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[055] LAKE VALOUR [MW055]
Items: HP Up
Trainers' Pokemon: Glameow L35, Murkrow L35, Golbat L37, Croagunk L33, Stunky
L33, Houndour L33, Glameow L33

Team Galactic being the lovely people they are, the water has disappeared from
the lake due to what I assume was the explosion we saw earlier. Lots of poor
Magikarp flopping everywhere. Though there are more things in the lake than
Magikarp. WHERE ARE THE REST, HMMMM...? There's a hidden HP Up near the huge
pile of Magikarp to the left, by the way.

Go down the stairs and battle the female Galactic grunt, then go south and
ascend the stairs again and battle the male grunt here. Travel further to
the right and battle another male Galactic grunt, then enter the cave after.

Inside is the last of the three Galactic admins, Saturn. Battle him~

| :: Houndoom Lv. 41 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 41 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 43 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 41 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 42 |


|- Save Lake Valour from Galactic! - |
| :: Golbat Female Lv. 38 EXP: 1392 |
| :: Bronzor Gndrlss Lv. 38 EXP: 585 |
| :: Toxicroak Female Lv. 40 EXP: 1551 | - @Sitrus Berry
Reward: $3200

Saturn's hair always looks like a hat of some sort. I have no idea why but it
does. It only looks like hair in the offical art to me... I am interested to
know why his Pokemon are female, too. Don't they normally match the trainer's

Golbat. lolbat. Just kill it as always, it's nothing special. It has moves like
Supersonic and Air Cutter at its arsenal. So frail, so weak. Bah.

Bronzor is annoying as always. Smack it with a Fire attack if you have one,
otherwise try to hit it with your strongest attacks. It rarely goes down with
one hit unless it is type effective but it has little offense. Be warned that
it may have Hypnosis though.

Toxicroak, unlike Purugly and Skuntank, can actually be quite frail. Smack it
with a Psychic attack and watch it die a painful death. Alternatively, hit it
with a Ground or Flying attack to do good damage too. Or just overpower it.

Saturn will leave afterwards. Now we need to go join Rowan and Dawn/Lucas at
Lake Verity - fly to Twinleaf, and head into Lake Verity to the west. Heal
at your house if you need to.
1 of 29 12/25/10 11:03 AM
[056] LAKE VERITY [MW056]
Items: N/A
with a Psychic attack and watch it die a painful death. Alternatively, hit it
with a Ground or Flying attack to do good damage too. Or just overpower it.

Saturn will leave afterwards. Now we need to go join Rowan and Dawn/Lucas at
Lake Verity - fly to Twinleaf, and head into Lake Verity to the west. Heal
at your house if you need to.

[056] LAKE VERITY [MW056]
Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: Glameow L33, Croagunk L37, Golbat L33, Murkrow L36,
Stunky L35, Houndour L34, Houndour L35, Glameow L36

Rowan greets you when you enter, as well as the familiar Galactic music. Dawn
is at the top (or Lucas) and we need to go join her. To do so we need to fight
a few easy double battles; just work your way through the two presented. The
second double battle is not forced since you can fight the trainers seperately
but you have to battle the first as a double; it's unavoidable. I must say
Murkrow seem to be quite common in Platinum now; compared to D/P where Cyrus
was practically the only trainer to own one apart from some people in the Lost
Tower or something. I miss my Murkrow and Misdreavus ;-;

When you reach the other side of the lake, talk to Mars. She'll say some stuff
nobody cares about, then begin a battle. It isn't a battle with Dawn, though.


|- Save Lake Verity from Galactic! - |
| :: Golbat Female Lv. 38 EXP: 1392 |
| :: Bronzor Gndrlss Lv. 38 EXP: 585 |
| :: Purugly Female Lv. 40 EXP: 1567 | - @Sitrus Berry
Reward: $3200

Golbat is identical to Saturn's. Deal with it in the same method, yadayada.

Bronzor is also identical to Saturn's. KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Purugly is still quite durable but now that you have fully evolved Pokemon
yourself for the most part it should be easy. One or two Fighting attacks will
cause it go down, otherwise try using strong attacks. It shouldn't do _too_
much damage to your Pokemon anymore. At least it won't 2HKO them with Scratch
like it used to be able to back in the Valley Windworks all that time ago.
It is very likely to use Fake Out on the first turn, but it's fair play after
it uses that. It is kinda fast, though.

You even get the same money as a reward. Wow.


After some really looong speech about the legendaries in the lakes, Galactic
will leave from Verity. We now need to check up on your rival at Lake Acuity
which is far away; it's time to head for Snowpoint City and the seventh badge
far in the north. Fly to Celestic Town. By the way, you should have seen
about 146 Pokemon up to this point if you've been following this walkthrough.

Celestic Town
Heal in the center if you need to, then head into Route 211 to the west.
Enter Mt. Coronet afterwards. Make sure you bring a Strength using Pokemon
with you!

[057] MT. CORONET (ROUTE 211 West Entrance) [MW057]
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Items: TM69 Rock Polish, Rare Candy
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A
Celestic Town
Heal in the center if you need to, then head into Route 211 to the west.
Enter Mt. Coronet afterwards. Make sure you bring a Strength using Pokemon
with you!

