\ .' ^i-.-ii *? ---
^ * ^/^

Wfr... and he narrated the hadeeth. >') f '

Comments: [Its isnad is da'ecf] ^

''^ ^ ~ ^ ^* ^ 4^ :

'/£ ...})\ J yj^if oUA5 _ ^

[\VT^ l^lj] .i^__LAJl

^i (WY1) :jJ^ ^^>JI xs; jij.ii^Ji .^ aj|jL* ^ 4,^ loL^ 4j ^j :^^-

Hadeeth of al-Husain bin 'Ali & 175 & ^& Orf*4 * 31 ^^>

1736. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin Ali bin Husain,
>{- ^ ^ *
- J^ £^ _ wrv
from his father 'AH bin Husain, j* J*^ & jUlli £.!». :^/li -u*-^

from his father that the Prophet •

*\i '
A\\ rj. ' - '* >' ' - r
(*&) said: "The miser is the one in
f* &
' ' ' ^ ^'f ^ °J

whose presence I am mentioned :^\ j* <.J~~^- J> Q* *S\ j* ^J?^-

and he does not send blessings
upon me/'
tJJLp o^j & J^Jl* JU #5 ^Jl : oi

Comments: [Its isnad is qflzw; its pi* '•^-^ ^ J^ -"^ J^: ^ p-'

men are
t/iioaf,, the men of as-
^ ^^ ^ > "> >^
,, - *,, ,-. *,.. f ., , r. * , >

jjjji ojU»>I '.


1737. It was narrated from 'AH

bin Husain that his father {&)
said: The Messenger of Allah (ag)
said: "Part of a person's being a j^ ;Jli ^ a!!! ^j «J\
^J^- ji-
good Muslim is his leaving alone ',->,.
which does not concern

'J^ f^i Cr^ 1


& ^^ : J -^J
him [\vr\ :^r^] AaJC V U ^5>

Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence; this is a ^y > - j^~-! IJ*j .*.ulj_iJ j__*- :^j^;
dd 'eef hadeetii\ .
j ^ ^^ l *JULu> ^UjJ
Hadeeth of 'Aqeel bin Abi Talib 4* 177 & ^4^» Jt & JJbc «iu

Hadeeth of 'Aqeel bin Abi Talib 4*>

1738. It was narrated that £&. : ^u ^ JiUJl Gilt -wrA

'Abdullah bin Muhammad bin *'


'Aqeel said: 'Aqeel bin Abi Talib '^ ^ 0? i* J&- oi J^ 1^!

got married. He came out to us and
we said: May you live in harmony
-y .

j^ j^
^" -^

_^ .
" ^
,^ __-'

and be given sons. He said; Stop; : ^* ' ^* £/*^ t

V^^* t^ 1
1* ih**
do not say that, because the ;,,- t -: \7 *- 'n-' - -i.- ,'"i.

Prophet told us not to say that

and he said: "Say: May Allah
you and bless her for you."
bless ;JUj

**i^ j*

^ -
i» 3$5£



Comments: [Sa/ieeh because of

corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad because it is munqati' <^*~<> 'M l-i*j "^ ^^> '-{Hj**
^ JJp ^ -u^ ^ <JJlV Ji» upC**^

1739. It was narrated from al- :_ i&p jll ^ij _ AjpLLiJ tiio^ -Wr^
Hasan that 'Aqeel bin Abi Talib (&) "'. '
t _ st , ,,.(
^ >^
f f

married a woman from Banu urf

Zh Jrf* :
o* <^r- u ^'
Jusham. The people entered upon v^- L
- '*' .* \ q-*i -«-.:
A uT
him and said: May you live in „„..", *


harmony and be given sons. He said: :

J^* 'Z^'j i^J^. '
^^* 'fj^

Do not say that They said: What

should we say, O Abu Yazeed? He
^ '/,,,«,
tf ^ J
* ^ '.
^ ^ '
, , . ,

said: Say: May Allah bless you and *^i* il^'j tj^J ill I i)jl' : l>jj : J la
send blessings upon you. This is ,,.* s» - -. .*

'-^ L
what we were instructed to say. "
- t

Comments: because of
corroborating evidence; its isnad
'^"^ ' M '^ "^ C^ .

Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib & 179 * fc-JUa jl ,^i jji*- kiuO>-

Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib 4&

It is Hadeeth of al-Hyrah (migration)

1740. It was narrated that Umm \£U -Wl-

Salamah, the daughter of Abu ,.*te*i^* ;
s .- '
' • I
J i ' *

Umayyah bin al-Mugheerah and

the wife of the Prophet (0), said:
When we came to the land of
^ <y. J*. ue} 1/- y^ 4* *
^ 4*

Abyssinia, we stayed there under

protection of the best of
^jj Sjc*^ 1
Cri V' lj>)
'£>) ^- f If-
protectors, the Negus, and we felt
safe to practise
we worshipped
our religion and
Allah without
^Jt >y eiji lu' :diu ,m ^
being bothered or hearing
anything we disliked. When news
of that reached Quraish, they
decided to send two tough men to
the Negus concerning us and to
give the Negus gifts of some of
it. (ill* ^JiUmlU 01} jJJlLr
thegoods of Makkah. Among the ijifc

goods of Makkah that he liked ^^

best was leather, so they collected
U iw^J-l ^ jl5"3 f-lii
J^ ^3^—;

a great deal of leather and they

did not leave any of his bishops
without giving him a gift. Then
«j 131*1 vi iljL «ijik ^ i^£ jJ3

they sent that with 'Abdullah bin

Abi Rabee'ah bin al-Mugheerah
al-Makhzoomi and 'Amr bin al-
'As bin Wa'il as-Sahmi, and they
told them what to do. They said
to them: Give to each bishop a
gift before you speak to the
Negus concerning them [the
Muslims], then give the Negus his jLfrl UJ jl o_^- !U t«Uli* ^LiilJJ l_^oi

gifts, then ask him to hand them

over to you before he speaks to
them. She said: They set out and XP_j tjb j^ij »-*i*
o***J t
(If4'^ ^'
Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib & 180 <& Jlk Ji ^j j-kii. siift tr-

came to the Negus, when we --

* • : - .

were in the best land and under ^i ^-H ^ ^ Uaj ^ <-£ i

p V^ ^
the best protection, and they did jj ^uIji LU£ jf J^ £jui Ol l&
not come to any bishop but they , ", ' " ,"/'

^ ^ t6 t

gave him his gift before they

spoke to the Negus.
said to each bishop:
young men
And they
Some foolish
have come to
of ours

** *[

^^/^ J>

> t



the land of the king; they have left •:- -.»,:»;.-
the religion of their people and
they have not entered your
^ r l

^^ "^
,j ,j

^ t^ ^;

f-*^ |^^» Jl^l L$j 4IUJ1 jl £j&

religion; they have invented a
religion that neither we nor you -

^ ,

rf=? ^Jl
- •

^ ^ ^1
, *, - -

recognize. The nobles of their

people have sent us to the king
l^i ^ ^a£ t Tj ,Q\ l^J jt
..-,',. ,.;
concerning them, so that we can
bring them back. When we speak
Tf^ '-*^ S

r*^ J


r£ ^ l

J, liciii l£ U# L :
.1^ : L^J I jia
to the king concerning them, .,-...- * , , ,

advise him to hand them over to :<J ^Ua iiUi5 p U|^ «> l^Lai ^1^1
us and not speak to them, for ? •:
r r. ,f ;, r- ,.
r , *?. ' ,,:. .^f
theirpeople know best about ' "
t - r - '
' ' ^
them and how to handle them, ^ IjJUjj jJj ^^> jo ly'jb iil^li
and they know best about their
faults.They [the bishops] said to
them: Yes (we will do that). Then
^ V^

. - j? ,- ,.-



lj '^
t ^Jt
^ ^'3
they brought their gifts to the . -.. . ,.^
, *„ .

Negus and he accepted them from ^jS^J 'p-e^Li 1

? ^ p-ey


them, then they spoke to him and t

^ •

t .^ ^^
said: O king, some foolish young , J ,

men of ours have come to your p^J iiiJli <.<_* ^*jJUj ^^Ili l^'li- U^
'^ ^
land; they left the religion of - .?.,..-
^' ^ ,. - .-,.\ + \ .

their pc-ople and they have not

f ^

^f ^
entered your religion; they have 4^^' C*~°- ^' ^ o^^ 1
j? Js**J
invented a religion that neither "if '- , »- , »; -'
. - .-' ,', -
r^ ^

we nor you recognize. The nobles ^ ^ i

of their people, their fathers,

uncles and clans, have sent us to

t l^£.

^ ,/", ,,
1^^ ciiUJl

J\^^ , ,
.- ,

you concerning them, to bring tU^lJU4^ if^U I^U

them back, for they know best t ^lAljl ^^i : Jjli .L^j 1*^
how to handle them and they ^ ; /I s ^
, ;

know best about their faults. f44^t ^ ^J ^Ul ^ :

J^ ^
Nothing was more hateful to
^ ^-^ ^ J4*

^{ ^ ^
Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib ^ 181 4, u_JUa J^
'Abdullah bin Abi Rabee'ah and
'Amr bin al-'As than that the
Negus should listen to what they
s „

^| j

, •


J_^ u

^^ ^*. *

- *

[the Muslims] had to say. The '.'».'- t - >
"« -

> -

bishops around him said: They ^l j^-^ 1

^>- l
^^ ty
have spoken the truth, O King;
^ J^ ^^ •
^ J,
their people know best how to '
, „ '
r , V
handle them and they know best ^ r* J '^T ^-^J < ^*4~? p-P^-3 *4JJ

about their faults. So hand them

over to them and let them take ^ ^; ^ r '^ J ^

them back to their land and their JU^^r &J 4 liU-JLi ^ Jul Jj-^j
people. But the Negus got angry .,. , > ,, -. - s * >,*. >\
'^^ ^^
, , >
and No, by Allah, I shall
never hand them over to them; I

: IjJli 'j^T 1^1 J»-^J J^' J^
in my
never expel people
and chose
who came
and settled
me over all
J ^
^ , rS

'%? %

u^ UJ ;
^ *.
^ ^'j
, ,

Ui Ai) *^l^ Uii ^15 >i i: ilJi

others, until 1 summon them and ^ „ ,^ \ . t

ask them about what these two are ^y~ ^i^-Uii Ijj-^i tciiU-l ^'^Jl
saying concerning them. Then if .»-$ j, ,
-j, ,- u : j^ t ^]b
they are as these two say, I shall > " ' ,

^j t^J
hand them over to them to return J> ^ I^i>-1 JU} ili^y jJ
them to their people, but if they are * - v .
; „ „(• . . „ , f

not like that, I shall keep them -

' \ " ^ * /
away from them and I shall be kind L^l : iJ (J Lai t^JLU ^l ^J J^Ji
to them so long as they are under
my protection, Then he sent for the
Companions of the Messenger of
^ —^
, io ,

, ^ ,',*

J* 1
U^ ^
SJ ,
^ » _.

,J^\^\ jfcj ,£UJI jstj ,;il^Vl

Allah (jfc) and summoned them. ,,, \ ] ^.
When his messenger came to them, O ^ v^j ^U-j vJl iki;3
1 1

they met together and said to one

another: What will you say to the
- U & "\
t O^JI >L
i Jji


man when you go to him? They v- 1

£? ^^3 ^i ^ ^v (

said: By Allah, we shall say what ?,, ;. ,:,-< *r,i-- '<,-(- *:• -

our Prophet (sfig) taught us and ^ ^


enjoined upon us, no matter what j^> .^AJ l!f U iUJj .. oi^L; j sJ^jjJ
the consequences. When they came '*? -

& ^b
- ' *

- i

to him, the Negus had also -^J^b J* £j>

summoned his bishops and they t
^.oAJl jJu^ L^lj
i uS?l
had spread their books around ,*.'•, >,''' • -

him. He asked What is this

them: J- ^'j 'j'V ^"^ 'r^^ ^*f ^ 1 1

religion for which you left your

j^ J^V^A j> £$j <-^b fj^l

Hadceth oi Ja'far bin Abi Talib 4s> 182 •& i-JUa (^1 ^ >aa»- ' 'u^lj.

people, and you did not enter my

religion or the religion of any of
these nations? The one who spoke
was Ja'far bin Abi Talib, He said to
him: O king, we were an ignorant :cJU _ fUjJI) i\s]i\j S^JaJL 15^13

people, worshipping idols, eating 4j llil} alliJLii _ j>>Li.Nl jj*\ ill* jJiii
dead meat, committing immoral
actions, severing ties of kinship t6-i^-3 *J^I LjCii .4j ;li Li
1* cLUjIj
and mistreating neighbours; the
strong among us would devour the
weak. We were like that until Allah
sent to us a Messenger from among
us; we knew of his lineage, his
sincerity, his trustworthiness and
his dignity. He called us to Allah,
to believe in Him alone and to
worship Him, and to give up what t Ll^i ^j l£ ^Li-3 t L^Ip 1 *aJ>j
we and our fathers used to worship
of rocks and idols. And he °J> JJ. hvj±\'j ciU Ji l^>
commanded us to speak the truth,
render back trusts, uphold ties of
kinship, treat neighbours well, and ij jUi :cJU .iiLUJl 14:1 ix* jUL'
refrain from crimes and bloodshed;
he forbade us to commit immoral ^ aU
* liUl

actions, speak falsehood, consume :^Lf ^' Jlii (Y.r/O : Jjli ?^

the wealth of orphans and slander
ly« (j^* *'3*^ (j^L>ilJl JUi .Ijo
chaste women. He instructed us to l : <d

worship Allah alone and not

associate anything with Him; he
t,j^J :cJU ^ .
: j^ ^ I,*

enjoined us to pray, give zakah, and c~Cj tcUJ J-^-l Ji>- ^ibiJjl iJjlj

fast - and he listed the

commandments of Islam - and we
believed in him and followed that iJla jy :^jii^]i jl; jLs *j* jfo ^ ^
which he brought. So we wor-
shipped Allah alone and did not
jL5JL« j* ^r>*4^ i^y $*.
*^" t-S^'j

associate anything with Him. We

regarded as forbidden that which
he forbade to us and we regarded
u-> Uli :iOi fi cJii .Stff v'j .til

as permissible that which he -CtJN JLJI3 i^LiJI jj J^** JL* »jIa j^

permitted to us. But our people
• *,.-. ', * {'?*£ >" .^-.' , *
turned against us: they tortured us
and tried to make us give up our

Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib . 183 -& L-Jlia ^1 (jj

religion and go back to

worshipping idols instead of
worshipping Allah, and so that we Jjij :Jii .UjSu Ai \J\s d\j C\^j\
would regard as permissible that -,.--., „ ? f : "•. • >?( >?, '.{1
which we used to regard as
permissible of evil things. But
when they persecuted us and , - ' f ,
,s * • ft

mistreated us, and tried to make us

give up our religion, we came to
your land and chose you over all
others; we sought your protection JUgJLlj (*-4^J[
(J-^J^* icJl* .J-* b^yu Lip
and hoped that we would not be
mistreated in your land, O king.
iuU>-lJ t LjJ^! ^ Jj4 ?1j -cJL» <.<ci

The Negus said to him: Do you

have with you any of that which he
brought from Allah? Ja'far said to
ui aLij Jj£ : \)\S ?Jl* JJ5L lil ^^-p
him: Yes. The Negus said to him:
Recite me. So he recited to him
it to
illi J &LS ill; a, ili Li} 2jl Jli Li

the beginning of Soorat Mary am, Li :l_Jj <Jl» t*lJlfr IjJLp^j Uii .^L? y& Li

and by Allah, the Negus wept until

his beard became wet and his
bishops also wept until their books : ulj <j *L>- (_5JiJt *J (jji : t JLt ^1 ^.1

became wet when they heard what

he recited to them. Then the Negus
said: This and what Moosa o^ ^i* -Jj^ 1 5i3-i*Ji
^S* J!
brought came from the same lamp.
Go away, for we will never hand
them over to you or harm them. cJL* Li IJ^i jjl ^~* iJLft Li :JU 1J
Umm Salamah said: When they left
his presence, 'Amr bin al-'As said: <JU j->- 4J^- <cijLLi
03^ C» .JjiJl iJLi

By Allah, tomorrow I shall tell him IjJiil *jl!lj JLo ..JU Li

(^j*" *JJ3 :

of something that he will regard as

serious, and by means of that I will
be able to eradicate them. . , s ; ,,; ". i«, , . >i ,,* . 1*, .

'Abdullah bin Abi Rabee'ah, who ^ ^ i^jP jvis^ j-^ ^/ piw- ^

was the more reasonable of the two
men towards us, said: Do not do it,
v/p ^ 'S?* J- ^ '
v^ -
' ^ i
r^ r^
: 5-iIjnJl jLlL _^-LHj __ (t-^f '^j ^^i^l
for they have ties of kinship with
us, even though they have differed
from us. ['Amr] said: By Allah, I
shall certainly tell him that they ^ s>i*Ji ^ JLi i^l Li jLiji ti^ ill

claim that 'Eesa Ibn Maryam is a f-LUl Lij tw -^"^ t*?^" 6^

Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib & 184 & v?u° <j} £>i J**?* ^y4*

slave {of Allah). Then he came to

him day and said to him: O
the next
king, they say something very
serious about 'Eesa Ibn Maryam;
sent for them and ask them what
they say about him. So he sent for
them to ask them about that.
Nothing like this had happened to Lilt U 4l!ly :cJli i?£L. ^ **j£j
us before, so the people gathered
and said to one another: What will
you say about 'Eesa when he asks ^t^ln Jj- iuj y$c M ii*ij liijj
you about him? They said: By Allah,
we will say about him what Allah
said about him and what our
Prophet said about him, no matter
what the consequences. When they k_->L^J>l JUi :cJli tjJjl ^'J- U4^j
entered upon him, he said to them:
What do you say about 'Eesa Ibn
Maryam? Ja'far bin Abi Talib said to
him: We say about him what our
Prophet taught: he is the slave of
Allah and His Messenger, a Spirit tC^i <d l_a>uij :JJl» t l-j »^l!l ol^-l
created by Him and His word that
He bestowed upon Maryam the
Virgin. The Negus struck his hand
on the ground and picked up a stick,
t fjiii J& l« J\ ji3i 4^.u
J\ ^>
then he said: Eesa Ibn Maryam is no
different than what you said, not
even as much as this stick. His
bishops around him groaned when
he said that, and he said: Even if you
groan, by Allah! Go, for you are safe
J_T^J ^ ^^* J^ 'Jp ^ L*J *^
in this land. Whoever annoys you
will be punished, then whoever
annoys you will be punished, then
whoever annoyed you will be
punished. I would not like to have a
mountain of gold in return for
harming one of you. Give their gifts
back to them; we have no need of
them. By Allah, Allah did not take
from me a bribe when He restored
Hadeeth of Ja'far bin Abi Talib 4> 185 ^ uJUo ^j &

my kingdom to me, so why should I

take a bribe to go against Him

(concerning them)? And He did not
listen to the people concerning me,
me so why should I listen to them
and go against Him? So they left
him, defeated and with their gifts
returned to them, and we stayed in
his land under the best protection.
By Allah, we remained like that
until some trouble befell him, i.e.,
someone competed with him for his
kingdom,, and by Allah we never
knew any grief or worry worse than
that which befell us for fear that
(this contender) would prevail over

the Negus, and there would come a

man who did not recognize our
Negus did. The Negus
status as the
marched forth, and they were
separated by the Nile. The
Companions of the Messenger of
Allah (gj) said: Who will go out
and watch the battle, then bring us
the news? Az-Zubair bin al-
'Awwam said: I will. He was one
of the youngest of the people. They
inflated a waterskin and he tied it

to his chest, then he swam, floating

with it, he reached the other
where the people
side of the Nile,
had met in battle. Then he went
and watched them, and we prayed
to Allah to grant victory to the
Negus over his enemy and make
him stronger in his land and give
him full control over Abyssinia.
We remained with him, in the best
situation, until we came to the
Messenger of Allah (^) when he
Comments: [Its isnad is liasan\.
Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far A 187 4» l-JU» ^\ & j±m*. & -oil J^i iua*.

Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far bin Abi Talib ^

1741. It was narrated
'Abdullah bin Ja'far saw
J\ " : J>^ :
* '^\'J\ &i*-
-Wi \

6 t ir „ j

the Prophet ($s) eating cucumber 3^ cJlj : JU >i>- j? <Ut j^ ^

with fresh dates, .^J>% sli5Jl jifc
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5440) and Muslim :

'<***'> i^-^^^^M :g;>J
(2043)] .(T-tr)

1742. It was narrated that jl 4^ U>l iJ^UiJ L&U- -WiY

'Abdullah bin Abi Mulaikah said:
'Abdullah bin Ja'far said to Ibn az-
: Jl* c&£ ^1 J <i)! j^ ^ jl*1si

Zubair: Do you remember when il *Jjs\ :

jfy\ JN J^r j? ^& JU
we met the Messenger of Allah
^ >t \ , .*„ ,(' < - *--

(&), me, you and Ibn 'Abbas? He V • ^}j ^ J *® ' ^ J


said: Yes. He said: And

he carried jij^ ^ij^^j llui :Jli ^JU: :Jb

us on his mount and left you. -

Isma'eel said on one occasion: Do M^
f ,

^A'-> ^^ M
, ^,


*^ Jr*^!

you remember when we met

Messenger of Allah (j^), me, you,
the -r j£ ?^&
fc^ r .

' '
^ ^

and Ibn 'Abbas? He said: Yes, and [Y U1 : ^1] .^> j


he carried us and left you.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- * c c '
* v-*

Bukhari (3082) and Muslim


1743. It was narrated that f-fU GioA:^j^ r^ ^^ -Wtr

'Abdullah bin Ja'far said: When
the Messenger of Allah (0)
returned from a journey, he
would be met by boys of
^^ <.yu-

^ ijJ lil ^^ -JJ1
;>*» -^

:. .*„»

jl£ :JL»
. -

household. On
one occasion he
his ,

f** *l>
: >* ,



^ ^ ^ ^S
M &* „ ,* . .
r. . *\>

came from a journey, and others -/^ t oi ^ j^i :JU JL- j* i^i
beat me to him. But he carried me -- .-' ---•
^ ^\ _# >


? Ju

him (on his mount).

in front of ''uf
'*>- t/*^
Then one of the two sons of £-•£ t<
v^. ^ t
^ q ^u
Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 188 Jfc *_dlle» jj ^ jiii^ ^ 4JUI olc : .„ -^ -

•,-.- —
Fatimah came, either Hasan or , - - - -, ,-.,
Husain, and he put him behind ** b
°-^JI ^^ :JU '^
him. And we entered Madinah, [wv : uj(]
three on one mount.

Comments: [Its isnad is soJieefc,

' (riU) :
rc^ oL '


Muslim (2428)]

1744. Mis'ar told us: An old man

J&- :
'..« l£lc : ^J llfl^ -WU
of Fahm - he said: I think he was ,], , ,

^ „
{ ,

called Muhammad bin 'Abdur- ^>3 :

- (4* <***/0 ^ ^i
Rahman, and I think he was from
the Hijaz - told us that he heard
&U -
j^ .-j}u ^ j^
'.""*„ - • .


'Abdullah bin Ja'far tell Ibn az- ^>J^>, y^r ^.^^ ^» <>\ _ Ujl^-
Zubair, when a camel
slaughtered for the people, that he
heard the Messenger of Allah say,
had been


- ,\ *

^J^ f}^0
JJ *
"^ f

. .




when the people were putting

H H" ^ .- .« , . * > ., . * *

meat in front of him: "The best

1 lB
J ^ t
^ ^ ^' UI

meat is the meat from the back." [wol * W*1 iWh -^'-i] * gUH
Comments: [Its isnad is da'ee/]

'Abdullah bin
It was narrated
Ja'far said: One day
^ ^ "

-/^j £^ _ wto
the Messenger of Allah (£g) seated y^ 'Vj^' ^ !
^i ^*^ '^ 9r^
me behind him on his mount, then
he told me something in secret that
J j^r oi *W 4?* i* '^ Cf. O^ 1

I will never tell to anyone. When he ^-^ :

<J-h* ^-^ : a ^ oU*j >^ ^-^
relieved himself, what the
Messenger of AHah (^) liked best
to conceal himself with was a small y^U- ^ Jjl jlp ^(.,^U jj ^^Jl ^j}^
hill or a cluster of date palms.
day he entered one of the gardens
One >(-
^b - ' ^
& ^ J^
5 '

^ ' •

l :

of the Ansar where he found a

camel that came to him, groaning
1 153 t |j^l <,

^ \Lj^
^^ j^
u V^'


with tears in its eyes. - Bahz and %

^ Jj-^j


'Affan said: When it saw the ^^ \. u •]

Prophet (^) it groaned with tears ^' ( ., ^/.

in its eyes. - The Messenger of e ^ 1
-^ J*>- ^t> <j^^\ ^^-r 'j»

Allah (^) stroked its back and .V-- *- n- 'r*' • •-- ---:
behind its ears and it calmed ^ *
down. He said: "Who is the owner _ cllU i-^3 If- $M ^' l5'j ^
Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 189 4 ^JUa J oi ji*?* ^ -dJl Jul*

of this camel?" A young man of the

, •.,

^ -^
; ^
* *

yj '


C '"^
, ,^

Ansar came and said: It belongs to -

me, O Messenger of Allah. He said; ;UJ «VJ^JI *l>.Li /^» :Jlii ^.J^.SCj-i

"Do you not fear Allah with regard

to this animal that Allah has put in
your possession? It is complaining

;— m

J >
ii j i\

^ 'J^ .


ti -

^ J*

to me that you keep it hungry and '\ '^., ;'

^ _ %
overburden it with work."

«^ ^ ^1 ^ y _ ;/
1<UI ^^ ^

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, [Wot : Jit] .«&Xj

Muslim (342)]

1746. Hammad bin Salamah told l^L. 'J>

llU- li^l :lji £l^>- -Wit
us: I saw Ibn Abu Rafi' wearing a

ring on his right hand. I asked

him about that and he said that
^J jLl jl£
r*°- C? ,J
^fj *f
„ ,


^' J
^ *5t-i

he saw 'Abdullah bin Ja'far ^ s ^ ,

^ j;_ ,

wearing a ring on his right hand, 0? <Ul .xl£ JISj t£_J

^ p^L y*>-

and 'Abdullah bin Ja'far said: The

Messenger of Allah {^) wore a
^ ^ ^^ ^ -'
J^ ^^ d\S :
ring on his right hand. [Woo :
Comments: [Saheeh; this is a hasan isnad] ,
. .

1747. It was narrated from :

--^ ^'1 £a^ It-'/j {&- -WtV
'Uqbah bin Muhammad bin al- - \„ ,,.**. •?
& v^ ^ £^ ^ -^ J^ t

Harith 'Utbah bin

^ >.,'+.."
- Hajjaj said: ii
Muhammad bin al-Harith - from ^ ^j, -
^ . *-s>
;^f £j.
'Abdullah bin Ja'far that the . ; ,

Prophet (jg|) said: "Whoever is J^* V*- :

£M^ <-^J -
not sure about his prayer, let him
prostrate twice whilst he is

^ y

" ^

' J ^j,

sitting" JJ^Z w4j^i ^ iu ^.» : Jl* ^.

Comments: [Its isnad isda'eefl
[ U o n :
.^ I
j] . i ^J U- ^£ j ^ILi

1748. It was narrated from 'J, J^£ Ji~* 'J> !i^^\ &^- -WiA
*.,-.->. /
'Abdullah bin Ja'far - Yahya bin
Ishaq said: I heard 'Abdullah bin u? 1
^ ^ y)
^-^ : ^^
- s '.


Hadeeth o( 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 190 & t_jJlb j\ & jii*- ^ tut aii tlu.1*.

Ja'far say; and one

of them said; , ,t ,. ,.,, - - t .


the one with thetwo wings - that ^^ ^ ^> °*?~" :JLi


when the Messenger of Allah (jfe) ^j jl; _

jj, ^ - ^^j
sneezed, he would praise Allah, It _
„ .,„",,'''-/'-
would be said to him; May Allah J* *W -4* c^Ui :Jl» :JU^| ^1
have mercy on you, and he would
say: May Allah guide you and
Jf _
-,-j, • .

^^f j^ ^
rectify your condition. ^ J*^- [^ lij

015 ^

Jj! J^3

Comments: [Hasan because of &\ li^i J^j : .&I iLU>; :ijj£i

corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eefisnad] jlki'C iiiij

1749. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin Ja'far that he said:
^ - ^ >- >.:
£^ _ WH
;,',„,, ; '

The last time I saw the Messenger : <J^ ^' y"**- 0"* ^' 4* 0* ^^ <S*
of Allah (ig), he had fresh dates -.. .'
^ {,.
-. ,, ,
U ^'
, - ?

f^ ^ ^
: .f,
in one hand and cucumber in the
other, and he was eating one and
JSU y,j il&


^' J
t JjCSj &

taking a bite from the other. And , % * - - ,


he said: "The best part of the - ^ :J ^ "^ & S^J i& &
sheep is meat from the back." [Wt\ :
«-IJ .i^l 1AJ sL*Jl

Comments: [Its isnad is da'cefjiddan]

1750. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin Ja'far said: The
^, ///
- -
^ ; .,
, ,
_ Wa ,

Messenger of Allah (jg[) sent out an <j* ^-^ ^O*" ^) 'J>.

-&~ <lXwi : J l>
army and appointed in charge of . ',,= • • ~ * r,, , . . ,i.

^ ^ '*-V V^"

them Zaid bin Harithah. He said: ; ^ <"* / «"'

"If Zaid is killed or martyred, then £j JUt^ J*^ ^r 1

3§§ jljl Jj-^j <LZ,
your commander is Ja'far. If he is -
^ . >.- -. j
r -,-. « , ,.

killed or martyred, then your
-^^' ^ ^ J <> J
^ : JUj ^'
commander is 'Abdullah bin ^i^ti tJL^illl jl jJ L|i 4 yUi IS^S
Rawahah." ^aia
ivdwdiMii. Zaid iook
took rne
the banner
and fought until he was killed; ^
- . -

-^ b
. ?-

,> .

^ '^^ ^ ^^ . «

^J 1

then Ja'far took the banner and

fought until he was killed; then
,^ ZY)\ iii L ;
, 'ki ^ 'plii
.,,„',,'« ,., ,.^ , , _ "

'Abdullah bin Rawahah took the **-\'/>

Cf. ^ •£* ^-^1 ^ '
J^ J^- $&
Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 191 & ^-JUa J ^ >i» ^i *ii1 4^ ii*4*-

banner and fought until he was

'j; jj£ ZfJ\ &\ p ,jJ Ji jilii
killed. Then Khalid bin al-Waleed

took the banner and Allah granted

victory to him. News of that came
to the Prophet (£g) and he went out
Ji\j ii VJ t^fo J\ £>i ,#$
to the people; he praised and uij tjJoJi i^ii pi^\y~\ <J|* : J^3 't-^-
glorified Allah, then he said: "Your
brothers met the enemy; Zaid took
the banner and fought until he was ti Ilk jl '/&&? o-^»J Ajl^Jl J>"l |*J _

killed - or martyred; then Ja'far

took the banner after him and Zf)\ 1^1 p _ JL^iiil j\ _ jJ JU- $&
fought until he was killed - or
martyred; then 'Abdullah bin
Rawahah took
fought until
the banner and
he was killed - or
«W ^P hi ^ «W '^
P - V^- 1

martyred. Then one of the swords p j^u t *jiip *Li gZ tjj^ji & oju
of Allah/ Khalid bin al-Waleed,
took the banner and Allah granted
victory to him." He did not go to
ijiSi t
pi j£ ^i J^ i^5 n'» : JL^i

Ja'far's family for three days

(letting them grieve). Then he went
to them and said: "Do not weep for
my brother after today. Call the
two sons of my brother for me."
Then we were brought like chicks J^ Lii ,Jji j& UT3 *wJ> ^ ;
t ^
and he said: "Call the barber for
me." The barber was brought and
he shaved our heads, then [the
Prophet (jg)] said: "As for
oJl>J JIj -j\'j* ^*& LgJU "5*^ i"^ 1

Muhammad, he resembles our :

uncle Abu Talib, and as for

'Abdullah, he resembles me
physically and in attitude." Then ^ J^j L'fj c^U ^UJ foJl» :jUi

he took my hand and held it and

said: "O Allah, take care of Ja'far's
family after him and bless iiL-,1 :
'Abdullah in his business
dealings." He said it three times.
Then our mother came and told
him about how we were now
orphans. He said: "Do you fear
poverty for them when I am their
Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 192 £, JUa J & >*». ^j <u)( jQt .«.j. \~-

guardian in this world and in the


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

'Abdullah bin
It was narrated
Ja'far said:
^ £1^ : odi G&: - Wo\
news of Ja'far' s death came, when ^ ^ _7**^ Crf ^' ^ cA '*?>} i*
he was killed, the Prophet (^) .^ V '
^ ^ ^ ^ f* > ^
* ?u*
V s ' - .'• -.-
said: "Make food for the family of
Ja'far, for there has come to them y' jUtf lii iHui ^U^ JV ljjcj»lu
something that has preoccupied . . >;-° -*.*-«.* . ,'-*
them." r*^- u r*
ui J 1

- r^~
Comments: [Its isnad is /lasrtn] *0~^ »->l^-J :

1752. was narrated from


'Abdullah bin Ja'far that the

Messenger of Allah {^) said: "Who If.

*- '

v~"~^ ^
>.. -,,:


L "~' 0?


ever is not sure about his prayer, let z** * • .. *,

him prostrate twice after he says
the salain." £§ jiJl J^-5 J' :
>~f ^ <JJ1 Jue- ^j^
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eej] ^- ,^ j ^ -, .jj

[wsv ^ij .«JJL' u^l;

^ lLi :

1753. It was narrated from

'Uqbah bin Muhammad bin al-
xs, Lr^-I
, t
^ '
^ £:U -Wor
, ^


Harith... and he narrated a similar d. ^ l

-^ ^-^ :

£^ ii 1 :
hadeeth with the same isworf.
^, ^J (

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef like

,,,-.* ,^-
the previous report] '!?^jj ^ 3*-*»

.(Wiv) :^lj t AiL-J ^v^. 0J L^i


1754, It was narrated that -Wet

^.f Ulii :^> ^; 4-i} tfj^
'Abdullah bin Ja'far said: The
Messenger of Allah ($£) rode on ^>**i ^y^t ^) 'J>.
~&^> o^-i :Jli
his mule, and he seated me

^ ^ '^^^ *-
•• - '
A\\ \11
° ' • -
behind him. When the Messenger ,
^ - -

of Allah ($£) relieved himself, ^jlj *«& 4 31

J^-S 443 : Jvi
what he liked best to conceal
m_ ^ J^
, > ,,' ,-,
, s ,: ,:. * ,. -

himself with was a small hill or a °* >* ^ J jL5j '"^

- ;

Hacieeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 193 >&> wJlia jj <jj ji**- ^ *u*t 4ii : .

j ^
cluster of date palms. He entered > s

^ t
, ,.

a garden belonging to a man of -*

* h! J^
the Ansar where he found a
camel. When it saw the Prophet
i;^ jl^JSii
^ jJL^ UdU- J^-oi *jiJ

^% ^
', '... ' ' „--' ,-
s *

^ tiJ
(&j) groaned with tears in its

eyes. - The Messenger of Allah

dismounted and stroked behind
m ^


jj, j^ j^ ^^ C"^

its and on its back and it

ears s -i* 40 ly>* :J& t^-» ^ l^j ;
calmed down. He said: "Who is ,
h =: ,-:%! - n -
,,-r ,.,--;,

the owner of this camel? A -

^ " t

young man of the Ansar came i-^fc^ ;^* Jt ^ J& *^" :

J'^ -W
and said: Me. He said: "Do you "*«- /- - * s

-..s.- -

not fear Allah with regard to this Vl


^^ ^ tUL:
^ ^^


animal that Allah has put in your j^ C& p «£i j ;

possession? It is complaining to , > ,„ , ,, / s

me that you keep it hungry and P t4 =^ ^^ iLsUJl ^ #5 *Ul

overburden it with work." Then

the Messenger of Allah (sge) went
Jj, ^j ^
, , *
^ > ,
su j,-
t ^ /^ -I

into the garden and relieved <.'-i>-i ^ .^u>-l V £-i ^J[ }^Li i.jii
himself, then he did wudoo' and *f vf .
'u- r >-i
s -> •( m- ,-*--.'

came, with the water dripping " "

, „ a

from his beard onto his chest, and »<JJ I

^1 JLi- J^ ^s *.Ui Jj^j ^Jl*
he told me something secret that I
shall never tell to anyone. We
lWi ° lj]
insisted that he tell us, but he
said: I shall not disclose the secret Cr^ LJ
.?**>W» SiU—
ei .J
. «J J^"

of the Messenger of Allah $& until

I meet Allah.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (342)]

1755. It was narrated from

Rafi', the freed slave of the
Abu ^ ^ £^ .^ ^ s

_ w„
of Allah (jg), that 'Abdullah bin -^ ^ :&§ ill J^ J'y g\j ^! >l
Ja'far used to wear a ring on his
right hand, and he said that the °
U —'-
^ JJ l
—^^ . - >'< - ^ fn
* S** y *'

Prophet (iSs) used to wear a ring on [^V^ ^-IJ :

.^ J j^ii 015 ^ ^lii
his right hand.

Comments: [Its isnad is hflsan]

-ijr ~^ °3
f '

1756. Al-Mas'oodi told us: An £<j^ ^,

[^ WJ1
. !•
^^. _ Wan
„-._ man who came
old ...„!. ,.».„ ^nii.^ to
hj us from the

saw 'Abdullah bin

Hijaz told us: I

az-Zubair and 'Abdullah bin

, «.1.1


Ir? ^ ^ f4*
, J ,

, tf

Hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 194 & t-Jtb jt ^ >u?> £H «uu1 JLic JjuJL*

Ja'far in al-Muzdalifah,when Ibn

az-Zubair was cutting meat for
&f X

^ ^ & ^ ^ °V .: .
s -. , . -

'Abdullah bin Ja'far. 'Abdullah ^Jji ^j ^| ^| 5^ ^Sjlk >U

bin Ja'far said: I heard the ^ >.**.'--' - *

Messenger of Allah (jg) say: "The :

>^ ii ^ -4* J^ '>~- J> *& £4
best meat is meat from the back."
^, jj,f ( .^ ^ Jj, j^- ^ : ^
Comments: fits israd is da'eef\ '
* , -

1757. It was narrated that tfj^. :h »io -^ ^ ju^-1 £j^- -WoV

'Abdullah bin Ja'far said: The '/ "
, , ,

^3^1 ^- ^ /t

^ ^^
Messenger of Allah (^) said: "It <>* j>. ***-- j> -^>-
is not right for any Prophet to

say, am better than Yoonus bin

^ ,P
^^ J

'1 , ,^T /7 ,
' *

Matta.'" *1J1 J^3 Jt» :

J^' ^«- ,>" ^'
Comments: [Saterfi
corroborating evidence and
because of
^ ^ Jj " '
J^ -,(
U» :^
isnaii is da'eef] :
0*^SJI ^ J"'
^ v

-"^ 0"' Cr-^i

'f; .
*.->.* >, - -vi 5 - '
•™? ^?Jj** if. ^JJ*-* o^^-J

1758. It was narrated that jll jp ^1 Lil^ :

4*_4*i ^-^ -W«A
'Abdullah bin
Ja'far bin
The Messenger of Allah (&)
"1 have been commanded to
Abi Talib
& *
J ^ ^ ^ ^*~ ^ , -

- - -.

give glad tidings to Khadeejah of
j^. Jl
&\ S£
» ..
.. ,
^ J?}\

^ ^ ^^ ^
( ,

a house of pearls in which there is

: '-^ ^4^ ^ ol 1

no noise and no exhaustion." m ,

--: : . - '- .
' -\A \\ t • L
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this '
' * ,-. *$, . , *.

is a hasan isnad]
.f'^-wu jj y ,

1759. 'Abdullah bin Ja'far said:

Some meat was brought to the
^ ^ C l^ :
: L5 j £1^ -\Vo^
^.^^ ^^
-. - -.., ,, * -,, , ,

Messenger of Allah {^) and people -^ j^ -J*

^ ji
started tossing the meat to his side
of the platter. The Messenger of
^|L' i^iJi jj^j t ^JL
^ Jj; J^^ ^i

a - s
, ,
t « s . ,,

Allah (.^) said: "The best meat is r^ V^

1 1
^^ : !
J Ju ^r^ 11

meat from the back." [mi :

^ |j] ^^j, ^J

Hadeeih of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 195 & t-JUs ji jj >i*»- (>j 4»t JJi *iyJL>

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eefi see M

-r^^c^' <JW>J^~>
-,, ,. .
. .
»i~i ,


1760. Abdullah bin Ja'far said: If :~yi -J\

tfji^ : &&.
t°jj -WV
you could have seen me with
Qutham and 'Ubaidullah, the two
, jv
« (


^ ^ ^^'
sons of 'Abbas, when we were j^\^ $ ju : ^_ ^ jj ( j^ >( : ;^j
boys, playing. The Prophet (a£j) ,"
^ '
*, *

^ ,


passed by on a mount and said: ^^~f o^J $z*J r*J

"Lift this one up to me." He seated
me in front of him, and he said to
; j£ ^, 5 J^ ^ *^ - ",

, _ -; , _

^^ ^^^ r
, r

Qutham: "Lift this one up to me." Jtfj :

J^ "^1 l -L* Ij^j1°
And he put him behind him. .--
Ubaidullah U was J
11 'ALL
dearer to Abbas
r .-..
°^ >,.,,
lBpl JJ
>:,,r ,,;.
""L^ ^ - -



than Qutham, but he did not feel Ui t^li ^ ^ts* Jl Jl^f Jjl AlJ.
embarrassed in front of his uncle to
^^ ^^ ^
6 * - - **,>/, -' -., * *, ,

carry Qutham and leave him. He r JU ^-> : jl l

said: Then he patted my head three :^J LU£ JUj JU ^ tliSS ^A'j
times and said each time: "O Allah, ,. ,/
take care ofja'far's children for him ^ , .,

; Jli -"s^)

'>«- ^^' f4^ |!1

[after he
narrator] said:
is gone]."
said to 'Abdullah:
He [the .

j^ tif ^, .

j.^ ^ ^
v- u .

J,, ^
^^ ^4 r*' ^ ^
1 _ ;. , . ,


What happened to Qutham? He :

v^4 :

said: He was martyred. I said:

1 *U-l
Allah and His Messenger know '

best where good lies. He said: Yes , .^ ^i i^J^

indeed. "
Comments: [Its isnad is /lasan]

1761. It was narrated from -rAA if) J^ ; J^ r'/j &*-^ -W*U

'Abdullah bin Ja'far that the *
<( ..,.*».,
Messenger of Allah (jfe) said:
^^' ^ ^^ <* ^' ^ s > :
"Whoever is not sure about his ^ j^^J ^ tU ^ ^1 '£j. 'J,
let prostrate twice 1 s ( , s

after he says the salam." ^^ ^ '

f^? J>. ^ ±S 'J-

[Its isnad is da'eefi see lUlZli t-C^LS Jt Jii
J^« :JU ^ Jjl

1762. It was narrated from ^ ^^ £j^ :jL^,j| _^ ^^ _ wnY

'Abdullah bin Ja'far that he gave s

^ ^

his daughter in marriage to al- a^ O^'^'j c^' C^


J ^^ 1 '
Hadceth of 'Abdullah bin Ja'far & 196 & wJUa ji ^ jJi^ ^ «ii1 -i^c *.,i>i;»»

Yoosuf and said to her:

Hajjaj bin
When he enters upon you, say: s^ C-&Jl ^ CJJ ° V**^
There is no god but Allah, the y vL J^-S
*; '^

'-Jtfi lit :
\+ 1 Jlii < *

Forbearing, the Most Kind; glory "* ' \ ,


, , , . . .

be to Allah, the Lord of the *U» 0l>^ ^Jl VI

mighty Throne; praise be to Allah, ,u>Jl ^iy^l
<Ort^ 1/j *iJ t*JiiJl
the Lord of the worlds. And he
said that when the Messenger of y.\ Z-^ U[ 5(5 Si fa J^j M f*-j
Allah (3^) was worried about
jUi :Jli 4Jl clit :jL1>- Jtf .IJLi JL»
something, he would say these
words. Hammad said: I think he .ifcj'iJ-;
said; And he could not touch her.
-*'" •J ^— *! '
Comments: [Its i&nad is hasan]
. '

Hadecth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib

' 197 ^4tail 4** QJ onliaJl A*4*-

iSS (wuJl £>t L-ilL&ll JU£ ^ ^LiiJl 1>i

1 '*-
.(*iitA jjJU **"" *

Musnad Bani Hashim (Hadeeth of al-* Abbas bin

'Abdul-Muttalib («&) from the Prophet fe

1763. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin al-Harith, from al-
^ - ^ ^^ 3
: *^ £&. Wir

'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib, that he ^j^ 1

J>. ^ ^ *j~* 4^

said: O Messenger of Allah, your ^ .^ jf(

^J^, ^ ^ v
'^j, .^
uncle Abu Talib used to protect '
' , "

you and he did such and such. He nili*^ jii" <^J\^ y\ <HJ> ^JJl JjiO
said: "He is in the shallowest part .*., , ,'"»-. - >- ',,; V—
of Hell; were it not for me, he ^ ^ C *=? t ^
would be in the lowest depths. :^|] .tjiiS'i 4>j jJ I
^> 0^ U! VjJj
Comments: [Its i'snad is saheeh, al-
[WA^ t WVi<.\V"\A
Bukhari (3883) and Muslim
.(r*<0 :* t (vAAr) :;- ,^>weiLu-i :«>>»;

1764. It was narrated that al- \&±. :

^^ '
'J, yJ-'J\ & Viili- - W*U
'Abbas said: The Messenger of '

^ '^ ^ J^^I cA f± &\ ±±

, _ ,

Allah (gj) "When a man y.

prostrates, seven parts of his body j^ jy ^£j, ^ j^ ^ ^.U .

prostrate with him: his face, his y

^ - ' ' '
^ ;

hands, his knees and his feet/ *^ -^ J^ -^ 1

1 '-^% ^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, j^oij 4 *~^j 4 4^' a
Muslim (491)]
[WA< \V"U t t \V"lo :^1]

1765, A similar report was

^; jj| & &U :
-^i ^ &;U -W\a
narrated from al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul- '
^ f '

Muttalib from the Prophet (3^ ) j? ^^ ^ • $Q \

jU I 4* y. Ms. {* s*^

isnad is saheeh, jH

- -
£ji •!
" -
t jJLi -1
' - '
^^ '£ *.
Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib
' 198 v."-*
1 '
4-^ Crf o- ^' ^4*-

1766. Hatim bin Abi Sagheerah

toldus: One of Banu 'Abdul-
^ ^ .
£ ^
^ -^.
^ ^^ _ m<l
Muttalib told me; 'Ali bin 'Abdullah
<jj ,j-a«j e^-^- :
- 'j^7 ^ C/l t>*i -
bin Abbas came to us d urine a Hajj . ?,, ., ,, J( , ,-.- , ; -,- ,f ,•

season and I heard him say: My r- - ' • ^ s*- - i -


father, 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, told oU^j :Jli t^l^Jl JjJb

U^JJ ^ ^Cp
me that his father al-' Abbas
the Messenger of Allah'
said:O Messenger of Allah, I am
came to
{^) and &

^ jj^
6^'j J\
>,, s"

^ ff\


: J >-

your uncle and I have grown old , , „ , „, * ',

and my time is near. Teach me vS^b ^s? *^**

J-* U1 * 5^ ;

something by means which .^ ^ *£ ^ ^^_ j^\

Allah will benefit me. He
said: "O
\ ^

; f/ m
' ^ ^

Abbas, you are my paternal uncle, *i!l j^ dil* ^1 Nj i

_^U cJl t^-£p
but I cannot help you before Allah **. . :,.,-?.. .:.:, ;.*. .. . ,^,- .-:
at all; rather ask your Lord for "
' " . , ,
^^ ."

pardon and wellbeing in this world jyi jup 1\j\ Li 1 1"^ LjjJ (,
and in the Hereafter." He said it ,-,'-.,----
Then he came to him at
three times.
[WAt ^ti-^^M J* ^J>JI
Qarnal-Hawl and said something
ajwi jL— I 1Jl*_j tty^J ^^f—
> '.TUj^u
similar to him.
Comments: [Hasan because of ^^u 7
coiToborating evidence; this is a

1767. Abu Yoonus al-Qushairi ^J^ ^f £j^ . *

^- £jj^. -W1V
Hatim bin Abi Sagheerah told us; A , -* . t , >'

man from among the descendents J^"-> ^-^ :

'j^* <y} if. ^^ iij~^]l
of 'Abdul-Muttalib told me: 'Ali
bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas came to
^^^ '

.j^ u _jJ, _^
' '
^ '

us, and Banu 'Abdul-Muttalib ^ >^ oJ^iAi <.^Cf- 4JI jIp ^'i

^ ^
J> t

came to meet him. He said: I heard *, ,. *. -.,

> , / -. *r * *;

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas narrate that ^ ^ ' ^ : JUj l

his father, 'Abbas bin 'Abdul- :JU ^iklJl jIp ^* ^l!p ^>\ UjSZ

Muttalib, said: I came to the ^ '•>- '

Messenger of Allah (^) and said: '-



^ L



J ^ ,


' -

O Messenger of Allah, I am your

paternal uncle and I have grown
.J^ ^ ...^ j- t JjJ^ uf

old... and he mentioned a similar Ul^ jL — I i_L*j t

«^ ^^_^ '-mj*"
report. .^JLkJlv jJj
^ J^j iJL^
Comments: [Hfiswn because of corroborating evidence.. This is a da'eef isnad
like the previous report]

Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 199 <^*U 4j£ & t^** 1

1768. It was narrated from .=:,-.

,f g± .^ &± _ mA
'Abdullah bin al-Harith bin s t

Nawfal, that 'Abbas bin 'Abdul- j| jiJl

^ y J~* 'J> 4^\ J& &>^
Muttalib said: I said: O Messenger
\, *

of Allah, have you benefitted your

uncle Abu Talib in any way? For




*, .


i: :Jji
^ :




he used to protect you and stand

up for you. He said: "Yes; he is in ^^ - > , -
"^ T^ ^
- ,,;
the shallowest part of Hell; were
^ }a
_UiAj> t li» :Jli ?JU ' '^yj
it not for me he would be in the

lowest depth of Hell."


4^ J <^
. ,

^ Wj '^ ]

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- [W^Vi^ljj.ftjiljl^ J^S't

Bukhari (6208) and Muslim '
' '

(209)] .<T-M :

t (TY*A) ;

c .^oLi :^>«*

1769. It was narrated that al-

'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib said:
^ U^l
. - ,,;,
. ?.,

-WH l&i

The Messenger of Allah (jg) said:

"When the son of Adam prostrates,
^ '^
^ ^U j£
^ ' -
i^*^ 1

j^* ^! 1
-- ^

ur: ^^
seven parts prostrate with him: his - *,• ,, . s « ',

face, his hands, his knees and his ; - -. y! y" .^ y* *•

feet." ,^T ^| j^ liiM : $& Jj| J^3 ju

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth] ,
.c, ,. rr ;-., >>. - , ,

1770. It was narrated that 'Abbas -J, JJ^ L^l iJlj^Jl jlp tijS- -WV<
bin 'Abdul-Muttalib said: We were ,e „
V^ ^ ^ S^
_ .. * , - .
, ^ , ,

sitting with the Messenger of Allah »>'-^ :

^> ^ 1

(jg) in al-Batha'. A cloud passed 'j,|^ j^ ^ v > ^ iiU~

t ^; iji
and the Messenger of Allah ($g) /t

g ^^ ^-^ y^ii\
/^ ;, „ , s ^

^ r ^- ±S- 1

said, "Do you know what this is?" ( _

"And mu2«
said, Sahab (a cloud). He said,
We said,
£^ j^ ^uJaJl ^ J^3
t jiJi
(rain cloud)?" / \
s /
And mwzn.He said, "And 'anan «?lii U Ojjll» :#= Jjl J^3 J^
(clouds)?" And we kept quiet. He .-;; ^•»l,-„ 'n- M'*u r>- '-l-

said: Do vou know how much

(distance) there is between heaven tLiSCli :Jli «o LJLi! j « :Jli ^jjUl}
and earth?" We said, Allah and His , ., 4^ : , . , , . - -

Messenger know best. He said, ' ^ <r ° JJ ^


hadeeih of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 200 yM^l '

>AJic ^ yiAiiil
uL ^
"Between them there is (the
^^ ^s ^
, -.* ,» , .., , , s

distance of) five hundred years' T^ 1 ; :JU

march, and between each heaven
and another there is (the distance
Jj^ t: i'U^

^ ^& -^
of) five hundred years' march, and ^-^J
, .

(-*~-u ^^r*>- »3rr* *)^> Jj ^



the thickness of each heaven is (the

distance of) five hundred years.
^ ^^ Z{jJJ
Then above the seventh heaven <>; ^ °">^-lj ji*^ ^ '^v i^LlJl
there a sea, between whose top

and bottom is a distance like that


v \


' ^ --„: *r
f 1
<>J^ .1J

between heaven and earth. Then l^^Vj j+J*J ^ T '
v /^ ,>' 'J^fM
above that there are eight (angels -': -j"
-, : ,e- ,,
in the form of) mountain goats. The - ^ P 'u^'j

„ s _

distance between their hooves and .UJjl j£ US ^lj *liif ^; t ^J|
their knees is like the distance , ,_"',
^ ^ " £•

- , s
r ,

between heaven and earth. Then i4

^5* J^J ^3^ ^"3 '^j^'j
above that is the Throne, and the
distance between the bottom and
y^ "
* -
^^ "
. -r

the top of the Throne is like the [wv\ ;^l]

distance between heaven and
earth. Then Allah is above that, •*-** >V -'-^ -V-> «M ^.>-'
may He be blessed and exalted,
and none of the deeds of the sons of
Adam are hidden from Him."
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eefjiddan (very weak)]

1771. A similar report was

narrated from al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-
- i^J
,, , ,
: Jj ( & ^ _ m>
Muttalib, from the Prophet (%). &^ :
*^j& ^ jI^3 jijjl ^CLSJl
[Its isnad is d«'e<?/ xJ>
'J, ,^ ^ $\^ ^ yy ^\ ^ i-jjJi
/ - '
' * -
J *'

1772. It was narrated that al- i/U li 1' -wvy

'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib said: I
^ ^
" ^ l-ili.

said: O Messenger of Allah, when

Quraish meet one another, they
if _
^^ >:' ^j~ _
* .

meet with a cheerful attitude, but ?\ / y\ ^ '-*

^ * "V-
when they meet us, they meet us : Jli k-TU^l jl^ ^ ^1^1 j* t^^uJl
Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 201 k_4k&it dL>c ^ ,^-LiJl ijj

with expressions we do not

recognise. The Prophet (jg) got •>

r *.

i '-
n 'i
* -

very angry and said: "By the One '*'•'

'Cr~*' ^r r*^ 1 tLiil "

in Whose hand is my soul, faith '

' *
,, , .
} t
, „ , ^ ,
r ,
will not enter a man's heart unless V-*** : JU */~ v
^ !-*"* l

he loves you for the sake of Allah j^, j^ ^^ p^ ^ ^ t

and His Messenger," /' ^ "'.-

Comments: fits (s«fid is da eej ~ ^ lt •> lt - --- ur^-
Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad is da'eef] [ \ vvr : ^1] M^')j ij li^J JU-

1773. It was narrated

Muttalib bin Rabee'ah said:
that 'Abdul-
oUj ^1
J, 1^ ^ ^ il£U- - \wr
'Abbas entered upon the Messenger ^^ ^ ^ ?''i" * -

" *- * -

of Allah (Sg) and said: We go out

and we see Quraish talking... and
j^-; Jj. ^£j| j^s ^ : j^ j,\

he narrated the same hadeeth. ^



- --

' '*

Comments: [Itsisnad is dtf'ee/ [WVT .

- (j] .^ jJL J ^ l ..j,^J

because of the weakness of (

Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad and it is y_ x>„ <Ju^ai <.^k^j> »jU ^^>«
repeat of the previous report]
-^ jj£* y>j ^;, ^1

to the
A1-' Abbas narrated:
Prophet {^): How did you
1 said :jdL ^ j^ ^ j^ ti'jj- -WVi
,.**...'* , , j. -;

help your uncle, when he used to Ji *^^ ^-^ :

£* j> 44*^ •& <_£•>->

protect you and get angry for

your sake? He said: "He is in the
: ^ ." -fjj
^ :j\s
£yi t=51^ :^UJt


shallowest part of Hell; were it 4~*"i) jl5 Jii k Jilp ji- -i-i^i U
not for me, he would be in the '
i>; ,:t vf.i' i
-. - -. .' t^ r. ;,;

lowest depths of Hell. 9 „, -

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- [ wnr ^Ij .^l-Jl ^ jliMl : 4*jJl
Bukhari (3883) and Muslim
.(V<D :

t (rAAD :^.^^ .^J :^>u-

1775. Katheer bin 'Abbas bin

'Abdul-Muttalib narrated that his
^ &^ '•&*& & <&+ ~^VV*
tl ,,
father al-'Abbas said: I was ^ ji

tf t \

ii j^ U'^ i/^ 1

C ^^ .jj ^| - ^j^,
present with the Messenger of - ^] (
Allah on the day of Hunain.
/ ^
fcfc) I
; ' '/ ,
, z t

saw the Messenger of Allah (^) ^1 cA ^* : J^ ^^r^ ^fe f^' 1

and there was no one with him >. :.,:, A* .:[ Su >,- .,- „,>

Hadceth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib

' 202 >jUh j^c
^ ^liiji tiujt*.

me and Abu Sufy an bin al-

Harith bin 'Abdul-Muttalib. We '
J -^
-. , -.

^^ ^ ^ ^ * >•

stayed close to the Messenger of t^l^-i dlJ JU 3*3 (.1»jU Ui «,^

Allah (#g) and did not leave him.
He was riding a grey
and perhaps Ma'mar said: white -
mule of his -
U '^

' ^ , ,


. -


^ ,,

Uii ^UJ
that had been given to him by
Farwah bin Na'amah al-Judhami. ^

\^^ J >4^
Jj ^Uflij

When the Muslims and the fruflar J'i tjUSJl

Jj ^^ 5^
£& Jjl J^3
met, the Muslims turned and fled,
but the Messenger of Allah (M)
spurred his mule towards the


J — ^' ^

li ^JU
^ -

* -


t ijisi

kuffar. Al-'Abbas said: I was *.-*:,,'*


holding on to the reins of the mule

of the Messenger of Allah (jg), -M ^ Jpj J^ '#? *JW Jj-j

trying to restrain it, but he was
rushing towards the mushrikeen,
:Jli «*>Ul ^U^l L: :
?U ^a D>

and Abu Sufyan bin al-Harith was : j,°y^> ^Ul cJUi 1. lLi> SU3 cJij
holding on to the stirrup of the ffvr ? :
-1,: „ >-, , , t *

Messenger of Allah ($fe). The - -^ ~^^ v"*"**" ^>

Messenger of Allah (^) said: "O
'Abbas, call out: O people of as-
Jl£ JLJl £IL^ ^3^, i^JL^
-,,*;' -,.*; " - .«- '
^ "



Samurah 111 ." I was a man with a ^^ - ^^ - ^^ - ' -^ ' -

* J|

loud voice, so I said at the top of tjUSJlj li |Ji=ali t o>tl^CJl jJlj

my ->»,.*•
are the people of
said: By Allah, ^^ ^ *(•
^- jL ^ !

when they heard my voice, they Jl vo^ ^ J^ 1 Oj^iIjI o>1* li
came back like cows coming back ' ' „ •

^H ^

to their calves, saying: "Here we ^ ; L: : ljjLi t

^> Jl

are, here we are, here we are!" The 3*3 3^ Jui J^ 3^ :JU .^3>Jl
Muslims came and fought with the
Jtwj^r, then the call went out to the

Ansar: O Ansar! And the last to be


'rf^ Ji

^ *,,-:-






called were Banul-Harith bin al- *

m * *
= e - -

Khazraj. They said: OBanuI-Harith ' '

^^ ^ l

r :JU *^> J1

bin al-Khazraj! The Messenger of :<Jl* L :

tjlI^JI '^ij ^, ^3^ t oG^
Allah (gg), seated on his mule, ..-. , ,', „,. .,.''. , ,,
' ',.

