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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 5 ) , 1 8 6 , 3 6 7 ^ 3 6 8 E D I TOR I A L

From ‘obstetric complications’ to a maternal ^ foetal There is an emerging consensus from

the obstetric literature that psychosocial
stress during pregnancy is associated with
origin hypothesis of mood disorder low birth weight and preterm delivery
(Dole et al,
al, 2003). Although depression
represents the best-studied model of a
chronic stress response, there is no report
on the effects of operationally defined
depression during pregnancy on baby out-
come. However, self-reported depression
and probable ‘caseness’ measured using
the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
The original findings of apparently higher schizophrenia, has mainly focused on have been found to predict preterm delivery
rates of maternal obstetric complications quantifying pregnancy complications (e.g. and small-for-gestational-age babies (Steer
among people with schizophrenia, com- diabetes, pre-eclampsia or bleeding) or et al,
al, 1992; Dyan et al,
al, 2002).
pared with control populations, suggested delivery complications (e.g. emergency The association of gestational stress
that non-genetic intra-uterine events might Caesarean section) in case–control study with poor pregnancy outcome is made
influence the development of schizophrenia designs. Although some studies identify an more pertinent by the relatively new finding
in adulthood. This concept evolved into the excess of specific events in cases, there is that pregnancy-related mood disorder may
neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizo- no consistent pattern in their gestational be both more common and symptomati-
phrenia and led to several new lines of timing or nature. A recent meta-analytic cally more severe than postnatal depression
investigation, including developmental epi- review has found no significant association in community populations (Evans et al, al,
demiological studies examining childhood between ‘broadly defined’ obstetric com- 2001). A 4-year follow-up of the offspring
risk factors for adult schizophrenia. The plications and later affective disorder from the Avon Longitudinal Study of
obstetric complications literature appears (Scott, 2004). The majority of these studies, Parents and Children found increased
to have expanded conceptually in parallel however, have applied measures of obste- emotional and behavioural problems in
with the evolving story of the neuro- tric complications that encompass a wide the male offspring of women with high
developmental hypothesis. A large number range of unrelated events and exposures, anxiety scores during pregnancy (O’Connor
of studies examining the importance of and have generally viewed such complica- et al,
al, 2002). This is the first prospective
antenatal and birth-related insults, with a tions as a unitary phenomenon. Clustering human study linking maternal psycho-
wide range of designs from retrospective of the phenomena into a homogeneous pathology in the antepartum period with
case–control studies to ecological studies, group is difficult to justify intellectually that in the offspring. These prospective
are encompassed in this broad category and may also camouflage group differences findings confirm earlier retrospective
(Cannon et al,al, 2002). This investigative in more discrete areas. A hypothesis-based reports of an association between antenatal
work has gradually become divorced from approach, based upon a consideration of maternal stress (e.g. following loss of a
the core meaning of the term, i.e. medical the physiological processes leading to the spouse, or following exposure to famine
complications of pregnancy and labour. obstetric complication, would be more or earthquake) and subsequent develop-
A parallel approach has occurred in the informative. ment of psychopathological disorder in
mood disorder literature, where investiga- the offspring (see Cannon et al,
al, 2002).
tions of antenatal risk factors in the
aetiology of mood disorders are performed
largely using atheoretical models, which MATERNAL PSYCHOLOGICAL MATERNAL^ FOETAL ORIGINS
may explain why the findings are STRESS AND BIRTHOUTCOME HYPOTHESIS
ostensibly negative. In contrast, there is
much evidence from other sources that If one moves from a position of measuring a An association between low birth weight
antenatal events can have profound cluster of obstetric events to one of asses- and the development of adult medical and
influences on the subsequent development sing more global measures of obstetric metabolic diseases has been repeatedly
of mood disorders. This evidence is pre- health and gestational outcome, a different demonstrated. The foetal origins hypo-
sented below, together with a hypothesised picture emerges. Birth weight is the gold thesis, derived from this association, sug-
pathophysiological process. standard measure of pregnancy outcome. gests that exposure of the foetus to an
Barker’s seminal ‘Hertfordshire cohort’ adverse environment in utero leads to per-
studies demonstrated a relationship between manent programming of tissue function
OBSTETRIC COMPLICATIONS: decreasing birth weight and increasing risk and subsequent increased risk of developing
MEASURING ? of depression in old age in men (Thompson adult cardiovascular and metabolic diseases
et al,
al, 2001). Furthermore, a study of off- (Barker, 1998). One system implicated in
Pasaminick et al (1956) first introduced the spring of parents with bipolar disorder the putative altered programming in utero
concept of the ‘continuum of reproductive demonstrated that low birth weight was is the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal
casualty’ as a possible relevant mechanism associated with subsequent development (HPA) axis.
in the aetiology of behavioural disorders. of mood disorders, irrespective of genetic A neurobiological model of prenatal
Research into mood disorders, as in loading (Wals et al,
al, 2003). stress is now emerging which proposes that

