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Veronica the bionic girl.

1. The time tunnel
2. Sudden vaporization
3. Silviana, the pretty one of the course
4. The extrasensory headband
5. The Count of Superundo
6. The Pillow Man
7. The Badness Detector Treatment
8. The Colchonotic Hypnotic Influenza
9. The Unsuspecting Oblivoluntary Specimens
10. The Illusory Sinister Ultramansion
eleven. The game of fatal death
12. Superports of laughter
13. The invisible child
14. The Fabulous Somersault
fifteen. The secret lair
16. The super student
17. The Nightmare Woman
18. The mysterious scroll
19. The disastrous barracks
twenty. Or not?
21. Unmasked
22. To the rescue
23. Union make force
24. The big end

Main Characters :

Veronica and Mauricio

Characteristics of the Main Characters :

PHYSICAL: Thin, agile, with long hair with a bun, she always wore a bright pink cape and a
purse the same color as her cape, sometimes she wore red sneakers, so she could run.
PSYCHOLOGICAL: Restless, imaginative, inventive, friendly, mysterious, impulsive,

PHYSICAL: Thin, agile, likes to ride a bicycle.
PSYCHOLOGICAL: friendly, curious, observant and a little shy
Secondary characters:
Mauricio's sister: Jose (Josefina), was about 6 years younger than him, docile and sociable.
Mauricio's mom: Homely, and warm
Gorilón Dog: Ownerless dog that was evil genius and chased Mauricio along the road, when he
was riding a bicycle.
Verónica's parents: Intellectuals, dedicated to their jobs away from Verónica
Begoña: Verónica's governess, kind and patient with Verónica.
Mandala Dog: “Glóbulo” albino shar pei was Veronica's
Felipe and Calalo: Mauricio's colleagues who are a little shy
Silviana, the pretty one in the class: She wore a braid that she placed behind her ear and a red
bracelet, she had a life diary.
Jazmina: Silviana's closest friend, moody and disbelieving.
Professor Godoy: He wore the same jacket but it was fun, entertaining to teach.

A girl with superpowers fighting evil people is a motivating element that readers will love.
Extrasensory headbands, galactic intercoms, evil detectors... are cybernetic objects that the
protagonist usually handles, with her imagination, of course.
The protagonist of the novel is a fantasist, often confusing reality with fiction; Many of her
colleagues consider her a liar but she is not, she does not intend to deceive. Although it is true
that none of us like our friends lying to us.
True friendship is measured in difficult situations, when it seems that everyone turns their back
on us, good friends accept us as we are and offer us their help. This is how the protagonist of the
novel understands it when he continues his friendship with Verónica, that fantastical girl who
manages to baffle everyone with her excess of imagination.
The novel takes place in Chile and allows us to learn and enjoy the Spanish spoken in that Latin
American country.

Summary of the Story (Synthesis)…

Mauricio was a boy who lives in the town called Superundo, one day he went fishing in his favorite
place in the “Porrazo” river in front of the “Octopus” tree that was full of grass around it, there he met
Verónica, the bionic girl. He called her “Vero bionica,” for being a superhero. They plotted to catch the
Pillow Man and his ally the Nightmare Woman. Together they had a great time, with Veronica's fantastic
inventions, and they played a lot.
So they carried out several actions, for them heroines, against the evil, bad, very bad, such as the attack
of the frogs, with anti-wart cream on the governess Begoña, throwing the fish and worms from the tree
at Professor Godoy and Begoña , the fatal death of Mauricio's companions, where they were obligatory,
because they wanted to know if Begoña's mattress possessed by the Pillow Man transmitted evil, that
implicated Mauricio for having crossed the line with Silviana, at school they applied the “ Law of Ice”,
that is, they did not speak it.
But after the last action at the Ecological Center of Verónica's parents, they challenged her and that's
how Silviana found out and told Mauricio very strong things against Verónica, and he, confused, found
reason...Verónica was a Liar.
This led him to talk to Verobiónica and he told her upset and angry, he left sad and went to his
favorite place, he climbed on the swings that they once made with Verónica and did an excellent
dive in the river, he wanted to tell Verobiónica , but he was angry with her.
Finally they apologize, in the conversation they realize that they like each other and they kiss
each other in apology and the marriage of teacher Godoy and Begoña takes place.
Mauricio and Vero bionica continue to live together until now.

1. Time Tunnel.
Mauricio went fishing early in the Porrazo River.
Why was it called the Porrazo River? Because the stones at the bottom were slippery.
Where did you have to go through to go to the Porrazo River? Through the Plaza de los Chicos,
then through the Time Tunnel. What was the Time Tunnel? It was a long street with trees on the
sides forming a row. The tree branches were curved and looked like a tunnel.

