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2006 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Effects of Betaine and Choline on Response

to Methionine Supplementation to Broiler Diets
Formulated to Industry Standards1

P. W. Waldroup,2 M. A. Motl, F. Yan, and C. A. Fritts

Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701

Primary Audience: Nutritionists, Veterinarians, Poultry Processors, Researchers

A study was conducted to evaluate the Met-sparing effects of the methyl donors, choline (CHO)
and betaine (BET). Male broilers of a commercial strain were fed corn-soybean meal-based diets
formulated to meet nutritional levels typical of top broiler producers. Diets were fortified with a
complete vitamin premix devoid of CHO. In test diets, Met levels were as formulated, or less 0.05,
0.10, 0.15, or 0.20% Met. Within each Met level, diets received no supplemental CHO or BET or
1,000 mg of CHO/kg, 1,000 mg of BET/kg, or a combination of 500 mg each of CHO and BET/
kg. This resulted in a 4 × 5 factorial arrangement with each of the 20 treatments fed to 4 pens of
60 birds for a 56-d feeding trial. Samples of birds were processed at 42, 49, and 56 d to determine
parts yield and dressing percentage. Intestinal segments were evaluated for tensile strength at
these same ages.
The dietary Met level had no significant impact on BW at 14 or 56 d of age, but at 35, 42, and
49 d reduction of the Met content resulted in loss of BW. Feed conversion was not affected by the
Met level at 14 d but was significantly affected by reducing the Met level at all other ages. Breast
meat yield was reduced in a linear manner by reductions in Met supplementation. The CHO or
BET supplementation had no apparent sparing effect on Met needs but did improve feed conversion
at 35 and 42 d. There was a positive effect of CHO and BET on breast yield that was independent
of Met levels; CHO was as effective as BET for this purpose. No effect of CHO or BET on intestinal
strength was observed in the present study.

Key words: broiler, choline, betaine, methionine, sparing effect

2006 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 15:58–71

DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM then to homocysteine. The back reaction requires

betaine (BET) or tetrahydrofolate as the pro-
Methionine is the first limiting amino acid vider of the methyl group necessary to convert
in broiler diets based on soybean meal, and it homocysteine to Met [1, 2]. Both Met and homo-
functions as a key intermediate in methyl group cysteine are potentially toxic to cells, and both
transfer. Numerous methylation reactions in- may accumulate if methyl donors or methyl ac-
volve Met, in which Met is converted to S-aden- ceptors are deficient. Alternative methyl donors
osylmethionine, the methyl group donor, and may alleviate the dietary needs for Met by taking

Published with the approval of the Director, Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Fayetteville, AR 72701. Mention
of a trade name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the University
of Arkansas and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.
Corresponding author:

Table 1. Nutrient analysis of diets from the top 5 broiler companies in an agricultural survey

Starter Grower Finisher 1 Finisher 2

Nutrient 0–14 d 14–35 d 35–42 d 42–56 d

ME, kcal/lb 1,362.00 1,394.00 1,416.00 1,460.00

Crude protein, % 20.93 19.16 17.02 16.08
Lys, % 1.23 1.09 0.93 0.88
TSAA, % 0.96 0.85 0.76 0.76
Trp, % 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.18
Arg, % 1.52 1.31 1.17 1.08
Thr, % 0.85 0.76 0.68 0.64
Nonphytate P, % 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.33
Calcium, % 0.83 0.85 0.76 0.76
Sodium, % 0.23 0.20 0.21 0.20

