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Relationship between fragmented QRS complex

and left ventricular systolic and diastolic function

in kidney transplant patients
Background—Kidney transplant is a most important replacement therapy. It reduces Şükrü Ulusoy, MD, Gulsum
cardiovascular mortality and morbidity but does not fully correct impairments in Ozkan, MD, Adem Adar, MD,
cardiac function. Fragmented QRS (fQRS) complex includes various RSR′ patterns
Hüseyin Bektaş, MD, Abdulka-
with different QRS complex morphologies on electrocardiograms.
Objective—To analyze fQRS frequency and the relationship between fQRS and dir Kırış, MD, Şükrü Çelik, MD
Karadeniz Technical University (SU, GO,
left ventricular function in kidney transplant patients.
AK), Ahi Evren Thoracic and Cardiovas-
Method—After demographic data on 39 kidney transplant patients were recorded cular Surgery Training and Research
and biochemical parameters were investigated, electrocardiograms were evaluated Hospital (AA, HB, ŞÇ), Trabzon, Turkey
for the presence of fQRS. Left ventricular ejection fraction, mitral annular plane
systolic excursion, peak early diastolic mitral annular velocities, late diastolic mitral Corresponding author: Şükrü Ulusoy,
annular velocities, and systolic mitral annular velocity were analyzed. MD, Karadeniz Technical University,
Results—Fragmented QRS was detected in 16 patients. A history of hypertension School of Medicine, Department of
was associated with the presence of fQRS. Patients with fQRS had significantly Nephrology, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey
lower systolic and peak early diastolic mitral annular velocities, mitral annular (e-mail:
plane systolic excursion, and left ventricular ejection fraction than did patients
To purchase electronic or print reprints,
without fQRS (P = .03, .01, <.001, and .03, respectively).
Conclusion—Detection of fQRS on electrocardiograms may be useful in predict- American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
ing systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in kidney transplant 101 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
patients. (Progress in Transplantation. 2014;24:146-151) Phone (800) 899-1712 (ext 532) or
(949) 448-7370 (ext 532)
©2014 NATCO, The Organization for Transplant Professionals Fax (949) 362-2049
doi: E-mail

C ardiac functional and structural abnormalities are

common in patients with chronic kidney disease,
especially those receiving hemodialysis. Left ventricu-
period, but only 8.7% in the second year after trans-
plant.3 However, although different studies have yielded
various results in kidney transplant recipients, com-
lar and atrial dilatation and diastolic dysfunction, and plete improvement in cardiac function does not seem
especially left ventricular hypertrophy, are common to occur, regardless of the drugs used after transplant,
cardiac abnormalities in such patients.1,2 As a reflection cardiac function before transplant, duration of renal
of these impairments, cardiovascular events remain the replacement therapy before transplant, and various post-
main cause of mortality in patients with chronic kidney transplant abnormalities.2,5,6 Therefore, cardiac evalua-
disease today.3 tion must be performed at specific intervals in kidney
Today, kidney transplant is an increasingly used transplant recipients.
renal replacement therapy. Thanks to advances in sur- Fragmented QRS complex (fQRS) includes var-
gical technique and immunosuppressive agents, kidney ious RSR′ patterns with different morphologies of the
transplant is considered the best replacement therapy. QRS complexes with or without the Q wave on a rest-
Kidney transplant prolongs life and reduces mortality ing 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Various RSR′
better than dialysis. 4 The decrease in mortality is patterns include an additional R wave (R′) or notching
thought to be associated with a decline in cardiac com- in the nadir of the S wave, or the presence of more than
plications. In fact, according to data for 2010 from the 1 R′ (fragmentation) in 2 contiguous leads, correspon-
US Renal Data System, cardiac problems account for ding to the territory of a major coronary artery.7 Myocar-
around 40% of hospitalizations in the pretransplant dial scarring,8 myocardial fibrosis,9 various structural

146 Progress in Transplantation, Vol 24, No. 2, June 2014

Fragmented QRS complex and left ventricular function in kidney transplant patients

II 0.02 V2 0.03
III 0.01 V3 0.04
aVR -0.01 V4 0.04
aVL 0.01 V5 0.04
aVF 0.01 V6 0.02

I aVR V1 V4

aVL V2 V5


Figure Examples of fragmented QRS complex (arrows).