2. Sudden vaporization.
What was the name of the Porrazo River tree? The octopus.
Why was it called that? Because the tree had thick branches that looked like tentacles.
How did you meet Veronica? In the Porrazo River when he went fishing he saw her collecting
frogs and putting them in her purse. Suddenly she disappeared. Then he appeared and
approached him and asked him if he was one of the good guys or the bad ones. Mauricio asked
him what he was picking up.
She told him that she was collecting frogs to defeat the pillow man.
Who was the pillow man? He was a bad guy, if he catches you he hugs you, crushes you and
suffocates you.
Physical description : it is large, white, round and soft.
Psychological description : vain
How was Veronica going to defeat the pillow man?
She had a plan and she knew his lair.
And what were the frogs for? What was Veronica's plan?
For the attack of warts.
The idea was to catch the pillow man off guard and throw the frogs at him so that he would get
full of warts and since he is vain he will go crazy and run away never to return.
They agreed to meet the next day so that Mauricio could help Verónica with the plan.
Mauricio asked him how he could disappear and Verónica told him that with one of his super
(superpowers) “sudden vaporization.”
How could the warts not get on them?
Because they were going to use the anti-wart ointment that Veronica made.

3. Silviana, the pretty one of the course.

Professor Godoy was the mathematics teacher and he always wore the same jacket, but he had
changed it for a new light brown cotelé one with patches on the elbows.
Who was Silviana? Silviana was the pretty one in the class.
Physical description : long straight hair and had a braid
Psychological description : heavy

4. Extrasensory headband.
Mauricio came home from school and Verónica was in the garden playing with Josefina
(Mauricio's younger sister). After They had tea.
Mauricio asked Verónica how she knew his address. (he thought she was telepathic).
She told him that she could read minds when she had her extrasensory headband on.
They were going to do the plan against the pillow man when it got dark.
Mauricio asked Verónica to accompany him for the meantime to look for his bicycle that was in
the repair shop.

5. The Count of Superundo.

While they were walking, Verónica asked Mauricio why his town was called Superundo.
Veronica said that she had decided to come to Superundo because she thought it was the world's
center of heroic activities.
Why was the town called Superundo?
Because before the town was called Conde de Superundo but later Conde was forgotten.
Verónica said that Conde could come from a vampire.
What had happened to Mauricio's bicycle?
A brave dog wanted to bite Mauricio and he took off quickly on his bicycle. The Gorilón dog
chased him (he always chased him) and Mauricio was going at full speed until he collided with
the Octopus (the tree) and he flew away and fell into some branches of the Octopus.
When they arrived at the workshop the bicycle was already ready.

6. The Pillow Man.

They arrived at the Octopus on the bicycle and checked their supplies for their plan.
They put on the anti-wart ointment (it looked like cold glue).
The Pillow Man lived on Empanada Hill in a new and modern house.
Veronica entered first and opened the electric gate and the door.
Mauricio asked her how she opened the door and she said it was with her groceries.
They went up to the second floor of the house. They heard a noise and hid in a clothes closet.
(closet) The closet had slits and you could look through them.
They heard a noise and saw it pass. Mauricio was afraid. Then they threw the frogs at them.
They heard a woman's voice screaming and saw a mattress with frogs on top and underneath was
Begoña, who recognized Verónica. (Begoña was carrying a mattress because the teachers had
not finished their piece).

7. Mellowness detector treatment.

They went to the kitchen to drink juice.
Mauricio asked Verónica whose house it was. Verónica told him that it was her house.
Mauricio told him that then everything he had told him was a lie. She told him that not
everything was a lie. Why was the Pillow Man at Veronica's house?
Verónica told Mauricio that the Pillow Man had invaded her house, (Verónica's burrow) that is
why she had planned the attack of the warts to throw him out.
Mauricio told him that the Pillow Man was an ordinary mattress.
Veronica said that he must have teleported through his antenna and that he had left a mattress in
his place. What did Veronica's parents do? They were psychologists, they fixed people's thoughts
when they got tangled.
They weren't superheroes, they were normal.

They didn't know that Veronica was bionic.

Who was Begoña? She was Veronica's tutor.
What is a tutor? She is a governess, like a private teacher who lives in her house.
What was the name of Veronica's dog?
His name was Globulo and he was an albino Shar-Pei. Verónica's parents called her Mandala,
but her supername was Glóbulo (atomic dog)
Physical description: he had a blue tongue and had rolls, like he had excess skin.
Psychological description: brave
What was the Globulo's super? When it was in danger it inflated until it was round and thus
bounced. Verónica told Mauricio that they had to apply the sweetness detection treatment to
Verónica thought she was hypnotized by the pillow man because he was acting kind of strange.
But for the treatment they were going to need volunteers.