[057] MT. CORONET (ROUTE 211 West Entrance) [MW057]
Items: TM69 Rock Polish, Rare Candy
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

First of all, head to the left and push the boulder here to allow you to get
through the gap. Afterwards, push the rock to the north out of the way and
collect TM69 Rock Polish at the end of this passage. Return to the entrance
you came in from after that and this time head north. Push the boulder here
out of the way, then break the rocks and get through this passage and collect
the Rare Candy at the end of it. Turn back and head north, and go down to B1F.

Floor B1F
Items: Ultra Ball, Soft Sand, Revive, Full Restore, Elixir, Light Clay,
NeverMeltIce, Nugget, Yellow Shard
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 33 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 32 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 35 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 32 | Cave Floor |
|Meditite | Fighting/Psychic| Level 37 | 20% | 32 - 35 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 34 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzor | Psychic/Steel | Level 33 | 20% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Zubat | Poison/Flying | Level 22 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Barboach | Water/Ground | Level 30 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Whiscash | Water/Ground | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Feebas** | Water | HighBeauty | --% | 4 - 55 | Fishing OGS |
** Feebas is only found in four tiles of the water but with a mostly guaranteed
rate of finding it. These four tiles change every day.

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 33 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 32 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 35 | Cave Floor |
|Meditite | Fighting/Psychic| Level 37 | 30% | 32 - 35 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 34 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzor | Psychic/Steel | Level 33 | 20% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Zubat | Poison/Flying | Level 22 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Barboach | Water/Ground | Level 30 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Whiscash | Water/Ground | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Feebas** | Water | HighBeauty | --% | 4 - 55 | Fishing OGS |

3 of 29 Night 12/25/10 11:03 AM

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Barboach | Water/Ground | Level 30 |
35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Whiscash | Water/Ground | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Feebas** | Water | HighBeauty | --% | 4 - 55 | Fishing OGS |

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 33 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 32 - 34 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 35 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 32 | Cave Floor |
|Meditite | Fighting/Psychic| Level 37 | 10% | 32 - 35 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 34 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzor | Psychic/Steel | Level 33 | 20% | 33 | Cave Floor |
|Zubat | Poison/Flying | Level 22 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Barboach | Water/Ground | Level 30 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Whiscash | Water/Ground | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Feebas** | Water | HighBeauty | --% | 4 - 55 | Fishing OGS |

Yay, fog. You can also catch Feebas in here but it is so hard to obtain it may
not be worth bothering, as cool as Milotic is. Get it from a trade perhaps.

We won't be in here long so you don't really need Defog. Break the rock right
in front of you and collect the Ultra Ball in the gap. I do wish my Psychics
were not missing three times in a row here >_>

Take the top path up, and when a staircase to go down to the right slightly
presents itself, take it. Get the obstacles out of the way and collect the
Soft Sand at the end of the passage. Go back the way you came, up the steps
and this time continue heading north. Go down a staircase to the right near
the end of the northern path and move the boulder out of the way so you can
collect a Revive. Keep going around, break the rocks, collect the Full Restore.

Go back around and down the raised rock, then break the smashable rock right
below the staircase and follow the passage right to a Max Elixir. Get on the
water with Surf and go around to the bottom, surfing around the large rock
slab and land on the tiny island on the other side, picking up the Light Clay
on it, meaning a Pokemon equipped with it can boost the durability of Reflect
and Light Screen to eight turns instead of the usual five. There's nothing
else to collect in this room, so get off the water at the north again, go
left, up and right to the next floor up.

On this floor, enter the cave-inside-the-cave here. This is where Regice will
be, and you can pick up the NeverMeltIce inside for the time being. You can
also find a hidden Nugget in here if you use your dowsing machine app about
two squares above the NeverMeltIce.

Exit this room, then press A on the rock next to the entrance to the left to
get a Yellow Shard. That is all, so exit the cave to the left.

[058] ROUTE 216 [MW058]
Items: PP Up, Full Heal, Revive
Trainers' Pokemon: Golduck L38, Sudowoodo L38, Rapidash L39, Tropius L42,
Ambipom L39, Porygon2 L40, Sneasel L39, Mr. Mime L37, Scyther L39, Dusclops L39

4 of 29 12/25/10 11:03 AM
|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 35% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
[058] ROUTE 216 [MW058]
Items: PP Up, Full Heal, Revive
Trainers' Pokemon: Golduck L38, Sudowoodo L38, Rapidash L39, Tropius L42,
Ambipom L39, Porygon2 L40, Sneasel L39, Mr. Mime L37, Scyther L39, Dusclops L39

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 35% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 40% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Meditite | Fighting/Psychic| Level 37 | 20% | 32 - 33 | Grass |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 5% | 35 | Grass |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 35% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 30% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Meditite | Fighting/Psychic| Level 37 | 10% | 32 - 33 | Grass |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 5% | 35 | Grass |
|Zubat | Poison/Flying | Level 22 | 10% | 32 | Grass |
|Snorunt | Ice |Lvl42/DawnStone| 10% | 33 | Grass |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

Welcome to the first snowy route of the game. Lovely atmosphere, calming music
and the slowest walking you will ever see in the history of Pokemon. Bah. I do
like these routes though. Very nice.

