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The Importance of Licensure for Social Work Professional Practice

in the UAE

Shaikha N Alderei 201702831

In our current world, working licensure became an essential requirement for most jobs. It is

important for both the service provider and the client. It is important for the service provider

because it allows him/ her to compete better for opportunities and it is a motivator to work harder

and keep learning over the years. On the client side, people trust licensed service providers more

than they trust those who are unlicensed, especially when it comes to the healthcare sector. This

is a major issue when we speak about social care services, because no one will pay money to

visit a social worker or a psychiatrist they do not trust on their health and lives. Licensure is not

only a motivator for service providers and a trust door for clients; it is also a way for the

government to ensure that health services, for example, are provided in the best possible way.

A license is defined as a permit from authorities. Licensure can be obtained by passing an

exam or finishing a training program. Regarding social care practice, service providers in this

sector also need license. This license has different guidelines and rules from country to country.

For example, in the UAE, guidelines for obtaining a social work license requires certain

documents such as academic degree, equalization report from the ministry, letter of experience,

and other documents as well. The UAE cares a lot about the health sector especially after

experiencing the well-known pandemic (Covid-19). This careful way of making rules in the
UAE results in better health of the population. Moreover, healthcare providers also benefit from

these rules because they work on distinguishing abilities and skills. For example, better social

workers can get better opportunities that involve leadership. This will result in hiring suitable

people in the suitable positions; which will certainly end up with positive impact on the

community. (Why Licensure Is Important, n.d.) Speaking particularly of social care field, some

might think that it is not that important of a specialty. However, studies and clinical practices

suggest the opposite. The evidence actually suggests the psychological factors greatly affect

biological health. Hundreds of diseases were linked in a way or another to the psychological

condition of the patient. This information makes social care practice a more influencing field of

work. This is the reason why UAE is making sure no one is practicing their job except with an

acceptable list of evidence, experience, and clinical trials. Making a new social work

professional licensure can be easily issued online through TAMM, according to the Department

of Community Development (DCD).

Licensure requirements is varies from country to country. In the UAE, there are also specific

documents that must be submitted to the Department of Community Development (DCD) in

order to get the professional licensure, which will open new doors for the worker. “It is necessary

that the social care professionals who seek to acquire the license meet specific qualifications and

experience requirements stipulated by the DCD.” stated H.E. Al Ameri, a director of Social

Licensing and Control Sector at DCD. (Gulf News Report, 2022) By guaranteeing that social

workers have the necessary education and training to offer ethical and expert services, social

work licensure protects the community and results in better health and better life outcomes to


- Why Licensure is Important. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2022, from

- Holtzhausen, L. Getting it Right for Social Work in the Arab World”-A Different

Approach to. Social Work, 19(1), 119-120

- Gulf News Report. (2022, August 21). Abu Dhabi enhances social care professionals’

licensing. Uae – Gulf News. Retrieved from


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