8. Colchonotic hypnotic influenza .

Mauricio went to bed in his room and suddenly Verónica knocked on his window.
Verónica said that they were going to need volunteers for the treatment and that they could be
Mauricio's classmates.
What was Veronica's plan?
1. The Pillow Man infiltrated Veronica's house, but with the warts' attack plan they kicked him
2. It was taken off by the satellite dish and we will have to catch it.
3. The Pillow Man posed as Begoña's mattress and hypnotized her. (the disease is called
colchonotic hypnotic influenza)
4. It is not known if it is contagious That's why they are going to use the badness detector
treatment, to see if the mattress is capable of transferring badness to whoever sleeps on it.
5. For this, unsuspecting, obligatory specimens are needed.
6. The idea is to invite them to Verónica's house so they can lie on the mattress and see if they
get sick.
7. They will invent the illusory sinister ultra-mansion with the main attraction: “the game of fatal

9. The unsuspecting oblivoluntary specimens.

Mauricio was at recess with his 2 friends: Calalo and Felipe.
Silviana was with her friend Jazmina.
Mauricio was inviting his friends to Verónica's house and Jazmina got into the conversation and
said that Verónica was crazy and that she didn't go to school. (Mauricio got angry)
Mauricio told them about the game of fatal death; that one goes to bed and one dies.
But then one wakes up and knows the spirit world. He also said there were going to be free
sandwiches and drinks. So they agreed to get together.

10. The illusory sinister ultramansion.

Mauricio and Josefina arrived first at Verónica's house.
Verónica introduced them to her parents.
Dad's physical description: skinny and bald
Mother's physical description: blonde
Jose's task was to hide in one of the rooms and scream. The bottom piece with the mattress
would be the game of fatal death.
Strips of black wool were hung from the ceiling like cobwebs, and the volunteers wereThey
would take a cart to the room.
The guests Felipe, Calalo, Jazmina and Silviana arrived.

11. The illusory sinister ultramansion.

Silviana offered to go first and they got on the elevator (tomb) and put her on the cart and tied
her up. They arrived at the room and he lay down on Begoña's mattress. Mauricio and Verónica
wanted to see if the evil would rub off on her but nothing happened and they made her get up and
put her in the closet and crushed her with the mattress. Silviana couldn't breathe and screamed.
Silviana got angry and left and said she was going to accuse them.

12. Super dead with laughter.

They went to tell Jose that the plan had already ended.
Verónica and Mauricio ordered the piece. Mauricio told Verónica that Silviana and Jazmina were
going to take revenge. The mattress did transmit evil, but the plan was not very good because
they had not captured the Pillow Man and they devised a new plan: chase Begoña.

13. The invisible child.

When Mauricio returned to school he wanted to sit at his seat, but Jazmina told him that he was
busy. All his classmates were looking at him. Calalo and Felipe pretended to be studying.
He sat behind Calalo and Felipe. Nobody spoke to him. Felipe took out a piece of paper and
wrote “we can't talk to you”, then he wrote: “we are giving you the silent treatment”. Then
Calalo wrote: “Silviana and Jazmina told what happened last night and decided that your
punishment was not to talk to you anymore,” then he said: “it's for a while.” No more, at recess
we get together.”
During recess, Mauricio went home and locked himself in his room. His mother allowed him to
stay. Verónica went to see him and they went for a walk.

14. The fabulous somersault.

They went to the Octopus, they made some swings with fabric and they played jumping into the
Mauricio did a somersault and pretended to fall into the water. They also caught 5 fish and put
them in a bucket. Verónica asked him if he liked Silviana and Mauricio told her he didn't know.
Verónica told him that to know if he liked it, he had to look at 2 things:
- If you are not with the person you feel like seeing them.
- If you are with her you feel like giving her a kiss.

15. The secret lair.

Mauricio and Verónica were on top of the Octopus and suddenly they heard the voices of a man
and a woman. They thought it was the Pillow Man. Verónica recognized Begoña. They thought
that the Pillow Man was hypnotizing Begoña to make her evil.
Mauricio realized that it was Professor Godoy. Veronica said that maybe it wasn't the professor
and that the Pillow Man had taken his form. Suddenly Professor Godoy put his hand in his
pocket and the boys thought he was going to attack Begoña, so they threw the bucket of fish at
him. (The professor was just going to ask Begoña to marry him). What he was going to take out
of his pocket was the engagement ring.
The two were soaked and realized that those who threw the bucket with The fish were Mauricio
and Verónica.

16. The super student.

Verónica asked Begoña for forgiveness. Begoña told him not to worry and they continued the
Begoña told him that Sunday was the big day.
Begoña went to prepare lunch and Verónica took some white leaves and asked Begoña for half a
lemon and matches. Verónica's mother arrived and challenged her because Verónica had taken
her leaves, which were very expensive.