As-Suiwralr. this was the tree beneath which they swore the bai'ali (oath of allegiance)
of ar-Ridwan.
Hadeeth of a!-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib
' 203 ^r^A Jui {£ y-lliJl iuJ»

craned his neck to watch the _,. ;, ' ..• ,:,: ,f

•• * .- -- -,,-

fighting, and the Messenger of s

tf ,

Allah (£5) said: "Now the battle is jilT, M *J[ 3* U jLl> : Jl» ^J UJ
raging." Then the Messenger of
Allah (m) took some pebbles and ^J
^ ***
# ^ >, ,


\\ fT
flung them at the faces of the kuffar, p4-">* ^r*- 'SA* ^V^ ^*^-
then he said: "They are defeated, > >

y *** ^ ^^
. - ,*- *
fe ^ £
by the Lord of the Ka'bah, they are '

defeated by the Lord of the :
Jz\] .dfc Ju- J4^
Ka'bah!" Then went and looked,
,OV0V) 6jLj £?>""
and saw that the fighting was as it
f Ct" !

had been before, as far as I could

see. He said: By Allah, as soon as
the Messenger of Allah (|fe) threw
the pebbles at them, their force was
spent and they began to retreat,
until Allah defeated them. He said:

It is as if I can see the Prophet ($£$),

pursuing them on his mule. ,

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (1757)]

1776. It was narrated that Katheer jJ^ll oi*^ :JU Otli l£U- - WV"\
bin 'Abbas said: 'Abbas and Abu "' "'
^ I >• - ,i --, .- *-,
j£ J* ^"^ ^* ^"j*

Sufyan were with him - meaning

^^ J 1
the Prophet (£g) - when he >jj * &: -.&
Sl5 :J15
addressed them and said, "Now "
, , / , / '

the battle is raging." He said: "Call :Jl>3 (4^^ : *J^ - ^t *j;

out: O people
^ ^
of Soora fa/- Baqarah,"
I :jU*
-. -. ,
. *

- r< ju

Comments: [Its isHfld is saheeh, rt z

Muslim (1757)] [WV© : ^-1j] .i.^Jl ;j_^ ^L^>l

.(ivov) :^ .?^>—» "-»M ^.y " 1

1777. It was narrated that ^ ^j .i^Ji j^ ^ ^^ &li -WW

'Abdul-Muttalib bin Rabee'ah " / '" " ":

J* ^

said: al-' Abbas entered upon the J>. ±* l? ^1p\ U-J c* 1

>>' -**>'

Messenger of Allah (&s)

O Messenger of Allah, we go out
and said: j .
^ j ^ - ^UUi

" ..'",.

and we see Quraish talking, but (Y'A/O #| jDl J_^3 j--^ 1

when they see us, they keep quiet.
The Messenger of Allah (£5) got
7^ ^ < ,,^ «
^ 3
, . ^
^ ,/ ( _ , ,
angry and a vein stood out J^i-3 v-? ** 1 - ! >^. Ujlj lib t^iiJ
Hadceth of a]-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib
' 204 i_4kkll Juc ,jj ,ji,liiii i,

between his eyes. Then he said:

"By Allah, faith will not enter a
man's heart unless he loves you
*Ulj» : Jl»
p ^ jZ 3'f jjj 3£§ *AJl

jJJ '(J^>h J^- >J^i isj*\ v^ J*--^ ^

for the sake of Allah and because
you are related to me/' hwr : ^ij] .*j,yj}j
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef
because of the weakness of
iL.jc^-^> '•&s*
Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad]
1778. It was narrated from UJJU- -WVA
'Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib that he

heard the Messenger of Allah (^)

say: "He has tasted faith who is rs.\ •^^
y- '
F? y. y- *>W y) j£ -
content with Allah as his Lord, Islam
as his religion and Muhammad as
*,] oiUJi j^
^ ^& ^ ^, ^; ^.u
his Messenger."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (34)]

[WV1 :

1779. It was narrated from al-

' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib that he
heard the Messenger of Allah (s&) y
say: "He has tasted faith who is
content with Allah as his Lord, Islam
as his religion and Muhammad as '•^y>i #> ?JLil
J^r-j a*-^ ^1 ^JklJl jIp
his Messenger."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
iLj -ill
^3 /r* 9^J (^ ii ljB

Muslim (34)]
[WVA ^IJ.s^j^Lj t
^ r

1780. It was narrated from al- 'j~a* ^ji ^£j liijj^ : J-j_^ jj C!jj llijii - \ VA *

Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib that he


heard the Messenger of Allah (^g) ^ r^'^1 o? ^*^ °y ^hP y) 1

y cA'j& s

say: "When a person prostrates, jii

J-i- ^ji^jjZ^\
f- ;
j^ ^Ip °rf itljjUJl
seven parts prostrate with him: his
face, his hands, his knees and his
teLiSj '^J :, - J 'j' **r^ **-" JL>-^ -4^'
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (491)] [WU :^.Ij].i;UjJJ *;i^j3

.UM) :^ •
f^-*--* ojL^J :£j,*»;

Hadeeth of al-'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 205 w4^1l ai* & y*CuJl tiuJL*-

1781. Malik bin Aws bin al- *

Uii ITIrf-t :0U1'I Ail tfii- -WA\
Hadathan an-Nasri narrated that
'Umar called him... and he Ji cTJ^ Ji ^^ Ji'jr^ :
narrated the hadeeth.
Whilst I was with him,
He said:
^'.: v --> ?f ,

. ?,, ['', -ii

doorkeeper Yarfa' came and said: Vr ^ 1 £


M «^£ ^' ^ J^ .^-J^Jl


Will you give permission for

'Uthman, 'Abdur-Rahman, az-
^ oUU j JJU Ai :Jtt ^
^o^ju^j ,:-.'
^-j ^.i
j^^'j 0^^^'
Zubair and Sa'd to enter? He said: -p-^ <J^


Yes. So he admitted them. Then ji <*

<£i; iJ- .^Ulf-
: ju-
after a while he came and said: Will ^

you give permission for 'Ali and -<**> : <J^ ?jUjIHj ^Cpj {Js- J* *lli

'Abbas to enter? He said;

gave them permission to enter.
Yes. So he
^J u .^ jy ^^ ^^ t

When they came in, 'Abbas said: O l

iW '-^* <>:J ^ ^j^* 1

Ameer al-Mu'mineen, judge

between me and this one - meaning
£l .^f J,
|jJaj ,
^" ^L

They were disputing about as-

'Ali. <J^ 4
jr^' ^ J 1
^*' *>J ^.^ »_^
Sawafi (some property) which
Allah had granted as booty to His ^^

r s
^ "
J, -

°^^ ^j, ^

Messenger from the property of t 'j J~ ;
' y^
J^* -j*"^ If L*-*-^

Banun-Nadeer. The people said: O

Ameer al-Mu'mineen, judge
{U *j, >£
^ *' /
^, J^
, .

between them and them settle

let :
<-^ ^ 4^ °' ^>y^ J* ^3^ 3 !

the matter. 'Umar said: Wait a ;,^: > * s=- - ,:>.: ,- : - :
minute. I adjure you by Allah, by /'' ^ > r

Whose leave heaven and Earth *Jf- J* 's* J3ti .^JJi J 15 al l^U


do you know that the
said: "We are not to
^^ .^ ^, j^
^ 9^

", -

-^ J* ^

be inherited from; what we leave -^ : ^u 5 L


behind is charity," referring to

£, y .^ ,^ ^ .J£<^ J^ .^ (

himself? They said: He did say '„,,,"/ -

t^ ^ <J *l*^3 ts ^ ^ J^j >

_, „ ,

that Then 'Umar turned to 'Ali 3

and al-'Abbas and said: I adjure

you by Allah, do you know that the
$ .^ ^ ,-f ^> ^ ^ ^
' "
Prophet (^) said that? They said: :
r i»J0 i^r} ti ^ ^ylj Ji J

Yes. He said: I shall tell you about

this matter: Alla^ may He be
* :
^ ,f
' /
^^ eja
^^ =

y^' (^ J i Ujb^l U
glorified and exalted, bestowed ** ^J t

^ JJ'j

upon His Messenger of this/«f that

j^ ^ ^ ,U^U^ AaJ
Hadceih of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 206 v.""
1 1

^ {£ (j-liiil iyJL*-

which He did not bestow upon

anyone else. And he said: "And ^^ f
J ^ ^ iJO ^
, - - - > •

what Allah gave as booty (Fai') to t Jldllii ^ L^, l«j aIaI Jl£ j^L'
His Messenger (Muhammad $£)
from them - for this you made no
expedition with either cavalry or


U v

vt*U^ $£$ Jjl J^ij


>> - , , >* t
*fi u

-^ r

power to
^^ ^
camelry. But Allah gives
His Messengers over whomsoever J


. ,,

* JU*

^ -


J ^
\ ,

He wills. And Allah is Able to do ^S LL; «J J^ii t^fc £\

-- - •
'a \'% t ^ Jj(
allthings" [al-Hashr 59:6], That , •
^ ^

was exclusively for the Messenger D VY :

* ^ ^' J >^ ^
of Allah (gj).Moreover, by Allah, .
i(i .
rr) . -

_^_ uL- ^-

he did not take it and exclude you


and he did not prefer himself over
you with regard to it. He gave it to
you and distributed it among you
until all therewas left of it was this
property. The Messenger of Allah
(*£) used to take the annual
expenditure of his family from this
property, then he would take
whatever was left and regard it as
wealth belonging to Allah. The
Messenger of Allah (£g) did that
during his lifetime, then the
Messenger of Allah (£&) died and
Abu Bakr said: I am the successor
of theMessenger of Allah (££), so
Abu Bakr took control of it and did
the same with it as the Messenger
of Allah (gg) had done.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (4033) and Muslim (1757)]

1782. Malik bin Aws bin

Hadathan an-Nasri narrated... and
^\ -, ^ :
^J^ £j^ -WAY

he mentioned the same hadceth. He :< -^ [*^~* <iy. -h^* 9^- if -^^
said: Whilst we were sitting with
him, his doorkeeper Yarfa' came to
tf^ •

^ - ^j U "^j
\t -J / __' -

him and said to 'Umar: Will you ^ ^* :J^* .^J^Jl ^M ...JjjJalJl

give permission to 'Uthman, "'

..,», -,,:: fr.. » ., ,. : ,.. ,.
Abdur-Rahman, Sa d and az- ^^ ^ -

- ^ -

Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib

' 207 <-&*i) J^ l* o*^ ^y^*"

Zubair to come in? He said: Yes, let

them So they came in and

greeted him and sat down. Then .v£j jjji t *jJ : jij <?jjpili^ ^^'j
after awhile Yarfa' said to 'Umar: s
, , . , ^ e , *,...'.,
Will you give permission to 'Ali and ^ :
^u ^j-^r3 '^^^ '>^ : ^u
them in.
to enter?
When they
He said: Yes, let
came in, they -'
Jju \i :

^ J Ui t ^ ll>; cJ ;

sat down and Abbas

al-Mu'mineen, judge between me
said: O Ameer llU <.U4J oili .'^6 :JUi ?^£*j ^
U :^vl^ jUi tLJU- c;Oi "sUS
and 'Ali (4>). The people, 'Uthman
and his companions, said: Judge ]^\ ju^ ,^ ^ ^ ^\ ,^yj\
between them and let them settle
" "
lf \
, , , t>

the matter. 'Umar (&) said: Wait a £/} ' ^& t

:*UJ»r. jU>
minute. I adjure you by Allah, by ,
> e,
.^ j^ -^ ^ ^^j
Whose leave heaven and earth exist, '
s s s ,,,*-,
do you know that the Prophet (£**) iUiJl ^jZ *J^L ^JJI aJUL jU-Lwli
"We are not to be inherited *r ,t;
from; what we
leave behind is *3 ^
= -
J >^
, ,

jl °^ > ^/^J
- ,-,, . , >

charity," referring to himself? They

said: He did say that. Then 'Umar
Jul lj «^1^
.,',,'>„, ,
^ , ,
t J/,y N» :JU
= >

turned and al-' Abbas and

to 'Ali J^» * : -^l J^ ?<^* M J^j

said: I adjure you by Allah, do you

.^ ^/ ^ ,., r- w -^ ^r
know that the Prophet (ag) said , •
; ^
that?They said: He did say that. Jji l]^ M jUJ& ji .aLl uiiijt
'Umar said: I shall tell you about
matter: Allah, may He be
and exalted, bestowed this
^ -^ ^ *
- ,-

^ ^\

. *

^ ;




^: -


iS^j^-f Jji
- ,r -,




/ai" exclusively upon His Messenger. '


And Allah, may He be exalted, j^aJl



^ ^3 3r^ ^ , "

what Allah gave as
to His Messenger
^ ^^ ^|^^.; " ' ~ '**' ( y.^/^
(Muhammad (#,)) from them - for ti :^ ^^/J £*
il $ tj^ :*JJl

this you made no expedition with , ,

- - - • .> -^ *

either cavalry or camelry. But Allah !> cJl& (*L :^t>J0 <T>M 4^^-J'
gives power to His Messengers over
whomsoever He wills. And Allah is
u Jj,^ jj
r t ^ Jj, j^ =j,^ ^,
/ f rt

Able to do all things" [al-Hashr


^J t^Oi- l^. ^Iliil % <.\ij&-\

59:61. This verse was only for the ,'-,-• *, •^.

Messenger of Allah {^). Moreover, ^^iC^J^^ynj- ^j^^ .- ,-J" ,- >
i, t

by Allah, he did not keep it for jlil JU j#i ^5 Jjl Jj-^S iL5j ^J^ 1

himself and he did not prefer > ft , . ,, ..-.

himself over you with regard to it. J* U ^ l-


r t
^ UJ, '-^ ^


He gave it to you and distributed it Jjyl

J^ t Jj| JU J^J i^J ^
Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib
' 208 '.)'" '*' J^ tjj o*^' '\' '.^

among you until there was left of it . , a ,,,*.* „ = ,

this property. The Messenger of J* t<Ul

1 ^ 1
'^ ^ ^ r
J ^3
Allah (*g) used to take the annual
expenditure of his family from this *,,"/,
^ oa ju vj
: | ji|
-, *&
property, then he would take : NU Viili jLiiA;
J* t JJb USjIjU
whatever was left and regard it as
wealth belonging to Allah. The *'
,| v ^ ^

J >^
^ ?,';<:
r T*

Messenger of Allah (&;). did that

during his lifetime. I adjure you by
^f i^.V;; .^ Jji j^ ijj
tf :
Allah, do you know this? They said: ^j^j ^ £ J^ ^ ^ J?** « *& J^
Yes. He said to 'Ali and 'Abbas: I .w„ **

adjure you by Allah, do you know s^^J^-^r^'^^

tr :,
-jf, . -

this? They said: Yes. Then the ,\lg [^ Jz rf M jUi> _ ^-t^j :

Messenger of Allah (&*) died, and , „ ,
~ ^' ' - *«,-*>">
Abu Bakr said: I am the successor £^ -^b J 1? j^UJ l$J *J| jji; aJJIJ

of the Messenger of Allah

Abu Bakr took control of it and did
same with it as the Messenger
{$£;), so r.
L VT .



^ * -:.

of Allah (gg)had done. And now

t <r .
<u > :

~ -t—
° *^l

you and he turned to 'Ali and

'Abbas are claiming that Abu


Bakr did such and such, but Allah

knows best that he was sincere,
righteous and guided to the truth
in the way he dealt with it.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3094) and Muslim (1757)]


was narrated that al-
I came to the Messenger
t ~j^

- ^
- '
- £j_
* ,
£^ _WAr
of Allah ($5) and said: O Messenger i>! 5^1 xs- j£, ollj ^1 ^ i^ ji
of Allah, teach me something may I ?,, '1 *- ' *-f "n- ,*-!* - -:,

say in my supplication. He said: .

" , - ' - ' '

"Ask Allah for pardon and well £-i ,>^ ^1 Jj-^3 ^ :cJlii <.^
being." Then I came to him another
time and said: O Messenger of Allah, ^^ >^ s~,'ii- '-t,
^' sP


^; ^

teach me something that I may say J^ U : ciai i^^-f i^i &:t !J : Jli
in my supplication. He said: "O -.-... >,? - • =

'Abbas, O uncle of the Messenger of L-" :JUi :JLi * y^ 1

^ l>^


in this
(&$), ask Allah for wellbeing
world and in the Hereafter."
^ j^
t Jj,
j^ ^'
- *

Comments: [Hasan because of C^ JJ -^ J - s^

corroborating evidence; this is a .^^^ ^L-j IJuj t.^jj j_^ :?*iy«"
^^ ^ ^^
rffl'ee/ isnad because of the weak- .

ness of Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad] • J

Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 209 wJiall Ale. £j tjaUjJl

1784. It was narrated that al-

'Abbas said; I entered upon the
Messenger of Allah (i&J when his
wives were with him, so they
covered themselves in front of me,
except Maimoonah. He said:
"There is no one in this house who
witnesses the administration of
medicine in the side of the mouth
but he should be treated in the
Nl ,oJ NJ oIJ! iji j^I cdl J ^
same way, but my instruction does lj> :J15
«;>£Jl v-a- fJ j-*! b\
not include al-' Abbas." Then he
said: "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the
people in prayer/' 'A'ishah said to
Hafsah: Tell him that Abu Bakr is a
man who, if he stands in your j^4j Jz d ij^» :jii .^ Aiu;
place, will weep. He said: "Tell
Abu Bakr to lead the people in
prayer," So he stood up and
prayed, then the Prophet ($&) felt a
little better, so Abu Bakr retreated a
[wad :
j4*il] .f^il jj
^ j| ^-ki
little, wanting to move backwards,

but [the Prophet (^)] sat beside

him, then he started to recite.

Comments: [Sa/irc/i because of corroborating evidence]

1785. It was narrated from al- QjJ-

'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib that

a^.1* : *al
Ji u^i
the Messenger of Allah (^) said
when he was sick: "Tell Abu Bakr
to lead the people in prayer. So
Abu Bakr went out and said :<*'s J JU ^ ill J_^3 jl :uLJ\
takbecr. The Prophet <2^) felt a little

better, so he came out, supported

by two men. When Abu Bakr saw
him, he stepped backwards, but
^4* ^>^ '^O ^1 4^' -^ '^*

the Prophet (#?,) gestured to him: aIJI

j Lib <.y>-\5 j>Z y\ olj UJi k
^r^rj ^J>>

Stay where you are. Then the

m, 4iil J^3 ^jU- ^i ,iL'\5U :^ ^l
Messenger of Allah (jgj) sat beside
Abu Bakr, and carried on the
recitation from where Abu Bakr
(4*) had reached.
.ijjZJ\ ^j* ^b ^ jjI »L

Hadeeih of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 210 '.QlrMl Xi£. {£ ^liill

Comments: [It is a repeat of the

previous report]

1786. It was narrated that al-

Abbas I was with the Prophet

($&) one night, and he

do you see any stars in the
said: "Look,
sky?" I
a* a ^ urf
h* k
dJ ^} If ^ lf.

t jb' oil 3& ^p\ Z* viil :

J I* ^&Jl
said: Yes. He said: "What do you
see?" I said: I see the Pleiades. He
said: "Some of your offspring, as
many as these stars, will take
control of the ummah, two of whom ;
ii JC i\ Ul« :J15 Xp\ jj\ :JJ5
will come to power through

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eefjiddan]

1787. It was narrated from je IZJjU. ^^ -WAV

Jl\ ,^) :4*jv*~
Isma'eel bin Iyas bin 'Afeef al-
Kindi, from his father, that his
grandfather said: I was a merchant;
1 came for Hajj and came to al-
'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib to buy tl^>-L IJ^Jil cJ5 ;JU ;j>- Vfi- i^ji
some goods from him, as he was
ali jj* ^Cxi\ oL"U tA>Jl cJji*
also a merchant. By Allah, I was
with him in Mina when a man
came out of a tent nearby and
looked at the sun. When he saw
that it had passed its zenith, he
stood up and prayed. Then a
woman came out of that tent from
which that man had come out, and
she stood behind him to pray. Then
a boy on the brink of adolescence lAJUi .ji^Jl ilJ> £, £>. ^jjl jUiJl
came out of that tent and stood
1 ""^
with him to pray. I said to al- J*L> o^" f^ C^" P ^i-A^"
Who is this, O 'Abbas? He
Abbas: t,jUJ iii flu *j£>JI iiJi
^ ^JUJl
said: This is Muhammad bin
'Abdullah bin 'Abdul-Muttalib, the ?,>&. U lli ^ :^-dd oiii :J15

son of my brother. I said: Who is j!S J,

jiJl jl*- ^ jlUJ iJLi : Jli
this woman? He said: She is his
wife, Khadeejah bint Khuwailid. I ali y> : oiii :Jli .^1 ^1 ._ .lli^J

said: Who is this youth? He said:

He is 'Ali bin Abu Talib, the son of

Uadceth of al-' Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib

' 211 ^-41*11 ^ Crf u"^ ^4»-
his paternal uncle. I said: What are
they doing? He said: He is praying,
£U IJU :J^ V^IjI IJu ^ :lJl :JU

and he claims that he is a Prophet, UJ ;,JJii :Jli .-ui- ^1 ^iL ^1 ^l

but no one follows him except his ., ,' V -,
ft „

wife and this cousin of his, that


r*>- >3

' J^i
:Jl* 9
-^ <^'
young man. And he claims that the
treasure of Chosroes and Caesar
^-, sj,

^f J^ ^ m- u< y
V* -

will be granted to him. He


>3 'j^ (* W^) lii


^ *

^ ^^
said: J-*ii i?0
'Afeef - who was the paternal .

^ >.g ^
v^ £j
cousin of al- Ash'ath bin Qais - "
' + \
became Muslim after that and was
a good Muslim, and he used to say:
^ y_ 4^-iSll jLi ^|l >*j _^-^ 0&
4^"^J-I ^L^i t^iiJi jJC JJLilj _ Jji __
If Allah had guided me to become

Muslim on that day, I would have <£*£ f^^ Jfjj -*JL3 1 jl£ }J :_
been the third with 'Ali bin Abu '

Talib(4t). * vJ> ^ y.u^ C ^ ^ U f < , > ti ,

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eefjiddan] ,

n^, ^^ t u^- ^- ~ <oL-.I : ?*j>>u

Muttalib bin
It was narrated that
Abu Wada'ah said:

.- - ^^ ^
T ^

'l ^ -WAA

'Abbas said: The Prophet (^) heard J ^-O^ 1

yi *W 4^ i* S
jL-J a*! C* 1

of some of what the people were -,'-,.: r, r. f

,f >,, . ,r.r

saying, so he ascended the minbar -- -

y *

and said: "Who am I?" They said: :Jli <-^>&l Jy^ U Lr

aJy UlJ 1,^-fcJl

You are the Messenger of Allah. He , .« * s -« . , >

:1 -" '„

said: I am Muhammad bin T <- -^^

'Abdullah bin 'Abdul-Muttalib. JJt _C* ^ jjjj> Ul» : JUi ,£fe jljl J^j
Allah created creation and He
made me among the best of His
creation. Then He made them into
- -


jh±S j£'j ife j

,-, ,* *

°! 'V^'
* ,•


two groups, and He put me in the

j"\" "*

i *il£- j^- J
,. „

best group. And He created tribes,

and He put me in the best tribe.
je 1
^ i^L^J 'j^^
j^j ^S?
£; L* ' j jLuJ liii^- ' ^\J
And He made them families, and
" ^ -" *' -
4 U
r^*^ -;

He put me in the best family. So I JlLZ ^S'J^-'j <

^ ^'^- ^^
am the best of you in family and
the best of you as an individual."
Comments: [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence]

1789. It was narrated that 'Abbas :

£1^ jfr \^. -/^(^ \^j^ -^VA*\
bin 'Abdul-Muttalib said: O a '

, , s

Messenger of Allah, have you J>. ^ <& {/- p*


If. 4^> &'-*


Hadeeth of al-' Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib 212 .M ' 4Jc C* lh- 1 ^ 1 ^iy

benefitted your uncle Abu Talib in ,, . s „

any way? For he used to protect ** ^ </"^ '^ s

^r ^ ^j^ 1

you and stand up for you. He said: rjf ,£j£ Ji .Jui J^3 i; :JU _ikil
"Yes; he is in the shallowest part of „ , ,, /--.-,/- ,

Hell; were it not for me he would v-^J -^j*- ol5 oi ^|> ?*^i, ^^
be in the lowest depth of Hell." -
•• '
• -' •-:» i,- c ;m

Comments: [Its isnad
Bukhari (3883) and Muslim
is stf/iee/i, al-
- **

^> ^ ^> "^ ^J ^

1 1

1790. It was narrated that \£jS~ :jl!>J ^ Lu^l iL'li -WV

'Ubaidullah bin 'Abbas bin
'Abdul-Muttalib, the brother of
'Abdullah, said: Al~' Abbas had a


^ :Jb
s /




'J- ±^
, ,„



downspout on the route taken by

'Umar bin al-Khattab. One Friday,
'Umar got dressed. Two chickens

o»j tiiLfJl ;}J

^ ^ -


^l£ ^Jii
^'^ ^^
had been slaughtered for al- - - . ,._/ J ,

'Abbas, and when ['Umar] passed ^

: ,
^ s

^ U^

^^ G* °^

by the downspout, water came OLili tj^-^it pi £U »t-i Olj-Jl

out, mixed with blood of the two
chickens. It landed on 'Umar, and '^

t />

^ t
y^> jl

f* ^

in it was the blood of the two 'ji CC jJj i^C ^ ^j*i 1^-3 li

V^ ^ ^ ^
chickens. 'Umar ordered that the i- ^
• , * -
, s s
downspout be removed, then he •
went back and took off those ^}\ l^j ^jj| i_^UJ 1*1 JJIj jUi
clothes, and put on some other -*>>*-
clothes. Then he came and led the -
, .r -V
V— -^ JUi "^
people in prayer. Al-' Abbas came
to him and said: By Allah, the
J"„--^j£ JU-
^^ Ji. ^_lO,

downspout is where the Prophet J** - M i^ J^3 ^j $X\ £f pi

(#*) put it. So 'Umar said to al- .*& ^&jl JjL)S
'Abbas: I insist that you should
climb onto my back and put it f
11* '^^ *M '-i*j '>-> ;
where the Messenger of Allah ($g) j-U ^ . *1]U-* UjX ^ .u_- ^i
put it, So al-' Abbas (.&,) did that.

Comments: [Hasah; this is a munqati' (interrupted) isnad]

Musnad of al-Fadl bin * Abbas 4a 213 & o^/Uc ,ji J*iAJt JJuw

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas vfa

narrating from the Prophet jgg

1791. It was narrated from al-Fadl }J. <.fc'J*y\\*}&y/}£f-&j&~-\V\\

bin 'Abbas that he rode seated *-'.'.-'
/ ^
, aJ s ,

behind the Prophet <jfc§) from ^ y 1

?* j;^ ^ 1

y 1
?* ji !

Muzdalifah and he continued to

he stoned
recite the Talbiyah until
J^ J^Sy/S "
w ^^^^jOtf
* ' *' ^

the/amnzh. '
> v ^ *
w<"* * w ^ >^ -V^ Jj :

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- W A
* «. \ A V ' ^A • 1 * \ A > o t \ A • Y

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim
tUU i\AW t \Al- t lA^ i\A'*

[\ay*y t un ^ay^ », uyv t \aya

1792. It was narrated from al- - j^ U^ :jdi J* [$J -WVT

Fadl that the Prophet recited the t
',„ ,

Talbiyah until he stoned the y y^ y 1

^ 'y;^ J* *^j*~
y 1


Comments: [Its isfiflrf is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim
Buk [w<n :

.Oyau : tOair) ^.^^^•jL-j :^>«"

1793. It was narrated from Ibn :

gpi yl y ^ UJjU- -WW
'Abbas that the Prophet (#5) seated
al-Fadl bin 'Abbas behind him on
his mount from Muzdalifah. 'Ata'
^ i^



V^ **'
^ '•t
said: Ibn 'Abbas told me that al-
Fadl told him that the Prophet (jfe)
continued to recite the Talbiyah
until he stoned the }am rah.
" '
: o^-l

J * 6 r*^*"^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- f" -

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim r\„*v\ i i

" .(\YA\)
, I

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas 4* 214 4, ^Ut ^ Jjiijt -P-'-*

1794. Abu Ma'bad said: I heard ... .. , ,., r ;» .

lo _

Ibn 'Abbas narrate that al-Fadl

'ff ^ Jf \\
said: The Messenger of Allah ($g) :Jli alii r1 ^3^-1 ^1 ^3^-1
said on the evening of 'Arafah
and the morning of Muzdalifah to
the people as they were moving *J^
- -

^ ..:•

£3* £±p 0,
_" >

*h ^-
. , '
s ,

^ ^^


on: "Keep calm." And he was ',, -, , , , t, , t ,_ ..

reining in his she-camel until he **'-> "^f151 r^° :

&« 0~r cr-^
entered Mina
down from
when he came
Muhassir. He said:
ki ^^ J^S iil Ji .£l itf

* ;

, ., .

"Pick up small pebbles (the size of l ^^J' J^*» :JU l>^

broad beans) with which to stone
the /flmmh."

Comments: [Its isnad is sfl/iee/r,


ut^'^J CJ J J ^
* »* ^ tu

' ^ ^'

> — „i-"ii

-<J^I -i^4 U5
^ -•>

Muslim (1282)1 - .
N ',;- - :.-t, ^,

1795. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas,
^ ^

>• > • >
, ,
_ mo
that the Messenger of Allah (^k) oil o* *J^ 0? J-r** 0* ^- 0^ ^LU
stood inside the Ka'bah and
glorified Allah (tasbeeh) and
JjLj jl i^-Cp jj) J-^ 1

o*\ ^4*
magnified Him (takbeer), and he
offered supplication to Allah, may
uSj t
^j £li t t OS3l J ili ^ '
^ , ,
# < ,

He be glorified and exalted, and pJj '^'Jt '^j <-'jikiL\j

'^ ill I

asked for forgiveness; and he did r t , „ % % „ ,

. .

not bow or prostate. -^ .-*^-~i

Comments: [Its is«a// is sa/ret'/i]

1796. It

Fadl bin 'Abbas

was narrated from
rode seated
^ g*^ "

~ -WJ
^^^ £U _ w «,
,- .. >

behind the Prophet $£) - that he Jy aX J\ 'J. ,^\ J\ "J. jj^ ^1

said on the evening of 'Arafah
and the morning of Muzdalifah to
the people as they were moving
. -•

v^ ^ ^
_ S&


^3 o^j _ ^l^ J

^ ^ V^ y* 1

on: "Keep calm." And he was >: ^ ,/,-,-// "J


reining in his she-camel until, :

'->*" 1^ J'-^J ^S* ?r^ J
Orr y-^5
when he entered Muhassir, which ,-,
J± ££ ^^ ^3 ,,^-j, t
^ s

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas <$> 215 4> o»lit & Ji^aJt JO^i
is part of Mina, he said: "Pick up
^0*» :JU kJ* ly> y>j i.\yj^ ji»
small pebbles (the size of broad
beans) with which to stone the : Jlsj «*^Jl aj ^5i ^JJl >jjJjl l _ ra^>
]amrah." And the Messenger of ' / *

^ , ,
„, . . j

Allah (&) continued to recite the J^

s ^
(r U '^ ^ ^'f

J >^ J >- r

Talbiyah until he stoned the [W<U ; x^-lj JU^Ji J.^


Comments: [Its isn/id is saheen, * <~* ^

Muslim (1282))

1797. It was narrated from : "^ ^*| jij : JU 1^- &$*• -W^v
'Abbas bin 'Ubaidullah bin 'Abbas „,,,.**.>
^ ^ ^ ^ "^^ s*^
'.. .,-»-
that al-Fadl bin 'Abbas said: The u^ ^ 1

Prophet ($0 visited 'Abbas in an

open plain that belonged to us. We
j^ ^ ^^ ^ '^ y
L Jji j(
\'\l *

had a small female dog and a jd^ J L1&


^ ^Jl 51 j :JU ^^
donkey that was grazing, and the
Prophet @g) prayed 'Asr with both
^ T7
^ \^
^^ ," '
OS ^ , G
of them in front of him, and they °*ij
°^ l
£A ix~>.
^* 3 < 5-^ ' ^
were not made to move away or
r .

'^' ]

- .j

Comments: [Its zsnarf is da'eef aUIju^ ^ Lr .L* <-^f^>

°jL^I '
because Abbas bin Ubaidullah is
.J-iiJl <uj^ -U^-ij jJj -J^^*

was narrated from Abul-

from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas,

^ '
£*j^. : ^l1p ll'IU- -W5A
that he rode seated behind the ^.} b^ pr^ 4*
° ^•; «Li JUP

Prophet {m,) from Muzdalifah to

Mina, and he continued to recite
^ (
JjJl J.
' _
t J^Ll

the Talbiyah until he stoned the J>I jUi ^^ Jl ^- ^ 5£g J^il -jj.jj

Comments: [Its isnad is Qfliyi, al-

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim .(UAO :. t (votr) : j- .^y .jL^I ig-^J


1799. was narrated that al-Fadl

It & U^l : jlAil ^ & ll
!^ - \ v^
bin 'Abbas said: The Messenger of ,„-# , , , ^. '.;,^-*t .i-,-> > ft,

Allah (^) said: The prayer is - ^ -

jr^ '
J • ^ '

offered two [rak'ahs] by two, saying

the tashahhud between each two
, "
J, h\y>* j* ^^ ji £j ^
beseeching Allah, showing
rak'ahs, S^ ^ ^ jM;^^
' '


• .


^^ ,, , ,

humility and expressing your need : j^ ^^ ^ i

^ t ^jUJ( Jl
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas ^216 & q»\j±. aj J*a<Jl '»':»

ofHim. Then raise your hands - he

said:and raise them to your Lord - ^^ ,>„ ,>,!-<
^ ^ J ^ JU
, * *

turning the palms of your hands

towards your face and say, 'O
^-3 i-p^ ,
.^ j* ^ j^
, >>: .. * ,„ -\\ , ., ^
Lord, O
Lord/ Whoever does not L *4* i
y :
J^i _ ^-*i <^" ^ '
do that -" and he said stem words
concerning him.
^ j
^^ <>;
^ j,

Comments: [Its
because Abdullah bin Nafi'
is™/ is rfa' ee
"^ J**-
r *>*
^ l- l
VJ ^ :
\juSj, V"J aJ Jlii
unknown] " ""

1800. Hakam
- i.e.,

heard Tkrimah say: al-

Ibn Aban -


J" - ^ -
^ _ u . .

Fadl bin 'Abbas said: When the ^r^ '- ^ ?

0?' J?». - ?^ ]
Messenger of Allah (*£) moved on, - ^ :^
^^ d
--. ,. >
I was with him. We reached the
^j .J

mountain pass and he dismounted

^ \.f t

, 7'
Jy tLJLlJl iliJIi i4w Llj Jil J^^
and did wudoo', then we rode on
until we came to Muzdalifah.

'^ J>J1'w
; <^

r* - '->

[Its isnod is saheeh] .^^> eJ u ]



1801. It was narrated from ^i ^ ^1 ;

Qfj^. :^jjiz \&ii. -UM
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas: My brother ;, " ," e >t
* '^ " , s

al-Fadl bin 'Abbas told me, and ^ ^ ^ y^" .^^i


<i^ </-

he was with him when he entered

it Messenger
[the Ka'bah], that the ,^,


^^j :=- .»
^f \ f ^ '


of Allah (^) did not pray inside J-^ 1

<_rr' ^-^ ^^ *^ 5^' ±* 0*
the Ka'bah, but when he entered *,{ .i-I'- - '- !<' 1*- >•.

it he fell down in prostration . , , %


between the two pillars, then he £fJj i£&il J> J^ JJ #5 Jjl JP;
sat and offered supplication. s > ,, \„ , • , ,-, -,, --

Comments: [Its isnad is Jwstm] ' - -


[W*o :^-lj] .^jj^JL;


was narrated
al-Fadl bin 'Abbas
that Ibn .

, ^^Ji^
* rj


^ ^^
told me that he rode seated ^ J^iJl J I* ^l?p Jl j^ t.lkp

^^ ^^ ^^
behind the Prophet (^5) when he - -r / .^ * '- -'->'«
. .

moved on from Muzdalifah. He

l 1 1

said: He moved on calmly, and he :Jli t iLiUl d^j J^lili ;JU t-^f

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas ^ 217 & ^^Llc. & JakaJl JLului

recited the Talbiyah until he stoned ; ,„ . .


Jamratal-'Aqabah. And on one

U _>-l ! eyi Jit _j .<JUJI !ja> ^j ^^3- jj-J

occasion he said: Ibn Abi Laila told £'j£\ : ^t* J>\ ^ i »U>« j* Jti ^l y\
us, from 'Ata', from Ibn 'Abbas: al-
Fadl bin 'Abbas told us: I was C y^ U V °V
„*, . ',

^^ s , ,

«> ^UiJI
. 7 . -•

present during the two ifadahs

[moving on, i.e., from 'Arafah to
itf^ LfDi " ^ J^ViU Jjl J^j
. _„ ,

Muzdalifah and from Muzdalifah ^* °^r ^j )1

JPj : J^ "^
to Makkah] with the Messenger of
Allah (^). He moved on calmly,

^ I]
restraining his camel. And he :• tOoH") :
^ .^=>w» «i-^- :^i>w*
recited the Talbiyah until he stoned
jy ^i ^1 -. y ^ aU-] ii*j .Oya\)
Jamratal-'Aqabah several times. "

iLvwJl e

Comments: [A saheeh lutdeeth; al-Bukhari (1543) and Muslim (1281) this is a

dn'eef isnad]

1803. It was narrated that al-Fadl ^i £~U- : j UlLi <v sjl£ llll^ -\A«f
bin 'Abbas - who rode seated
. r - , i, ,

^' ¥ V
. : , . , r.-r

behind the Prophet (*te) when he "

^ ^ *

moved on from 'Arafah - said; He ^\£\ ^ ^ ^Jjl Jio3 0l£} _ ^l?*- jj

(theProphet (j^)) saw the people __,-, ,
" * * - - - '->„."
> ,

moving quickly, so he ordered his '^ ^y^-fy. ^ Ul ^> : Ju - ^3* ^

caller to call out: "It is not righteous-
.^ Mi
^ ^^ ^C
ness to move quickly with horses -
"' ; " , „ .

and camels; be calm" [>AU : >;l] .^fUL fJ^i vj^[l)

Comments: [A frflsan hadeeth; this is

a da'ecf isnad because of the
weakness of Ibn Abu Laila] *. ^- >' Ji> J J 'cA 3

1804. Abu Bakr bin 'Abdur-

Rahman bin al-Harith bin Hisham
$ ^ o|l &^- :
4^ ^^ ^ A '*

said: 'A'ishah and Umm Salamah,


^ f^


.^tt . 'tj

^ ^ /^ r.

the wives of the Prophet (s&r), said: :Jli *lL* J^ 4jjUJI ^* ,>^-*Jl ^
The Messenger of Allah (gfe) would .; ' <=,,','=- s-r 'if*'*-,- - t,=

wake up /Hnwo from intimacy with J

his wife, and he would do ghusl £> ^,1 ^ L. \£
y ^ Jj| J^j JI5
before praying F(7/>, then he would , ( si (
, . t ,,- . ,.,-

fast that day. He (the narrator) T>^- r t

^ajl <j^- ^^ lP J^V
said: I mentioned that
Hurairah and he said: I do not
to Abu ^-^
^ iu> o^Ai
:J'J .J^>;

J-^ ^
, £

know; al-Fadl bin 'Abbas (<*) told i?

Jt'J^ 'iSj$ V -'^
methis -

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas >&> 218 & ^\j£ ^ J^iil ''•'-

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] ...

1805. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that his brother al-Fadl
^f ftii. :^jJ> ^ ^ tjj*- -^A»o

^ ? r^
, .
, ,J, ,;

said: I rode seated behind the -* 1

^ l 1

^ '^ l
Messenger of Allah (#,) from J^; ^i5 :Jli jjiiii <^f t^ &.
Muzdalifah to Mina. Whilst he was t r
; ' 6

riding, he met a Bedouin who was j^-n >* ^* >-J^<J\ £**" <!rf ^5 ^' Jj-^j
riding with a beautiful daughter of
tf- *Lj. Jj £, li/i *,1>l 3 >-£ it
his seated behind him, and he was ~\ r \., ,

riding alongside [the Prophet (j&)]. $\ $\ 'j& <

^| %\ oi& JIS t J;>.uJ


I was looking at her, and the ,-..., '

Prophet (£) looked at me and r '^J o» ^J . .

. r-r

turned my face away from her.

Then I looked at her again and he
Jii JU- <. L^-j ^ ^^j -^ ^liii ,.'j£]\

turned my face away from her, ^^^ «, ,-, • ,

', --

r* 1
'^ ^
Jt' -

^ ^^
until he did that three times, but I [o^Y : **-lj] .iliiit eU^- ^3
did not stop. And he
continued to
recite the Talbiyah until he stoned :<• iO°iV) :£ .^w ^o>- '-^j*^
Jamratal-'Aqabah. ,(\ta\)

Comments: A saheeh hadeeth; al-Bukhart (1543) and Muslim (1281)]

1806. It was narrated from al-Fadl ^.f *£; .

£jS- : SlU HilU -\A •


bin 'Abbas that the Messenger of


Allah ($£?) continued to recite the ^ u^ ^j 1

^) y. t^ j* u-^
Talbiyah on the Day of Sacrifice
J^" M ' '
L^Dl '

until he stoned jamratal-'Aqabah. V' J ll*

^' V ^ V' ti.

Comments: [Its isnod

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim
is safteeb, al-
^^^ /^' f>- J^ ^
[\VM •


J ].^
l-=-ii l

.Oya\) ^ t (\otr) i^.^^ .jL| :^>J

1807. It was narrated from Ibn ^U- j* ZSj. IL'1^ : llil^- ~\A'V

'Abbas, from al-Fadl, that he rode '
, t .

seated behind the Prophet (afe), ^ &


'J- ( n ^> J>SM

who continued
Talbiyah until
to recite the
he stoned the Jamrah.
^ ^ ^
'" '
' ;

Comments: [Its isnad is satee/i, al-
C W^ :

CT ]jl °^Jl ^ J~ ^ Jl*

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim
(i28i)] :

'^ oilf> :

t &*~* oL^i
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas & 219 4> y-^ ^ J^ill ^^

1808. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that al-Fadl bin 'Abbas said: I
t* ,
^- V-
» rt ;
^ ,£ * ,

CJJ u *^

was riding, seated behind the Prophet niliU ^ ^-jj Jjl^ : Jl* jJj ^ ^U "
(^), and he continued to recite the ^ ... , . „


:Jli u*^ ^ J^ 1

Talbiyah for Ha;; until he stoned the
Jamrah on the day of sacrifice.
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; al-
J^ y^\ j *
Jli ^^


Bukhari (1543) and Muslim I^VU : £r'jJ -^ fji ^^ ^j

(1281) this is a da'eefisnad]

1809. It was narrated from Ibn £j^ -.-^UJi ^ LiU EiiJ^- -\h> <

'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas, tr ;, . .* *„. *

V-^ ^ u

that he rode seated behind the ji'j i*^ •>-> 1

^ V-
Messenger of Allah (afe), and he
continued to recite the Talbiyah
^ ^^

^ ^^ '
0* '-^

until he stoned the /flwra/z on the ^


Jj-^j Mi?J
„ ^

^ y^ ^ J~^
'. , a:r

s „ ,

day of sacrifice.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
.y*Ji # ;^JI ^> JK >ft

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim ^A-v :^tj]

jt-^l II* ^j .OYA\) :

t (\oir) :

c .J^'i r U ;k*l^ ^^ ot! :g<y"

1810. It was narrated from Ibn £JLi lli-U- :yi^r ^ ^>^ &i»- -^A\*
"Abbas that al-Fadl bin 'Abbas was
\f ijUaP j>}j J^-^l j?^J ji^r J*
riding seated behind the Prophet
(3&) and he continued to recite the ^& ^ j_^ji jf :
^^ ^1 -J,
on Day „-,---'..
Talbiyah the of Sacrifice '
- - ,

until he stoned the /omra/i. >^ f>'

<$& i? *-*-£

Comments: [See the previous [\A«V ; ^-1^] .s^UJI ^j j*-

1811. It was narrated from Ibn Jf£\ :<£ llil^ :LlU £ ^b- - A ;
\ N \
'Abbas that al-Fadl bin 'Abbas
said: The Messenger of Allah ^ J?
a* 'C ^



^ ^ ^^

ordered the weak ones among -f ,j^ ' jvj],

^ ^^ t

Banu Hashim to hasten on from tf

- '
5 ;

^ «Li- ^
f t

Muzdalifah at night. h\ fi^l tp -iU JJl Jj-^j

Comments: [Its isnad is sflhee/?] [HY • :

^1] . llL *^ji- j^ IjJ^^i

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas Jfc 220 &. ^lic ^ J-^n i


1812. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas or from al- ^ *
^ ^ ^ ^ _U "
... ,:;*- .*•!* tf *, -
Fadl bin 'Abbas that a man asked *W .& ^ *
J L^ Oi JUli ^ JlA^t
the Prophet (5^); O Messenger of
Allah, Islam has come and my
father an old man and cannot


? ST^

- .*


^ ^1^
^ jl
sit firmly on his mount; can do
Ho;; on his behalf? He said: "Do
you think that if he owed a debt


W 6^ >^ *r^' <^ ^
* - *.-

- >


.< t *

; Vilt Jl£ JJ£

and you paid it off on his behalf, , M t rt^ . „
"- '
would thatbe acceptable?" He J^i nii <*£-«» jJS *3i jl£ )J cJV}'*
said: Yes. He said: "So do Haji on •-
i .
V •- .
V „e •»
behalf of your father. "


Comments: [A so/icWi ftorfeef/i] ^A s '


1813. Al-Fadl narrated: I was :-\ ,**. - . \* - ;. ;* '

r VA1V ,

seated behind the Prophet (a$§) on , ; ,

hismount, and a man asked him; c~U_l: : Jli jUJ-i ^i .-J JJZ '-J.

My father or mother is very old * *i . -,.= >.-:* .-;>-, ' . , ?...t,

and cannot do Ha}}... and he J i - -Jr-

narrated the same hadeeth. jl : JlS ij^j ilLi t

^ ^Iji Ojjj
Comments: [AsWWd/!] _^J, ^ U --r ^ ^ ^i jl J }l

[\A^Y :^ij] .i_i^Ji ;sii

1814. It was narrated from Ibn ji- i^i ^'jU- :£U?^- ^JLi- -U\t
'Abbas, from al-Fadl, that he was
seated behind the Prophet (jgjg) on 0^ 'jLU^ ^'j ^Jl ^^j J^Vl
his mount, and he continued to .*'"•
^ ^^
: ,5 *?f .'.-;. - - -

^ V^

recite the TatbiyaJt until he stoned * *'

\sH' v^

the /flmra^i

on the day of sacrifice.
£ s^Jl ^S ^ J^i ^ ^lli Oj ? j
[Its isnarf is saheeh]
[\fi.>\ 1] jjj]

^L-^l IJu ^j ,(\YAO :

t (\air) :j. .J^Vl r U ^.1^ ^^ aJ L^I : ^>J

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas & 221 & t^-lit & J*iill -Ui-4

1815. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas,
^ jy _ '
- jj, ^ £^ _u\o
" '
^ ;

that the Prophet (^) continued to _ ±i^> J> ^ -& ^ W iii-^j :a1JI

recite the Talbiyah until he stoned . - . - -..,,, * • ^ * *

Jamratal-'Aqabah, He stoned it with ^ '"


^ <^ ^ tJ

^ i^ ^1
seven pebbles, saying takbeer with J^aJI y- <-J^>- J[ Jf
each pebble. \ /? .
,- ' % A .

Comments: [Its isnad is sahech]

tC^C^ti- *llj LaL^ iSliijI e^»- ^j

1816. It was narrated from .^ ^£ ( ;&^ j£ £^ - a ^


'Abdullah bin 'Abbas that al-Fadl '.*.,*,

, r

said: The Messenger of Allah (£j) J>. ^±* If- '5^ 0* Jl

moved on from 'Arafat, with

Jj, j ,. -.^ .j^ .vft -
Usamah bin Zaid seated behind '^ , ,
- .' .

him on mount. His she-camel

his -*^jJj
-f.j Cf.
**^-lj "7^./^ 1^ ^§
shifted position whilst he was •
{ -.; - -
. -.-,'- i;,«n •!,'
ltt j- *> -
standing in Arafat, before he - ^ * •>

moved on, when he was raising his t Jj,ij JljjW^ N i^'ju iil^ ^ij tj^^
hands, and they were no higher , t ^ , - , r - r >>:'
*' - - ^_* _^p jU- i^lil Uis
than his head. When he moved on, *> (

he moved slowly until he came to ^'^ \j£\j JJ-

Muzdalifah, then he moved on
^ ^>UI li t (JLLf-

' *
, , ,. , ,

J^ ^
_, , „

from Muzdalifah with al-Fadl J± J£ S& J'3 ^ : 1

seated behind him on his mount. hAV UY j^j, »

Al-Fadl said: The Prophet (gg)
. .

^ -,]
^^ ^
continued to recite the Talbiyah r^ "^ J' :

until he stoned the Jamrah.

Comments; [Its isrtruf is saheeh)

1817. It was narrated that al-Fadl -

-^ >j\ ^\ :
^j\ & Gia^ - UW
bin 'Abbas said: The Prophet (2^) ,/
; -<
, ,> \ . > a , * ,

visited 'Abbas, whilst we were in J? J-^ 1

0* -J. s** y. J *^ ^-^
some desert land of ours. He --
r .><•:- i-i*' «fc * :u V- '11; i

stood up to pray - 1 think he said: -

Msr - and in front of him there Jrij-S-*^ jli*'jl J l» _ 1
: •
< J^h f
^* '^
was a small female dog of ours .,>-„, >^ .; -.,*,. ,^ ^.;i .-.

and a donkey that was grazing,

^rT-J ~ ^^ ^ ^

^ ^ -

and there was nothing between [WW : a^-Ij] .U^j ^ J>^ *^

, V '

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas ^222 ^ ^lit ^ jXi,\ i :,v:,:

him and them to screen him from

• Xm ^~ & l
^^ M 6i :
£Lr* :
Comments: [Its isnad is do'ce/ it is
'^^ ^ jJj " ^ ^& *** <*'

1818. It was narrated from Ibn j> — ^{ & ^ _ uu

'Abbas: al-Fadl bin 'Abbas told
me: A woman from Khath'am if}
^ j^ 1
:J ,^|

J> 0H1U. ji- tjfy^l

came and said: O Messenger of ,-\ .'u- *- '• \:'\, i- - ,»-

Allah, Allah's command to do / = .

' ^^ " ^
Ho/7 has come when my father is 01**111 o_^j £ :^JUi it J&- ^ sl^i
very old and cannot
his mount. He said: "Do Hajj on
sit firmly on -*-
** J

SH ** >-> -* ^
-i. .*,--*- n, '

' '


behalf of your father/' .oil jU o£ Oi £^J i SjJ

Comments: [Its

Bukhari (1513) and Muslim

< 1335)1
isnad is saheeh, al-

.Orro) :



"^ i 1 « n i

**—' -^
* ' r

n •

1819. 'Amr bin Deenar narrated ^l tijS- :3\yj\ x* ll'IU. -\w\

that Ibn'Abbas used to narrate
that al-Fadl bin
'Abbas told him
he entered the House with

& -



, .

, t
> ?> -^ "
the Prophet $&) and the Prophet ,%/ /\ °^^ ^7! ,„

did not pray inside the 0I J '^ ^ j

£* J^ ^ «S^
i s

^ (Sp 1
(£5) :

House when he entered it, but

when he came out, he went down 0~r ^' J J~* fJ ^ ^1
and prayed two rafc'afo at the
door of the House.
^£ O^J
£?j '
fa gf- & %&j

Comments: Jits rsnad is saheeh]

It was
narrated from Ibn
Prophet (£g)
_ tj]
J^ ^ (TVT A) -UT-
seated Usamah bin Zaid behind 'J- 44^ -^ (
< .

^^ :
_ &/} ^} j>\ j^.
him on his mount from Arafah
until he came to Muzdalifah, and
he seated al-Fadl bin 'Abbas

""! -^


-n m



^ jjj ^i
^ • -

,r -

behind him on his mount from

Muzdalifah until he came to
^ J
, .

^^ s .

^^ U ^ J-^ 1

Mina. Ibn 'Abbas said: And al-

Fadl bin 'Abbas told me that the
^" ^lll M : ^i^. ^ jH]| ^^ilj ;^l^
^ o **


Prophet (#;) continued to recite [ mi " :


. "s •

^^ J^ J±

r , .

Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas & 223 <$> ^Ut ^ J^ '^^ 11

the Taft/yah until he stoned ^ , 0sir) ^ >;

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1543) and Muslim (1681)]

1821. It was narrated from y\j -££. -J>\

£ii : ij 3 £ii^ -^AY^
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, from al-Fadl >( ',.; ,, , ;i , - - .

bin 'Abbas, from the Messenger of ^ s?^ 1 :

C^ ^ ^ ^
Allah (SS) that he said on the fe ^\ J^ g^ ^1 i'J±\ i!l :^l
evening of 'Arafah and the morning " .'„ * *

of Muzdalifah to the people when J ^P^ J- 1


0?^ ^ L*
they moved "You should be
calm." And he was reining in his
-^ j ju $
*""'," ^ Jji j^ ^ ^
she-camel until he entered Mina
when he came down from
: l^iiS




.i. „ -- <-- * 1 1

Muhassir. He said: Pick up small *'

, , " "

pebbles (the size of broad beans)

with which to stone the Jamrah."
{i^U 1>
: J ti <.\'JJ*!» Li* ^ J^ J^o

««3*^' J*'jt (j^ oiiJi ,j-^v

And the Prophet (5^) indicated $i

with his hand how a person should .olJ^I jjij U5 s

j1 ^J #$ ^Illj
throw (the pebbles).

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (1682)]

1822. It was narrated from ju :^>^1 £jU- :£jj 1^1^ -^AYY

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, from al- *
,,>„,-, ^
Fadl, that a woman of Khath'am
0* j^- y. ^^ <J^
V^ ,„ . ,


said: O Messenger of Allah, Allah's =f-; y : j^liji ^ ^& ^ t Jjlxi

command do Hajj has come
to '
, .,
s , ,<-.
when my father is very old and j* 1 Jj Jy-3 ^ :cJu r*^ 0-*

cannot sit up on his camel's back.

He said: "Do Ho/j on his behalf."
^ cr ^ G~ ^
U^ .>.

Comments: [Its isnad is scfoefc, al-

^ '!;=* j& J* 4^- ^ t^ ^
Bukhari (1853) and Muslim
MA^A «-!)]
-CT •
«cp ^™
iJ^ 11

OYTo) :^ *<\Aar) :^.^*^.jL-I :gj>w

1823. It was narrated from Ibn j^] ^f- J^j, ^£-;

£^. _^ A1T
'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas
Abu Ahmad said: al-Fadl bin
'Abbas told me

^ ,_,

'^ 'J^
_. „

_ cS^ s?~- -
I was seated -: .
^^ . -
\\^u \ \ :j, Vji" 1

behind the Prophet (&) on his ^ "' °] / ' " /

mount when he moved on from ^ti- J,
jii3l ^ i^^* y) J* 'J^r
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas 4= 224 & ^Ut ^ J^ijji W.:.'*
Muzdalifah, and a Bedouin was ^ ,, * .- , ,.« ^ , -

riding inside him, with a beautiful V"^ ^ ^P^ ^-^ -^- *'
1 1 : 1
J^ _
daughter of his seated behind
him. al-Fadl said: I started looking
^ ,/
jg ^j, ^3
" ^5 ^ ' ' "

: ju _

at her, and the Messenger of ^ ^ ^JJ '^'ii'/'j tiaJj^ill

Allah (m) took hold of my face
and turned it away from her. And
^ "
£f ^J^
' ^ ^^
he continued to recite the. Talbiyah < \£* J*^. ^ry, slS ^ l
Jj-^-j Jj&
until he stoned Jamratal- 'A qabah. .-:-:. ;.... -, 3 , ,-, •,,- <•

Comments: [A ss/iee/r hadeeth]

" .• - -

1824. It was narrated that al-Fadl ^| £j^ ;

J j jJu ^ ItU £JU - AY £ \

bin 'Abbas said: I went out with

the Messenger of Allah one day, sL,J ^ J
- ^^ :Jli 4^' 2-*^'
O* *^
and there was a gazelle which was
j_^ - Jj.-^ .

j^ ^ -
^j, -

running and it turned towards us, '

, , , ' '„ -
v ^
so I caught it. I said: O Messenger
of Allah, do you regard it as a good *>
'^ ^
: >-L'
J ^*

»- r
£\p ^>' #,
' 1- ""•,:

omen? He said: Rather the omen is > I

what makes you go ahead with -*hlj jl ilLiit Li JpJl Ujl« :JU!
something or refrain.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]
—r*-* y. <• —h^^ »J
• £*>**•

JJUll J>b (Jy.^ 1

J.rf^» 1
>#*JI iJ—^j

1825. It was narrated from Ibn \z, •-' '-|

^^ :
tj' £^ _ UYo
'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas, ,
> . ... ^'
that the Prophet (jg) recited the v>* J^ 1
y* 'y- ?* 1
Ji ]

O* «-;^
Talbiyah until he stoned Jamratal-
'A^ fl /,
'-'- -- \- *i ^k.
- s

4^ "
n -f
-^ *-

Comments: [Its isnad is sflfceefe, al-

[W<n '^^ ^* J1

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim, ..

A'l^W .
^ tU 3 tw .


.7i^»i^> o^Ljl . 7y_j*v

1826. Ibn 'Awn told us, that Raja' ^1 U^-l iIpCI £1; -UY1
ty '
binHaiwah said: 'Uqbah
Ya'la bin '
,, [ ,

V , ,

consummated his marriage in *^**


Cf- J^

^ l
J^~ Ji f^-J J*
Ramadan, and the next morning he rl si';
*'.**>- — . fr r .
-. - -

was junub. He met Abu Hurairah -' ^, '

.\ of
^ ' -
( f

and asked him, and he said: Break fj-^'

^*' : <Jli .^»*f : jUi tij'Li ;^^a
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas & 225 $B (^*^i (jj (JjOdH I'lMI*

your fast. He said: Can I not fast this

day, then make it up later on? [Abu
Hurairah] said: Break your fast. So Ul jU^JLi L4iA>ii tjlj^i JU :Jli .'^ai\
[Ya'la] went to Marwan and told
him, and he sent Abu Bakr bin f
J\ vj^i Ji o^-^ & IP. j&
'Abdur -Rahman bin al-Harith to
Umm al-Mu'mineen to ask her, and
she said: The Prophet (#=;) would
wake up junub among us, not from
L^» JJ! :JUs i^Jbii <b\yj> J>\ X?r'j3
a wet dream, and he would fast. So
he went back to Marwan and told fji-i :JUu <-<£j\*r fSj^r '•
JL« -V-3^ ^''

him, and he said: Go and tell Abu

:JU* t<CjA» i<u*U :J(j .j> J5JLEJ jZJLp
Hurairah about it. He said; He is
my neighbour [i.e., he did not want
to upset him]. But [Marwan] said: I
insist that you go and tell him. So
Jjjj JlI; ji5 Uii : jii .^fe. y jilii

he met him and told him, and [Abu

Hurairah] said: I did not hear it

from the Prophet (5^); rather al- [\A*t :^r\j] .ZjJ- (i^l :Jls ?1sUjU-

Fadl bin 'Abbas told me about it.

He said: After that I met Raja' and

said: Who told you the hadeeth

about Ya'la? He said: He told it to

Comments: [Safaefr]

1827. It was narrated from Ibn -\AYV

_ y^r oe l
>* - It^i (•&£
'Abbas, from al-Fadl, that he was
seated behind the Prophet (#,) on "+ij y. Zjf- 0* V^ ^^ : ^ L; ^jjj
his mount on the Day of Sacrifice,
and he continued to recite the
Talbiyah until he stoned the oL& t^l f£ jg| ^1 ^oj 015

]amrah. Rawh said: During Hfl/;.

Comments: [Saheeh, al-Bukhari

xj :
£JJ J 15 ,
-v^ ^j J^- J&
(1543)and Muslim (1218) this is
a da'ecf isnad because of the
weakness of AH bin Zaid] £o^ : Jli _ jio^ ^ ^u _ £j3 J 1*
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas <& 226 4* (j*tit <>j J*^iJl

1828. It was narrated from

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, from al-Fadl
bin 'Abbas, that he was seated

jj *Ua*

^^ '.•*

X U ..>

> *



lliJU- :

behind the Prophet (jg) on his '- *„ '. *. ., ., ,„

mount on the Day of Sacrifice, and ^ V" * '

^f & 4
C" srf

there was a young woman who ^ ^1)1 ^i,jj 'o\s £1 ^^ ,v L^JaJl

^ ^^ ^
was seated behind her father on his T - •. * „
^' ', s '

mount I started looking at her, and ^^ >,

t j1
the Messenger of Allah
turning my

face away from her.

started ^ ,
Jj, j^; j^J tl £j '
£f Jj^j

. .

And on the way from Muzdalifah Ji £** 0* ^ '^ '

irf*"J ^r^
Mina, the Messenger of Allah
J^ i
^j, r, j& Jw J '

(3^) continued to recite the Talbiyah

until he stoned the Jamrah on the
Day of Sacrifice.
[\A*o i^r,] .^^AJI
,n_?«_0 i^jJt^- . nj Jw
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this
is a hasan isnad]

1829. It was narrated from ash-

:aS& &JU- :*ll> £JU. :^J &JU- — ^ ay ^
Sha'bi that al-Fadl told him that
he was seated behind the Prophet £i :&^ J^iJl jl ^r*^Jl ^ *j)* J?^
on mount on the way
(#5) his
from 'Arafah, and his mount kept
^CV ^ "S * *& ^ „ .:. : .r: ;:./.' .
,' *..
-. ",


going and did not stop until he j :Jl* .lili ilj'(V ^ i /\) JU- ifolt l^Lj-j
reached Muzdalifah. He [the
told me
And ash-Sha'bi
Usamah told him
^^ .

l^. j

^ -^ ^' M :^l
1-3= m-

— ^,^^1)1

^ ~/

he was seated behind the £7 ' ;

that _ _ s / „

Prophet (#g) on his mount from [U\1 :^-lj] ,i^>Jl ^3 J^

Muzdalifah, and his mount kept • .1. 1 n »

going and did not stop until he < \ , "


^ .pill d^fl^J.
, . .

U..^ .„.(,. .-IW1I

stoned the /» m rf.

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this is a da'eef isnad because it is munqati'


1830. It was narrated from Ibn jX _ jlii- l£U- :

J*IS y\ £jU- -SKT*
'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas,
that the Prophet (fig) stood in the ji



J^ ^ _ ^$

Ka'baK and he glorified Allah and

magnified Him, and he called upon
'J ^
^jJt jf
^^ j aIu ^
\' '^' ,'
j, t
^ r

Allah and asked Him for forgive- ">i^lj ^1 ^j i'Js'j £:* '£&\ J
ness, but he did not bow or prostrate. fW^o *
1 \L '.1 '.V Is" 'A'
Musnad of al-Fadl bin * Abbas & 227 $* o" 1 ^ l>J J^wJl \\L*

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] ,fli_>v*0 6iU*-J '.


1831. It was narrated from Ibn 'J*

pl^J. 'J>_
b\'/y> tilJL^ -^AV\
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah
seated Usamah behind him on J' '-^^f if-
if ^^ It* ^V^

his mount from 'Arafat to

Muzdalifah, and he seated al-Fadl
J,' ^> ^ ^\ j,, 3^3
behind him on his mount from <.J-* ,J[ a^>- ^ J-^' ._»Sj!j <.£-!>-

Muzdalifah to Mina. And he told '°

him that the Messenger of Allah (jg) ^ a> *'>

J >:
• \ -^
*& ^ J ^ ^ '^
'1 ^-
s - > i-

continued to recite the Talbiyah [\y<\\ :^-lj] .sUAJl Jij

until he stoned Jamratal-'Aqabah.
Comments: [Stffceeb because of ^ tO°iV) :£ t.j-kJ ^>w> :£>>*'
corroborating evidence; see 1791] jjWJl <.^- jtf jtj J^ .OYA\)

1832. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas, from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas,
£Jji :Jli »ll* ^j ^ ti'jJA -\K\"K
•>.--., *
that he was seated behind the ^ j^r


^ .'
if jkj&I •&- &^- :^1>

Messenger of Allah {^) on his -

,=. >'~\
,s- . \\--\ K
- ,*- ., -

mount, and he did not stop Y •

v- y V ^ ^ •
reciting the Talbiyah until he
J*'j J> Jti Jy_ JJU t ^ J^ ^3 Jjl
stoned Jamratal-'Aqabah. "
„ .

Comments: [Its isnod is sjtfieeh]

1833. It was narrated from Ibn jjjj, {$jfy\ Juil ^1 ll)a»- -\AYT
'Abbas or from al-Fadl bin 'Abbas, ..-'..- ^ ,-s
or by one of them from the other, J. S=~^ if M^l r.
] ^ji :a)l ^
that he said: The Prophet (jg) said:
^ if ^J*>r
+^ if

if. '•ij**
"Whoever wants to do Hajj, let him * r r

hasten to do it, for he may lose his if ^^' if cr-V" ji J-^ j' 1

if V
mount or he may fall sick or be : \ -,^f . -„ . „ lfci , *,, ': .
': ,

faced with some need. w -^ -



Comments: [A hasan hadeeih; this is '

yL^ 1
^ ty '&&*
.*|^UJi i^ t( >.pi >^'j
[rrt. t r^vr ^Ari r^ij]
Musnad of al-Fadl bin 'Abbas Jfe> 228 4» ^^ Ctf

J u '^ iV^i1

1834. It was narrated from Ibn , , ,; ,-* , „ , ,- (

'Abbas, from al-Fadl, or one of J^l ^ ^^ C^J ^"^ " Urt :

them from the other, that he said; ^* j^ t^ ^^ J j'/J ^ ^-lill t

The Messenger of Allah (^) said: "

'* , „. ' ', ' "

"Whoever wants to do Hajj, let J1 J-^' 0* ^^ ^ ^ ^

him hasten to do it, for he may ^, j^- j^ ; j^ ^, .^ ^^f

fall sick, or he may lose his v
'.,,*, ,. ...


mount, or he may be faced with -^ 'J^—^ j^ 1 J'3 1

0^" :
some need." >. .;- -n 3
. , ^ --• *
-u ' -**

Comments: [A hasan hadceth; see '

' ,

the previous report] h ATT ^Ij : ."iiUJl

.aJjU *j-^" *i^JL>* ; ri*j>u

Hadeeth of Tammam bin al-' Abbas & 229 Jfc (_pLl»11 jjj ^Laj lIlji.

Hadeeth of Tammam bin al-' Abbas bin

'Abdul-Muttalib from the Prophet

1835. It was narrated that Abuz-

Zarrad said: Ja'far bin Tammam
bin 'Abbas narrated to me that his :JL5 tjl^Jl j\ ^ji- jLJLi. UjA^- :Jii

father said: They came to the

Prophet (^), or someone came to
him, and he said: "Why do I see J U* :JUi ,J j\ m^ tfi :JU
you coming to me with yellow and
dirty teeth? Use the siwak. Were it
jit M N^ tijfiiii ?uJ2 ^/u ^iijf

not that it would be too difficult for

my ummah, I would have obliged

them to use the siwak as I have

obliged them to do wudoo'."

