Psychology in Modules 12th Edition Myers Test Bank

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Psychology in Modules 12th Edition Myers Test Bank

Psychology in Modules 12th Edition Myers Test Bank

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1. At about 8 months of age, infants across the world start to ________ strangers; as
adults, they prefer the company of those whose attributes are ________ to their own.
A) fear; similar
B) enjoy; different
C) fear; different
D) enjoy; similar

2. The study of the relative power and limits of genetic and environmental influences on
behavior is known as
A) molecular genetics.
B) epigenetics.
C) behavior genetics.
D) genome research.

3. A behavior geneticist would be most interested in studying hereditary influences on

A) skin color.
B) sexual anatomy.
C) physical attractiveness.
D) personality traits.

4. Characteristics that are genetically transferred from parents to their offspring are said to
be a product of
A) epigenetics.
B) heredity.
C) shared family environments.
D) behavior genetics.

5. Every nongenetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us,
is an aspect of our
A) temperament.
B) genome.
C) environment.
D) heritability.

6. The impact of our cultural backgrounds on the development of our personal values best
illustrates the influence of
A) temperament.
B) epigenetic marks.
C) heritability.
D) the environment.

Page 1
7. A human sperm cell contains
A) 23 chromosomes.
B) 23 genes.
C) 46 chromosomes.
D) 46 genes.

8. Chromosomes are threadlike structures made of

A) serotonin molecules.
B) epigenetic molecules.
C) DNA molecules.
D) dizygotic molecules.

9. Chromosomes are contained within

A) brain cells.
B) sperm cells.
C) blood cells.
D) all of these types of cells.

10. DNA is a complex

A) sex hormone.
B) genome.
C) molecule.
D) epigenetic mark.

11. The biochemical units of heredity that make up the chromosomes are called
A) genes.
B) embryos.
C) epigenetic molecules.
D) neurotransmitters.

12. A segment of DNA that provides the code for creating protein molecules is called a(n)
A) organic methyl molecule.
B) epigenetic mark.
C) chromosome.
D) gene.

Page 2
13. Environmental events can “turn on” genes, ensuring that they are
A) expressed.
B) inactive.
C) dormant.
D) permitted.

14. Depending on environmental conditions, specific genes can be either

A) monozygotic or dizygotic.
B) active or inactive.
C) identical or fraternal.
D) structured or unstructured.

15. The biochemical code for eye color is transmitted from parents to offspring by
A) neurotransmitters.
B) the placenta.
C) epigenetic molecules.
D) genes.

16. Which of the following is considered the body's building blocks?

A) protein molecules
B) chromosomes
D) genes

17. The genome refers to an organism's complete set of

A) epigenetic marks.
B) genetic material.
C) protein molecules.
D) heritable traits.

18. Twin and adoption studies have been most helpful for teasing apart the influences of
A) emotional reactivity and emotional intensity.
B) extraversion and neuroticism.
C) genes and protein molecules.
D) nature and nurture.

Page 3
19. Identical twins originate from the fertilization of
A) a single egg cell by a single sperm cell.
B) two egg cells by a single sperm cell.
C) a single egg cell by two sperm cells.
D) two egg cells by two sperm cells.

20. Twins who develop from separate fertilized eggs are called ________ twins.
A) epigenetic
B) monozygotic
C) identical
D) fraternal

21. One member of an identical twin pair may have a greater risk than the other of suffering
certain disorders such as schizophrenia. This may be partially explained by the fact that
the twins may not have shared
A) the same uterus.
B) the same genes.
C) the same conception.
D) the same number of copies of their shared genes.

22. Identical twins are most likely to share a similar prenatal environment if they share the
A) placenta.
B) adaptive capacity.
C) temperament.
D) uterus.

23. Dante is healthier than his twin brother because he developed with a better placental
barrier against viruses. This best illustrates the impact of ________ on development.
A) temperament
B) organic methyl molecules
C) the prenatal environment
D) genetic predispositions

24. Unlike identical twins, fraternal twins are described as

A) epigenetic.
B) dizygotic.
C) extraverted.
D) monozygotic.

Page 4
25. Twin studies suggest that the risk of having autism spectrum disorder is influenced by
A) chromosomes.
B) free-floating stress hormones.
C) heredity.
D) organic methyl molecules.

26. Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins are ________ similar in neuroticism, and
________ similar in extraversion.
A) more; less
B) less; less
C) more; more
D) less; more

27. Jonathan and Jerry are identical twins. Jonathan has been diagnosed with schizophrenia
but Jerry has not. Which of the following explains how this might occur?
A) They developed from two separate fertilized eggs.
B) They had separate placentas during prenatal development.
C) While they have the same genes, they do not have the same number of those genes
repeated in their genome.
D) They are fraternal twins, not identical twins.

28. Juan and Alonzo are fraternal twin brothers, whereas Jake and Alex are identical twin
brothers. The similarities between Jake and Alex with respect to ________ are likely to
be greater than the similarities between Juan and Alonzo.
A) extraversion
B) neuroticism
C) temperament
D) all of these characteristics

29. Compared with fraternal twins, identical twins are ________ similar in physical
appearance. Compared with unrelated look-alike pairs of individuals, identical twins
report ________ similar personalities.
A) no more; more
B) more; no more
C) no more; no more
D) more; more

Page 5
30. Environmental influences on personality traits are most clearly highlighted by
A) identical twins raised together with fraternal twins raised apart.
B) identical twins raised together with fraternal twins raised together.
C) identical twins raised apart with fraternal twins raised together.
D) identical twins raised together with identical twins raised apart.

31. Identical twins have been shown to have some amazing psychological similarities. But
we should be cautious about attributing these similarities to shared genes because
A) the twins may have been raised in completely different environments.
B) genetic factors influence physical, not psychological, characteristics.
C) any two strangers are likely to share many coincidental similarities.
D) many fraternal twins have been shown to be psychologically different from each

32. Differences between men and women in personality traits that are highly heritable
cannot necessarily be attributed to genetic differences between the two groups because
A) physical growth proceeds at different rates for males than for females.
B) natural selection contributes to humans' common genetic endowment.
C) heritable traits can be influenced by environmental factors.
D) genes influence the production of sex hormones.

33. The personalities of adopted children

A) are very similar to the personalities of the other children in their adoptive families.
B) are very similar to the personalities of their biologically related siblings.
C) are not very similar to the personalities of their adoptive parents.
D) are more similar to the personalities of their caregiving adoptive parents than to the
personalities of their biological parents.

34. Jason and Alex are biologically unrelated adolescents who were adopted as infants and
raised together. For which of the following are Jason and Alex LEAST likely to
resemble each other any more than they resemble a genetically unrelated adolescent
from another home in their neighborhood?
A) extraversion
B) religious beliefs
C) table manners
D) political attitudes

Page 6
35. The home environment most clearly has a greater influence on children's ________ than
on their ________.
A) temperament; political attitudes
B) extraversion; table manners
C) religious beliefs; personality traits
D) neuroticism; religious beliefs

36. Children in adoptive homes are ________ likely than average to experience parental
neglect and abuse. They have typically grown up to be ________ altruistic than average.
A) more; less
B) more; more
C) less; less
D) less; more

37. An infant's temperament refers most directly to its

A) ability to learn.
B) shared family environment.
C) emotional excitability.
D) physical health.

38. Carlie is the proud mother of two children. Her oldest is 2 years old and the youngest is
now 6 months old. Both are girls. Carlie is amazed at how different they are. The oldest
is reserved and quiet. Her youngest is outgoing and happy most of the time. These
differences can be attributed to
A) differences in temperament.
B) differences in gene expression.
C) differences in parenting style.
D) a shared genome.

39. Cathy is an emotionally intense infant and unpredictable in her sleeping schedule.
Christine is a very relaxed infant and predictable in her sleeping schedule. The two
children most clearly differ in
A) epigenetic marks.
B) heritability.
C) temperament.
D) extraversion.

Page 7
40. Babies with an intense and highly reactive temperament tend to be
A) imaginative.
B) unpredictable.
C) fearless.
D) dizygotic.

41. Sarah is an emotionally reactive newborn. What can be expected as she grows older?
A) She will be an emotionally intense preschooler.
B) She will be an intense young adult.
C) She will be a reactive 9-month-old.
D) She will be reserved and hesitant at 3 years of age.

42. Our biologically rooted temperament is most clearly an aspect of our enduring
A) genome.
B) personality.
C) social identity.
D) epigenetic marks.

43. A child's temperament is likely to be

A) difficult to observe.
B) stable over time.
C) an epigenetic mark.
D) a product of parenting style.

44. Who are likely to show the greatest similarity in temperament?

A) Ruth and Ramona, identical twins
B) Philip and Paul, fraternal twins
C) Larry and Laura, brother and sister
D) Vincent Sr. and Vincent Jr., father and son

45. To estimate trait heritability, behavior geneticists are most likely to make use of
A) protein molecules.
B) stress hormones.
C) epigenetic marks.
D) twin studies.

