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INSTRUCTIONS: Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions

QUESTION 1 ( 3 0 marks)
a) (i) Define the term hardware ( 2 marks)

(ii) Briefly describe an operating system ( 3 marks)

b) Carefully Identify the elements of a computer processor and give a brief description of each ( 4 marks)

c) Explain the procedure of performing the following tasks in Ms excel:

(i) Linking sheets across a workbook (3marks)

(ii) Hiding a cell (4marks)

d) Briefly explain the following terms :

(i) Extranet (2marks)

(ii) Internet protocol (3marks)

e) Explain the differences between the following terms:

(i) Dowloading and Uploading (3marks)

(ii) Differentiate between Search Directories and Search Engines ( 3marks)

f) Explain the main features of an Internet Explorer (3marks)

QUESTION 2 ( 2 0 marks)

a) Using examples, explain the following terms as used in the internet technology

(i) Universal resource relocator (3marks)

(ii) World Wide Web (3marks)

(iii) Spiders (3marks)

b) Briefly explain workings of the following Internet Search techniques

(i) File Transfer Protocol(FTP) (2marks)

(ii) Title field ( 2 marks)

(iii) Natural language search ( 2 marks)

c) Outline the Google Basic Search techniques (5 marks)

QUESTION 3 ( 20 marks)

a) ( i) Explain data menu tool as used in SPSS (4 marks)

(ii) Explain the different types of data that can be manipulated in SPSS (3 marks)

b) (i) State the features of variable view as used in SPSS ( 3 marks)

(ii) Explain basic steps of data analysis in SPSS ( 6 marks)

c) Compare and contrast the following:

( i) t-test and z-tset ( 2 marks)

( ii) One -tailed test and two-tailed test ( 2 marks)

QUESTION 4 ( 20 marks)

a) Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in MS word :

(i) Speller checker (1mark)

(ii) A thesaurus (1 mark)

(b) Describe document formatting and illustrate the various settings of a page when formatting
in Ms Word (4 marks)

( c) Describe the various options available in the mai n menu bar of Ms-Word? (8marks)

(d) Using Microsoft, explain the technique you can use to write letters to 20 people inviting
them to an interview . Draft an example to illustrate your answer. (6 marks)
QUESTION 5 ( 20 marks)

(a) Using Excel syntax, explain the meanings of the following logical functions:

(i) OR ( 3 marks)
(ii) AND ( 3 marks)

(iii) NOT ( 3 marks)

b) Using an example, explain the workings of IF function used in Ms excel ( 4 marks)

c) Suppose that employees with perfect attendance become a member of an exclusive employee's club.

When this occurs, they're given special consideration on bonuses. So, in this case, if they're a member

OR they sell more than 15,000 and make at least 20 sales calls, they receive the bonus.

Required :

(i) Write a formula in E for the condition regarding a bonus qualification. (3



Emp. Job
Name District Sales Yrs Level

2 Linda East $20,000.00 2

3 Joe West $42,302.00 9

4 Bill East $53,001.00 3

5 Mary South $12,000.00 12

6 Mark South $ 2,050.00 6

7 John North $9,000.00 0

8 Ted East $40,000.00 4

(ii) The table above shows salespeople’s district, annual sales, and number of years employed by your
company. Now, let’s suppose you want a formula in column E that will assign a job level based on two different
criteria: Salespeople who have been employed for more than 5 years AND have annual sales of more than
$10,000 should be assigned a job level code of 2, and all others should have a job level code of 1. Write this
formula in cell E2: ( 4 marks)

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