To begin with, ascend the stairs, ignore the bridge and continue to the end
of the snow and in the tile right at the end to the left is a PP Up; press A
while facing that tile to collect it. Then go across the bridge to the north
side of the canyon and collect the Full Heal at the end of this snow. Cross
the bridge south and battle the Skier here. Note that the snow routes have
eternal hail weather, so all of your non-Ice types will lose 1/16 of their HP
for each turn they're in battle. This also applies to opponent Pokemon as well.

Keep going and collect the Revive, cross the bridge, descend the stairs and
fight the Skier here. Then go to the right so we're going under the bridges
we just crossed and fight the Skier you come across to add Ambipom AND the
elusive Porygon2 to your PokeDex. You may also want to note that being in Hail
causes Blizzard to get 100% accuarcy, which is soemething that could come in
useful for Empoleon users because we cannot even get Ice Beam until we obtain
Rock Climb and get the Icicle Badge in Snowpoint City.

After the battle with the Porygon2, head back to the left and this time keep
going left until you reach a cabin. If you haven't noticed already, there are
some pretty neat Ice-types you can get here, including Snorunt at night. If
you still have a Dawn Stone left over and you catch a female Snorunt, you can
evolve it into a Froslass right off the bat.

On the way to the cabin, you'll need to battle another Skier. Enter the cabin,
enter the bed and press A to heal your Pokemon. This place is the "Pokemon
Center" of this route. Come back to it anytime you need healing.

Exit the cabin and make your way through the large grass patch to the left.
Battle the Skier/Ace Trainer in the grass (I don't know what type these are
damnit D:) to add the lovely Mr. Mime to your PokeDex, as well as the creepy
Dusclops. Go back to the cabin now if you need to heal again, then go past
the Ace Trainer and keep going north and you should reach Route 217.

5 of 29 [059] ROUTE 217 [MW059]
12/25/10 11:03 AM
Items: Ultra Ball, Rare Candy, Spell Tag, HM08 Rock Climb, TM07 Hail, Icicle
Plate, Iron, Nugget
Trainers' Pokemon: Electabuzz L40, Magmar L40, Golbat L39, Snover L35,
Exit the cabin and make your way through the large grass patch to the left.
Battle the Skier/Ace Trainer in the grass (I don't know what type these are
damnit D:) to add the lovely Mr. Mime to your PokeDex, as well as the creepy
Dusclops. Go back to the cabin now if you need to heal again, then go past
the Ace Trainer and keep going north and you should reach Route 217.

[059] ROUTE 217 [MW059]
Items: Ultra Ball, Rare Candy, Spell Tag, HM08 Rock Climb, TM07 Hail, Icicle
Plate, Iron, Nugget
Trainers' Pokemon: Electabuzz L40, Magmar L40, Golbat L39, Snover L35,
Snover L36, Snover L37, Swinub L36, Sneasel L38, Piloswine L37, Glaceon L37,
Skorupi L37, Golbat L37, Snorunt L39, Croagunk L37, Riolu L37, Machoke L37,
Kirlia L38, Seaking L39, Buneary L38

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 25% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 40% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Swinub | Ice/Ground | Level 33 | 35% | 32 - 34 | Grass |
|Delibird | Ice/Flying | N/A | 40% | 32 - 33 | Swarm |
|Piloswine | Ice/Ground |LvlUpAncientpwr| 12% | 30 - 31 | PokeRadar |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 15% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 30% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Snorunt | Ice |Lvl42/DawnStone| 20% | 33 | Grass |
|Swinub | Ice/Ground | Level 33 | 35% | 32 - 34 | Grass |
|Delibird | Ice/Flying | N/A | 40% | 32 - 33 | Swarm |
|Piloswine | Ice/Ground |LvlUpAncientpwr| 12% | 30 - 31 | PokeRadar |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

Apparently Route 216 didn't have enough snow, so enjoy the deepest snow ever
as well as a lovely snowstorm! You can find exclusively Ice-types in the grass
here to the north-east, including Swinub. If you have a Heart Scale on you
and you get a Piloswine, head back to the Move Tutor in Pastoria and teach
Piloswine Ancientpower and watch it evolve upon levelling.

When you head up the route, Maylene will appear and talk to you for a bit.
After she leaves, go north and battle the unavoidable Ace Trainer by here.
He has an Electabuzz, which is pretty likely to start Thunder Waving your
Pokemon. It's pretty fast, so be wary. He also has Magmar, but that isn't
a lot of trouble really. Go back to the cabin if you need to heal Paralysis.
Going over to the left side of the route near the entrance should allow you to
find a hidden Revival Herb if you use the Dowsing App (thank you to a reader
for finding this!)

Afterwards, continue north. Hug the right wall, and go to collect the
item and end up being attacked by a Ninja Boy. Bah. Pick up the Ultra Ball
then battle the Skier to the right. Keep heading north, travelling through the
incredibly thick snow and hugging the right wall of trees until you come to a
Rare Candy; pick it up. Battle the skier a little further up and keep going
north until you reach a house. Enter and talk to the creepy woman inside to
receive a Spell Tag, then exit and go to the left. The grass is here if you
wish to catch Pokemon, and also the infamous ice rock. If you level up Eevee
anywhere on this route, it will promptly evolve into a Glaceon.

