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Test Bank for Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants 4th Edition by Solomon

Test Bank for Pediatric Skills for Occupational

Therapy Assistants 4th Edition by Solomon

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Chapter 07: Development of Performance Skills
Solomon: Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 4th Edition


1. According to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (OTPF), which term refers to a
child’s gross motor, fine motor, process, and social interaction?
a. Areas of occupation
b. Client factors
c. Performance contexts
d. Performance skills
In the OTPF, the performance skills are motor skills (gross and fine motor skills), process
skills (cognition), and social interaction skills (language and psychosocial).

REF: p. 78

2. In which period (other than fetal growth) is physical growth most rapid?
a. Birth to 6 months
b. Middle childhood
c. Preschool
d. Puberty
During the first year, infants triple their body weight and their height increases by 10-12
inches. Their body shape changes, and by 4 months the sizes of their heads and bodies are
more proportionate. By 12 months, average infants weigh 21-22 lb and are 29-30 inches tall.

REF: p. 80

3. Which statement is not true concerning primitive reflexes?

a. Reflexes provide the first movement out of physiological flexion.
b. Reflexes are integrated as the infant learns about the environment.
c. Reflexes persist throughout childhood.
d. Reflexes are genetically carried survival mechanisms.
As shown in Table 7-2, infants’ gross motor skills become gradually more complex as they
develop. Infants begin to combine basic reflexive movements with higher cognitive and
physiologic functioning to control these movements in the environment (Box 7-2). Between
birth and 2 months, infants can turn their heads from side to side while in prone and supine
positions. As physiologic flexion diminishes, they appear more hypotonic (have less
muscular and postural tone), and the movements of each side of their body appear
asymmetrical. The asymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR) holds infants’ heads to one side.
By 4 months, they can raise and rotate their heads to look at their surroundings. In the
supine position (on the back), 4-month-old infants begin to bring their hands to their knees
and can deliberately roll from the supine position to the side. The increased head and trunk
control observed at this age is the result of emerging righting reactions and better postural

REF: p. 80

4. Which reflex does not disappear at 4 months?

a. Rooting reflex
b. Palmar grasp
c. Landau
d. Moro
Landau reflex does not disappear at 4 months.

REF: p. 81, Table 7-1

5. Kelly is a 3-month-old infant. As you observe her, you notice that her eyes are open, they
are bright and shining, and she can track moving objects with her eyes. You would likely
classify Kelly into which of the following infant states?
a. Alert, active, and awake
b. Drowsy
c. Light sleep
d. Equilibrium
Brazelton and Nugent identified six behavioral states observed in the newborn: (a) deep
sleep; (b) light sleep; (c) drowsy or semidozing; (d) alert, actively awake; (e) fussy; and (f)
crying. The infant’s state should be noted when observing the way he or she responds to

REF: p. 85

6. Daniel continually drops various objects from his high chair and is fascinated by watching
the objects fall. Daniel is likely at what stage of Piaget’s sensorimotor period?
a. Invention of New Means through Mental Combinations
b. Tertiary Circular Reactions
c. Primary Circular Reactions
d. Secondary Circular Reactions
During the stage called tertiary circular reactions, he or she repeatedly attempts a task and
modifies the behavior to achieve the desired consequences. The repetition helps the infant
understand the concept of cause-effect relationships.

REF: p. 87

7. Which five factors are rated to make up the Apgar score?

a. Heart rate, color, reflex irritability, muscle tone, and respiratory effort.
b. Size, color, muscle tone, movement, and mood.
c. Heart rate, muscle tone, size, and respiratory effort.
d. Crying ability, length, age, muscle tone, and respiratory effort.
The newborn’s physiological status is tested using the Apgar scoring system, which rates
each of the following five areas on a scale of 0-2: (a) color, (b) heart rate, (c) reflex
irritability, (d) muscle tone, and (e) respiratory effort.

REF: p. 80

8. Which statement describes the vision of newborns?

a. Newborns are able to distinguish between a picture of a face and a real face.
b. Newborns are not able to see at birth.
c. Newborns can see objects from about 8 inches away.
d. Newborns show a preference for patterns and can distinguish between colors.
Newborns have vision at birth and can see objects best from about 8 inches away, which is
the typical distance between the caregiver’s face and the infant’s.

