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ae. N MEMORAND! OF AGREEMENT 5 ei er ‘This Memorandum of Agreement is made and entered into on June 14, 2023 by and between: PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISSION, a company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with address at Vicente Sotto ‘Street, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1001, represented by the HRDD Chief PRC, ATTY. ARJAY ROSALES sand SAN SEBASTIAN COLLEGE-RECOLETOS (SSC-R), Manila, a private Catholic educational institution administered by the Order of Augustinian Recollects, Province of St. Ezekiel Moreno with business address at 2114-A Claro M. Recto Avenue, Zone 040, Brgy. 390 ‘Quiapo Manila, Philippines, 1001, represented by the Schoo! President, REV. FR. RAFAEL B. PECSON, OAR WHEREAS, Professional Regulation Commission, is interested in contributing to the development of professionals in its industry by providing an opportunity for students under an Internship Program to gain industry experience, best practices, and standards through an On-the~ Job Training and Mentorship Program. WHEREAS, San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila is interested in furthering their academic programs by integrating formal learning with practical knowledge, skills, desirable attitudes, and hands-on experience through an Internship Program, WHEREAS, this agreement is pursuant to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Memorandum Order 104 outlining the guidelines for Higher Education Institutions (HED) and Host. ‘Training Establishments (HTE). WHEREAS, Professional Regulation Commission has agreed to cooperate with San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila inits Internship Program through the use ofits premises and facilities 2s an internship venue, and likewise, Sam Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila has agreed to cooperate with Professional Regulation Commission by facilitating the placement of its student interns in the company, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of mutual undertakings and agreements hereinafter set forth, Professional Regulation Commission and San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila agree as follows: nition of Terms. A. Higher Education Institution (HEN — refers to the acadei by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). B. Student intern ~ those students placed or to be placed in the company by virtue of an Internship Program. C. Internship Plan — guidelines on the leaming objectives to be pursued by the student inter and Professional Regulation Commission. 1 ML, General Terms of Agreement. 'A. The terms of this Agreement shall begin to apply on the date of execution and delivery of this contract by Professional Regulation Commission and San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila and shall take effect and shall continue from June 14, 2023 to ‘August 31, 2023. The Professional Regulation Commission holds no liability should the student inter failed to complete the required hours allotted for his/her internship. 'B, The student inter shall render the following hours as prescribed by their curriculum: i. Bachelor of Arts in Political Science: 250 Hours ji, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Major in Legal Management: 300 Hours . The student inter shall report to Professional Regulation Commission onsite and/or online and shall coordinate with his or her assigned senior remotcly throughout the ‘workday. The student intern shall be present in this manner during office hours unless otherwise instructed by the assigned senior. D. Ifthe student inter materially violates any company policy, Professional Regulation ‘Commission have the right to immediately, with due process, terminate the student intern by immediately serving a written notice to San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila, E. San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila shall have the right to terminate this ‘agreement, with due process, if shown through material evidence that Professional Regulation Commission failed to provide for the safety of the student intern ‘throughout the duration of the Internship Program. P. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as evidencing an employer-employee relationship. Student interns are not employees of Professional Regulation ‘Commission and the Internship Program is not intended to replace regular employees cor contracts for services. G. In the case that the student intem incurs liability against Professional Regulation ‘Commission, he or she shall be personally liable to the company. Obligations of the HEL. San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila agrees to provide for the following: ‘A. San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila shall coordinate, five working days before the first day of reporting by the student intern, with Professional Regulation ‘Commission in order to create an Internship Plan. Such Intemship Plan shall be the guidelines on the conduct of the training under the facilities of Professional Regulation Commission. B. San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila shall provide a Letter of Endorsement introducing the student inten to be placed five working days before the first day of reporting by the student intern. C. San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila shall provide, on or before the first day of reporting by the student intern, a performance rubric to be used for the evaluation of the performance of the student interns throughout the program. il VI. vil. vill. Obligations