the place of Met as a methyl donor per se or by level, diets received 1) no supplemental CHO
providing the methyl group necessary for the or BET, 2) 1,000 mg of CHO/kg, 3) 1,000 mg
conversion of homocysteine to Met. of BET/kg, or 4) 500 mg of CHO + 500 mg of
Choline (CHO) has long been used as a BET/kg. The CHO was supplied as a dry 60%
vitamin supplement for broiler diets. Numerous choline chloride product [22], whereas BET was
studies have investigated the interrelationship added as a crystalline 97% product [23]. This
between CHO and Met as donors of methyl resulted in a 4 × 5 factorial arrangement of treat-
groups, with considerable variation in results [3, ments. A common basal diet was mixed within
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. More recently, each test period, and aliquots were used to mix
BET has been evaluated as a methyl donor as a each of the test diets. All diets contained monen-
means of reducing the needs for Met [15, 16, sin at 90 g/ton as an anticoccidial. Each treat-
17, 18, 19, 20], also with variation in results. ment was fed to 4 pens of 60 male chicks. The
The present trial was conducted to examine the basal diet within each feeding period was evalu-
potential value of CHO and BET, alone or in ated for total amino acids, and all test diets were
combination, in reducing the dietary needs for analyzed for supplemental MET, CHO, and BET
Met in broiler diets. by commercial laboratories.
Day-old male chicks of a commercial strain
MATERIALS AND METHODS [24] were obtained from a local hatchery where
Nutritional specifications for the top 5 com- they had been vaccinated in ovo for Marek’s
panies participating in a popular agricultural sur- disease and had received vaccinations for new-
vey [21] were used as the basis of formulation castle disease and infectious bronchitis post-
(Table 1). Diets were formulated using corn and hatch via a coarse spray. They were randomly
soybean meal of known composition and supple- distributed among 80 pens in a curtain-sided
mental amino acids to meet exactly the specified broiler house of commercial design. Sixty birds
requirements for CP, ME, Ca, available P, Na, were placed in each pen. New softwood shavings
Lys, TSAA, Arg, and Thr with only slight ex- over concrete floors served as litter. Each pen
cesses of Try (Table 2). Feeding intervals were was equipped with 2 tube feeders and 1 auto-
0 to 14 d for starter, 14 to 35 d for grower, 35 matic water fount. Supplemental feeders and wa-
to 42 d for finisher 1, and 42 to 56 d for finisher terers were used during the first 7 d. Fluorescent
2, similar to the intervals used by the top 5 com- lights supplemented natural daylight to provide
panies. 23 h light daily. Automatic brooder stoves and
The amount of added Met in the diets as fans controlled temperature and airflow. Care
formulated was 0.30% for starter, 0.24% for and management of the birds followed recom-
grower, 0.20% for finisher 1, and 0.22% for mended guidelines [25].
finisher 2. For test diets, Met levels were 1) as Group BW by pen was obtained at 14, 35,
formulated, 2) less 0.05%, 3) less 0.10%, 4) 42, 49, and 56 d. Feed consumption was deter-
less 0.15%, and 5) less 0.20%. Within each Met mined at each feed change interval. Birds were
60 JAPR: Research Report

Table 2. Composition (g/kg) of diets formulated to nutrient standards of top broiler companies

Starter Grower Finisher 1 Finisher 2

Ingredient 0–14 d 14–35 d 35–42 d 42–56 d

Yellow corn 621.21 655.37 718.36 722.44

Soybean meal (48% CP) 312.75 276.01 218.11 198.36
Dicalcium phosphate 20.39 17.27 15.27 14.77
Poultry oil 16.67 23.32 20.69 36.73
Ground limestone 8.70 10.86 10.16 10.42
Feed-grade salt 5.24 4.67 4.76 4.68
BMD-501 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Coban-602 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Vitamin premix3 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Trace mineral mix4 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
L-Lys HCl (98%) 1.88 1.27 1.30 1.29
L-Thr 0.90 0.57 0.65 0.64
L-Arg 1.93 1.02 1.39 1.16
DL-Met (98%) 3.08 2.39 2.06 2.26
Variable5 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Total 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Calculated analysis
ME, kcal/lb 1,362.00 1,394.00 1,416.00 1,460.00
Crude protein, % 20.93 19.17 17.02 16.08
Lys, % 1.24 1.09 0.93 0.88
TSAA, % 0.96 0.85 0.76 0.76
Met, % 0.63 0.53 0.48 0.49
Trp, % 0.27 0.24 0.20 0.19
Arg, % 1.52 1.31 1.17 1.08
Thr, % 0.85 0.76 0.68 0.64
Nonphytate P, % 0.43 0.37 0.34 0.33
Calcium, % 0.84 0.85 0.76 0.75
Sodium, % 0.23 0.20 0.21 0.20
Alpharma, Inc., Fort Lee, NJ.
Elanco Animal Health division of Eli Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN.
Provided per kilogram of diet: vitamin A (from vitamin A acetate), 7,714 IU; cholecalciferol, 2,204 IU; vitamin E (from
DL-α-tocopheryl acetate), 16.53 IU; vitamin B12, 0.013 mg; riboflavin, 6.6 mg; niacin, 39 mg; pantothenic acid, 10 mg;
menadione (from menadione dimethyl-pyrimidinol), 1.5 mg; folic acid, 0.9 mg; thiamin (from thiamin mononitrate), 1.54
mg; pyridoxine (from pyridoxineⴢHCl), 2.76 mg; D-biotin, 0.066 mg; ethoxyquin, 125 mg; Se, 0.1 mg.
Provided per kilogram of diet: Mn (from MnSO4ⴢH2O), 100 mg; Zn (from ZnSO4ⴢ7H2O), 100 mg; Fe (from FeSO4ⴢ7H2O),
50 mg; Cu (from CuSO4ⴢ5H2O), 10 mg; I from Ca(IO3)2ⴢH2O), 1 mg.
Variable amounts of choline or betaine.