REF: p. 80

9. At what age are infants able to transfer objects from one hand to the other?
a. 3 months
b. 5-6 months
c. 9 months
d. 12 months
A 6-month-old infant uses a radial palmar grasp (in which the object is held between the
thumb and the radial side of the palm) (Fig. 7-3, B) to transfer objects from hand to hand in
a one-stage process (with the taking hand and releasing hand executing the transfer

REF: p. 84

10. Children in middle childhood experience a growth in vocabulary and language, in part due
to the focus on reading. This is evident in children’s ability to use all of the following except
a. puns and figures of speech.
b. jokes based on words with double meanings.
c. secret languages with their friends.
d. abstract language such as debating.
During middle childhood, the vocabulary of children expands, partly as a result of their
focus on reading. Puns and figures of speech become meaningful, and children’s jokes are
based on the dual meaning of words, slang, curse words, colloquialisms, and secret

REF: p. 92

11. Which of the following is true of early maturing adolescent boys?

a. They are rated as less physically attractive.
b. They experience greater peer acceptance.
c. They are less likely to complete college.
d. They try hard to seek attention.
Boys who mature earlier than others are described more positively by peers, teachers, and
themselves. They tend to be the most popular, are better at sports, and begin dating with
more ease than those who mature later.

REF: p. 94

12. In which matter do peers influence adolescents more than parents?

a. Academic choices
b. Career
c. Future aspirations
d. Trying out new roles
Even though adolescents spend more time with friends, parents still have considerable
effects on them. Although adolescents seek the advice of peers on matters such as social
activities, dress, and hobbies, they seek the advice of their parents on issues such as
occupations, college, and money.
Involvement in peer groups provides opportunities to accomplish the following:
• Sharing responsibilities for their own affairs
• Experimenting with new ways of handling new situations
• Learning from each other’s mistakes
• Trying out new roles

REF: p. 94

13. Which reflex involves a child making subtle changes in muscle tone or movement to remain
in an upright position?
a. Protective extension
b. Righting
c. Equilibrium
d. Moro
Equilibrium reactions are automatic, compensatory movements of the body parts that are
used to maintain the center of gravity over the base of support when either the center of
gravity or the supporting surface is displaced. These complex postural responses combine
righting reactions with movements known as rotational and diagonal patterns.

REF: p. 80

14. What age range most closely represents an infant who is able to roll from prone to supine,
get into a quadruped position, has complete head control and transfers objects from hand to
hand while in supine, reaches with one hand, uses radial palmar grasp, and reaches to be
picked up?
a. 1-2 months
b. 6-8 months
c. 9-12 months
d. 13-18 months
At 6 months an infant has complete head control, possesses equilibrium reactions, begins
assuming quadruped position, rolls from prone to supine position, and bounces while
standing. At 6 months an infant transfers objects from hand to hand while in supine position,
shifts weight and reaches with one hand while in prone position, and reaches with one hand
and supports self with other while seated. The 6-month infant reaches to be picked up, uses
radial palmar grasp, begins to use thumb while grasping, shows visual interest in small
objects, rakes small objects, and begins to hold objects in one hand. From 7-9 months the
infant shifts weight and reaches while in quadruped position, creeps, develops extension,
flexion, and rotation movements, and increases the number of activities that can be
accomplished while seated. The 7-9-month infant reaches with supination, uses index finger
to poke objects, uses inferior scissors grasp to pick up small objects, uses radial digital grasp
to pick up cube, and displays voluntary releases abilities.

REF: p. 92

15. A child turns to respond to his name being called; he questions rules of the game; and he
shows that he is having fun while playing the game. What type of performance skills does
this illustrate?
a. motor
b. process
c. social interaction
d. behavioral
Social interaction skills refer to those actions involved with engaging in activities with
another person. Communication and language skills are considered part of social interaction
skills. Social interaction skills include the following observable actions: approaches/starts,
concludes/disengages, produces speech, gesticulates (uses socially appropriate gestures),
speaks fluently, turns toward, looks, places self, touches, regulates, questions, replies,
discloses, expresses emotion, disagrees, thanks, transitions, times response, times duration,
matches language, clarifies, acknowledges and encourages, empathizes, heeds,
accommodates, and benefits.”
Test Bank for Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants 4th Edition by Solomon

REF: p. 84

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