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

1836. It was narrated that

'Abdullah bin al-Harith said: The
Messenger of Allah ($gc) used to J_^3 01S :JU ^jbJl ^ Jjl jj l£
line up 'Abdullah, 'Ubaidullah and \yXj jill J£pj 4111 Jlp i* $g *1M
Katheer, the sons of then al-' Abbas,

he would say: "Whoever reaches iii i£Jl J^ j> :J>; p ^l^l g^

me have such and such."
first will
^U u^iii iJl o/e. ;'/ :Jli «IJ£j !J5
Then they would race towards him
and fall on his back and chest, and
he would kiss them and hug them.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef,
j£ ^J! OP ^jl>Ji ^ Mjlp iljjj ^-i^
Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad is da'eef]
Hadeeth of 'Ubaidullah bin al-' Abbas & 231 Jfe oAjuJI tjj *i)l JbLui. uu4»

Hadeeth of 'Ubaidullah bin al-'Abbas

from the Prophet (^)

1837. It was narrated

'Ubaidullah bin al-'Abbas said:
J} ii J-~ ^i -^ ^^ Arv

Ghumaisa' - or ar-Rumaisa' - came

to the Messenger of Allah (^)
complaining about her husband
and claiming that he was not being
intimate with her. It was not long
before her husband came and
claimed that she was lying and that
she wanted to go back to her first

husband. The Messenger of Allah JU* *.JjSli 14*- jj ^i £?v jl -^

(3&.) said: "You do not have the
right to do that until another man
(other than your first husband) has
tasted your sweetness."
Comments: [Its men are thiqat]

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas <& 233 & (j*^ 1

l£ *"' >*** ^**

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas bin

'Abdul-Muttalib from the Prophet j$

jllM ^ Jii i^p ,>i>-^i jlp jif tiioi. \Os. \tV} diju ^5 Sin*- j* >i>- ^ -ui-1

1838. It was narrated from Ibn J^Vl L*U LT^-i :L^L* Gil^- -\AfA
'Abbas that the Messenger of , s , _
s ,

Allah (^) drank from Zamzam J^3 ^ ^^ J !

y* 'y^'^'^J
whilst standing.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-


> ,
j] ^ ^ y^ ^ ^ ^ i,
Bukhari (1635) and Muslim lY * M n '
A iYm tYur ^ vr
2027)1 [ro\^YHV

1839. It was narrated from Ibn ^-,, £u! t'JsS :^li tfoi -UM
'Abbas that a man said to the
Prophet^): Whatever Allah wills ^ 'r
J ol
s „


, «




and you will. The Prophet (#,) said ij JUi 4t£JLJ.3 &1 *ti U :#| ^IiJ JL*
to him: "Are you regarding me and "
Allah as equal? Rather it is what

U J-'


u^u^ ,s

^ ir
1 '

Allah alone wills." [r $ v t Y o1 W ^n : ^1] ,«i^ &1

Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence and its ^i 1
-^j ">j^ 'C-J^ Cr
isnfl/i is da'^/1 .^ _ U^ ^uVi .*_v-^
1 J

1840. It was narrated from Ibn ^ t-JU- ^p 111* &jl^- -\Al»

'Abbas: The Messenger of Allah
^ ^ C^" V ^ s , , a, „ ;„ ..

(ife) stroked my head and prayed

• 0*

^ t,u
for wisdom for me. mv :^l] .u£Jb
J IpS) t ^l3
Comments: [Its isnflrf is saheeh, al- r,.^,. ^. v *. -v v^/a v<w
Bukhan (75)]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 234 4, ^L^ii ^ *ul jOc '<''-

1841. It was narrated from Ibn ^ 1^r :1^

'Abbas that the Prophet (#5)
^^ tfl^ -Uil
i £

circumambulated the Ka'bah on ^ ^^ ^ i*\£* ^ ^;


<Jr ji 1

his camel, and touched the Black '-

-j^ 4
h '

Stone with a curved stick he had

\T :

with him, and he came to the

place of water and said: "Give me
'-^ ^ ,



, !,:: > . .. . -„ .
, ,, u
, .

to drink. They said: This is used -
by the people; we will bring you ^ ^ JjLjU iklj i^-llJl <~^>J ili !»)

some water from the House. He
said: "I have no need of that; give
me to drink from that from which

^ J ^-

^* :JUi 'V^ 1

: Ji;l] *<L ^^L' iL,

the people drink."

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth, al-

>^ ,s/ )
:£ .^^, ^^ :g>I
Bukhari (1607) and Muslim i«-iL«-A aL_J IJLaj .(\rvr) :- t (nro
(1272)thisisarffl'ee/is«fld] ,, - t , . ..

1842. It was narrated that Ibn j* 1^ ^! Ji llii, &JU. -^AtY

The Messenger of
"Hearsay is not
'. '
:JU y*
^ ^' ^ '^ Cfi ^
the same as seeing with your own
j&U^JlS £ji
\jj» ;
^ '
j '3

[YSiV :^l]
Comments: [A

saheeh liadeeth; its
is™* is dfl'ecfl
iM ,jUj tc= ^, ^^ :

1843. It was narrated that Ibn ^L J,\ LT^f ; Ipi £;U. -UiV
'Abbas said: I spent the night with */-

^.",*', ^
i / s

my maternal aunt, Maimoonah ^ :JU y^ ji 1

a* *j£r- j!
bint al-Harith and the Messenger ^uJl "ol iu iu &J
of Allah (^) was with her as it was ^'
her night. He got up to pray in the f
^ ' ^ ,,''
Jt ^^ *fe ^ ^j^jj
and I got up and stood on his
so that
I could follow his
took hold of my braid
i-- "
^ ^.1^
' -- \Au


*\ - >

or my head and put me on his ,.-'-, '

> ,..n
•£* ^ ^^ ^ s ,


Comments: [Its isHfld is sa/ie^ al-

^ rwo trw ' ^^^ ^T«Y iTolV
Bukhau (5919) and Muslim
[n>M tTTn itT> ,

.(V1V) ,(.(H) :^.j ^. li L.j


r ? :

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 235 & o-Uiil C* *"' 4^

1844. It was narrated that Ibn ^ jju. L^-f :JLli*

'Abbas said: When Bareerah was ,, , - . ^ - .

°^ U a , ,

^ ^ ^r*
, „

:Jli y"^
given the option (of divorce), I saw
her husband following her in the tojJl JiS— ^ L^ Lj^-jj oJV> \'jij>
alleyways of Madinah with tears ' '. „'»>-'"„. -, /,
streaming down on to his beard. [/*&

r^ '^ J* J^"
> * >>
Someone asked al-' Abbas to speak
to the Prophet (^) about him, and
^ ' J
fa ^^ j£ t
^^ ^ -;
-J^ "'

( _ , ^ >;

the Messenger of Allah ($65) said to U ^ ^itt :cJlii «4L^}j *,\* :

She said:
"He is your husband/'
Are you enjoining me (to
.^ V^
$ ^ *-
.^ ^fa 3

stay with him), O Messenger of JN Ijlp o!5j .l$-l& £>j\^\s l

Allah? He said: "I am just ,, < > -, ., .,*

interceding." He gave her the

[*•" .>l] .i^ ;
.<> JW 5j!? Ji

choice, and she chose herself (i.e.,

divorce). He was a slave belonging
.(oyaD :* r-~>
c -

(J U *
to the family of al-Mugheerah and
his name was Mugheeth.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (5283)]

1845. was narrated from Ibn

It ^ <-j^*>
^"% If «^-* ^-^" - ^Ai«
'Abbas that the Prophet (j£;) was
asked about the children of the 4r'
s /(

V^ ^' / '^

^ ^
mushrikeen (who
"Allah knows best what they
died). He said: 2j (i ; j£ ^yLlii
^j1> ji,
,' *

would have done." ^ r r**

:> l
3 * 0^^ b^ ^ r^
(( 1

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth] [ T V n jriV

• rn t

1846. It was narrated

'Abbas said: The Prophet {m,)
that Ibn
•&] *J> & LT^-i : lllX £i!U ^Ali

died when he was sixty-five years u^ : Jli

^^ ^' J* "^ ; ,.

" ii -*


Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]

[ran ro*r t t nn mY t t *n
,4aij- *^-J i_i^ jUjj- ^p juj ^ ._,U <. J*/ 6iL-i :^> jr^r

1847. It was narrated that Ibn jilo ^ j^ ll^l :llii tfl*- -\AIV
'Abbas said: Foodstuff is what the \ * „ , , . , , ,

V ^ t

Messenger of Allah (m) forbade f^ 1 :JU c^ ^ ? jU*

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas & J
236 4* y*U*j| ^j *iii alt .'i'.j.:

to be sold until possession has
been taken of it. Ibn 'Abbas said; &- ^ ^ ^' J

^ ,,

*^ u*



think everything is like that.

^ ^ J_^ -^ -, j^ t

Comments: [Its /snarf is saheeh, al-


Bukhari (2135) and Muslim

tUtA '" Vd *^™ =>>] -^
1525 )1 [n<u ^Aurrn t roAo

1848. It was narrated that Ibn i- , V "x r -*\ *•»! i:I*. - uu

'Abbas said: The Messenger of '
, ^^
Allah (^fe) delivered a speech and ^ u*& j?l
a* ^j j y.L>- ji-


said: -If the aifeftn cannot find

an izar (waist wrapper), let him '
; ,
J d|

wear pants, and if he cannot find \>$ ^JijljZJl ^-LI^

jj i
03i f>^ 1

sandals, let him wear khuffain ,»» * ' . .-

(leather slippers)/'
>^ J '*^ lt^ ]
^^UJI ^
Comments: [Its isnarf is safiarfr, al- Cr ^ * ° ^ Y o Ar * Y o T i j.\o t HW
Bukhari (1841) and Muslim was narrated from Ibn ^ 1^ u^-f :

J'j j^li tfJU -UH
'Abbas that the Messenger of ?« '
s / f

Allah (^) was treated with 61

V^ ^ ^ 'C™^ 0* L
? -J <j}
cupping when he was in ihram
and fasting.
-;- _^,
& jfo
3 >-

Comments: [Its isnad is do eef -^

because of the weakness of t r*vo t YAAA t ifm t Y0T. rroo 4

Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad]

[roYi t roYr ^yay

1850. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that a man was with the
^ ^ ^f '^f "
L :
^. Ufll

^ <>fJ y* ^

Prophet ^
and his she-camel 1
?* a* *j=r4- ^ £s^
threw him off and broke his neck ,^ - , ?t, ,,< ^>* ?f .
r *.-
when he was in ihram, and he . ^^
died. The Messenger of Allah (^) J^« t^Sui ^>AJ y*3 i «^ «i^sjy
said: "Wash him with water and • . ,. ._ ». >

lotus leaves, and shroud him in '^ J =H

^ ^' J

his two garments, and do not V? l>...^ : D> dl5 Nj *«T)i ^ J^j
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 237 4t ^pAisl! ^>i aiiI >

apply any perfume to him or

;oji <i.r, i,
cover his head, for he will be
raised on the Day of Resurrection iYrii ^1\o l^U :^l] .«ljU
reciting the Talbiyah."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1265) and Muslim
.( \ Y * 1) ;
t ( \ n o) :
£ .^^w oU-1 gi>« :

1851. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (sg) said to me on the W^ Cf.
J* t^JUJI ^a*
, j| :\

morning of Muzdalifah: "Pick up •C^r ;0i : m, ^ Jj^j J J^ :JU

(pebbles) for me." 1 picked up for
him small pebbles (the size of
broad beans). When I put them in I JUS t;Jb ^jt "^j^Jfj l*ii nJJL»Jl i_5

his hand, he said: "Yes, like these.

And beware of going to extremes
j *JX\j 'fSty t^'ji jiiiL .^»
in religious matters, for those who
came before you were destroyed
[UY\ :^tj] .«^1J1
because of going to extremes in
religious matters."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1852- It was narrated from Ibn -^ AoT

J* ^JJ^> If J4^* &**

'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah
travelled from Madinah 3^ <Ul J^-3 j I
:^£± J,)
ji. ^'jtjrf
fearing nothing except Allah, may
He be exalted, and he offered the
prayers with two rak'ahs, until he
came back. cYvoa t m* mo t t \<UA :^i]
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth and
its isnad is da'eej] [rm Jtn irm ,rrw

o-^- ^ & zy J £^±j M Jij^ Jl)

It was narrated that Ibn
said: This verse was revealed
^ jl j.1 L^-l :j£Li dlt. -^Aer

when the Messenger of Allah (£&) ^y :JU ^-l!^ jit ^p t ^i jj j^.

was preaching in secret in Makkah:
And offer your salah (prayer) aloud
:*l^l) i^ S& % <M^ 'JA
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas vfc 238 4 yjjjj) a;*'" »'* v.*

low voice.
nor in

Prophet {^) led his

[al-Isra' 17:110].
^ *


^ ir


: JLi (U-

Companions in prayer, he would — ^ t0^jj L -J* t *,liil

raise his voice when reciting the t
'_ ,. '
, ',' ^
Qur'an, and whenever the it* ^jr^J <-o\ J*l\ \yl, ij^^JLln JlJi

mushrikeen heard that they would *- >?,. -,,.• -„= ,, [„ ^-' E

revile the Qur an, and they would \ - • ^n r
revile the One Who revealed it and <j\ 4s&*> 'j£ %*$ :«L3
the one who brought -'
may He be glorified and exalted,
said to His Prophet "And
it So Allah,

offer your

—.>• .>&,".-.
°^\ *y*
^^ ^^£ '
: > * >i



(prayer) neither aloud",
the mushrikeen hear
you and
revile the Qur'an, "nor in a low
4 * r

-~ .~ .y
^ ^ ^ ^ 4^
^ '.

.O \

>. \\'

*, *-.>•

voice", i.e., so low that your

Companions cannot hear the Qur'an :

t(mY) £ : .jv*-- «L-! '-{hA*
and learn it from you. "But follow a .(in)
way between" [al-Isra' 17:110].

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (4722) and Muslim (446)]

1854. It was narrated from Ibn -

'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah
y,< L ^j :^li £ii -Uoi

(3fe) passed by the Wadi of al-

^ V ^ ^ 0* 'S J} if $* 1 1

e s
*\ & -
What wadi
said: This is the wadi of
#_ 'j& x$\ ^>> ^ * j^:
" ' /

l^j ^

al-Azraq. He said: "It is as if I can <^


5O •s^ft 1
: IjJli «?!ii
see Moosa (*a), coming down
/„ '^j, ^ ,; J, £f fc,
from the mountain pass, raising his , „ * -

voice to Allah, may He be glorified ^l.* }^ 1 *lj ijiHJl ^ i^U y^ (YU

and exalted, with the Talbiyah."
Then he came to Thaniyyat Harsha Q J* J\ J^ "^^ J^J ? -ill

and said: "What mountain pass *rP : !

_^ h ?*Ia £J g;1» :JU* t^^
TTzamyyaf Harsha.
is this? They
He said:
can see Yoonus bin Matta on his
"It is as ^ *f* J[ >
*- . „ ?

, :, ,:.;<

' ^"
JU l
if I
l?i vr- 1 ; J^>- * l
3^jl j* ^ J^p
fleshy red she-camel, wearing a
woollen garment, with the reins of
his camel made of palm
^ T^ .,*.;>




^* L


^ >

fibre, \ -^j _^j

reciting the Talbiyyah."
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 239 Jfc,
(J- lojJt ^>J AIll JUC, jJuU)

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

:» tOooo) :*• .^jw> jL-J ; pu j>£
Bukhari (1555) and Muslim
. Oil)

1855. It was narrated from Ibn r*^

Je\ LT^I :(4^* ^"^ -*A°°
'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (#*) marked his sacrificial
animal with a cut on its right side,
then he wiped the blood from it,
and he garlanded it with two
sandals." t Y&YA t YY<n :^l] jU£ Uiiij

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (1243)]
[roTo t rYU *rY'*\ 4 ru<\

1856. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that as-Sa'b bin Jaththamah
J ^ i>; ir£tf :^ii Cfo- -Uei

al-Asdi gave the Messenger of

Allah the leg of an onager when he
was in ihram. He gave it back and
said, "We are in ihram."
Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a
da'eef isnad because of the
weakness of Yazeed bin Abu

1857. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (^g) was
asked about one who shaves his
head before offering a sacrifice,
and the like, and he kept saying:
"No problem, no problem."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- [r-ri t YvrwYH"A ^aoa
Bukhari (84) and Muslim (1307)]

.Or«V) :

*(AO :^.£v*w 6iL_) :£±>w"

1858. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (Jfe) that the Prophet was
asked about someone who put
one ritual before another, and he
kept saying, "No problem."
[YAfY iYliA :^UJ|] .«^ N< :J^i;
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 240 4» ijiAj*i\ ^ Mill Jit jjuki

Comments: [See the previous


1859. It was narrated from Ibn

tji' u? -^Ji UJ
'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (jfe) said: "O Allah, forgive

thosewho shaved their heads." A

man said: And those who cut
their hair? He said: "O Allah, :JUi VU JS3& :jJLj jUi «^LuL
forgive those who shaved their
heads." The man said: And those
who cut their hair? And on the
third or fourth time he said: "and
who cut their hair."
those [rru :^i] .K^^iilbjB
Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a

1860. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (^) moved
on from 'Arafat with Usamah
seated behind him on his mount,
and he moved on from Muzdalifah
with al-Fadl bin 'Abbas seated cr^ Ji :JU ^^ 0? J-^ 1 v>jj
behind him on his mount. And he
[\AY* ^y^r-lj] .i^iiJl ft^i>- ^J
continued to recite the Talbiyah
until he stoned Jamratal-'Aqabah.

Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth, al-

Bukhari (1543) and Muslim

1861. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that awoman travelled by sea
and vowed that if Allah, may He be sl^il jl :^l!p ^;i ^i, ij^r J> t
blessed and exalted, saved her, she
would fast for a month. Allah, may
jUo 3 :
id &\ ji i,3Ji ,^Ji ^3
He be glorified and exalted, saved
her but she did not fast until she died.
A relative of hers came to the Prophet
<3^) and told him about that, and :Jlii cij JjJi o^ii t
^ ^1)1 j| I4J

he said: "Fast (on her behalf)."

jm t Y< .\lv. :^|J .<
cO^ B

[r£T' t r\rv
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4= 241 & ^tiall ^ *iit ^ic Jii-i

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth, al- n r\

Bukhari (1953) and Muslim
> a
c ^^ *




(1148)1 'J^-* -^J u-^ (*i™* :^. t

1862. It was narrated that Moosa jl^il jl^ ^ iU*i UiJU- -UlT
bin Salamah said;
Ibn 'Abbas in
were with
Makkah and I said;

J* "^ ^ 4^
^ ,,

^ „., ^

When we
are with you,
(rrtJt'a/is) and when we go
we pray

^ ^i
« &
,, ..
j? ^ ,s

back to our lodgings, we pray '<*£** u5 lij. UJ : c^ii *. ax^j

two rak'ahs. He said: That is the .„•., ,-* ril - ;. ,-.,, .;., ,,..{

Sunnah of Abul-Qasim ($&). V^ J

- '
. - J „'.

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]


>^ -3l f^ 1
yij ^ ^i : ^

[r*<u t rirv ^rr t m-i

.(iaa) :» .j —?- (ilwi ;pj>ij

1863. It was narrated that Ibn _<lk^Jj fj,\

,jJ^ __<j{^»\ Wj»- ->A^r
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (Sg) forbade using any

^ tfc
f^ ^
^^^ , / > >, ^,
animate being for target practice.
Comments: [A Sfl/rec/i ftarfcL'f/i]
. ,

^ ^ ^^
/., *
.-i, '•;
... *

[rru iXv>o iMvi

1864. It was narrated that Ibn »Iii^ ,y*l jX

_ o 1 ^! ^^ -\A^i
'Abbas said: The sun was eclipsed
and the Messenger of Allah (g$) 'r^
, ,


^ ^P ,

1^ -
and his Companions stood up (to ;£ ,
^ :»n ,

V< : ju ^^ Ji ^
pray). He recited a lengthy soorah,
* ' "

then he bowed. Then he raised his aj^L Vya <.4j\J*^p\j 3^fe jiil l)j^j

head and recited (some more), s * \ — * K - ' - s* - - - *

(J iVyb OI3 ^>3 fJ i( i5j ^ <.<\jjp

then he bowed, and he prostrated
twice. Then he stood up and '&
recited (Qur'an) and bowed, then
hJ^IaSj |*-;j' *j-JJL^-i' JL?wi j»j 'j^JJ
he prostrated twice. Four bows (

and four prostrations in two r^l] .j^3 t> olo^- (jj\j

[TV> ^ 1 \*\V0

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a 1-' Abbas & 242 & ^Uudl ^ 4i1

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

1865. It was narrated that Ibn

j* jUZ, l&U : jU^-j tijS- -una
'Abbas said: When the Prophet {^)
was expelled from Makkah, Abu
Bakr said: They have driven out
their Prophet; verily to Allah we
belong and unto Him is our return,
they will certainly be destroyed.
:cJ^ t^SCty ijj*j-l3 aIII Cl^ jiJ Ul
Then the verse "Permission to fight
(against disbelievers) is given to ^W o|) IPIJ* |*4^ <Z>fil*i uwJJ OJ'f
those (believers) who are fought
against, because they have been
wronged; and surely, Allah is Able

to give them (believers) victory"

[al-Hajj 22:39] was revealed. Then
he realised that there would be .JX-^T^S aL-l £?>-*
fighting, Ibn 'Abbas said: This was
the first verse to be revealed about

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]


was narrated that Ibn
The Messenger of
j* i^jjI ^ jU ^j jLp LJ-Li- ->A^
Allah (jfe) said: "Whoever makes jill J_^j J U :Jli ^C*- ,jJl ^ i-^A^Sr

an image will be punished on the Xa\J&\ >*y_ i_jJIP tj^ff /y0 \** ^^
Day of Resurrection until he
breathes a soul into it, and he will 'r^ <yj 'c? ^ o-^j
1 iL m j^i ,^-
never be able to do Whoever tells
lies about his dreams will be
punished on the Day of Resurrection
until he ties two grains of barley * " ' '' •'*! s *
t -'i'-ii . ,»

together, and he will never be able to

do so. WhoeveT eavesdrops on [rrAr t mr *tm :^i]
people's conversation when they are
trying to avoid him listening to it, .(V-iT)
^•Cf— ubl ©^" :

punishment will be poured into his

ears on the Day of Resurrection."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (7042)]

, .

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 243 4 y*M & <uj1 jG

1867. It was narrated from Ibn .^, ^ >>

j, ^ ^^ _ U1V
'Abbas that the Messenger of " "

Allah ($8g) said: "If one of you ^*>^l

^ J> p-!^ ^ 'jj^^* £-**-

says, when he has intercourse /-,.,/', -A -i'T^.

^ ^^'
.. - -
(nv ^ •

with his wife, 'In the Name of ^ 'f

Allah, O Allah, keep the Shaitan of $* :Jli ^ J^ij<Ll j! :^&
away from me and keep the e ,« * -.-*-.* - -
.'*- . *


'^ pt :JU u * 1

4 r*^ 1

5/un'ten away from what You bless P*

us with/ is decreed that they ^ ^r
if it ilHij^ O 'K' 1 '

v>j t jUallJl _s

should have a child as a result of

that, the S/iaitart will never harm ^>
, , ,




^ ^

^^^ ^ ; . ,

that child."
t ^. A .^j M ^\ l^ s jj^J,

Comments: fits /snad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (141) and Muslim
[Yo^v^oo, JWA
* ^ .(Utr) :
fc (MO :^.p^«Ui :^/ii

1868. It was narrated that Ibn £*j^ :1jaI^*[ ^v J^L^-i *&» -^AIA
'Abbas said: When the Messenger
of Allah (jfe) came to Madinah, If ^ .,


^ ^ ^ C^ ^ ^ t t
, r ,

the people paid for dates one or

two years in advance - or he said:
^ ^
: j^
^, ^

j£jl J
" '[ \


two or three years. He said: "Who- ^J ^>4Ai u-^lj -t^^ull #| ^1 J >~- j)

ever pays in advance for dates, let «-,- . \>- : • 'i-tr -rii °%
him pay tor a specified measure -
( ^ „„..'-
and a specified weight." <JLL!Si <.J>3 Jt <Jd^ y> :JUi _£y}}\j
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .
^] oj'/j <.rj^ XS ^
.**Jj^ '*"
Bukhari (2239) and Muslim \ * I

(1604)] [rrv.,ro£A t urv

.<>i- 4) :

*(Yrr<0 :^.^>^ .jL-I :^i>«:

1869. It was narrated from Ibn $, j\ L^_f .

Vpiu,) &J^ ->A\*
'Abbas (Jfe,) that the Messenger of V" '

Allah (^e) sent eighteen sacrificial ji :

u^. C*:
o^ i ^^- 0^ «j~">* O*
animals with a man and cave him ^- ::-- ;,;^ ..-: r- .^ u. -. ,*
instructions concerning them. He ^ ' -
; '

set out, then he came back and i^j p tjJQaili ta^L-Lj-i o^ ^ t

What should I do if any of
^ ^ ^J .,.? .' - - ' -
, .,- , t
% t r
them becomes too exhausted to
^ ljl
move? He said: "Slaughter it, then ; t^il; ^j,\ lj t UyJl» :jUa ?^^i
dip its sandals (on its garland) in *t, * • ' *,.-•
its blood, then put them on its

J* L* N J ; '^^ J* l ^" ? ^ 1 4 S
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <fr 244 4. (jidiiJl ^j 4ii1 Ju£ iVn'ui

hump, and neither you nor any of

the people with you should eat
from it."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

> , ,,,,', * - ' •"_.'-•
Muslim (1325)] ^L^- LL!#l jt4-lj *Jj :
j 1
(J Vi : 4JU I xs- J U

1870. Isma'eel told us: Ayyoob :JU ^»y\ tiii. :J-pLL^ Lio>- -\AV»
told us: I do not know whether I

heard it from Sa'eed bin Jubair or

someone else told me about it
(narrating) from him. He said: I
came to Ibn 'Abbas in 'Arafah ^ Jj| Jj_Vj ^Lit :JUi t Ulij JSU
when he was eating pomegranates.
He said: The Messenger of Allah
did not fast in 'Arafah; Umm f
tff (Jk^l Jl Ijjui fc lists ill 1 yJ :JU

al-Fadl sent some milk to him and ,a!JJI t^AJI ijj UJjj tAwj l^*^ ,
he drank it. And he said: May
Allah curse So and so; they looked
t rYwnn .row ^ to ^n : ^ij
at the greatest days of Hajj and [VTV1 tTYTV
erased their adornment; the
adornment oiHajj is the Talbiyah.

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

1871. It was narrated from

'Ikrimah that 'Ali burned some
people who apostatized from Islam.
News of that reached Ibn 'Abbas and ^&
he said: I would not have burned
jU :JUi ^1 iij> ^JLi ,
f ^Y
them with fire. The Messenger of
Allah (3^) said: "Do not punish
people with the punishment of
Allah." I would have executed t iLo jl; j,* :$& Jji j^^ j^ij
them, because the Messenger of
Allah (i&) said: "Whoever changes
t i^-j liji
^ i!u Jjyi iJG «;jSii

his religion, execute him." News of

that reached 'AH («&>) and he said:
Woe to the son of the mother of Ibn
•OT'W) :^.^^»jU-1 :^i>v"
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- 'Abbas *& 245 "&> (^*li«Jt ^j *ij| JJ£ '''*"

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3017)]

1872. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah
{*§) said: "The evil description is
not for us; the one who takes back
his gift the dog that takes
^ j^] "'
tJi}\ j£i
^J2* : JU

back its
is like

vomit/' ^m ; Jz\] .««£


^ ^ ^Jiatf

Comments: [Its isnaJ is saheeh, al- [tWV ^YOTI iYYo.

Bukhari (2622) and Muslim
(1622)1. .(\\YT) :,
T ann) :~.
c-c=~ ejL^-l go*"" :

1873. It was narrated that Ibn tfjj. jpj V jj^; £^, _ UVT


Abbas said: the verse

"When there comes the Help of Of' ^ ;u^
Allah (to you, O Muhammad
sg -il :cJ> UJ :Jii
against your enemies) and the s ,

Conquest (of Makkah)" an-Nasr -M «JW Jj^3 J^ O:^lJ0 $£3^

110:1] was revealed, the Messenger
of Allah (gg) said: "I have been
^ ' ^
^^ *
^ -

^ * 6
given news of my own death/' [r\>\ :>,!] .£ZJ\
meaning that he would die in that

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

1874. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (5JS5) used to put two prayers
together when travelling; Maghrib
and 'Isha', and Zuhr and 'Asr.

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

[TiA' ^rT^V ttYAA iT \M

1875. It was narrated
'Abbas said: The Prophet (3^) said:
that Ibn
^ i^- If.
' i , >

"Cursed be the one who reviles his 0* iJs** u^ 1

Ore Js** 0* ^'^i y)
father, cursed be the one who
reviles his mother, cursed be the
one who offers a sacrifice to
anyone but Allah, cursed be the
^1p j^ O^iJu ljUl ^liJ ^o ji OjiU
one who changes boundary

Musnad of ' Abdullah bin al- Abbas &J

246 -$j* (jm«IjuJ1 ^ 4JM JU£ ,'rr.M*

markers, cursed be the one who

misleads a blind man from the
road, cursed be the one who
* > V .-, ', ,;, ,,*'>*, a

commits bestiality, cursed be the f

one who does the deed of the tYit« 1^1] .

K i»jJ j»y jXi» Ja* J^>

people of Loot" [T<Uo t Y<UY" tU\l

Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]
•j *~ • s ^-"i - Wj*"

1876. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (s&) sent his daughter back
to her husband Abul-'As bin ar-
Rabee' on the basis of their original
marriage contract and he did not
do a new marriage contract.
:>1] .«£i OjJ^ fj}
Oj'Vt ^l&L
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]

1877. It was narrated from Ibn ^Jjii :^_^i ^ olj^ l£U MAW
'Abbas that he circumambulated the
Ka'bah with Mu'awiyah and **' ^V* Ji'
if 4
^?^ ^ ' "- "*

Mu'awiyah touched all four comers, i-

-- * - - - .-* ;^ - > ,- - *


5 l
v4r^ *iJ^""* A*
Why did you
Ibn 'Abbas said to him:
touch these two corners? The ^ :^,& ^l 5 jUi il$ OlSjVl ^J
Messenger of Allah (j^) did not
*AJl j^ij jfc tOs^jJl y!-U ^iLLl
touch them, Mu'awiyah said: No JJ3

House is to be forsaken.
part of the
Ibn 'Abbas said: "Indeed in the
Messenger of Allah (Muhammad gfe)
you have a good example to follow"
[al-Ahzab 33:21]. Mu'awiyah said:
You are right. [YY\* :^l] .^Jli :L;jLii JUi <Y\
Comments: [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence] ^
1878. It was narrated from Ibn Jill- :d\'jy t-iJU- -UVA
'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (sg) forbade a man to be $g *ui jp3 j! ^i^ jit ^ t^J^
married to a paternal aunt and a
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 247 & ^liaJI £>} <iiil juc. jjuk*

maternal aunt 11 at the same time,

^^ ^ -
' - •

• . , • *

or two paternal aunts [i.e., they 0=y ^ C**


are aunts of one another], or two [XoX- r^Uil] .^SUJtj j£UJl

maternal aunts.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eej]
" iltoJI
V -^ ^ '^ t "i :

1879. It was narrated that Ibn s£j£. \ti\yj, liiJU- (Y^A/^) -SAW
'Abbas said: The Messenger of *, , -, * *

Allah (gg) only forbade garments tr?J o- 1



J* '^jM <>

were made entirely of silk; as
markings and the warp, there
^ jg
j^ ^ O Jj, : Jl5 L^U ft I

, „ s

is nothing wrong with that. ^' '-^~^ if) J 1* *'j lj* o-^ajl ^j^ 1

Comments: [A fazsan hadeeth] :^l] .Lit *i ^ }li tlliJi^ ^iUl

[T<^ t TA0V ^^o^ i,\AA'

1880. It was narrated that Ibn _ oudi ^1 j^, _ ^1H £jl>- -\AA<
'Abbas said: He only forbade
what is made entirely of silk; as
for markings, they are not
^{ ^
s^ "
£, ^.;>^
1 :
^ Ja*L Jl*

^ . &,

^ l

l 1
forbidden. - " ;/ / ,

[UV< ***
Comments: [It is a repeat of the *

C?^ r^ 1

previous report]
.^ ^ ^ :^
1881. It was narrated that Ibn
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
.j^l* -
- >&;
^ ,.

Allah (j§) used to pray two rak'ahs ^S"^ a? 1

^ ^T*" ^ ^^"Jl &^>-
at night, then when he finished he .
v «- ., - .-> . , , .-
would use the siwak. > \' '. '

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

0^3 J^ 1
5* J-* 5^ 5^1 ^j^j o\S

1882. It was narrated that Ibn yji* Hii^ :^lif ^! iUJ 1^1^ ^AAT
'Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah
was sitting with a group of his U
^ t /
,^. f
. ,

^ , t



Companions - 'Abdur-Razzaq &^ j, t ^* ^ - ^j,

IM ie„ one is the paternal aunt of the other, who is her maternal aunt.
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin at-' Abbas $* 248 4» (jtfUill £>j «JUl JUC. JLuia

said: of the Ansar - and a shooting

star appeared and shone brightly. i- >J:
UJU $5j M j^ Jtf ; Jli

The Messenger of Allah (#5) said to _ jLilSlI j* :^\jy\ -l£ Jli _ aj\^S\
them: "What did you used to say
during the Jahiliyyah if you saw Li» :Jli jlILlU ^»-kp ~J^L ^"ji : Jli

something like this (i.e., a shooting

star)?" They said: We used to say
«?&*l>Jt J lJu jL Jli lil Ij}jZ
that a great man will be born, or that o_jaj j I
</-?)?£ JJji '
JjiJ ui" :Jl*
a great man will die. - 1 [the narrator]
said to az-Zuhri: Were there J I* J'y. o\S\ :£jkty. ^» - r^
shooting stars during the Jahiliyyah? j^- oiii j&j t jUJ :J15 ?ii?UJ!
He said: Yes, but they became bigger
when the Prophet (|te) was sent. -
The Messenger of Allah (jgs) said:
"It does not appear for the death or
life of anyone, but when our Lord,
may His name be blessed and ^>AJl *UJJl jil f^. 1J '^y^ 1 ^Li>-
exalted, decrees some matter, the
bearers of the Throne glorify Him,
then the people of heaven who are
closest to them glorify Him, until the
tasbeeh reaches the people of the iJu^- OjL JjJLlI JjfJ t^iyJI *Ju^-

lowest heaven. Then the people of

heaven who are nearest to the
bearers of the Throne ask (about t*l— ;L^- JS Jjbl j^jj t^j^^J
what Allah decreed); those who are
nearest to the bearers of the Throne
say to the bearers of the Throne:
'What did your Lord say?' And they
tellthem. Then the people of each
heaven tell the people of the next

heaven, until the news reaches this

(the lowest) heaven. Then the :jlj^ll x* :^l
Jli Jli : aJDI Jl£ Jli
eavesdropping jinn snatch what
they can, and (these shooting stars)
are thrown at them. What they
narrated as they heard it is true, but
they add lies to it."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (2229]

1883. was narrated from Ibn

It jlAi £1^ -uav
'Abbas: Some men from among
^ Oi 4^

^ ^^i ^ ^Oj^ 11 1
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4 249 4U ^liill tjj *iJl i

the Ansar, Companions of the

Messenger of Allah ($%), told me J* jL^ 1
JU-j j£&- ^& Ort
that they were sitting with the *j» L*jl>- 1jjl5 i
j ' I
JgJ^ 4JUI Jj^j 1— *L>*-^I
Messenger of Allah (^) one night
when a shooting star appeared...
and he mentioned the hadeeth, t |^f i£j ^k ill* : Jl* £\ V] ,i^Jl
except that he said: "When our
Lord decrees some matter, the
bearers of the Throne glorify Him,
then those who are closest to
them glorify Him, then those who J^'j^>\
4JlL>- djiS ji-^>\ ojiyCi tCUl
are next closest, until the tasbeeh
reaches the lowest heaven. Then
those who are nearest to the i\ls'j lis :0 )J£ <.'jj&\ £UJI y*'j J^\
bearers of the Throne say to the
bearers of the Throne: 'What did
your Lord say?' They say: 'The t jj>dji Jc'j : jii iUJiii ;UJJi £Ji
truth; and He is the Most High,
the Most Great' (cf. 34:23). And
they say: 'Such and such.' And
the people of the heavens tell one
another the news, until the news
reaches the lowest heaven, and
[>AA\ :^lj] j<o^JaJ&j
the devils come and try to listen
to the news so they can convey it
to their familiars and throw it to
them. Whatever they narrate as
they heard it is true, but they add
to it and mix lies with it and omit
from it."

Comments: [Saheeh, Muslim (2229)]

1884. It was narrated from
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas and from
-JUlJ^^ L<1JI jli^ Jj'^S* ^^*^ t 1

'A'ishah that they said: When the

Messenger of Allah (ig) became JjJ LtJ :Vli U^l UlU ^3 Tjfe J\
very sick, he covered his face with a
cloth, then when he got distressed
we removed it from him, and he 4JI VfsJ 1
' ! J^jj ytj tA-* L*^j**j j*-1
*-' Ui*
was saying: ''May Allah curse the
Jews and the Christians; they took
the graves of their Prophets as
places of worship." 'A'ishah said:
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4» 250 4» ^Ljyill ^ auul ait '>''.*

He was warning them [the

(on) .
(tro) u-l

Muslims] against doing what they

' C 'C?*^ *"*
* Gr^
[the Jews and Christians] did.

Comments: [Its isnad is soheefi, al-Bukhari (435) and Muslim (531)]

1885. It was narrated from Ibn £jLi Hil^ ;^l ^ -UAo

3 *li. t-fo
'Abbas that Jibreel («&) came to . ^7
#- ^^S^\ ^ vj^5 iiL j*
the Prophet {*&) and said: "The
month is complete with twenty-
nine days.
jf ^^
i -
,\ y

^ • <J"

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,] -Oij-^J ^ j*- 11

^ : J& *3j|

[noA ivr :^i] t

1886. It was narrated that t .l»:..

^ ^jlp J jll tiJU -\KK\
'Ikrimah said:
'Abbas: I prayed
I said to
Zu/ir in al-Batha'
behind a foolish old man and he
gj* ^U
^, .»

^L^kJL. ^ijl

'/ *

..- *l>

said twenty-two takbeers, saying t „, , . '. * * '

, ,

takbeer when he prostrated and J

< -^ *
'jst** uij~ZJ J^i s*> '

when he raised his head. Ibn

'Abbas said: That is the prayer of ^ j£
-, : j^ ^ fc

Abul-Qasim (afe).
s^Udl ^ ^-UUl ^1 ;*i
i t -

^UL; :^
Comments: [A sfl/ieek hadeeth; and t r»U tTToT tYToV
.YTov :^i]
JiJI] .i^LUlj
.f^ZJlj :

its is«fld is da'ee/]

was narrated that Ibn

The Prophet of Allah

^ j^ - ^

'~\ ..
" '^
'/ ^
y £^ '

J^ -^ ^^

(M) recited (aloud) in some <j} if} ^J - ] :

prayers and remained silent in t
; ^ .- { . -
^^ . - . \
we should "^ ~ '"
others, so recite (aloud) A ^ , \'[
where he recited (aloud) and we M *Ul ^ Vj, : Jli ^l!*. Jl ^ t i;^p
should keep quiet where he kept
quiet. It was said to him: Perhaps
, : %.

-^ ^
f,: r

^'^ ^
>.; ,

he recited it to himself quietly? He

got angry at that and said: Is the
iLJi : ij J_ii .ci^. UJ lkll'3 ^ Jjl
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 251 & ^l^Jl & <4il Xtt JJ^Jt

Messenger of Allah (#,)

accused? Ibn Ja'far and 'Abdur-
Razzaq said: Are you accusing the
being t


^ ^ ^"^ ^

JU} ! ?(T
. .-

^ \ j\ )

^ .?,:-;.>


Messenger of Allah (#*)? ;
« , ^ , ^ «
:>;] .V5U1 j>^ r«Si :Ji; ;i -j^j
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]
[ytm .r-<u ;XxrA

1888. It was narrated that Ibn ^ ^_^ r,

^Jji jl£ £!U ^AAA
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah {#,) said: "The previously <y! £u

j^ 'cP^
'. ,.

^ ^ j* 1
married woman has more right to
decide concerning herself than her
Jli : Jli ^&
; :
^1 ^
guardian, and the virgin should '/^>^j i4?Jj drf ^r*4 J*

|M :
be consulted concerning her
marriage, and her permission is -^
,,.., „ K ;,-> ,^V
,4* ,- *: .

her silence." iT'AV t Y£AWYY"U t Ynr^A*V

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, [VIX\ tVY'tV iVYYT
Muslim (1421)]

1889. Al-Muttalib bin 'Abdullah G&- : pllJ ^ jjjjl tfjU- -\AA1

bin Hantab narrated that Ibn
'Abbas used to do 1^00' washing
each part once and he attributed


^;^ L^ji Jtf ^CU^lM


< ,.

^ ;s ,

: ...

that to the Messenger of Allah (jg). * ' ', ; , ,

Comments: [Saheeh, its isnad is


^U ^1 jp oljjj ^J-U iDLLp j, yikJt

1890. It was narrated from Ibn yz :
<5j»^ J* i 1
^ ^^ ~^*
'Abbas that a woman of Khath'am
il^l o\ :^-l^ j>\ J- jL
asked the Messenger of Allah
on the morning of Muzdalifah,
when al-Fadl bin 'Abbas was
iJj* »\j* ^
Jil J>^j cJL^ lii^ j^
, r • « v. ,.
seated behind him on his mount: *-V :
^^ tAii J
s ,

^ cP^'j
Allah has made Ha/; obligatory for
His slaves when my father is an old
^ ^i

- ;
f jj--f J?l
" Jli A^il ^ Jjl
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 252 Jfe,
L)- lijJi ^ «uii j^ y^ , ^

man and cannot stay on his mount;

do you think that I can do Hajj on
. ^
^ -^-^ -, - ,%

£^; V i^i
his behalf?

He said: "Yes."
[Its isnad is saheeh, al-
.,-', -jj ?- -( ^( ^ j^
Bukhari (4399)] L uu :

It was narrated
said: al-Fadl and
that Ibn
I came,
^ —^ K

" , ,
^^ _ u^
riding on a female donkey, when ^' c~^ :< -^ ^^ <>"' <_r* ^ t 1

the Messenger of Allah («) was

^ J,,
'^. *s(
j. ^Jj', U^
leading the people in prayer m " °
'Arafah. We passed in front of part <yi~ ^ _

^^ J-^ l^J^i '«/v

& ~ ^ ^ ^ ^'
of the row, then we dismounted
and let (the donkey) graze, and we
^' J
.-t-" i-r^--
'-.' i-»- -?"'
" -

joined the row, and the Messenger ^^^'J^jJ^j^Ui iliJJl ^

of Allah (#r) did not say any thins
tome ,
iV'W t YYVl ,mo cYTTT :^|]
Comments: [Its isnad is safceeJi, al- [Y*iei t nAo JUi iTUV
Bukhari (4412) and Muslim (504)]
.Co**) : i(iiU) ^.^^.jjLu-I :^.>-"

1892- It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (^) set out
on the day of the conquest and he
^ ^ ^ £^

^^ •£* Ji
_ UVf

if) J* i^
was fasting, then when he was in
al-Kadeed, he broke his fast, and it
^ ^
* ^". ^,
:£j, '•-
^ y &*~
--'i ^
is only what the Messenger of Jii ^ >»-S/L i^-jJ u!]j
t^Lif jjjiJu

Allah did last that be '

is to .; ?' _.
(jfe) ?. , . . *

*f ,

followed. It was said to Sufyan: -^ ol

J^ -«S
( ,

With regard to the words, it is only ^1 <j'J

jl jU^ ,J>>JI J>" j» *>>-SlL
what the Messenger of Allah (£g) ' '-'-". ;

did last that is to be followed, are

-^ 1] ^^ ^ ^ V^ " ' .

these the words of az-Zuhri or of ^r<W anr t rro* t \)Ao , r .
Ibn 'Abbas? He said: This is how it
appears in the hadeeth. [rn4 trYoA ^ rnY ^ r ' M ' YAA *
Comments: [Its isnad is sahedi, al- nr) :, (mi) :~.~^ jj~
Bukhari (1944) and Muslim
, ( \

C tr~ 6i L-l . -GV~


1893. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that Sa'd bin 'Ubadah
j* i/V 1 ^^" ^^ ^^ -^A^r
asked the Prophet (^) about a
<* ^
/.' ??
° V^ ^' ^ ^ ^ ,
rf . ., ,
. ,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a 1-' Abbas & 253 & ^*li*]t 6J *ul J^

vow that his

but she had died
mother had made,
before she **'
> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -^
:, r .- t : ,, u. . *,. -* : . r >

fulfilled it. He said: "Fulfil it on .kI^Lc- 4^J(» :J(Ii •.

*X~ LA Xi ^y
her behalf."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (2761) and Muslim ,.,_, /y „,,v ,.
r (rv^): c .^^,»i^i.^,^
. . ,

.(\-;rA): J


1894. It was narrated from Ibn S^i '^ nj^ijjl ^ idl &J^> -\A<U
'Abbas that Abu Bakr urged the j *? *

> r^J ^ ^ ^
- . -j •,, 5 . . ,

Prophet (gg) to do something by

Ll J
V -
1 l

swearing an oath, and the Prophet «' 1: *tfi :^. ^Ijl tf Jli t^g ^lil
"' "'
fe) said to him: "Do not swear
[YUi tYUr :
> ,

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- * t(V-il) '^ ,««x-^ ejl^l '-TytJ^
Bukhari (7046) and Muslim
r C C "

1895. It was narrated that Ibn ^ ijJLil

^ Juj j£ illi l&^ ->A^o
'Abbas heard the Prophet
said: .«- :r.-

I > . , -.,-. .. - ..

(%$) say: "Any animal skm that is


tanned is pure
Xjjfi* Jii *A ^
s-^Ul UjI» :J_^ j^-Jl


is»aJ is saheeh,
[n<U t ToVA t YoU t Y*t3 :

^ Jiil]

.(Til) : » .«->w «;L— | . 7jjj*u

1896* It was narrated from Ibn ^l ^^ _j£j J^ ollli l^i^ -\A^i

'Abbas that the Prophet (^) said:
"Keep away from the interior of if ^4^ ^ 'J-
<-£') s
1 jj—p
t£ -±
pic up
Muhassir, and you should pick ^ l^iijD :JlS jg| ^1 M :^l^ j?l
stones the size of broad beans/'
beans . , . ."*.-,, *
» '•

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

[\V<U :gr\j\

1897. It was narrated from Ibn ^ t jJLi

J> jCJ, ^p oCii C&U- ^A<W
'Abbas, who attributed it to the ' ', ,. *

, , , ,

^^ ^

Prophet (|g): "The previously O* '^ 's^' ^

married woman has more right to j^f ^j|» :^ ^lj| *>* ifc : ^£* j!l
decide concerning herself than her I ,
' "
. , \ ^
guardian, and in the case of the <J ^j? ^^i ^O ^3 J *f
'ui W-^.
virgia the father should consult hAAA ^i^ ^,- (j] t
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a I-' Abbas & 254 & (.hAjjJI ^ <cul JLJ

her about her marriage, and her .


**"" *J
consent is her silence." '
C 'C5 * g-s*1

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (1421)]

1898. It was narrated that Ibn ^ ,tii J_ ^Q 'j> l\j^ tfl^ "
'Abbas said: The Prophet (3&) was ,,,*:-
in ar-Rawha', and he met some M ^*^ o^ :Jli
^-l^ y\

^ k-4'J
riders and greeted them with
"Who are the
Muslims. They j^
: j£


^ -j^-^
" .
±$ \&
, ,-

: 1

«?f)ill ^i»
said:Who are you? He said: "The ;?-» . - /-; ^l- f„ ', , -„ .
-,.: „.->:*

Messenger of Allah j£. A woman - "^ ~

rushed to grab the upper arm of a y>r <>-'J- li * ^^ JuL^ iii U
boy and she brought him out of the „«,-.,
^ ^ <>
* ',. .J- *,
howdah and said: O Messenger of '
J ^ J -
:oJUit ^^

Allah, is there Hajj for this one? He t \ A <\ <\ : JiJ 1] j^-f 4U 3 t Ijji ;
J li
said: "Yes, and you will be
rewarded." [rY • Y t r m t r \<\o t YT W Y \AV

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh .Orn) ^.-^ot^l :»*/;

according to the conditions of tr

1899. A similar report was ^JU £'jj.\ :Jl3jJl il£ £IjU. ->A*S
narrated from Kuraib, the freed , *
r ,\ , %l
slave of Ibn 'Abbas. *>-' ^r V# & '*?* J?
r^'j?! i*
Comments: [See the previous [\A*\A : £>-lj] .l(£, ^ti-

1900. was narrated that Ibn

b\ZX* £!U :5di £fo- -M*»
'Abbas '.
The Messenger of
said: , „ . . , . ,

Allah (gj) drew back the curtain -°3^

^ ^^ t
'^ oUL :Jb" _ ^UJ,
and the people were lined up in
rows behind Abu Bakr. He said:
^ .;
Ji ^ _^ J ^
^, £* .j rJ)
(*r?'^i ^
hi ^
^- J 1*

"O people, there

except a
good dream
sees or that

the glad tidings of Prophethood



seen for




^ a* ^
^^ _

: Jlii

J^ ^1


ji 1

him. But have been forbidden to


recite the Qur'an when bowing or

prostrating. As for bowing, glorify
" J ^ ^

^ ,jj.

j^ Jri
-. .,


: JU p «Jj
^> )f pl:j.ll Ul>: UjL^Jl
your Lord therein, and as for

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 255 4* (^4*11 ,>j *il a^. -liii

prostrating, strive in du V, for it is - ,r *.* m > > ?.

more likely to receive a response -
J -
J ^ ^? <rT'~

(from your Lord) C\j <.lfy\ <j \/XV\ <.\j£*)\ UU


isnad is saheeh, :\
"^ -*..
. ,

' * j u

.(iVl) :
.^w ».>M ^>*^
1901. It was narrated that Ibn L ^[ (u»/\) ^ idi t& -W\
'Abbas said:
Allah \0) said:
The Messenger of

with the punishment of Allah,

"Do not punish

V^ ^





& '«>* 0*J>)


, .

.^ Jj,
glorified and exalted." -

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- '

Bukhari (3017)]
.(V \V) ; i. .«^^» ojl_-l :
?yw f£

1902. It was narrated from Ibn

If <^y\ j* OUli &^- "WY
'Abbas; I bear witness that the
^ ^^
Messenger of Allah
before the tiiutirti

delivered the khutbah.

then he
And he



- ^
Y #

, ,

thought that the women had not U»^ <.*UJ1 ^^A JU <A «jly fli*^
heard, so he went over to them **„>, *>?,-,

-, *>,*'.'.

and reminded them (of Allah) and

exhorted them and enjoined them


to give in charity, and the women
started giving their earrings, rings
iY\ll ,T*1T ,WhX \J&\\ ,ij^\j
and things.
[ roi tY o<\r t voTT t nv\
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1449) and Muslim :

i<U*M :£ .^^ ^M :g>>-;
(884)1 -(AAi)

1903. It was narrated from Ibn ji. t_^l£-

^ jQi llJJU -^Vr
'Abbas that the Prophet (^) drank '„ , s «« „, *

^ 4^
, , ,

from a bucket of Zamzam whilst ^r 01

V^ V*

^'fe^ 1

standing. Sufyan said: That is what (^ :5cii "

Jl* .11; tf
}f) J? j* ji '"

I thought, '

Comments: [Its is/iud is saheeh, al- 'CT J V""*'

Bukhari (1637) and Muslim
Musnad of "Abdullah bin al-'Abbas Jfc 256 Jfe (jidjilt ^ jJjI ,

1904. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas: The Prophet (^) drank
with Ibn 'Abbas on his right and
Khalid bin al-Waleed on his left.
The Prophet (jgj) said to him [Ibn
'Abbas]: "The drink is yours, but if
you want you can give precedence
to Khalid." He said: I will not give .njju l^ 1,-ji six l\j v iu' z-Jm»
precedence to anyone with regard
to the leftover water of the
m Jill 6& j¥< J* %,' li :JLi

Messenger of Allah {^). [TfOTI ,\<\\<\ 4 ^VA :jz\] .\jJ-\

Comments: [A hasan hadeeth; this is

a da'eef isnad]
• i}yW> &Aj>- Ji Jj^f-j >^LaJ > jU-JL*- y\
,> ^UJI ^J^l)| OIJ^-I j iuwJl J^lj

1905. It was narrated that Ibn Abi *ui x!p ^p tjr u; ji jiiLi £iS> -u«p
Mulaikah - in sha Allah - said: Ibn
'Abbas asked for permission to
enter upon 'A'ishah, and her
brother's sons kept on at her [to let ^ ^^ Is} ^k-i =(>« _ iiJi sii

him in]. She said: I am afraid that he

will praise me. When he was given
permission to enter, he said: There is
nothing between you and your
meeting your loved ones except the
ci^Jl £j5ji J^ jf Nl £>Vl ^ 01

departure of your soul from your

body. You were the dearest of the ur..j t ci $] safe in 'i;.*'. .'_*
wives of the Messenger of Allah (gt)
to him and the Messenger of Allah ^ oLl 4JL1 cJjli ijljlVl &' 41;^
(M) would not hold anything dear
but that which is good. Your
necklace fell from you on the night
of al- Abwa' and verses of Allah were
revealed concerning you; there is
none of the mosques of the Muslims [TY1Y JH1 ijtll]
but verses stating your innocence
are recited in them night and day.
She said: Spare me your praise, O
Ibn 'Abbas, for by Allah I wish...

Musnad of "Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfe, 257 4* ^tiUJl jj <uul ale JLil^

Comments: [Its isnad is qawi, al-Bukhari (4753)]

1906. It

'Abbas that he said

was narrated from Ibn
to her: You
j^ ^
\. a
^ ^^ ~

& ' - ,«
£^_ ._ ^ .

were called the Mother of the 0^3^' f ' v^ L^| :

l*J Jtf it ~&- J
Believers so that you would be
blessed, and that was your title
" ^ $ £^^ ^ ^jl^J
" '

before you were bom.

Comments: [Its I'sturd is da'ee/]

^ ^i ^ ^J ^L^ t

»jL! :
^^^-.s w ^^.>

1907. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas - in sha Allah - that the
^ i*;>jl Jl* ji idi &jS- -U*V
> ' ,".
Prophet <3&) forbade breathing
s f

^ - ^' ^ ^! _ o-^ <>''

^ l
into the vessel or blowing into it. '>>•( i-mi - . r> m --.
-^ - n.

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/iee/i]

[vni jaw :^i] .<j

1908. It was narrated from Ibn \j- t j_^a^ ^* (j ill* \jj jl>- — ^ ^ * a
"Abbas, who attributed it to the
Prophet (jgg): "If one of you says,
when he has intercourse with his
y. ^ u*^ O^
0* tl-rO*' O* u
u: >\A 'A n • *- -
\ M .1. <i>

wife, In the Name of Allah, O ^ - v -^

^ s£T
Allah, keep the Shaiian away from v-^J lOUaJji j~Jr J4^l tJjl *J-.


me and keep the Shaitan away -'*

„-„ „,, -

from what You bless us with/ if it U '^ ^'


>^ vU U JU ^ J|

is decreed that they should have a

A^V **-lj] .<Llkljl Sp-
child as a result of that, the
[ \ :

C '

Shaitan will never harm him." :<• t(U\) :£- .r^w oU :«>*«
Comments: [Its isrmd is saheeh, al- .<UVO
Bukhari (141) and Muslim (1434)]

1909. 'Abdul-' Azeez bin Rufai'

Shaddad bin Ma'qil and I
'J, ?^\ & tflU :idi £JU -U^
told us; ''''<,/*>*-*-, -/*«-, - .-,
entered upon Ibn 'Abbas, and Ibn J* J^ 0? jIi: J L1 ^^^ : Ji £=0j
'Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah
(#,) did not leave anything except

frj ^ :
^| Jvli ^lli'^'l
'. *'

what between these two covers. JJ

0^ ^ ^ ^! ^ ^ ;


We entered upon Muhammad bin .

j^ ^j- j^ j^ -
Ali and he said something similar. '
And al-Mukhtar used to say: the •Cf~^ ^J^
j'^^^"- 51 j^Sj

Revelation. ., , .. ....

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh al-Bukhari (5019)]

, ,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 258 &, fjAjjil ^ *uul Xti

1910. Ibn 'Abbas said: When

Qur an was revealed to the Prophet
>• , >
v .
v t ,,: * &*- l4v

(S&), he would want to memorise : J_^j ^r ^ jl*-* ^-«^- iisl* ^t

V ^ J>

it.Allah said: "Move not your _. :'-

tongue concerning (the Qur'an, O m^ ^f

: -

, -

_ 6 .


^ J
Muhammad (gg)) to make haste :j^-j ^ &i Jli t &*CJ M lj i5ly
to give
It is for
you (O Muhammad
Us to collect it and
(jg)) the ^
_,^ *

°i ° *



* ^ *''*.
ability to recite
when We have
it (the Qur'an).
recited it to
you [O
q&-j jj£ fti^S ,^ o tf£ ^
Muhammad jg through Jibreel] f n^ :>l] .Oa-U :
then follows its (the Qur'an' s)
recital" [al-Qiyamah 75:16-18].
- (o> :

C '&*" "^ :

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh
according to the conditions of al-
Bukhari and Muslim]

1911. It was narrated from Ibn .

V •- •' '
r' * i:i*. ' uu
'Abbas that he said: When he ^ /^
prayed Fa/r he would lie down & :JL» k,\ ^ti- J,\ j* ZJ'J J-'ji^
until he began to breathe deeply, \
^ y ^ -.-': s/^, . .j:

and we used to say to 'Amr: The 'Cr <-

C/^ -^
fJ*' 1

Messenger of Allah ($&) said; "My ^£p ^VjJm : Jtf ^ J^ Jj| ^) ;
J * but
sleep my3 heart does not." .-
' -
iT»Ai ^<m :>l] .«Jii
f£ V}
Comments: [Its zsnarf is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (138) and Muslim (763)] [V\*£iYo-iv 4 Ym
.(vir) :

t(\VA) ^.^oU :^>~"
1912. It was narrated from Ibn ^ tJ ^ ^ ^^ £j^ _^\y
'Abbas: I stayed overnight with - . ,\ *

my maternal aunt Maimoonah. ^^ -^ ^ ^"^ ^ J*^.^ :

The Prophet (&;) got up to pray at

t OJl
^ ^. *Ll' ;iS
y r
night. did a light wudoo', then ' ,
he stood (to pray), and Ibn 'Abbas <^-^ i?l £-i* li* < \*j>* is
>^j ^)=»
did the same as he did, then he >u *i ?.: ,,;: . „ *; ,. , .„-.

came and stood (to pray), and he ^^ s

r CT^
(the Prophet (jg)) moved him to p <$& {J}\ £ Jui ^S i^ ^ iL^j
make him stand on his right.
Then he prayed with the Prophet ^l C
? ^'^ '^ 'C* ^ C?^
(^fe), who down until he
then lay [ \ A*r : «-lj] .L33S Jj sSLk)
breathed deeply. Then the
mu'adhtlhin came to him and he .<JLiL ^-\j '-7?ij>*>
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas 4 J
259 4* ^liiJl ^ ***' ^ ^-^'^

got up to pray and did not do


Comments: [See the previous report]

1913. It was narrated that Ibn .y ju*^ jp ijJJ- j* Ol^li £jl»- -^MT
'Abbas heard the Prophet '

M ^ ^~V^
said: I ",, s , m
, ,
s .

deliver a speech and say: -^ ^^ J>) J* 'J^

"Verilyyou will meet Allah barefoot,
naked and uncircumcised."
\vj,\\^ Jh ^ Isfy : J* * A 4^ „ /

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- J ^

Bukhari (6524) and Muslim [YVYv <. IT AY i YYA \

.(TAT-) :ji t (iaTO :i •£-«— =-
»*M :
1914. It was narrated that Ibn
'Abbas said: We were with the
ju^ ^ <-j^ If il^li £jJ^- -UU

£_ a ,

Messenger of Allah (£&) and a man £* ^ :J ~^ </-^ *** y* 4

fell from his camel and broke his

neck, and he died when he was in

^ ^J ^ jj, j^
ifcnmz. The Messenger of Allah (£k) <J>^j <J^» <?>** >J ^^ l
said: "Wash him with water and • - ,- > f : ... .
^ ?., cyy\ m\
lotus leaves, and bury him m his _
* -

two garments, but do not cover his 0^* t<^lj lj_^J*; Mj tj^ji ^ °^^j
head, for Allah will resurrect
on the Day of Resurrection reciting
the Talbiyah
him -


* ,

^ [ >



; «.





; U

Comments: [Its isnorf is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1265) and Muslim :

<< U10 > :£.£**-* »M :^>>"
(1206)] -OY.i)

1915. It was narrated from Ibn -^Me

f ^ l^l^l ^p Suli lliJU-
'Abbas: "And do not apply perfume "'
^ \ ^


to him."

y^ J 1

a* l
^" <> ^"' 4

Comments: [Its j'snod is saheeh, see [\ <U •

:«rij] .«C-i> S_^*X Nj«

the previous report]

1916. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas concerning the words of
y> tJ jj> ^ ^^ £^ ->Ml
* / -

^j* J ^^
Allah, "And We made not the :
J^3 3* ^ J' **ȣ*
which we showed you {O
Muhammad as an actual eye-
^ " ft ^ ^ *
^j *
^ '
fcjff'o^ lj>
. " .

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 260 & ^likJl ^ «uJi jQi '* \'- *

witness and not as a dream on the ,-„ „,

night of Al-Isra') but a trial for U,J y=* L

^ tJ
:JU ^ '
[al-Isra' 17:60], that

something that the

It is
he [ro< *
;^|] .*,
^j &j 5^ ^1
"' " ;

Prophet (5«e) saw with his own .(tAAA) :^ ,^>wj oL^j '.gij*c
eyes on the night on which he
was taken on the Night Journey

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3888)]

1917. It was narrated that Ibn ^bf- \£ ij^l* j* d\^u* UJjb- -HW
(S&) said
The Messenger of Allah
and on one occasion he
heard the Prophet (gj)
J-^ JU :JU
^ ..'",,
^| Jj^
, -, . '. ,

^^^ s ,

:s^ Jli} _ &g

deliver a speech and say -: "Who- , , t
, '

ever cannot find sandals, let him Lr^* ^~ -^v fJ il^

: J_rt 4-^
wear khuffain (leather slippers),
and whoever cannot find an iz/ir

^ ' "
t- t
(waist wrapper), let him wear [UiA :^-lj] ^JjjI^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
' * "
*- "C^"^ '

Bukhari (1841) and Muslim .O WA)


1918. Jabir bin Zaid narrated J,'^ -j^ J :il±. 15 ^ -HU

that he heard Ibn 'Abbas say: I
prayed with the Prophet
eight (rak'ahs) together and seven
&) ^ i,


UL^- CU;
<*' CT"
jg£ Jji
*' :

J_^3 i;
*J ^
^ :i>
(rak'ahs) together. ;(,{';
^ ^ ^^ ^
[the narrator]

I -, « i , ., - ,

O ^ :cJj Jli
said: Abush-Sha'tha', I think he
delayed Zuhr and hastened 'Asr,
,^JjJ\ '^-Y3 t ^j| jA^j . ^Uli
and he delayed Maghrib and '
, , , , t , t _ , ,

hastened 7sfai'. He said: I think so :

>Jt] .^IJi jtl Llj : JU ?sllJl
[rnv ,yoay ano . \<\or
Comments: [its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhah (1147) and Muslim .(v-a) :

*0 \ (V) :^.£^ «L-j :£»>«-

1919. 'Amr said: Abush-Sha'tha' jjt JU : j^li. Jli :icli l^ai -\M^
said: Who is she? I said; They say - *
k > *> - - , -. *


Maimoonah. He :0 -^ :cJi :Jli '^ :

^ J* 1

is said: Ibn
'Abbas told me that the Prophet
(sgg) married Maimoonah when he
^ ^\ "'
•,] :

-, ^f
: jj t
was in //iram 1 Y Y
• t Y • \ i : ^t] .^^ 3*3 ^^ ^
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 261 Jfc ^liiJl £>j oiil ^V ,V'm i*

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/iee/i, al-

, Yo , ( T ,
rv Yr(Jr rYvr
ukhan (1837) and Muslim
1410 )1 [SnrjUl.TU\
.(\n*) :{• i<urv) :£ .^>-^ .jU :^/*i

1920. It was narrated from Ibn j^ ijjl* /^ ^ l

A^ ^-^ -^Y«
'Abbas that he said: was one of
I „«:.*"-* -

^^'^^V '-^
,- ..=-* s ,
those whom the Prophet
(^) sent f^ <J**
on ahead on the night of Muzdal if ah
with the weak ones among his
j^ ^f ^J> j yfc'^ &j ^ ^l
>s „ / ^/ / ";

family. And on one occasion he said: '•

j&W -.4* 1
^^ f^* 3)S ^T
^1 ' l '^

The Messenger of Allah (jfe) sent on

ahead the weak ones among his
iUv tUM tTT ^ ^ w tWr
family. [rm ,X\o\ .Yiro
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1678) and Muslim -OT1T) :

.(MVA) ^-^^ «U : £*>«"

1921. It was narrated from Ibn ,\* ^jj*^ ^ j^*^ &!> -\^Y\
'Abbas: The Messenger of Allah
(M) only trotted (rami) around the
Ka'bah in order to show the


^^ > /„

- «





' <


mushrikeen his strength.

Comments: „.,.,,,
[Its isnad is saheeh, al-
[rrsv tYir^ t \r«o t \.^ : iii]

Bukhari (4257) and Muslim om ...