Follow the tree path around, battle the female Skier you come across to add
6 of 29 Glaceon and Piloswine to your PokeDex, then keep heading south from there to 12/25/10 11:03 AM
a cabin. Pick up the HM08 Rock Climb outside it (YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS)
and the TM07 Hail out the front, the enter the cabin. Talk to the hiker inside
to get an Icicle Plate, then leave. If you keep going south there is a Ninja
Boy to battle on the left hand side. Keep going down then to the right to pick
Rare Candy; pick it up. Battle the skier a little further up and keep going
north until you reach a house. Enter and talk to the creepy woman inside to
receive a Spell Tag, then exit and go to the left. The grass is here if you
wish to catch Pokemon, and also the infamous ice rock. If you level up Eevee
anywhere on this route, it will promptly evolve into a Glaceon.

Follow the tree path around, battle the female Skier you come across to add
Glaceon and Piloswine to your PokeDex, then keep heading south from there to
a cabin. Pick up the HM08 Rock Climb outside it (YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS)
and the TM07 Hail out the front, the enter the cabin. Talk to the hiker inside
to get an Icicle Plate, then leave. If you keep going south there is a Ninja
Boy to battle on the left hand side. Keep going down then to the right to pick
up an Iron then keep heading south-west near the entrance to the route and
you should find a Blue Shard in the snow. Also if from here you head left and
then up, you will find a small alcove blocked by trees. Press A while facing
the top left square and you will get a Nugget. You might also want to battle
the skier by here. Then hug the trees to the right around following the path
that goes in a sideways U shape and you should end up near the cabin where you
got the Icicle Plate again.

This time keep heading north, past the Skier to enter a thinner part of the
route where you can battle a Blackbelt. Keep following the path up, battling
another Ace Trainer on the way and crossing through a large patch of grass
and you should end up at Acuity Lakefront.

Items: Ultra Ball
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 25% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 40% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Swinub | Ice/Ground | Level 33 | 35% | 32 - 34 | Grass |
|Delibird | Ice/Flying | N/A | 40% | 32 - 33 | Swarm |
|Piloswine | Ice/Ground |LvlUpAncientpwr| 12% | 30 - 31 | PokeRadar |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

|Sneasel | Dark/Ice |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 15% | 33 - 35 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 30% | 32 - 35 | Grass |
|Snorunt | Ice |Lvl42/DawnStone| 20% | 33 | Grass |
|Swinub | Ice/Ground | Level 33 | 35% | 32 - 34 | Grass |
|Delibird | Ice/Flying | N/A | 40% | 32 - 33 | Swarm |
|Piloswine | Ice/Ground |LvlUpAncientpwr| 12% | 30 - 31 | PokeRadar |
|Ursaring | Normal | N/A | 8% | 35 | Grass Em |

This area is actually quite large, so unlike the other Lakefronts it definitely
deserves its own section. The grass holds nothing that wasn't in Route 217
though. You'll get a view of your rival but he's up a newly formed Rock Climb
ledge, which we can't get up yet. Keep heading east, go north in the large
clearing with tons of grass and pick up an Ultra Ball. Keep going east to
enter Snowpoint City at last.

Items: Ultra Ball, Rare Candy, Everstone
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A
7 of 29 12/25/10 11:03 AM
Ah, I love this city. While it is a bit slow to walk through it it has some
lovely music and snow effects. Anyway, head down and pick up the Ultra Ball
on the floor to the right (there's a lot of these...) The boat becomes useful
clearing with tons of grass and pick up an Ultra Ball. Keep going east to
enter Snowpoint City at last.
Items: Ultra Ball, Rare Candy, Everstone
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

Ah, I love this city. While it is a bit slow to walk through it it has some
lovely music and snow effects. Anyway, head down and pick up the Ultra Ball
on the floor to the right (there's a lot of these...) The boat becomes useful
later on. For now, head up the stairs here. The gym is right in the center
of the city, but we don't want to go there just yet. Go south-east to reach
the Pokemon Center so you can heal and bring out any new battlers you may have
caught on your travels through the snow routes. Maylene is also in the Pokemon
Center but she doesn't give you anything ;-;

Exit the center when you're done. The deep snow part to the direct right of
the Pokemon Gym has a hidden Rare Candy over on the far right which you can
locate with the Dowsing app. The southwest contains the PokeMart. The house
to the north-west has a trade with a Medicham for a Haunter. But unfortunately
the silly girl has attached an Everstone to the Haunter, so you're not getting
a free Gengar that way. Pity =/

At the top of the city is Snowpoint Temple, which at present we cannot actually
enter, but we'll be able to much later on. Finally, the top right house has the
second move tutor of the game. Enter the gym when you're ready.

