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What would be like if the dinosaurs if the dinosaurs roamed the earth

1) People will start to panic after seeing a T-rex roaming in the street. If I was in the situation I
would start scratching my head . -1 min
2) Chaos will occur cause dinosaur will rampage the streets and people will get hurt .-5 min
3) People will start to get supplies at the supermarket and at the armory to protect themselves.-1
4) Students and the workers might get stuck in the places at they are.- 2hours
5) Electricity and water supply might get cut down. 2 days
6) People will start to barricade their houses .- 1 day
7) Military will get involved in order to control the situation .5 day
8) People will live among the dinosaurs as they will capture them and keep them in a zoo. 3
9) Dinosaur will be the apex predators on earth. 1 year
10) People will keep small dinosaur like compothogus - 2 years
11) There are some benefits of dinosaurs roamed the earth
12) Which are we get to see to the real appearance and see undiscovered dinosaur.
13) Stop factories for a few months so that the harmful gases won’t be released
14) New jobs will get in the jurrasic parks

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