3 67 Published online by Cambridge University Press


maternal stress exerts a negative influence

VERONICA O’KEANE, PhD, MRCPsych, JAN SCOTT, FRCPsych, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of
on foetal developmental outcome that is
Psychiatry, London, UK
mediated by the HPA system (Wadhwa
et al,
al, 2002). Central to an understanding Correspondence: Dr Veronica O’Keane, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry,
of how overdrive of the maternal HPA axis v.o’keane
De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF,UK. E-mail: v.o’keane@
may alter foetal development is the knowl-
(First received 18 June 2004, accepted 18 June 2004)
edge that maternal–foetal communication
during gestation is endocrine rather than
neural, and cortisol levels in the foetus
correlate with those in the maternal circula- is both determined by multiple medical, meta-analytic review. American Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 159,
tion. This has important implications, since obstetric and psychological events during 1080^1092.
high levels of cortisol inhibit intra-uterine pregnancy, and is prospectively a determi- Coe, C. L., Kramer, M., Czeh, B., et al (2003) Prenatal
growth, may accelerate the onset of parturi- nant of long-term health and quality of life. stress diminishes neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of
juvenile rhesus monkeys. Biological Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 54,
tion indirectly and may alter the regulation The literature on obstetric complications in 1025^1034.
of glucocorticoid receptors in the brain of psychiatry has traditionally examined the
Dole, N., Savitz, D. A., Hertz-Picciotto, I., et al
the developing foetus. Hypercortisolaemia impact of adverse events during the ante- (2003) Maternal stress and preterm birth. American
has been consistently found in association partum period and birth on the subsequent Journal of Epidemiology,
Epidemiology, 157,
157, 14^24.
with major depressive disorder, and is development of schizophrenia. Transposing Dyan, J., Creveuil, C., Herlicoviez, M., et al (2002)
widely attributed to oversecretion of the hy- this methodology in an unmodified way to Role of anxiety and depression in the onset of
pothalamic peptide corticotrophin-releasing spontaneous preterm labour. American Journal of
mood disorders results in largely negative
Epidemiology, 155,
155, 293^301.
hormone (CRH), which in turn has been findings, i.e. a lack of a causal association
attributed to reduced negative feedback by Evans, J., Heron, J., Francomb, H., et al (2001)
between obstetric complications and adult Cohort study of depressed mood during pregnancy
glucocorticoids on CRH secretion in the mood disorders (Scott, 2004). From the and after childbirth. BMJ,
BMJ, 323,
323, 257^260.
brain (Pariante & Miller, 2001). Intra- perspective of prenatal stress, however, Moawad, A. H., Goldenberg, R. L., Mercer, B., et al
uterine exposure to high levels of cortisol there is a wealth of evidence to support (2002) The Preterm Prediction Study: the value of
could permanently increase the ‘set point’ such an aetiological link. Psychological serum alkaline phosphatase, a-fetoprotein, plasma
for HPA axis deactivation in relevant brain corticotropin-releasing hormone, and other serum
stress in pregnancy is associated with poor
markers for the prediction of spontaneous preterm
areas, resulting in stress responses and birth outcome; population follow-up studies birth. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Gynecology, 186,
behavioural alterations consistent with demonstrate that poor birth outcome is 990^996.
depressive illness (Thompson et al,
al, 2001). associated with mood disorders in adult- O’Connor, T. G., Heron, J., Golding, J., et al (2002)
Support for the prenatal stress hypo- hood; and there is compelling animal Maternal antenatal anxiety and children’s behavioural/