Items: TM72 Avalanche, Icicle Badge
Trainers' Pokemon: Glalie L44, Snorunt L39, Snorunt L40, Glalie L42, Snover L41
Sneasel L42, Piloswine L44, Sneasel L40, Snorunt L40, Snover L41, Sneasel L40,
Sneasel L43

This is probably the most confusing gym puzzle in the game. It is relatively
unchanged from D/P, but it is still confusing. To begin, go up to the very
top of the snow patch you're on and slide to the right to land on the small
snow circle. Next, slide up to break four snowballs and land on another snow
thingy. Slide up to the Skier and battle him, on a unique field thingy (you
don't see this sort of shiny ice anywhere else in the game) then slide back
down onto the snow patch and slide to the right and down to the Ace Trainer
to battle her as well.

Next, slide to the left to end up in front of snowballs that you aren't getting
to break yet, then slide down to return to near the start. Go left to land on
another snow patch, then slide to the left to get onto another ice patch.

Next, go up to battle an Ace Trainer, then slide left and up to another snow
patch. Then up and right to reach another one and slide down from there to
reach get another snow patch. Slide to the right to break a snowball and
end up on some stairs. Slide to the right then down to battle another Ace
Trainer, then slide left onto the stairs, right into the wall and down onto
a snow patch.

Next, slide to the left to break another snowball and end up on the stairs.
Go left and up to get another snow patch, then slide right to break a second
snowball. Go right and down onto the same snowpatch, go left twice into the
opposite wall, then this time go down, left, down, left, up to end up in front
of the Ace Trainer you battled already. From there, slide left, up and this
time slide to the right down the slope to break five snowballs.

Slide right into the wall, up into the wall, left into the Ace Trainer, down
into another ice trainer, left onto stairs, right and down onto a snow part,
left and left into a wall, down left down left onto more snow then slide
down again and then right onto the starting snow.
8 of 29 12/25/10 11:03 AM
[We can actually access Candice now, but I'm going to guide you to the other
trainers for the experience first.]
opposite wall, then this time go down, left, down, left, up to end up in front
of the Ace Trainer you battled already. From there, slide left, up and this
time slide to the right down the slope to break
five snowballs.

Slide right into the wall, up into the wall, left into the Ace Trainer, down
into another ice trainer, left onto stairs, right and down onto a snow part,
left and left into a wall, down left down left onto more snow then slide
down again and then right onto the starting snow.

[We can actually access Candice now, but I'm going to guide you to the other
trainers for the experience first.]

From there, go to the very top of the safe snow and then slide to the left,
up, up again, right, down and down again to face an Ace Trainer we've yet
to battle. From there, slide to the right to break another snowball, up, left,
down, left, down, right onto the safe snow. Then go on the top line of snow,
slide to the right onto the snow patch, then slide up onto the snow patch
on the other side of the gym and slide left to battle the last trainer in the

Finally, slide down onto the other side of the gym, right onto the safe snow,
then position your character in the center of the three squares of snow on the
top row and keep sliding up until you reach Candice. Save and challenge.

| :: Houndoom Lv. 44 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 44 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 43 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 44 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 43 |


|- Battle for the Icicle Badge! - |
| :: Sneasel Female Lv. 40 EXP: 1131|
| :: Piloswine Female Lv. 40 EXP: 1371|
| :: Abomasnow Female Lv. 42 EXP: 1926|
| :: Froslass Female Lv. 44 EXP: 1762| - @Sitrus Berry
Reward: $5280, Icicle Badge, TM72 Avalanche

Due to the influx of Ice-types Platinum has had, Candice now sports a fully
ice team rather than the team she had before with Medicham and something else
that wasn't Ice-typed.

Sneasel is fast and frail as always. Smack it with a strong attack and watch
it die. I don't recommend trying to use something like a Gardevoir against it
because Faint Attack will do a _lot_ of damage. Candice does have Hyper Potions
that she will use on Pokemon in red health as well. AND IT IS POSSIBLE FOR
HER TO SWITCH! She swapped from Sneasel to Abomasnow when I was trying to use
water attacks, for example.

Piloswine is the same as every other one you've faced. While it does have some
attack power, it is not too strong overall, but that's probably why it got an
evolution this generation. It probably has Avalanche, which has a large 180
base power when it attacks last due to STAB and the power being doubled so
watch out for that. A Fire, Water or Fighting move will probably shut it down

Her sending Abomasnow into the battle will automatically start a Hail in the
arena because of Snow Warning, so be prepared for your health to be chipped
away. Abomasnow, despite appearances, is actually not all that durable having
9 of 29 no base stats above 100. A fire attack will completely mutilate it, and Flying12/25/10 11:03 AM
and Fighting attacks, as well as Rock, Bug etcetera will also be very good.
Ice/Grass is probably one of the worst typings in the game... Be warned that
Abomasnow does have Focus Blast to try and deal with Steel-types, but it is
evolution this generation. It probably has Avalanche, which has a large 180
base power when it attacks last due to STAB and the power being doubled so
watch out for that. A Fire, Water or Fighting move will probably shut it down

Her sending Abomasnow into the battle will automatically start a Hail in the
arena because of Snow Warning, so be prepared for your health to be chipped
away. Abomasnow, despite appearances, is actually not all that durable having
no base stats above 100. A fire attack will completely mutilate it, and Flying
and Fighting attacks, as well as Rock, Bug etcetera will also be very good.
Ice/Grass is probably one of the worst typings in the game... Be warned that
Abomasnow does have Focus Blast to try and deal with Steel-types, but it is
rather inaccurate.