(iYav) ..
c °^ ^, Gv^ *

1922. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (^fe) was
: \j^
, E
^ j^ j^ £j^ _^ YY

treated with cupping when he J-^ 1 :

V* ^J ^^* i* ^^4^
was in ihram, ^ ? n ', > - *( . .*- ., , <, >,;

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- \

* '

Bukhari (1835) and Muslim [r ° n ^ xr :^].^>j^-l


.(\Y.Y) :

t (uro) :j- .j^^w .jM :gi>I

1923. It was narrated from Ibn ijii; idi SdjU- i'3 :^f jtf -UYr
'Abbas that the Prophet ($£) was 6 f

treated with cupping when he ^ :

o^ ij!

a* ^j^j <^ j* /J^-
was in ihram. r \ a* 4 •
i i
* •
' -
' :
• i «^ < 'n

Comments: [See the previous

report] .*LSU £»-tj igij^i

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 262 & ,j*liiJt ^ «jjl ^j r V..:. *

1924. It was narrated from Ibn .-.-.*•.,-..: -, -

a „,
'Abbas that the Prophet (ft) said;
'f.lT "^ f ,

"When one of you eats, let him :

$H ^l!* ^
Jtf *<^1 jt jll t*lLi 5*
not wipe his hand until he has *.>-,.'., .">>,r -,r


; r r

licked it or it is licked for him."

jl1 eJj
- C^- * ;

5 "^ 51 1
Comments: [Its isnad is arfieefc, al- [m^rYriinVY : ^1] .H^iJi
Bukhari (5456) and Muslim , ¥/w^
„., .


1925. It was narrated that Ibn 5* 'J^ 0* ^^ ^^- -\*Yo

'Abbas said: Al-Muhassab is not of * s . *;, , .? -,,? , s , ., , ,; .

any significance; it is just a place , - rr Y '

v- v *

where the Messenger of Allah (££) .

sg| Jjl J^ JjJ Jj!i ji UJl
^^L ;
halted. ' '

[TIAA t rYA<\ : Ji;l]

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1766) and Muslim ,(\ru) :
t <wn) :^c .n^
G a L-l

1926. It was narrated from Ibn *Uai v^.

..jJJ. fj, juii &IU- -twv
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (( 3 ,
' -
. ,
^ ^'A
(&;) delayed 7sha' until as much of
^ J^'S^ y}j
: 1
lt- j? 1

<j* <j*

the night as Allah willed had

passed. Then 'Umar said to him: O -
rjj, '-
U -^| ^ '
j >*

, [

Messenger of Allah, the women '^ "-^v ^ :

^»j:^ J ^* - 1 ^l
and children have gone to sleep. if vj.i.. .
u :r --:: *-: ;,- ,,.*„ ,,:

He came out and said: Were it not ; „ - , ,,

that it would be too difficult for my °jla L*_jLa! jl '^yS <jj\ J>s- jpt
ummah, I would have enjoined _ _ t win
(1 ,,,,„
them to pray at this hour. -^
Comments: [Its

Bukhari (7239) and Muslim

isnad is saheeh, al- .OH) :• ..(vrr^) : i.
,^ .jL^i


1927. It was narrated that Ibn 'J, <-jj^- l^ JllLi lliJu^- -\^YV
said: The Messenger of
(^) was commanded to ^ J^ >'
* *
/„ t


^ ^V ^^

prostrate on seven (parts) and was

forbidden to tuck up his hair and
h\ ^Jj
" '
J^ M 3§

garment. iY£Y"l t\T*i^i' :^l] .*oCjj »^*--

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, a\- tYTOA t Yo<\i t Yo<\. t YoAA ,\oyv
Bukhari (809) and Muslim (490)]

.(i^*) :* t(A'^) : t- .tlju) oL.1 Imj^u

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 263 4* L>*fai\ ^ <uil -lit. jUL^t

1928. It was narrated that

Tawoos said: I heard Ibn 'Abbas
say: As for what the Messenger of
'£ U
',*,*,„ ^

tSJJl Li
^ l : JL5 ^Ci
jll o-i-«—
: JU
Allah fe) forbade to be sold - .,., s, - ,, :*<
„, K ?,. *. , , »,
^ ^ ^
before possession was taken or it,

that is food. And Ibn 'Abbas stated ijj\ % : Jy_ *J>\

J\l 3
his opinion: I think every thine is - >

[UiV^IJ.^l^jS , r. .
r _,


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- :. ,(\\r») ,«_>^' ^M :pij*J :i-

Bukhari (1235) and Muslim ,.



1929. It was narrated that Ibn oi^L, J, oUIp ^ xUJ> l5o£ -\\1\
'Abbas The Messenger of Allah
^ r ^ ^^
said: ,.,-/* ,-* - - , ,* v,?

(2g) prayed in Madinah, when he

5 1 :
JU i^*" V 1

was a resident and not travelling,

seven [ra^'o/is] and eight [rak'ahs].
j^ ^,^
, ','/'„'
^ ^uj^ ^ .'.„
'* >
Comments: because of
[Sa/iee/i -r -^ ^ "
corroborating evidence, al- [\^A :«-!,]
C .GUJ; Ci
Bukhari (1174) and Muslim (705)
and its isnad is rfa'ee/]
jLi* ^ ju^ ._a => jL-,1 li*j .(V'fi)
t :j. t(WVi) :£• <. d ^jJ ^y*^ '&>**

1930. It was narrated from Ibn ^ i

j7 U ji juii ^jU- -\^r*
'Abbas: A man died the time of ',-*,*>,
the Messenger of Allah (sg), leaving
^ oL V^ ^ '^^ * <>J
. , ;- _ , -

behind no heir except a slave whom

he had already manumitted, so he
^ ^ ^ ^,-*-',,„.*,
j^j _^
' "

gave his estate to him. -^jrf °^^ t<a^' >*


is da'ee/, and j ^^ , ,_, .
^^ *



was narrated from Ibn
am surprised at those
^^ tJ ^ ^ ^ £^ _ HT>
who anticipate the month when 0** k
~~^p :
<J* - J^ O* * tlr~=~ ^h 1

the Messenger of Allah (Jg) said: sj„ :

^ Jj, j - j^ jjj t -£j| ;^
"Do not fast until you see it" or

he said "Fast when you see it," \yjJ** :JL» j! «ej^ ^^^ \y>j-^

Comments: [Saheeh because of [rivi 4 \*Ao :^liJl] .««;j^J

corroborating evidence]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 264 & ^UuJt (^j «Ul jQa ''*•*

1932. It was narrated from • - .- /vvv ,,v ' ,*. > .-•;= , .
ba eed bin al-Huwainth, who -

heard Ibn 'Abbas (say): We were :^4* L?' ^- '4-*J>^ 1

j? ^- ^
with the Prophet (3£) and he
went to the outhouse, then he
came out and called for food - on



^ *'*.'".



one occasion he said: food was ,

,'.*,**, ,*
* - - , ,

brought - and it was said; O ^ : JU ?u £ Vl t

dJI J >^ ^ :
Messenger of Allah, aren't you tY ooA lY .n :>JI] .iU> :
li JJ-f
going to do wudoo'? He said; "I
am not going to pray such that I [yst^ t YTAY t mo t Tov-
needed to do wudoo'."
,<rvo . * . fyJ*-J> " L^j . «jyti
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (374)]

1933. was -wr


from Ibn Ma'bad,

narrated from 'Amr,
that Ibn 'Abbas
J^ ,
ij^u ji odi i£U-

s ,.,
said: I only knew that the prayer <-iJ-\ o^ U :Jl» ^11*. ^'1 jp t j^i
of the Messenger of Allah (ft)
,J, ^ J,, j^. .^ .^
had ended from the takbeer. ' '
' ' '

omments: [Its iswod
isnad is saheeh, al-
[f£VA ;^l]
Bukhari (841) and Muslim (583)]
U W :Jli ^ju. :il ilis :j ;u Jli

.(°AV) :^ i(aM) :^.^>w? ejli^l '-?*ij>v

1934. It was narrated from Ibn -Mn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
, ' *-
^ idi, LiAi

Allah (^) said: "No man should M 5^ Jp3 01 :^& J.) J- ,xX>
be alone with a woman and no ':i-- v- -f--i V' -
t 'i
f -
\u .

woman should travel unless she J

has a mahram with her." A man <J^ Jr3 *^f) ((

ji +"-^ ^' , s, ^°
: l

came and said: My wife has gone -?'

^ /£~
* *>p. :.- * ,, . - , - *, .

out for Hajj and I have enlisted in ^^ \ °^' ^ - '

such and such a campaign. He

Pr^"^ <^>^ : ^ -^j ^ ;j> Ji
said: "CjO and do Hajj with vour r , t "

Comments: [Its i's«flrf is saheeh, al- :* ^(AAir) :~ mV^> dJ u^i •

Bukhari (1862) and Muslim °

' nn
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 265 **. ^mAjuJI ^ 4i)1 4^ L\ju'*.*

1935. Ibn 'Abbas said: Thursday

and what a Thursday! Then he wept
" ;

^^ - "
^^ -
_ ma
until his tears wetted the pebbles. : J^ .^ 0? -^ <^ :
£r^ l^' y) J^
We said: O Abu 'Abbas, what about ;';,...
Thursday? He said: The Messenger V^ f*

^ '/^ f* ^ U ^ ^ 'n''" :
,= .. ',,;

of Allah (|fe)

worse, and he said:

took a turn for the
"Come to me
_ U^Jo :V^ Jtlj _ Jiij
£ J>- ^L 1

and I will write for you a document, V^

.*,• .,*

•-f ^ V^ 1 1

^. .:.

so you will not go astray after 1 am j,^ j^ Z^} JlM J_^ jiil Jli : ( ^ :

gone." But they argued (about that), "

, _, *,%>,„ - -',-'.>- *•» ' .

l^-j^* «^l o.A* I^UJ \ C& ^£J vliSI


and it is not appropriate to argue in l

the presence of a Prophet. They said:

What is the matter with him? Is he ,,
^^u l^lii t £ j£ j xp Nj
^ ^
Try to find out from I^Ji ^f>y^L\ _<jj-^ j~^_ jLii Jli :

him. So they kept repeating that to

*.-. ,-s .,,: >-.,
. ',,:r ,: > . - t *

him, but he said: "Let me be. The

state in which I am now is better
:ly> jCii JUj _ o*& ^Ij "^i ^^-^ I*?
J ""

than that which you want me to do." ,•, r - ; . ,r , . -



And he enjoined three things - drtr~^ S^f" - V i_r"J ._

Sufy an said: He gave instructions to £g u

jiijJI ^
ljj->-tj tt-^iii ?>.^-

^ ^^
do three things - and said: "Expel the *' ^/ ,,/i
mushrikeen from the Arabian
^ *

^-^J 'f^T

Peninsula, and honour the Jiij n^

jf ;^ juj ,ilU L«U di^l
delegations as I used to do/' And _ ,
r , , , .


Sa'eed did not mention the third J' -^ =

J_A J* ^!j v; * #>
thing, and I do not know if he
[TTT~[ tt^-gTivi Ji;l]
omitted it deliberately, or on another
occasion he said that he forgot it. .(nrv) ar-or) ^.j^^L-l tg;>w"
f ^ :

And Sufyan said on one occasion:

Either he omitted it or forgot it.

Comments: [Its isnad is salieeh, al-Bukhari (3053) and Muslim (1637)]

1936. It was narrated from Ibn yi tjUIJLi yi uUii QjS- -\W\

'Abbas: People used depart to % e , , e, . , ,

from all points and the Messenger ^ '

° '
<f ^ ^ *
^ 3

of Allah {$%) said: "No one Jj| j^^ ju <.?rj )$ J '^^.

should leave until the last thing . , ^ ^ „

o ^

he has done is to circumambulate l£* ^r 1

'JJ5^ u^ ^' l
j£l ^" :

the House." [\gg. -^;i] i.-,;;h.

The speaker was reminding the people that it is impossible for a Prophet to become
delirious because he ma'saom (infallible), and they should have tried to ask him for
clarification because he was still able to speak clearly. [Translator]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 266 4, ^Uiji ^ *iil jj£ '*v--«

Comments: [Its isKflrf is saheeh, al- /w*^

Bukhari (1755) and Muslim r '° V ' 'C -&~ "M .

(1327)] .Otrv)

1937. It was narrated that Ibn ,' J\ J,\

j£. iuL £&. -\\rv
'Abbas said: When
Messengerthe - */ . ' , '
\ ,

0* S^ ^ J*
of Allah (m) came to Madinah, the
people used to pay two or three
years in advance for dates. He said:



i* '^
/ =
yi J^



"Whoever pays in advance, let him ; J^* ^^i)lj j£Ul jZh\ j JjiLlJ
pay advance for a specified
in . v- [.- ../ . •',.,;: \?
measure and a specified weight, '
Hr & ' -
for a specified time." [\A1A :»-lj] .«*JJU J£l Jl t^jlii

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (2240) and Muslim

t(m0 C-C^' iL :
(1604)] .O-W)
1938. Sufyan said: 'Ubaidullah
binAbu Yazeed told me seventy
^ ^i :
J is idi '
LiA^ - WA
years ago: I heard Ibn 'Abbas say: c_i*^ JU ii^ j~«li ili 1;J ^l



\^t ^1 r*
Allah [m) fast any *t
day, seeking
SSeng °f
^ * ^' *-7 ,
U : j/^ - '

its virtue and superiority over 3^ f^' ^* ^--" «J>*^d ^ ji ?^>

fji *

other days, apart from the day of

,'- vf,
'^ ^ -•( -*-
V- > -„;- - ' ,

'Ashoora' - and on one occasion ^ J -

JUj - ;I
Sufyan said:
meaning 'Ashoora' - and this
Except this day, ^i i^fl)! \1a'j _*0j-^ ^"

month, the month of Ramadan. [r * Vo vTA0 * :

>U . jl^i
Comments: [Its ismik/ is saheeh al- (T*o) -~ *J
C ,-^w, L_l
Bukhari (2006) and Muslim
P (

C "

1939. 'Ubaidullah narrated that »?f ?„ '^

.-•.* V^ .-:* - 4awa
he heard Ibn 'Abbas say: I am one "'

of those whom the Prophet ($j) M $1 ft Crt $ :jjc ^ti ^1 1^

sent on ahead with the weak ones
of his family on the night of
n "'


^^^ : j-

.^>^fi ojL_]
J J1
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1856) and Muslim 0nr)

1940. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas: The Messenger of Allah

^ .,

^ g^
^* _^,
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 267 4* t^UuJt & *"' 4^ Ji*»*

was commanded to prostrate .•'..- ->.-


on seven (parts) and was J ^^


^ r -

forbidden to tuck up his hair and h<UV : -jj-ij .l^jl

Comments: [Its jsrmd is mfeeft, al-
' (iV) :

X'£^°^ ^-^
Bukhari (809) and Muslim (490)]

1941. It was narrated from Salim :-J„U, ji, t jlU ^ OlLLi &j^ -\W\
that Ibn
a man who
'Abbas was asked about
killed a believer, then ^
: *{
(* ' ^
.- ., v
J* <>/
; * , .

. ,«,,.-,
^ ^
he repented and believed and did Ji^'j : Jti ?^Jtil p *
righteous deeds, then followed
true guidance. He said: Woe to
:J >-
> >


r^ °~^
. , ,

^^ ,,. ,- «„
how could he follow true
heard your Prophet
I ,',=
^ ^
: j^; JjUJL uLo J^Ut
,£ .;/ *

> l^jil ^ii aUIJ *?^13 j>J lii

(#0 say: "The slain one will come,
holding on to his
Lord, ask this one

^ U ;j
igg l&j Ji J^j
me/" By
Allah, Allah revealed
your Prophet (jg) and He

.I^jJJ' ^ Jb '^-3
i, ,




[r £ £ o t Y lAf 4 1 W * : >;l]
not abrogate it after He revealed
it. Woe to you, how can he follow .^r>w ^t— l :
true guidance?
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1942. It was narrated from Ibn 1^ £y£\ : j^ ^J>\_ !£\ \-fe. -H£Y
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah „' , SE s
. , .

{m) was shrouded in three pieces ^' J >-3 ol :^-Ij. j?I ^p ^f^i? J>
of cloth: his chemise in which he
^ ^j
" -' "

; ^f ^ J y& ^
died and a Najrani hullah (a kind of ;

^ *'
. . , o

suit), and the Auifo/i is two pieces of -oC>' *iiJI -£l>^ 3^3 '


Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef, '

- ^
because Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad is


1943. It was narrated that Ibn ^ 1^ £y±\ :

^jjj ^1 tfjU -\^r
'Abbas The Messenger of Allah
said; , ,
a ^

(jfe) was treated with cupping :JJ ^^ a** ^ r^ ^ l

-^ ^
between Makkah and Madinah, ojJlj 1^-1
*SU o£ $£ a!' Jj-^3
when he was fasting and in iTi ram. "

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef, [ ^ A ™ :

'f^ (^ >^

because of the weakness of

Yazeed bin Abu Ziyad] -^ ^ J>. ^ ^-^^ ^^ "M l :

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 268 & ^Uiil ^ ail o^L .V.-M

1944. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
jZ fli» U'^il :^UUJ.! l^j^ -HU
Allah (£g) said with regard to the ^lU ^l ji- <.'&£* je i
^ ^"7, J^: J,
mukatab [a slave who has drawn up
manumission with his
a contract of **"]
> ,,


^ ^I^-VjJ^^
t *
. * '> . ,

master and is buying his freedom

^^ U j&j t ^AJt & ^f U ^o
m ^
in instalments]: portion of the ' '
' ,

dixjah man should be paid,

of a free l
* : l] (1
^ ;jl
^? (TYr/\)
commensurate with how much he
had paid towards his manumission,
[ri A* t Y i TV" i m •
t Yr on

and a portion of the diyah of a slave .7*-j>*^-0 ojLl_.1 ! j»cj *«

should be paid, commensurate with
the extent to which he was still a

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1945. 'Ammar, the freed slave of . A'\, ,n ' • - ' i

- . . ri' -

Banu Hashim, said: I heard Ibn ^'

'Abbas say: The Messenger of cJL*^ :Jli fli*
^ j^i jiU ^j^
Allah ($$) died when he was
sixty-five years old.

Comments: [Its men are reliable]

>* J m



J ^ ,

^-\j] .<J^
tf* :J ^-

'^?j ^JJ-

^ s-



narrated that Ibn
last hardship the
t «J
^ ^>^U
Ujj£ -\\l\ ^
^ ^' o^ J
. a

believer faces is death. And he said ^>^ UUL Jli


'J- -
: ]

concerning the verse, "The Day

that the sky will be like al-muhl"
£*rf op £>
\\ ^


[al-Ma'arij 70:8]: [This means] the '^"J &J-& '^<* :£jUJ0 4$fc

filth of oil And he said concerning

the verse, "during the hours of the
^^ a ,
^ "

night" [AN 'Imran 3:113]: [This ^ 0jji ji

:Jlij t jijl ^^ : J li
means] in the depths of the night
And he said: Do you know what
the disappearance of knowledge

* rT

^ Uj
> ..: ,,
>* " Jb
'., ;



^, :

is? He said: It is the disappearance

of the scholars from the earth. .<^a-*j> ^-^ti t^i-*^ wL^j
Comments: [Its fs««rf is rftf'ee/]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 269 4» u-^' l* **» ^


was narrated that Ibn
The Messenger of
- ^ -
, ..
^ &^ _^ /„

Allah said: "The man in whose :^ *U* Jj^O J^ ^^ ^ :J^ j*

heart there nothing of the Qur'an

is like a ruined house."

^ sT
-^ <f
^^ ^ jj
S- s

Comments: [Its isnad is da'cef] '

^^ ^'

1948. was narrated from Ibn

It l? J !£ t^jili j* *?.£ ^J^ -> MA
'Abbas:The Prophet ($*) was in '; '

^ ^j ^ a^
; , ,

Makkah, then he was commanded ti5^. 5^ '

y ]
to migrate and the verse was
revealed to him: "And say (O
^ J^ .^
^ ^] L -J °t

Muhammad (£&)): My Lord!

my entry (to the city of
S^j j-^
^ v .
^V^ 9*^ ^^ ^
/,/ < /:r> ;,/!

Madmah) be good, and (likewise)

my exit (from the city of Makkah)
be good. And grant me from You
^ u ^^ ^^ eiLrf , :

an authority to help me (or a firm
sign or a proof" [al-Isra' 17:80].

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]

1949. It was narrated that Ibn tJ^ <^*y^ °y- "y.^r &^ -^H
said: The Messenger of /,
'Abbas a , , ,
r ,

Allah (m) said: "There cannot be

'*% ^ J >^^ JlS :JU
y> &
two qibkhs in one land, and the
Jj, ^jjj ^'j ^ j£b IJLi; \i
Muslim does not have to pay * "

jfeyflfc." t^ vv '^V* :>A -«^> j4^ 1

Comments: [Its f'snad is (fa'refl

^ u ^^ _^ i (jL- ,
1950. It was narrated from Ibn ; JU ouii V^ xO ^ JJ^ UlJb- -\^o>
'Abbas that the Prophet (0 ) said: „, , „.*,.*,,• ---

"The people will be gathered




-k^ u* ^)U*J1

^ V^ 1

^: -^
barefoot naked and uncircumcised, >fa\ ^jj» ^li^^l^^-^^ ^ 1

and the first one to be clothed will

be Ibraheem (*a)." Then he recited:

^* ^*£l

^ ,",,/ /, /
^ ^) u N > > ^
, ^


"As We began the first creation, We

shall repeat it" [al-Anbiya' 21:104].
^, ^ gJ £fc l3>
A^ ^^ .. '
: \j li
^r tf&Ji
Comments: [Its isnird is saheeh, al-
h<nr :
<^^^ ] '°
£ :4 =^°

Bukhari (3349)] _ <fl

. . .

. ..

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 270 <& ^Uiil ^ *ij| jOt -i:.:.:

1951. Tt was narrated from Ibn ,>£;. ,., ..

¥ f* L ^ ~ HM
, ri *
^ .
L . ,

'Abbas that the Prophet (£*)

drank some milk and rinsed his ^1 j*


±S j£* ^ Jjl j£ iy^jJI

mouth after that, and he said: "It
is somewhat greasy."

Q ^ M W Jj^3
* i

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- -^fl .«Ll^o <J j]» :JUJ .^.^U
Bukhari (211) and Muslim (358)]
[rorA t rur t r»o\ .y« «v

1952. Qatadah said: 1 heard Jabir irt' '—\ ,:;«,- ta .„

, _
. , , '
Bills CjJL>- t A-w*-i
_C- j^ji
-*^ LjJL>- -^nOT
bin Zaid narrate that Ibn 'Abbas (

said: The daughter of Hamzah was ^& j|l ^ jJj

^U- c.^s. :Jli
mentioned to the Prophet (g£) [as a .'* ;
-,. '

^ ^dJ > «..

.. ; r ' >.., >

potential bride] but he said: "She is Vi» :

J ^ ->- ol : Jli

the daughter of my brother JH' :^jl] .a^Li^Jl ^ ^f ol

through breastfeeding."
„ ,
Comments: rft
. . . ,
isnot/ is saheeh, al-
T ,
[^rv ,rm ,r*tr *Yirr
Bukhari (2645) and MusIim.( U £v) : t (TiiO :r .-^«l-l :**;
^- t-? ' C?^
Tt was
The Messenger of
narrated that Ibn
^^ ^ t i' ^ ;f C&- -\^r
Allah (£§) put Zwftr and 'Asr, and j!' J* ^J^r .J>
Ju*- je t^^J. ^
Maghrib and 7s/ia', together in
Madinah when there was no state
of fear or rain. It was said to Ibn


', ,.
~- .

-' ;'

tjr iiilj
^ .,,

'Abbas: What was the purpose of
that? He said: He did not want to
cause any hardship for his ammaft. .&f

/ ^
£^J N


M Sljf J15 «lui Jl


>~ N 3

V> >

Comments: [Its isnnd ',..

Muslim (705)]
is sa/teeft,
[mr ltn
rrrr^ *ri AAl/
tTooV >n °
n *
: 1

.(v*o) \
^ .^>^j7 ojLjJ : xjj>u"

'Abbas said:
It was narrated
A man
that Ibn
from Banu
- ,
f „
fi> -\^l
'Amir came
and said: O
to the Prophet
Messenger of Allah,
-f : ju
_'. -
^ ^^

", -

show me the Seal that is between

your shoulders for I know the
^j l?

JUi t _^U ^ ^ J^S
most about medical matters. The
- '
til j, ^^J,
r -
| ^,
e ,

Messenger of Allah (jg) said to :

^ ^' J^j ^'
JUi t ^llJi ^ii ^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas 4*> J

271 4* (j"^*11 iltf ^ 4^ J^i-«

show you
him: "Shall
sign?" He
I not
said: Yes. He looked

jj 4
T- .
jj l? y ^ '
f tf B
, /, , ,

a palm tree and said: "Call this Jli-li :Jli sJjJuJl JjJi £ol» :jLii iaLLj

bunch of dates." So he called it, J

> ,
>- -. - .-, , „„ . - «, »;., , r

and it came jumping until it ^ " " ^- ^ ^ " "


stopped in front of him. Then the JlJu irtJLSU ^1 i^-y "ffT^" :

^> ^'
Messenger of Allah (ft) said to it: -^ 7^ ' ^ ^ ^
"Go back," and it went back to its [^ '
F ^ ' -/^
place.The 'Amiri man said: O SJ*S\ yJ-j
Banu 'Amir, 1 have never seen
any man more skilled in magic •£-—* <°M ^y*°
than I have seen today.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1955. It was narrated that Ibn jJO%\ LL jl^

:Zj\H y\ &jJ- -\\eo
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah $g) said: "I have been J> 1&> '{/- *4^ J. ^r1^ J*
supported with the east wind, and jj, ^ ,. ^ .^ ^ .,
^ t ^L
'Ad were destroyed by the west t a
' '
j ;

wind." cj£l*1 bU j}3 <.CaJI ^j-^ ^P 1

Comments: isnad is saheeh,

Bukhari (1035) and Muslim

al- [toi •
i 1 *
\X '

^ JkJl]

.C\'') :p «. C ^ »r"o> :^,^^. e jL^l
1956. It was narrated that Ibn j* ^JL*\\\£j^- ;*;_?£• j? l^>- -^°t
'Abbas said, concerning the verse t\„ ,•


. , , .

^ ^ 'O^

"The (Prophet's) heart lied not in ^^ --



what he (Muhammad (a&)) saw"

[an-Najm 53:11]: Muhammad saw
£ -^i
J^ ^
- -
^ j ^^ '

his Lord, may He be glorified and


> <J ^^ ^'j , t

; Ju ( :
r^ *&J
exalted, with his heart twice.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
[ Y A , .

^ (] ^ ^

Muslim (176)] .O vi> :

f .^^ «t-J :
1957. It was narrated that Ibn ^iJU ^l ^ <£jUi jjl &^- -^«Y
'Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah
(^) said: "Whoever has a daughter
born to him and does not bury her
^^ £ ^jjj




j^^ j^

^ .


alive or humiliate her or prefer his ,--,,,,-, ,.>.-. -
sons over her, Allah will admit him

^J 'a& '^'j $+. '^

'^ , ., .

r^ '^h

to Paradise because of her." .i^Jl l^ iil JUlt _ >JJl ^; _ L^U

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas *& 272 & ^Uiil ^ *jjl jG* .'i'-m

Comments: and
Ibn Hudair

isnarf is da'eef
Ji*yyl)- tf
-j! h^_avj ,

* -^ «M djL^I , ,

1958. It was narrated that Ibn '
^ £&- ; £ jUi >j
g^ _^ eA
'Abbas said: The Messenger of , ' , , ,,
^ u^ , '

Allah (&g) went on a journey and :

J 1
^ l ^>* if JyJ-S/l

stayed for nineteen days, offering -.. -Vf- ,-', *#, ?,.
, . ,-

the prayers two [rafr ahs] by two. Ibn . ,


'Abbas said: When we travelled and <>*'

-Or^3 Or*^3 J^e "3^*
stayed for nineteen days, we offered -.. r^j;-
*v' n : > 5 -

the prayers two [rak'ahs] by two, but ^\ ^ * "^ -o"^



if we stayed longer than that, we lilil lili c^53 J^6j dL> s^ t

offered the prayers with four


l] -WjI ^ *

- -


Comments: [Its isrcad is saheeh, al- [YAAi tYAAr ^TVoA

Bukhari (1080)]
.(\-a.) *J ^~ p/«"
"C "Cr""""" '1

1959. It was narrated that Ibn *\£j. £jU :Zj[^, j\ £ju- -\\o\
Abbas said: On the day of at-Ta'if,
the Messenger of Allah (gg) freed
all the slaves of the mushrikeen who

o"^ (TT

' ;>;
* ^> •>*'


: jj

came out him.


[Hasan because of '

T m '

>^ -^^1 ^ 0* £l £^
, .

corroborating evidence; this is a [V* M t r

"l V t Y Y Y * ( T \ VI
da'eef isnad]

1960. It was narrated that Ibn ^ui

^c£j| tfi^ ^f l£U- -^v
'Abbas The Messenger of
said: *',„---"%
Allah (3)5) forbade muhaqalajj and J >^ e^ :Jli
^^ $
muzabanah™ and 'lkrimah ,

regarded it as makrooh to sell wheat

^ ^3 '
if <-~<*f* 'if

# '
or barley harvested
when it is •
J^ 11
££ «3*?

^ e
Comments: [Its isnarf is salieeh, al- "Cr -

Bukhari (2187)]

Muhaqalah means selling the field for a known measure of grain, Muzabanah means
selling the palm tree for some wasqs of dried dates.
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4« 273 & (jrftijdl & <UJl

1961. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (*&) wrote to the people of
Jurash, forbidding them to mix
raisins with dried dates.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

[v\WYi<u .-^i] .^=Jij ^^Ji

1962. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (jfe) offered the funeral
prayer for the occupant of a grave
after he was buried.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

[nn iVoot : j^\]

Bukhari (1247) and Muslim


1963. It was narrated that Ibn JLLpVi tfl^ : ^jUi r1 llil^ -mr
'Abbas said: Raisins would be
soaked for the Messenger of Allah
(M) anc he would drink it for one

day, then the next, then the next,

evening of the third day.
until the
Then he would order that it be
given to others to drink or be
poured away. [rrrv jut
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
.(Y * *
O ; /» .«*>w» ojU*-J ! TLtj^iH

1964. It was narrated that Ibn

The Messenger of
Whatever Allah wills and you will.
a man say,


^ u

j^; ^.-
a*} ^ '^^
^ Jj,
o>. M'y.

He said: "Rather, what Allah alone >(! , ] /^
wills." .«Jl>-j aJJI sLi La X :JUi *.\z~zj*'$

Comments: [Saheeh because of [^AVI :*>-lj]

corroborating evidences]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 274 4* t>AiiJI (>j <lu1 jlj£ iVuk*

1965. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (^*) prayed in an open
space with nothing in front of
Comments: [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence] .

1966. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said; The Messenger of
Allah (j£) sent 'Abdullah bin
Rawahah on an expedition, and
that happened to be a Friday. He J, ^'33 y. ^^M *JUi Jj^j i-v

sent his companions on ahead and

said: I will stay behind and pray
j|§ ^Jl li jJ^U ^iu,;! :JLi3 JlLiJ>l
Jumu'ah with the Prophet (^g), then
I will catch up with them. When
the Messenger of Allah (#5) had
prayed, he saw him and said:
"What kept you from going out ^Lit j! ij^l :Jlii :Jli «VijLUJ>l
early with your companions?" He
said: I wanted to pray Jumu'ah with J^—j JUi :JU .LjJUJl IS t^^Jl ^iUU

you, then catch up with them. The

Messenger of Allah (^) said: "If
you were to spend everything on
earth (in charity) you would never
be able to match the reward of their
leaving in the morning/'

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\ .

1967. It was narrated that Ibn £i^Ji til; :i^ui ^1 GiJb- -mv
'Abbas said: Najdah al-Haroori
wrote to Ibn 'Abbas to ask him
about killing boys; who the khumus
belongs to; when a child is no
longer to be regarded as an orphan;
whether women accompanied any
campaign or took part in fighting; jlS Ji *LUI ^.3 ^(t—J 1
^ 'A^t Jr*
and whether slaves had any share
of the booty. Ibn 'Abbas wrote to
him (saying): As for boys, if you
are al-Khadir and could tell

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 275 Jfc ^UuJI jj au\ -lie '•''

disbelievers apart
then (go ahead) and
from believers,
them; as
kill "V
> . -

^ ^^ ^ -

Jt U! :
for the khumus, we used to say that
^ ^1

jjjj\ tfj .^j&l- 4 ^j^|

it is for us but our people said that
it is not for us; as for women, the * ^ <lrP ^
^-"S* j** j* < 111 ol : J_^ li£*

Messenger of Allah ($) used to

take women with him so they
m fa J \
^ ^ ^^ a *

could treat the sick and take care of JU '^Xj ^'^ CfiJ^ ^ V_lj L tJS

the wounded, but they did not take

part in fighting; as for the child, he 'sT*"
, s ,. .**,
Uj V^ °^-
N ii
-> ^^ '-*-u

isno longer regarded as an orphan ^JU t j^j| dj t llSi; lil id iU i^&i I

when he reaches puberty; as for *',,.•

slaves, they had no share of the C^Ji
, .,

, , ,,



<4^ r^ ^ ^
booty but they would be given
[TYTo Jiil]

Comments: [A saJieeh hadeeth] -gj> "^^ <->b jt^^ 1

iy*^ ^±>- :
1968* It was narrated that Ibn
JJJ^\ tfjU :£jU2 !•& -U1A
"' J>\
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (S5) said: "There are no
days on which righteous deeds

' J^r
J>. ±^* l/>

j^ .jj

*o^l ^^

fa ^ >
^ *

are more beloved to Allah than , J® '

^\ , ?
these days," meaning the first ten ^ <Ji >-^-1 V$j ^JL^Jl jXill j»l!l

days of Dhul-Hiijah. They said: O ,.4 ., .a;, ., , =
, *,
Messenger of Allah, not even jihad r ^\ ~ \
' " ^ lt j j-

for the sake of Allah? He said, Vj t Jui J^3 U :

\J\i :JLS _ JjS\
"Not even
Allah, unless a
jtfwd for the sake of
goes out with
himself and his wealth and does

^uj <JL
: JU
- -


^ J^ ^ ^'

VI * Jdl


not come back with any of that," '

, , , .,"'.'
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] '
l ^~J '-
' °^ &y ~ >

1969. Al-A'mash narrated a \--tI, ri s - - 1" *f ii s .

- .1,1
similar reportfrom Mujahid - and u -

it does not say from Ibn 'Abbas - ji ^u*S/l l51C-j : Jli ^L> ^,1 ^
from the Prophet (^), i.e., "There
are no days on which righteous y- - u"^ J') J* :
<j ir^ - -&\**
Jl^, flj
i ^ u» :^ ,liL ^ ^Ijl
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 276 &. ^Ludt ^ *ij( Jut ,V n^

Comments: [Its men are thwat but , , ^, ... ,,

it is mursal. See the previous c ^ t---^

report] .dJU

1970. It was narrated that Ibn ^Vl tfai- :£,Ui ^1 tJjb- -\*V«
'Abbas said: A woman came to the ' ,


Prophet (j*g) and said: O u* "•

jrrr ji rb*~- J* 'O^ 1
(4^ ^
Messenger of Allah, my- mother
has died and she owed the fasting
^/ ^^ , ,
^ .


of one month; can I make it up on L«S*j cJU ^l jj iJJl J^ I; : ^^

her behalf? He said " Do you think
that if vour mother owed a debt
would you pay it off?" She said: Of

^Js Ul
^ ^^
-. - „
.. . •
*rf ,


tjJS ^Jul Ji. jt5 _p

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^
course. He said: "The debt owed to
Allah is more deserving of being
<>' :

P aidoff [U"n l^lj] .i^l^j
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1953) and Muslim -^°V> £ .^^ «M 'fy.j^
(1148)] .< mA) :

t (ku
1971. It was narrated from
^1 ^l Uj£ riljUw j,i tfl»- -nv^
'Abdullah bin 'Umair, the freed
slave of Ibn 'Abbas, that Ibn J>.
4M jl*
J^ ^&- ^ -^— . Ii3 1 ji ^Ji

'Abbas The Messenger '- /
said: of ^ ',,'

; ,
„, (

Allah (gg) said: "If I live till next

: JU
^ ^ V^ V*

year, I will certainly fast the ninth ^x 'J^ ;(YYo/\) $fe Jjl J^i; Jii
day [of Muharram]." , .

Comments: [Its isnad is (joiw]

~ \^ -^^ «J- ^s
[mr TWL t

'Abbas said:
It was narrated
The Messenger of Allah
that Ibn
^ ,
-, £^
> >j ^ _ HvT
i&) trotted (ram/) in both his Hajj ^ ^r*'j j-°J :
J*» cr**?* o? J* *U»*
^ '

and his 'Umrah, as did

'Umar/Uthman and the caliphs.
Abu Bakr,
^U ^ ^&
*' J
>f- ,-Ti /> -^

fT ^
^ .

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] ^ ^

C ^ r ^ :

CT '

' '
J ' ^ J 4
i-* J

was narrated that Ibn

The Messenger of
- ^, ^^
.^ jUj;
M ^ _ Hvr
Allah (£«) said: "Whoever wants Cr^ <o\y^> ^1 jl^f; ^ C^^' j^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 277 Jfr ^IIaK ^ *iil jljc ,u...«

do Hun, let him hasten to do ,

*^ ^i

[\Arr :^-lj] .«j4*^




^ - ;

^ £ _


Comments: [A hnsan hadeeth; this is £^ ] i'j 1

a da'eef isnad]

1974. It was narrated that Safwan j£ jf^ ^-^1 ^ &Jb- - ^V *J>

al-Jammal said:
say: The Messenger of Allah (&r)
said: "Whoever wants to do Hajj,
I heard Ibn 'Abbas ,",

^ J r* ^ J ^^ - &. ^ '
,-* _ .

^{j, '^'\ .j .:., _-.,

;JU ijUiJl 013I >
let him hasten to do it." * *>'.,»,
Comments: [It is repeat of the ™ .


^ -
' ^ J
previous report] [ U TT : «- j] . j^li

hjl^Ij jl^i^j jj 1 : ^ilj.altj t Ua^- "JLl^JI 0I_jjLi3 ^» ^j*j .4JLJU jj^-" >* •

1975. It was narrated from Ibn ^^ "

u^i t J_pLL^l l£U- -\^Vo
'Abbas that the Messenger of I f a

Allah (^) prayed when the sun


1^ 'S-^ ^ J V~>- ^ ^^ i

was eclipsed, bowing eight times

^ jy, j^- y .
&. ^,
^ ^^ t

and prostrating four times. "

' ^

Comments: [Its isnad is da'tt-fl

[TYn :>lj] .oll^i ^Jjl3

1976. It was narrated from i\jj* £'l£-'\ : JutLLI tjlu- ~\Wt

Ikrimah that 'Umar used to say , ,.
^ ^S , * ^ - _, .. ,

concerning declaring one's wife to £*i*u ^l


^ ^^

^ ,_j5 :Jli

be fwram: It is an oath for which

j j^ -^ -^ JJ .
~_^ -
expiation must be offered. ";,,,*.
Hisham said: Yahya wrote to me, 4^J f^ ^ >^j&t :
Crv. :

narrating from Ya'la bin Hakeem,
from Sa'eed bin Jubair, that Ibn
'Abbas used to say concerning Jj^j jtf ^^ 1h' <J' :
.^ i>; ^- ,'

declaring one's wife to be haram: >. - c:

,->*>> * / r


It an oath for which expiation

-^ u=^i '['-^ ^
must be offered. And Ibn 'Abbas jjj 5 J^ ^ J^J 0^ JuJ^- :^^
said: "Indeed in the Messenger of
Allah (Muhammad (^)) you have ,(y\ :^t^Nl) ixL
Musnad of "Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 278 & ^liait ^j auI j^ V..M

a good example to follow for

him" [al-Ahzab 33:21].
^ ^
^^' * -^ ^
^ ^ ^^
^ ^ **
Comments: [Its zW is miin^"] ^

: t (ar-n) i^.^^

1977. 'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah j^y &jj- ;

J-pU-^I llijii- -HVV
bin 'Abbas narrated that he heard ,.**., -* I ,?

Ibn 'Abbas say: The Messenger of

Allah (&;) was an obedient slave;

: jii

^ ^"^
- &
£*- ^^



he conveyed - by Allah - what he
was sent with and he did not tell us *^'j ~£^ l l
J>"^ 1^ £t£ jJJI jj^ otf
anything in exclusion to the people,
except for three things: He -
fli ^ lL5*il Uj ^" ^pj' ^

instructed us to do wudoo' properly,

not to consume charity and not to

..., ,
jl U^l
: \5yc ^ <-%^.
vT r f. -.if' .t
J -" v J tr u j
breed a donkey with a mare. Moosa '

said: I met 'Abdullah bin Hasan and ^ Jll jup o-iii :^_^ Jtf .^-^i JU
said: 'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah told
me such and such. He said: Horses



<Ul .U
_, *

were few among Banu Hashim, and j> &\s J^J| oj JUi : JJSj \'js jt'l^
he wanted to increase their
numbers. -f-fc? ^ ^ v^k **y»

j^ * ^' 1

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/we/i] [ Y Y rA t Y • ^Y t Y * V :

^ l]

-jwwj ojLjI ',



was narratedthat Ibn
Khalid bin al-Waleed
^ ^"^ „
:J^UJ-j lliji^ -MVA

^ 0* ^^
t _

and I entered upon Maimoonah l

l^ u* .7** ^-^-
1 ; J^ ^j
bint al-Harith with the Messenger - >•
fo- cJUS -fc
of Allah (sg). She said: Shall we C jj-Ji \\, U1 : Jli
^ '

give you some food that

given to us by 'Ufaiq? Umm
^j^" v^ ^^4*
\ .

^ W> ,



*f ,
:; • i
f \if • n-
grilled lizards were brought, and '
^ '

the Messenger of Allah (#$) spat. j>^ ^.A^ J^. ^^ '•

J^* ^i^
Khalid said to him: I think you
find it off-putting? He said: "Yes." ^ ^ / ^ ^ ^ J^
-ff- V'. >-' - -
.„, * >'

She said: Shall I give you some

^ j^U^f v'l :dJl* «j^l» :Jli ^jli :

uiiai was
milk that
uLiiji wds given to us>: nc
iu us? He
said: "Yes." A vessel of milk was ^ "^ -

, , -

- ,-

, >>v

- J>
brought and the Messenger of
Allah ($£) drank. I was on his
^^^ J J,,
' '

f £

f\ '

right and Khalid was on his left, ^^J'» :

J> Jli* tJU^ ^ oJU-j t^
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4> 279 4* ^UiJI & -Oil .

and he said to me: "The drink is ,„ , ?> r ,-,,-,, - ,rT - . . •, , -,;

yours, but if you want you can ~ * -

give precedence to Khalid." I said: v;« :Jl£ .uii ^U M^j^, ^j/N JlIs
I will not give precedence to - . _ ,* ".>.--'.,*,*,.*
anyone with regard to your 5sJ
w -
JJ l
(*«"' • ^rr^ WL ^ **- ***•*

leftover drink. Then he said: "If £j ^j, ;^ — 4 £, (^ £uU}

Allah provides food for anyone, ^', ,' V
lethim say: 'O Allah, bless it for ^ &j3 ^ & ^
^l» J^
>o __ .


^ u v .&, 5^ j^ ^
us and give us something better
than it.' If Allah provides milk for ^ ^ "V-

- -

anyone, let him say: 'O Allah, [\<\>t i^lj .«jjl

bless it for us and give us more.'
And there nothing that takes
M iIa -> l
Cr-~ ^.^ ^./^
the place of food or drink except
^1 j> j**j -v*-^ xj ^ ^ ^^-v*-^

.J>^rv iUy-
Comments: [A Jiastm hadeeth; this is a da'eefisnad]

'Abbas, from
It was narrated from Ibn
Umm who
; iu^ ^ iiii &*£. : i&, l&>- -\ W
gave two (grilled) lizards to
her ^ ^ ^^
t __

_, .,,,.„ ,-,.,..
0? j»* J* ^ & &^ L

Maimoonah... a similar l\^ L^l
* '
Jl iJui '
f I
^ l^&


„ - - , ..

<v- ,j] ''^ 'V^
Comments: [A
the previous report]
Hasan hadeeth, like

^ o^ M ^ ^ £^ t , Luj :

1980. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
^^^ ^ ^^^ m ^33
S* o^^
,^ - .


Allah (jg) passed by two graves,

^ ^^ ^ ^
_ 1 :

and he said: "They are being ..

jj^ . .
_ '-"
punished, but they are not being * ' '

punished for anything that was ^ <f^ y> '

Jl» ^^ ^ ^ '^j^
difficult to avoid. them did One of . . *,, ,., .
**,- .,>*' -..::
,„. ;

not protect himself from urine - ^ - - -

- * - ^- ^--^
Wakee' said: from his urine - and _ J_pl ^
ij^ZZ *3 jl5j U^jji-i Cil ^S

the other used to walk around ^ ,, ,j ^. , , /, ,

spreading malicious gossip." He J^- '°^ U1 -&•

^ C^ J JLi ^' t


palm branch, yj^ /^v,

called for a
in two, then planted one piece on
split it
j i^lli £1^. iif li «U-*!JU

each grave. Then he said: ^ ^ J^3 ^ '-W& *ia^-ij ^5 JS

"Perhaps it will be reduced for i: u >^ ,_'=•
^ y K^ : ,„ : jt; ?ili Jj^^
them so long as this does not dry
out." h^ :>ll].«U45»
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 280 £, ^lijjl jj 411 1 jui .'r.,;.i

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh tyay\ .

(r\-i) •

according to the conditions of al-

'*" ' q.jv**-^« t -£:>**'

Bukhari and Muslim]

1981. It was narrated that Ibn t^ 5^i riii :^_ £j^ -HA\
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah ($&) passed by one of the •"
JU u--^- ^ C^ *^*^ S* 1 j>-^«
gardens of Madinah and he heard
^ >'-
the sound of two people being
punished in their graves... and he
' " ^
" -
J~" J ^
J} j^^l ^°yj> **—* t ^-^ 1

quoted the same report. And he ."•'.,, *, '- - , --- ,*

said: "... until this dries out" or

jl *
~ ^" :Jbj "^ -^J* 5

so long as this does not dry

^ .ir^ r
[\\\. :
_.| ] *j l;»
out." •"

Comments: [Its isnad is sotee/i, al-


t(Tn) :

C •£?*** °^ ^-J**
Bukhari (216) and Muslim (292)] .(Y<U)

1982. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
\ \ "f
^f j^, '

^ _ mt
Allah (^j) cursed effeminate men < **/* J* ^jz$^s)<J. J^h if t/X^^
and women who imitate men, He **& * A '
^ ^ J^' Y^
f ., - -i r--

said: Expel them from your v- v

houses." And the Messenger of j* o"^^^ t( 0^"^'
Allah (&$) expelled So and so, and -'-.?, '
,- v ,
.<"VU . . • ' ',,.'- *.,

'Umar expelled So and so." ^ j^r^l" :Jlsj *jL-Jl

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- C/^J '^"** ^ *^ 1

Jr^3 (T/^ "j^Jci
Bukhari (5886)]
,„, f „m ,»., ;>,]tt ?
[noA r\o\ r«o^ yym t t 4

1983. It was narrated that Ibn

Abbas said: I bear witness that
- J,
\ t
^ _ mr
the Messenger of Allah (^t) Jj-'J u^" -^' J^ :
^^ j? 1
,>* **^**
prayed before the khutbah, then he
delivered the **.**. Then he
thought that the women had not
~: -i**f .«J-J1
'/^ r
j, > ? - '?f

* jUI

l^iU J"Aj o^j i^Uli uuljl »^j jj £[

heard him, so he went to them, ', ,;'

^^ r, , - • * , . .-
- , * , - , ,

accompanied by Bilal who spread '^^ 01 »'j Z^^ ^>*

out his cloak, and he exhorted ,Jj. jjj t ^l Jj ^/\ 3L113 :
aL sf^Ji
them and enjoined them to give '
charity, so the women started
^* T :

CT^ -«^l} ^^J

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 281 & (j^Uill ^ *iit jljc JJii

throwine - and Ayyoob [one of / .

t .
< ,
, .

the narratorsj pointed to his ears l

<- *-* ^
and his throat, as if indicating
earrings and necklaces.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1449) and Muslim (884)]

1984. It was narrated that Ibn

f^ tf^ :jrf^l CijU- -mi
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
c^ ^ .yi^i
Allah (^) said with regard to the ^ \>^ J Crt

mukatab slave who has drawn


a contract of manumission
Jbl Jj-^j <J^ ^i ^ ^/e
with his master and is buying his _ji£ih ^ #£
freedom in instalments]: "A
.IJ^JI (Jj Li J-iij ' y>Jl Aji
portion of the diyalt of a free man
should be paid, commensurate [^ii :^lj]
with how much he had paid
towards his manumission, and a . ?i_»»_i3 e;lb-*! ! «j j>«

portion of the diyah of a slave

should be paid, commensurate
with the extent to which he was
still a slave."

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

'Ikrimah said:
It was narrated
heard Ibn 'Abbas
_~ ^^
^ ^ ^ £^ .

_ mo
say: The Messenger of Allah (^g) '
JLS **)** 'if-
^>'J- Cf. 4^ L* '"'j^
said: "Fast when you see it and . ^ J -^ ^ .
V. ^
., ^_
break the fast when you see it. And -^ y

if it is too cloudy, complete the licL'JU- JL> io}^J Ij^lwl} ^j^J l^i^i*
number [of days in the month] as - " * ''"-
And do not anticipate
thirty. the ^-> 4

^"* S
^ -^ <-^^j
1 l
f*>' -

month." Hatim said: i.e., the j't ^:i -'jt-iji; iiVii-.'.,i ^».ii iy ^'.:
number of days in Sha'ban. "
," „

r„ ,,
[r-Y\ ,Yrro :


1986. It was narrated that Ibn jlp V,p Ju*J- ^* ^J &JU- — ^A^

^ ^^
'Abbas said;
moved on from
Allah (sg)
The Messenger of
'Arafat, -^
, -

u* "^ 44-^ ^ ,.- s


with Usamah bin Zaid seated ^\ &^ ^ ^ J^ Jjl J^lif

behind him on his mount. His '
sheomel shifted position when ^ £'j >j tiiL51

t\ ^-^
, „

^.j y. {
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas 4 J
282 4e (jiAjL*)! (ji «i)t Oat '''"'

he was raising his hands, and

they were no higher than his J J^ x
5h* ^ J1 ^ i*i'j J'jj^ ^
head. Then he moved on at a
measured pace until he came to
Muzdalifah, then he moved on V^- Lf*J J*- <J& J'j ^» 'u*££
from Muzdalifah with al-Fadl
seated behind him on his mount.
[UV :^\j] .CUll
And he continued to recite the
Talbiyah until he stoned Jamratal-

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1987. It was narrated from

Habeeb bin Shihab: My father told
me: I heard Ibn 'Abbas say: The
Messenger of Allah {^) said, on
the day he addressed the people in
:hjL ^(1)1 c& f>;
^ Jji j^j jii

Tabook: "There is no one among

the people who is better than a
man who holds on to his horse's
head and wages jihad for the sake
of Allah, may He be glorified and
exalted. And avoid the evil that Haw n\i t : j&\] y<jj- j^4j
people do. And there is no one is
who is better than one who is out in
the desert and enjoying the
blessings of Allah, honouring his
guest and giving him his due."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1988. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (jjg) ate
some meat from the shoulder (of :

^ ui 1

<J- 'J —- a? S^** S*

}& if)
an animal), then he prayed and
did not do wudoo'.
•^& fJj J^^ :
* lis JSI #| j^lli 01

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

^aa t i\or tX •
« Y t A^ii :^i]
Bukhari (207) and Muslim (354)] [YMi ,rior .rrax t vm jm
.(r«o :(
. t (T-v) ^.^ .jl^i :g*^
1989. was narrated that Ibn

said: The Messenger of

^ J
f^ 0* t-r^ tfjb- -UAS
Allah (gfe) forbade the milk of a J^J <j^ :
J^ o- 1
^ t^'

Cr^ '^^ IJ-

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 283 M$b (julilkll
i^j AJji OlC J.'l

sheep that feeds on filth, (the meat

of) an animal that has been used for

target practice, and drinking from

the mouth of a waterskin.
[rur .r\£x ^xwk jivi
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

1990. It was narrated that Tawoos

said: I was with Ibn 'Abbas, when

Zaid bin Thabit said: Are you ruling
that a menstruating woman may
leave before the last thing she does
is to circumambulate the House?
Ibn Abbas said: Yes. Thabit said: c_L" "W :Jli ijU5 :Jl* ?c-2L Ujl^
Do not do that. Ibn 'Abbas said:
Why not? Go and ask So and so,

the Ansari woman, whether the

Messenger of Allah (^) told her to
do that? Zaid came back to Ibn U : jUi ttUAJij ^C*- ^t (jJ] Jjj
'Abbas smiling and said: I see that [rro^ :^i] .iJli As ni iiiji
you were telling the truth.
,OY*YA) :- .^>w3 oiL-^l 7Hj**J
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (1328)]

1991. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (#,) said: "There is no
migration after the conquest, but ;>^ ^'» :
sgg Jfrl J^3 JU : J\i ^&
there is jihad and good intentions,
^J^i^l lijj lSjj jL^- j^Jj t^iJl aii
and you are asked to mobilize

then do so,"
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (2783) and Muslim .(\ror) :

i(rvAr) i^.^^ui^] :^»>^

1992. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas - Sufyan said: I think it
llil^ :jdi ^ ^ tfjU- -mY
must be from the Prophet (£fe) -;
"Bring me
a Book (revealed before
this), some trace of knowledge"
[al-Ahqaf 46:4]. He said: "The

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas <& 284 £ ^liiii tf **m y.i

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

,^^, 6il ^j :

1993, It was narrated from Ibn .£•: -- ov- _»,--
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah ^ f^*
(gg) used to recite in Fajr prayer on y. 4r^ j* 'O^ (4^ h* <¥^> 1

Fridays "Alif lam meem Tamed"

(i.e., Soorat as-Sajdah) and "Hal
^ '
-, ,^
J Jl :f
V^' ^
.*' ...
a to" Soorat al-Insan]; and in
[i.e., ;JI^ iilAJl ^ *4i»Jl ;SLi j»Vjc_'o\$
Jumu'ah prayer (he used to recite
Soorat) al-Jumu'ah and "Idiwja'akal- ?J

^ , .,,,•
5 *^ J1

^ , ,-


J W > ,

[i.e., Sooratal- :^i] .^S^ii ^ |-£ ; ^ii^Ji>

t T*<\1 t r*n tYVl ,YiM t Y£av
[Its rsnfld is sa/iee/i]

[rt'i t rm t YTYo t nv t r-<w

1994. 'Umar bin

Khuwar narrated:
'Ata' bin
heard Ibn
; jj
_ ,

^ £- ,
'Abbas say: The Messenger of :
^u j'^ 1

^ j? t^** <>] S^ jij^

Allah (jfc) ate food that had been " .'j ^ & ' m '-'

^ k] -
Jji J
^ y ^ ^"^

changed by fire, then he prayed '

->* .

and did not do ww doo'. -L^ JJj jLi jli t jlLl ^'^J> ll, ^
Comments: [Its isnad is scftee/i] r i
^ <^ AA , |

1995. It was narrated

'Abbas said: We travelled with the
that Ibn j* ^ *-,
" '.
1 ^-^ ^ I^jU. -M*o
Messenger of Allah (^) between C ^ '^ y^*


a* ^J-l^
Makkah and Madinah, and he
prayed two rak'ahs, not fearing
Jbj t £,JuJi; &^^ ,""

6 6 a _

anyone but Allah. •

J^J >* iiJi
^ ^»^ij ^ ^^53
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; its [\AoY :«^-lj]
is/ifld is Ja'ee/]

1996. It was narrated that Moosa i-.< &\ -

<V- -
^ L
• 1 '.

^ ^f/ ^
bin Salamah said: I said to Ibn
'Abbas: If you do not catch up with '<_?*& Ji^ : JLi IlL. ^^i ^

Mu s nad of ' Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 285 Jfe (jJitiiJl & *iJl

the prayer in the mosque, how

many (rak'ahs) do you pray in al-
Batha'? He said: Two rak'ahs. That
J\ %i. iji; ^^j :JU ?.uijL
is the way of the Prophet (^).

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,

Muslim (688)]
.(1AA) .TUU>
:- ., «t^i :
1997. It was narrated from Ibn ^i-
'Abbas that the Prophet (5^) used
to say in his du'a': "O Lord, help
me and do not help others against
j$±Z- 40UJI £*
pJUUJl j> *Ut ,^-^-


me, support me and do not

support others against me, plan
for me and do not plan against
? du J ^ * ^
me, guide me and make guidance
\jk±, j\s $g Jjl Jj-^j Ll \^& ^l

easy for me, and help me against

those who wrong me. O Lord,
make me gTateful to You, make
me remember You much, make
^ ^ * J ^3 ^ :

me fearful of You, obedient to

You, humble before You and
turning to You, O Lord, accept
du ^t i3iL;

du ^i^-i ^3 >;
id; Jjj a;ii3 du
my repentance and wash away
my sins, answer my supplication,
make my proof firm, guide my
heart, make my tongue speak the •^J
. *
V^ V^-'J
. * ,
*- .
i »
truth, and remove resentment ^J
Jl^lj (-
l i^
.JJUjj l
j_^ t
from my heart.

Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth]

1998. was narrated that Ibn


'Abbas The Messenger of

(<&) said:
Allah (£jjg) would fast until we
thought that he would never break
N \ J_jij _5
fj-^j ^^ *JJi Jj-^j ^^
his fast, and he would not fast until

we thought that he would never

fast. And he never fasted any
: jkl] ilij Nl aLjJi fai ii Uu l^i
month in full since he came to
Madinah except Ramadan. [n*v rvrv ju-i^o^ t t vn
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 286 Jfe ^lijdf ^j ah\ ait JiLi

Comments: [Its isnad is safteefe]

1999. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet (gg)
fc£ ^ ;iJLi > IA;
&b- -MM
said: "This and this are the same ^ «lr^

Cr* j- 1
?* ji 1

a* '^J^ 0*
[with regard
pmkie finger and the thumb,"
to diyah]" - the -^
r^t^ ^~^
Z^, ,,,/.
~ J ~ ^
Comments: [Its isnad is satee/f, al-
[m n • t o * ,T^T£ t Y *m ^l] :

Bukhari (6895)]
.(TA^o) : r- .jitJwwa ojL_J ',
p*> j^u

2000. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (£&) said:

j ^1 £i ^ ^^ l&U -Y-

"No man ever learns anything ^ ^l juc. ^ jJ/J\ tijS- :Jli ^JiiVl
about astrology but he also learns .'

^ *,
, *. - . „ - -

^ ""^

a branch of witchcraft; whoever

f ^ _ ^ ^ ttlUU

more (of the former) learns
(of the latter)/'
; - . ,
<>? UJU J^3 j^l
- ' *
U» : JU
Comments: [Its isnad is s«foe/i] - ^ ; ^^ '

[YAi- :^l]

2001. Ibn 'Abbas narrated ^j

the Prophet said: "If [a person]
^ ^j| '
£;^ : £^_ _ Y ..\
(5g|) , ,s

thinks of doing a good deed then a"^ If} u^-^ :

j^j ^^ ijlJSi
does it, it be recorded as tea
will r.l 'l :- " * i !
,i» V *& *
n -

and if he does not do it, it will be / , . , .

- -

recorded as one hasanah. If he <.^_1^ cJ^ L^1*^ ^ o\j <.\*jj- c3

thinks of doing a bad deed and
^^ ^
-\ :-.. ,> ..r
: • * . •

does it, it will be recorded as one ^ J ' ' '

*S f* fy
sayyi'ah, and if he does not do it, it iToll ; ^l] .«aL^- c^ t L4JLUL;
will be recorded as one hasanah."
[Xi 'Y t YAYV
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]

2002. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
Allah (3^) ate some meat or a

±L^> ^ 0UI5

1J»j j&J-

, ;

<**"- ^
.<* -
Y '
* T

jJJ- J>_ 'J,

bone with meat on it, then he
prayed and did not touch water
^^ :JU
^^ ^' ^
«, .

^ -


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas ^ 287 * ^11*31 & aiiI a^ .ill^i


isnads are sriiraft, *

j^ ^ f ^
- '



jLi t li> jl lUJ jsl #z Jbl J^j

.(ro^rei) :

.^^^. <aJL-l :^>«"

2003. It was narrated from Ibn \&j£. : «£* ,>!> £&> :JJC\£jJ~-1**T
'Abbas that a sheep belonging to
_ ^ „* , » s *.
, , j. : ..

^ b ° ^^

l ^" U ^J*H l :
Maimoonah died, and the Messenger
of Allah (^) said; "Why don't you "yf t ^u^ l&£\ Nl» :
#§ Jul J_J-j JUi
make use of its skin? Why don't

^ ,, >; / >>0 f

you tan it because that will purify ^a ' * ' Yr "^ :>il] .<^ 4» "j*=~S
it?" [toy wrs*n ,r^^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1492) and Muslim ,(ni): f i(^HT):j ;

> w ..jb|:gj>:

2004. It was narrated from Ibn jSjJ- :«pr ^1 o^ J^< ^^ _r ' ' *

'Abbas (^) that the Messenger of ", * /-• ', ,. ,

Allah (*g) offered the Efd prayer ^ 0*


^ r^
, ,

^ ^^
with no An or iqamah. jj^ iJl J^i ^ Jji j^j jl
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] „ .
„ n v _ v ..
Ml .-,;, Vr mm

[rYYv t rrr° t Yovi t Y\vr 4 yw^

2005. It was narrated from Ibn :\l1p*J| cJ^j- J^Z liiJb- -Y--o
'Abbas that a woman said: O ,< -«

Messenger of Allah, [my] mother ^


0* ^fi^
.,> .

J: ^^

If r^
, ^
^^ .

owed the fasting of one month £ '

t jj, j^- u .jjy sf-, ^ .^
but she died; should I fast on her / *

behalf? He said: "If your mother i<JjUi



f>^ 4*
^ ^ -, - -

owed a debt, wouldn't you pay it

off?" She said: Yes. He said: "The
^| '
^ y„ .j^ ^ ^j,g|

debt of Allah,
and exalted, is
may He be glorified
more deserving of
:jlj .j^j
: cJLi

j ,

being paid off."
[\A*n :^ij
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfe 288 4 ^liiii ^ 41) | jQc ji^

Comments: [Its isnad is soteeft, al- ,,.-J ,.

. . .

Bukhari (1953) and Muslim ^ "CT^ ° '

(1148)] .OUA) :


2006. It was narrated that Ibn

t .Ll» ^ ^j
i^j^. _y..-\
'Abbas said: The Messenger of * ,,*,,- -

Allah (#5) cursed women who J -^J ^ :Jli

^^ oi 1
0* ''^M

men and effeminate men,

and he said: "Expel them from
^Ji; t *L^ji
# '
, ^ t ,

your houses." The Messenger of "(^i^ Of p*^^- " 1

J^-*j iJLr^ Of


Allah (*&) expelled So and so, and «' in "

Umar expelled So and so.
-if- i-<r
L '
** >"' J 'i

^ E^J
>- '
f 'm-

Comments: [Its isnarf is saheeh, al- [ HAY :

^Ij .U"^ ^l£
Bukhari (5886)]

2007. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
^ : jj ^,3-^,
/ ^
- -^
^ _Y , ,

Allah ($g) drank some milk then

he rinsed out his mouth and said:

^^ 0^


^ 0* i/*^

It is somewhat greasy. ^ .*-; -

: „,-
?.. -.

, , ? *


Comments: [Its isnad is sofia*, al-

[MM :

0r^ ] - kL *^ ^ <4* ^3 :

Bukhari (211) and Muslim n

(358)] , x
.(roA) : .(ni) :^.^>^ 0J u^j :^>^

2008. It was narrated that Ibn ^- :jdi ^**,'••'

^A: llilp- -Y..A
'Abbas said: Abu Talib fell sick; "
\ >
Quraish came to visit him, as did 1 *^ OUIU
0* J**i O* -

^ ^^ J*i _


the Messenger of Allah (#;). - •

j, -l^
There was a place by his head for ,/' '"

man to sit, and Abu Jahl went
"^J ^J^j*
; ;

^A^ y} ly>J* J^i
sat there. They said: The son >-'- V -• - >> >, - ?,'
of your brother is criticizing our „ t
-^ J

^ J

gods. He said: Why are your o[ :\ji\Si „4J i*ii

J4>- _^1 *Ui iJ>-3
people complaining about you?
He said: "O want them to
uncle, I
jL" :JUj
- -

'^ ^ &
* ,,
- ;'
1 l

affirm one word by means of

which the Arabs will submit to

L> :JU" ?iL _^i:


them and the non-Arabs will pay

the ;izya/i to them." He What

^ r* ^ ' s-^r 3


^ ^> '-

said: ?-» u :Jli <L'U| ^Ji L^ji .5'^-.

is it? He said: "La
They stood up and said: Has he
ilaha illallahr -\ ^

T V] y'l ^'» :Jli

made the gods all into One God?

