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NARRATOR : In Peru, many opposed Spanish domination, first the indigenous people
and then the Creoles descended from the Spanish.

TÚPAC AMARU : Mayor Antonio de Arriaga commits many abuses. We demand a

hearing in the city of Cusco to address our claims. I demand my Inca title.

MICAELA BASTIDAS : Our Indian brothers are forcibly taken to the mines.

TUPAC AMARU : We have to rebel against the Spanish.

INDIO: Túpac Amaru is right.

INDIA: We do not want others to continue governing us

MICAELA BASTIDAS : Yes husband, let's organize an army and fight against them.

(They meet in a group and conspire)

NARRATOR : Túpac Amaru's rebellion broke out on November 4, 1780, it was the most
important and made the Spanish monarchy tremble, but unfortunately he was captured and
sentenced to death.

(The Spaniards enter and the fight with the indigenous people takes place, they take Túpac
Amaru prisoner)

SPANISH SOLDIER : Tell me who your accomplices are.

TUPAC AMARU : I will never tell on them.

(Túpac Amaru is pulled by four horses)

NARRATOR : The death of Túpac Amaru did not mean the end of the rebellions, on the
contrary, relatives and leaders of the neighboring regions continued their fight against
Spanish rule.
Many precursors and heroes fought to achieve our independence, until in 1820 the General
came from Argentina. Don José de San Martín.

NARRATOR : It was September 8, the liberating expedition landed on the beaches of

Pisco. The General was very tired, he decided to lie down for a moment while the army
prepared to march.
SAINT MARTIN : Lord Cochrane!

COCHRANE : Yes, my general.

SAN MARTÍN : I am very tired, I am worried about what will happen, if we will achieve
the independence of Peru. I will rest for a moment, I will lie down at the foot of the palm

COCHRANE : Rest, my General! I'll go prepare the army. .......... Soldiers!

(The marching soldiers approach, General Las Heras takes a step forward)

LAS HERAS : Admiral!

COCHRANE : The supplies are ready!

LAS HERAS : Yes Lord!

COCHRANE : Then you can go rest.

LAS HERAS : Soldiers, half turn march

NARRATOR : San Martín, already lying at the foot of a palm tree, felt very sleepy. He fell
asleep thinking about his plans for freedom. He dreamed that a great country rose to the
north, orderly, free, industrious and patriotic.
And when that country was progressing and freedom was bearing its fruits, he heard a
triumphant march sound and saw a beautiful flag spread.
San Martín woke up and opened his eyes.
Indeed, a flock of birds with red wings and white breasts were lost in the blue of the sky.

SAN MARTÍN : These are the colors that will represent the flag of Peru!
(Calls his captains)
Admiral Cochrane! Captain Las Heras!

COCHRANE : My General!

LAS HERAS : Yes, my General!

SAN MARTIN : Do you see those birds heading north?

COCHRANE : Yes, my general, white and red.

LAS HERAS : It looks like a flag

SAN MARTIN : Yes, they are a flag. The flag of freedom that we come to conquer.

NARRATOR : After this dream, San Martín ordered the creation of the first flag of Peru.
After many events favorable to the patriot army, the royalist army leaves the capital.
On July 10, 1821, San Martín entered the city of Lima, trying to enter incognito, but his
presence was discovered by the population who quickly took to the streets hailing him

(The public spreads the word and cheers for San Martín)

WOMAN 1 : San Martín, the liberator, arrived.

WOMAN 2 : Yes, he liberated Chile and Argentina

WOMAN 3 : Let's go and receive it.

CROWD : Saint Martin! San Martin!

Welcome you! San Martin!

(San Martín, along with Lord Cochrane and Las Heras walks greeting the crowd)

NARRATOR : On July 15, 1821, the notable residents of the city met at the town hall,
chaired by the Mayor Conde de San Isidro and the archbishop Don José María de las Heras,
and the minutes were signed in which it was mentioned that the will of the town was
independence from Spain.

COUNT OF SAN ISIDRO : The proclamation of Independence is inevitable, let's invite

the General. San Martín to carry it out now, otherwise the Montoneros will enter the city.

ARCHBISHOP : Yes, let's do it as soon as possible, Viceroy La Serna is preparing an

army to counterattack again.

COUNT OF SAN ISIDRO : Then let's sign the minutes once and for all.

ARCHBISHOP : The proclamation will be on Saturday, July 28 in the main square and
may God protect us.
(kisses the rosary and makes the sign of the cross)

NARRATOR : The minutes of the town council were signed by more than 3 thousand
It was Saturday, July 28, 1821, the long-awaited day had arrived. The crowd begins to
arrive at the square, waiting for the long-awaited moment.

(The crowd enters showing excitement on their faces)

(San Martín, Cochrane, the Count of San Isidro, Las Heras, Archbishop Don José María
take the stand)

SAN MARTÍN : From this moment on, Peru is free and independent by the general will of
the people and by the justice of its cause that God defends.
(Wapping the national flag, repeat several times)
Long live the country! Long live freedom! Live the independence!
NARRATOR At that moment the cannons and bells of the city began to ring and San
Martín walked through the streets repeating the same act.

(The sound of cannons is heard)

SAN MARTIN : Long live the country! Long live freedom! Live the independence!

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