checked twice daily and weight of dead birds then deboned by trained technicians to determine
used to adjust feed conversion. At 42, 49, and parts yield (breast, leg quarters, and wings).
56 d, 5 birds per pen were randomly selected Parts yield was expressed as percentage of evis-
for processing from among 20 birds marked at cerated chilled carcass.
1 d of age by a toe slit. After a 12-h fast, the At 42, 49, and 56 d, intestinal segments were
birds were placed in coops and transported ap- obtained from the slaughtered birds and intesti-
proximately 1 mi to the processing plant. They nal breaking strength and elasticity determined
were weighed and processed with automated as described by Huff et al. [27]. The test instru-
evisceration as described by Fritts and Waldroup ment used for determining the breaking force of
[26]. Due to the automatic evisceration it was the intestines was a Chatillon model DFM-10
not possible to determine abdominal fat content. digital break force meter [28] using a 4-in. seg-
The eviscerated carcass was weighed and placed ment of intestine with a speed set at 10 in./min.
in a chiller with air agitation for 1 h. The car- Pen means served as the experimental unit.
casses were removed, hung on shackles, and Data were subjected ANOVA as a 4 × 5 factorial
allowed to drain for 30 min. The carcasses were arrangement of treatments using the GLM option

Table 3. Total and added choline content of test diets (mg/kg)

choline Starter Grower Finisher 1 Finisher 2
(mg/kg) Basis1 0–14 d 14–35 d 35–42 d 42–56 d

0 C 1,239 1,160 1,051 981

A 1,193 1,116 1,024 925
+500 D 417 414 420 418
+1,000 D 748 768 762 756
C = calculated from NRC (1994); A = analyzed by Danisco Animal Nutrition, St. Louis, MO; D = difference between
analyzed value and amount provided by the unsupplemented diet.

of SAS [29]. The main effects of level of supple- BET averaged 544 and 1,075 mg/kg, respec-
mental Met and the various additives or combi- tively. Low levels of BET were found in the
nations served as main effects; the interaction basal diets; levels from 35 to 42 d were below
of Met levels and the various additives was also assay detection limits, perhaps due to different
evaluated. When statistical significance among sources of corn and soybean meal. Calculated
or between treatment means was observed, data and analyzed levels of supplemental Met are
were separated using the least square means op- shown in Table 5. Analyzed levels were in
tion of SAS [29]. Selected data were subjected close agreement with calculated levels over the
to regression analysis using the PROCREG op- entire range of test diets. Thus, the test diets
tion of SAS. Statements of probability are based were considered to contain the anticipated lev-
on P < 0.05 unless stated otherwise. els of CHO, BET, and Met.
The effect of levels of CHO, BET, and Met
RESULTS on BW at different ages is shown in Table 6.
Total and added CHO contents of mixed When compared by ANOVA, the Met content
feeds are listed in Table 3. Calculated values of the diet had no significant effect on BW at
for CHO in the basal diet were based on NRC 14 or 56 d of age. At 35 and 42 d of age,
[30]. Added CHO levels were determined by however, reduction of Met to 0.15 and 0.10%,
subtracting total CHO content of the diets with respectively, less than that in the commercial
no added CHO from that of diets with 500 or diets significantly reduced BW compared with
1,000 mg of CHO/kg added. Analyzed levels the control group. At 49 d, a reduction of more
for the unsupplemented basal diet were slightly than 0.05% resulted in a significant reduction
less than calculated; added levels for the 500 in BW. However, when subjected to regression
and 1,000 mg/kg levels over all age periods analysis, a significant linear regression of BW
averaged approximately 417 and 758 mg/kg, on level of Met was observed at all ages. For
respectively. Analyzed BET content of the each 0.01% reduction in level of Met, there
mixed feeds is shown in Table 4. Total BET were BW reductions of 0.68, 5.44, 7.08, 5.74,
levels in diets with 500 and 1,000 mg/kg added and 4.72 g at 14, 35, 42, 49, and 56 d of age,
respectively (R2 of 0.79, 0.85, 0.86, 0.97, and
0.91, respectively). Numerical improvements
Table 4. Analyzed betaine content of test diets (mg/
kg)1 in BW were frequently observed when CHO
or BET was added alone or in combination;
Added betaine (mg/kg) however, these did not reach a level of statisti-
Feeding Age
period fed None 500 1,000 cal significance (P < 0.05). There was no inter-
action between Met level and the addition of
Starter 0–14 d 81 560 1,132
Grower 14–35 d 80 546 1,121 CHO or BET, alone or in combination.
Finisher 1 35–42 d BDL2 444 916 The effect of levels of CHO, BET, and Met
Finisher 2 42–56 d 77 625 1,130 on feed conversion at different ages is shown
Analyzed by Danisco Animal Nutrition, St. Louis, MO. in Table 7. No significant effect of Met on
Below detection limits. feed conversion was observed at 14 d; however,
62 JAPR: Research Report