of the Company. Professional Regul D. Sam Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila shall ensure through monitoring of and ‘coordination with the student intern the quality of his or her professional demeanor. E, The assigned Practicum Coordinator shall directly oversce and monitor the performance of the student-intern, mm agrees to provide for the following: A. Professional Regulation Commission shall cooperate with San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila in conducting the Internship Plan provided. Professional Regulation Commission shall prompily communicate with San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila for any concem regarding the Internship Program or the student inter placed, B. Professional Regulation Commission shall assign a competent senior employee to act ‘as the mentor and superior thatthe student inter shall report to. C. Professional Regulation Commission shall conduct a preliminary lecture discussing ‘the company and the context of the industry D. Professional Regulation Commission shall discuss the job responsibilities of the student intern and best practices of the job. E, Professional Regulation Commission shall coordinate with San Sebastian College- Recoletos, Manila and submit all requirements for the evaluation of the performance of the student intern. Confidentiality. It is understood that al information gathered by the student inter on the operations and business matters of Professional Regulation Commission are classified as, confidential in nature and proprietary to Professional Regulation Commission. The student intem hereby undertakes to prevent transfer of such information by any of its ‘members, consciously or unconsciously, to any party outside of Professional Regulation ‘Commission without the latter's knowledge and written consent. Furthermore, during, or at any time after the termination of Intemship, the student inter shall not use, or disclose to others, including future employees, any trade secrets, confidential information, or any other proprietary data of Professional Regulation Commission, ‘Company Property. That upon the termination of Intemship from Professional Regulation Commission, the student shall return to the institution all documents and property of Professional Regulation Commission, including but not necessarily limited to: reports, manuals, correspondence, customer lists, computer programs, and all other ‘materials and all copies thereof relating in any way to Professional Regulation Commission business, or in any way obtained during the course of Internship. Separability. If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement, or documents executed in connection herewith shall be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof shall not in any way be affected or impaired. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties ‘with respect to the subject matter hereof, It excludes and supersedes everything clse which 3 ‘has occurred between the parties whether written or oral, including all other communication with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any amendment thereto shall be ‘mutually agreed upon in writing by the partis. TX. Dispute Resolution. Any and all disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be subjected to good faith negotiations between the Parties before implementation of the legal proceedings pursuant to the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Law. X. Governing Law and Venue of Actions. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Exclusive jurisdiction over and venue of any suit arising out of or relating to this Agreement will be in the proper courts of the City of Manila to the exclusion of all other courts or tribunals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partes hereto have se thet hand on _AUG 1.8 2023 inthe City of MAME ARepublic ofthe Philippines. By: “Atty. Arjay Kun Ri Rana Pecson, OAR Chief Administrative Officer School President Human Resource Development Division San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila Professional Regulation Commission Signed in the presence of eine, pai yelied P. Altoveros Fr. Henry H. Santiago, OAR “Administrative Officer II Vice President for Finance IT Coordinator San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila ‘Human Resource Development Division Professional Regulation Commission Dr. Cristina & Caluza Practicum Coordinator ‘San Sebastian College-Recoletos, Manila ACKNOWLEDGMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) City of MANILA 8S. x ———* BEFORE MI, a Nay Public in ad forthe City of MANILA. Repub of he Philipines BEFORE MT 8 UEBD Mperonally appeared the following persons with their goverment personally appeared tec Henican card “GOVERNMENT: DATEOF | DATEOF mae ISSUED LD.AND ee f ney ISSUE | EXPIRY PLACE OF ISSUE Passport i. Fr. Rafael B, Pecson, OAR prasspon, | 2022/0422 | 2032/04/21 | DFA Mani Passport DFANCR Fr.Hemy H. Santiago, OAR | pgggspig, | 2021/06/03 | 2031/06/02 | west a UMID CRN, Dr. Cristina N. Caluza oon asset Atty. Arjay Rosales Ms. Angelica P. Altoveros all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT and that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed this document and affixed my seal of office ‘on the date and place aforementioned. ATTY RRORAREPUBEIESAS Mowery Pee oR ciyeot Maa owas! common ns. 20237016 Su ee G1 2028 poe. xe 490 cade Ade er eed i ReilotAlvarncy Ne. 68028 Page No. __&U_ PIR NO OU720289KN 3 Z023/MLA Book No. _ ‘V1 IBP Membersnep Mo 243549/06/20/2022 Series of 25 MCLE ExempleaG BO 1s 2008

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