Then the verse " 'Has he made
(YTa/u .j^ f,^,,J
^ '^
^ -
- |

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 289 <& ^U*Jl c* «J» 4^ J^
the o/iTiflft (gods) (all) into One ilah

(God - Allah). Verily, this is a

.(<•> -^y*) 4v^ *<>^ ^* &$ - ujJj

curious thing!"' [Sad 38:5] was [Ti.\S : Jiil]


Comments: [Its /snad is da 'eef and liitil ^1 &-b^j i^l JU :

JJl j-p JLj

Yahya bin Umarah is unknown] , . - ,-^r **, ,,.'*, > ,-:*

J^rt^r^ ojU* ^j ^-^j t«— w oil— J :


2009. It. was narrated from xJ, J,kZs, ji, £j>- -Y"S
'Uyainah bin 'Abdur-Rahman: My '"-/,' ""
- -

^ i --,

^} ^'-^ j^v
father told me: A man came to Ibn J\ J^-j
;br '

'Abbas and said: I am a man from

^] : V- ?| .
j^ t lU -'l
Khurasan, and our land is a cold - -
land. He mentioned different types
of drinks. He [Ibn 'Abbas] said:
Avoid that which intoxicates of
^ u
~ ^
'* J j^





raisins / dates oranything else. He ^3^ U

:Jl* .JjJi t^ ^j jt jl j-.

said: What do you say about drinks -,.-',, V''

^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^T ^ J ^ U
* , , -
V Jl
[nnb«rf/i] made in earthenware :

vessels? He said: The Messenger of [Y * Y * : JkJl] ,%}\ JlJ }£ £&

Allah (^) forbade nabeedh made in
earthenware vessels. -?-r*-* 0J M '-Qj*"

Comments: [Its isnad is sahech]

2010. Ibn Abi Mulaikah narrated J,

Jj| „Cp ji. jj^ Lij^ -M«
that Ibn 'Abbas told him that the
Prophet (sir) said: "It is as if I can
jl :iO^ ^,1 ^1 j;^~\ :JUi ^~^\
see him, a pigeon-toed black man, Jfex .

j^ ^ ^| ^ ;^.f ^&
dismantling it stone by stone,"
meaning the Ka'bah. ((1

^ l
^" ^i~*& £^ ^ **


> *t

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeli, al- ,*li50l ^^JJ

Bukhari (1595)]

2011. was narrated Abu


Ghatafan said: 1 saw Ibn 'Abbas

that j:"^ : ^Ji ^i ^1
^ JA: &:U -r •

\ \

^^ J} V

doing wudoo' and he said: The <j*& Is) ^Xj '-^ 'J-
Prophet (m,) said: "Rinse your
nose thoroughly twice or three
\^ v^ u -^
(j '
^j, jj

jj ^
times." [rv<n ,YAAV :
^1] .«\J^J ji j^iJC
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 290 4, ^liijl ^ *iil ji<

Comments: [Its isnad is qawi] . ...

2012. It was narrated from Ibn tfli :*LU lliAi \

Jjj && -Y»tY
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah 5 ^ „ r j, _-

(3s) used to say at times of distress: ^ V^

s ,

0* 4
£M ^< h*

"There is no god but Allah, the

Almighty, the Forbearing; there is
/ ,
^ J^
^^ „ '
j -
iW M[
J^ ^ ^1
no god but Allah, Lord of the 'J^ 1
Mighty Throne; there is no god but
Allah, Lord of the heavens and the
^ fa ^ ^ ^
P^ -^ •
( <

earth, Lord of the Noble Throne." -

^iJ^ ]
J-'^ ^3 ^j^j oljU-Ul
Comments: [Its isnad is safewh, al- £U Yrio yra
Bakhari (6345) and Muslim
tY t t t YY<W '^

(2730)] [rrot t ruv t YoiA t Yorv t vor\

.(wr-> t(irio) :^.^>^ oi t_j :^i>;


2013. It was narrated from Ibn .;*^ .£_^ •- -•-

> £j^ -t^f
L * °*
'Abbas that the Prophet (ag) said: ^

"I have been supported with the

^p 1
^ ^^ J>\ if jf- jL^AJl

east wind and 'Ad were destroyed

^,- •?-,'•{- ,' « / >. * -,,: -„--
, .,
by the west wind.
„ . . , c-5jUIi


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

[rrrA trm tY<UY :
>^ -Oj^.
Bukhari (1035) and Muslim
.(VO :
i(Wo) :^.^^.aL-l :^i>w*

2014. 'Amr bin Deenar narrated

that Abush-Sha'tha' told him that
«^£ ^'i
^ ^J C£U ~Y<W
L^Jl ^
, . *

Ibn 'Abbas told him, that the

0I :
J^ ^ -^
, ( >


Prophet (m) got married when he

^ ^,
,{ ; ^f -, *,{ : ^f
was in ihram. '

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1837) and Muslim nM( », ,<\Arv).
.(u\o. f M A nrt
&^. ~
• •

c . 3 L-i. c?J i


2015. 'Amr bin Deenar narrated ---! -' -i ; -" \.'S\ -

that Abush-Sha'tha' told him that
^ , ( ^ ^^
«^' j&lJl
, '
Ibn 'Abbas told him that he heard <jT : Li jl : jILj ^
the Messenger of Allah (£5) > (
* - ***. in', ,— * '?f* '-'.f ,«-

deliver a speech in which he said: ^-' , '

"Whoever cannot find an ;zflr but l

JiJ^ ^tjj 0j\ J*h 'J '^ J-A '
can find pants, let him put them ,«* .... .r./.', .- ... , ,.v:
on, and whoever cannot find
u^*~ -^J J^ -^ r ^J 1 tl
« .'.'*

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4* 291 & ^Uudt &j dii\ JLic JLiiui

-J-^ ^«^^
sandals but can find leather
' N? v
-J^W^ ,.- . _ .;, .- _
, > ,,, .. r
slippers (JWmjfl™), let him put
them on." I said: Did he not say [^AiA :^r\j]
to cut them down? He said: No.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- "f "C C?
Bukhari (1841) and Muslim .<\\YA)

2016. It was narrated from :j|j ^yji ^i

^ JJLZ GlJU -T«\"l

'Abbas that the Messenger of s/ » ;* ,

Allah (a£) defecated, then ate, and ^:

'J* vv'^ 1
0? -^ sF^
he did not touch water (i.e., do
^^ m- -JJ Jj, j^ ^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, '
C?~ J
Muslim (374)]
.(Wi) : * .n^w *jLl^I Ipjjii

2017. was narrated from Ibn !i ^-^ ~*'W


'Abbas; Revelation came to the

(V u^
_, , t{ ^

J* J
^ ^ ti; >^
Prophet (jg) when he was forty- u^ 1

! :
thxee; he stayed in Makkah for ten
years and in Madinah for ten ;
^,U^ ^ ^ ^, ^
years, and he died when he was J>\ j*j ^fj <.^-^ ij-uJl^j l
sixty-three. w<* v*» i-n - * - , ^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
[ron t rm ^^ c
^^ t row t r<j.r

,^j±-ijL* iijJuJLi ^ LSI j t i_- e^^* O^ ^*j fU>U

2018. It was narrated that Ibn ^ &jS- :J^: jISJ- &-i>- -YO
'Abbas said: The Messenger of >,„,-, •

, .

J ^ ^> :JL
s , ,

Allah (jg) enjoined this zakah, ^ J * <*' ^ t JI

such and such, and half a sa' of c.u> tllub} \3S'j lis" ^jJaJl aA* ^ <Ll
wheat. -

[n^ :>:U .1%

Comments: [Its isnad is rfa'ee/]

2019. It was narrated that Abu %'JJ? ^\ j? iiXi V,* <_^J IHJjl*- -Y > ^
Jamrah said: I heard Ibn 'Abbas ,_
^iy'oj :J^U^Ic^
* * * - - s, , > ,
say: The Prophet (*§) prayed
thirteen rafcWis at night. [r \ r » t T <\a o :

J±\] .i'js >Lyi jil ^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 292 4* ^jAiiil <jj «iil ait W ui't

Comments: [Its isnarf is saheeh, al-

i(hTA) lA;Jwf <ol—
'.{ : *- I

Bukhari (1138) and Muslim
' (VM)

2020. It was narrated that Abu >f .iV .'—'-•' -- i:;l- v v

Jamrah said: I heard Ibn 'Abbas -


say: The delegation of 'Abdul-Qais ^i j* i^i-i £Ai- :JLi yii^ ^1} °_^f
came to the Messenger of Allah .--:-:( /. -,---,,
(3&) and the Messenger of Allah ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^-~ s.

. .
: JU s

"Who is this delegation?"
(&j) said: :Jli jgf| Jj| J^ Jj, l^jj UJ ^JiJi
- or: "Who are these people?" -

> > * . ,, .

^ "V^ "^
... , ? ,

They said: Rabee'ah. He said: "^ : X

:JU J' 1

the people
to the delegation
who were
- or: to

^ _ ^\
: jj $ _jj^ i^-„
: j^

^ ^J-* ,

'^ ^ ^J V b- >
humiliated nor do they have any ^ : 1 !

regrets." They said: O Messenger of

Allah, we have come to you from a
^J, ,^ "'
^ *

"*-*,., " ".

far-off land, and between us and you j4-^ ^ ^! ^S^ J 1

^ j
3 ^ ^j >-'j-£

there is this tribe of the kuffar of * ; >.- *.-\. ', ^ *; «f :. •


Mudar. We can only come to you ; -

"^ i . -T f -

during a sacred month, so give us a c «pl '?*'/& •>

<>j^ J* '*/^j &\'/j j^
clear command by which we may ;
* .{,>,'* >.f . > -.

^ ^ f**

enter Paradise and which we can tell '^ ^). ^

f*^ ;
1 '


to those whom we have left behind. ^ijj &\ : I^JIS • ? JlL JU^j U Jjjjcfw
And they asked him about drinks. * t >* = „- , , f
', „
, , . .


He enjoined four things upon them o! J Ni ^1 ^ ^ sSL4-i '» : Jli

and forbade them to do four. He
enjoined them to believe in Allah
t ^, ^,-j t ^ Jj, j - ,^j;

alone and said 7 "Do you know what ^r-^>«Jl l^iai; o\j idLa^j j»j*ij tol5}3l

believing in Allah alone means?" --: r ,«*., . . *.^ . -:.;, -

They and His Messenger

said: Allah
*J~ ^ ; -^ ^^^ ,J 4

^ ^r^ ^ 1

know best. He said: "(It means) jj&'j JL^ U!jj JL* _ ^>Jlj : :
testifying that there is no god but
Allah alone and that Muhammad is
£IjJ ^* Vf, * > * - - -

^*>^ u J^ - ^ ^^ , « .


the Messenger of Allah {m), [Ti -T Yiw ^1] t

establishing regular prayer, paying

zakah, fasting Ramadan and giving -^ v ) '•{ i(°T) :^.^^ a j^l '.{**f»
one-fifth (khumus) of the war
booty." And he forbade them to
use gourds, green glazed pitchers,
hollowed -out stumps or varnished
jars - perhaps he said [another type
of] varnished jars - and he said:
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-
Abbas 4? 293 & (j-luiJl {£ *Ut alt Xu>Jt

"Remember this and tell it to those

whom you have left behind."
Comments: [Its isnad is sahcch, al-Bukhari (53) and Muslim (17)]

2021. It was narrated that Ibn y^ y\j oLi ^ J^> ll l»-

-T « Y \

was placed
said: A red velvet cloth
the grave of the


a* ^


,; _
, ,,„

Messenger of Allah [m).
[Its isnad is saheeh,
^ Jji j^; ^ j j^. ;ja ^
Muslim (967)]

.CUV) :
r .^^^ <oL^J :^y~"

2022. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: It was said to the ^ , ...


Messenger of Allah {#*), when he 'vS^ J>. ^ L<"~" dr* J^'r^! ^-^ :
had finished with Badr: You
should go after the caravan [of
JJ : JU ^ ££ jl I
^ ,ZJ'^ l*
Quraish]; there is nothing to dlli* : >iu ^ K> d^ ^ ?^l
prevent you getting it. Then al-
'Abbas bin 'Abdul-Muttalib called ^'
, |S • .
-0\sv -^;,-',.

W s^-
- I,

out to him, saying; You cannot ;JL« .JjJ ii^J N ijl :^ Ih^ll j^ v
it. He said: "Why
Allah only promised you
one of the two parties (cf. al-Anfal
not?" He


u £i£j(


*" *'E


'^i^ o^!


8:7), and He has given you what

He promised you. [X " \ iYAW :^i]
[At-Tirmidhi said:
hasan hadeeth. Al-Hakim
A ^ ^^ '
^^ ^ . _-


said: Its isnad is saheeh] ^-^ :



<T J ^A^ 1

v^_.uJl iJua JJ : Lis .jjtf" ^1 ojL_.J j^^j

.i*>^ .y- JU- ^x- r^^w= ja

2023. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: A man of Banu
(lil: :

^ ^] ^ jj^ £1^ -T*rr

Sulaim passed by a group of the J>} j* <-^J^ °ji- tllU-v je- J^I^J
Companions of the Messenger of ^
Allah (*£), driving some sheep of
his, and greeted them with salam.

^ ^

jij j^
, .


- ,



^ "



They said: He only greeted us
with salam so as to protect himself r^
= ,


rf^ r~*
- * ^

" ^ ,. :

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas Jfe 294 $> y*liiit ^ *jul alt X'u 'u i

from us. So they went and killed

him, and brought his sheep to the
Messenger of Allah (Ǥ). Then this





^ ^^^^


^ «

-, ,


verse was revealed: "O you who
believe! When you go {to fight) in <^f <J %£ Yi
5* 1
* <U.& @i ¥
the Cause of Allah, verify
truth)." [an-Nisa' 4:94].
(the .

"^,] M .

ruJ|) ^^3
-^ '

Comments: [Saheeh because of [ ^ A1 tYMY

corroborating evidence] :(l t(io£U) .^j ^^ -^^

2024. It was narrated that Tawoos '- .i

.- .
* • - -^ ,:;*- - v ,

said: A man came to Ibn 'Abbas and '

\% ,

asked him Sulaiman bin Dawood

$^ '
J^ ^rjLU If *y^ *J>.
said: Shu'bah told us: 'Abdul-Malik ,>, >, yj>-
' *T?,r *.*- ,s-

told us: I heard Tawoos say: A man

^ "
J '"tr^ y-
asked Ibn 'Abbas about the meaning :JL# 4JUU1 x# ^'dl : oLi £yJ-\ : J li
of the verse in which Allah says;
"Say (O Muhammad (*&)): 'No
reward do I ask of you for this except
^^^ *,,.*>..'?

V Jfy
:J ~^-

^^ °^
, - , .

'fe-jy-^'fif J^J<
to be kind to me for my kinship with /-—>-- II,.. % ,

you'" [ash-Shoora 42:23]. Sa'eed bin (rr : !) x4>T 4 -P" Vj ^&

Jubair said:
of Muhammad
[It refers to] the relatives
Ibn 'Abbas
-, j^
^; £,« :
-:;^^ '"
(#,). s . / .

said: You have been too hasty (to f-

<-3l§ *^' Jj-^-j <J«[ iJ-L>* ^C*
understand the meaning). There
was no clan of Quraish but the
Messenger of Allah (gg) had ties of
kinship with them. Then this verse

„ fc
&J *£ j&$ V

^. ,-, Ju
?1 *^
f^ cJ



* : -

. t,

^ ^ ^~ >*,.*« ^-.
- e *
; ; ; .

was revealed: "Say (O Muhammad Ji

^ <*^ 1

4 "j- 11

(#*)): 'No reward do I ask of you [Ysll :^1] .li^'3

for this except to be kind to me for
my kinship with you'" [ash-Shoora .(Vi^v) :^ .^w, ^L^l '-{h^
42:23],[meaning], will you not
uphold ties of kinship between me
and you?
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3497)]

^^ ^
2025. 'Ata' said: I heard Ibn •-* --
i'"'.f - ,:;*-

f '"v ]'
. .

'Abbas say: The Messenger of

Allah (.^) said to a woman of the J^ -J ^

^4* (Lh!
^-^ :
J^ '^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas *& 295 & o*\j**\ ^w 411I Ju£ JLuk^

Ansar - Ibn 'Abbas named her but I

have forgotten her name - "What
, s

- ^^ *i
\ -

0* S

^ *
i --js
SB ^ r 'i
J ^ *

kept you from doing Ha}} with us ^i ^ i . ;l ; Li» :_ Lflil : -/'* ^ts. y)
this year?" She said: O Prophet of ^
Allah, we only have two camels. ^l ^ *


L- :cJu
, . ,

^ s^ „ ,,

Abu So and so and his son -

meaning her husband and son -
_ £,- ^
^l ^5> t jU^iU & h\S

l^l L^^ ^3
rode one camel and left us a camel
to bring water. The Prophet &)
said: "When Ramadan comes, do
'Umrah, because 'Umrah in

. «****
t t



4J J^Lp oii


^^ ^

14J ^j^pLj

[Ramadan} is equivalent to Ha// ,
' . ,

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1782) and Muslim :f
i(WAY) ^.^^^M :gj>w
(1256)] . (UM)
2026. It was narrated from yj*y* 'J* tOllli- ,\* ,j1Aj &jU- -Y*Y"l
'A' ishah and Ibn 'Abbas that Abu
Bakr kissed the Prophet (&) after ^„ ,
« ^,
., ?

^' ^ ^ ^'^ ^' ^'

J? P. 4 a! :
o-^ ^ 3 &M y-<-^ ! {

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- *,,_,,.,*

Bukhari (4455)] •^^ J ^i~ l

202*7. It was narrated from Ibn : j^

^^ ^ ^j
^j^ -Y«YV
'Abbas from the Prophet (^): "The / "

people will be gathered naked, i

J?rr 0?


h* oLUJl
j, V^
, >

barefoot and uncircumcised, and '***» •
$fc *J]\ .j, lli -*l -J.
J v
the one to be clothed will be
first / '^ "'„/_/ ',

Ibraheem {ȣ). Then he recited: <>^i & JjLi ^> SlU- ;i^ ^'uJi
" As We began the first creation, We *: s* v^, r

/^ ^
. > r s .. .r- * ,-.,

^ r '{^ r*'4
4?^ ^ ^
shall repeatit" [al-Anbiya' 21:104].

Comments: [Its ismid is soferefc, al-

-W^ > l tj»jj l3>
Bukhari (3349) and Muslim r»a»
[U °*
i i / \ ' <

.(YAV) :^ t(YTM) :£_ .£^w> «L-I :^>«'

2028. Salamah bin Kuhail said: I J?****-

^ Jj^ £1*- -Y*YA
heard Abul-Hakam say: I asked
Ibn 'Abbas about nabeedh made in r
^ •


^ °^^
, .

- ;

J^ ^
> ^,

earthenware vessels and he said: t ^J[ i_J ^ ^^ ^| JjU, :Jli


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 296 4, y.UiJl & «dil j!

The Messenger
forbade nateeih
in earth-
,• .

- .

J- m


J^: ^

, ^

enware vessels and gourds. And he

said:Whoever would like to regard
^ u ;>J ^ ^ jl
, ,.
;Jli j
' '

as /laram what Allah and His ^ Ao :
£t 1
j] •-^ f^*^ , l
V-JJ ^ !

Messenger forbade, let him regard

nabeedh as haram 'Cf^ ° ^ :
Comments: [Its isnad is satee/z]

was narrated
2029. It

Tufail said:
Your people
said to Ibn 'Abbas:
are saying that the
* ,*V
^ :^^
^ ^ ^.

jJN cJlj
ri tf


* * fl

Messenger of Allah (jfc) trotted „r ' '.; ' < ,, q ,',,.,

(rami) around the House and that it

^ J * m -

J >" J ji °-^>-

is Simriah. He said: They are telling : JJi .l^iSj tyj_i» :JU ,«Li l^fj
and they are lying. *,,-,,.-
L^ ^
the truth I said: - - ,.., >,
How can they be telling the truth
J -^ &'> ^ : Jli * l
and lying? He said: The Messenger
of Allah (3g) trottedaround the
^ J
>' ijj t
- jj- ^^ 4g Jji
J^ ^
/,. //; -

House but it is not Sunnah. The jyiji-Jlj t-uULM} ^

Messenger of Allah tefe) and his >?•- •
?f r **, "- *
'•! ''i-' :,- — *

Companions came Makkah] [to

t * r ,

when the mushrikeen were on

Mount Qu'aiqi'an and he heard
-Sy ^ J' f4ijt!
'y^ji M jU^ti

were saying that they [the
that they '

Muslims] were emaciated, so he .

((nM) . .
ejLj ,
told them to trot in order to show - Ci-
-0 ll>
thern [the mushrikeen] that they had 1

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1649) and Muslim (1266)]

2030. It was narrated that Ibn >.*.*&*. .^.\ „ .<* .

Abbas said: The Messenger of ^ '
^ '

Allah (3^5) cursed women who '•^^ 0*' J* '•r^' ^ J* '^^r *J>)
graves and those who build
visit ;/ , * '. /,<,'-•.,»"':«, _, -, - „

mosques over them and set up ^" ' ^ C^ JJ •

lamps on them. ^ rj LIJ& £j& ^JU rf JJUJ- : JU

Comments: [Hasan because of -,r-i' +t^ ni ^ >- -
-I .
'n- i
s - ',

corroborating evidence; this is a - -t.j .> , j- j ^ y.,_K

da'eef isnad] -jy^Jlj ^L^Jl l^U ji^J\j <.jj£\
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 297 & (j*likJl j^j Aill JLl£ .Villi 4

2031. Abu Hasan,

of Abu Nawfal,
the freed slave
narrated that he
>}jdJ\ ^ & if jji fcit -Y.r\

asked Ibn 'Abbas about a slave ^ Ol \jg ^1 y. J*i J^-> :JIS

man who is married to a slave

woman and divorces her twice
(two talaqs), then they are both
manumitted; can he propose to
her? He said: Yes, the Messenger
of Allah (sfc) passed a verdict to t li : J l* ? Ig.L^J o I iJ T^At J* * ^
that effect.
[r*AA ;J&\] , ^ Jjl J^j JjLji
Comments: [Its

Umar bin Mu'attib

isnad is da'eef

is da'eef]
J-*-* ^ (^J** K-AyW9 *ilj--l ! £J J>*>

2032. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas, from the Prophet (jfc) about
one who has intercourse with his *,J^Jl
^ vU <YW\) £1^- :^
wife when she is menstruating:
"Let him give a dinar or half a
dinar in charity." 'Abdullah said:
My father said: And neither ' Abdur-
J M ^ </ ft* $ a* ^r~k

Rahman nor Bahz attributed it to

the Prophet (j^). tY\Y\ : JaJI] .tfjLjj >— a.^.; jl tjlLjj

Comments: [Saheeh mawqoof] tY^o tYAAr t Yo<U 1U0A JUT

[rjvr t ruo
ilp Ui^j 1)3 :
^;' J^ : *^ 1
-V- <-^

^^ :


was narrated that Ibn
The Messenger of
^ tjjuJ ^ ^ ^t tiii- -Y-rr

Allah (fgg) said: "If a person speaks J^ Jli :'JU ^.fc ^1 ^ t( ^lll
on a Friday when the imam is

delivering the klmtbah, he is like a

donkey carrying books (without
understanding them). And the one
who tells him, 'Be quiet/ has no
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef and
Mujalid is da'eef]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 298 & ^ttidl <>j *ii\ jG*

It was narrated
that Ibn
People should reduce
it [the bequest] from one third to






^ ;<

v „.
~ Y<n

one quarter [of the estate],
because the Messenger of Allah
(Ss) said: "One third is a lot."

, ,,


^j^ „

i, \^JJ1



Comments; [Its isntwf is sa/ieefe, al-

Bukhari (2743) and Muslim :

'< Tvir > :

c -£7*-* «M '-gts*
(1629)] .<\1TA)

2035. It was narrated from Sa'eed - ^, £^ . -* >-, £^_ _ Y ro ,

bin Jubair that a man came to Ibn ", ,

'Abbas and said: The Prophet (#,) -k^ L* 3_r* o? J^l £^ :^JLi>
received Revelation for ten years in
Makkah and ten years in Madinah.


V i**- -

^ ^
, :f^'-?f
J ^ J '



He said: Who
saying that? He
is \'J-i-j &L l^ii- ^ ^Ijl
J£ J^f
received Revelation in Makkah for *'
"T c'n f * .-"'-" '•

fifteen years and in Madinah for ten

J >' ^ ' -

^^ :JUi '*^

years and sixty-five days or more, r^JU &J

ik<&lj >i'J^ '^X± 4*
Comments: [Perhaps this report is
..^ „
". =
:^-lj] .^Ij ^*wj Ul>-
the abominable action of al-Ala
bin Salih]


was narrated
The Messenger
that Ibn
of ~
,^ .

..? ,


,-;« ,
~ vY '^

in his
what day
Farewell Ji\ ji-
-^ '
'J- _ jlj;i-
$ j£

'.« * -
is , > - - -


this?" They said: This is a sacred *~ ^ ^' J JU : JU y^

day. He said: "What land is this?" «?lli ^ £f i( ^£]i l^I lit :«.|yjj|
They said: This is a sacred land. ', *-
,t "„

- - „ - * ,

He "What month <<?Lu

^ :JU > lji

^ y^

is this?" -f f>-

They said: This is a sacred month. ££, .j^ *

^ .
, jj
He said: "Your wealth, your ,
,- *
, , .

* „

blood and your honour are sacred p^'V' 0[» :J^*

*f'>^ S^ -
jJ L*

to you, as sacred as this day of r -'e *i" H- *^'^-i'

• •^.- -

yours, in this land of yours and in \-r *r~v^^J<r->

this month of yours." Then he '^A^> J> '^ '^^>. Jt <•&* '^y.
repeated several times, then he
J ^
it -,. > *, -:- ,i ., , ., ,% *> :.

looked up to the heavens and '

& r t,jl
^ UjUI
said: "O Lord, have I conveyed i Ijl^ «cJJt ji LjLu :Jlii *UDl
(the message)?" several times. - *, - = *
e j » ;' ' -

And Ibn 'Abbas said: By Allah, <4 Vf^ *1 ^ rJ '-^ Cf) JyH -^
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 299 4> o4*Jt Ctf **" •

this is advice for the sake of

Allah. Then he said: "Let those
JLidi! ^Idi Vli> :JU jj ^j ;p ^j

who are present convey it to those / yV ; IjlII ^JiiJ Ij^ry "V t C-i^ 1

who are absent. Do

not go back to '
" '.„,;. i. >. ...

being disbelievers after I am gone, -'lt*^ ^ J j^-^v

striking one another's necks." .< wr<0 :
^ .^»w, .iL-j : ^/c
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1739)]

2037. Moosa bin Muslim at- 'j;

j^J? \>j^ ;
j£ tj\ l£U- -Y*rv
Tahhan as-Sagheer narrated: I
heard 'Ikrimah attributing the

, f

^ j^ ,


I think, to Ibn 'Abbas.
Jwdeefft, as
:JU ^Cp ^1 jj ^ji U-j L.JbJl'ii;:*
He said: The Messenger of Allah .'
1 / *
a 7 ,

(|g) said: "Whoever leaves snakes v^> &') &* '

M ^\ J^3 Jli

alone out of fear of their pursuit is '•' s',:.|,, - .=? , .f' = rL -li'-
not one of us. We have not made
peace with them since we fought [tYsi ^^1] .«/y*C^
,«*>»-js ail^-il : 9%Jj9lJ
Comments: [Its isnad is salweh]

2038. It was narrated from Ibn ^ -j^ £^. : jj£

'" y £jj^. -t.rA
'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah , , , , ,

(i^) used to recite in the first rak 'ah Cf.

y* J^i ci ^^ s*^ '^ 1

"We believe in Allah
of Fajr prayer: (^ ^^ jj, J^ ^ .^
and that which has been sent down ;' \ '
__ f

to us and that which has been sent J>* tj «iv, lifc^ :U^j Jjl ^ >^l
down Ibraheem (Abraham)../'
verse; and in the second rak'aix he
would recite: "we believe in Allah,
* V1 ^'



> „




# ^ ^ T

r r


and bear witness that we are -^V^ "»/

,_ x ,



^ „
^. .,,.

„ >

Muslims (i.e. we submit to Allah)" [Y -

i o :
^1] .(oY

Comments: [Its isnna is saheeh, ^ *-

Muslim (727)]

2039. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
^ ^uli, ll'li- :^Sj Bo>- -Y'f^
„\ * ,

'^ J ^ ^ 0? tJ^ T^

Allah (afe) went out humbly, cA J?

beseeching, with humbleness,
wearing shabby clothes and
^ j^ J[ ^ ^ \^\


\* ,,
walking at a measured pace, then iVxi» iUfl}^ iU^f-ii* U^x- ^j^-
he led the people in praying two
, ,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 300 ^ ^UjJi ^ ^ j^ /,-,:,

rak'ahs, like the £id prayer, and he *,, „,,.

^^ ^
s e

did not deliver a khutbah like this y^**3 ^^JL J^" ^3^

MiHffrofc of yours.
:>(] ..ii'jj^ jj ,jj| j
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan]
[rrr\ t Y£rr

2040. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: When the Messenger
of Allah (gg) left Makkah, 'Ali took '& ^& $ J- i^^L jp t( J^Ji
the daughter ofHamzah with him;

f* ^
/* **.'
^ & m ^ £> u
' ' .
.-., r , , e , s

'Ali, Ja'farand Zaid disputed *^

concerning her (i.e., who would
J\ ju]j ^XJ-j ^'^ *j£ \^j ; v^u
take care of her) and referred their -'
dispute to the Messenger of Allah
Uj '^ ^
* . >-.

4^ JU
- --

^^ *


Ofe). 'Ali said: the daughter £iu.j ^p :>U

is £jl JUJ .^>l
of my paternal uncle and I brought „,..,," e

her with me. Ja'far said: She is the ^J ^3 v^' ^'' :
^3 ^3 -l^
daughter of my paternal uncle and *ls Ju
" r *>- -' •
r ,->

t -T 1

her maternal aunt is married to me. , m( s ^^ '

Zaid said: She is the daughter of my ^y ^-^ '&, ^ *Ul Jj^j J^

brother - Zaid had become the
brother of Hamzah when the
Messenger of Allah (m,) established


\ ^ ,-,

:>UJ JUJ '^Lij


UV >-'

bonds of brotherhood [among the "

'.--'- " > >

believers, after the Hijrah to '"^J!^ <-J^j

Madinah]. The Messenger of Allah
iM '^ . , ,

. .


said to Zaid:
and her mawla."
said to
^ C"- r 1

5 ^^^i

^ ^^ £^
"You are my brother and my

Companion." And he said to Ja'far:

-^ ijJ*
^ i—^ ^^ *— 1.

"You resemble me physically and

in attitude. And she should stay
with her maternal aunt."
Comments: [Saheeh because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef isnad]
2041. rt was narrated
'Abdur-Rahman bin Wa'Iah
asked Ibn 'Abbas about
said: ^
>• >-*-> ,-;»,

^^ :.. r ;«
"T '
I selling jlp jp ^^5^- ^ fUiiJl ^p j^:j
wine and he The Messenger
said: ".,•*'''-- ~ ' '

of Allah (^) had a friend from


^ -T
, a ,

^' JU ^3 ^^ :

^ a^l
Thaqeef, or from Daws. He met
j,^ ^ Jj| J^ ^ : Jul ^J| -
' . '

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas >& 301 4* ^tjiJt & «uui

him in Makkah during the year of ;a , -

, .*

r . ,

the conquest, and brought a skin f ; - Ji

^ jl ^

of wine to give him as a gift. The Jj-^-j Jlii nil] L^-x^ jl^ i'y^ ?*ilj|

Messenger of Allah (jfe) said: "O

Father of So and so, don't you

« r

^ ^ < ,,



' /" '-

that Allah has forbidden
The man turned to his slave
; j£
, "
J^ t

a ,
^^ £% «?L^
and said: Go and sell it. The ^ L? :
2i ?UI J^j J^ -^ 4-" 1

Messenger of Allah {^) said: "O

Father of So and so, what did you
^ y ^j -
^ ((V ^^ ^

f s

tell him to do?" He said: I told y& «1+^ }y- l*j^i tiJJt u!» :Jl*
him to sell it. He said: "The One
Who forbade drinking it also
* m
> ''^
. • *


°"r U ^

forbade selling it." So he [rrvr ^<Wa

instructed that it be poured away
inal-Batha'. J .(\ov<t) :

f .^^ ^^ :^^
Comments: [A sa^ee/i hadeeth] -£.y *^j l/-^ J l>— (
Ji ***' *-u -

2042. It was narrated that Ibn jU^J jl^S \£jj- :

JjC &j^- -Y * t Y
'Abbas said: The Messenger of *

Allah (sfe) used to review the *>' ^


** 0?

^ ^ ,

J* ^>^ ^

Qur'an with Jibreel («a) every

Ramadan, and the morning after
^ ^

jy ^ -,
(Y r\/U ^


the night in which he reviewed it, Q* JiJ^r J^ ^-'^ u^si ^ ^ ^j^j J1

he would be more generous than in " tV 'i

' — \£ >m n > - • f i

the blowing wind; he was not *

**-> Cr~ t

asked for anything but he gave it '^yv ^ 4^ ^ys u^ 1

^' lj>, ^
In the month (of Ramadan) after \i.*\i -\ -'u *n - * • '- "
^^^< £>' 0* '>' >J C^
l f
JL-_ 1

which he died, he reviewed it

with him twice. ^jjj J^\ ^ Uli ^OJ-l ^^ otf ^1

-^ ^ ^
Comments: [A
Bukhari (6)
and Muslim
> '^^ ^
.". .- -r^ - .-- *-•- :,'

,rar\ ,n^ ^viTo j<\t Jin

2043. It was narrated that Ibn j* 'J> y. s^ ^^- :Jkj ti^- -T»tV
The Messenger of
said to
"What kept you from visiting us
Jibreel (m): ^ $ ^"^
l ^


, „>

? ***

J^-3 ^
^ '-}



more than you visited us? Then the

, 1

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4 302 <&, ^Uijl & <m\ aji \\£.

verse "And we (angels) descend

not except by the Command of ^^
B ' U
^ ,. s ...
3* 1
„ .

your Lord..." IMaryam 19:64] was
A <^j Jl ^ j^ ££\

[rrio t r-vA :^i].cu :-j^> «fti
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (3218)] ,(rr \ A) :
^ .^^ ci L_| ;

2044. It was narrated that 'Ata' -| £-j±\ y^ - >£± £^ _T ,
said: We attended the funeral of "

s „
', *-,',,'-
Maimoonah, the wife of the o-"^ l/'
£* ^3*^ :< -^ J^* ^ g!>r
Prophet in Sarif, with Ibn
^ * " >•' 'v-

'Abbas. Ibn 'Abbas said: This is ^.

'^ ': -

* f"
- 5h

Maimoonah, so when you lift up *+i*
^1 '^>^e s^* :
^^ if} J&
the bier, do not shake it or make
itwobble, because the Messenger
of Allah (ag) had nine wives and


J ^ ^ , .

\ ...V,
s ,r

{ :->


l^j JjIp J 15
U ^>>"
, .,*

he used to divide his time ,- *
- . -
; ,- , . , > .,,,
between eight, and did not give a r s^
1 : fUap JU "^ r^ ON r -^ 3J 1 J (

share of his time to one. 'Ata' [rY"U t rYo1 :>Ji] .^ ^JLJ;^

said: The one he did not
to whom " v '

give a share of his time was

i(o«iv) r^.^^w iil^| :^>«-
Safiyyah. _ (Ul0)
Comments: [Its isrcarf is saheeh, al-Bukhari (5067) and Muslim (1465)]

2045. It was narrated that Ibn i J-*i j* iuU \£jj. :JJC {& -y . to
'Abbas said: What the Messenger ,-.e
^ s^> ^ ^
* . * , - „ - ,

of Allah (#3 mostly recited in the

J J : Jl
V^ ^' ^
two ra/r'ate

believe in Allah
and that which has
Ffl;r was: "We lltt^ :^JJl j^ ^iji J&k*J\
"> "-

^ '- «Li

^' , / - * - ,' - - <

been sent down to us and that which ^irf^lj >**& $1 J^ ^i &"


^ A ^*J

has been sent down to Ibraheem :^>Vlj (\n

(Abraham) Isma'il (Ishmael)..." [al- _

:sjj|> o'Vl
" -
^T ^'

Baqarah 2:136] to the end of the ^ i-^A^- &\ ^+i'j A ^^ :

verse, and: "we believe in and

Allah, rv v-» i i / „ .

bear witness that we are Muslims c-' J

(i.e. we submit to Allah)" [Al 'Imran .(vtv) : - .-^ (i tu ~ jj


° *

Comments: [Its isnad is satee/t, Muslim (727]

2046. 'Uthman bin al-Hakam :. -:> r :- , „» >. > ; ,, r ;«

said: I asked Sa eed bin Jubair '" ui

about fasting in Rajab: what do j* J^Jr ^ l*i iJL :JU (V _5U ^i

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4 303
3 4" (j«ll»Jf |>J *ill JU£ iiii

you think about it? He said: Ibn

'Abbas told me: The Messenger of
:JU <

^ (J^ "-^
j r
Allah (j&) would fast until we
f>^ ok M ;
aJu i Jj-i-j ji j" . jrt

thought that he would not break

his fast y and he would refrain
i :J j* J^ jiiAij t
1 ^ * : Jjjj ^
from fasting until we thought that [\<\<U : >1].
he would not fast.
8jL-"< &J**
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] -C^^ :

2047. Itwas narrated that Ibn iuli &&. ;_££ y Jfc l£U- -Y»iV
'Abbas said:The Messenger of
Allah (m,) said: "The best of your 'Jz>r
,, .

Ot-te^J* ^^ ^ ±* J*
- _,
6 ., . ,

kohl is antimony: it makes the

vision clear and causes hair to

jg| jj| j^,- j^ : jy ^^ J| ^

grow." -=-*J 'Jr^ ^ ^X' r^ ^*
> . . . "
> .%

Comments: [Its isnad is (jaiyi] iY'Yo t YiV<\ 4 TY>A :^l] .«^ljl

[rm 4 mY
-^y «l-! -gi^
was icii £&. - Y< £A
- J *
2048. It narrated that Sa'eed el^

bin Jubair said: Ibn 'Abbas met

me and said: Have you got :jLi SlU
married? No. He
I said: said: Get :jLi jLii ^i^ ^i LJCC?^
married. Then he met me after
Have you got ^' :ijg
that and said: ijjl .

^j> : Jli

married? No,He said: Get

I said:
married, for the best of this
:JU t N :iii :JU ^5*

ummah is the one who has the .JUJ Li^l 015 yNl ;JLi

most wives.
[ro»v t Y wi :>i]
Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence] .(o«"\^) : *- .a^jJ ~->w> '-thj**

2049. was narrated that Ibn

It 3^4 fi t£U :illi! l&U- -Y • H
'Abbas The Messenger of
said: - -,*
# a ^

£& ^
t . ,,

Allah (m) said: "If you send out 'r^l **^ 0* Jl

the (hunting) dog and it eats some

of the prey, do not eat it for he

^ Jj
( jp-j j^ : jii ^^
(, ,^„ /, \ t

only caught for himself. But ^ i^r^ & J*U ^4~^ ^^j
1 1 1

it if

you send him out and he kills (the ^.j ,:,-

Ji iLlil UJb i/lIt
prey) but does not eat any of it, '

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4* 304 Jfc ^liijl ^ *jj| jjc j'lJ ui

then eat it for he killed

it for his
^ - -

^ * .

^ . , -

'J1 ^ ^J
. , t

Comments: [Saheeh because of .«4->-U»
corroborating evidence; its isnarf

C^^ Ore

i>* £*— i

(j*^ [>^*UI 1 >-^*-i ili--] l
^*j n^ £r>w? •
7H j*J

It was narrated
that Ibn
heard the Messenger
said: I
J "' ,
- ^'^
_ Yo -
/ /-
^ ,

^ ^ *^* ^ <!r^
of Allah (^§) say: "There are three
things that are obligatory
and are voluntary for you: Witr
forme ^
u" 1

^^' m ^ ^ V_ ^

t ! ^- la-


prayer, offering sacrifice

and Duha ly^Jl

^ j*j ±[j&y} ja
r J
Comments: [Its isnarf is da'eef, Abu

:^;t] .((.J^JI
, ;

, - *



Janab al-Kalbi is da'eej] [UW t nn cX *A>


was narrated from Ibn
Prophet (^)
^ "
•} ill±, jJUl

£1^ -T-M

moved on from Muzdalifah before J* '(i^^l c/


^A*-*^' cJ^. : Jli

the sun rose. ' •
f *ii. - *n ! .
s- . - -:
Comments: [Its isnad is safeeM <
" « ' / „ *

.j^>w5 «jUjI :«jj^«;


was narrated that Ibn
The Messenger of

^ j^-j j_pLU,i t£U- -Y-oY

Allah (.^) said: "Seek it [Lailatal-

Qadr] in the last ten days, on the
u-& $
^M J- If V*
u ^J,', .
^'jj, j , -
j^ .

twenty-ninth or the twenty-fifth _ ' '
^ J

or the twenty-seventh."
jl ^' j^U ^ t^l^Sfl

Bukhari (2021)]
[Its isnad is saheeh, al- :
L;i ] .,
^ J< ^^
- :
a* •(
J 4 ^^
. ,

[noi r*o t *tot«

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 305 4> ^1^*11 {£ *iil JLii JQi^

2053. It was narrated that Ibn £^ .^^ - >t^ £^ _Y . oT

'Abbas said: The Messenger of
Allah (2£z) did not fight any people
until he called them [to Islam first].
j* <-£r^
^^ J* ^j'
J< c}^~
\ , - -,-,: - '-i,: ,*- ., - f

' '
Comments: [A sa/iee/i hadeeth]
[y w : jiii] .jUjpJb'

J^ ii> £g


.jujJ 4^] t
,jCP Jij (t-J-^ eLbjl "jJ ^7^°' t 7*?>*-J' lLj-Ij- ! TUpil

2054. It was narrated that Ibn ^ ±\£j. gjj. :^*!U- £ju- -Y-o£
'Abbas said: The Messenger of / s . -

Allah used to enjoin his

(jfe) ^^ y*
y* 'u-^ J 1
. u^*J l
daughters and wives to go out on i^ '^
^^ Jj, ^/- ^ .

the two Eids. # (

Comments: [Sfl/i?c/i because of ui- rf^

t5? o^"j^ ^
corroborating evidence]
.-ii^c- jij t
jJjL« oUsjl /j r-b»o- l 'i^ Pr^^ '

It was narrated
said: When the
that Ibn
^ Ji £Jj i? ^^ - T,ec

(i&) fell sick, he instructed Abu o^ijl^J u^

S* ^ 4*^ :S ^'J

^ ^'
Bakr to lead the people in prayer.
Then he felt a little better so he
came out, and when Abu Bakr
^ '



^1 5^ ^1)1
^ '


= .y


he was there, he wanted
step back. But the Prophet ($g)
gestured to him and sat down to
. ,-; ;«'
„, s >

t^' ^1 ^

; ^ i-» -f

the of Abu Bakr, and he
left *
£ - , 's - 1 ,u
, _

started to recite from where Abu 4*


^rf *^t ir ^l U J U 11

Bakr had left off.

Comments: isnad is saheeh]

[was i^ij .Jq ^1 £J[^

2056. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (jgg) stoned
.<* - . .«

^ ^ .., .-;* ,
v A„

the Jatnrah, Jamratal-'Aqabah,

Day of Sacrifice, riding.
on the jp i»— liil ^1 j* i*i^Jl
', /•
*,' s
^ £lA^-
. ., , * i.

Comments: [Sa/iee/i because of -^

corroborating evidence] -^?'j y^ 1

*t^' s j*^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas & j

306 & ^liiii ^ <dj( j^ -V..M

2057. It was narrated that Ibn ,- -
r*> - - * <-- i-i

'Abbas said: Do not criticize the ** °* ^^- -Y'*V U.-b-

one who fasts when travelling or j^l ^ <- -"jU* ^ '^j]>Jl r!^ 1

the one who does not fast, for the '. '-' '

^f^a-^v**:^^ ' . - - , '

" . - „

Messenger of Allah (gj§) fasted

whilst travelling and did not fast. J^ ^U, Ai i>U ^ J£ Nj tj iUl

isnad is s<teh, rYro°
LYr , u
-> ->
H ^^^ -.«„
,J *.

. ( n \r) :

.^^^ ^L-i ;

2058. Itwas narrated that Ibn <*£ jl JJl^J ^ i^j
" liil^ -Y*aA
'Abbas said:The Messenger of
Allah (%) sent word to the people
of a village four parasangs away -

^ s ,




j^- v^f
< Ji^ j>

or he said: two parasangs - on the '

- '- - J" :
' , -

-C?^^ '^

day of 'Ashoora', telling everyone f-^ J 1

- C^'j* ^'^ ^r-'j
who had eaten not to eat for the ~v '\& m 'S -,ff • - , r V
rest of the day, and telling those ^ ... --i-

who had not eaten to complete .^jJ» |U' ji J5U jj j^j i^

the day fasting.

Comments: [Sahseh, because of ^ "GV^

corroborating evidence; this is a tj***^
y.^rj *> v- ,/ ^ ^Sj i^j^j>
da'eef isnad] >...>

2059. It was narrated from Ibn •- \ M -.. its*. - . * <-- .-*',- y A *

Abbas that a man came as a # s

" - Lr '

Muslim at the time of the *fe <^ :

^^t>' o^ l 4
^& 0* ,
Messenger of Allah («g), then his
wife came as a Muslim after him, V
, .

f ^

; '

« '


J **
. '

> -


^ „

and he said; O Messenger of Allah, \£\ t Jjl J_^3 U ; J Ui t £J£ l^Lli £l^l
^ U V ^ ^^ ^
she became Muslim with me. So ' -
the Prophet (m) told her to go back '^ i? 1 4

to him.

Comments: [Its tsnad is da'eef]

2060. It was narrated that Ibn rv .- !,-i> s

* <--

^ ^ °^ L ^
ri -
f , r . ,
" Yw ,
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
J U *^ '

Allah ($&,) commanded us to do J>\

^ < jiil xi J,
Jjl xlt ^ t , ^j
wudoo' properly. „ ... * * . < , ,

[\*vv :^j.ij] .jj-ijJI

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 307 4* qu^m^ o4 *i*l 4^- Ju^-*

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] .^>^> j>L-^l '-thj*Z

2061. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
- &j tf^
; *sj tf^. _ Y .
Allah (j&) prayed on a reed mat, ^^J o"^ O^

J^'-J^.i a^ J/*^ ^
Comments: [Saheeh because of ol : _*& -Jl -,* tiijSC* j^ t
fl'/*3 i>*'
corroborating evidence; this is a ; * ,

da'eef isnad] =>U -^ l^ J^ jS§ ^' J^3

.i_jL«-J> «JUo /^ iUjj t i„a .«. > iLL>[ liij t( j^J

* '

2062. It was narrated that j^ V^ vOUii J/- X£) <>^ -TMT

'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Abis said: I
said to Ibn 'Abbas: Were you
present on Ei'd with the Messenger
s ,

<* -

> .*

^ JL*]i
of Allah (#*)? He said: Yes; were

>. ,
, t ^ ^, -

it not for my being close to him, I

*£M f
U ^ s^ N ^J
would not have been present y \l olf JbJ t#§ ^JUl J^3 i}i :JU
because I was too young. He \-

said:The Messenger of Allah (sfe) r *^ - t - * £

r '0=^
»- • -

^"^ ^
came out and prayed two rak'ahs t Y > *\
^ :
J*\] .lilil Vj UIJI ^Sju
at Dar Katheer bin as-Salt, then
[ruv tToA t 4 rr\o tVYYi ttovi
he delivered the khutbah. And he
did not mention any ad/ia» or
^^ ,jU >jh;
^ "

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/ieefr]

It was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger of
jQ^ £^. :
r^j ^ -y.^r

, % .


Allah (^) offered the fear prayer '>^ «> f^ 1


in Dhu Qarad - land belonging to : Jtf ^Xi- J>\ ^ <.<?* Ji 4JU1 x* J>\
Banu Sulaim. The people formed - * - : - - „> '?, ', , - f

two rows behind him: one row '^ •'- •

^ ' ^ ^^
facing the enemy and one row ^-^ ^i-ii _ -IJli
^ ^ji ^ ^jl _
behind him. He led the row that *., - *>a. '
,„> t
. , s.
i_4j*j tjjjui <Syy <—*•& . ".-* s>
was behind him in praying one f
\ ^

rak'ah, then they moved back to p i*^Sj *X ^oJl ti-SaJL ^jUki t*il^

where the others were and the

others took their places, then he
J, jN
'^ t; ^j; ^^ J, ? ^^

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfe> 308 4* ^Uait ^J ajt jjt 'ty-«

led them in praying another ;... , = -

kU- *

'^ jUl
<*# ^^ t;

Comments: [Its isnarf is saheeh]

[rr " l
* fc YrAr :

2064. It was narrated that Ibn Jbj ^ <*l— I

L(Ji>- ; j<-5j
'Abbas said: The Messenger of -„
^ >^'
- .
,., > .

Allah (^5) enjoined prayer when '^; ''~~' 0* lulls' cJli Jli

: ,
<j? :

travelling and not travelling. Just

as (nafl) prayers are offered when
^ '

* ' -

' -*

not travelling, before and after ^5^ ^-^ :

£"—; Ir-J^J (*4-^ 1* >-^

(the obligatory prayer), they
should also be offered when
travelling, before and after (the
^ f
v *

? ^
jL* U£i ijIUlj ^iijl iSLi
' ,, -.,: ,

^ s , . .

obligatory prayer). ',—
r "1-1-' -m, -V- ',
Comments: [Its isnad is hascm -

. j>lS\ Js L^u=) : i'ja ^Sj J IS

0— *" o-iL: — 'I

71* j?%i

2065. It was narrated that Ibn ^ ^J^rM 0* £?J ^*" -*'^°

Allah (#5)

pray two
The Messenger of
said: "I was commanded
rak'ahs of Dub and


, ,

^ „


j^ '

V* ^

J^-y ^J\» _

: £fe Jul J^.3
Wi7r, but that is not obligatory for ',

you." ^ * ° '
• >>] .«4^i JJj ^43
Comments: [Its isnad is ^'ee/J .^^ ^j, ^ tw ^^ oiM .
2066. It was narrated from Ibn ^ J^'S^i ^^ :
<*r?J kJjU -V*11
'Abbas when '
(%) recited "Glorify the Name of
your Lord, the Most High" [al-
the Prophet
^ ^l
'J- '0=^

^ ]

°J> ^^1 ^

015 of '-lip yl
^ U- v»

A'la 87:1], he would say: "Glory ~

be to my Lord, the Most High." {WJ+W 4j^

" '

^ -

: !y


Comments: [Scdieeh mawqoof] .

( jWl ^ jUli» : J Li

2067. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas said: When the Messenger
^JU* ^ Uij Giai. :^j uili. -Y * "\v

of Allah ($£i) passed by Wadi y) o* *^%3^r if- '•f^j J>.

'^^- j*
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas *& 309 4= ^VlkJ) & 4Jul ajx. XuuJ»

when he went for Hajj, he
"O Abu Bakr, what wadi is
this?" He said: Wadi 'Usfan. He
^ > ^ ^ J >^ > U

^\ JZ d «.


> .

s -j

said: "Hood and Salih passed
through iton red camels, with * J* -aU : Jli *
0U^ ^ : JL* "-^
reins of palm fibres. Their izars
were woollen striped cloaks and
t ^jji
^J. ^ ^^ J^ ~m^ ^
' ' „ .

their riJa 's were woollen garments. ^^ kjU^Ji p^ojij *«-L*Ji ^jj>
They were reciting the r«/My*fc [Uoi ^, o^Jj
: , ] .,^j,
performing pilgrimage to the t -
Ancient House." ^_^, ^ t ^_^. .iL-i :
Comments: [Its isnad is rfa'ee/] ,^ ^ib^> fiy^ ^ ij^j

2068. It was narrated from Ibn (YTT/\) vLi tfi^ iIjTj ll :U-
'Abbas that dates would be * *

soaked for the Prophet (^) on the ^ :

<j"^ $ J* '•£* 0^ u^-i c^
night before Thursday, and he ^' c^iJl
&J ^ h, ^ m l^
would drink it on Thursday and '

~ - ~ "

Friday. - [The narrator] said: And *0'j ; J^ _^-*4J' fjij ^j-^ 1


I think he said: on Saturday. - . ,:. -» t >-. ,:.: .*,. ,.,- . -..c

Then when the time for Asr *; ' t - - f rJ ~


came, if any of it was left over, he $> "J»\

j\ vpliJI «li^ t*^ <^ jU
would give it to the servants or '

order that it be poured away.

[ mr :


^ •^
- J-.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, .(T'»i) : «. .^-^^ ^L—l '

7y ^ rJ
Muslim {2004)]

2069. was narrated that Ibn

It j^ ^ idi \£jj- :
^fj til*. -Y-M
'Abbas The Messenger of
Allah (^) said: "Whoever speaks ^ i£r Cf. ±~ If ^^ J^\
about the Qur'an without ^» £& <JJl J^3 Jli :Jli ^&.
knowledge, let him take his place
in Hell."

lyt '-^
^ ^ ^S
Y^ ^Lil] ,«j&1

^ Jli

[Its fSttfld is da'eef t T £ :

because of the weakness of

Abdul-A'Ia ath-Tha'labi] .l* ^-J tJ^ <ol^J :

2070. It

'Abbas said:
narrated that Ibn
this verse
j; -,
- ^ ^^
, ., _
bi^ -Y v • •

revealed: "... and whether you «^-**^- JLS aJU- j* oJU- ^U jUlL^
disclose what is in your own t\< .*T .'1,; ,*- •, - .-• -• - ,
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas &> 310 4> ^li^l ^ <uil aji, '*•-

selves or conceal
to account for
it, Allah will

2:284], their hearts were


* .*

> **f

U ^ >.' •

d \?
^ 1
j^S : JU (TAi :syjl) ^fti ^ ih-Uj
filled with distress as never „ .,,»>«>.'.' •
," ^
before. The Prophet (£j) said: -^ ^ r*^» J ^- ^ 4r
3 S
^ r*-^ ,

"Say: We hear and we obey and ^- ^^ .,,'*, .^ , ?,, j^ .^

submit." Then Allah instilled faith ^ #e , _
„ .',«..,,.
in their hearts and He revealed: J>^» ^' <>^ «lUJU3
r£-^* y* ^'V^'

The Messenger (Muhammad (ft))

believes in what has been sent ^ ^
^ '
^ -

^ r ^
^ ^ = . - - 3,,

down to him from his Lord, and *Js'j <&*&>j *AJ L. jX J£ jjL^Jl} ^
(so do) the believers. Each one
believes in Allah, His Angels, His
Books, and His Messengers. (They
^ '*.-..,,.

J &

^ ^
> *->

- ,

say,)'We make no distinction .,',,„-'„,<

between one another of His ^-^ U ^ *^- ^! ^ L J ^ •- ,*

^^ ^
and they say, 'We

and we obey. (We seek)


,„. /
^ £j^,j! N £- j^,
^ ,\ '

u ^-
a- .%
LIS l^»i 141* ^ ^Ux=M
Your forgiveness, our Lord, and
J-t^ ^J
to You is the return (of all)/ Allah
burdens not a person beyond his
^^ u
. j, r.

scope. He gets reward for that c-^ llU-^j & _^plj ll* *-jpIj <j III

(good) which he has earned and ^ . ^ .^ ^

-^'Tuijiwi^i ^ u^u lk^
, :

he is punished for that (evil) •

which he has earned. 'Our Lord! [r»V' i^iiJl] .(TA1 t TAo

Punish us not if we forget or fall
into error, our Lord! Lay not on £\ ^ : iju iif : jZJ- J\
£* y\ Jli
us a burden like that which You .
did lay on those before us (Jews f^ <Lf. J^*i
and Christians); our Lord! Put not , ,

SJ '2?;*"*
on us a burden greater than we ^ 'Cc*—" *

have strength to bear. Pardon us

and grant us forgiveness. Have
mercy on us. You are our Mawla
(Patron, Supporter and Protector)
and give us victory over the
disbelieving people'" [al-Baqarah
2:285, 286].

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (126)]

2071. It was narrated from Ibn ^ £^_ 1^ £^. _r

'Abbas that when the Messenger '

^ „ „
Musnad of Abdullah bin al-' Abbas ^311 & (j-UuJt ^ *Jji oJi. jOilii

of Allah (jj^t) sent Mu'adh bin *< ^ _.,

^ ^ '^
, c

, . ., _

Jabal to Yemen, he said: "You are

^^ 4
going to some of the People of the
Book. Call them to bear witness
J\ j^. ^ 1&, ^& jjg -JJ I
' - *
, t,

p r

that there is no god but Allah and '^ J* 1


^l " :
0^ 1

that I am the Messenger of Allah.

Jf- t ^ j
nJj y',
v ^ -^

If they obey you in that, then
* '
_ , ,
/, , ,

teach them that Allah, may He be "4W ^^' *jlM Jj^-j

glorified and exalted, has enjoined
upon them five prayers each day
l' °"
-.<;, v-


^ ^ .^g

and night. If they obey you in J^i ^ J ^ ^ >^' ijl^j 5 ^


that, then teach them that Allah, * s , * ' « < - -

J^ > ^ t+^ '^

, , . *
"f; T
may He be glorified and exalted,
has enjoined upon them charity ^ j^j; iLjJr^l ^ ajjl^ l^lU >^t
(zflfcab) to be taken from their rich -,'!„,•'-
and given to their poor. If they V^ 1

f^ ty <^> J
„ -* a '»

VJ ^^ „ • *

obey you in that, beware of taking

\^ J\j il^f ^yj} ilL> t JlJJU
the best of their wealth, and fear -

the supplication of one who has

s /
J^J J* ^S

^ dr^

W * '

». •

been wronged, for there is no „'*

barrier between it and Allah, may

c cf^
He be glorified and exalted." .(H) : tOrio) : ,
> si t_J :

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1395) and Muslim (19)]

2072. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of
jj; ^ odi L-IjU-

:^3 IL'jl^ -Y«V\
\ "
- f

Allah (^) did lywdoo' washing l*


J- "^ J> i^** If 'r^ 1

each part once. 'u
? ? \*
fy m Jj, j^ - .^
[Its isnad is saheeh, al-
r ^' vr *^M :>l]

.(\ov) : i- ,«_*w ajl^ji ; «_i _fc


was narrated from Ibn
when the Prophet
^/; :
'-, $<^ .rj-
_ Y vr

(M) prostrated, the whiteness of a*^ 0* a"^* ^ V~^

^^ ^
i/} <J'y If-
his armpits could be seen.

Comments: [Saheeft because of

'^ ^ ^^^y
corroborating evidence; this is a [Y i ' o t tr * o t TITi tYVHT :^1]
da'ecf isnad]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 312 & (jaUutll ^j 4111 JLJfi

2074. It was narrated from Ibn

J, m
oU!ii y\ il'IU- .-Lr; life. -Y'Vt
'Abbas that the Prophet (jfej)
addressed the people wearing a ^ '-^^ u>} if ^j** If tj^l
large turban.

Comments: isnad
.ii-o £U*p CSJ-j ^LUl ^Ja>- l

%j% ^1
[Its is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (927)]

2075. It was narrated from Jjl xi- ^J,"x~ lipjj tfJU. -Y'VO
Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin
'Ami bin 'Uthman, from his J>.
?^\ xi- j| -U^S l£ Xa ^A J, JL*J,
mother Fatimah bint Husain, that
she heard Ibn 'Abbas say: The
ex iU»li yl ^ tjUip ^ jjlp

Messenger of Allah ($&) said: "Do xi- ITJ^-I jljijsj *^r-l^ jjj' ji- jl—>-

not keep staring at lepers."

•^ Oi ^~* j^ f* yi 1
j; J^ ji j^ 1

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

C^j ilk Li 4jA ji- (. jUic- ^y* jjli- ^j' aIJI

^ji^lJi Jl l^x Ni :
gg Jjl J^3
[oa\ :^-lj] .«^Jl

2076. It was narrated that Ibn t«J J^ fll* lllx- :Lsj ll'li- -Y*vi
'Abbas wish that the people
said: I

would reduce one-third to one-

quarter when making bequests,
because the Prophet (^) said:
"One third is a lot."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
:* t(YVif) :i .*tj«_^ *jL.J Imj^u
Bukhari (2743) and Muslim

2077. It was narrated that 'Amir

bin Wathilah said: I said to Ibn
'Abbas: Your people are saying
that the Messenger of Allah (^)
'^P- J>y, ^* :Jl* &tj o? ^^
trotted {rami- around the Ka'bah)
and that it is Sunnah. He said: My
people are telling the and
they are lying. The Messenger of
Allah (}$&) trotted (around the
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 313 & ^Lj*J1 ^ <u)l ,

it is not Sunnah. He
Ka'bah) but ;,-'>:..,-
came Makkah] when the
- ,

^ .-' , -

«> *> o^^Jlj ^


mushrikeen were on Mount tijLij l^f>v ^)* ^U^lj 4, !)' 1^1^

Qu'aiqi'an and saying that they ,
w« , ^
'- >_', , jC ,

[the Muslimsl were emaciated and





^4 l
-^"J* *f
> li

exhausted, so he told them to trot Y^ \* -'

[Y •
: j**-I j]
L -^r ,*

around the House in order to show

them [the mushrikeen] that they tv—" « il: — ! :
were not exhausted.
Comments: [Its isnad is safae/j]

2078. was narrated that Ibn

It t *J j> *p jl\ llili : Ls/j &jJ- -Y *VA
'Abbas said: The Messenger
O of --'-'*.
1l-.1l- " i
• l
' •' *
> .
* . -- • '

Allah (^) said to Jibreel (m):

"What kept you from visiting us &. J,^ (Yri/O ^ Jjl J
more than you visited us? Then the ^ ,/ \ ,. t ., „ -£ ,,

verse "And we (angels) descend '^^ ^ ^ U ^>" V|M


not except by the Command of "J£ £ % ££ J\ 4\ $& Cj^ :cJ3ii

your LordfO Muhammad (^)).To
Him belongs what is before us
what is behind us. " [Maryam
'° i :


* VI




^.„ „

, .-

19:64] was revealed.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- ^ ^" *

Bukhari {3218)]

2079. It was narrated from Ibn

f j, ^ ^ £^ . *j-
£^ _ Y ,
'Abbas that among the animals
that the Prophet (£g) sacrificed
was a camel that had belonged to


:,i K r-

j; 1
j^ l

^/ ^
_ ,

-i^ -

*n *f
Abu Jahl, and it had a nose nng - - ' ^ /
of silver. [YAA* vMXA :
J^\] ."^^y^J^-
Comments: [Hasan] ,,
v jU ^
&* *^j f

» J-*- &j>"

2080. It was narrated from Ibn \£ X^^\ '&**> :X^3 &ji*- -Y'A-
'Abbas that some cheese was
brought to the Prophet^) and his
Companions started hitting it with
s *


^j^$ ^A ^^ y^



sticks. The Messenger of Allah (j^) 5

,,''". / ,

said:"Put the knife through it, :

^ ^ J^j ^^ '^^4
mention the name of Allah, and ,, fi- in '
m i
cr r ' <-*n i
' '•»

eat. '

[YVoo :J*\]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <&> 314 & ^Uudl ^ fjjl
/'* -Vn' i*

Comments: [Hasfltt because of -

i. i r, i

corroborating evidence. This is a *

" *^
da'eef isnad because of the weak- •&? •**> '^^ *-**~^

ness of Jabir]

2081. It was narrated that Ibn

\£ J^l>} l£U :Ls'j &ji* -V*A\
'Abbas said:The Messenger of Allah ,
/.' ',
f .
rr .
t i

(jfe) said: "I have been commanded J^"^ : "^ J^J >*> <j>} If 'y^r
to pray Duha and Wi'fr, but it is not 't,; .
'i.; *- •, - -- > 't,-- **
obligatory [for you]. t ',%• ' '

Comments: [Its isnad is da'«/ ^V^ cA-^H ^>^ :

^ jiil J>^0
because of the weakness of Jabir
. a , .
• >,]Jii-n «

^r • :<-i ' r

2082. It was narrated that Ibn * :,.-

.3 juli £1; :
^j 0;j^ _y, A y
'Abbas said: We, the young ones y
. .
> . - -

of the clan of Banu 'Abdul- ^S* Cr^ 11 1

^ '£«* J ^- ^
Muttalib, came to the Messenger
of Allah (5^), riding red camels of
^ J
JJ ,
j^- &% .3^ ^ .,
, „ ,
' - '-

ours, from Muzdalifah - Sufyan & v'

l*^ l
't \^ ]
4f i>' **^' 1

said: at night - and he started to v^j ' *

MJ, *U v
pat our thighs and say: "My
young ones, do not stone the
C^tT*' - ^ li '
jUii u
u JU -

^ -£^
i'J^\ \J.y N t^£l» «.USUo!
JamraJi until the sun rises." Sufyan

^ ^
,. - ; » •
f t , « >« , 3 ,
Jb :j J>3j K
added: Ibn 'Abbas said: I do not ^ -

think that anyone with any sense iiiaJ JU ^'^ \i!c \jJ-\ JU-J U :,r-l^ '
would stone the Jamrah until the "

sun has risen. [ HY • :

^ lj] .^-LjJl

Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth, and 3 l^I

iJL*, t*^ *i-o>- :«/«"
its isnad is interrruptedl ,
. ,

2083. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Messenger of

jj ^ £^ .^^ £^ "
_ Y Ar ,

Allah (jg) got up at night and ^1 ^ (^ j* J^S ^ aUL; l-JJU.

relieved himself, then he washed

his face and hands and went back
to steep.


