Reflection (Religious Education)

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"Those who put their faith in God will grow. Just like the seed that was sown, in

which we eat as one body: Our Bread of Life." These we're one of the messages that

was stuck inside my head and continually resonates within my soul which I have acquire

during the entire celebration of the Eucharist. And from that day onwards, my

understanding towards the message grows and deepens as I go back from the vivid

memories of my past activities as an active member of the church.

It’s been a while since I have attended a mass. And with the given opportunity of

the Institution, NDDU particularly in the subject RE 115, under Sir Edwin D. Doyo, I was

able to celebrate the mass with genuine happiness from the bottom of my heart with full

of excitement. Despite not being present from previous celebration of the Eucharistic

Mass, I was still welcome wholeheartedly by the church though it was not the church I

was actively attending to. With the embarrassment I held for weeks, I still came strong

to face those fears and surrendered everything to the Lord.

As I absorbed what had the Parish Priest had said during his Homily, I was able

to remember how many times I failed God, His Son our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy

Spirit through His Word, Spiritual Presence, and even His Body. No wonder I was

parched for weeks of the Holy Spirit that God had blessed us every Sunday and lacking

maturity which stops me for growing as a better person. I realized, receiving His body

fills the gaps of my imperfection as a Catholic. I was saved from distress and all the sins

I have committed. Truly, He really is our source of life and our ray of hope as He creates

a path to Light.

With everything I had come to reflect from such activity, I have come up with the

conclusion, that whatever I will pursue in life, if I put Jesus Christ as the center of my

life, distinctive changes will occur throughout my life. And these distinct changes create
a continuous avenue of growing physically, mentally, emotionally, morally, and

spiritually. I must always put into my mind that I have a God who will always be there no

matter what, and I must recognize His Power to save us all through His Son, Jesus

Christ who taught us to Love one another. As I embrace and nurture this faith, it enables

me to recognize the potential for my personal growth and the profound impact it can

have in my life and the lives of those around me. I must always embrace the spirit of

communal connection, recognizing that I am a part of a larger whole, united with those I

shared faith in the divine. Through faith, I can find meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in

my journey through life.

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