anomalies of the heart,10 and ventricular dysrhythmia11 Complete blood cell count, serum urea nitrogen,
are associated with fQRS. Das et al 8 reported that creatinine, calcium, phosphorus, low-density lipopro-
fQRS can be used to estimate mortality and cardiovas- tein, high-density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and albumin
cular events in patients with coronary artery disease. values were measured in blood specimens collected
However, no studies have shown the presence of for biochemical tests. Glomerular filtration rate was
fQRS in kidney transplant patients or its relationship calculated according to the short formula from the
to left ventricular function. Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study Group.12
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inci-
dence of fQRS, which is easy to detect on ECGs in ECG
clinical practice and has not previously been evaluated Standard 12-lead surface resting ECGs (filter range,
in kidney transplant patients, and to determine the rela- 0.5-150 Hz, 25 mm/s, 10 mm/mV) were recorded from
tionship between fQRS and left ventricular function. all patients. These ECGs were reviewed blindly by 2
independent authors (A.A., H.B.). Fragmented QRS
Materials and Methods was defined by the presence of various RSR′ patterns
Once approval had been granted by the local (QRS <120 ms) with or without a Q wave, which
ethics committee from the Karadeniz Technical Uni- includes an additional R wave (R′) or notching of the
versity Faculty of Medicine, 39 patients being followed R wave or S wave, or the presence of more than one
up at the adult kidney transplant clinic who agreed to R′ (fragmentation) without typical bundle-branch block
participate were enrolled in the study. Patients were in 2 contiguous leads corresponding to a major lead
given a detailed physical examination. The following set for the territory of a major coronary artery (see
demographic data were collected for all patients: age, Figure).8,9 Standard 12-lead ECG was analyzed with-
sex, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilo- out using any magnification, and fragmentations were
grams divided by height in meters squared), drugs considered to be present if a visually identifiable sig-
used, history of diabetes mellitus, history of hyperten- nal was apparent in all complexes of a particular lead.
sion, cigarette use, primary kidney diseases, duration The QRS duration was determined by the longest
of primary disease, and duration of kidney transplant QRS in any lead.
follow-up. Patients with the following features were
excluded from the study: history of acute coronary Echocardiography
syndrome, significant organic disease of a heart valve, All patients were placed in the left lateral decubi-
history of coronary bypass, nonischemic dilated car- tus position for echocardiography. Echocardiographic
diomyopathy, history of cancer, findings indicating examinations were recorded on commercially avail-
active infection or inflammation, bundle-branch block able equipment (Vivid 7 GE Medical System) with a
or intraventricular conduction delay (QRS >120 ms) phased-array 3.5-MHz transducer and software for
at ECG, or permanent pacemakers. tissue Doppler imaging.