Table 5. Calculated and analyzed level of supplemental Met in test diets (% of diet)

from Starter Grower Finisher 1 Finisher 2
standard (%) Basis1 0–14 d 14–35 d 35–42 d 42–56 d

0 C 0.310 0.241 0.208 0.228

A 0.304 0.228 0.192 0.218
−0.05 C 0.259 0.191 0.158 0.178
A 0.267 0.170 0.145 0.182
−0.10 C 0.209 0.140 0.107 0.127
A 0.215 0.139 0.098 0.123
−0.15 C 0.158 0.089 0.056 0.077
A 0.152 0.079 0.051 0.065
−0.20 C 0.108 0.039 0.008 0.026
A 0.111 0.037 0.013 0.025

C = calculated level; A = analyzed by Degussa Corporation, Allendale, NJ.


cumulative feed conversion at 35, 42, 49, and abdominal fat. There were no indications of
56 d was significantly influenced by Met level interaction of Met levels and the addition of
of the diet. In general, a reduction of up to CHO or BET, alone or in combination.
0.10% below the industry average Met level Significant dietary effects on breast yield
could be achieved without a significant change at 42, 49, and 56 d of age were observed (Table
in feed conversion. Greater reductions in Met 10). Reduction of Met levels below that of the
had a detrimental effect. Regression analysis top industry producers resulted in significant
indicated a quadratic response to levels of Met, reduction in breast yield that followed a linear
with a breakpoint at approximately 0.10% re- trend. Each reduction of 0.01% in Met level
moval of Met at 35, 42, 49, and 56 d (Figure from that used by the top industry producers
1). The addition of 1,000 mg of CHO/kg, 1,000 resulted in losses of 0.08, 0.12, and 0.08% of
mg of BET/kg, or the combination of 500 mg breast meat yield at 42, 49, and 56 d, respec-
of each significantly improved feed conversion tively (R2 of 0.92, 0.92, and 0.83, respectively).
over the birds fed the unsupplemented diets at Addition of 1,000 mg of CHO/kg, 1,000 mg of
35, 42, 49, and 56 d of age with little difference BET/kg, or a combination of 500 mg of each
among these 3 treatments. At 14 d, there was to the diets resulted in significant improve-
a significant interaction of CHO and BET sup- ments in breast yield at 42, 49, and 56 d of
plementation with level of Met. However, this age. This response was independent of level of
followed no consistent pattern and was not ob- Met in the diet, as evidenced by lack of an
served at other ages, although it neared signifi- interaction of Met and the 2 supplements. No
cance at 42 (P = 0.08) and 49 (P = 0.06) d differences between the response to CHO or
of age. BET and the combination of the 2 was observed
No significant differences among or be- at 42 or 49 d; at 56 d the breast yield of birds
tween dietary treatments were observed for fed BET alone was superior to that of birds
mortality (Table 8). Birds were grown on new fed CHO alone, with the combination of the 2
softwood shavings and received an anticoccid- intermediate between the 2 supplements.
ial and a growth-promoting antibiotic through- Tensile strength of intestinal segments is
out the duration of the study. Mortality was shown in Table 11. There was no significant
within normal limits for our facility. effect of levels of Met or of the addition of CHO
Dietary treatments had no significant ef- or BET, alone or in combination. As mentioned
fects on dressing percentage of birds at 42, 49, previously an anticoccidial was fed for the du-
or 56 d of age (Table 9). Because fat deposits ration of the study, and a growth promoting
contained in the viscera were removed from antibiotic known to be effective against clos-
the carcass by the automatic evisceration, it tridial infection was also included in all diets.
was not possible to determine the amount of Periodic examination of birds that died during

Table 6. Effects of levels of methionine, choline, and betaine on body weight of male broilers at different ages
(means of 4 pens of 60 birds/treatment)

