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Adverb Clauses

Adverbials phrases and clauses function in the same way as an adverb and give extra information about the verb that is being
used in a sentence.
Normally, an adverbial answers the questions as to when, how, why, where, to what extent or how much something happens.
An adverbial phrase could be from two or more words, whereas an adverbial clause contains a subject and a verb and is
subordinate to the main clause.
e.g. After work, I had a meal and watched some TV. (Adverbial phrase telling us when something happened)
e.g. After I had finished work, I had a meal and watched some TV. (Adverbial clause telling us when something happened)

It can also reflect opinion.

e.g. As far as I am concerned,, that restaurant is overrated. (The opinion of the speaker)

If the adverbial is at the beginning of the sentence, we use a comma. If it is at the end, we don’t.
An adverbial clause on its own does not make very much sense.
Using the adverbial expressions from the box, complete the sentences below.

After getting to the airport, Although it’s bad for my health, As far as we are concerned, As I get older, Before leaving home,
Despite living in London, Even though they have a car, However much she eats, In order to remain competitive, Since it was raining,
To many people, When I was younger, Wherever I go nowadays, Whenever she hears that song, While waiting for the bus,

1. When I was younger, I seem to need less sleep.

2. Even though they have a car, they go everywhere by bicycle.

3. To many people, that new shopping centre is too expensive.

4 While waiting for the bus, I saw an accident in the road right in front of me.

5. After getting to the airport , she realised she had left her passport at home.

6. Before leaving home, he texted us to let us know he was coming.

7. In order to remain competitive she just never seems to put on weight.

8. Although it’s bad for my health, I just can’t resist chocolate.

9. Since it was raining, he took his umbrella with him.

10. Despite living in London, she has never been to the British Museum.

11. As far as we are concerned, there always seems to be one of those fast food restaurants.

12. As I get older, buying a house is beyond their financial capabilities.

13. However much she eats, everything was so much cheaper.

14. Wherever I go nowadays, the company has reduced its prices by 20%.

15. Whenever she hears that song, she starts to cry.

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