Progress in Transplantation, Vol 24, No. 2, June 2014 147

Ulusoy et al

Two-Dimensional Echocardiography and fQRS are shown in Table 2. The LVEF was signifi-
Pulsed-Wave Tissue Doppler Imaging cantly lower (P = .03) in patients with fQRS (mean,
Two echocardiographers unaware of the study per- 61.25%; SD, 2.23%) than in patients without fQRS
formed the examinations. They were blinded to the ECGs (mean, 63.82%; SD, 3.91%). None of the other
and to the clinical status of each patient. The conven- parameters differed significantly between the 2 groups
tional M-mode, B-mode, and Doppler parameters were (Table 2).
measured according to the American guidelines.13 Left Patients’ pulsed-wave Doppler tissue imaging
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was calculated by measurements are given in Table 3. Mean Em in
using a Simpson biplane method.13 The measurements patients with fQRS was 10 (SD, 0.02) cm/s, compared
obtained directly in the M-mode on the 2-dimensional with 12 (SD, 0.03) cm/s in patients without fQRS,
image included left atrial diameter, left ventricular dias- and the difference was statistically significant (P=.03).
tolic diameter, left ventricular systolic diameter, left Mean Sm in patients with fQRS was 9 (SD, 0.02) cm/s,
ventricular posterior wall thickness, interventricular significantly lower (P = .01) than the mean Sm in
septum thickness, transmitral filling velocities includ- patients without fQRS, which was 11 (SD, 0.02) cm/s.
ing peak early and late diastole, and E-wave decelera- Mean Am values did not differ significantly between
tion time.14 The tissue Doppler imaging was performed patients with or without fQRS, but MAPSE was sig-
from the lateral mitral annulus. Tissue velocities includ- nificantly lower (P < .001) in patients with fQRS, at
ing peak early (Em) and late (Am) diastolic mitral annu- 13.81 (SD, 1.79) mm, compared with 16.95 (2.61) mm
lar velocities and systolic mitral annular velocity (Sm) in patients without fQRS (Table 3).
were analyzed. Mitral annular plane systolic excursion
(MAPSE) was performed with the M-mode cursor placed Correlation Between fQRS and
at mitral lateral and septal angles. MAPSE was meas- Echocardiography Parameters
ured as the distance between the innermost point and A negative correlation was found between the pres-
the outermost point of the motion displacement. ence of fQRS and LVEF (P = .047, r = -0.32), and also
between the presence of fQRS and Em (P = .047, r = -
Statistical Analysis 0.32), Sm (P = .02, r = -0.36), and MAPSE (P < .001,
All the results are expressed as mean (standard r = -0.62).
deviation). Demographic, biochemical, and echocardio-
graphic variables were compared by using a Student t Discussion
test or the Mann-Whitney U test. A χ2 test was used for Our aim in this study was to evaluate the param-
categorical variables. Pearson and Spearman correla- eters affecting development of fQRS in kidney trans-
tion coefficients were calculated in the correlation plant patients and to investigate the relationship
analysis. The significance level was set at P less than between fQRS and left ventricular function. None of
.05. SPSS software version 13.0 (SPSS, Inc) was used our demographic and biochemical parameters were
for statistical analyses. associated with the presence of fQRS in our study
group, except for a history of hypertension. Values
Results of Em, Sm, MAPSE, and ejection fraction were sig-
No fQRS was detected in 23 (mean [SD] age, 37.30 nificantly lower in patients with fQRS than in
[12.29] y; 8 female/15 male) of the 39 kidney trans- patients without fQRS.
plant patients in the study, but fQRS was present in the Structural and functional cardiac abnormalities
other 16 (mean [SD] age, 42.00 [15.30] y; 4 female/12 are common in patients with chronic kidney disease
male). Patients with fQRS did not differ significantly and lead to an increase in mortality and morbidity.3,15
from patients without fQRS with respect to age, sex, Researchers in several studies have investigated
body mass index, medications, duration of transplant, whether or not kidney transplant causes an improve-
primary disease, history of diabetes mellitus, or duration ment in these cardiac abnormalities. Results of those
of chronic kidney disease. A history of hypertension was studies2,5,16-18 indicated that left ventricular hypertro-
present in 81.1% of the patients with fQRS and 47.8% of phy, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, left atrial
the patients without fQRS (P = .04). A positive correla- diameter, LVEF, and left ventricular systolic and dias-
tion was found between presence of fQRS and history of tolic functions all improved after transplant. However,
hypertension (P = .04, r = 0.34). Biochemical parameters cardiac functions do not fully return to normal after
and glomerular filtration rates did not differ significantly transplant, a situation that has been attributed to vari-
between the fQRS and non-fQRS patients (Table 1). ous factors affecting cardiac function in kidney trans-
plant patients.
Echocardiography Although different results are reported in various
Routine 2-dimensional echocardiographic meas- studies, factors affecting cardiac function include a long
urements for patients with fQRS and patients without period of hemodialysis before transplant; hypertension;

148 Progress in Transplantation, Vol 24, No. 2, June 2014

Fragmented QRS complex and left ventricular function in kidney transplant patients

