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Prasar Bharati

(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

Prasar Bharati House
Copernicus Marg, New Delhi - 110001.

F. No. P-1/012(17)/2019-0ps. Date: 11 th October, 2023

Office Memorandum

Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Commissioning of

Programme by Development Communication Division (DCD)- reg.

Management Committee in its 179th meeting held on 27.09.2023 has approved

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for commissioning of Programme by
Development Communication Division (DCD).
2. Approved SOP is attached as Annexure-A.
3. The Management Committee approved the SOP for DCD with the following

a) The SOP followed by DCD should, in-principle, be made applicable, in all

verticals of Prasar Bharati, i.e. AkashvanilDoordarshanlPBNS on case to
case basis and the rate card of CBC and list of empanelled agencies of CBC
and NFDC be shared with all verticals of Prasar Bharati.
b) Approval for execution of work to be taken from CEOI DG: Doordarshan I
DG: Akashvani I Head, PBNS, etc as the case may be.

4. This issues with the approval of CEO, PB.

(P.S. a)
DDG (Ops.)
1. Pro DG, Akashvani
2. DG, Doordarshan
3. ADG(P), DG: Doordarshan
4. DDG(Policy), DG:Akashvani
5. DDG(Sales), PBS
6. DDG(Policy),DG:Doordarshan
7. Director, PBNS

Copy for kind information to:

1. SO to CEO, Prasar Bharati

2. DDG (Tech.) Prasar Bharati Secretariat for uploading on e-office.
Annexure-A to PBS OM No. 02l2023-0ps. Dated 11.10.2023

Standard Operating Procedure for commissioning of programme by DCD

1. Stage-1

Conceptualistion & Ideation

1. Based on the requirement of Ministries/Govt. Bodies and in-house

requirements, DCD will conceptualise creative plan.
2. Creative plan to be suitably modified based on feedback from Ministries/Govt.
bodies in consultation with senior officials.

2. Stage- 2

Media Plan

1. Preparation of Media Plan including cost estimation of content production and

2. Approval of DG, DD for Media plan for submission to Ministries/Govt. Bodies.
3. Approval by Client.

3. Stage-3


1. Examine feasibility of Programme production either in-house or through

2. In-case of outsourcing the programme production, the execution process will
be as under:
(i) Rate Card of Production and list of empanel led agencies of CBC has
been adopted by Prasar Bharati for DCD. CBC em panelled agencies
are genre wise and are in large number for many genres.
(ii) To ensure equal opportunity and transparency, DCD to invite all the
agencies where' number of empanelled agencies is 5 or less for
presentation and discussions before standing Selection Committee duly
constituted by DG,DD. In case, number of empanelled agencies is
greater than 5, then the first 5 to be called for the same. For the next
project in the same genre next 5 of the list to be called for presentation
and discussions. The cycle of the next 5 to be repeated.
(iii) 3 member selection committee comprising Head, DCD as chairpersons
and two programme officials of DCD. Expert (Media Operations and
Creatives) can be taken as one member as programme official.
(iv) Based on the presentation and discussions with agencies invited for the
same, Standing Selection committee to recommend one particular
agency for project execution on the basis of concept plan, creativity,
innovation and treatment of concept.
(v) Approval of DG,DD/CEO,PB for award of work by DCD.


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