thesis is derived from animal models. The emotional problems at 4 years: report from the Avon
evidence that gestational stress leads to
Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. British
offspring of pregnant rhesus monkeys, ex- animal analogues of depression in the Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 180,
180, 502^508.
posed to either large amounts of synthetic offspring. The growing evidence that Pariante, C. M. & Miller, A. H. (2001) Glucocorticoid
glucocorticoids or psychological stress, psychological trauma during childhood receptors in major depression: relevance to
have increased HPA axis stress responses, permanently alters HPA axis responses pathophysiology and treatment. Biological Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 49,
reduced suppressibility of the HPA axis, (Wadhwa et al, al, 1998, 2002) demonstrates 391^404.
increased levels of emotional reactivity, the prolonged plasticity and vulnerability Pasaminick, B., Rogers, M. & Lilienfeld, A. (1956)
altered immune responses, and reduced Pregnancy experience and behaviour disorder in
of these stress systems in humans and
children. American Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 112,
112, 613^618.
hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in underlies the potential impact that maternal
the dentate gyrus (Coe et al,
al, 2003). These Scott, J. (2004) A systematic review of obstetric
stress may have on foetal brain develop- complications and the development of mood disorders
findings are all consistent with those in ment. Psychiatry must revisit the notion of (abstract). Journal of Affective Disorders,
Disorders, 78 (suppl. 1), s16.
depression in humans. obstetric complications and the genesis of Steer, R. A., Scholl, T. O., Hediger, M. L., et al (1992)
There is no empirical evidence at pre- mood disorders in the light of these find- Self-reported depression and negative pregnancy
sent that the foetal HPA axis is modified ings. An obvious starting point is maternal outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
Epidemiology, 10,
10, 1092^1099.
by maternal stress, resulting in long-term mental health during pregnancy – an issue Thompson, C., Syddall, H., Rodin, I., et al (2001)
alterations to the stress response of the that has been overlooked by clinicians and Birth weight and the risk of depressive disorder in late
offspring. However, some indirect evidence life. British Journal of Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 179,
179, 450^455.
researchers for too long.
exists that gestational stress results in Wadhwa, P. D., Porto, M., Garite, T. J., et al (1998)
maternal HPA activation and is associated Maternal CRH levels in the early third trimester predict
DECLAR ATION OF INTEREST length of gestation in human pregnancy. American Journal
with poorer baby outcome. Measures of of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Gynecology, 179,
179, 1079^1085.
psychosocial stress during pregnancy are
None. Wadhwa, P. D., Glynn, L., Hobel, C. J., et al (2002)
correlated with adrenocorticotrophic hor- Behavioral perinatology: biobehavioral processes in
mone and cortisol levels (Wadhwa et al, al, human fetal development. Regulatory Peptides,
Peptides, 108,
1998), and high CRH levels have been

found to predict shorter gestational length Barker, D. (1998) Mothers, Babies and Health in Later
Wals, M., Reichart, C., Manon, H., et al (2003)
(Moawad et al,al, 2002). The impact of birth weight and genetic liability on
Life. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
psychopathology in children of bipolar parents. Journal
In summary, it is increasingly evident Cannon, M., Jones, P. & Murray, R. (2002) Obstetric of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
that the health status of an infant at birth complications and schizophrenia: historical and Psychiatry,
Psychiatry, 42,
42, 1116^1121.

368 Published online by Cambridge University Press

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