Table 1 Clinical and laboratory characteristics of study population

Fragmented QRS complex

Characteristic Absent (n = 23) Present (n = 16)
Age, mean (SD), y 37.30 (12.29) 42.00 (15.30)
Sex, female/male 8/15 4/12
Body mass index,a mean (SD) 25.39 (4.34) 24.80 (3.02)
Blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg
Systolic 135.00 (12.00) 137.00 (15.00)
Diastolic 90.00 (5.00) 95.00 (4.00)
Months of primary disease, mean (SD) 84.78 (62.07) 108.62 (94.28)
Months since transplant, mean (SD) 41.17 (58.17) 37.68 (50.10)
Medications, % of patients
Steroid + Tac + MMF 60.90 62.50
Steroid + CsA + MMF 34.80 37.50
Steroid + MMF 4.30 0
Primary renal disease, % of patients
Unknown 43.50 37.50
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis 17.40 12.50
Polycystic kidney disease 4.30 6.30
Diabetes mellitus 21.70 25.00
Glomerulonephritis 4.30 12.60
Obstructive uropathy 8.70 6.30
Hypertension history,b % 47.80 81.13
Glomerular filtration rate, mL/min 58.78 (15.02) 63.37 (25.92)
Serum urea nitrogen, mg/dL 20.80 (9.25) 18.22 (12.79)
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.34 (0.54) 1.28 (0.58)
Calcium, mg/dL 9.61 (0.61) 9.75 (0.56)
Phosphorus, mg/dL 3.30 (0.69) 3.16 (0.71)
Albumin, g/dL 4.61 (0.36) 4.50 (0.32)
Cholesterol, mean (SD), mg/dL
Low-density lipoprotein 117.46 (33.18) 129.12 (38.00)
High-density lipoprotein 45.57 (14.64) 52.50 (10.60)
Triglycerides, mg/dL 175.08 (85.20) 154.20 (78.46)
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.8 (1.25) 12.00 (0.87)
Abbreviations: CsA, cyclosporine; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; Tac, tacrolimus.
SI conversion factors: To convert serum urea nitrogen to mmol/L, multiply by 0.357; to convert creatinine to μmol/L, multiply by 88.4; to convert calcium to mmol/L,
multiply by 0.25; to convert phosphorus to mmol/L, multiply by 0.323; to convert albumin to g/L, multiply by 10; to convert cholesterol to mmol/L, multiply by
0.0259; to convert triglycerides to mmol/L, multiply by 0.0113.
a Calculated as body mass in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.
b The only significant difference between the 2 groups (P = .04). Statistical significance was set at P < .05.

sex of the patient; posttransplant anemia; graft func- ECG. Clinical studies have shown that presence of
tion; significance level; pretransplant LVEF, peak fQRS is associated with scarring after myocardial
transmitral filling velocity in early diastole, and peak infarction. In addition, myocardial perfusion imaging
mitral annular velocity in early diastole; presence of has shown that regional fQRS is associated with focal
arteriovenous fistula; angiotensin-converting enzyme regional myocardial scarring. 7,9,22 The presence of
gene polymorphism; and use of cyclosporine.2,6,16-21 fQRS in patients with known or suspected coronary
In our study, we demonstrated the presence of fQRS, artery disease leads to a need for revascularization
which had been associated with impairment of myocar- after myocardial infarction and to an increase in
dial structure in previous studies, in posttransplant deaths of cardiac origin.8,9,11 Using magnetic resonance
patients and its relation to left ventricular systolic and imaging, Park et al23 showed a powerful correlation
diastolic dysfunction. between presence of fQRS and myocardial fibrosis.
Fragmented QRS is defined as various RSR′ pat- Studies10,11 have shown that presence of fQRS is corre-
terns with or without Q waves on a 12-lead resting lated with development of ventricular arrhythmia and

Progress in Transplantation, Vol 24, No. 2, June 2014 149

Ulusoy et al

Table 2 Two-dimensional echocardiographic measurementsa Table 3 Pulsed-wave Doppler tissue ımaging measurementsa