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average

14 d BW (g)
0.00 346 336 340 323 336
0.05 334 334 344 329 335
0.10 338 307 342 320 326
0.15 316 322 320 333 323
0.20 332 329 330 312 325
Average 333 325 335 323
35 d BW (g)
0.00 1,882 1,859 1,887 1,799 1,857ab
0.05 1,846 1,891 1,935 1,841 1,878a
0.10 1,847 1,790 1,819 1,839 1,824ab
0.15 1,748 1,785 1,824 1,851 1,802bc
0.20 1,731 1,757 1,802 1,747 1,759c
Average 1,811 1,816 1,854 1,815
42 d BW (g)
0.00 2,474 2,493 2,460 2,413 2,460ab
0.05 2,480 2,496 2,497 2,438 2,478a
0.10 2,395 2,413 2,401 2,421 2,407bc
0.15 2,337 2,385 2,407 2,448 2,394c
0.20 2,246 2,345 2,376 2,333 2,325d
Average 2,386 2,426 2,428 2,411
49 d BW (g)
0.00 2,981 2,992 2,955 2,964 2,973a
0.05 2,906 2,956 3,003 2,930 2,949ab
0.10 2,892 2,875 2,931 2,906 2,901bc
0.15 2,816 2,889 2,894 2,943 2,886bc
0.20 2,805 2,892 2,886 2,863 2,861c
Average 2,880 2,921 2,934 2,921
56 d BW (g)
0.00 3,380 3,389 3,381 3,427 3,394
0.05 3,308 3,381 3,434 3,353 3,369
0.10 3,337 3,299 3,358 3,309 3,326
0.15 3,296 3,328 3,240 3,364 3,307
0.20 3,239 3,345 3,390 3,252 3,307
Average 3,312 3,348 3,361 3,341
0–14 d 0–35 d 0–42 d 0–49 d 0–56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.45 6 0.001 20 0.0001 20 0.01 24 0.24 33

Supplements 0.34 6 0.37 19 0.37 18 0.40 23 0.72 30
Met × supplements 0.81 13 0.62 40 0.52 40 0.94 50 0.82 65
CV 7.94 4.83 3.50 3.63 4.13
Means within an age with common superscripts do not differ significantly (P < 0.05).

the study by a qualified poultry veterinarian currently used by the top broiler producers may
revealed no indication of coccidiosis. result in loss of live performance and in breast
meat yield. Reduction of more than 0.10% from
DISCUSSION current values could be tolerated without ad-
Results of the present study indicate that verse effects on BW gain or feed conversion;
reduction in Met and TSAA levels from those however, breast meat yield was negatively af-
64 JAPR: Research Report

Table 7. Effects of levels of Met, choline, and betaine on feed conversion by male broilers at different ages (means
of 4 pens of 60 birds/treatment)

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average

0–14 d feed:gain ratio

0.00 1.133bcd 1.154abc 1.173ab 1.163abc 1.156
0.05 1.186a 1.138bc 1.142abc 1.131cd 1.149
0.10 1.132bcd 1.136bcd 1.149abc 1.139bc 1.139
0.15 1.166abc 1.148abc 1.136bcd 1.099d 1.137
0.20 1.141bc 1.167abc 1.148abc 1.127cd 1.146
Average 1.151 1.149 1.150 1.132
0–35 d feed:gain ratio
0.00 1.523 1.520 1.562 1.513 1.530bc
0.05 1.532 1.496 1.515 1.500 1.511c
0.10 1.539 1.508 1.527 1.499 1.518d
0.15 1.581 1.528 1.523 1.531 1.541b
0.20 1.627 1.599 1.564 1.570 1.590a
Average 1.561x 1.530y 1.538y 1.523y
0–42 d feed:gain ratio
0.00 1.666 1.649 1.720 1.654 1.672bc
0.05 1.673 1.648 1.664 1.648 1.658c
0.10 1.700 1.646 1.667 1.651 1.666c
0.15 1.716 1.672 1.677 1.682 1.687b
0.20 1.793 1.747 1.724 1.720 1.746a
Average 1.710x 1.673yz 1.690y 1.671z
0–49 d feed:gain ratio
0.00 1.767 1.754 1.805 1.753 1.770c
0.05 1.781 1.770 1.779 1.756 1.772c
0.10 1.799 1.764 1.764 1.767 1.773c
0.15 1.831 1.779 1.786 1.791 1.797b
0.20 1.869 1.838 1.828 1.826 1.840a
Average 1.809x 1.781yz 1.792y 1.779z
0–56 d feed:gain ratio
0.00 1.904 1.874 1.938 1.849 1.891c
0.05 1.904 1.890 1.891 1.881 1.891c
0.10 1.916 1.892 1.882 1.898 1.897c
0.15 1.945 1.898 1.919 1.912 1.919b
0.20 1.994 1.959 1.928 1.956 1.959a
Average 1.933x 1.903y 1.911y 1.899y
0–14 d 0–35 d 0–42 d 0–49 d 0–56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.41 0.008 0.0001 0.007 0.0001 0.007 0.0001 0.005 0.0001 0.008
Supplements 0.08 0.007 0.0002 0.006 0.0001 0.006 0.0001 0.005 0.004 0.007
Met × supplements 0.049 0.016 0.16 0.014 0.08 0.015 0.06 0.012 0.15 0.016
CV 2.79 1.90 1.78 1.24 1.72
Means within an age with common superscripts do not differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Means within a row with common superscripts do not differ significantly (P < 0.05).

