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This contract is hereby entered into by Mr. _______________________________________

identified with DNI, with address at _________________________________________; and on
the other hand, Mr. ___________________________, as the LESSEE, as the LESSOR. identified
with DNI N° _______________ and domiciled at __________________ ; who mutually agree to
the following terms and conditions:


FIRST- THE LESSOR is the owner of the property located at

______________________________________________ and department of Lima,

SECOND.- THE LESSOR states for the record that the property referred to in the preceding
clause is unoccupied, in a good state of conservation and habitability, and with no greater
wear and tear than that produced by normal and ordinary use.


THIRD.- By means of the present contract, THE LANDLORD rents to THE TENANT the property
described in the first clause to be used solely as a dwelling, which is received in perfect
operating condition, as indicated in the second clause. For its part, the LESSEE undertakes to
pay to the LESSOR the amount of the rent agreed upon in the following clause, in the form and
at the time agreed upon.

FOURTH.- The parties agree that the amount of rent to be paid by THE LESSEE, as
consideration for the rental of the property, is S/.______________
(_____________________________ y 00/100 Nuevos Soles) per month, which amount shall be
paid in cash, in the manner and at the time referred to in the following clause. Upon signature
of this contract, THE LESSEE shall deliver to THE LESSOR the sum of S/. ________________
(______________________ y 00/100 Nuevos Soles), corresponding to the month in advance of
____________, and the sum of S/. _____________ (___________________ y 00/100 nuevos
soles), as a guarantee of payment, which will not generate interest or rent and will be returned
upon delivery of the property, after verification of compliance with all payments to which the
LESSEE is obliged.

FIFTH.- The form of payment of the rent shall be in advance monthly installments that the
LESSEE shall pay on the first working day of each month.


SIXTH.- The term of this contract is for ten months, which will be in effect from
___________________________________________ until
_________________________________________________, at the expiration of which it may
be renewed with the agreement of both parties, and the conditions established in this contract
may vary as to the term, amount of the rent and use of the property. OBLIGATIONS OF THE

SEVENTH- THE LANDLORD undertakes to deliver the property to be provided on the date
established in this contract, which date shall be verified with the delivery of the keys.
EIGHTH.- THE TENANT undertakes to pay punctually the amount of the rent, in the manner,
time and place agreed upon, subject to the provisions of the fourth and fifth clauses.

NINTH: Furthermore, THE TENANT is obliged to pay punctually the amount of all public
utilities, such as water and sewage, electric power and others supplied for the benefit of the

. TENTH - THE LESSEE is obliged to allow the LESSOR to inspect the leased property.

Eleventh.- THE LESSEE is obliged to carry out, at its own cost and expense, any repairs and
maintenance that may be necessary to keep the property in the same condition in which it was

SIXTEENTH.- THE LESSEE undertakes to vacate the leased property on the date of expiration
of the term stipulated in clause six of this contract, unless the contract is renewed.


THIRTEENTH.- In case of noncompliance with the stipulations of the fourteenth clause, THE
LANDLORD shall pay as a compensatory penalty an amount of S/. 10.00 (Ten and 00/100
Nuevos Soles), for each day of delay in the delivery of the goods.

FOURTEENTH.- On the date of execution of this document, THE LESSEE shall deliver to THE
LESSOR the sum of S/. .......... (......... y 00/100 nuevos soles) equivalent to one month's rent, as
a deposit, as a guarantee of absolute compliance with all obligations assumed under this
contract. The aforementioned security deposit shall be returned to the LESSEE without
interest or rent, at the expiration of the present contract, provided that it has not been
renewed, and once the state of conservation and operation of the leased property has been

The parties agree that the security deposit may not be used to cover the payment of rent for
any period.

As a sign of conformity, the parties hereby sign this contract in the city of Lima on the _____
day of the month of __________, 2016.


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