Return - Demo - NURS 236 Procedure Checklist - Neurological Examintion

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NURS 236 - Medical Surgical Nursing - 2


Name: _________________________Student ID number: ________ Section: ____ Date: _________

0 – NOT OBSERVED Task was not performed
1 – INSUFFICIENT Task was performed incorrectly
2 – ACCEPTABLE Task was performed well enough
3 - COMPETENT Task was performed quickly, systematically, and accurately

Assessment Objective: Demonstrate a neurological assessment including cerebral function, cranial nerves, reflexes,
motor and sensory examination, vital signs and meningeal signs.

S/No Procedure 0 1 2 3 Remarks

1. Check patient notes/care plan, where indicated.
2. Gather supplies:
 Penlight
 Snellen chart
 tongue depressor
 cotton wisp or applicator.
 reflex hammer.
 substances to smell, such as mint, or coffee.
 substances to taste such as sugar, salt, or lemon.
3. Perform hand hygiene and wear PPE if necessary
4. Introduce yourself, your role, the purpose of your visit, and an estimate
of the time it will take.
5. Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of
6. Explain the process to the patient and ask if they have any questions.
7. Ensure the patient’s privacy and provide for proper lighting
8. Monitor vital signs: temperature, pulse, respiration, and BP
9. Assessing the level of consciousness and mental status:
 Glasgow Coma Scale – Eye Opening
10. Assessing the level of consciousness and mental status:
 Glasgow Coma Scale – Verbal Response
11. Assessing the level of consciousness and mental status:
 Glasgow Coma Scale – Motor Response
12. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 I (olfactory)
13. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 II (optic)
14. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 III (oculomotor)
 IV (trochlear)
 VI (Abducens)
15. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 V (trigeminal)
16. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 VII (facial)
17. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 VIII (acoustic)
18. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 IX (glossopharyngeal)
19. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 X (Vagus)
20. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 XI (spinal accessory)
21. Assessing the Cranial Nerves
 XII (hypoglossal)
22. Assist the patient to a comfortable position, ask if they have any
questions, and thank them for their time.
23. Ensure safety measures and risk-free for falls when leaving the room
24. Perform hand hygiene.
25. Document the assessment findings (verbal)

Score obtained: ______/75

Comments and Suggestions:


_______________________________ ____________________________________

Name & Signature of Student Name & Signature of Evaluator


1. Lecture Hangout/Lecture – Week 2 - Assessment of patients with Neurological Problems (Neurological

Assessment) – Prepared by Dr Suthan Pandrakutty.
2. Timby, B. K., & Smith, N. E. (2014). Introductory medical-surgical nursing. 10th Ed, Philadelphia, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
3. Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2014). Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing (Edition 13.).
Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Prepared by: Dr Suthan Pandarakutty

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