„ *,
^ m


J^-*- f*j

Comments: [Its fsnarf is saheeh, al-

r > ^ > T
M " 'ill 'Li
Bukhari (138) and Muslim (763)]
CT 'f •

.(Yir) :(. tOTA) :^.^=*^ »J

M :
gi> J

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 315 & lh^' l* **»' ^ ^^

2084. It was narrated from Ibn
'Abbas that the Prophet (M) slept
^ ^-
- <.-
" .
tf^ _ wt
until he breathed deeply, then he o\ '.
^^- ^) ^f-
<-^_'£ If- K
$i& i?)
cot up and prayed and did not do
^J^^ r
, :, ** : ,.c >i ^
^^^^c^\ -,-.: >- -.-. , =,,


Comments: [See the previous h MY :^-ljl .0>y-.

tj '•&;*"

Hasan -
It was narrated
i.e., al-'Urani -
that al-
said: Ibn
t £^, ^ 4 juli ^ ^Uj &Jb- -Y'Aa
. , , >t


'Abbas said: We do not know : <J U _ u^' J% - J- ^ if 5 1

whether the Messenger of Allah

($0 recited Qur'an in Zu/ir and


m jj, ^ ^ *.,*-"
^\ u


we recite
'Asr but
t it. : >;!] Xju £&3 ^^Jlj ^1
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef ,. ,, ..y, - . ,. ,
. . .

because it is interrupted] ^ " ^-"

It was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger of
.i -
^ tfj£ :L?j £1^ -Y-An

Allah (&) said: "1 looked into J^ -J& <j"& ^^rj^lfi*^ $ J*

Paradise and saw that most of its
people are the poor. And I looked
^ „
^fc&j, ^ ijJU S& A J A,
\/ „

- „
: I

into Helland saw that most of its "Js\ Jjly j^J\ ^ cJlkl} ii\'JjA\ 14UI
people are women." r — ., i..n .,-*! ,-i-;

Comments: [Its isnfld is sflfree/1]

.(Yvrv) :^ UiiJL-j* -ili^) :^.£^>oM :^>«"

2087. It was narrated that 'Amr \^ J,q> \£^. : ?jj rifti -Y*AV
bin Deenar said: heard Ibn 'Umar

We used to lease land in return ^ *;_".>,.

S** d* ^-*^- 1


j1 ^ j» Jj**


forashareofihecrop(mMWwfear«h), -^ !^ ft
and we did not see anything wrong ^ ./,''*- ,

with that, until Rafi' bin Khadeej -^ J& ^it J.r-3 ^ £d^ 0""

£J'j 5-^1 :

said that the Messenger of Allah

G&) had forbidden that/ Amr said:

., ^
^ J ^ ° ^\ ,^
,„ 3^ ^ -
f ,

I mentioned that to Tawoos and :^ JjJ-S JU u!] :^& ^1 J

<dJ( Is

Tawoos said: Ibn 'Abbas said:

Rather the Messenger of Allah (m)
said was: "For one of you to give


, >',,,-
:^l] j\U^>
^ . .i*
»,-f*.i'-f "•-

r^ 1

\Q Jblu
land to his brother is better for him
[rYir ,r\ro c ya-it jou
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas ^316 & ^liiii jj *iii jj£ x^ ,i

than if he were to take a set amount ,


(of the produce) in rent for it."

' '
C 1
-C^* "^ ° -
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (2330) and Muslim

2088. It was narrated that Ibn ^ Je'^l ^^>- :

At?j £ ^>- l
Jtfumr (alcohol)
When the prohibition
was revealed, ^
: JU y^ <>"'


^A ^
- .

they said: Messenger of Allah,
what about our brothers who
u^ ,^\\ J^j tj
: \j$ t^j, ^_"' ^ jJ
/ i

died, and they used to drink it? : ^ t





'r^ u^' ^Xy^V

Then the verse "Those who -- *s> ,-,,*.; tf -" \>'v / ir i- -ik
believe and do righteous good .

deeds, there is no sin on them for : ^13 .(^V : sjtiLJi) zy\ ^ I jl 4^X
what they ate (in the past).." [al-

Ma'idah 5:93 - to the end of the

L VV1 '^^ tU ° T

was revealed.

[Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a
^ j,_ ^ ^ ._^

l^j i.^

It was narrated that Ibn
We, the young ones of
t ^ ^ ^ £^ ^ ^ .
_Y .
the clan
of Banu 'Abdul-Muttalib, ^ s ,

^ ^^ ^ j* 6^ ^

Jl ,'^p

came Messenger of Allah

to the

(SO from Muzdalifah at night, ^


^^ ^- ^f ^
j >-j

riding red camels of ours. He ^JaA; Ji^> & ^'^*"

l_A*- J^ £*^
started to pat our thighs and say: ''"''

"My young ones, do not stone the ^ '^ '^ '^ *-'-•-
Ii i
'' \f
\ *J

^ J ^' U
" £

/amra^ until the sun rises." [Y*AY : «^lj] .i^jjjl iiL


Comments: [Sa/i^i because of

corroborating evidence. It is a jU^' ,J *J
'£^= ^.^ ^./^
repeat of 2082]. .^U ^l iljju jJ ^yJi ^-^Ji £^

2090. was narrated that Ibn

It - -^ £j^ _Y ,
'Abbas When you have stoned
said: ,

the Jam rah, everything becomes o*^* o>) j* 'tjij^ 1

«>~>^ ^ <- ^-'

permissible to you except (intimacy <£,,

iii.':^*Jj| J
- Jii ;ju
with) women. A man said: And '
\ ',/,„,
perfume? Ibn 'Abbas said: As for «£l^JI VI *,yi
J5 ^x! J^-
jjj tS^Jl
me, I saw the Messenger of Allah
(£0 apply a lot of musk to his

^\ V^
i. >. '
T i


^ * ' -

head. Is that perfume or not? i^lj X^ ,"a* ^ Jj| j^ ^ji^ J^ t J |
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 317 4 oiUudl & ^ 4r^ ^^*
Comments: [Sfl*w/f
corroborating evidence and
because of

,^ .*

^r ^r| ^j^
- ;

isnad is interrupted] [f i *\ > <. fX •


2091. It was narrated that Ibn

j* OUli UJjU- :^3 QjU-
'Abbas (-50 said: The Prophet fe)
was treated with cupping in the ji-^*-' : J 1* ^^*- j?' j> ^^ If <•
two veins on the neck, and
between his shoulders.
0^31 0*3 'j£^"l J ^ ^'
Comments: [Hasan, because of [fY VA • , Y<W<W Y W t Y >
o :> :>:!]
corroborating evidence and its

isnad is da'eef because of the ^^ M a iJla

-» "^ 0-~ '-g-J^
weakness of Jabir al-Ju'fi] -(^^^o^l y^r >—i*-^J

2092. It was narrated that Ibn

\ :j. ^^ £jj^ \%£'j &^U-
'Abbas ($) said: The Messenger
of Allah forbade mating a 0? ^

^ ,

0< ^'

^ ,,
If <-^H>r
donkey with a mare. Jj, ^^ ^^^ ^ .

Comments: [Its isnad is sfl/iecM
•yj J^

^ ^ - „



[\<WV :^l^
.iU ^^
2093. It was narrated that Ibn ^ A,^ &j£ ;
tj j £j^. -Y»^r
'Abbas (4) said: A caravan came
:JU ^U*- /j1 -,p tii JCp V^ tiiU-.-
to Madinah and the Prophet (£&)
bought something from
earned a few Ooqiyyah (by selling
it and 14I.
^ '
^'^ i&jIJI ^ "",
it), which he shared out among ±f J?. J-fb 1
ji *4*—" 'J^'-^ £j^r»

the widows of Banu 'Abdul-

Muttalib, and he said: "I shall

^ ' -^ ^
^ ,.


never buy anything for which I [Y'WWY'W*:^!] .«o^ ^jI>

do not have the price." .

Comments: [Its is nad is da'eef] , . - , ... ... „

'Abbas (40
It was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger
^ ^,-j
^ -^
^ _Y .

_ .

of Allah (jg) forbade the fee of a *j^ jl 0* 'ti^ 1

f^ 1
prostitute, the price of a dog and A j,, 3 ,-
.3^ ^ ., -

the price of alcohol. ' "~^ y y- y

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 318 4» ^lidl (jj «uil ju£ V.-,i

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeb] ,;, •£.? ,j. • ,, ,

t rrvr .yiyi jou :^:i] .^iJi

[.(mo t rm

2095. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (*&) said: The Prophet (S§)
was praying and two young girls '^ j^ 'j^ 1
O? J^t cf 'p^*^ 1

from Banu 'Abdul-Muttalib came

and held onto his knees, and he °
,^ .

r ,., *,,
^ fl ,



separated them (the two girls). j!p

^^ o%^>- o^Ui *jLj ^1
Comments: [Its isnad is hasan; its r>:- ;* •:-;> ,:"i:f *- it'll
men are " <-^ " -r^
tfii^af, the men of al- '

Bukhari and Muslim] [.(TA<H *n»r tYToA ; mv :y^|]

r^' J^"
i>" Cf*^*^ ,|jth; £/**' :
^y jj-1 £^* :

2096. It was narrated that Ibn JJUJl yU^ ^Ilj ILr, liiijU. -T«M
(-4) said: The Messenger
stood before us, exhorting
^^1 . ,.*

oi Sjs?-^
_ ,
^ ^-
V- 1

^ ^^

us, and he said:will be"You -j -
jtf fc °, -
- <

gathered unto Allah barefoot, naked >t f^' ; - ,/' /"

and uncircumcised. 'As We began r^ * t -'^* '•'^y^. ^, ^ ^j^j £j
(It is)
first creation,
a promise binding
We shall repeat
upon Us.
it. . vj^ v :,'> ,,< ?„ :.

: > * . -

^ £

Truly, We shall do it' [al-Anbiya' fy £& llij ;ii JO- £1 £fo l3>
21:104], The first of
clothed will be Ibraheem, the Close
mankind to be >«?:
J^ tCW ,
^ V0 *

•^ „ #-
Friend of the Most Merciful > ^jpi JJi j^-j j& j^i
{Khaleelur-Rahman). Then some of
you will be taken to the left - Ibn
ja'far said; Some men of my »mma/i
ob/ (^ C^
, ,».

>u^, ^j '.^^ ^, j b _

^ ** ,*
p :JU
, '


will be brought and taken to the left '
, ' ',, \

- and I shall say: 'My Lord, my _JU_iJl oli ^ I^jj t^l ^ Jbf^
companions!' but it will be said to •
i V> : .
V i
- •
f • -


me: You do not know what they ; ,

; ,

introduced after you were gone; 'jJ^ fJ ^-^ Ij^i U t^jX N JlI
they kept turning on their heels ', if: ».-:..: ^ . -,t , *.,,
sinceyou left them.' And I shall say y '^^ -U ^U^l ^U ^x^
the same as the righteous slave Ijl^ ^ ^j^ :^JL^JI jlJi Jli Uf
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfe 319 & (j-UiJl Ctf ***' 4J* t ^ u*

['Eesa] said: 'And I was a witness , ^ s< -"s-v '..{, *» *.* <

over them while I dwelt amongst -#"" ^ ^* - <-4


- -*n£ ^* u

them, but when You took me up, (\<wr :«-lj] .[\W :;_uLJl] ^.iijtf
You were the Watcher over them;
and You are a Witness to all things.
[rrTV ^
rrAr 4T ™ >^
If You punish them, they are Your

slaves, and if You forgive them,

verily,You, only You, are the All-
Mighty, the All- Wise' [al-Ma'idah

Comments: [Its isfwd is saheeh, al-Bukhari (3349) and Muslim (2860)]

2097. It was narrated that Ibn -Y »\V

Jy^l^, ^llLi ji .J^3 liil^
'Abbas (4fe.) said: A man came to * , . *

the Prophet (&) and said: O ?. ^ & If '£"^1 <W ^ Ji > If

Messenger of Allah, things cross
my mind, that I would rather fall
^^ * *


^^^ ^ t

from heaven than speak of them. ^-^


^1 '^ Jj-^j l J^ : 4
^ ^h' ^


The Prophet (#,) said: "A//a/ta

J, frUiJ|
- * \ *ij *j
praise be to Allah Who has &l» :£g| ^1 JUi : Jli .* jJ&l M j*
reduced his (the Shaitan's) plots to

^ 7^

' ^ ^^
J '
fa J ~ ^
J '

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] t n^ :

J*M .«*^>^i J[ VxS

2098. It was narrated that Ibn ^ t jLL ^ ^jQi ^ **Sj &j^- -Y ^A •

'Abbas The Messenger

{*&.) said: of a , , „ „ .

Allah (^) said: "If you have a $5 *W J>^ JU iJli^-U^I^ ^/*

> -^
dispute concerning the road, then
make seven cubits, and whoever


>J^ ^Jj, ^ ^.,

'"' .*

builds a structure let him support it :

J"fl J <J^r -^^ ^-4^ * ?
^f Ji 0*J
with his neighbour's wall."
[TMV tTr%v tT<m tWoV
Comments: [Sa/ieeh because of
corroborating evidence; this i\^\ t»>J <^-*
^^ ^ ^
is a lJLs>j
da'eef isnad]
JL _ ^^ to ^.

2099. It was narrated from Ibn ji, t^j^JLUJl j£, Lsj £ili- -Y-^
'Abbas (&) that when the Prophet
(^) moved on from 'Arafah, the
people began to rush and he said -

V^ ^ ^ :


^ ^
'^ J^u! UJ


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al~'Abbas & 320 & ^UiJt ^ *u( alt '.-..•-

or it was called out to them -: "It is , , - * *'*- .t - ^

not righteousness to make the t^k V 0-2* :
- '-^.r* J 1
_ J^
horse or camel rush/' He said: And
I did not see any of these mounts
&13 ^3 '
Ui :Jl* «^l53Jl Nj JlUl "

,. ; -
raising its feet and rushing, until

J^^ { ^- ^' J*- iji*

we reached Muzdalifah. [Xr>\ Y3-V tYiYV ,YY1£

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this

is a hasan isnad] •Cr-*'
iL-i ]JJ
*J '£=>"' ^"^ ^-^
2100. was narrated
'Abbas (^)

that Ibn
The Messenger of
^ jLii Uo^ ;^3 hJji -YW

Allah (^g) said: "Nothing makes ^ ,>f j i_r4* J} J*1 *•'*"}*% 'j* i^Ll-

water nans."
.7 ,. * * ... .
'*, ,

^ iUI» :
$g *JJl Ji^Lj Jli :JU U_p
Comments: [Sa/teefr because of
corroborating evidence] 1 If 11 t Y ^Y / ^!] .«^ ll^
[.(ru. ,YA*V iM> .
(J- *^_\jj ,j ^^Jla Jlw i»jjJ ~->^ '.rujjil

2101. It was narrated from Ibn ^ ^_ ^ ^di U L^ LJli -Y \ \

'Abbas (&) that one of the wives ;( . < ,

^y^ ^^ ^^^r^
^ ji- t<\£f ^^>
of the Prophet (3^) did g/wsl for s>\ J>}

JBmrfwi/i and the Prophet (m) did v^

"^ ^ .


, ^,'f
JJ ^

^ws/ or wudoo' with her left-over " '

water. < Y \ • Y : J^l] .l^Uli j* . U>}; 3*1
^g ^l
Comments: [Sflftedj because of [mo t r\Y •
t YA» t Y<m
corroborating evidence]
.a*j£j> rj- -lAjj
^y ^j^ia^ij iiL^ L ij? jJ £~-w> :

2102. It was narrated from Ibn
& &^ : jl^l j? ^ t&. -Y \ .
'Abbas (4fc) that one of the wives '_
'"/.,. »

of the Prophet (35) did gftus/ from li ">e if '-^r- 0* ^^ L'S^


^ ^

janabah and the Prophet {&) did ^'^, - ..,

wmdoo with her left-over water.
She said something about that to ^
J^ 1
^ ,-




him and he said: "Nothing makes ,,-;,?',„ ",,;: ^ :„: .->-.: • :


water n«;is (impure). ' - y

Comments: [Saheeh because of
[YW .YW ; ^1^,] .((^ aJ^L' N
corroborating evidence]

2103. It was narrated

'Abbas (ife) said: The Messenger of
that Ibn
^ ...
r1 jlU^
^ j^
,. .

o t

Allah (sg) kept away from his *S& ^ "^^ o-*- dL L S^' :

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 321 J* ^tiiJl jL <uj\ ,

wives for a month. When twenty-

nine days had passed, Jibreel came
j^S :Jl» ^p- J>\ j* OI^Ip j£
to him and said: Your oath has tl: ^ki Uii t l^i StUj ^ <JUI J^ij
been fulfilled; the month is over.
Comments: [Its (snarf is saheeh]

2104* It was narrated from Ibn _c£ ^ lU^j >i ^ : L^j GiJi- -Y ^ * i

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet (%$) "\ '.

-' '.
,* -;<. -
r \ . . ;

said: "Whoever has two sisters and J* *^" J^"^ J* *M ^'^ JL*

1 :

is kind to them whilst they are with -, .

jj ^g ^, ^ ^^ ^,
him, will enter Paradise because of
'"'/„" '."*

them." Muhammad bin 'Ubaid <J^ isb^i U LI^J? j^-*-** *u£>-l

said: "Anyone who has two >r f,
•» . .^ ». * * - * -,,:- „=*„: ,-

daughters and treats them kindly - *"' ^' -'-

so long as they are with him, Allah, t a liil>^> U U^Jl ,^^4* ^ jl£l ( Y11 / *i

?taUed Willadmithim
[riU :>i]'."Wl jl SlllSiaWl :

Comments: [Hasan because of J ^—l '^*j ">-l*'_^ j—"- {Hs™ :

corroborating evidence; this is a • J— ^ J™-^ - -> --_-

; l
* -


2105. It was narrated that Ibn jLii &jj- :^JJ\ ^ ^L £jU- -YW
'Abbas (&) said: The Messenger s _ „
* *
s . - ?

^ C=^ ^'
. .

of Allah (jg) did not fight any y"

1 l
a* '^ 4
people until he had called them
(to Islam).
V[ L»
iVj* 3g Jil J^ Jjli li :Jb

Comments: [Its isnflt/ is Sflfcee/i] [ Y • ot :

£* I
J -JU^j

2106. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Messenger of ^J ^ ^j
^ ,., -^ JJ

^ ^
Allah (ag) said: "If I live - Rawh ^Lill ^ ,_Ji
J 'J>\
&ji : J15 £j^ ..Ji
am -'
said: If

next year,

still sound
will definitely fast the
- until '.

^ ^f& ^ V^ ^'
'., .


.. . , |f , .

ninth," meaning the day before : JU ^ J^ M i^-l^ ^ ^t* <JUl j|l

'Ashoora'. ,'*,,-'-'>.*'
- > t

Comments: [Its iswarf is ^awi] H> ^" ^ c " ^, '


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas y&, 322 4» (jaliijl ^ *i1 jji

2107. It was narrated that Ibn >* \* -* {.~\\ .

v \ - X* -
v. «
Abbas (&) said: It was said to the .

Messenger of Allah (j&): Which ^^e C^'Or-^ 1

t>! ^ l * 0* i^^l
religion is dearest to Allah? He t
\' f. ',,. - .
, -, ; .

JU y"^
^ *>->-
: l

said: "Easy monotheism."

0* 1
Comments: [Sa/iee/i
corroborating evidence]
because of fe^ 11 * -^ ?^ [
J\ ^ 0&*Jl

2108. It was narrated that Ibn ^lj fii* L^-f :i^ £jb- -Y\«A
of Allah

said: The Messenger
was treated with ^ V^ ^ ^ li
^ .

, '

^ ,s

- ,


cupping when he was in thrum; he

^j ^ j^ -^., jj (
j^ & ,
was treated with cupping on his '
, * ' -

head. Yazeed said: Because of a

pain he felt.


<-^ '*r j
^j* i*UuAl ^y^.

t rroo t YYir :^i] .* ov5 J>\

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5700)] ^AM ^1, _,
.roYr .rYAY ^nrr

2109, It was narrated that Ibn j^ fll* Ijil : ju jj &jii. -YV^

'Abbas (&) said: When the Prophet , s \ >',, "'^
. , -, .

$&{??* u*? >d\* ^>l* j>\ y- **£*

(#*) died, his shield was being held '

in pledge by
thirty sa's of barley that
a Jewish man for
he took as
Jj> >^>
j^ E^ U>3
provision for his family. -$r£ U JJ
^-^ 'jrf-^ c^ ^^ ji"&
Comments: [Its isnod is saheeh] [ Y VY £ * r fc

* : Jill]

2110. It was narrated that Ibn

ill* L^J : J li juJ £1^ -YU'
'Abbas (Jfe) said: The Messenger of
Allah (^) was sent -or the Qur'an

y* iZ /^ If
-„ .

„ , ,^
, , -

was revealed to him -when he was

forty years old, and he remained in
'J\ _ ^^ J ^3 ,LJ :jlj

,r .f ,. ,

Makkah for thirteen years and in ^'^ 0^'J 1

>3 _j^l <^ Jjl

Madinah for ten years. He said: ;' ,'ii ' ;- ''-' i si* -^- ;
And Messenger of Allah (3^)
the s

died when he was sixty -three years ^ <Ul Jj-i3 ^^ :

J^ 4
,Sr^ 3-^
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4 323 & t>*4*Jl & ^ alt ilU

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

^^ (jL- ,

2111. It was narrated from Ibn -Y\\\
-J, f-\JrJJ\ L/^-i :x>y_ &jl»-
'Abbas (4») that the Messenger of l- s
, , »

r^ ^ ^f^

Allah (gg) used to manumit any ^ : yt* y!

*j* l 1

slaves who came to him, if they

became Muslim before their
^ ;^ - J^'itf Si Jj i
^ ,- - -
t .

masters,and on the day of at-Ta' if J^ ^3 l^lLil lij ^jJ\y> Jj

1 <
he manumitted two men.
{ ^ a<{
^ ^Jj,
Comments: [Hasa/i because of
corroborating evidence; this is a ^Ju*^j> jL^I \i»j m^jJ ^^-^ :

2112. It was narrated from Ibn '^ jllii LT^ :

-^ ^*" "^^
'Abbas (Jfe.) that the
Allah {m) used to seek refuge for
Messenger of
^ ^ ^ ^W &
., ,

. . . '„. t
Hasan and Husain, saying: "I
seek refuge in the perfect words
^ ^ j^ jji
j^- J,f

**',,', V
-.^^ ^i ^
of Allah, from every devil and ^

*^ ,

, > ;

:J>; \^~~j L^
every poisonous reptile, and from
every bad eye." And he used to
. -
^^ ^ ^ ^ ^, ol
* ",

say; "Ibraheem used seek to ^ ^j


pr?'S?! ^ ^^ "P^ M :

refuge for Isma'eel and Ishaq with

these words.
[nn ^ ^^ ^ ^ -
w" --

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- .(YTV\) :^ ,^ <ob— ) i^^"

Bukhari (3371)]

2113. It was narrated that Ibn ^ oui \j^f : jLj! llili- -TUT
'Abbas (^) said; A man saw a *
„,» .- '*
.* *

dream and came to the Prophet £* J. i^ £* J* '<Jj*y ]

&- Jr~^
(ig) and said: I dreamt that there
was a cloud dripping with honey
J^ -
jy ^ J ^ ^^
*--.'/ -'
^' 1

t „ \ - ,

J ^ #6
4r^ '^ 3j J^rj
and ghee, and the people were ^-jO 1 l
^ ^ £- ^

picking it up and taking it: some

took a lot, some took a little and
ft, t g£,
t t > (

some were in between that. And J^-~* u^.J J&^-» U^ <\£? ^j-^*-^
there was a rope connected to the ,
e . v. * =, ^, *fe, -,.

sky and on one occasion razeed

- "-^- ^
said: As if it was let down from
the sky - You took hold of it and
_*UJL!1 j* ^ Ci JlS"} :;^ jl.^ JLi_,
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 324 £, y^liiil jj .Ujt aic A yy 1

wanted to rise, and Allah lifted ,*-,<, . , ,,


you up. Then a man came after t<dJl ^"^ °>Ui l

* ^-^ U td
you and took hold of it, wanting ^i ^ liu
to rise, and Allah lifted him up,
t t iUJ ^ '*
ji^ £U-

,* ./ , * ,
,* s

Then another man came after < I^Uj ^ J*-j *L>- jU t-JJI «^U
both of you and took hold of it,
wanting to rise, and Allah lifted
^3 ..
^ ;^g ^ ,

him up. Then a man came after *J
J-fj j^ '^ ^» <* J£ts *jLij£ j,
you and took hold of it, but it was ,. ,;'-.. .
L ,f
,* .-.*; *

cut, then it was put back together . , . \ \

for him and he wanted to rise, tfl :JLii <. ^J OSli .U^li *jLl J^ij
and Allah lifted him up. Abu ,.,.,>,• -t , - . - >*j

Bakr said: Let me interpret it, O

<>^ lj J-^ ^'j <
^[U :XM\
Messenger of Allah. He gave him
permission, so he said: As for the
J^i ^j ^J •£ ^\ JjSUi
, , „ ', ,

cloud, it is Islam, and the honey 4

^* oJi ^ :
4~J1 ^j
^i j^'j

and ghee are the sweetness of the

Qur'an, some people read more,
; ^ ^ ^ ^ J^ ^3 *i

> ,

some less and some in between •JjK p-* *^' ^ij j^V «,,iJL*-l^ ^JU
that. The rope is the path you are
on; you want to rise and Allah
[.-: . - i -



/ '
will lift you up. Then after you £% jij |LSj& j, oj^ jU tiiJl jjj^i
are gone there will be a man who
follows your path; he will want to
rise and Allah will lift him up.
- ;

^ >*

— ,-

;. - ,-
lJ J-**
i^lLifn :JU ^^L* Jj^j ^ '
[ > '

Then after the two of you are * , •* - - \ t-'.t

gone, there will be another man, t
^jl ^J L- ^^^ > t

:JVi "oll^ij
who will hold on to the same
(rope) as you did; he will want to
[u<u •

Sj] y*
^ '
j£ J-Jjj
- '

rise and Allah will lift him up. l(v-M) :^.^»^

^ ^^ ^

iiujb- :?^>«*
Then after you there will be a '
man for whom it will be cut, then
it will be put back together for '& * ^^' &
him; he will want to rise and
Allah will lift him up. He said:
Did I get it right, O Messenger of
Allah? He said: "You got some
right and you got some wrong."
He said:I swear that you should

tell me. He said: "Do not swear."

Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth, al-Bukhari (7046) and Muslim (2269)]
Musnad of 'Abd ullah bin al-' Abbas & 325 4» t>"Lu»Jt (>J «Jll 4it -Lti-i

2114. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4e>) that a man came to
the Messenger of Allah (j^|)-. and
he narrated a similar report.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (7046) and Muslim [u^j ^ij .;gu
.(YY"U> >r (V-M)
t :

c-c^ b jL-I :£^

2115. It was narrated from Ibn XtSu>j i-«_i. U\->-l i-*j^ LjJI*- — Y^o
'Abbas (&) that the Prophet (g$)
said: "This is an 'Umrah which we
iJLaIjhl* '•£> t^ioUl -jP £Li_i lllA*. :JU
have joined to Hajj Whoever
does not have a sacrificial animal
with him, let him exit ihram

4i» :Jli m & o* ^ oil O*

completely, for 'Umrah has been

incorporated into Hajj until the
^ s^liJi cJU-a JS» tils' j>ji j^iu

Day of Resurrection." :^i] .«^gii (yy-v/\) ^ J| £>Ji

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, [YYAV iVWt
Muslim (1241)]

2116. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4&) that the Messenger of

Allah (^) came out to them when O^ ^ 1
0? Jr*^! 0^ ^> 0? ^r^
they were sitting, and said; "Shall
I not tell you of the best of people
^^O^ O^J^ol ^^0^1 tt
r^) i 0^ 1

in status?" They said: Yes, O *Ul

He said: A man
Messenger of Allah.
who holds on to his horse's head for
i?4jjL; ^fci
^ jjdiii ^u :jui

the sake of Allah, until he dies or is

killed. And shall I not tell you of the

next best?" They said: Yes, O ji ojl; j>- tjiii
j^ ^ <-,y ^ij,

Messenger of Allah. He said: "A

man who stays away mountain in a
pass, establishing prayer and
paying zakah, avoiding people's evil.
And shall I not tell you of the worst
of people in status?" They said: Yes,
O Messenger of Allah. He said: "The
one who is urged for the sake of
Allah to give, but he does not give/' [Y^OA t YUA YUV t :>;i].Uj

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfe 326 ^ ^llil! ^ aii\ jjc V..;:

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/ieefr] , ,

2117. It was narrated from Ibn fl-iS <v° ^1* Li^-I : 1 y>_ £jU- -Y\W
'Abbas (<&), fromProphet the '
* . . , .„/ , ,_
-^ &
. ,

(&,), that he said regarding the ^ ^ p ^ "^ y*

skins of dead animals: "Tanning ^Jl ^ ^^ Ji J, ,^.\ *j, ,^\
away their badness, filth or
,/ %

-^ '^
' .


Comments: [Hasan] •

^T•^ J' l
5r^j J' '?—*« 4-*^'

^ jJL- j>.\ ,x- jj iCr ^ :^>«"

2118. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet (^)
^^ ^
circumambulated the Ka'bah on
his camel touching the Black
Stone with his crooked stick, and
t< jtf
" ,






he [did sa'y] between as-Safa and -Vj'^j ^-^ 1
j^.j -t^J^.
y^ !
al-Marwah. And on one occasion
Yazeed said: On his mount, '^ ^ ^' > ^ ^ JUj
-- -i, *i:«- T i-
i- ;*- * - ',,-

touching the Black Stone. [\Ail :«-*j j *Yttv :^l]

Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth]

£y *& 'O*^ -^J <-»_r

J -u (rL^^- .^>w» vi-t-u- :
2119. Ibn 'Umar and Ibn 'Abbas '•f^ L'-£f .^.- £^ _y^
attributed to the Prophet (*§;) the
^ _ „„/ '

words: not permissible for a

"It is ^J^ ^ '^ *f j^ j* jl^i <>!

man to give something then take it v ,/-..' --,>,.« '

, '*.,
f ^ ^ ^
:* <

*r\ J\ °^ ~
J Ji
back, except a father with regard to
what he gives to his son. The cJ& ^ J^W J~ ^ n :
J^ £' 58§
likeness of the one who gives
something then takes it back is that ^ i
" -
~^ ^
' ^
.* • -

'^ a, -;

of a
dog that eats until
vomits, then
it is full,
£^ "7
4 £lJi J^;
jjj| j^ .iJjj


it goes back to


^ ^ r^ -

J^ ^
Comments: [Its isnad is /msao] i £ A W i, X ^ T < :
^1] .« j£» ^j i^ L 1

[tliv ttYo* ( onr

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4> 327 >& lM^' 6* **•' ^ ^^*
2120. It was narrated from Ibn
'Umar and Ibn 'Abbas 4* from the
v^ £^ : ^
- '
' ;

iUi tfk. _u Y

Prophet (%) that he said... and he j*<-^j*j^ if <

vi*** ^ jA* a* ^f-

narrated a similar report. 'uz>*.\*u..*u - ,** ..-..-* ..

Comments: [Its isnad is /iason] ' ' ,-.

2121. It was narrated that Ibn j£. ju*^, l^U-i ..uy_ ^j

'Abbas ($>) said: The Messenger
ordered the one who
of Allah (sSg)
had intercourse with his wife
, ;


^ ,


^ r^ ^

. ,



when she was menstruating to '

J / -„*,,, >* +

give a dinar or half a dinar in -J^ri v^i i 1 l

J^ ^-^ ^ >'^ ;


Comments: [So/iee/i mrtiy^oq/]

2122. A similar report was t ;^ ^ .juw^^U^t jl£ liiJb- -Y \YY

from Ibn 'Abbas (4*),
from the Prophet flfe). A similar
report with the same isnad was

#$ ^
M ^ & ^f
^ ¥ f^ ^


^f H,

narrated by 'Abdul-Kareem Abu " -

Umayyah. [T -n ^ \j j t nvr :>l] [<U u ,>

Comments: [It is a repeat of the
previous report]

2123. It was narrated from Ibn ^ fii* li^-l :!_£ ^iii -Y\Yr
'Abbas (i4b) that the Prophet (#$)
cursed effeminate men and women J ' y" ^ y* *"
^-T^ ^
who imitatemen, and he said: <.jLf^Jl '-y, "ydiUJl ,>J *Jjl
"Expel them from your houses." -,->,
^^ ^ o^^lj
-' - *
> . r


The Prophet (si) expelled So and Jfc ,s JU 3

^ ^ ^ -^ ^£ ^

so, and 'Umar expelled So and so." -^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5886)]
[mY '
^^ X ^ J~*

2124. It was narrated from Ibn .

£,, - >| £--:_{ .
£j^ _ .
'Abbas (&) that Allah (may He be .**,. >.-,^
glorified and exalted) enjoined the j^
^ t -^*^>


^r-^^ 1
l^ J^-
^ j^"

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 328 & ^liiil ^ -oil

duty of prayer on the lips of your - , . , . , , , £ e

Prophet four (raJt'flfe) for the non- ^* i!)UlJ1

o*> J^J ^^ ,
^! :
J^ £',.-"', .^ '
traveller, rak'ahs for the -],
t f
J^ oLJ
traveller, and one rafc'flfc for the ^ . ,
' .'

one who is in a state of fear. *^j <^UJi ^j 'jr^j ^iU^Jl

Comments: [Its is«ad is sa/i«h, [rw t YY<\r *YWV ^ J*;|]

Muslim (687)]

'Abbas (s&)
It was narrated
The Messenger of
that Ibn :
< '
U -, ^ ' - i^ _ rUo
,_ t , f '
, ,

Allah (gg) said: "I was commanded a* ' JU-^I J^jUlJ^^ dL^i L'^J-I

to use the siwak until

expected - that Qur'an would be
revealed to me concerning it."
I thought - or I
^ J^,
ji c3i

*. >- v-,,:

; ^




Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence; this is a
.«ST\i o
J^M ~ A',.^
"^^"^ '

da'eef isnad] 1L ; . ,i. i i*., . i

2126. was narrated that Ibn U^» -nn


The Messenger
J~ 'J, flli :!>; Cfti
(&•) said: rf t

of Allah ($&) entered the Ka'bah, U^' JJ|

^3 o"^ J>\
ji- i& lL Ii

in which there were six pillars. He

stood by each pillar, but he did
J_ '
v^ij tiiJl
" , ' ,
W Jj
'LL; Ju
, , ,
not pray. .J^J fJj jJjLi Jji jiIp
f Ui i j\yz

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, .Om) .-^^ U-1 '**rfj

Muslim (1331)]
^ (J

2127. It was narrated that Ibn uu ^ jit^ u^-i : JL^; t^li -T\rv
'Abbas (ufc) When 'Uthman
bin Maz'oon died, a woman said: "^ji* a! 0* 6^
^^£ 0*
*-*-.?; *
JeJ 0^
Congratulation, Paradise is yours, - .^ ^ '

'Uthman bin Maz'oon. The \ ^ ^\f \
Messenger of Allah (j&) looked at ^^ ^' ^ l~* ^' v*^ o>^

her and said angrily: "How do you

know?" She O
Messenger of
£ ^ ^ ^'
^ ;
^ ^^
J,. ^ '

Allah, [he was] your horseman and ^ :
^^ "^v^u^ 1*3" :
jUi jll^i.

Allah (^) said: "By Allah, lam the "'

' ' ^ J

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 329 4* ^UiJt C>i *iil

I do not
Messenger of Allah, but
know what happen to me."
The people were worried about
'Uthman. Then when Zainab, the
daughter of the Messenger of Allah
(^)# died, the Messenger of Allah
(M) said: "Join the one who went
ahead of us, 'Uthman bin Maz'oon."
The women wept and 'Umar started
striking them with his whip, but the
Messenger of Allah (^) took him
/\) ^ii :JUj ui. jg Jji J^
by the hand and said: "Take it easy,
O 'Umar." Then he said (to the

women): "Weep, but beware of the

wailing of the Shaitan." Then he
said: "Whatever comes from the
eye and the heart is from Allah,
may He be glorified and exalted,
and is a sign of compassion, but
whatever comes from the hand and
the tongue is from the Shaitan."

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef\

It was
[&>) said:
narrated that Ibn
The Messenger of
^3 ^ ^ iJ^if :i>; Ctlt ^YA
Allah (jgf) defined the meeqat of the Lri
t>* '(j^J^ <>* 'J^ Cf- J s* o*
people of Madinah as Dhul-
Hulaifah; that of the people of
Sham (Syria) as al-Juhfah; that of 14LUJI fill! JiV, tSiiiJl la ojJi
the people of Yemen as Yalamlam;
and that of the people of Najd as
Qarn, And he said: "And these
meeqats are for the people at those
very places, and besides them for
those who come through those
places with the intention of
performing Hajj and 'Umrah; and
&. jif J^ ijjiKi iijls-j t ^ii
whoever is living within these
boundaries can enter ihram from
the place he sets out, and so on, [r\iA ^V'^o tYYVY
and the people of Makkah can
,(Ua\) i(wi) :^.^5^p.»L-l :^*>^
enter ihram from where they start." :f

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 330 & (j*UiJi {£ <uii jQi oiuii

Comments: [Its isnad is so/iee/i, al-Bukhari (1526) and Muslim (1181)]

2129. It was narrated from Ibn U^l :jl^ £ju- -Y \V^

(V^ Cf.
'Abbas (4*.) that the Messenger of
Allah (£te) said to Ma'iz bin Malik,
when he came and confessed to
him that hehad committed zina:
"Perhaps you kissed or touched
[her]?" He said: No. He said: "Did
<IjU£J» : JU l^Jl JjlIp yli Jul
^ ^JU
«?£&» :Jli t ^ :Jli i?c«li] jl c±i
you have intercourse with her?"
He said: Yes. So he ordered that he :^l] .^j* (-aj ^Li :Jli t jU; :Jli
be stoned.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
[mA t nw t urr t m
Bukhari (6824)] .(lATi) :

c-c^ ••g-J*

2130. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (*) said: The upmoft was ^ ^^^
^ -
.^ a
' .

£^ _ nf ,

given for Ffl;> prayer and a man j^ '^U ^\ J,
jijl _^U jjl

stood up to pray the two rak'ahs.

The Messenger of Allah (fe) took
hold of his garment and said:

^ ^ ^'

j ,.
* r

^JAi '0=^^' J^*i J^3

. , J.
; Jb

" .«.


"Are vou praying Ffl;> with four


Comments: [Its isnad is /iflscn]

-'"WjI C^ ^"
* «
1B :JUi

[rm :^i]

2131. It was narrated that Ibn -nf\

jj^£* ^ jl!p Ujl£t :jL_£ &Jb-
'Abbas (vjfc) When the verse
"And those who accuse chaste
women, and produce not four
witnesses, flog them with eighty
and reject their testimony
stripes, '-^r1 P> ii£* ^j '»% u^ >jX& '&£
forever" [an-Noor 24:4] was
revealed, Sa'd bin 'Ubadah, who
^ I
^ ^ ft
a fa ^\ „ .

the leader of the Ansar, said:
it was revealed, O
of Allah? The

^ -^ ^ ^ ^

l> IJ&aI : jLiSfl j£i
'j , ^
Messenger of Allah (jfe) said: "O ^ : '^l*'
«?fijt J^; li
Jl Oji^J VI
Ansar, don't you hear what your 1m- - ^ * * - *?: >.(; s; ?,. -, ,,
leader is saying?" They said: O
#f «;.«(,,'
^% :
Messenger of Allah, do not blame sl ^' J& ^J N[ J» ^S* 1

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 331 * lh4*J (
lH **• 4*

him, for he
is a man
by Allah, he has never
of protective
^ ,
JjH J,]

U_ „
V3 teli
t Li 3

married any woman but a virgin Jj-^j ^ ^J'j : -L*-- J^* *5ij^ '-^ ,>?

and he never divorced any wife of

his but no man among us would

^ ^ ^ ^' ,"',',
J, 4 Jj,

dare to marry her because of his olfj }J ^1 c-U-^ **J^J


strong protective jealousy.
said: By Allah, O Messenger of
Sa'd y
^ y
r _<^ U •£•: ^
^ ( ^
> f

know ^ Vj aA-a!

but I

from Allah,
it is

may He
surprised that
true and that it
be exalted,
if I

^^ *
^ iij'jl



^^ ^ ^

. j
<} jj,.:
to find this stupid woman with a tU\

y J^? £L^ ^ il^rr; ^1


man on top of her, I should not . ,: . .;. , „ , .\. -ij;t u » -
, *-

disturb him or make him move rr ^


until I bring four witnesses; by * "JJ-j «Ul -il*- -^y ^^ 2-?^ Ir?

Allah, I would not be able to =, >«.,': .:?' - , - .;- i*\

bring them before he finishes „ „ < ,


what he is doing. A short while U :Jlii ^ -dM Jj-O J^ '-^


later, Hilal bin Umayyah, who * . , „v ..; ,.{ >. ?. ?., -. *-

was one of the three whose *, ' - ' - -


repentance was accepted, came <-{j'>^. ^~*-*-^j -£s~*i *^-i'y

^"-" ^-^
back from his land at night and . ,
«, , , , ^ *, '1 " -
found a man with his wife; he " "'

saw with his own eyes and heard O, tLil'l _x* : IjJlii ijUiiMI cJJj>-Ij

with his own ears, but he did not f M ', , , * ,, rt M ;-,-* >• >•- 'n

disturb him morning came,

until ' ^ - ' ' ,

then he went to the Messenger of i;al^i JJa^j i$l y, J"^* ^

and said: O Messenger
of Allah, I came to my wife last
night and found a man with her; I

: Jti* Jlii
J j

*, l>-3***
.j^ 3^
^ '

^ J ^' J*^
saw with mv own eves and heard (i ',.:-«'*-,' -t •- *i in '1 *-

with my own ears. The Messenger

L^ '
^ ^ ^ ii

of Allah (i^) disliked what he jt <JLJlJj .JaUJ ^^ jliil illlj ^ ^V

said and was very distressed. The -,< *i • '. -»(- :
f ', * *t, in '1 '-

Ansar gathered and said: Now we ^ - - - -

are facing the problem that Sa'd Sy IJJ 61^} tJ-'^< 5^ ?^'

^ Jj-'j

^^ ^
bin 'Ubadah expected; the • ;, ; -..r . ?„, , .,;, .,-

Messenger of Allah (fe) will beat '^ *^ ^ ^ '^*

Hilal bin Umayyah and declare <J>-'^ h* '%f J*- ** \fi^* i^
his testimony invalid among the ,r
^> .* ^ <- .„ -* , >.- - .^v .
• 7 -r
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 332 Jfc, ^julJuJl ^j 4ij| ,

Muslims. Hilal said: By Allah, I

hope that Allah will grant me a (T :
jyJI) Z<j\ ijZ\ \x£ jft^i i[
way out. Hilal said: O Messenger
of Allah, I can see that you are
U ^;ii :JLii ^ ij| J^ -j.
very distressed because of what I
told you, but Allah knows that I
am telling the truth. By Allah,
when the Messenger of Allah (ag)
was about to order that he be
beaten, Revelation came to the
Messenger of Allah (^fe). When
Revelation came to him, they
4>l-i* Ll Ll*3^tj tLli^fj} lU^U ^
could tell because his colour :J^U jUi idljl ^ili jj iif iy^\
changed, so they left him alone
until the Revelation was over.
And this verse was revealed: :£& jill J^3 JUi ^j£ :oJui
"And for those who accuse their x$ii .JL^li :J^J j-fi «u^;; i>*n»
wives, but have no witnesses
except themselves, let the
testimony of one of them be four
tiU! j;l t J^A u :JJ til*uJl ^ jtf
testimonies (i.e. testifies four
times) by Allah that he is one of i«3=rNi ^li* ^ jyil djjl ^IJi Lli
those who speak the truth" [an-
Noor 24:6]. The Messenger
.^iLJi in* ^.J t>.^i\ ;
Jii 013
of J}\
Allah (jg) recovered and said: Be
of good cheer, O Hilal, for Allah
has granted you a way out." Hilal c^ jl :i_*UJI ^j JLj-il .IfcU ^AiiJ
1 hoped
may He
for that
be glorified and
from my p .j^jisJi ^ Ltf o| ^ Jui <m/>)
exalted. The Messenger of Allah Ij :i^ oii^i £ji ^j^ii gj
(s^) said:"Send for her." So they
sent for her, and she came. The
Messenger of Allah (^fe) recited l_jU* j^ jyi £jj) ^Up j^i fc iUt J3l
the verse to them both, and
reminded them of Allah, and told
them that punishment in the N Jjlj :JLJU fi *Uu. olSOa .OllJl
Hereafter is more severe than
punishment in this world. Hilal
said: By Allah, O Messenger of
Allah, spoke the truth about her.

She said: He is lying. The

Messenger of Allah (^) said: ^'3
* ^ J>y % ^H Li-AJ3

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <&> 333 4*- o»li*lt JJ tjjt

"Invoke curses upon one another

(Wan)/' It was said to Hilal: Bear
t UjJ3 j>j j\ u^3 ^3 t iijj)
witness. He bore witness four tAlU- i^j ^Z V 01 ^ ^»'j <.l>Jl *!iii

> 9^'A ^ J^
times by Allah that he was one of
those who speak the truth. And

,, ^ sr t

Crf ^ ,


when it came to the fifth time, it ^^ ^, .j^- ^ J^; t


was said: O Hilal, fear Allah, for '

\ f

punishment in world is easier t

ui* L ^ _

this 3** 1
o*-*^ C^-'
to bear than punishment in the
tl "' t ,^ &$ ^
isU fo ,J^J '"
Hereafter, and this is the one that tf
; '

will incur the punishment for you. <jil) ^4* (.^3 Si I «^L- t^LUl ^Jl>-
He said: By Allah, Allah will not , 5(l . , ,-.„ -„,.f . _,,„: . , ,

punish me for just as He did

it, - ^ JJ -- -•- ~J
not cause me to be flogged for it. J^ Jlii v^Vi Lu, ijjIIjI £J^
And the fifth time he bore witness
that the curse of Allah should be \$j J OISJOU&I NjJ» 0f, *Ui

upon him if he was one of those l^~*l ^lUi -U^ j^i \X» j£j~ JU .ijLi
who tell a He. Then it was said to
her: Bear witness four times by ^Jb Uj i^V ^Jb jlSj l
J^ ^
is one of those who
Allah that he [rrr<\ jha ^\\\ :>1] .Jy :

tell a lie. And when it came to the

fifth time, it was said to her: Fear — j
,*' - \j jLp i.
,v->- w!~jA>- &j*
Allah, for punishment in this
Ajy -lJ — ijai&- «*> "j* •
'- * a_» jtf jlj
world is easier to bear than
.<-*« Js,
punishment in the Hereafter, and
this is the one that will incur the
punishment for you. She hesitated
for a while, then she said: By
Allah, I shall not bring disgrace
upon my people. And she bore
witness the fifth time that the
wrath of Allah should be upon
her if he was one of those who
speak the truth. Then the
Messenger of Allah {0) separated
them and ruled that her child
should not be named after any
father; she was not to be accused
(of adultery) and he (the child)
was not to be accused (of being
illegitimate), and anyone who
accused her or her child would be
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4 334 & ^UiJt ^ ^, ^ iii

subjected to the /wdd punishment.

And he ruled that she had no right
to accommodation or maintenance
(food) from him, because they had
been separated by means of some-
thing other than talaq (divorce) and
he had not died and left her a
widow. And he said: "If she gives
birth to a child with a reddish
complexion, small buttocks and
thin legs, then he is the child of
Hilal, and if she gives birth to a
child with dark skin, curly hair, a
heavy frame, thick legs and large
buttocks, then he is the child of the
one with whom she was accused of
committing adultery." And she
gave birth to a child with dark skin,
curly hair, a heavy frame, thick
legs and large buttocks. The
Messenger of Allah (jjg) said:
"Were it not for the oaths, I would
have something to settle with her."
'Ikrimah said: After that, he
became the governor of a city. He
was named after his mother, and
not after any father.

Comments: [A hasan hadeeth],

2132. was narrated from Ibn


'Umar and Ibn 'Abbas that they **i\'±\\\\

r ^^ i
"'i '.


^ """
tfl - *»*-*

testified that the Messenger of 0* 'f*^ yj if<-s£ yj J> J^t ji.

Allah (3g) said, when he was on
the minbar. "People should stop

'** ^&

*** jF

, '


neglecting Jumu'ah or Allah will y>j ^ ^

Jli i'( jLl J J^ \'j^ L^!!
put a seal on their hearts and they
will be recorded as being among ^' ^ ^
> ..

^ -Jj^
J ^ . , „

.< 6

„ .

s ,


^ ^^
the negligent."
j^ fl, -f l0li -j,
Comments: [A *te* teteft]
:>1] ^
[a°v t n«. r»« t t m«

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 335 njt (^LlkJt ^j aLI i

2133. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4b) that a woman brought
&L ,v ^LU L'-^-l ty. l£U-
:jl> -Y\YT

her child to the Messenger of

Allah (3£) and said: O Messenger
of Allah, he is possessed; it affects
him when we are eating and 4j j\ iaDI Jj-i-3 ^ :cJLi* 3s§ ^L!' ^j-"j
spoils our meals. The Messenger
of Allah ($&) wiped his chest and
prayed for him, and he vomited,
then something like a little black
tajA^j ^ 4JL3I J^j ?t_lj :Jli .uiUi>

dog came out of his mouth, and

he recovered.
Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef
[UU t YYAA :^l] .^iii ^pVl
because Farqad as-Sabakhi is


2134. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (Jfe) that 'Uqbah bin 'Amir
til^ :flii l^f :>' ^ -Y^rt

asked the Prophet (^), saying ilip j I

:^C^ j^ j* <•'"-*]**
is s ->^

that his sister had vowed to walk iHii 01 : JUi W$ ^l jli ^U ^1

to the Ka'bah, and that she was
too weak. The Prophet (&§) said:
"Allah has no need of your
sister's vow; let her ride and offer
^ ^ *Ll Oli :#§ (^!l JUu tL^JLi

a sacrifice." :^1] .«£jJ Jl^Ij 4-^j^ 4-^^-1 j^j

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] [YAYA vYAff ^YYVA t YW*

•C^ :
2135. Hajib bin Umar narrated:
My paternal uncle al-Hakam bin
al-A'raj told me: I came to Ibn
'Abbas (4c) when he was reclining * «;f
beside Zamzam, and I sat with
him and what good company he
was. I said: Tell me about the day
of 'Ashoora/ He said: What do
you want to know about it? I
said: About fasting it; on what
day should I fast? He said: When
you see the new moon of
Muharram, then count, and on *i ^ / >> >

the ninth day, fast that day. I said:

ZyU oir Iiilsi :iii .Cu,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a!-' Abbas * 336 & ^litfi ^ 4ill j^ .^

Is that how Muhammad used
to fast it? He said: Yes.
iW * tYYU :
>^ -|Ul :JU ^
Comments: [Its isnad is sfl/recfc] [^V^ :
**r\j j iTTVT iimv

2136. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet
*^^ ^0!^^-nn
*- \ -;* -
-• - , . >*.,, --*

said: "Teach and make things ^J& U.jli» cJU- : J l» iLj cJUi :JU
easy; do not make things difficult. /
^ ^ o*V^
,« - : ,« ( ,"


l JU<1


If one of you gets angry, let him J?

Comments: [Hasan because of
^( ,•]- tlj ^ ^ ,^ 3

corroborating evidence; this is a

U 1
oo :
>t] •J-.-rr

1^U» :aJ>j J.*^l ^j (4- J ^ ^J ,^^ ,L-i Ijuj te ^J ^ :£i>^

Was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas V*
^ v^ Cil: >f ^ lUi esli - :
Y \rv
(4*) that the Prophet (5J5) .,,.-.•,..-
J^ «i~
said: "There is no Muslim who -»j** If.
: JL* jJU ^l ijl

^ ^^ ^
visits a sick person whose time .-"'•',
^ °^
' s - - •-' • - -


has not yet come, and says seven ^ ** "
times, 'I ask Allah the Almighty, ^ky >£ x* U» : Jli & ^ ^|
Lord of the Mighty Throne, to ^
heal you/ but he will be healed."
;m ''if-

*[' CT 4*»
-•- '1

' ^ >~-
'l-f •' ."'.I

Comments: [A sateefi hadeeth] ^i tl ^*^ «J' '(^J'

y^ 1
^J ^p^ 1

[YUX :>!].«£>

.^ j; L
^u «j ois jij ju j;l jy, ,^w, ^^ -pis*;

2138. It was narrated that Ibn ^J~ £j^- :£jUj j\ gjj. -TWA
'Abbas (4*>) - Abu Mu'awiyah said:
I think he attributed it to the <>• ^'

^ i* *J^ Oi S 1
^ 1
Prophet ft;) - said: "Whoever
visits a sickperson and says, 'I ask
-^ ;\ j^ ^ .,' -

',. / - '
; '

Allah the Almighty, Lord of the :JL" ^-j^ ^ .

-^ J^j
'o*» Sljl

Mighty Throne, to heal you/ seven

'J vV ..-j, «- , ..,!. -*..
JU >r.
times, Allah will heal him if his

H^' <^ ^ J

time [of death] is delayed." oi' j 15 jl iLl Jlii ol^i «^, iol s

Comments: [A saheeh terrf«ft]

[mA : >Jl] .^l ^ ^ «^.|

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 337 -.£> t^l^jjl ^j <oJl ale. . ViJt,-

2139. It was narrated from Ibn && - l^i ihil :ij; lls^. -y\r*
'Abbas 'Uqbah bin 'Amir
(v&) that

came to the Prophet ($£,) and said

that his sister had vowed to walk
ji^ If. o _ cr <_*' ^* ^
*\£* 0*
-'- *-i
1 1

. .

• : t
f *f ,i-: «,..*,, ;f

to the Ka'bah. He said: "Tell your


^/ - >

. , . , . .

sister to ride, and to offer a j4^j> '^i>^^'/" :

^^-r' 1


Comments: [Its isnad is sa/ieeh]

2140. was narrated from Ibn


'Abbas that a woman vowed


to do Hajj, then she died. Her J^r y, x*-* cJL*-J- : JU ^L ^l ^*

brother came to the Prophet (%) *•% .,'>**„,**' / '

V^ ^ ^ °^
> * ,,
^ jX e„

and asked him about that and he

said: "Do you think that if your
^1 U^l jti cJUi (Yi» /\) t^J
sister owed a debt, would you -",',**
^ ^ ^^ ^

, .* .

pay if off for her?" He said: Yes.

lw : JUi
He "So pay off what is due
to Allah, for He is more deserving
t vJ : jtf
^^ j^f ^ j^{ j^

that what is due to Him should ^

i __

J4> C


^ ^

l lj~^Li* :J^
^P^-" [YY-n i^Ijj cTYYi :^lj .(tjU^JL
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (6699)] .(iiM) i^.^y^oL-l gj/J :

2141. was narrated that s,v *•*- '*- >.*«*.» VW4

Muslim alburn

heard Ibn
said: I

' ^ t / .f *
,-;<» .

'Abbas (Jfe) say: The Messenger of LlLli cJ^_- :
£jj J li : CLi LiiJb-

Allah (gg) entered tfiram for -. - ,,« f . , '*-,-.,; *-«,

'Umrah, and his Companions ^^^> f±> ^ :-^- Jl* :^ydi

entered ihram for Ho/; - Rawh Jul J^i^ Jif J_^ ^i^ ^| ^J^ :

said: The Messenger of Allah (^sj) - , , ^ f « A

. ,*

and his Companions entered Jli

£^4 ^ b^' J* J j

^^4 ^
ihram for Hajj - and those who did -^ «^- (j ^ Jj, J^ V;f .

not have sacrificial animals with , ; , , , _ ^

them exited iitram. Among those r i*f3

^J *(}*' ij^* **• JN JJ i^i

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 338 & ^tiiJl £>j 4ii1 aic JLuJ

who did not have sacrificial

. >U- li _,>-! (U-jJ * *>*J^* iJ-La ijl* ^5o
animals with them were Talhah
and another man, so they exited [Y1H jn. t YYv£ t Y\oY :J*Jl]

Comments: [Its fsnad is saheeh, ' «--

Muslim (1239)]

2142. was narrated from Ibn


'Abbas that a man came to him


and said: What do you think of a

man who kills another man
deliberately? He said: "his
recompense is Hell to abide
therein; and the Wrath and the
Curse of Allah are upon him, and a
great punishment is prepared for
him" [an-Nisa' 4:93]. He said: It

was one of the last verses to be

revealed, and nothing abrogated it, J^ ;
*>i ^P^ u ^s u sr [

until the Messenger of Allah (gj)

died, and no revelation came down

^ '

:Ol; j[ JJI31 :Jli .£g

t ^^ ^ a

jj '

after the Messenger of Allah {£&) J^J 5IJI

died. He said: What do you think if

he repents, believes and does
.^ ^^ *J ^^ j^

^^^ j-^ ^ ^^^

, t

righteous deeds, then follows true :

$§ *UI Jj^j -*»j ^)^
guidance? He said: How can his
jg .«{ ^£,
repentance be accepted, when I
heard the Messenger of Allah {#*) 'ij^i ^
fe*ri ^^ .,

i* 1 ^ 1

If a man
his mother be bereft of
kills another man
^^> ,

^^^ I

deliberately, he [the victim] will *v3 $ '-^yH 'u^ 1

J^ J &> **&$
come on the Day of Resurrection ^n ,«9j£ 1J
. ,
IIjl^ Ji
holding on to his with his
- ~ -

right or left hand, or holding on to j?>^\ j> i x>%J-

-fV* w ^-^'
his killer's head with his right or iA j ^ib^, ^ji
left hand, and with his vein
gushing with blood before the
Throne, saying: O Lord, ask Your
slave why he killed me/'

Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth]


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas 4* J

339 & (>fU*Jt & <uul jy£ JLuk*

2 143.
Abu 'Umar
It was narrated that Yahya
said: They mentioned
tfk : ^
<J iUi £&- -Y Ut
nabeedh in the presence of Ibn x* J^JI l^j :Jli ^1* ^1 iJ ^j j*
'Abbas (4) and he said: Nabeedh ,v \*, -^ «.. *, , - :,i .
-„:• ,*- .,

would be made for the Messenger . ~ > - j- u- . ^.

of Allah (gj) in a leather skin - _j?hl ill J jl- :oLi Jl» _jUUl ^
Shu'bah said: For example, on the '
- .* „„ .",

• ,,. ,

night before Monday - and he

J^ ^1 -
o „

would drink it on Monday and £^ 'J\

'ij£ji iu^ i^ £, JpJ ^>U
Tuesday until the afternoon, then if , , s
,, t
-„ >„, >

there was any of it left over, he f>J :Jli *^i 4~^ "Vj : V^ J^
would give it to the servants or pour
it away, Shu'bah said: And I think
^ -
^ v^
^ ^J t

1 ,

he said: and on Wednesday until the [^ITV :^-lj] -4^ J' f 1 -^ 1 a

afternoon, then if there was any of it

left over, he would give it to the
.(t- -O :

f £?*> «M :£>>"
servants of pour it away.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (2004)]


(*&) -
was narrated
he one of them
that Ibn
^ £^ ^ - ^ ^ m .

attributed it to the Prophet ($5) - ^^

j* V^ ^ Cf.
^*J :
^* <^
said: "Jibreel was shoving mud *''' ' *'* •*
-'\\i l!i *| jl^,
intro Pharaoh's mouth, lest he say
_ ^ '
^ - ^" ^ '"
La ilaha ittallaah." Ji^ !>[» :Jli _ £g£ ^Jl Jj UiJ^-f
Comments: [Sa/ierfi maifflp/j ^f ^^ t
^-- ^ J ^ 015

[YT.r :^l] , « iSjl VI ill V :jjc

2145. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (^) that the Prophet (jfe)
^ liij^ : ^- ^ iL^ £1- -YIU
said: "Paying in advance for the j* 1
^ '-jt^t J* <b*^ J* ^rJ j*
offspring of what is in the uterus
^j, j* j^ ,

£f ^ ^, ^ ^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
[n f
° :
-^ ,] -
^ J^ J

2146. It was narrated that &jJ- : yJJr Jtl^i Li jU - Y U

'Abdullah bin Abi Mulaikah said:
I saw Ibn az-Zubair (^) and Ibn
i^ 1
^ S* 1
-^rf^ 1
Si 1
.>*"- _v^- if-
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 340 & (_>i*IjL»JI ^j (UJl JLJi dxidi

'Abbas {^), and Ibn az-Zubair

said to Ibn al-' Abbas: Do you
remember when we went out to
welcome the Messenger of Allah
(#5) when he came back from a
journey? He said: Yes; he carried U^»U _U*Aij ij^>*i <-^ :JU* ?yi^
me and So and so - a boy from
Banu Ha shim - and left you. [UVT
\j] .AS'jj ^ti J, &
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
>cr ^ jL-i :

2147. It was nan-ated that Ibn £JU- itii &*> -TUV
\y^r C/.
'Abbas (4») said: The Messenger of
Allah (^) said: "A man will enter y. V
upon you who looks with the eye
of a devil or with the two eyes of a
J_^3 J IS :J15 ^& J,\ J> ^jj-

devil."Then a man with bleary eyes j& 'M j^5 j&i* j£i;» :jg Jji
came and said: O Muhammad,
why did you insult me - or impugn
me (or words to that effect)? And he
started to swear oaths, then this
verse in Sooratal-Mujadilah was
revealed: "and they swear to a lie
while they know" [al-Mujadilah
^ <JNl *Ia cJ^ii :Jli *-iUJ
58:14], and the other verse.

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef[

[rTVV t Yi-A cYi'V :^l]

. (rvvv) j (Ti.v) ^ o^ji

2148. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet (4gj)

said concerning the Dajjal: "He is
one eyed, white with a pinkish
hue, as if his head is a kind of
:JLtll J Jli 5f ^ ^1 ^ ^&
snake. The one he mostwhom ilil iiJLil iLA'j j 15 t^ajl jUua jj&\ 1>

resembles among the people is

'Abdul-'Uzza bin Qatan. Those
who are misled by him are the
doomed ones, for your Lord, may
He be exalted, is not one eyed." [YAoY :^aj|]

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas ^ 341 4* (j^Uiil ^ ah\ aic A'u 'ti'

Comments: [Saheeh] p
, ,.. , ^ ,„ , . s , t , ,

2149. was narrated from


'Abdullah bin 'Abbas {$») that a

^' ^^ (
,_^jJ- >lLft ^ iUi &Jb- -Y\i^

man came to the Prophet (^) and J>. ^ -^ I/-

J* »«l=» j*

— Jf ^ y
said: O
Prophet of Allah, I am an \ .

old man, I am sick and it is difficult "
for me to stand. Tell me of a night Cs^ <^t 'J^* j^ (^ ^yi ,
'^ ,
that Allah may make coincide with
LailataUQadr. He said: 'You should
^ JJ •*
£l vj ^
/ ;
; ^j
[strive to pray] on the seventh .«iiuLUl ^ni» :Jli .jJiJl &J
.7i_>i_ja « *i

\ -nj Ju
Comments: [Its isnaii is stf/^/i]

2150. It was narrated from Abu ;-• i ,:;

- . • - *.'*-* ,:;* -
v . .