Froslass, now being in the Sinnoh Dex, is now Candice's "main" Pokemon instead
of Abomasnow. Froslass is a new evolution of Snorunt and is quite fast with a
110 base speed, but it sacrifices some defenses for this new stat arrangement.
It is Ice/Ghost type but other Ghost types probably won't work too well against
it because it sports the Shadow Ball move. Using a Fire Pokemon is probably the
best bet, or a Dark Pokemon. Houndoom is perfect for this. Alternatively you
can try a Rock move. Don't bother with Fighting because it will not affect it.
Froslass also has Double Team to raise its evasion, so FINISH IT QUICKLY!

Just one more badge to get now. But we have a loooooooong chain of events to
go through before we can get to Sunyshore City. Exit the gym, heal up and head
out for Acuity Lakefront.

Acuity Lakefront
Items: Reaper Cloth

Backtrack to where we saw the rival on the Rock Climb ledge before. Make sure
one of your Pokemon know the Rock Climb move, and climb up the ledge, now
that we can use Rock Climb. Pick up the Reaper Cloth over to the right, then
enter the lake.

[063] LAKE ACUITY [MW063]
Items: TM14 Blizzard
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Bibarel | Normal/Water | N/A | 25% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Psyduck | Water | Level 33 | 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Golduck | Water | N/A | 15% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 45% | 38 - 41 | Grass |
|Sneasel | Ice/Dark |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 10% | 41 | Grass |
|Psyduck | Water | Level 33 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golduck | Water | N/A | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Goldeen | Water | Level 33 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Seaking | Water | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Solrock | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 40 - 41 | Grass Ru |
|Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 40 - 41 | Grass Sa |
|Teddiursa | Normal | Level 30 | 12% | 40 - 41 | Grass Em |

|Snorunt | Ice |Lvl42/DawnStone| 20% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
10 of 29 |Bibarel | Normal/Water | N/A | 25% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
12/25/10 11:03 AM
|Psyduck | Water | Level 33 | 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Golduck | Water | N/A | 15% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 25% | 38 - 41 | Grass |
|Sneasel | Ice/Dark |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 10% | 41 | Grass |
|Snorunt | Ice |Lvl42/DawnStone| 20% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Bibarel | Normal/Water | N/A | 25% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Psyduck | Water | Level 33 | 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Golduck | Water | N/A | 15% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Ice/Grass | Level 40 | 25% | 38 - 41 | Grass |
|Sneasel | Ice/Dark |RzrClwLvlUpNght| 10% | 41 | Grass |
|Psyduck | Water | Level 33 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golduck | Water | N/A | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp* | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Goldeen | Water | Level 33 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Seaking | Water | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Solrock | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 40 - 41 | Grass Ru |
|Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 40 - 41 | Grass Sa |
|Teddiursa | Normal | Level 30 | 12% | 40 - 41 | Grass Em |

You'll enter to see Jupiter being the crap out of your rival. Metaphorically.
After some dialogue about being pathetic and all that, she'll leave. So very
professional, Jupiter is. Rival becomes philosophical, does a soliloquy, etc,
leaves, and so on. Same as usual. The water level is actually high enough
for us to Surf on the water here. There is nothing in the cavern at present
but Surf to the top right of the area to reach some land. Go through the grass
and pick up the TM14, Blizzard. That's all we can do here for now, but now
with Rock Climb there's a few more items we can collect. Fly to Pastoria.

Item Collection
Items: TM05 Roar, HP Up (x2), Coin Toss App, Protein, Sun Stone, Iron, TM85
Dream Eater, TM38 Fire Blast, Zinc, Shiny Stone, Star Piece, Marking Map App,
Link Searcher App, Move Tester App, TM29 Psychic, Rare Candy, Mental Herb, TM13
Ice Beam, Max Potion, Full Incense, TM01 Focus Punch
Trainers' Pokemon: Gible L34, Graveler L38, Probopass L40, Machoke L40,
Snorunt L36, Snover L36, Swinub L36, Swinub L36, Snover L38, Snover L39

First, head for Route 213. Use Rock Climb to get up onto the highly raised
platform and collect the TM05 Roar. Also if you use the Dowsing App, you can
find a HP Up hidden near here. Descend the platform and go around to the
platform where the beach resort is. Surf on the water here over to a small
beach and use Rock Climb to climb up. Rock Climb to the left first and talk to
the Rich Boy in here to get the Coin Toss app for your Poketch. (Thanks to
MBKilla for the HP Up thing.)

Next, exit the house and Rock Climb down and pick up the Protein by here.

Ahem, climb back up from where you got the Protein, then climb down to the
right, rock climb upwards north twice and collect the Sun Stone hidden in the
piece of wall you can press A on here. Go back to the house where you got the
Coin Toss app and Rock Climb up to reach the main part of the resort.

Bike over to the top left near the house with the Game Freak employee and go
down the well hidden Rock Climb path two squares from the right of the house.
Go down the next one, Rock Climb back up the hard to see path to the right,
go across, back down, Rock Climb to the right and pick up the Iron and the
TM85 Dream Eater waiting here.

