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Maria daniela ocampo monroy

Task 5

hello Luisa, you move into your new apartment is in my building but don't worry the people
are kind but remember the following rules for example

1. take out the trash on Mondays and Saturdays is very important

2. clean up your garage

3. turn off the music after 11 p.m.

4. never hang out the clothes in the window

5. don't park your car or bicycle outside the line

6. don't touch the flower of your neighbors

task 6

hello, Jonny thanks for helping I am sick. I have a headache. and the worst is today I have an
examen is very difficult for me but I stayed one week and I feel ready but remember the first
delivery my excuse for I can repeat the exam. the most important don't forget to deliver my
jobs folder to the teacher Juan

task 7

I love Christmas is the best celebration in Colombia is the month when people eat a lot of food,
especially traditional meals for example natilla and buñuelos. December seven is candles day
when people burn candles around the street

the children look forward to this month because they receive presents in Colombia is very
common to sing a carol for 7 days it is beautiful..when striking twelve the people launch
firewood and burn a dummy, my favorite part of December is when my family can get together

Task 8

maria was born in Bogota she used to play basketball with her dad and she liked cooking
cookies with her month years after she lived in Medellin and she had three friends Valentina
Leidy and Ana with hers she used to play with Barbies at this moment she wanted to be a
doctor and singer now she wants to be a lawyer and her appearance is different she is tall, she
has long hair than before and her hair is curly now

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