Hamzah: I heard Ibn 'Abbas (&)',,'

say: The Messenger of Allah (?&) ^ J^ :
^^ j>\ cJL^. lojli ^i j*
passed by me when I was playing
with some other boys and I hid

™ /U C ^' Uj ^ ^
, , .
. , .« -t * >

J >^

from him behind a gate. He called
J&& iuU JiU ^ ohiu <. jUliJl
me and clapped me between the
shoulders, then he sent me to -^^

Ji ^ ^. ,>
j^ "^ r( .
^^ <.. -

Mu'awiyah. [nn 4 r\.£ t Y1o\ :^|]

Comments: [Its isnfld is /itfwi]

2151. It was narrated that Ibn £^_ .

j^ *•
jL ^j .^ _ nM
'Abbas (ife) said: The Messenger ' ^
of Allah (jg) used to fast until we
thought that he did not want to
^J^r y.
..- >

+^> y- ^ -'/"'.
^.1 j*

stop fasting, and he would not ^^ Jj^^:JU^U^I^ «

> , _ - -

fast until we thought that he did

not want to fast, but he did not
^3 ^^
j^ J^ ^ t
v/ -

fastany month in totality apart

from Ramadan from the time he
fU» U}
<.»y^ jl -u^ V

: Jy: ^
came to Madinah. -^J, ^ -° ^^^ > W^
,- , „,
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 342 & u\jjj\ ^ *ijl Joi Xuki

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, (uov) . .n^ »JL—

Muslim (1157)]

2152- It was narrated from Ibn

uio^- -not
'Abbas (&) that he said: The
Prophet (#|) entered iViram for rJli^l^l^jJl^iJ^UJljc-jUj
Ho;)', and when he arrived [in

Makkah) he circumambulated the ^ < *

^ ^
, * <.--.' „


^ «


House, and went between as-Safa **% 'Jj ijjj^j U, ^U

<.]) ^j u: !;M ;

and al-Marwah, but he did not .>..-.,,,*, .,* . * « ,

0^ r ^^ 1 1

& ^- r ^
^ ^ ^,
1 1

cut his hair or exit ft ram, because ,J 'if*** J*"

he had the sacrificial animal with
him. He told those who had not
^j j^ -,f- t

, \,

brought sacrificial animals with <.Y\£\ :

J -J^ ^ *J^ j'

them to circumambulate the [TIM t Yri« t TYVi Jul

House and go between as-Safa
and al-Marwah, and to cut their ,(\yr t<)
hair or shave their heads, then
exit ihram.

Comments: [A sa/ieeft hadeeth; Muslim (1239) and this is a da'eefisnad because

of the weakness of Yazeed]

It was narrated from Ibn
(4») that the Messenger of
>> & tfit

^ :^
Allah passed by a pot, and he
(jfe) &
took from it a bone with a little

meat on it and a shoulder (of an

<. jXL

^ m Jbi j^: o 1
o^ ^^
animal) and ate it, then he prayed
and did not do wudoo'.
^3 a^° ^
s ,

* -*AS"Vi


U^3 ^^ m


[Y--Y :«-lj] .UjS

Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a ^^ iL- j
liaj t4 ^j ^^ .

dff'ee/ isnad because of the weak-

ness of Jabir al-Ju'fi]

2154. It was narrated from ^' -^ oi

Dawood bin 'Alt, from his father,
JS lvJ oi'

r^* &*-
that his grandfather Ibn 'Abbas (&) jjl •.**- y- t^l ^p ^^ ^ SjlS j*
said: The Messenger of Allah (*g)
said: "Fast the day of 'Ashoora' but
be different from the Jews; fast one

^' ^

^ ^ Jf



Sj4^^ *J
' ,

L^^-3 ul^^il* i^

- '.


^ s ,

day before it or one day after it." r , , ,,...?. ,-.-

' '

[Its t'sntui is da'ecf\

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 343 4* (^CiiJt t>J <u)l -Ci ,Vu'u.»

2155. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that when the Messenger
^ £^ .^ - ^ £^
_r Uo
of Allah (^) was treated with J^ij jl i^Ci-^l/^ t^^i^Jl ^ <.^U
cuppine, he was treated in the two .- -
. ---..,--., t
r, ; .
-. ,, ;,,

veins at the side of the neck. He

called the slave of Banu Bayadah, ^Ja^O *.<IAAi liC ^ L^U- li-Jj :jJ
who treated him with cupping,
then he paid the cupper his one fee, ^^ ^
. «,, ,

:Jb tU-^
- ,
.„ ,,


1 ^
, .

and a half mudds. And he spoke to

his masters, and they waived half a
^|] . J& ^ ^ t j£ „'k U\ ^ i^Lii
mudd, and he had to pay them two [T ' * ^ :

n oV '

[Saheeh; this is a iio'ee/
•-«=«-* J M
. ",.
|J^.> l
c^-* *^-> ta
^ -~^ ,

It was narrated that Jabir said:
heard ash-Sha'bi narrate that Ibn
J^j, £^ ;
^^ ilii lii-b- -Y\oi

'Umar and Ibn 'Abbas (4) said: The j* ^^i ^r^ 1 ^-~~ :
J 1* £^ If
Messenger of Allah
prayer, two rak'ahs
(gj) prescribed
when travelling
Jj, J
, - *. .

^ *
^ "
-,- ^ -,

and it is a complete prayer, and ^Uj ^*3 '^>~^3 y>~" J> s^-^ ^S 1

W7tr when travelling

° is Sun rtah. r**ww' ^iajlj
i-.n'*» '»! *: t.-

Ll iVV .<c~* y^Jl yy'j :

Comments: isnad
[Its is
because of the weakness of Jabir -cj**^
^ *-*—iJ "-v^ .at— J : £;>«"

2157. It was narrated from Ibn

ZZ$ &!&- : JJJ- -J iUi l3jb- -T\ov
'Abbas (&), from the Prophet {$&), '

that he said: "Whoever builds a ^J^r J> -h^ If ^^ t

If L
y.W- if
mosque for Allah, even if it is like a ^$# ^ ^"
, . ,

sparrow's nest for its egg, Allah

will build for him a house in
^ .„??*?'% ^
ilg.a!;] SlLi ^a^llS 'jij \1>*U> Jj JL'
Paradise." '
> . . ,'~ 'T '?, -
Comments: [Saheeh because of
corroborating evidence; this is a <j^ ^i ij^j t6jjj _^ "
da'eef isnad because of the weak-
.^i*>JI ji \j>- ^J :Ja}
ness of Jabir al-Ju'fi]

2158. Shu'bah said: I heard Abu <r^j tils. -Y^oA

. f**- o!
Jamrah ad-Duba'i say: I did > , f

tamattu' and some people told me t'jaJ? Cl : Jli bJx tijJ. :Vli

not to do that. I went to Ibn

^ : Jli <>^ 1
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas <& 344 -& I^kIjuJI fjj 4Jll Jtifi V'-'-*

'Abbas and asked him about that,

and he told me to do it. He said:
Then I went to the Ka'bah and
I/ ciLi ^ ji 15^ kM
c-Ij I
J[ c j l.k' > 1 "~!i : J I* i l^j J 'S U
slept, and someone came to me in
my dream and said: (Your) Vj*s. :JUi ^lli j> ol ^ifli iSJLj
'Umrah accepted and so is your

Hajj. I went to Ibn 'Abbas and

told him about what I had seen, &\ t^i &\ :Jlii l llVj ^jJL c^-li
and he said: AUahu Akhar, AUahu
Akbar\ The Sunnah of Abul-Qasim
o^JI ^ : Jl*3 lr-UJi ^1 ill t ^5l

Ofe)! And he said concerning the

hady (sacrificial animal) [that it

may be] either a camel or a cow »3*^ ^i ^* 5Xi alii U :*Ll ju. Jl*
or a sheep or a share in a sacrifice.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

°s^ l* 1
J* Jsy *r~r y.h * 1-^13 ^[

Bukhari (1567) and Muslim

2159. It was narrated that Ibn
'Abbas (4=) said: The people
started asking about prayer when
travelling. He
Messenger of Allah ($$) departed
from his family, he would only
said: When the
J^ :jii ^& ji
^ ^ ji

pray two rak'ahs [in a prescribed

four rak'ah] prayer until he
came j^: fj
jut ^ £> im m *Ln j ^
to his family.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

[m<* t t3vo ju-

2160. It was narrated that Sa'eed

bin Shu fay said: I was with Ibn
ji- ^1^1 CJJ^- :*>M &1^ -TW
'Abbas (4=)... And he mentioned os :jb ^Li j, o_w ^ *JL^.| ^1
the same hadeeth.
.i-U^Il ^ii ..^& Jl jIp
Comments: [It is a repeat of the
previous report]
.ju»«^I Xjw^LJI Lt-t-Jl^ Li-iilj^l

2161. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (Jfa) that the Messenger of
ll£U. r^iU.
J iL^ Cij^ -Yn\
Allah (jfe) forbade (eating) an
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas <4* 345 4t ^l^uJl t*J AUl <4J£ * '' " *

animal that had been used as a

target and an animal that eats if ^M *U\ Jp3 tji :
filth, (and he forbade) drinking .tli — )l
^ j^ C >'j£j jlj wiJ^sUJl}
from the mouth of a waterskin.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]

2162. Sa'eed narrated that an- £jl^ J^jk* UJ-b- -Y\*U

Nadr bin Anas said: I was with
Ibn 'Abbas when he was advising Z* c-ls :jlj ^l y jj&\ ji- _x_^
the people, and he was not
attributing any of his fatzvas to the
Prophet of Allah ($$), until a man A^- j bf-Xs^- jl>- 1 4 Lis ~ja *
* ajj\ *—j
from Iraq came to him and said: I
am from Iraq and I make these
images. Ibn 'Abbas (&) said to
J* 1
hi <J*"J i^l :
^ s?^ ;

J^ Crf

him: Come nearer - two or three

times - so he came nearer. Then
Ibn 'Abbas ($>) said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (#3) say:
Whoever makes an image in this
world will be told on the Day of ' £-"' <Ji *J3^> /*** If ' J^i ^
Resurrection to breathe the soul
into it, but he will not be able to
do that." *ya^« .rrvr :^;i] .«£»& ^'3
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- [\A-n \^\jj
Bukhari (5963) and Muslim
(2110)] t(Mir) :^-.^w5 ojL^I
if -gij*^
. (TU<)

It was narrated that Ibn
(>&) said:The Messenger of
op i^ ii <>^J» ^ ^ " Ynr
Allah (ag) said: "The previously jJ ^U ,jp ' J-^iJI ^ ^ ^ 1^ "4^
married woman has more right
to decide concerning herself (i.e.,
Sill J^3 J^ : Jli
^^ ^ J- "ffr
her marriage) than her guardian I* Ifr-iL, j^f j^Jl» :<Y£Y/^> £§
and the virgin should be asked
concerning herself, and her
permission is her silence." [\AAA i^iil] .ll^lLi
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (1421)]
.(UY\) :

f -£^ »jIi^i : ©>*""

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 346 <&> tpUill i^j «i)l Ju£ .ViiIi ii

2164. It was narrated from

Kuraib, the freed slave of Ibn
*duu if jj^\ xj. JU ot^i -mt
'Abbas, that 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas ui **j*" if
($p) told him that he stayed
4*1 *ui xs- jl 'j-V
overnight with Maimoonah, the u- L l;

wife of the Prophet (3^), who was otf

his maternal aunt. He said: I lay
crosswise on the bed and the
Messenger of Allah (jg) and his
wife lay lengthwise on it. The
Messenger of Allah ( jg ) slept
until halfway through the night or
a little before that or a little after
it.The Messenger of Allah (jg) sat
up, wiping the sleep from his face \jy~* (h'S 9 *"
^^^ ^-ijJt l^i *j ojC ^f>-j
with his hand, then he recited the
Li^ii tiilJw --i Jl ili »J tjl^lp Jl
last ten verses of Soorah Al-
'Imran. Then he got up and went
to a waterskin that was hanging
-fc Ji'
there, and did wudoo' from it,
doing wudoo' properly, then he
stood and prayed. Ibn 'Abbas (&)
said: Then I got up and did the
same as he had done, and I went
and stood beside him. He put his
right hand on my head and took
hold of my right ear and twisted
it. Then he prayed two rak'ahs,
then two rak'ahs, then two rak'ahs,
then two rak'ahs, then two rak'ahs, rrv\ :>;i] .£j*Ji JL*i ^y
then two rak'ahs, then he prayed
Witr. Then he lay down until the
mu'adhdhin came to him. Then he ,(vir) (\Ar)
: t
got up and prayed two brief
rak'ahs, then he went out and
prayed Vajr.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (183) and Muslim (763)]

2165. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (\&) said: saw the

Prophet (^) in a dream when I ^1 jp tjLU J\ J> jUi ^ **L- it ]

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas <& 347 & ^tliJl jj *iil jl

slept in the middle of the day; (he , .

* * ,*, - r : ir

appeared) dishevelled and dusty, f

<j? *** Csf ^-J u y •

and he had with him a bottle in ^j Sjjjtf iii i^l <lsl\ <.j\£l\
which there was blood that he „
was picking up or something that L- :
^ ,


, ,

^ $. *^ ^ ,ss,
,s >'
,• *,

he was putting in it. I said: O ^^jj, -„ .j^ cili i; ,Jj| jp3

^ ^ ^
Messenger of Allah, what is this? ;"_ , ^ , ^ , i

He said: "The blood of al-Husain J^ -


f^' Jjl
and his companions; I have been
^ ^-^
^ .^ ^r ^^ .^
collecting it all day." 'Ammar '
" ,

said: We remembered that day, [Yoav :

jii;i] .^Jl iiJi
and we found out that he had
been killed on that day. -l$j* 0J M :
Comments: [Its isnad is qawi]

2166. was narrated that Ibn

J,^ ^^. : ^^ll xi t£U. -THl

'Abbas (&) said: Quraish said to \ , ' / . -,-

the Prophet Pray to your ^' «J'3*£ <!/"
J^ ai
it *^ ^
Lord and ask Him to make as- jj^ .j^ V ., -
t >J (

Safa gold for us, and we will r ti

\' ", ' '

believe in you. He said: "Will you \j£A\ & J^iJ jt ^j fl £jl :^ ^li!
do that?" They said: Yes. So he .
\,: .„: '-•.:-, -„: -. , ,% "~r
prayed, and Jibreel came to him ^ * r- u-^j-j

and said: "Your Lord, may He be JJ :JUi Jj^U Jtfii t Uai :JU .1^
glorified and exalted, conveys
greetings of sfl/am to you and says
> >^
J -^- J 'f**^
, ,

^ > ^

- - ^
'^ J^J 'j

to you: 'If you wish, as-Safa will

^j t &£ \j^\ *Jj ^jj ,3^ ^j : jj
become gold for them, then
whoever among them disbelieves
*i^ ^

\t ,
-^ /*

after that,
way that

will punish him in a
have never punished
J^ ^^
' , ',

anyone in the worlds. Or if you i£P' v^ J?" '-'^ -5*^^'j ^j^ 1

wish, I will open for them the r ,„^ «**-, i.. n ,--•*!,-
gate of repentance and mercy. J ^ ' *
He "Rather the gate of
repentance and mercy."
^ ajM •

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/ice/i]

2167. It was narrated that

Qatadah said; I heard Abul-
'Aliyah say: The paternal cousin '-^j* J^^ 1
^ ^^ '
J^ 'i& j^
of your Prophet (jg) - meaning
Ibn 'Abbas - said: The Messenger
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 348 <&> ^UjJl ^j «ii1 jlIc , y^
of Allah {%&) said: "It is not
appropriate for anyone to say, I ^^ ^^ _r ^



^ ,




^ ^^^

am better than Yoonus bin £L tf j£ y

,J; :

Matta," And he mentioned the '

, ,

name of his [Yoonus s] father. ' nv * ^

r ™ A mi >^ '
•*' J[
Comments: [Its isnad is sitfimfe, al- [VYot ,T\A*
Bukhari (3413)]

^ J^ ^ -T ^A
2168. It was narrated from idUU - -M|
'Abdullah bin 'Abbas that the " . ;T "'7. f
Messenger of Allah (&,) used to ';>— !
<_rJ^ j* "^ ^' i[
a*' ^
teach them this du 'a' as he would ^ ^ J^
- *.. .. -

?,. , ?f
. .

teach them a soon* from the

^ ^ ^ **
Qur'an, He said: "Say: 'O Allah, I ^ Sj^l JLJlfc U5 ;UjJ1 J4I& 015
seek refuge with You from the
punishment of Hell, I seek refuge
with You from the punishment of

t ,t
>*' ^1

W : J >- ^
v Up ^ ^ iL iy.\j t ll^ ^.lip
the grave, 1 seek refuge with You "
t s
. ' >
from the tribulation of the DqyaZ, ^- C^' — ^ ^ V0 '^
t iJ1

and I seek refuge with You from .i^LUJi}' l^UJi 3 ^ iL i>!}

the trials of life and death.'" "

~ +
Comments: rTt

. .


. [YArA t YV'i t Tiiv t mr :
Muslim (590)] . , , ,
, ,
. ..

2169. It was narrated that Ibn _£& ^ Ij ^ Jji i^ Gft^ -mi

'Abbas said: The Prophet of "

(m,) led the people in


O* ^'2 J*

_^jl ^ J1

praying two mtf«fa on the day of
jg Jjl

^ JU
: Jli
^ -
. ,ik£

then he addressed them after the '^l*i o\*\ J** J^j J" f£ a"^-
prayer. Then he took the hand of w r , '
- f « J \r *
'- - - r'- * i

Bilal and went to the women and / ; '/ r ' >

addressed them. Then after he left N% ^1 Li ^i>^J *L^Jl <Ji jiL U :

them he instructed Bilal to go back •-«*>»-*,*

to them and tell them to give
01 *>*>^ ^ L: 0l
^^ ^ > * • *'
U -^'
charity- hvY i^ijj ,r^o :^u.jil^s
Comments: [Its isnad is so/jeeJi]
.(AAV) : * t(lA) : t- .y**>%+0 aib_J '.puSiS

2170. Ibn 'Abbas (&) said: The

Messenger of Allah (3$) said: "O

t .

^ _ TW ,

Allah, You sent Your punishment '-^ t^^^ 1

h?-* ji J^- ^^ :
. .

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 349 J|» ^aUudl (^j Alii Jutt JLtilij*

upon Quraish at the beginning, so

bless them in the end."

Comments: [Its isnad is /iflSfln] Jui J^ Jli :^& jjl jii :jy ^^l

^ jsljl cJil iL] £4JUli :

2171* It was narrated that lbn y\ CiJ^ :i^3 ^ ju^i t£U -yw\
'Abbas (<&,) said: I was present on Eid
with the Messenger of Allah (jgfe),
Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman. All
of them prayed before the khutbah,
with no adlwn and no iqamah
Comments: [Its isnad is saJieeh]

ttYYa cT-li t Y\vr t YWT i^l]

[Y' •£ :«^(j j t rYYV

2172. A similar report was ^! £jl^- : a^jj jlAi llil^- -YWY

narrated from Jabir (-*.) from the
Prophet (&j).

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh like

the previous report]

2173. It was narrated that lbn ^i ^ idi- y^ui :ji> £jU. -Ywr
'Abbas (i*t) said: The Messenger
of Allah (M) offered the Eid ^ fc
(4^** j? (Yir />) ^^1^1 ^ 4^>r
prayer, then he delivered the
khutbah; Abu Bakr (*) offered the
* '

' >
^ '*


^ t^-jlt
' ,

Efrf prayer, then he delivered the

khutbah; 'Umar offered the Eid - t

f ' i
' s * • i't'- - i
*'- >>'
prayer, then he delivered the
khutbah; and 'Uthman offered the [Y\V\ l^ljj.Yovi :^1]. UlilTi
Eid prayer, then he delivered the
khutbah, with no adhan and no

Comments: [Saheeh]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 350 $> ^tjjdl jj *ii\ ju

2174. It was narrated that Ibn

Abbas (4) said: The Messenger
F* *
'' ^
of Allah (*jg) offered the Eid
prayer with two rak'ahs, in which
', ,,
£ * ,

t £-,j£)l
s , ,

he did not recite anything except *" J -*^ (

^ ^ ^ *
Ummul-Kitab (al-Fatihah); he did 11 Vj Ll^i \'Jc V ^5j l*Jl 3§ *1M
not add anything to it.

rT ,-,,„ [Too. ^O.l^ji ippi^p

Comments: [Its isnad is rfa eef\ "
- = '

2175. Ibn 'Abbas said:

short spear in front of the Prophet
I set up a g*^ .
- ^ "/"
q^ _Y We
^^ o^
* ',

{#5) in 'Arafat, and he prayed : Jtf _jd ^l ^;_ jli^Jl

facing it with a
beyond the spear.
donkey passing


V^ ^ ^ 4* i
s -
"i n : :

Comments: [Its isnad is gaiui] >"- J^'j ^S J~^ l

^ u^ M ^
[^A'\^ i^ij.^u^^,

2176. It was narrated that Ibn :

^^ ^ JZ y ^jj^\ x^ -X \W\ \^jj~
'Abbas (<&) said: The Messenger of *

o* r^ cA 'r^ ^ <r^'
^'. '
> .
, „ .

Allah (m) besieged the people of 1

at-Ta'if. Two slaves came out to j&

jjtf j^ j^ ^^ ^, Jj,

him and he them free; one of

set ,-,..--'
.,''-.' ., -

them was Abu Bakrah. The l^»U *JUU £>J

Messenger of Allah <«$) used to set

v^ ^ Jj,
^ ^
^~ rf

slaves free

if they came out to him.

corroborating evidence and
because of
its ^_^
[ M
^ t^ : ]
A ^ 'H
V^ 1

^ ^^ ^^
t IJu
iSMflrf is da'eef\ ;

(— * 0* *«-i

2177. It was narrated

'Abbas (&) said: Allah, may He
that Ibn
*f ^^ ^
- " ^
^ ^ g^
_ Ywy
be glorified and exalted, enjoined y. J&>. j* ^M J> ^y„\ if- y^>r
prayer on the lips of your Prophet '^ G ., -
^ ,.
^ ^
< 7T

(^); when not travelling, four '

fl , "., ,

rak'ahs; when travelling, two lj^-J fl">UiJ!

J^y J^j > UJl jl


and at times of fear, one
^^ :„„ ., ,-.f
^^ ^ ^ rV
-. ,;. , ^ lt, . >»-

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 351 & (j*U*Jt <>J 4ii1 JU£ J

n» .«

Comments: [Its isnad is soficefi]

^ AV) .

^ ^^^ oL- ,
2178. was narrated that Ibn
It 5^1i cJ-1 ^1 '.'A- ^ jlU UJo^- -TWA
'Abbas said: The Messenger of
(v&,) "./., '
./ ,.,.,,,-
Allah (3Sg) said: "Is one of you l
Vi> u* "^ 0* '•J*** ^ yJ^ 1

incapable of saying,
comes to his wife, 'In the
when he
Name of
.^ Jj, jj .jy
'*>•%>'.% ,1 -
^ ^ *

Allah; O Allah, keep the S/iaifan

away from me and keep the Shaitan
^ .*
: J>£ <ji ilil Jl 1*1
J^-i^l 3^1
r .1 ., 1 - -
l ii*iu *
>fn in
away from what You may bless me I , . , . .

with'? Then if Allah decrees that <. IjJj iiJi ^ U^ lil

1 _r
^ai jU t^J>3 ^*

they should have a child as a result m-l. M M ° U^ • ' i">* ' -

[Unv :

n .



°^ H


of that, the Sferitoi will never harm <T

him '"
t(\t\) :£ Cc>w> oL-l :^>«* •

Comments: [Its is«aJ is saheeh, al- .( > i.r £)

Bukhari (141) and Muslim

2179. It was narrated that Sa'eed

tJ U^ ^ ^>\J> *J^ ^ LJjb* -TW^
Ibn 'Abbas (^) said to me:
said: *, > . - - ;

Sa'eed, do you have a wife? I said: ^ V^ ^' ^ JU :JU

No. He said: When you
go back,
get married. Then I came back to
: j^ ^ -

Jjg ; jy ?*f-| Jjjf ^
him and he said: O Sa'eed, did you :
^, _,

<£[ ^^ ^ :
^J ^
get married? I said: No. He said:
Get married, for the best among
j^ ^ : JJi : ju ?iJ-^l do "'
^( it
this ummah are those who have the .*l^-j d\S '£^\ »J* 'J^- d^ <.
most wives. ry ,,

LT • 1 A ;

Comments: because of
corroborating evidence; al- t (o>i^) :+ itjj^ ^^^ '-gts**
Bukhari (5069) this is a da'eef ., , ., . . \. ,
isnad because of the weakness of

Alibin Asim] -^ ii»**-Vl ^j *_jUI ^l

2180. It was narrated from

'Ikrimah: Ibn 'Abbas {$&) told us:
£ £^ .

^ ^ ^ £j^ _ T |A ,

^ ,

The Messenger of Allah (jg) did
ghusl tarjanabah, and when he
came out he saw a spot on his left
^ ^ S^


^ ^


0* OT^ 4^

shoulder that the water had not l

4r?i p j-^*^ 1
*^-» ^ ^-*J csO (f/"
reached, so he took
from his hair and wetted it, then
he went ahead and prayed.
some [water]

^ - , \{
r '^ <^ ^ ^ U
>S.s. ,\ . -,%:


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas ^352 & ^liiil ^ ««( jg*, ''s.i
because AH
[Its isnarf is

bin Asim
is weak] * ^ ,


"~ 8
° M

C-^ ,

Abbas l\ wu

(&) that
it was
fr m
said to the
^ J^^I "
^ ^ ^^ :

. ,
. , f

Prophet (jg): O Messenger of ^ '^v^ 1

[4^ Oi J-%* o!

Allah, Jibreel (>^n) has not

you for a long time.
He said: "Why




^ v.,


wouldn't he stay away from me,

when you who are around me do
-& J) I Jj^3 ^ -^ J^ '
^ j^ £l ^IJl
^ J^ ^
not brush your teeth, clip your r-J
B :JU -f^ 1
^ > £

nails, trim your moustaches or y, tOjki V Jy~ 'Ja'j <jS'JbZi

clean between your finger joints?" .„,;., ,:.,",,
^ ^

Comments: [Its /snarf is da'eef]

^'^ dj Tj
\^^ ]

•"^V^'33 0yc3 Vj

82 U
a narrated from Ibn
f T
(*) that the Prophet (gg)
^ d #

^ &^ .

said: "No one visits a sick person

whose time [of death] has not yet

^&^ ]
J* *•'>*&
i^M ^ j* V^ 1

fc .*|
.'- -'" .• "•-
come and says seven times, 'I ask ^ " '^" ^ ^ ^ ^~* ^ ' J
Allah the Almighty, Lord of the JU ul> J\ ^» :Jli £| ^[ ^
Mighty Throne, to heal him/ but
he will be healed/'
^'^ CT JU>
.„, ,. -
,;,7 , /.

Comments: [A satieeh hadeeth] ^1 "^d ol ^-Ja^l ^^Ul J^ j^Ji

[Y\rv ^tj."^
.^ -u 1^ 4-i jtf jjj Ju y jjj, ,£^w> ^jb- :?£/;

2183. It was narrated that Ibn £jU

zxl :^lU l£U- -YUr
'Abbas (Jfc) said: The Prophet (^) ..
passed by me near Zamzam, and :
^ ^^ ^ t

if '^r^ 0^

he called for water and asked for
something to drink, so I brought

^ ^"j
m^ ^,

^ ^;

\, "f
him a bucket of Zamzam water ^j^ l
f>j z& lyt y>\ ^U *.

and he drank whilst standing. r , „ - ,

Comments: [Its isnad is sfl/weft, al-

c r '

Bukhari (1637) and Muslim :

*(Mrv) r
C I?w ^, ,jLI
^^ ^ ^;

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 353 & y*liidt ^ -ail j±£. » --M

2184. Ibn Shihab said; ., M -:, -*,- *• -i-m> ri' - »*.<

UbaiduIIah bin 'Abdullah told me s-^^ w-

that Ibn 'Abbas told him: The £JU* ^li :Jii jJL^ ^| jL*l>'i U^l
Messenger of Allah (jg) sent ,- " ' t ,'''.'-•< ",.,

'Abdullah bin Hudhafah with his ^ ' ;^^' -^ ^ lj oL-^ ^ !

letter to Chosroes, and he gave to tJjt jl^ j^

J^ t_>^_;
it -1\ -J.
the ruler of Bahrain so that he * ;*/'=* >,...
*,* '.' '

would give it to Chosroes. Ya'qoob *j} s*^ :JU *rV**iJ -t/-

^ o^

said: So the ruler of Bahrain gave it
to Chosroes/ and when he read it
^f ^^
^--,".' :

-, jtf :

i^ -
, * « a

^^ ^^

he tore it up. Ibn Shihab said: I :Jb" *^ ^r- 1 ^ ^


think Ibn al-Musayyab said: The

Messenger of Allah (j&j) prayed
g,^ y
^ ^ '

against them, that they would be pJ*p ^J[

*i»JL* *t>^£ Jl M^
utterly torn apart. . ... a. > , >,-../

Comments: [Its isnarf is safcwfc, al- , .,-',, ,,-.- /

Bukhari (64)] J\ Jij*^\ fJ** ^-^ ;
^J^ ^

ji (ur/\) i^jij jl ^ jji j^3

[tva> :^l] .jj^

2185. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (<&) said: The Messenger
of Allah (j^) fasted on the day of :
^ && '>

^ i|-^« 0^ 'j**^ 1

the conquest of Makkah «/ '

^^ F
'-.. J
until :V ;£-- •: JL ?„ ,
,-' -, -
came to Qudaid. A vessel of milk
was brought to him and he broke
^ t* *** ~
^ ^ J

^13 c^'^ J? i? ^^ JjJ-J ^^

his fast and instructed the people -M „ * ,,'',,•,•* *

to br ei,k their fast.

.rY^ .rwi :>l] .»j>4 0« >UI

Comments: [Its is nad is sa/iee/i] [>A*\Y ^tjj iTTTVS

2186. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Messenger of s r
Allah (^5) was treated with J^j J* ,jr-^ o^ 1
0^ ^p-^ 0* *(*^J
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 354 & L)tt \^\ ^j «jj| j^. V-a*

cupping in al-Qahah, when he

was fasting.
s* ]

U >J ,

r ^\

f^" 1


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] [\M<{ '

£rb J ^YU 1Y0M t Y6Y"l

2187. It was narrated that * • >' fl£ji >' >v^ £^ -uav

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (&) said: The ,"
,_^ _
Prophet (^) passed by a woman
who had a boy of hers with her in a
->->JI -4* &j£ ^^ _^-~ o?' ^
^ A ^ _^ ^
* - * '
r'l ill- "i

howdah; she took hold of his arm ' Oi

and said: O Prophet of Allah, is j* ^^ £ ±S ^/J 4J1

J>'^ ji.
there Hajj for this one?
"Yes, and you

have a reward."
t'snarf is


i- mh


*u **




^ ?,


Muslim (1336)] ?
s, :,.? *" ^ " .
. -
:: ...

[\a<\a :^ij] ,1^-f 4U3 t jU;«:Jl»

,(\yti) :. -^>^o a^L-i :«uyi»;

It was narrated from
bin Sireen that Ibn
^- J^ ^ ^ tffc. -y\aa

'Abbas (4^ told him: The Messenger :

Jijr- »_* 4**" ^ 'VjJ ^ _^!j D)
of Allah (^) took a piece of ^ jUI
-, ,- * .
-,,; ^« - , c. , .
shoulder bone and nibbled the , - ^ ^
meat from it, then he got up and
prayed and did not do ™«ta,-.
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth)

^ '^j .Juai

^ j ^^ til* li iliS j^j


2189. It was narrated that Moosa *'3

bin Salamah said: Sinan bin

£Jb- .

:al^ ^ ^j^ l£U -Y\A*

Salamah and I set out, with two /^ 'r^ J ':£ -^j v l ^ ^^
sacrificial animals, but they moved ,. > ' -.- ,.

^^ :.r
, -
. s . >
slowly for us on the road. Sinan ^ ^^ ^ >-** ' J :JU
said to me: How about going to Ibn j l^U l^jli jlii; ^j la,i t t

'Abbas? So we went
him and
Sinan asked him.... And he
to ",

^' J ^ > v»^ J

, - . _


^ , s

mentioned the hadeeth. And he .^^ ^J- ..^ ^^ ;^:g ^ t ?

said: And Ibn 'Abbas (4fc) said: al- s „ , f
Juhani asked the Messenger of 31 *Ui J>ij JU. i^-lU i|l JUj :Jl>
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 355 & ^UiJl ,jj (LUl

Allah (#£): O Messenger of Allah,

my father is an old man and he did
not do Hajj. He said: "Do Hajj on
behalf of your father."
DATS :^-lj j t To\A :_^l]
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (1325)] .(WYo) :» .?i_»w? oL-J '.ptjjij

2190. It was narrated that

'Abdur-Rahman bin Wa'Iah said: I

asked Ibn 'Abbas (.&): We live in a
land where there are vineyards,
most of the produce of which is
used for wine. He said; A man :jUi ?;JIiJi \£ fc
ys\ l\j .fj^Jl
from Daws came to the Messenger
of Allah (jj%) with a skin full of wine

as a gift for him. The Messenger of jJUl (Jj-^j iJ JU* t-J Li I Jul jl^. £^1^

Allah ($g) said to him: "Don't you

know that Allah has forbidden it
«?£iJul; l^.^- ^ ^ *- «]» J*" :
since you last came?" The owner of ts^li iii jUJI JU iiji^JI ^A~>-U> Jlili

the wineskin turned to someone .t^l :

Jli ifc'jA tiU,» :^g ^l JUi
else who was with him and told

him to do something. The Prophet L^^-i <^-^" ^' c_Zl* J^>» :JL*
fy*" fA^
(jgsj) said: "What you tell him to

do?" He said: To sell it He said:

"Don't you know that the One [rrvr 4 ywa :^i] .*!*>£
Who forbade drinking it also
jj-^" jlirfj l_L»j .?*_»w3 !w jij
forbade selling it and consuming
its price?" So he told him to pour

away what was in the skin.

Comments: [Saheeh; this is a hasan isnad]

2191. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas fa) - I think he attributed
it to the Prophet
(gg) - said: If he
halted in a place and liked the
place he had halted, he would
delay Zuhr so that he could put i^pti Vp J> :
1^ 615 : jii _ lii; As VI
Zuhr and 'A$r together. If he was
travelling and did not find a place
to halt, he would delay Zuhr until
A»-l t JjlXJ
Ljii Ljj

t jU« BJ3 i^JaiJIj

>l J>JI

he came to a halting place, then

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 356 &, j^liill ^j <uJl alt '**-

he would put Z«/ir and 'Asr


Comments: men
^ *


^^ J& J^
- , , ( t


[Its are thiqat] • ^ p> 'Sp >l— lij h\S : ^/J- JU .^r^ijl}

[UVi ^g
2192. It was narrated that Ibn J^£,^ M tfU :
'Abbas (£) said: The Messenger ^\ , ,

of Allah (#,) forbade every wild yL* j?

^ 'O^ J>.
OjXli jp kjr L
animal that has fangs and every
bird that has talons. ^\&" at tu \
^ *- -'
JU 'w~
i"*- >
m *

[Its isnad is saheeh, V^ ii* J* ^3 '£^1 j» ^ <3> J*
t V..YcYVlV t YlU :>!]'.>]! ^
[t>^<\ t roti t nn t r*Yr

'Abbas (£)
It was narrated that Ibn
The first people
^ JlU £!U :\J^ OJjb- -YMt
to hasten when moving on from 4 ;U»* 0* k
/^? j£ j* _^j ^1
Muzdalifah were the Bedouins;
they would try to remain on the
tf, .

j^ ^ lUl'/^j
^ yl >1

^ ^U
- '
- -
( #

edges of the people so that they 1

J* Jj (
<>? 1

could hang up their sticks, large s 1, . ;?-/ *' ,*' *'',
: '.,

bowls and wooden cups, then

when they started moving they
d .&% Jj^J
,^ '

f ^l-U>Jlj

^ ^ V UL ^ ^
would make a lot of noise and the ' , > .-:, -'- * ,,','..
people would start moving. And J ^ J : JLi

the Messenger of Allah {%) was

seen with the back of his camel's
^^ ^j ^C-,'
\ ^ j'/> !>jj

ears touching its hump [because



V ^ ^

^" :

Jy; >*j

he was holding it back with the

reins j and he was gesturing with
.«^j L
fci ^f'u i£j -JL
his hand: "O people, be calm; O [WU :^-ij]
people, be calm."

Comments: [Its isnad is Hasan]

1 r~^ *
' &->*"

2194. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (^) that the Messenger of
^ ^ ^ ^^'^x^
^ >•

,; ,

Allah (^) slept until he could be <v*' j* i

^>e 0* *
v^'3 -^ j*
heard breathing deeply, then he

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 357 £ ^iJiiJt j>j <ujl jl

up and prayed, and he did
do wu<fao'. 'Ikrimah said: The
Prophet (sfe) was protected.



^*-''&^ f

|J} ,jLi
*^ J -^

ol :

^ '--

Comments: [Its is nod is sa/ia'/j] .

...... ,?.
^ . -
^- ,
=,, r.i
<jl5 :

.?*~r*-^3 ait— 1 liuyti)

2195. It was narrated from lbn ^ £^ ^^^^ .

_Y ^ ^
'Abbas (&) that the Messenger of ,,>*-, J
Allah (5^) delayed 7sJw' one night
^^ ^ ^^ J^ _ v^' j^ *^ I*

until the people had fallen asleep

^ ^J-VJ*' ^»
,- ' *; ' i
( '
iL£ ' '
then woken up, then had fallen '£?" f
asleep then woken
Then 'Umar bin al-Khattab came
up. Qais said: *U1J^3 U4^ ^ ^fc ^ it
: <Ul j ^"l

*:#.*:,-,- «- ,' ',,

^ ^ ^ b ^' *&
-r.v - : *
and said: The prayer, O Messenger r f-^ 1


of Allah! So he came out and led ;^jj Jli t l^lij^il lj * \y\> li <, l ki^l

them in prayer, and [QaisJ did not ^

state that they did wudod

J^3 U s %il

1 : J Ui
, ,-

y U«J ^
s , .


> ,

; Uj
Comments: [Its is nad is saftee/i] jU^I ^J; !Uj i^ ^JL^i £y>j : ^ '^JLH

2196. was narrated from lbn


(i&) that the Messenger of

£-U- :Nl* ^J-3 ^J^ llili- -Ym
Allah (gfe) was in the house of ^ j^ ^ (Yfco/O UL- ^ ill^-
Maimoonah bint al-Harith and he
got up to pray at night. [lbn 'Abbas]
said: So I stood on his left, and he
^ ^ 015 •££; Jjl J^j of ,k^
took me by the hand and put me on
his right, then he prayed, then he
slept until he started to breathe

^ 1


* ,



, .

^ ^>4*
. -*


deeply. Then came to him to
Bilal a
, _> /' /,
give the call to prayer, and he got up J*~ f
P '^ P '— ^ ^ uu
and prayed without doing wudoo'.
Hasan said - i.e., in his hadeeth: I was
J^ *&
^ '
{ ^ ;
fa U\± *J <~2 ;
with the Prophet (#,) in the house :
_ A^" tiJ ur*i - 0—»- ^ -^^ pj (

Maimoonah, and when he

finished praying he slept until he ^
,*:: ::

'"^ - ^
>„ „ . ^.
^ &" C
-„ , .

^ >.^.

began to breathe deeply. [^1T ; «-l j] .

^ J^ f
L ^*>Li. ^jJ

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 358 4* t^fliiJt i>j *ii

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (138) and Muslim (763)]

2197. It was narrated from Abul-

Ally ah: The paternal cousin of
your Prophet (#3), Ibn 'Abbas
(&), told us:The Prophet of Allah
(#r) said: "On the night on which
I was taken on the Night Journey
l:\j» -.m Jh Q JVi :Jtf ^ f

(the Isra'), Isaw Moosa bin

'Imran, a tall darkman with curly
hair, as
of Shanoo'ah;
if he were one of the men
and I saw 'Eesa Ibn
y> f^ui l^^ ^ i}} Lf ^>

Maryam (*a), of average height

with a red and white complexion iru« ^nvH YHV Y\1A
t 1 :>!]
and lank hair."
[ran 4 tT<lV t TTTi
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (3239) and Muslim
:? t(rTr^) : r- .jtA^ ojL— i :» ju

2 1 98. It was narrated that Qatadah

said: AbuI-'Aliyah narrated: The
paternal cousin of your Prophet, Ibn jLi ^1 tfj£ :#UJl r i-^
'i :Jli ESli*

'Abbas narrated: The Prophet of

Allah (^)

said... And he narrated a

- 51 jlli
Jli :Jli ^& # ^fe
similar report.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (3239) and Muslim
(165)] .(Uo)

2199. It was narrated that Ibn

l&£ -TIM
ill* l^JU- ;U^j ^ JI^J
(*&>) said: The Messenger of
Allah (jfe) ruled concerning the son
of the woman who engaged in Wan
that he should not be called after
any father; and if anyone accused ^j .^S/ ^i; n M aIp^ji
her or accused her son, he was to
be given the hadd punishment of
flogging.And he ruled that she
was not entitled to maintenance
(food) or accommodation [from
her former husband], because they
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas *& 359 >& ^lifcJl ^i <uul ale JLLLi

had separated by means of ,

something other than ffl/og ^ w-*^

(divorce) and he had not died and
left her a widow.
**£* j 1 **^ l/j V ^ jj^-

Comments: [Its isnad is da'ee/I

2200. It was narrated from Ibn x& ^ ^lU gjj. -.^Ij, Lil; -YY • •

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet fe) £i t

married Maimoonah bint al- ^ l '
u"& ^ J* <**£* if ^^^ j*
Harith when they were both in ,-*- . , -i, :• 5 '.- -»:: jju * *i,


Comments: [Its isnad is sa/iee/i]

t T\-<\ iYo<\T <Yt<U :^l] .jU^
cTS-. t rrA£ t m^ ^y-yay- ^y-yyt

It was narrated from Ibn
that the Messenger of
=^ - >£; ^ .

*j ^ £^ _ TY .

dinar, or

Allah (s£) said:

"Let him give a
he cannot afford that,
\ -
:-» .

\ ,'




s -

then half a dinar/ meaning the ^

one who had intercourse with his ^^o «jILa *.»,*:•> Ji^J jL! jU tjlLjj
wife when she was menstruating.
& WW1 / ,. (1 . .- * "(-., -•-' -?*
tYVAA :^|] .LiJlfl- ^1^.1 (J JJu ^JJI
Comments: [So/iee/i mawqoofi this is
a very weak (da'eef jiddan) isnad] [ Y • Y" Y :
^-t j j , Y" £ Y A

2202. It was narrated that Ibn -j,

£^ ^f ^^ -^ LijU- -YY'Y
'Abbas (i&) said: The Messenger of
Allah (S|) met Ma'iz bin Malik, ^ if *j£ & -^ If ^^
and said: "Is it true
heard about you?" He said: What
what I have -j
^ j& Jji j^,- ^j
: j^ ^^
have you heard about me? He said:
^ u^1
„V '
^ 1M :JL^
- -
"Ihave heard that you committed Jxf ^'11 : Jij sjj, Jul; u; ;Jli
an immoral action with the slave „.-".,* - - '.<_?,
woman of the family of So and so." °^> 'r* :JU ^"^ ^ ^H ^>^

He said: Yes. He sent him back

until he had testified four times,
.^ "
-j 'i
t ^,- -j
^ J±
then he ordered that he be stoned. [r '
TA tTAVi :

^ 1]

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas ^ 360 Jfc ^liijt jj <uil alt -Vi m-

Commenls: [Its isnad is Hasan, .0"l^V) ;* ij—*- oL— J


Muslim (1693)]

2203. It was narrated from Ibn jZ

_ jLU- &jS- '

ir^A ^*" -^"l"

to the
(<&) that Jibreel
Prophet If
(%&) said
only you ^^ ^
^ ^^ ^^ .. .

could have seen
taking the black
me when I was
mud of the sea
& ^'/ j,^_ J\ J, ,lvj^ J>\
^ *-'.'"'„
-,[ :
^ v*

and shoving
it into Pharaoh's ^u

3 u^'j V *^

Jl» f^J>

. >j>f :

^ "t. n-

Comments: [Its rs«<T(/ is da'eef]


tYAY* :^lj ,TUi i^-lj]

2204. It was narrated that Ibn JZ _ SlU £JL^ :^>; u;!^ -YY-i
'Abbas (&) said: The Messenger of \ ,'.«., ^
Allah (^) sent me with the ^ 0* ^>^ j*^i i* _^!j 1

luggage from Muzdalifah at night.
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
^ ^ ^^5 1
:Jtf ^ ^
Bukhari (1677) and Muslim
tT '
HS :
>U *J^
- ,

, ,

0-? J^ 1

1293 )) '
"[MY- :^
.(mr) :

*(uvv) :^.^>^, eJ L^i :ȣ>;

2205. It was narrated from Ibn ^1 jZ _*\i^ \£ /^ LIjU- -TY»e

'Abbas (4*) that the Messenger of ,-",,.,
Allah (&j) said: "Jibreel («ffl) said ^ ^-^ J* ^3 ^!

^> - i-L-

to me: Prayer has been made dear $g, Jj (

j^ ^ -^ j, j, t
to you, so pray as much as you ,, t
, J _ *, ' ',

want." ^ *! :f^JI ^U- Ji^r J Jli» :Jli

Comments: [Its j'snarf is rfflVc/] c-'.i U 1^ I^i , i<i %\ \

Jo ^-li-

[YH£ t YYM :^1]

2206. was narrated from Ibn

It __*£^ £^ j^ :
^j^ £j^ -YY«1
'Abbas that a man came to

Umar and said: A woman came

to buy somethine;, and I took her
- •£'->
J>. ^ .-.
J* -
>. , ,


into a closet and did something - „
f l s
that was less than intercourse. He <-'s>* J>\ ^r'j
jl ; ^l^ jll j^ «.jl^
' ,

Musnad of "Abdullah bin al-'Abbas 4* 361 4 (_>*LliJi & <iiit

said: Woe to you! Perhaps she is

Ot-lj- :Jlis
(. *Ou Lj 1^1
the wife of someone who is away
• -
' • v- -

(fighting in jihad) for the sake of 1

Allah? He said: Yes. He said: Go

J V<Ui
to Abu Bakr and ask him. So he
him and asked him, and
Perhaps she is the wife of
.iiUii ^ rf

someone who is away (fighting in
jihad) for the sake of Allah? And J> jL j£ :JiS VaJUi

he said the same as 'Umar said.

Then he went to the Prophet (^g)
and told him something similar,
L^JUJi* : Jli iiJi jl.

ii jiii ,^ ^
:il^ji J> j «vJw J-~- j>
and he said: "Perhaps she is the
wife of someone who is away 61 £11 o* Ujj J^\ gi> V^
(fighting in jihad) for the sake of
Allah?" Then Qur'an was revealed:
:i** '0\
# J!
"And perform As-Salat (Iqamatns- -»>--> U :Jlii .(1U
SaSat), at the two ends of the day
t oJLj a iJLj? ?^U ^lllJ
the five

Verily, the
some hours of the night
compulsory Salat (prayers)].
good deeds remove the

* ^ >:

evildeeds (i.e. small sins). That is a

: ^i] .i^i jii» :
m 4j i
j~3 j^
reminder (an advice) for the mindful .[m- .irs- .riar
(those who accept advice)" [Hood
11:114], He said: O Messenger of jL-J Q*„. .»jjS
Allah, is it just for me or is it for all

the people? 'Umar struck his chest

with his hand and said: No, do not
think that; rather it is for all the
people. And the Messenger of Allah

(i*) said:
" 'Umar is right."
Comments: [Salureh because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eefisnad]

2207. was narrated that lbn

It ^m _$U^- £jU- ;J LiJb^ -TT-v
'Abbas The Messenger
(4v) said:
of Allah {$£) and the one who
was riding behind him, Usamah
bin Zaid, came and we gave him
some of this drink. And he said:
"Well done; this is the way to
make it."
.«ijj^li tlsU j^L^li :Jlii .
v l^Jt

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas * 362 4,'

^UJ) ^ <djij^ :.:

Comments: [A sahcch hadeeth; this , ,


is a do ee/ isnad] ~ J
^f^ - G-s*'

2208. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas that the Prophet <$&) said:
f^_. ^ — '
. .
uioi- (Tll/O -YT-A
„ .
; , f ,, ,

"Healing is in three things: a 4}^ >J ^ j^ ^ ai 1 1

^! <i"^i w :Jli
drink of honey, the lancet of the .£ -'•.-• t ; -^ - '
m * - - •,

cupper and cauterisation with '

, ,/ ,, , ,

fire, but I forbid my ummah to use : $*& J *lllj»» :£& ^l J 15 ^'CU- Jl\
cauterisation." r -^- - • -r.*-.

Comments; [Its j'snffd is sahcch, al- - „ * ,

" ,

Bukhari (5680)] .«j£l

^ J>\ J?\j
. (oia« ) :
i- .£^-uo ojL_] :

2209. It was narrated that Ibn Jfe. :^. ju^l lili- -TY-^
'Abbas ($,) said: The mushrikeen
used to part their hair in the ^ iJ>^ ti
J* _ -^ l^ J^i -r^ v2
middle and the People of the
Book used to let their hair fall
over their foreheads, and the
\y^ ^
» ;.-*

,-. .


^ ^
„ ,

Messenger of Allah (^) liked to

Jil ju^ y.
i^»l^i ^1
^ ^f
' "

- . , .' '
do the same as the People of the :JU ^P- 1
j* j|l
Book - Ya'qoob said: in some
matters concerning which he had
received no command; Ishaq said:
\*\ c.i-

. *, >>

^ j^l

J IS „0^'j^ _l=£Jl
!,-, r i •

in that concerning which he had .

; »»>.,-'*» «'*"'"-'-

received no command - so he let ^'j* ^* J

-> 4^i J^3 j^j
his hair fallover his forehead, *i i- •- • . < ;.- -..= ,-^j. ,-f
then later on he parted it. '
- - ' - ' ^
Comments: [Ita isnad is mMi, al- '— ^^ r 1
^ :jU*^l Jtf »^
Bukhari (5917) and Muslim
^^, 1S
> ,..,,
-^ J
>.. .,:
6 >

^ U

^ -

.(Trr-i) :

,(miv) :^ .^^, aJ L_j :~pj
2210. was narrated that Abul-
:^^ V !^
;t llil^ Hi^ - Xt W
Tufail said: I saw Mu'awiyah _, s

circumambulating the House with "(^ j! j^ j? ?iJ! jlp ^ i^.

'Abdullah bin 'Abbas (4») on his
Jjhu ijUi cJtj
left, and I was following behind
:Jl» UiiaJ
J 1


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4 363 & ^Uudt ^ <u>1 Jilt jd*U

them and I could hear what they -t, ,, ,, > >,,


were saying. Mu'awiyah started J ^ - ^ -

^* ^^ ;

touching the corner of the Black t u4^*>tf iiil t U»^ J* Ll»j£l

Stone, and 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas ,„ „ „ . ,, ,' / , , --

(4) said to him: The Messenger of

J JUi t
/^J1 <1Aj r^- ^>^ <^
Allah (m,) did not touch these two
corners. Mu'awiyah said: Leave
M ^ Jji J^J, o[
;^& ^
aj| 1*
^ , f ti
me alone, O Ibn 'Abbas, for there is ^^ ^j^ :
J>V O^S" oi^-* p4^~i
nothing of itbe forsaken! Ibn
'Abbas continued to say the same
^ '
.^j ft ^
' -
^ '

u ^
thing and no more; every time he UJ£ '*J-Ji ^ ^^ ^ J^*» 'oj^
put his hand on either of the two '
corners he said that to him.
^' ^j,.
«* -^T

> eX
t^ -

Comments: [Its isnad is gawi] ' r ° rr 4r ° r>r tr * vi :

>^ -^
[\avv :^-i^

2211. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (^>) said: The Prophet (*fc)
^ ^ ^ ^1^ :^ Gilt -YYU

did 'Umrah four times: 'Umra/i ^A , t

If ^&* 0? J^ i^ >^>
from al-Hudaibiyah, 'Umra/i the
following year to make up for the
^ '

^, ^3, .j^ ^^
^, ^
'^ :U^I
one that has not been completed
previously, the third 'Umrah from
al-Ji'ranah, and the fourth that he

" ^



^ . ^

. /


did with his Hajj. •<£*>- p* j$\ **-;Cj ^ly^ If.

Comments; [Its isnad is saheeh] [l<{o*\ •

UJ 1

'Abbas (&)
It was narrated that Ibn
said: Allah, may He be
: -,Cdl J^^ git -YYU
. . ,.

glorified and exalted, revealed [the -0- If ^f ^} '*>} If ]

If. J+^f* J
versesl: "And whosoever does not ., - >.- •
^t> . n, .- • f,,
judge by what Allah has revealed, - ' -" "
^ '",,'"'
-J ff

such are the iCa/froon (i.e. disbelievers J o-j^ : J>' 0^-j j^ *iJl o| : JLi ^^
- of a lesser degree as they do not act / , ^« ,> ,- < t ,; r <*

on Allah s Laws) [al-Ma idah 5:44] ^ ^


r ^

"such are the Zalimoon (polytheists j 45A^&' i* ii^Jiti^ j (ii :eJ3LJ0

and wrongdoers - of a lesser , . . - - - - y , ,„ ,. ,,{,.
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 364 & t>ull»)l (jJ Aill .

degree)" [al-Ma'idah 5:45J (then)

such (people) are the Fasiqoon [the
rebellious i.e. disobedient (of a lesser
degree)] to Allah" [al-Ma'idah 5:47].
Ibn 'Abbas (&) said: Allah revealed
them concerning two groups of the
Jews. One of them had defeated the
i5U ooi ij>_>Jl j? ftjJUl J&i J_J jkj
other during the Jahiliyyah, until
they reached a deal according to
which the diyah of any person among
the defeated group who was killed
by the group that had the upper
hand would be fifty wasqs, and the
diyah ofany person among the group
that had the upper hand who was
killed by the defeated group would

be one hundred wasqs They adhered


to that until the Prophet (^.) came to

Madinah; then both groups were
subdued by the coming of the ^ ta^r'3 ^1*^3 *-A^-Ij UJL^j <--^j
Messenger of Allah (S5), and at
that time he had not yet prevailed
and he had a covenant with both j>05 il U.U tjH^lj Uy^ t IZJ LCl- LlL> IJLi

groups. Then the defeated group

g& •~r

^' <^o&1

. JjUi LOU; *te JU>J

killed a member of the group that
had the upper hand, and the group
that had the upper hand sent word
to the defeated group saying: Send
us one hundred wasqs. The
defeated group said: Was there LlU VJ IJLi L^l li J^ii JUJ3 t jLfe*
ever any deal between two tribes
who follow the same religion and
*r'ti- , ' * * > ,i • » -
share the same lineage and live in to^^S^ jj-Ly


pSUaPl jl
! ,

the same city, according to which
the diyah of some was half the diyah
of others? We only accepted that lj£j jjilljl ^ L1L % Jjl J^3 Jl
deal because you forced
and we were afraid of you. But
it on us
ii J^.5 ;£ ilii ^ Jjl J^.; ^ L#
now Muhammad has come and we
will not accept this deal any more.
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas *& 365 4-- (_>«LikJt (^i jujI ,

War almost broke out between

them, then they agreed to appoint
/aft Si J&-N 4 bf'J^k. <ZL?J& &j£
the Messenger of Allah ($k) to &Z*
judge between them. Then the
group that had the upper hand
(iv-i\ :usU0 ^cijLuft jU i^ Sft

realized: By Allah, Muhammad is nUy p

^^ Uj*1jJj 4Jlj U-4-s :Jli
not going to give you a deal where-
by he gives you double what he
gives them. And they were right;
they only accepted this deal because
*L-l *^^
we forced on them. Sent word to

Muhammad to find out what he

thinks: if he gives you what you
want then appoint him to judge,
and if he does not give you that,
then withdraw and do not appoint
him to judge. They sent one of the
hypocrites to the Messenger of
Allah (^fc) to find out for them what
the opinion of the Messenger of
Allah (^g) was. When he came to
the Messenger of Allah (sgg), Allah
informed His Messenger of what
they were trying to accomplish,
and Allah, may He be glorified and
exalted, revealed the words: "O
Messenger (Muhammad (*^))! Let
not those who hurry to fall into
disbelief grieve you, of such who
say: 'We believe' up to...(then) such
(people) are the Fasiqoon [the
rebellious i.e. disobedient (of a
lesser degree}] Allah" [al-
Ma'idah 5:41-47]. Then he said: It
was revealed concerning them [the
two groups] and Allah referred to
them [in these verses].

Comments: [Its isnad is hasnn]

2213. It was narrated that Ibn jj^ LT^-l :«-fU 'J> cM ^"" -***f
'Abbas (<&) said: The Messenger > , _
, „
^ °

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 366 ^ ,j*U*Jl ^j <u*l jOi -'i '.-*--

of Allah (#,) said: "Whoever ,.

^ ^ ^'
. |S - s

eavesdrops on some people's r* J f)* Vi^" J\ £T^ :

conversation when they do not

want him to hear, will have
^ ^jjft,
„ /',
^ '


molten copper poured into his '^^ Ct-Pj "3^ -4~ J^ -r

-^ |U»J
ear. Whoever claims to have seen - A- :'t- M -.Ja :- * - a , . -.

a dream when that is not the case ^ ^

will be punished until he ties a .[\A11 ;^rlj] K^ill,
grain of barley, but he will never
be able to tie it. Whoever makes ^V*£Y) -^ -{y^> i--b- :£;>*•
images will be commanded to G^ <c£J j>iu ^U j, ^U
breathe the soul into it, but he
will never be able to do that."
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth, al-Bukhari (7042)]

It was narrated that al- ^j u -
^ £^ Ym _

bin 'Abdullah bin al-A'raj
I was with Ibn 'Abbas
(&) in
^ ^,*jU
^ j^i ^ CjUi
the house where they provide *
: £ .
V -.'t:. . ?,. .. . -, •

water, and he was using a cloak of S- ^ ' ' •

^ V^
his as a pillow. I said: O Ibn 'Abbas, lijEi y>j *£liUl o^'
^ ^l^ ^1 x*,
tell me
about 'Ashoora'. He said: .1 .V '
V *,

What about
ahnnUt? T cai/1. AU,^n,«
it? I said: About fasting
V^ V ,, <

^ : ^-^

- -

*J S^j

He said: When you

it. see the new :JU <?<Ji; ^| ^ : Jii .sl^pl* ^
moon of Muharram, count nine ,•-.*,.**>
(days), then fast on the ninth day. I
C - U * cJI U l 1
- -

-*r^f ^ : ^ > .,

how Muhammad (&)

said: Is that
^^ -^ -^
&, --
"* *^f " «*
4 -j

fasted He said: Yes.

it? ^ f

Comments: [A safe** W«tfr, '^ " A: ^ ^ ^ ^ -^ f

: :

Muslim (1133)] Y \ro :^l] .^j

[ :
J Li

.gli* *& 'Jaiv ^u ^j ^U t (\\rr) :j. .j^w. ^.^^ :


'Abbas (4)
It was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger
of Allah (#|) said: "This Stone (i.e.
A\\ \'k

^ l

^r C*

d^ j*
U *•
* ^^ '

1- 1'**-

OUii ^1
the Black Stone) will come on the '-.- '

Day of Resurrection with two ^ s^^

*, .


^ ^'

^ ,t -„/.-,.;
Jb ^^

eyes with which

tongue with which
it will see
will speak;
and a JLJJ tll^
^^ jCi ij Uoll
^ ^Ji
^ ^^^ ^ -^
it it ',,J " ,

will testify in the favour of the

^' ] J
^ jjf^i

one who touches it with

proper manner and attitude."
the [roU t mv t WW Yiir t Yr*A

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4= 367 4* ^liiJl ^J *i»l JLii jl^L*

Comments; [A
r" u
/rasan hadeeth] •£i=* ?uj>u
Ji l>* "J"-?- vi-j Xr- 1

2216, was narrated that Ibn


'Abbas ($e) said: Some of the

€^ ;^U > •

^ Gii^ -Y Y \ ^

J& J J- i^^P 3jb

prisoners on the day of Badr did
not have any ransom, so the
Messenger of Allah (m) made it

.£ ^




ransom to teach the children
their o\ Ji-»siJi ^g 5DI Jj^3 J*^ ^'^
of theAnsar how to write. One ,.,: -.- ;-,v-n ,
, txl. -vT>f ,

day a boy came crying to his ' '


father, who said: What is the S'JjJli U : JUi t^J ^1 ^fli P">li Ujj
matter with you? He said: My >. > . -
*,/ .

teacher hit me. He said: The evil

^' ,

^V^ 1 : Jli
"s^ s^>

: JU
one is seeking vengeance for [the jl'f jjfc ^ Jj|j 1^1' j^l
people thrown into] the well at
Badr! By Allah, you will never go l^j> tJ ^l* j, Jt* t^>^ : £;>>«"
to him again. . -.1^ oiJ

Comments: [Hasan]


was narrated
said: On
that Ibn
the day of
Jl ; lU ^ ^U ^ ^ ClJb- -TYW

Uhud, the Messenger of Allah u"^ ^) J* J^ y. 4r~ °cA -^^

(M) ordered weapons
and leather armour be removed
the .Ij^Ajl oil
^^ «Jdl J^j ^l : Jli

from the martyrs, and he said: :JU J ^^'j i^

, ,», - ,«, •


"Bury them with their blood and

rT; " ^
Comments: [Hasan because of ^iLiAijUlJij,.^^ i^'
corroborating evidence; this is a .Jaki^. ^LJI jj tlL*j Jii>Jl t.^ *^U j,!

It was narrated from Ibn
a man from among
J> SjlS ^ p-~f^ j? ^ l-^3- -Tt^A
{&>) that
the Ansar apostatised from Islam ^' :
^^* if) <y- ^P* l* l
f^* ^'
and joined the mushrikeen, then j^ t*SLi^l
& 1'jl jUJVl ^ SU-j
Allah revealed the verse: "How '^ '^,
shall Allah guide a people who J ^ ^7 /
: JU;
; , ,

J-;U t ^Ul ,

disbelieved after their Belief and

^^ ' J, ^-^ - \g^ £j> %
after they bore witness that the
Messenger (Muhammad (3^)) is £ry tM J* ^ ^^-^ ( A1 ijlj*^ Jl)
and had
true after clear proofs
come unto them? And Allah
£i "^
J i^. iUi
^ ' ^^
3& 'Jl Ui
^ t

guides not the people who are ^^ ^^ ^ j^ ,^ :£J ^-

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin aU' Abbas & 368 & yidliJl & rtitl .

Zalimoon (polytheists and

wrongdoers)" [Al 'Imran3:86]. His
people -sent word of that to him; he
came back repenting and the
Prophet (jfe) accepted that from
him and let him off.
Comments: [Saheeh]

2219. rt was narrated that Ibn %- * *

4ill ±J- L/^i :JU £1£ ftJU. -YYH
'Abbas {&) said: The Messenger of
Allah (gj) said: "Wear white
garments, for they are among the
best of your garments, and shroud
your dead in them. And the best of
your kohl is antimony; it makes the
vision clear and makes the hair
Comments: [SaJieeh]
trm t r«ro iW<i :>i] .i^Iji

2220. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (4*) said: The Messenger
of Allah (#f) trotted for three
circuits of the House, and when
he reached the Yemeni Corner, he
began to walk, until he reached US <Lt J^ Jij :Jli '^ Ji
the [Black] Stone, then he trotted,
and he walked for four circuits.
And Ibn 'Abbas (^) said: And
that was Sunnali.

Comments: [Salieeh]
tYVAY t T1AA :^!] .£i ditf}

[VoTl ,YA1A t YVAV

2221. was narrated from


Barakah Abul-Waleed: Ibn 'Abbas ^ lliJU- -YYY^

(4?) told me: The Messenger of


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas Jfa, 369 -4* ^LiiJl ,%j <di) ,

Allah (Sg) was sitting in the .-.,..«* - , . ,

mosque, facing the [Black] Stone, ^ ^U ^ *"' -^ °^ :JUi y^

then he looked at the sky and •£ jU
^J| SLl^ ,^lJl
J\ :

smiled, then he said: "May Allah '

r *

curse the Jews; animal fat was ^i*- *M yA* :Jtf Jl>^Ai tf U-Ul

^ ^

forbidden to them, so they sold it

t u -^ >
jj^ -^
and consumed its price. But when '";

Allah forbids people to eat

something, He also forbids its

^ f>*~

, s

*1>Ij <•

- >IJ "^ rf^ f^ '*> J* 1

price to them/'

Comments: [Sa/ieed] [ Y 11 W Y 1V

2222. Al-Hasan al-'Urani said: It »f

,:-•[ .
., ,. ,
r , :
;* ,
was said in the presence of Ibn

1/ , I

'Abbas (<&) that prayer is interrupted ^i JU ^^Jl : j^ill llili : jLk^l JLUJt
by a dog, donkey or woman. He
said: What a bad thing, to make a
Muslim woman equivalent to a dog

^ :,
^ ,*j

jl^il IiJjlp
: :

s .