fected in a linear manner. One of the first re- (100, 106, 112, or 118 of 1984 NRC). The
ports suggesting that amino acid levels in ex- study by Hickling et al. [31] indicated that Lys
cess of NRC recommendations improved breast above NRC levels did not improve breast meat
meat yield was that of Hickling et al. [31], who yield unless Met was also greater than sug-
fed broilers a combination of 2 Met levels (100 gested by NRC. However, only 2 Met levels
or 116% of 1984 NRC) with 4 levels of Lys were compared (NRC, and 116%). Moran [32]

Figure 1. Feed conversion at different ages as influence by removal of various reductions in level of Met in the diet.

fed 2 strains of broilers (Ross × Ross; Steggles dations of Schutte and Pack [34] to NRC [30] as
× Arbor Acres) diets either deficient or ade- different time periods are involved. In a recent
quate in Met from 0 to 8 wk with processing study from our laboratory using NRC [30] feed-
at both 6 and 8 wk. The low Met diets reduced ing intervals, Si et al. [35] noted that increasing
BW and breast yield and increased abdominal Met above NRC recommendations improved
fat at 6 wk but not at 8 wk of age. The deficient FCR at 42 and 56 d but had no effect on breast
diets fed from 6 to 8 wk were very near to the meat yield.
NRC [30] requirement. Wallis [33] demon- The ability of BET to spare some of the Met
strated a response in breast meat yield to Met needs in broiler diets is subject to considerable
supplementation of a deficient diet but did not controversy. Virtanen and Rosi [36] conducted
make any estimates about requirements for studies in which the basal diet was formulated
maximum yield. to provide 75% of the NRC [30] recommenda-
One of the few reports that attempt to titrate tion for Met. This diet was then fortified with
a Met requirement to optimize breast yield was Met at 0.05, 0.10, or 0.15% or with BET at the
that of Schutte and Pack [34]. Feeding a range same levels. There was a significant response
of Met or TSAA levels from 14 to 38 d, they in BW to additions of Met and BET; the authors
estimated a TSAA requirement of 0.84% for concluded that the response to BET was greater
BW gain, 0.88% for FCR, and 0.89% for breast than that obtained from Met. Virtanen and
yield. It is difficult to compare the recommen- Rumsey [18] summarized a number of unpub-
66 JAPR: Research Report

Table 8. Effects of levels of methionine, choline, and betaine on mortality of male broilers (means of 4 pens of
60 males/treatment)

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average

0–14 d mortality (%)

0.00 4.16 2.91 2.91 2.70 3.17
0.05 2.08 5.00 3.33 4.37 3.69
0.10 2.08 5.55 2.91 3.33 3.47
0.15 4.58 6.25 3.33 3.75 4.47
0.20 3.33 2.91 2.50 2.91 2.91
Average 3.25 4.52 3.00 3.41
0–35 d mortality (%)
0.00 5.83 3.33 3.33 4.79 4.32
0.05 2.50 6.25 3.75 5.20 4.42
0.10 3.75 6.66 6.25 4.79 5.36
0.15 6.25 8.33 4.16 5.20 5.98
0.20 5.00 3.75 2.50 4.58 3.95
Average 4.66 5.66 4.00 4.91
0–42 d mortality (%)
0.00 5.83 4.58 4.58 5.20 5.05
0.05 5.41 7.50 3.75 5.83 5.62
0.10 4.16 8.33 7.08 5.83 6.35
0.15 8.33 9.16 5.41 6.25 7.29
0.20 6.25 4.58 2.91 7.08 5.20
Average 6.00 6.83 4.75 6.04
0–49 d mortality (%)
0.00 6.66 6.66 5.00 6.87 6.30
0.05 6.25 8.75 4.16 6.66 6.45
0.10 5.00 10.00 9.58 6.66 7.81
0.15 8.75 9.58 6.66 8.12 8.28
0.20 9.58 4.58 3.75 10.83 7.18
Average 7.25 7.91 5.83 7.83
0–56 d mortality (%)
0.00 9.58 8.33 5.83 8.33 8.02
0.05 7.91 11.66 5.41 7.29 8.07
0.10 9.16 12.77 10.41 9.16 10.38
0.15 10.83 13.75 8.75 9.79 10.78
0.20 12.50 7.50 4.58 12.91 9.37
Average 10.00 10.80 7.00 9.50
0–14 d 0–35 d 0–42 d 0–49 d 0–56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.54 0.66 0.37 0.79 0.31 0.83 0.56 0.98 0.33 1.17
Supplements 0.35 0.63 0.49 0.75 0.34 0.79 0.34 0.93 0.10 1.12
Met × supplements 0.91 1.41 0.70 1.69 0.74 1.78 0.34 2.09 0.64 2.51
CV 80.33 70.09 60.90 58.64 54.87

lished research trials conducted at private re- Rostagno and Pack [15], using corn-sorghum-
search institutions using corn-soybean diets soybean meal diets supplemented with CHO to
with various levels of coccidiosis challenge. provide methyl groups, found small and non-
They concluded that under practical field con- significant responses to BET supplementation
ditions with chicks maintained on built-up litter that were not comparable to those provided by
that BET was more effective in promoting supplemental Met. Schutte et al. [16] fed a
growth and feed efficiency than Met. However, complex diet (corn, wheat, tapioca, peas,