Fragmented QRS complex Fragmented QRS complex

Absent Present Measurement Absent Present Pb
Measurement (n = 23) (n = 16) Peak early diastolic mitral
Left ventricular diastolic annular velocity, cm/s 12.87 (0.03) 10.44 (0.02) .03
diameter, mm 43.86 (4.86) 45.50 (4.54) Late diastolic mitral
Left ventricular systolic annular velocity, cm/s 11.48 (0.03) 10.56 (0.01 NS
diameter, mm 27.69 (4.55) 28.81 (4.08) Systolic mitral annular
Interventricular septum velocity, cm/s 11.61 (0.02) 9.63 ± 0.02 .01
thickness, mm 10.39 (1.55) 10.87 (1.08) Mitral annular plane
Left atrial diameter, mm 36.26 (4.85) 35.81 (5.24) systolic excursion, mm 16.95 (2.61) 13.81±1.79 <.001
Ejection fraction,b % 63.82 (3.91) 61.25 (2.23) a All values are presented as mean (SD).
b Statistical significance was set at P < .05
Peak early transmitral filling
velocity, m/s 90.60 (18.57) 90.68 (25.63)
Late transmitral filling abnormal left ventricular relaxation. 2 6 , 2 7 Various
velocities, m/s 76.04 (19.91) 83.37 (27.82)
parameters are used in the evaluation of systolic and
E-wave deceleration time, ms 227.82 (38.81) 229.43 (61.04) diastolic function. Em and Am are reliable parameters
Posterior wall thickness, mm 10.26 (1.60) 10.75 (1.18) widely used in the analysis of left ventricular dysfunc-
tion.27 Studies in recent years have shown that Sm is a
a Allvalues are presented as mean (SD).
b The
more reliable parameter than LVEF in the evaluation
only significant difference between the 2 groups (P = .03). Statistical sig-
nificance was set at P < .05.
of left ventricular systolic functions.28 Magnetic reso-
nance imaging studies29 show that MAPSE, on the
other hand, correlates with left ventricular systolic
structural cardiac anomalies. In our study, we evalu- function. In our study, Em values in patients with
ated the presence of fQRS in kidney transplant fQRS were lower than in patients without fQRS. This
patients and the parameters affecting this. Except for a finding supports the presence of left ventricular dias-
history of hypertension, patients with or without fQRS tolic dysfunction in patients with fQRS. Additionally,
did not differ in terms of either demographic data or our determination of significantly lower Sm, MAPSE,
biochemical parameters. Fragmented QRS was more and LVEF values in patients with fQRS supports left
common in patients with a history of hypertension. ventricular systolic impairment. In light of these data,
Remodeling is known to occur gradually in the we thought that the presence of fQRS in kidney trans-
left ventricle of the heart in hypertensive persons. This plant patients may be correlated with impairment in
remodeling appears in the form of myocardial hyper- left ventricular systolic and diastolic functions.
trophy and perivascular hypertrophy and fibrosis as a The fact that this study, in which we evaluate the
result of the compensatory mechanism for pump func- presence of fQRS in kidney transplant recipients and
tion maintenance in association with an increase in its association with left ventricular systolic and dias-
afterload. Over the years, hypertrophy and fibrosis tolic function, has a cross-sectional design imposes
lead to impairment in cardiac function.24,25 The pres- various limitations. First, it is unclear whether fQRS
ence of myocardial scarring and fibrosis is correlated was present before transplant. Second, we did not
with fQRS 7,9,22,23 ; however, no studies to date have assess prospectively the effect of the presence of
shown a correlation between presence of fQRS and fQRS on mortality and morbidity. However, we think
myocardial function in hypertensive persons. We think that new prospective, randomized studies can be
that the correlation of a history of hypertension with planned and an answer to these questions found in
fQRS that we found in our study is a reflection of light of the present study findings.
myocardial fibrosis developing in hypertensive persons.
Another aim of this study was to evaluate the Conclusion
relationship between left ventricular systolic and dias- Although cardiac mortality and morbidity decrease
tolic functions and fQRS in kidney transplant patients. compared with the pretransplant period in kidney
We used tissue Doppler imaging as well as 2-dimen- transplant patients, they do not fully return to normal.
sional Doppler echocardiography to evaluate left ven- It will therefore be useful to monitor cardiac function
tricular function. Doppler imaging permits evaluation at specific intervals. In this study, we showed the pres-
of velocities of myocardial wall motion during the ence of fQRS in kidney transplant patients by using
myocardial cycle and is used in the analysis of global 12-lead ECG, an easily accessible and economical
and regional left ventricular systolic functions and test. We think that this parameter, which can easily be

150 Progress in Transplantation, Vol 24, No. 2, June 2014

Fragmented QRS complex and left ventricular function in kidney transplant patients

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