U ^l JU

'^ ^ ^

s .

. ,.

or a donkey! I remember when

came on donkey when the
I '

o J
^^ , ',
cJ ?
> •_;;

Messenger of Allah (gg) was leading ll cj£ lij
J>. t ^&L JL^' £te Jj I

the people in prayer; when I got *^


7 :
^ ^> ^-^j
> ,.
",•.*- ,-'..'

close to him, in front of him,

dismounted and let it go, and I
joined the Messenger of Allah fe)
I f
Jj, J
, -
su { ^ ^ #^

j .

^ -^j icili lU
! , , . , r \.
in his prayer. The Messenger of
Allah fe) did not repeat his prayer
and he did not tell me not to do
what I had done. The Messenger of

^ J^ Jll
. -

oaIp JU-
^l^. N} t^OU* £fe



Allah <fe) was leading the people

**- p «4
^. ^
in prayer, and a small girl came, * *
?"' ^r-J Jlp , '

pushing through the rows, until

she held on to the Messenger of
j j^_ ^ Jj| j^ j^ J&'j t ^<^
s >,'.,.
Allah (jfe), but the Messenger of ^p ^ vf^- u*% &* <-^-»

Allah (^did not repeat his prayer
j ^inj^'^, & '^ fa
and he did not tell her off for what , t[ , r ,,"","',.
she had done. The Messenger of OjJja; SUI : \lf* -*JJ 1
^3 ^l^ o^l Jlj
Allah («) was praying in the t u<n 3 ^j^, V^
C ^,
mosque, and a lamb came out of -'

one of the apartments of the [r^r t YA-i :^kJlj

Prophet (^) and wanted to pass in

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 370 4* ^U*)! ^ <qjI Jut '''

front of him, and the Messenger of

Allah G&) stopped it. Ibn 'Abbas
(&) said: So why don't you say that
On £^ j^

r 'C^ *^ r"' u ^ <>
^ ^ e^ : J

a Iamb interrupts the prayer? -w^ J>. inj Js^ ] ]

Comments: [A hastm hadeeth; this is a da'eefisnad]

2223. It was narrated that Ibn £* £\ j^ >J,

^\\ *&, &jj. _tnr
'Abbas (&) said: Whoever comes / . /__,', /„ ^
for Hfl//, circumambulates the t^~- -J-^ 1^1 1 : ^ u 4*^'

House and goes between as-Safa f

: •; .•-
^ :

J| ^
and al-Marwah, it is no longer Hajj; ''-
~ '
-; s

" - c-
rather it becomes 'Umrah. That was If '-^ cr-^ ^ if 'jLL* ji- _3jjy*
the Sunnah of Allah, may He be ,- * ,.
..'- '-:' -..r - . *.. , =

glorified and exalted, and the ' " :


Sunnah of His Messenger (&;). t<L^ (Y£A^) o~iiil jl« t^^lJlj

Comments: [Its isnad is da'eef]

^ '-
Jj, ^ ^ t =^; ^^

It was narrated from Ibn
Messenger of
that the
^ : , . L^J I
^ i; Gfo. -mi

Allah (^6r) passed judgement on If tf^^

„ /
^ 'J> ,V4* ^'Jf\ '-^h^
the basis of one witness and an 'i

^ > - M ,*- , ,-

V- ^ v^ ^ --
^ J -T*

[Its isnad is saheeh, :
J*^ 'J^J ^ LL
^ ^ ^
.(wit) if .^v^w .:U :?>;>«;

2225. was narrated

It that Ibn >;*.. >.
^ ^^ .-,.
»• - , >,
'Abbas (*) said: Abu jahl said: If *' *"' /* *
I see the Messenger of Allah
($&) If <-^>.^
4~* if ^f &^- '-^S
praying at the Ka'bah, I will come


^ & ^M
t r ft - - - -
s ,

* Jl :JU
him and He

to step on his neck.

[the Messenger of Allah (0,)} said: t £&j| %* JLiJ £| -1)1 J^ ±:\j -J
"If he does that, the angels will ,,/,". u "
^ , --
, f t s

seize him visibly. And if the Jews ^' :JUi :JU '«> u' 1

had wished for death, they would

5> jj, ^ ^ tL'^ &.£], ^^' t
have died and would have seen "

>, - * '^

their place in Hell. And if those If ^aapU^ Ijt^j J^'UJ to^Ul IjlL"

who challenged the Messenger of

^ ^ ^^ ^J, ^ y- u
^ (
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 371 4t i^*\jmS\ ^>J AU) Jul£ i
* " t'-f

Allah (3%) had gone out and

engaged in mubahalah
challenged to do in Al 'Imran
3:61] and then gone back, they
would have found no wealth or

Comments: [Salteeh]

2226. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (4*) said: Abu Jahl said...
And he mentioned a similar
.sllii 'jSli
j^l JL* :JLi ^l!p j!l
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
[YYYo :^L]

-£--> <,j>L_J :


2227. was narrated that Ibn


'Abbas (<&) said: The Messenger

of Allah (sfe) circumambulated the J* '^^J Jri^J li-^"! ^— '
House and started touching the
[Black] Stone with his crooked
stick.Then he went to where water icdl ^ 4JI J^j Jd> :Jli ^a
was offered after he finished, and
his paternal cousins were drawing
^l pj t4iiJ^ y^ 1
(4^i J*^3
water from it. He said: "Give me i L^ Ojf-y-i 4-oJ- ^Lij f-^i LaJLuj 4jU_JI
some." A bucket was lifted up to
him and he drank, then he said:
"Were it not that the people would
take it and overwhelm
as a ritual
you, would have drawn water

alongside you." Then he went out, (TUA :^j>-Ij] .Sj^iJlj \a.%\\ '-Z ijLki
and went between as-Safa and al-
Comments: [A hasan hadeeth; this is

a da'eef isnad]

2228. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4>) that the Messenger of at' 3^ , » , - ,

Allah (^) was treated with

cupping when he was fasting and UjL^
^JLaJ t Uy^wii r
l -:> ^"^ : ^' Jj-^J
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 372 & ^tidi ^ aiilj^

in ihram,
and he fainted. Based on
he said: This is why cupping
disliked for one who is fasting.


^ ^ [Vo

i v : JiJl]

Comments: [Its /snaa* is rfa'ce^ Nasr bin bab is rfaVe/]

2229. It was narrated from Ibn £l£jjl l£U ; ^U ^ ^J t&U- -YYY^

'Abbas (<&) that the Messenger of s , s ,

Allah (^) set free whoever came M ^ Jj^S ^ •u*£* j!' ^ ^f—^? j*
out to him of slaves. . -i, - *T, - - -.*
- - v f

Comments: [Hasan because of

corroborating evidence; this is a ^^ M J '-^ "^ 0-^" :
da'eejl ^jl. ;U>jI ^ A^- v^ j> r^ ' '• ^

2229 (sic). It was narrated from £^jl ^C y >J t£^ -pYYY^

£ ^^ J.
Ibn 'Abbas (&) that he said: The - ;
, „

Messenger of Allah (ag) said on the Ajl

<j) y- *r~*t J* <-(*i^Jl ji-

day of at-Ta'if: "Whoever comes . -. ., -.- ^ ?

u ',
*-''n- V
out to us ot slaves, he is tree. So '

some slaves
whom was Abu
came out, among
Bakrah, and the
^ £>^ *j>-
'Jp <--^*^ <>? ^! bj^

Messenger of Allah (j£) set them


J ^ r^,, , ,;,.*:
U "A
-,•.„ ><

*' rt*
. .

V ,:

free. [\\o\ ;^lj] . #§ Jjl

Comments: [Hasan because of ,. , , ;


corroborating evidence; this is a ^"^


dfl'cc/ isnao because of the weak- cl

^^1 1
lt^-^J t^ J*, r^ i-i*~^

ness of Nasr bin bab]

2230. It was narrated from Ibn

£J- .jj ^ u - -v £^ _ YYr ,

'Abbas (4b) that he said: On the day ; „

of al-Khandaq, the Muslims killed j?l

o* ^.^h, ^ ^jJ^Jl jp £l>AJl
a mushrik man and the mushrikeen -Vj\\ -
Jiiiii V: *
'lu '!
offered money for his body. But the - ?* y^-^> j-j
^ ifi.

Messenger of Allah {^g) said: tVU c^ l^Liti ijJjUi}] '^» SU-j

"Give their body back to them, for ,,- ,"- ^, ,,

r^ r^! ^^
s > ,

it is an evil body and an evil

l :
«g *"> <Vj JLii

ransom." And he did not accept j% °& i^jji .>_! L iLJl vl_i ^'U
any thing from them. '

Comments: r

isnad is aa
„ [T"- >t- ,YiiT t YV^s : &\) .^ "
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas i& j
373 .& ^liijl jj ail jjt V.^*

2231. It was narrated that Ibn :;=;- . ,- *. >.: ,

;= -
V¥V ,.
Abbas said: The Messenger of *

Allah (^te ) stoned the Jam rah when jJl ^ ^ i-i^Jl y- £U^JI
the sun reached
the sun reached



zenith or after


^ '

•" _ --'-,-
^ ^ J ^ ^ JU y" U
LT~Liii\ Jl_jj -u. j!
* » ; ,


LiJt Jljj

and its iswat/ is da'eef]

2232. It was narrated from Ibn trL>*AJi y> «—-tj ^J ^Jai QiJb- -YYVY
'Abbas (4&) that he said: The
people of Badr were three ^-^ o?' J* 'r*^ ^ 4p^! j

hundred and thirteen men, the *
> * •- -, ? ,"",,: *« -*•-.'»,,,


Muhajireen were seventy six, and ^ < *

- ^^ ^^
the defeat of the people of Badr Otfj OVij ^1p L SCj *\> JL^Aj
was on Friday the seventeenth of
Ramadan. J*

^ ^ ^„.-*-,
^ J l
J ^T^J'
Comments: [Its is nnd is daVe/] J^> ^ 4**?*-! 1
j*j; J~^ *j-^ Ar^ j-^'

• r-L->jJl
j_J-Cj ^jL ^j ^^aj ^jjuiJ kJi^a-J? oiL_jl ! Ttjjpxj

'Abbas (40
It was narrated
said: The Messenger
that Ibn
^ ^ ^^
\ "
A^ Jtf -yyyt

of Allah (3fe) said: "Be easy-going, r1*^ If. <S-H* £&> '
*>k J^y ^'
and things will be made easy for ; . ,> -., ... '
,,;. .^ - . , ..*„

Comments: [Saheeh)
^^^ ^JJ *jU-M»

£fe Jjl
*£^ J
J^3 J\J

2234. It was narrated from ^_,& ^ oJU-3 :<Jdl jj^ J IS -YYrt

Muhammad bin 'AH bin 'Abdullah '-,,,].
bin 'Abbas, from his father, that his /^ ^ ^^
s ., --*
b ^ -
i£ ^ s -


grandfather 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas ^

jX, Jj')\
Oil^. ;^U^|
(<&) said: The Messenger of Allah '

(^) said: "Whoever asks a great d Q?


±*^" b* '"-r*^
.", ,
, ,

J>. f-

5 ^

deal for forgiveness, Allah will
make a way out for him from every
^ ^ o i(Uj ^
' /"
, '
^ y
.; Jj, ^
s , .

worry and distress, and Allah will :^ *iJl Jj^-j J*^ ; J^ ^^ <>° ^'
, '

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al- Abbas & 1

374 Jb (j-LiJi ji «ii1 Jut ,Vi ,;i 4

send him provision from sources >* .. ..*


. ,

he never imagined." J* J JJ1

J^ 'jU*^J 0- ji"

Comments: [Its isnffd is do't?e/ al- <•

^>^ Jrf J^
Hakam bin Mus'ab is unknown]

2235. It was narrated that

Yazeed bin Hurmuz said: Najdah
^ ^ '

^ t
£jU -YYra

bin 'Amir wrote to Ibn 'Abbas j? x->- If" ^~" J 1

£r? ^S^" 1 :

asking him some questions. He
said: I was present with Ibn
^, J,
^u -
. r
^ '
'Abbas when he read his letter u- ^ If} ^M^ i*Cit ^ iiLJ ^-l!p
and when he wrote his answer. -,,:: *-.,- -s v
> .. - , . »,.
Ibn Abbas said: By Allah, were it ^ .r . ^-^' '

not in order to prevent him from iu ii^ y. JSjl 01 Y^J *Ul) :^Up
falling into wickedness,
not have written to him.


- ,


^ ^ J ^i


never be honoured. He wrote to
him (saying): You asked about the
'Jl ^jjl J,*J}\ &/•>
„ i f -*»*",',
^ j^ jfa,


share of the kinsmen whom Allah


*^ ^ ^ & ^J ?r* 2^ :


>^ l

mentioned - who are they? We &j j(-

£jU jjy- t Li j^ Al J^3
used to think that the kinsmen -&",„' ,,' ,'-?

referred to were the kinsmen of ^i ^J *'**;

lt9^- J* :
p^' <j* ^^3
the Messenger of Allah (#,), but
our people denied that to us. You
^^^ ,/
j (m/u ^, ^ >

asked about the orphan and when 015" j* :*JU-j .11^ ^-aj'il jJ} tiJU Ol
he is no longer regarded as such.
When he reaches the age of
marriage and attains maturity of
14-;3^ r^ 3^5 Al J^lj 01

^ -•

V- «;
>- «3

jUi ?U*-I

mind, then his wealth may be

given to him, and he is no longer
regarded as an orphan. You
L)1 V


^ * !

^ , f
' la

^ ;

asked: did the Messenger of Allah

.ifei jjjl -^lii
^ ^Jji lli
* \ * • * •

(^) kill any of the sons of the H }^ J-^

U^J 015 ji :x^V3 sl^Jl

m W5 /in>^»? The Messenger of

Allah (jfe) did not kill any of
^ ^M
r*- r* o~-
(^ ^
^ ?-
U, ,
them, so you should not kill any '
^1 .j-*i^lJI ^ll^ ^ UA^J jl "ill

of them, unless you know about rr ,, rr

,. v ... v .. ft

them what al-Khadir knew about

the boy whom he killed. You [HIV : *sr J \ t VT^
asked about women and slaves,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin at-' Abbas & 375 4* ^llajt ^ 4*1 •

and whether they had any known , , A t v .

share they were present tn

r (_- • t--^
battle? They were not given any
known share, but they were given
some reward from the booty.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, Muslim (1812)]

2236. It was narrated from Ibn ^ ^ J^.( : j^U C&^ -YTY"\

'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah
(&?;) used to deliver the khutbah
^ '•u'ty

J} J*

'^ J s „ *

ji ^
leaning on a tree trunk, before the
minbar was set up. When the
y vj
Jj^ ^
jj, j .

up and he moved it,

minbar was set 5^! J>^J Sr^ 1 -**'' ^* v 3~-?-' 1
made a sorrowful
the tree trunk ,r. -..; „>,: "'.-..: >.# .:, s ,

sound. So he came to it and ^ ^ " ^

embraced and it calmed down.
it, : j&l] .«iiU*il
p^ Jj ^J iC-a^-l J
He said, had not embraced it,
"If I
[rirr v rir- vri
it would have continued to grieve
until the Day of Resurrection," ,. , .

Comments: [Its isnad is su/iech]

2237. A similar report was y^ ^^ tf^. : j^ £^ -YTrv

narrated from Anas, from the ,,, ,.

^ y ^ ^ j^

Prophet (#5). :
£rU -k- 1
Comments: [Its istifld is saheeh] [<dJ U

2238. 'Abdullah bin 'Ubaidullah

bin 'Abbas narrated: Some youm*
^ .^j £^ .^ £k
a .
_ YTrA

men of Quraish and I entered upon

Ibn 'Abbas (£) and asked him: Did
the Messenger of Allah (jgg) recite

tf ^ Uj-a^






Qur'an in Zuhr and 'Asr? He said: :Jl* ^i- j>\ J^'J l#

No. They said: Perhaps he was \,C &. L v '
reciting to himself . He said: Woe to 4

** * - '
J -^ J oLS
,* :".a
J*_ "^ 11-

you! This worse than the first

is : l^Jlii :Jli iV :JU ^^A^'j ji^Jl
(thing you The Messenger of
Just a slave who
(^) was just
Allah tirt ?>
. ^
l Lu *
, , ,

: Jli
- ,

^^ - \
'>- Jl5
, , , >
^ -

followed instructions and conveyed

that with which he was sent. He did
,\jyb Ijlp Jli % 4UI J^ij JI L^i

, , -
^ , , . , ** , , *

not say anything to us alone to the u*& ] L-liu-

r 5
^1^ '^ J^J 1 U ^
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 376 K$e jjAjjA\ QJ All! 4

exclusion of the people, except in

three things: he instructed us to do
wudoo' properly, not to consume
zakah, and not to mate a donkey
with a mare. [Wv :^ij]

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh)

2239. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Messenger of

Allah (5^) told some people of
Banu Ha shim to move on at night -
Shu' bah said: I think he said: their
' • i
f -~
- < * i % ft
weak ones - and he instructed them
not to stone the Jamrah until the sun
rose. Shu'bah was not sure about
"their weak ones".
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this
isnad da'eef
is because it is
: t (\ivv) :^.^>-^ ^i-Jb- ^.j^"


2240. It was narrated that Ibn &JJ.

'Abbas (Jfc) said: The Messenger of
Allah (£g) defined the meeqat of the 0* ^ ur"J U* 0*' :Jli

people of Madinah as Dhul-

Hulaifah; that of the people of
Sham (Syria) as al-Juhfah; that of i«A£Jl fill I
the people of Najd as Qarn; and ^",
Yemen as
that of the people of /
Yalamlam. And he said: "And
these mceqats are for the people at
those very places, and besides
them for those who come through
those places with the intention of
[r UA : ^ij] .«& Jif ijUi
^ J^
performing Hajj and 'Umrah; and .?*~>\~e .jL-1 :
£U» ,:
whoever is living within these
boundaries can enter ihram from
the place he sets out, and so on,
and the people of Makkah can
enter ihram from where they start."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh]
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a 1-' Abbas Jfc 377 Jf* (^Ludl ^ «h\ jj

2241. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (&) that the Messenger of
^ ^^ .

- ;
- j£^ £^ _ rrn
Allah (^) used to kiss his wives <-
(J^5-i J>
j-UI £p ji- t
4J .^' j* Je-i
on the head when he was fastine. ?,,',,-
; .,..

#$ jiJI J^ ?v
ol :^U ,*-
^1 ^p
Comments: [Sfl/iee/i]
^ f
* "

[rr^r t rrAY 4 rr^

2242. It was narrated that Ibn i^Jb- :

y^ ^ iUJ bil^ -YUY
'Abbas (<&) said: came
Revelation , .r , ',

s , . ,

> f^

to the Prophet (^) when he was J >' : JG lT 1

^ ji 1

^ <<*>*
forty years old; he was in Makkah
for thirteen years and in Madinah
^^ — ;
~" -f
^1 JU
for ten years, and he died when >*_j ^->LL» i.\jL* oj^JLj iS^Lp o">C
he was sixty- three years old. rv , .... . t - * - . .r; *.,

Comments: [Its isnad is sa/zre/i]

2243. was narrated that Ibn

It £j£ i^iU
^ iU^ UiJi^ -TTif
'Abbas said: The Messenger
of Allah (^) was treated with
cupping on his head when he was
- -

^^ ^ ^
s, , ,
tU /^
- .

J^ 1^1
; , „ ,

t <Jj ^ au^i
3^ Jj|
in ihram.

[Y\ »A .^Ij] .
f ^ >j f __

[Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (5700)] .<ov • • ) :

c .^ «M :

2244. It was narrated from Ibn i-.* ,-iv .

'- *.**-> ,:!* w««
Abbas (nfe) that the Messenger of *, '

Allah (j^) called for a drink, and I ^1 j* ^l^\ J- ^Jj^ 1

(~*^ !>«
gave him a bucket of Zamzam '
,'- ,,. .,
' * - , , <; ,*.

water, and he drank whilst ;

-*; J
- -^ J ^ •

standing. ^^ i
r>j *^ j* J-^ *?^ :
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
T\ArA 1 1 iTjli
Bukhari (1637) and Muslim '
C/ "

( .(T'TV) ;
Uurv) i^^y^^^M :?y„>^

2245. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4b) that he came to his
tf^ .^^
- ^^^i
^ _ TUo

maternal aunt Maimoonah, the ^' '^^- J>} j* *;U»p ^ 44^' -^


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 378 Jt j*liJ( ^ «iil dji '.U«

wife of the Prophet (£%). He said; „

- ,., „, , . -

^^ ^U

The Messenger of Allah fa) got C^ Jb '

up at night, and went to a
waterskin and did wudoo', then he
[j,£ k z\L, J\ jil
' ^ ^ il jp;
, w ' '
, ^ " , ; \ _,
stood and prayed. Then I got up
and did aWoo', and I stood to his
left. He took me by the hand and

tol > - ^»

^ -£ ;
^^3 :



^ ^J

pulled me behind him,

made me stand on his right.
Comments: [Its isnad is sahech,
until he '


S* i^

J^ *W^
^^ ^ S*

(763)1 :

a^L-j :p>-

2246. It was narrated that Ibn

'Abbas (^) said: I know all about

^ „
' ,
£<£ _ Ym
the Messenger of Allah (^c) but I a* ' ^^* V-^ ^'J^- J4^*
If [ '•

do not know whether the Messenger

of Allah
'Asr or not.
($) recited in
And I
ZuAr and
do not know &$
^^ ^^
3JJ1 J>^3
jj^ ^ .^ ^
* -^ y"^ ^
Ol£t tijit N Jf 3^

how he recited this verse: "Wa qad

M -, - t
i ,
• * f.
b«%/rf U minal-kibari 'utiyya" or " ^' ^J ^ T


'usiyya" (referring to the verse cJ£ J5J^ :Ji^Jl IJLi i;i; d\S >lZS
"and I have reached the extreme
old age" [Maryam 19:8]). t^f J 1
<fe ^=^ St

Comments: [Its ;"snnd is saheeh] ^ rr Y : j& 1

1 .
A :
2247. 'Amr bin Deenar told us ^ l^j £jbL :t)3 tfjU- -mv
that Ibn 'Abbas (&) used to say: "'
•re „

The Messenger of Allah (sfe) said: u*


^ :
J^ o^ -^ £•** :i^<[
"Crops should not be sold
they become edible/'
until ^ .

m J,,
j^ j^ .jt
^ *
Comments: [Its isnflrf is sa/wefr]
[nn ^

^' ]
'"P^- J*~ ^ s

2248. was narrated

'Abbas (*)

Allah (^5) said:

that Ibn
The Messenger of
"Whoever seeks

: :*

^^^^ ^

. ?„


:OjUjl 'J, jJU
^ ..-

,- ; * ,

protection in the Name of Allah, , . *'•-'/ -- --

give him refuge, and whoever asks *>'

^f ^'^ (^-/O.S^
of you for the sake of Allah, give to ^» :^ Jli J^ Jii :Jii ^1^
him," "
, ,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 379 4* t>-lj*i' £H *»* 4^ '' ;


Comments: [Its isnarf is /jflSfln] ?,, . , . i-;(, . .. > '

fr f h r.,-,,

2249. It was narrated from Ibn ^1 ^ ,iZ] jS && -YYM ji. lj\l
'Abbas (4fe) that the Messenger of '=
,„ Sf „, , „ ;

^' J ^ ^ V^ ^ ^ '^ ^
Allah (j£) was treated with cupping, V^ J

and he gave the cupper his fee. rrv :^(] .^1 fLUJi t^l^
(2278) and Muslim
[Safcee/i, al-Bukhari
[t\» .

tMA. .
^^ *, *

2250. It was narrated that Ibn r^- &J^- :ijU^ jjf UjU- -YYo«
'Abbas (&) said; The Messenger of
Allah (#5) said: "A life-long gift 113
belongs to the one to whom it is
t^ ^jjj\»


^ V

^ ^' ^
j^ ju jy


given, and a gift given to the last , . .

, t ,

one (of the giver or recipient) who Jt A^h l

4-b 1
Cf4 t_*V'j 1 L*3^
remains alive [21 belongs to the one
[ UVY : «-lj] .««£ J xuJtf cU
to whom it was given, and the one "*-'
"" -

who takes back his gift is like the , . , . , . .

one who goes back to his vomit. "

u ' t-

Comments: [Saheeh because of t-

corrobo rating evidence; this is a

da'eef isnad]

2251. It was narrated that Ibn l^lt^-YYM
'Abbas (&) said: The Messenger ^C ^~ ^ •

of Allah (jfe) said: "A life-long gift Jli JU ^l^ ^1 ^ ;^jll> ^ ^l

: t

whom :*_..',.-!'*./
belongs to the one to
given, and a gift
one (of the giver or recipient) who
given to the

is ...
&&^*J** s*^ &> ^
^J ^ tj jJ CJjl ^j

, =

: ,

remains alive belongs to the one , V, a { *, ,,,.,, *. - :

to whom it was given, And the

tl ^ iU p l
^* V-*3 lyj ^y.^r £ijl

one who takes back his gift is like

[^ ^ : **- lj] .««£ J> jj\SJ\£ '£

gift: This was a custom in which a gift would be given with the premise, "It
isyours as long as I am alive, but if I die it comes back to my heirs"
A gift given to the last one who remains alive: this refers to a custom in which a gift
would be given with the premise, "This is yours to use and if I die it is yours, but if
you die it comes back to me."
; \

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas j* 380 & ^Liiit jj «iii ait . Vi mi ^

one who
goes back to his
^^ J "^ £^ £^' :

Comments: [Sa/ice/i because of

corroborating evidence, It is a
repeat of the previous report]

Itwas narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger
^3 - ^ ",'
^^ _ YYflY

of Allah (s&) and his Companions Ji

0* ''^J^ If-
-r^ Cy. 4^^ j^
prayed facing towards Jerusalem
for sixteen months, then the qiblah
was changed after that.
h,' tf :

^^ ^ \^, ^.&
Ji oUJ^lj ^
^ 4}\

Comments: [SflWi] .^ J^ ^ ^-^ *i

,»; ^
[rrnr .tyv- t t^ <\

2253. It was narrated that Ibn

^[ :

r LUj| }1 jjj.\ l£U -11 of

'Abbas (&) said: The Messenger of p- ,'.„.-
Allah (jfe) stoned Jamratal-'Aqabah, J* 1{ ^j fr^L^ L ^l
] 1 1
U>. O^
then he offered his sacrifice, then
^U ^ ^

he shaved his head.

,*- .. .

^^ ^ .
: :.
f „


Comments: [Hasan because of ^ t

^ 1 S
S*^ ^ ^ J>*J ^*3 :
[nrA .^ ^
corroborating evidence]
^ ^
^jC* Aij ^.U iQjjl y, ^U> i. BjjJ
v_j. : ^j^S


was narrated from
(&) that
^\ j>
^ ' . "\

^ -^^ ^^, , s „, '\*1
_ YYo£

when Dimam bin Tha'labah, a man <_^ -^P' L^

J-*^' ^-^ :< -^ <il>wil

of Banu Sa'd bin Bakr, became

Muslim, he asked the Messenger of
Allah (£3) about the obligatory jl :
^ Up ^ '
<JJ I .aI* ^ ,^& J,
duties of Islam, prayer, and so on. ' ' •' : ; '•''!-
ilj i; • '
l'i 'l'*
He him the five prayers,
listed for * ^ '
f^ -^ f -

and did not add anything else; then o^i ^ *^ jW Jj^j jL lJl^i
(he told him about) zafa7/i, then \- s .- , - - . . .

fasting Ramadan, then pilgrimage - ^ L U

^ ^' ^ J f^Y
to the House (Hajj), then he told
him what Allah forbade to him,
L -\s]l\ 'J ,^U ^,
>^Jl 0I3UJI
,,',t „'•

When he had finished he said: I ^Ul t \

r L
^ r ^^j
^' *
> -

}^~? "^

bear witness that there is no God j| j^f : ju y ^ Litf ftl

f^ U

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 381 4* (j*Ai*Jt & «dj1 -lie '>-'-^

but Allah and bear witness that


you are the Messenger of Allah. I


*"' ^ ^ -^

, „ - sc * . %



shall do what you instructed me,

no more and no less. Then he
,^J>\ ^ ^J ^ ^-f y u JiiU;

^ J^3 ^
. s ', / ,; * _ ,

turned to leave, and the Messenger ^ '-M 'Jj "^ :Jli

of Allah (g) said: "If the one with

the two braids meant what he said,

^ <l5 y , ^ <.-£^\ 3l ji^

he will enter Paradise." [rrA\ t vrA«

Comments: [A hasan hadeeth]

2255. It was narrated from Ibn £^ : jl^IjI

^ £^ ^lU- -™ ae
'Abbas (4*.) that the Messenger of .
7Z t

Allah (#;) gave Khaibar, land and If 'r^ 1

J* 'J2 ^} <_ri

^ J^
palm trees, to be cultivated in
(^ - & ^,.

^ .^
. -,
jf ^j (


return for half of the yield. .77 f. * %

Comments: [Sa/icc/f because of
^^ ^^ ^ £ : J
*& ^ J^j
corroborating evidence; this
is a [ivrT .
j^,] t

:JM U £^^
dae^/ isnad]

2256. It was narrated that Ibn ^l

^ x^ j^ ^U -^ ^ ll'li- -YYoi
'Abbas (4fc) said: The Messenger
Allah (m) said: "I have been given
five things that were not given to

^ ^



^^*J r^ ^ ^3

^ lit J^^ J Li

anyone before me, and I am not

^ ^ ^ -^
"- /
4t , . >> >% - ^ .-

saying it to boast. I have been sent J^ cA| ^-^ :

to all people, red and black, and 'i V '- \r - •
- *r --.;---•?
there is no one, red or black, who \ „
, ( , , * ,;
joins my ummah, but he will be one ^.jM' ^J ^-W^3 'p-^? JLS "VI j^\ J>
of them. And the earth has been r„ w ,
. ,, - , „

4 , , [YViY : JiilJ
-^ ,t<U*^.
made a place ot prayer tor me.

Comments: [Hasan; this is a da'cef <Jt*Jai ^J.^J> jL-I iJl»j <-j—^ '-THf*
weakness of All
^u ^ ^
isnad because of the
^L J Jb,jiJ '

^ ^

bin Asim and Yazeed bin Abu ' '


2257. 'Ikrimah, the freed slave of jlp ll3A^- :jlL^J ^ ^J^ LiJb- -YYoV
Ibn 'Abbas (Jfe) said: I prayed
behind Abu Hurairah; when he %^ ^ ** h* -L^ ^ ->-'^
bowed, and when he prostrated,
he said Allahu Akbar. I mentioned
: j^
^ ^ J-
', ^ '
' ',


that to Ibn 'Abbas and he said: ^l) cfj lj| Jl5Ci :JLS :^^ ^1
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a I-' Abbas & 382 4* (juijudi ,jj 4iji alt ,Vnh4

May you have no mother! Isn't

that the Sunnah of the Messenger '^-^ yy, ^ o^oi :Jli i^J o^_
of Allah (%)?

Comments: [Its jsnfld is Sflfretfj]

2258. Ibn 'Abbas (&) said: Two jt V^ Ljjb^ :wU^JI alp UiJLi- -YT»A
little girlsof Banu Hashim passed
by and came to the Messenger of ^l Jls :Jli ^JiJt j!j^^ "sJ.jA*
Allah (.jfe) when he was praying,
and held onto his knees, but he
did not stop his prayer. Ibn
'Abbas said: An Ansari man and I
passed by the Messenger of Allah
($&) when he was praying, and
we were riding a donkey, and we
came and joined the prayer.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] [r^o i^ijj ruv t t mo


was narrated
that Ibn
The Messenger
J^ U^-l : JUJ.) ^ ^ Ciit -TYo^

some boys of
of Allah (j^) carried
Banu 'Abdul-Muttalib [on his
mount], one behind him, and one
^ #* Jjl Jj^3 J^ :Jli ^& J\
in front of him.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-

Bukhari (1798)]

2260. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4,) that the Prophet (^)
said: "There is no marriage except
with a guardian, and the ruler is
the guardian of the one who has
no guardian."
Comments: [Hasan because of
^jlj-^ jL_*l (JL*j
corroborating evidence; this is a
4 ^*^»^J /r^*" *
da'eef isnad]

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a 1-' Abbas 4* 383 & ^liaJi &j *Jui jjji jUIU

2261. A similar report was

narrated from 'Urwah bin az-
.^ ^, ^^ ..
^ £^ _„ M
Zubair, from 'A'ishah. J>,
'J* ^J*'^ if- jr}**- &^-
omment [A
a da'eej isnad
hasan hadeeth; this
like the previous
is (YM/O ^ ^li\
^ il*U
' ^ ^l t


.*JLL_£ >, J : *^j oLl>J 1Jla_j t \ >• ^-i-^> 7Hj^


was narrated
The Messenger of
that Ibn .

j.^, £ jUi - J,-- ^ _ mY

Allah ($gg) prayed two rak'ahs when
and four rak'ahs when
&^>- :^a*J' ^ ^ -4*^
not travelling. Ibn 'Abbas (4b) said:
Whoever prays four rak'alis when


^^ .s-


O^- ^S



Jj-^3 c^


travelling one who prays

is like the t , , , - - -,,- ,„..,r -r ,

two rafr^s when not travelling. 'i •

^ r

Ibn 'Abbas (&) said: Prayer was

not shortened except once, when
J\ Jj, ^
£jl >Ul
^ JU


^ •

theMessenger of Allah ($&) prayed fJyU^IJlijiJl* ,^53 j-^J'

two raJr'afcs, and the people prayed

one rafr'fl/i each [in two groups, as
^ ^rj "

s „
-^ ^,
in the fear prayer]. ***j ^-^ <J~^>'j
(J~*^j $j&, 5^1 Jj^j
Comments: [Its isnad is da'ee/ [Y > Y t :**-lj iVY^A i^liil] .o^j
because Humaid bin AH is da'eefl

2263. It was narrated from Ibn >.. ,:,-*.{ '-.-., *• -«- ,-;* - -*-»
'Abbas (4) that the Messenger of ,1
, ,

Allah (5gte) cursed the woman who ^1 j* <.&^ jl o^Vl ^1 'ji- ii-^J

does hair extensions and the '

- ' * /- _ * -
woman who has that done; men "
- -r ^ **-> - ^j

J lT

who imitate women and women JUr^Jl ^ ^ t

*.V-*U j iaJ^^JI}
who imitate men. « „ .

Comments: [A saJieeh hadeeth; this ' - ' '

is a rfa'e?/ tsnad] [\<\AY :«-ljj iV'S^ :^til]

was narrated from Ibn

when the Prophet

(4b) that
^ ^
,. >
^ . *.
^ _ YYn
(jgg) moved on from 'Arafat the J>) ^* <^** ^ t[r i^JI ^ ^j^Xl^JI
people began to rush and he said \ '
' . ,
.' -t
-,• lt .

Musnad of "Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 384 & ^liijt ^ 4j| a;

or it was called out to them -: "It is

^ ^^ ^^ C^ ^ WS
- * >
, %i

^^ # , t

not righteousness to make the J U 1

horse or camel rush." He said: And

I did not see any of these mounts
^ t J
^ ^&i ^tf &&

raising its feet and rushing, until he 0^ ^-i'j **• :
J^ V^' ^J J=^ (

reached Muzdalifah. . 1...1 ,-.- v: *' ;. ,- .--> „,..,

- jJajlJ .l**>- Jy (J
^>- -LOU Ujb 4*jIj
Comments: [A salieeh hadeeth]
[T'M i^lj ,Y£YV

2265. It was narrated from Ibn ^| £^ .

-^ >•
UU^.1 l^JLi- -TT1»
(»*) that Usamah
riding behind the Messenger
bin Zaid ?'

t .,.../ j*
^^ ^ j?
<><^> v '? urj

of Allah {^) on the day of Arafah. -•'

as, A\u \
>- V -,ic
.' '*

He went into a mountain pass and '

/ sl > ,

passed water, then he did wudoo', t^UJi Jly>li J)li tklJLjJ! J^Jii t «^
and got back on his mount, but he -, • > .
- , „ .- s . ^
did not pray. "
*J-~- H' v$JJ ^>" r
Comments: [Sir/weft] [TiTV^Ij v y . ^

2266. It was narrated from Ibn

Shihab that Sulaiman bin Yasar
^ .
-^, -
^ £^ _ TT „
, - * E

told him that Ibn 'Abbas (Jfc) told 0? ^Q-^ ^ -'v 1 ^ C*


^ ^^
him that a woman of Khath'am
asked the Messenger of Allah (jfe)
a question during the Farewell

:f -•,

?; .*-:{

J 3fe
°^ /;*
,-- -..
<3j-^j >:.:j-M J.J&-
^ ^ '--'(

Pilgrimage, when al-Fadl bin

'Abbas was riding behind the
Messenger of Allah (*fe) on his

£*Jl J> Jjl

^^ -^

" \



Jj^.^ U
, .
: jJui

mount. She said: O Messenger of " .'-'..- ,,

Allah, the obligation of has ^^ t^ ^V
, .

r ,
^^ ^^
- - £


come when my father is an old ?& l^f M ^ j^ .jJUi^Ji Ji
man and cannot sit up straight on ,.-. \ , s.
.,"'." s , , , ,.

his mount; will it suffice if 1 do Hajj J-^ 1

-^ u ^r^
on his behalf? The Messenger of a ±^ ff-., ^\ . IZ3I ^L ^^.Ci y
Allah (^) said to her: "Yes." Al-
Fadl bin 'Abbas began turning
;^ ,'/,.'
<Jj** ^J-i*Jl *Ul

Jji3 -^-^

J? 3^fe

towards her, as she was a beautiful

woman. The Messenger
[UV- CT 11 ' J 'Sll
'-*"" iljt
of Allah
(M) took hold of al-Fadl and oL j
: jj
turned his face to the other side.
. ,

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <& 385 .* ^liJt jj <oj| jLl£ -'*-'-

Comments: [Its isnad is sfltoft]

2267. It was narrated that Ibn

^iiS/i -^ /> jLU- £JU- -yy"w
'Abbas (4fc) said: A Jewish man . ,

passed by the Messenger of Allah ^j;


*;Uap ^i- £j£ J,\
{£$) when he was sitting, and said: s >, ^ ^ :

^ '^^
-.^ . ,

What will you say, O Abul-Qasim, ^"^ r ^ '

on the day when Allah puts the sky ^^ : JlJ t^JU- y»j *§ Jjl JjZ.>
on this and he gestured with his
,,-*,, v- -- rf '

'?,, r?t
J^ *»


forefinger - and the earth on this,

J**i fji ^ 4

the water on this, the mountains on U

, Jj
J^. J^jSJl j _£llLJlj 3UIJ _;i
this and all of creation on this? -,-,«,'. '

[And he] gestured each time with

his fingers. Then Allah revealed the


^ JL JI J "* J*

£Lj1 ^

" ^j ; '"
Jul j^ ?;s
J^ jUJ!
words: "They made not a just
estimate of Allah such as is due to
Him" [az-Zumar 39:67].
*& ^ \ ".<
&JT J^j 3* ^ J^' * 1 : <^' i

[m ,
;>1] ( ,y .^, ^ ^^
Comments: [Hasan because of
corroborating evidence; this t^L.-^ u^ \^mJs-^

^ ^ ^^ ^^
is ->L-.J lJL*j ,j_^-
da'eef isnad] j^ _. Ul ^ (

2268. It was narrated that [bn »f ,-;=;- . *s;il, *.. . > ,-;-

Abbas The Messenger of

(*&) said: .

Allah (#5) woke up one day and j* ^^j»i\ ^1 ji- ^li^ j^ £j5
there was no water in the camp. A
* > ' „ t

man came to him and said: O ^ '

J ^ ,

C~^ :Jli
-^ ^''

Messenger of Allah, there is no

water in the camp. He said: "Do
^ UU ^SLl^l

^ ^J}
*l, ^Lli

- , , ,
t (

you have anything?" He said: Yes. ^ ^' J -^J L- :JL^ c

He said: "Bring it to me." So he ^j.^ i]^ 'U» -Jli *ili
brought him a bottle in which there ,,.
i.'f- , , „
was a little water. The Messenger aL"^ :
<-^ "^ 4^^" : <-"-* t i-

of Allah (g§) put his fingers over v -

V i r r
t/ ^,"
the mouth of the vessel, and *?"
opened his fingers, and springs of t^l

^ ^ ouUil 5^ Jj! (-'^;

water gushed from between his
fingers. He
out to the people:
instructed Bilal:

Come and do
"Call ^



' .

. .

^yt^^ -^^
/- -


^lj ,i/i
r^urfoo' with this blessed water." '
,' . / ,

Comments: [hfflsnn because of v ^j^r3 -' j-^jh

corroborating evidence; this is a ,

. . . ,

rfrt ctj isnaa like the previous " ' J c=-^^

" -

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 386 4t ^liiJl ^j «ui t

2269. was narrated that

^ ^ g^ >
It ., > g*
" ;
'Abdullah bin Shaqeeq said: Ibn ^f
'Abbas (4&) addressed us one day l
_ ^jh *>* 1
J^t -J-t^ J* - -Hj l?>}

after 'Asr, until the sun set and the >•,

i .
y ?,,
.- .
stars came and the people
out, ,
'" - '

started calling: The prayer, the tjJ*U\ '&> &£ li£* <UI
prayer! Among the people was a
man of Rami Tamoom
nf Banu wVin started
Tameem, who ct-ai-few-1
^ '
- t



saying: The prayer, the prayer. He f^' ^j ^">Ua3l S^AjJl :

-OjjI^ ^Gl
got angry and said: Are you 1^ j ;, wj . ,
, v
teaching me the Sunm^? I was
^ ,;], ;T F\ \\
present and saw the Messenger of t^*^ JUi 1 <.C~Jiii : JU ti^UiJl
Allah ($&) put together Zuhr and .f.,, - .- --- ^ n, '. »- '* -»

Asr, and Maghrib and 'Jsfto .

s , , . ;

'Abdullah said: I was not sure :<iJl jI* JLS ,*Li*Jlj ^^^iiJI} t^JuJlj
about that, so when I met Abu rf ' .vr ,*.-; :.,r - ::..».,.:
Hurairah I asked him, and he
confirmed it.
" '

[VY1V ^1] :
.-wily i.dLli
^ *


Comments: [Its isnad saheeh,

Muslim (705)]
"nr '°'
T "C=~ °J
^ "E^
2270. It was narrated from Ibn UL - ;^ tf^ . •

& £^ _ YYV .

'Abbas (&) that he said: When the . ,

verse on debt was revealed, the ^*£ j* ^-J Of

Messenger of Allah (&) said: "The
first one to deny something was

;i| ft

^ ^ ^ .

fl ^ J>

(*£*). Allah,
and exalted, created
may He be

^^ *-t
Jj' ^i"


^ ^' i^3 JU
^ "

- -

-. - -
Vi *i 'm'mi *r
Adam, then He wiped his back, ' !

and brought forth from him,

his offspring until the

f^ ^ ^
<3^J ^
/.^ 1, ^ .- .
r >•

Resurrection, and He showed him ,'";,,' ;

his progeny. Among them he saw a 4 ?~^ ^^ j^j^ J^ 4 V^J' ^ 0l i

man with a bright, white and *- •-.?.-,.:: '., <:

face, ,^., = .

he said:
said: This is
O Lord,
your son
who is He
Dawood. He
this? ^ [^
vj ^i*
J^ - J J^ -^
'^ *;
, t

^ J^

said: O Lord, how long will his life •. *- . \,- .-,- - * -,,; e ^.* .
be? He said; Sixty years. He said: O ;
. *
/' , „

Lord, make his life longer. He said: .ii^Ip ^ «i«jl jl Nj «. V :Jli ;jii-
No, not unless I take from your
it - -.f ",-;: r -.if ,-
>*> : ,i,

life. And the life of Adam was one L *


Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 387 4 o»^ C* «*»' •£* ''''""

thousand years. So he gave him ...^ - - - =,, s, >f, , .>-

forty years and Allah, may He be - - - - - ^- J ^

glorified and exalted, recorded that ^Sl r&-\ till ^i&^iil <di JL^-ilJ

in a Book, and the angels bore . . ; ,* -.- * - .,. ;-, - • ,,*;,


witness to it. When Adam was '-" '


dying and the angels came to him L^lij Ji JjW :JJji . UU jjiljl ,j^-£
to take his soul, he said: There are s , >? * , . , - ,

still forty years of my life left. It

^ " - -

was You gave that to

said to him: ."iSJ^LDl <Ai- ^-H^j ^li^Jl <IU J^j
your son Dawood. He said: did I

not do that. Allah, may He be r^

glorified and exalted, showed him ,^^j, 3 L-i i_l»j 0jjJ v-^
^ :
the record and the angels testified

Comments: [Hosflrt because of corroborating evidence; this is a da'eef Isnad]

It was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger of
£,.- ,f
^ .^ ^ _
ny ^

Allah (§g) did not recite Qur'an to ^ o* ^J^r Jt ^^ l^ ~\ y} &**

the jinn and he did not see them. '
U ^ - '

The Messenger of Allah (afe) set out

with a group of his companions,
J^ #§
Jjl J^i-j jlLJl
^/ {- =
tlilj Nj ^^l


heading towards the market of - -, . , - , , -.',.-;

Ukaz. The devils had been --^ ^ ( - 7i — -;- -- -

prevented from hearing the news

of heaven, and shooting stars had
iLUl ^
'", .
/^ "
^ ,"
\\ >

been sent against them. The devils v^> ;Jli

'H^ 1
p-fr^ -i-Wj'j

went back to their people, who ?£ u : g£ •

^ ^yjLJl
J, ,^"
said: What is the matter with you? .. '
t -


They said: Something is preventing ^-v'jb ijLLiJi

^ CrtJ JrT : l
us from hearing the news of
heavenr and shooting stars have
^ j^ " U .
, jtf .

j^ t
-ij, q^
been sent against us. They said: \y_jj>\i nLa£ 2^ Sfl t;UZJl ^ ^'j
That can onlv be because some-
thing has happened; travel
throughout the earth, east and
west, and see what it is that is





> '^^ f^ •

^ ^} llw J ^
- , -,, ,?



preventing you from hearing the ^^J ^J Nl ^J^ ^^^ 'j^^1 ^^

news of heaven. So they went and
traveled throughout the earth, east
JUL jJJl lii U 5^;
_ ,. ,

and west, to find out what was ^j&ry <Ji^ y^ ^-j^U 1 :Jli ? ; UJ_'l

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas 4* 388 & yuliiJ)

ujj, ^
.-Liiil ^, ,uji
dLiJt i i if '!' -

preventing them from hearing the

news of heaven. The group that
headed towards Tihamah came to JLu'
^^ , , ,


t iKi

^ ^ J_^
Ji lLu

the Messenger of Allah (Ufa) when " - - /-

r .

, ,

he was in Nakhlah, on his way to

'j*~ :
^u *^ 5>>^
the market of 'Ukaz, and he was ^JJI Jjlj |_U l^lij Jj t^ilLii ol^ji
leading his companions in Fa;>
^ ^ r^ Jb
- ,,-

prayer. When they heard the -^ :JU ;U ^ 1 ^

Qur'an, they listened to it, and &.£ U il^-ji
: I^Jlii Jl \Jj-j j^
said: This, by Allah, is what has / — /
prevented us from hearing the
news of heaven. Then they went
^ f^
,-,- -*- -

J t **- ^ bL>

^ G L*

11 JJ, iJUi jj-fc : ->J|) sf5i ^a.

back to their people and said: O ,*

^ ^ ,,.;i „ „
.-' t *
our people, "Verily! We have heard -1 <^ ^^ ^i J»?
a wonderful Recitation (this Qur'an)! [Y£AY :^|] .-^Ji J^i
It guides to the Right Path, and we
have believed therein" [al-Jinn 72:1]. T '< vvr > :

t -£?^> eJ M '-{Hf*
Then Allah revealed to His Prophet ,(tH)
0^0: "Say (O Muhammad): It has
been revealed to me that..." [al-Jinn
72:1], And what was revealed to
him was what ihe jinn said.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (773) and Muslim (449)]


was narrated that Ibn
said: The Messenger
g*± :
^ ^ .^ £^ _ Ym
^ &
£ a

of Allah (jgj) defined the mraya* of Cy) cA ^} h* ^J^" If.

the people of Madinah
Hulaifah; that of the people of
Sham (Syria) as al-Juhfah; that of
as Dhul- ',.*/

' s -

^Ld! jiY;
in' 'i

* -


. ^

the people of Najd as Qarnul-

Manazil; and that of the people of ^ >- ,* J
J '^
" ,*
UJ1 J^
^ >N --»

Yemen as Yalamlam. And he said:

"And these meeqats are for the
^ ^*^ ^ ^1 JS3J Lp ^i t ; i.;.i;

people at those very places, and ^

- , /,-


^ ''

l • s1
j>r? I^>
besides them for those who come
through those places with the
^ Vtf
^ H\ J^ "
^^ ',

intention of performing Hajj and [YHA :^1j] ,<C ^

'Umrah; and whoever is living
within these boundaries can enter
f *° 3lf
° C "C^* : oiL~- ! : £*>""
//iramfrom the place he sets out, .<UA\)
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas «*, 389 -* yjiliidl ^>J auI 4^ JJukj

and so on, and the people of

Makkah can enter ihram from
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1524) and Muslim (1181)]


was narrated from Ibn
that the Messenger of
£^ ^j :

^ -^ ^ , - , -

Allah (#?.) married Maimoonah J>}


a* '*?} L* ^r'^ 0? ^ -^
when he was in ihram. i7 > 1*
'yj £& SM aJi J^3 ji :^i^
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-
Bukhari (1837) and Muslim h^* :^tj] .f^Ai
: k (\Arv; ) ! y- .tu-^j? ciLjl 1 frij^ml

.Mi \.)

2274. It was narrated that Ibn fcl: ; ^ n. ujj^- : jUp £jU- ™TTVt
'Abbas ($>) They used to
said: f , , ^ -,

^ ^^ ^ -^
; t

think that 'Umrah during the ^^ ^ ^ t

^ 1

months of Hajj was one of the
^ ^J, ^j j ~^\ yy^ \ys ; ju
greatest evils on earth, and they ..^^ - '>,,_/ ,:• , *;

would make Muharram Safar. f^ 1

^j^-J ^j^ ^ jj^' 1 1

>? J1

They would say: when the backs of L

^' ii^ 1
t •;! h OjJ^S 1 \l\ : . ri->
the camels have healed
tracks of the
and the
pilgrims have become "'^

^ /
"'^ (

C^ 1

erased and Safar is over, 'Umrah u J ^_JiJ JjlAilj

^y ^1 ^
^*-"'„• ul
becomes permissible for those
want to do 'L/mra/i. Then the
J> , .t „,
01 U r*^ ^ L
Prophet (5^) and his Companions t Jj ( u : 1
Jij- ^J^ Jjj- ^^
came on the fourth (of Dhul- ^
Hijjah), reciting the Talbiyah for '^ J

J ^ J^"
t ,

, ,

r ,


Hajj, and he told them to make it [YT"U ; -^1 .] ,-UaJ

'Umrah. This was too hard for
them, and they said: O Messenger :

<.0 ° "i
^ -^e^ e ->t~4 :
of Allah, exiting ihram to what .(\ti«)
extent? He said: "Completely."
Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1564) and Muslim (1240))

2275. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (4») that the Messenger of

^ .
" "
^ .^ ^ _ rTVo

^ ^

Allah (^) forbade selling foodstuff y) ^ ^' j^ ^jU* ^

until it has been received in full. I '
, \\ ,-. ^ *.* -.

^ , . -^

[the narrator] said to him: Why G?- ° ^ *=* '

J J J \

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas <*fc 390 & Jl^\ & 4Jul

was that? He said: It would be just

: iJ c~Uj :Jli .aj^-1J p^- UUij L>-^Ji
like selling dirhams for dirhams, as (

the food is something postponed. ^1 j^|-; ^ ; jy pjji Jj£

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al- rw<w r i„.
Bukhari (2135) and Muslim
[U V *
( i f-.<
-"^ f^O


2276. It was narrated from Tbn

'Abbas (&) that the Prophet $5)
£^ :
^ '\
£j^ :0lU tili -YYVT

got up at night to pray. So I [Ibn ^M J 1

'**& if cr"J^ If. ^ A*
'Abbas] got up and did wudoo',
fa m ^ .
^ ^, *y . ^ .,

then I stood on his

me and made me
left, but he '*,»,,* ^,ff
pulled stand on *-tj^>_ If o-li i^Li}!* <.<L-Hii

^ ^ ^ s^ UU V^ ^^

his right. He prayed thirteen * r . . ,

,-f- s .- "•:,-

«*'«/* in which the length of

standing was equal. : jk>\] .i\^. r^J iilj iiS3 i^i£ i^
Comments: [Its rsrad is saheeh]
[) air ~^ r • Y ri
t t S

2277. 'Urwah
said to Ibn 'Abbas £^- ^-J
: tf^. : ^^ _y YVV
the people,
long will you misguide
O Ibn 'Abbas? He said:
Why are you saying that, O'Urwah?
Jt j'J- ^ ^ u t/J

^ -, L ^ \J ^ J^
0* :
^ ;



,p , .
said; You enjoin us to do 'Umrah * '
, ",

in the months of Ha/; when Abu ^ ;S**^ u^il; :JU Vc£> U lili U :JU
Bakr and 'Umar forbade
'Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah
(%&) did that. 'Urwah said: They
that! Ibn >..

^ f^-..z-

jUi t#j

^* ^^

Jjl J_ji.j


^^ * -!.

Ji :^&

[Abu Bakr and 'Umar] followed

the Messenger of Allah (£g) more
closely and had more knowledge
C^ ,J **

<.^ c^\^
^&™^ <.Y^M
.t ,

*sr \j]

about him than you.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh] •£?*-* Bjll; -! :

2278. It was narrated from Ibn :

*^ £j^ -^ (Yor/\) tiAi -TTVA
'Abbas (&) that 'Uqbah bin 'Amir / ( _ ,,.,-..*
came to the Prophet {m) and said ^ y-^ :

^f ^'^Jf if *>& ^^
that his sister had vowed to walk *;'• .
*»- - ^n r - '--''

to the Ka'bah. He said: "Allah, ~\f\

f *,i
JU * * ^' ^.^.^ ^'

may He be glorified and exalted, *y> iiJl

j] 11
: JLii tcJJI J] ^ili o^ jl

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 391 4* o»&jAI & *i»t Ju*

has no need of your

Let her do Hajj riding and offer a
camel as a sacrifice."
sister's vow.

^ ^1, ,,
- ,t

, ,^ ,-

jX jp £jJ


, ,

Comments: [Its isnad is sato^/i]


was narrated from Ibn
that the Messenger of
^ :

' _
£^ .

^ £^ _
^A ^ ^^
„ s

Allah (Ss) said: "Allah, may He be Jpj ^ ^4* : jjl ,j*


and exalted, made Makkah

a sanctuary. It was not permitted for
> ^U; */il !>l»'
: JlS # ill

anyone before me (to fight therein) ijj* jJ-N J>J ^j iJj uli Jl^-V J^i
and it will not be permissible for r* *
m * ;
-i- ' -• -
anyone after me (to do so). Rather l/^ '^ ^ **
^ f
- t

(fighting therein) was only t U^ y-J V3 * U^i jJtZ Vj t U*>U

permitted for part of a day.
is not to be cut,
be chopped down,

Its green
trees are not
game is not


, ,,

-S^ V s , *

| ^ ,, ,»


to be disturbed and its lost property '
' / ' ,

is not to be picked up except by the [VYor iT^tY t YA*i :^l].«^i^1

one who announces it." al-' Abbas
said: Except idhkhir (a kind of grass),

*° m) :

C 'C^ fl3L
-! :

M* o r
for used by our blacksmiths and
it is .

in our graves. He said: "Except


Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh, al-Bukhari (1349) and Muslim (1353)]

was narrated from Ibn =-:,
j jU> ,-;* -
Abbas (v5») that two men referred a

dispute to the Prophet (3&), and the .y- ^' ^ t*_jLlJ! ^ j-'iia*.
Prophet (Sj) asked the claimant for % '*"-
proof. He did not have any proof, ^ ^ :
r"''- :

^ n''

° V -
s '

so he asked the defendant to swear iji t £pl ^tjujl ^ ''>,,J Li ^1)1 £te
an oath and he swore by Allah,
besides Whom there is no other
god. The Messenger of Allah (^)
^^ , , .-

'^ .>"•,-
-^^ ^ ^ i&.
- -,, "
>- „ •

jj, jy^ j^ ^ ^, y'j s/

j, Jj^

said: "You did it, but you will be ',

, , , ^ ] \

, .,

forgiven for your sincerity in 'j**

'u^J l ^~^ & ^\*

saying there is no god but Allah."
Comments: isnad

^ yfa ^ ^ ^ .j,^ ^^
[Its is da'eef]
[orv^ t r^o^ j-^o . mr
Musnad of 'Abdullah bin a 1-' Abbas & 392 4, ^-UaJl & «iil jOc ."i'.j.^

2281, Sa'eed bin Jubair said: I ,-;»- - '

r^ -
,^ ,-;* - *„,.
heard Ibn Abbas say: The
Messenger of Allah (jfe) stood :JU ^1 ^ ^i jLUljl ^ s^iXJi
before us and delivered a khuibah, '-,/„"'

and said: "O people, you will be ^-^ «-- -Ju — -^m ^-j

gathered to Allah barefoot naked *l> m. *i » • .- -.: ',,: ,*- -.

and uncircumcised, As We began ^
- '

the first creation, We shall repeat it jlijl i^&l L^l U» :jUi t ;Jip^
(It is) a promise binding upon Us. ^J >>,,.., * - ..

Truly, We shall do it' [al-Anbiya' ^* : V> sl

> sLb - ^ J! ^j^U >


of creation to be
Ibraheem (jga).
, et
% t&
/ -<
foj lli ^ ^
# £&
Then some men of my ummah will *W o[j ^ t * ( ^
' * : *uN I) 4<iri*3
be brought and taken to the left, 'V >
i-i --r-ii -•- -2" ?
and I will say: 'O Lord, my - ^f 1
' " l ^' *-*/ ^^

companions!' It will be said: You -ili ^ -U-)j ^1 ^ ^1:1 £1^4-

do not know what they did after
you were gone. And I will say as ''**
w ,
= r


^^ "^
'"*" *

. ,
the righteous slave ('Eesa) said: ^JySAi , iiJiiJ l_^xU U ^x" N ilJl
they are Your slaves, and if You
forgive them, verily, You, only <i>
^ rW
**>, ,^ x

^^ >'/> - -


You, are the All-Mighty, the All-

Wise' [al-Ma'idah 5:117,118]. Then
;;x*UM) 4j^H
>>jt ^ Ifo ^J ^
^ #
, -,-

it will be said to me: 'These ones V'S r 1

;^>* «J! :
<J^ < UA tUv
kept turning on their heels since i ,,' "„--{• \;> . .;.; --*:.'

you left them/" ^- ^^ ^^ ^ ^

Comments: [ Y * <\ "I t ^ ^ r
[Its isnad is saUeeh, ab 1

Bukhari (3349) and Muslim --

(2860)] ?r*
-, >*t, *
lJ V^

^ r- ^-<
l1j1 :
v- 1,


2282, It was narrated that Ibn :- : ,

;* - . - - ..',.. r;
S ,
¥¥ .

Abbas (4^) said: The Messenger * "
of Allah (^) stood up before us ^J^r y. JuO ^p i jUJcJl ^ r^Iil %i
to exhort us... and he narrated the ¥,':,.'
^ ^ J ^ ^ f^ ^.^ ^
,"- '
- - ' - -

same report.
: l

Comments; [See the previous [4J U -^1^] .I\Sa* . .
iiae^ '

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-'Abbas & 393 & o-UJl c* fiil J^ ii^i

2283. It was narrated that Sa'eed

&^ &i>- -YYAV
: ^'3* .#' iiliLfl*.

bin Jubair said: I heard Ibn 'Abbas

(4*.) say; What you
call al-Mufassal -J Li
.- >
^ J-*.^ ^ s~i y) &^>-
is The Messenger of
al-MuhkamS ' »- , .?,'*, -„: .*. - ., *.
Allah (jfe) died when I was ten
* <-•*_•

years old and I had learned al- $& Jjl JjZ-'j

^ISoLiJl ^ JJallJl
.l_£A*Jl oTi -J j ^dr—r U j
Comments: [Its z'snad is sahcch, al-

Bukhari (5035)] [roir t rrov t r\Yo t Yi-\ ;^|]

2284. It was narrated from Ibn '^r^ & &!> :'d£& £ju- -YYAfc
'Abbas Messenger of
(4=) that the .-.*,., s
Allah (#0 was shrouded in two >^
>( ,, s
b ^ :sU ^ ^ 1

C^ U ^


pieces of white cloth and a red

jtl^j _Lt£i ^"
_: J 15 ^* j> -^^
; , , .

Comments: [Hasan] ^\ ^[''^^f^^.
•'^ijtuij fi^} fir ^ Ji ly6 M^
h<UY :^-ijj iYa-h t Yrov : ii]

2285. It was narrated from Ibn

'Abbas (^) that Ibraheem brought


^^ .
£j^ _ T rAo

Isma'eel and Hajar, and left them i?) if- 'J^r ji 4^ 0* t^-i^Hl j> ; ^ki

in Makkah at the site of Zamzam,... ,- «{- -, ,-., „- - ,~>, '-.\ . ,*-

%- "'
and he narrated the hadeeth. Then -" '
' '

she came from al-Marwah to £fj* Jt *^. Li4*-^y <-'s>-^3 f*>^-Jl

Isma'eel, and the spring had begun

to flow.She started digging with


^^ , : - 1/
s i

^ l
i '
,rji -i
' '

'*" j>

her hands around the spring, to JJUAi tjUJl cJ^; jl} iJ^U^I J]
make a hole so that the water
would gather in this hole, then she M C^ ^ 1 1 "lSU U ^l <>J| J*^
took her jug and scooped up some
water into her waterskin. The
j "
i^ ^Ji 2Hfe fi lJ: j*
fS s , . „
Messenger of Allah (gg) said: "May ' * Ul ^'-i" ^ ^ : Jj-^j ^^ ' ^^r-

Al-Mufassal refers to the soomhs from at-Hujurat to the end of the Qur'an. A/-M«M'fltn
refers to sooroiis that contain no abrogated decrees or commands.

Musnad of 'Abdullah bin al-' Abbas & 394 4* (J*liilt ^>J 4ill JCC, iVi»i4

Allah have mercy on her; if she had ^ - , , ,,„,,,.

left it alone it would have been a f-* ^1 ^r^"

^^ ^ ^^ ^> ^ ,

spring flowing (on the surface) [rrt. ryo. i^i].

t Oil
until the Day of Resurrection."
j—> ill—'] lJLa_j Ti_a»^5 C_iJL*- : «j Sv
Comments: [A saheeh hadeeth; this is a hasan isnad]

2286. Muhammad bin 'Amr bin

£o^- :^4*j &J*- :^Up l^JJLi- -YYA1
'Ata' told us that he heard Ibn
'Abbas f&) say: The Prophet (4)
ate a grilled leg or shoulder (of an
iji is** if-
- Uj,-S ^-^ •*-**
if. ^y
animal) then he prayed, and he ^ ^p\ jl : Jji; ^{^ 'J>\ f^* ill : jiL*

did not do wudoo' or touch water.

Comments: [Its isnad is saheeh,
Muslim (354-359)]
[Y • * Y : j^-lj] ,£U
^^ JJ) L^3^i

2287. It was narrated that Ibn

llfJU- :1)U. tjIU- :iii£ £j^. -yyav
'Abbaas (4*) said: We came with
the Messenger of Allah (3g) as y?* J 1

if- '^^ S* ^3 i>' Is) iji

pilgrims, and he told them to make
it [Hajj] 'Umrah, then he said: "If I
had known before what I know
now, I would have done what you
have done. But now 'Umrah has
been incorporated into Hay until -
J, I^JI j \-^ J^ : dj 1 &

the Day of Resurrection." Then he

, _ I ,7.> .

interlaced his fingers. And the t

^J Ij-ia^J OuLtfl i^iJl !^ "^l^Jl

people exited ihram, except those

who had the hady with them. 'Ali
came from Yemen and the
Messenger of Allah (^) said to
ciiif Uj oiui :jii «?ci!if
hirn: "For what have you entered

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