Page 8
46. Professor Stapley's study of a large group of individuals indicates that 45 percent of
person-to-person differences in neuroticism among the group members can be attributed
to their differing genes. The 45-percent figure represents an estimate of
A) epigenetic marks.
B) common ancestry.
C) heritability.
D) temperament.

47. The heritability of a specific trait will be greatest among

A) genetically similar individuals who have been raised in similar environments.
B) genetically similar individuals who have been raised in dissimilar environments.
C) genetically dissimilar individuals who have been raised in similar environments.
D) genetically dissimilar individuals who have been raised in dissimilar environments.

48. Sex differences in heritable personality traits cannot necessarily be attributed to

male-female genetic differences because
A) biological maturation proceeds at a different rate for males and females.
B) variations in temperament contribute to male-female differences.
C) heritable traits can be influenced by social environments.
D) males and females are also affected by their different sex hormones.

49. When the effect of one factor depends on the presence of another factor, outcomes are
said to reflect
A) an epigenetic mark.
B) an interaction.
C) natural selection.
D) adaptive flexibility.

50. While you develop calloused feet when you go barefoot for a summer, your neighbor
remains a tenderfoot by protecting her feet with shoes. The differences in skin toughness
between you and your neighbor are best attributed to
A) the molecular structure of genes.
B) person-to-person genetic variations.
C) the impact of epigenetic marks on gene expression.
D) the interaction of genetic and environmental influences.

Page 9
51. The unique genetically influenced traits of children often evoke predictable responses
from their caregivers. This best illustrates the ________ of nature and nurture.
A) heritability
B) interaction
C) epigenetics
D) independence

52. People have always responded so positively to Alyssa's good looks that she has
developed a socially confident and outgoing personality. This best illustrates the
interaction of
A) genes and chromosomes.
B) evolution and natural selection.
C) nature and nurture.
D) behavior genetics and evolutionary psychology.

53. The subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes is
A) heritability studies.
B) molecular genetics.
C) behavior genetics.
D) epigenetics.

54. Discovering the common sequence within human DNA would have most likely required
the work of
A) epigeneticists.
B) behavior geneticists.
C) molecular geneticists.
D) evolutionary psychologists.

55. The study of how the structure and function of genes interact with the environment to
influence behavior is known as
A) genome research.
B) molecular genetics.
C) evolutionary psychology.
D) molecular behavior genetics.

Page 10
56. Professor Anderson's research involves assessing the interactive impact of specific
chromosome segments and unhealthy peer relationships on the development of alcohol
use disorder. Her research most clearly illustrates the specialty area known as
A) evolutionary psychology.
B) molecular behavior genetics.
C) heritability studies.
D) epigenetics.

57. The study of influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change is called
A) molecular genetics.
B) epigenetics.
C) behavior genetics.
D) evolutionary psychology.

58. An African butterfly that is green in the summer turns brown in the fall thanks to a
temperature-controlled genetic switch. This best illustrates that genes are
A) dizygotic.
B) self-regulating.
C) epigenetic marks.
D) protein molecules.

59. An organic methyl molecule attached to part of a DNA strand has been identified as a(n)
A) genome.
B) double helix.
C) epigenetic mark.
D) self-regulating gene.

60. The molecules that can block genetic expression are called
A) genomes.
B) chromosomes.
C) stress hormones.
D) epigenetic marks.

61. Infant rats deprived of their mothers' normal licking had more ________ that block
access to the “on” switch for developing the brain's stress hormone receptors.
A) self-regulating genes
B) chromosomes
C) genomes
D) epigenetic molecules

Page 11
62. If chronic child abuse alters a victim's gene expression in such a fashion as to trigger
depression, this would be said to illustrate
A) a reactive temperament.
B) an epigenetic effect.
C) high serotonin levels.
D) the building blocks of development.

Page 12
Answer Key
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. A
14. B
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. D
21. D
22. A
23. C
24. B
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. D
31. C
32. C
33. C
34. A
35. C
36. D
37. C
38. A
39. C
40. B
41. C
42. B
43. B
44. A

Page 13
Psychology in Modules 12th Edition Myers Test Bank

45. D
46. C
47. C
48. C
49. B
50. D
51. B
52. C
53. B
54. C
55. D
56. B
57. B
58. B
59. C
60. D
61. D
62. B

Page 14

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