Table 9. Effects of levels of methionine, choline, and betaine on dressing percentage of male broilers at different
ages (means of 4 groups of 5 birds/treatment)

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average

42 d dressing percentage (%)

0.00 70.17 70.26 69.70 70.65 70.20
0.05 69.81 71.27 71.19 70.14 70.60
0.10 70.49 72.48 71.47 72.54 71.75
0.15 70.93 70.74 71.39 70.82 70.97
0.20 70.37 71.09 71.32 71.50 71.07
Average 70.35 71.17 71.01 71.13
49 d dressing percentage (%)
0.00 70.68 72.75 72.44 72.11 72.00
0.05 71.62 71.41 73.11 72.94 72.27
0.10 72.26 72.85 72.51 72.20 72.46
0.15 73.03 73.25 72.84 72.61 72.93
0.20 71.94 72.12 73.35 72.67 72.52
Average 71.91 72.48 72.85 72.51
56 d dressing percentage (%)
0.00 71.65 72.75 73.16 73.02 72.64
0.05 71.82 73.27 73.56 73.51 73.04
0.10 72.99 72.58 73.50 73.59 73.17
0.15 73.84 73.47 73.73 73.01 73.51
0.20 73.47 73.16 74.11 72.03 73.19
Average 72.45 73.04 73.61 73.03
42 d 49 d 56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.08 0.38 0.34 0.32 0.33 0.28

Supplements 0.31 0.34 0.15 0.28 0.13 0.25
Met × supplements 0.89 0.77 0.59 0.64 0.30 0.57
CV 2.18 1.76 1.58

feather meal, and soybean meal) and a simple yield (dressing percentage) with no significant
corn-soybean meal diet, both supplemented change in other carcass parameters such as breast
with CHO and considered to be Met deficient, yield or abdominal fat. Esteve-Garcia and Mack
and evaluated the effects of supplemental BET. [19] concluded that BET does not replace Met
The response of chicks to BET was small and in its function as an essential amino acid in
nonsignificant, although BET significantly im- protein metabolism but may improve carcass
proved oven-ready yield and breast meat yield. yield. McDevitt et al. [20] also noted that addi-
However, the effect on breast yield was inferior tion of BET to diets containing added Met fur-
to that obtained by Met supplementation. ther improved the relative breast muscle yield.
Esteve-Garcia and Mack [19] evaluated the They concluded that BET could not substitute
potential replacement value of Met by BET in for Met in diets marginally deficient in TSAA
a Met-deficient diet. Choline was added at 500 but that BET may improve carcass composition,
mg/kg as a methyl donor, and clean conditions especially breast meat yield. Remus [37] noted
were used to reduce coccidiosis challenge. There that breast meat yield of tom turkeys was sig-
were no significant interactions between BET nificantly improved by BET supplementation.
and Met; Met supplementation significantly im- The results of the present study indicate that
proved BW and feed to gain at 21 and 41 d addition of either CHO or BET at 1,000 mg/kg
and significantly increased breast yield at 41 d. to a nutritionally adequate corn-soybean meal
Addition of BET significantly improved carcass diet had little or no sparing effect on Met. Addi-
68 JAPR: Research Report

Table 10. Effects of levels of Met, choline, and betaine on breast yield at different ages (means of 4 groups of 5

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average
42 d breast yield (%)
0.00 24.76 24.48 25.20 24.62 24.76a
0.05 24.27 25.19 24.54 24.83 24.71a
0.10 23.69 24.73 24.29 24.31 24.25ab
0.15 22.42 24.15 24.76 24.18 23.88b
0.20 21.83 23.46 23.59 23.60 23.12c
Average 23.39y 24.40x 24.48x 24.31x
49 d breast yield (%)
0.00 25.11 26.55 25.34 25.94 25.73a
0.05 24.33 25.29 25.97 25.70 25.32ab
0.10 24.37 24.97 23.94 25.78 24.76bc
.15 23.45 25.13 24.91 24.12 24.40c
0.20 21.54 23.30 23.66 23.56 23.01d
Average 23.76y 25.05x 24.76x 25.02x
56 d breast yield (%)
0.00 25.55 24.86 26.20 26.15 25.69a
0.05 25.23 25.29 25.86 25.34 25.43ab
0.10 24.01 25.07 25.55 26.13 25.19ab
0.15 24.49 25.07 25.42 25.27 25.06b
0.20 22.60 24.61 24.76 23.69 23.92c
Average 24.38z 24.98y 25.56x 25.32xy
42 d 49 d 56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.0005 0.27 0.0001 0.22 0.0001 0.22