Lake Valour is still as dry as ever. However, the water level in Lake Verity
has risen enough to Surf. Travel to the bottom left corner of the lake and go
through the grass, picking up the TM38 Fire Blast located here.

11 of 29 Next, fly to Solaceon Town. Go up into Route 210 North, and descend down the 12/25/10 11:03 AM
Rock Climb path to the right near the pacing Ace Trainer duo and the trainer on
the highest part of the route. Rock Climb up the other side and battle the
forced battle with the Dragon Tamer by here.
go across, back down, Rock Climb to the right and pick up the Iron and the
TM85 Dream Eater waiting here.
Lake Valour is still as dry as ever. However, the water level in Lake Verity
has risen enough to Surf. Travel to the bottom left corner of the lake and go
through the grass, picking up the TM38 Fire Blast located here.

Next, fly to Solaceon Town. Go up into Route 210 North, and descend down the
Rock Climb path to the right near the pacing Ace Trainer duo and the trainer on
the highest part of the route. Rock Climb up the other side and battle the
forced battle with the Dragon Tamer by here.

Just to the north-east of the Dragon Tamer is Grandma Wilma's house. If you
talk to her with a happy Dragon-type Pokemon in your party she can teach it
the move Draco Meteor. This could be helpful if you trained an Altaria...

Collect the Zinc just south of the house, then go over to where the Dragon
Tamer was and find the staircase near the Rock Climb part. Go down there,
press A one step from the end of the path and find a hidden Shiny Stone!

Afterwards, fly to Hearthome City. When you get there, go to Route 208 and
travel to just before the entrance to Mt. Coronet. Go around the bridges and
descend the stairs and Rock Climb up here to battle a Hiker. Break the rock
up here, get in the space it was in and press A while facing the left wall
to get a Star Piece.

Next, fly to Jubilife City. Go into the Poketch building (the one with the
flags with the top left) and talk to the president next to the counter (the
one wearing purple with brown hair) three different times to receive three
different Poketch apps.

Next, fly to Celestic Town. Go into Route 211, break the rocks on the raised
platform and climb up. Collect the Psychic TM up here. Afterwards, descend by
Rock Climbing, enter Mt. Coronet and go to Route 216. On the way, before you
go up the stairs from the basement in the foggy area, bring out the Dowsing
App just before you go up the stairs to get a hidden Rare Candy. Continue
travelling for Route 216.

In the snowy route, head left through the canyon. Keep going until you see
a Rock Climb path on the canyon's right hand wall. Go up it. Head to the right,
battle the Blackbelt then the two Skiers. Continue to the right, pick up the
Mental Herb, keep going to the right and pick up the HP Up by the north wall.
Fight the Skier then grab the item down south - a Max Potion. Then go and get
the Ice Beam TM on the far right!

Next, fly to Veilstone. Go around to near the gym and Rock Climb up here and
get the Full Incense to allow you to breed Munchlax.

Fly to Oreburgh City and descend to B1F of the gate. Surf across the water
again and this time move the boulder out of the way with Strength. Pick up the
Earth Plate then go north, break the rock, move the boulder and collect TM01,
Focus Punch. Exit the gate.

Fly back to Veilstone. Heal up, then go to the top right of Veilstone. Talk
to the grunt here to get him to leave, and Looker will appear and come talk to
you again. He'll tell you to go to the warehouse; do so. It's the place we got
Fly before, in the top left of the city.

Items: Dusk Stone, Zinc, TM49 Snatch, Dubious Disc, TM36 Sludge Bomb, Galactic
Key, TM21 Frustration
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L41, Houndour L38, Murkrow L40, Glameow L41,
Glameow L37, Croagunk L39, Murkrow L38, Stunky L41, Murkrow L39, Stunky L39,
Kirlia L40, Kadabra L40

12 of 29 Looker will come in with you and unlock the door for you. He'll rush in ahead.12/25/10 11:03 AM
Grab the Dusk Stone by here (which is utterly useless because both Murkrow and
Misdreavus are not in the game unless you trade...) and then descend the stairs
to the bottom floor.
Items: Dusk Stone, Zinc, TM49 Snatch, Dubious Disc, TM36 Sludge Bomb, Galactic
Key, TM21 Frustration
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L41, Houndour L38, Murkrow L40, Glameow L41,
Glameow L37, Croagunk L39, Murkrow L38, Stunky L41, Murkrow L39, Stunky L39,
Kirlia L40, Kadabra L40

Looker will come in with you and unlock the door for you. He'll rush in ahead.
Grab the Dusk Stone by here (which is utterly useless because both Murkrow and
Misdreavus are not in the game unless you trade...) and then descend the stairs
to the bottom floor.

The headquarters have some pretty cool music and a shadowy atmosphere of sorts.
Head to the right and battle the forced grunt. Sally forth, grab the Zinc in
the alcove when you come across it, then continue heading to the right. Battle
another grunt (prepare for a lot of these) and ascend the stairs at the end.

The grunt here won't battle you. Silly fool doesn't even have a Pokemon. Go up
the stairs and prepare for warp hell. Battle the female grunt here then take
the right teleporter and grab the Snatch TM in here. Reverse and this time use
the left teleporter.