17. The Nightmare Woman

Mauricio and Verónica met in the Plaza de los Chicos to tell Mauricio that he had deciphered the
secret of the bad guys.
Veronica had a mobile phone. She told Mauricio that it was an intergalactic intercom. Verónica
called a hair salon to confirm a time for Begoña, it was a gift to apologize for having damaged
her hair with the fish.
What was the secret of the bad guys that Verónica had deciphered?
The Pillow Man did not work alone, he was an ally of the Nightmare Woman.
What evil did Nightmare Woman do?
It took you to the desert of quicksand and left you there and you couldn't escape.
Verónica said that the Pillow Man and the Nightmare Woman were married but they wanted to
separate, that's why they had come to Superundo, to see if the country air would solve their
problems and to do bad things.
Mauricio asked how they could defeat them and Verónica said that by finding their disastrous

18. The mysterious scroll.

On Sunday, Mauricio and his family went to church.
At the end of the mass, Professor Godoy said that he was marrying Begoña next Sunday.
When he left mass he met Verónica in the Plaza de los Chicos.
Mauricio asked Verónica if she wanted to see the church and they went.
How many times had Veronica gone to church?
1 time with his grandmother and he confused the confessional with the bathroom.
Suddenly Verónica told him that she detected something and put on her extrasensory headband.
He went to the confessional and picked up something, it was a piece of paper but nothing was
He held the paper close to the candles and it looked like a map.
To the north of the Empanada hill there was a cross and it said: “disastrous barracks, home sweet
Veronica said it was the secret plane of the nightmare woman and the pillow man.

19. The disastrous barracks.

At night, Mauricio, Jose and Verónica followed the directions on the map. They arrived at the
barracks and it was the ecological tourist center. They saw through a window 20 people lying in
a circle and around them were a man and a woman.
What were Pillow Man and Nightmare Woman doing? They were brainwashing people into
zombies. They told Jose to keep watch while Mauricio and Verónica entered the barracks. They
entered an engine room and there was a pond.
There were shampoos and creams. Verónica climbed into the pond and asked Mauricio for
shampoos and put them in the pond. He told Mauricio to light a match near the smoke detector.
Suddenly a powerful shower of foam came from the ceiling.
They watched through the window as the rain of foam fell on the zombies and the two villains.
They started shouting with joy and the bad guys saw them.
Nightmare Woman said, “Veronica!”
Mauricio realized that she was Verónica's mother and that the Pillow Man was her father.
Mauricio and Jose were dismayed. Veronica started crying.
Verónica's father went to drop her off at her house. The brothers returned home.

20. Or not?
At recess Mauricio was with his friends and Silviana and Jazmina arrived.
Silviana said what was wrong with crazy Verónica who thought she was a superhero and they
Jazmina told Mauricio how could he be so stupid to believe her lies.
Silviana told him that last night her parents had gone to a relaxation session at the ecological
center and that Mauricio and Verónica had put soap on the fire sprinklers and got everyone wet.
Verónica's mother had told Silviana's parents that Verónica had been expelled from many
schools and that was why she had a private teacher.
Jazmina said: “and on top of that Mauricio is in love with her.”
“Or not?” Silviana said.
Mauricio said he didn't want to know anything about that lying Verónica.

21. Unmasked.
When he got home, Mauricio told his mother everything. Mauricio's mother He said that
Verónica was a good girl, that she had a lot of imagination, but that didn't make her a liar.
His mother told him to go to Verónica's house so they could talk.
The next day she went to see Verónica and Mauricio told her that she was a liar and that he didn't
want to know more about her.

22. To the rescue.

Mauricio went to the Porrazo River. He remembered the adventures he had had with Verónica.
He decided to return to Verónica's house to apologize.
He was riding his bicycle and suddenly he saw the dog Gorilón running towards him, Mauricio
was afraid.
Globulo appeared and bit the dog's tail. Veronica started screaming and the Gorilón dog got

23. Union make force.

Verónica had taken off her cape and told Mauricio that she was not a superhero, that she was a
little crazy and a liar.
Mauricio said it wasn't like that, he said it was incredible, that for him she was a true supergirl,
they apologized and kissed each other.
24. The big end.
The marriage of Professor Godoy and Begoña was celebrated on Sunday at 12 noon.
Everyone was invited. Veronica went with a blue dress and red sneakers. Mauricio went with a
jacket and tie. Their parents were talking behind them and they entered the church.
Calalo and Felipe were also there. Jazmina and Silviana were ahead. Silviana flirted with
Mauricio. Mauricio asked Verónica for a kiss and they gave each other kiss No. 9 of the total of
1,723,311 that they would give each other for the rest of their lives.

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