Supplements 0.01 0.25 0.0001 0.19 0.0005 0.19
Met × supplements 0.70 0.55 0.08 0.43 0.16 0.43
CV 4.62 3.52 3.50

Means within an age with common superscripts do not differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Means within a row with common superscripts do not differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Skinless, boneless breast meat (pectoralis major + pectoralis minor) as a percentage of carcass weight.

tion of CHO or BET to the diets did improve received an anticoccidial in the diet and were
feed conversion at 35 or 42 d but not at other ages grown on new litter with no apparent problems
evaluated. One of the most significant responses with coccidial infection. Intestinal strength of
observed during the present study was the posi- chicks in the present study was not influenced by
tive influence of CHO or BET supplementation supplementation of the diet with BET or CHO.
on breast meat yield. In agreement with that of The Arg levels in this study exceeded those
many previous reports, addition of 1,000 mg of suggested by NRC [30] but were similar to levels
BET/kg resulted in increased breast yield that used in the commercial broiler industry [21].
was independent of the Met content of the diet. Keshavarz and Fuller [45, 46] demonstrated that
However, similar improvements were noted with high levels of Arg in a corn-soybean meal diet
the addition of 1,000 mg of CHO/kg or a combi- suppressed performance when Met levels were
nation of BET and CHO, each at 500 mg/kg. low and suggested that the adverse effect of
Due in large measure to its osmoregulatory excess Arg is due to the increased demand for
functions [17, 38, 39], BET appears to be of methyl groups for the formation of creatine,
benefit in chicks infected with coccidiosis [39, which in turn leads to a deficiency of Met. This
40, 41, 42, 43, 44]. Chicks in the present study research was confirmed by the findings of Cham-

Table 11. Effects of levels of methionine, choline, and betaine on tensile strength of intestine of male broilers
(means of 4 groups of 5 birds/treatment)

500 mg
of choline/kg
Reduction No choline 1,000 mg 1,000 mg 500 mg
in Met (%) or betaine of choline/kg of betaine/kg of betaine/kg Average

42 d peak load (kg)

0.00 0.412 0.403 0.443 0.454 0.428
0.05 0.424 0.530 0.361 0.466 0.445
0.10 0.508 0.461 0.505 0.404 0.469
0.15 0.413 0.387 0.473 0.395 0.417
0.20 0.408 0.432 0.418 0.436 0.423
Average 0.433 0.442 0.440 0.431
49 d peak load (kg)
0.00 0.558 0.760 0.492 0.549 0.590
0.05 0.654 0.594 0.528 0.553 0.582
0.10 0.543 0.498 0.620 0.578 0.560
0.15 0.510 0.523 0.543 0.492 0.517
0.20 0.567 0.530 0.547 0.529 0.543
Average 0.566 0.581 0.546 0.540
56 d peak load (kg)
0.00 0.542 0.457 0.552 0.600 0.538
0.05 0.490 0.538 0.600 0.531 0.540
0.10 0.589 0.498 0.543 0.552 0.545
0.15 0.475 0.529 0.521 0.588 0.528
0.20 0.535 0.557 0.530 0.513 0.534
Average 0.526 0.516 0.549 0.557
42 d 49 d 56 d
Source of
variance P diff SEM P diff SEM P diff SEM

Met level 0.49 0.023 0.41 0.029 0.99 0.025

Supplements 0.97 0.020 0.65 0.027 0.52 0.024
Met × supplements 0.34 0.046 0.26 0.061 0.73 0.050
CV 21.29 22.03 18.77

ruspollert et al. [47, 48]. Arg levels used in the increased demand for methyl groups a greater
present study were not as high as those shown response to BET or CHO should have been ob-
in the cited studies, and if there had been an served.


1. Dietary Met levels typical of top industry producers could be reduced by approximately 0.10%
without adversely affecting BW gain or feed conversion.
2. Reductions in Met levels below those used by top industry producers had a significant negative
effect on breast yield.
3. Addition of CHO or BET at 1,000 mg/kg or a combination of 500 mg/kg of both appeared to
have no sparing effect on Met needs.
4. Addition of CHO or BET at 1,000 mg/kg or a combination of 500 mg/kg of both significantly
improved feed conversion and breast meat yield of broilers independent of dietary Met levels.
5. No influence of CHO or BET supplementation was observed on intestinal strength of broilers
in the present study in which coccidiosis was not an apparent problem.
70 JAPR: Research Report


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