Take the other teleporter in this room then go up the stairs. Battle the grunt
here and then go up the stairs again. I find myself wondering why Mars is the
only Galactic member to have a Purugly when so many Glameow are capable of
evolving. Hm.

On the upper floor, battle the grunt over to the left and continue around the
corridor. Battle the dashing grunt on the lower part, then continue to reach...
a locked door. We'll come back here in a minute.

Go back downstairs and this time take the teleporter. Go downstairs and battle
the scientist and grab the Dubious Disc, meaning you can get Porygon-Z now!
Descend the stairs by here.

Grab the Sludge Bomb TM and the Galactic Key on the floor. Now, go back to the
upper floor, go up another floor, take the teleporter, go up again and around
the corridor to the locked door. Open it with the key and take the TM21 inside
that contains Frustration.

Descend downstairs again and go back to where you found the key. Open the door
here, go left, down, upstairs and exit the hideout into the main city.

Now, go to the building we saw the Galactic grunt and Looker outside before.
Go in via the middle door, open the door here with the key and go upstairs.

Items: Max Revive, Green Shard, Protein, Max Elixir, Master Ball, Full Restore
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L40, Golbat L38, Golbat L39, Houndour L39, Porygon2
L42, Stunky L38, Croagunk L38, Croagunk L40, Stunky L38, Glameow L38

Battle the two galactic grunts over to the right either seperately or together
then continue down the corridor. Enter the boxed area, battle the scientist
with a Porygon2 then jump on the teleporter.

You get to see a little event with Cyrus talking to the galactic members, with
you and Looker hiding in the corner. They'll all mysteriously leave without
seeing you afterwards and Looker will too.

Go back to the previous room, go out of the box and take the bottom teleporter.
Go across the corridor to another teleporter, and pick up a Max Revive. Return
to the original room and this time take the upper teleporter. Grab the Green
Shard in here, then go back to the conference room.

This time go across the room and take the teleporter. Go in the right bed and
press A to find a Poke Doll. Seems one of the Galactic members was sleeping
13 of 29 with this...? Press A again to get an option to heal your Pokemon. I wouldn't 12/25/10 11:03 AM
feel safe sleeping in the enemy base personally, but there we go.

Go up the stairs, battle the grunts here, then continue to the left. Take the
Go back to the previous room, go out of the box and take the bottom teleporter.
Go across the corridor to another teleporter, and pick up a Max Revive. Return
to the original room and this time take the upper teleporter. Grab the Green
Shard in here, then go back to the conference room.

This time go across the room and take the teleporter. Go in the right bed and
press A to find a Poke Doll. Seems one of the Galactic members was sleeping
with this...? Press A again to get an option to heal your Pokemon. I wouldn't
feel safe sleeping in the enemy base personally, but there we go.

Go up the stairs, battle the grunts here, then continue to the left. Take the
top right teleporter first and grab the hidden Protein behind the box. Then go
back and use the top left teleporter and get the Max Elixir inside.

Use the bottom left teleporter now and go up the stairs. Welcome to the top
floor. You might notice Cyrus is on the other side of these locked doors. Save
if you wish, and open the door. Once you go in a bit, he will notice you. Some
dialogue, and then a battle will commence. With the best music in the game!
Well, one of the best anyway. Battle~

| :: Houndoom Lv. 45 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 45 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 44 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 45 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 45 |


|- Save the legendary trio! - |
| :: Sneasel Male Lv. 44 EXP: 1243|
| :: Crobat Male Lv. 44 EXP: 1923|
| :: Honchkrow Male Lv. 46 EXP: 1842| - @ Sitrus Berry
Reward: $8280

Sneasel is the same as always. It has Screech to lower your defenses and a
very powerful Ice Punch as well. It should go down fairly easily, especially
if you have an Empoleon. It has Slash and Ice Punch in its arsenal, neither
of which are particuarly effective aginst Steel-types.

Crobat is an incredibly fast Pokemon. It has Bite to ward off Psychics and
Ghosts, and it is probably capable of confusing your Pokemon as well. It is
fairly frail luckily and will die to one or two Psychic/Electric/Rock attacks
but be careful with it despite that.

Honchkrow has a sexy hat. You can't beat that. Game over for you. In reality,
Honchkrow has somewhat weak defenses, but very strong attacking power. I sent
out Staraptor against it personally for a bit of a Flying battle, but the best
Pokemon to sent out against it would probably be a Rock type. It has Drill Peck
as its main attacking move and with 120 base power it can do quite a fair bit.
It's safe to assume it has a Dark-type attack as well, so do not attempt to use
a Ghost/Psychic Pokemon against it or it will _not_ end well. Cyrus also has
one Full Restore to use, completely healing a Pokemon's HP as well as the
status. Luckily he only has one of these. Honchkrow will go down in fair time.
You know, I thought Weavile was Cyrus' main Pokemon, but I guess not? We'll see
soon enough anyway.

After the battle Cyrus will surprisingly give you a Master Ball! He'll leave
afterwards. Go in the direction he left and take the teleporter (the one that
14 of 29 is behind the desk is just into the conference room. There's nothing of worth 12/25/10 11:03 AM
in there.

I have heard one report that there is in actuality a hidden RAZOR CLAW in here!
one Full Restore to use, completely healing a Pokemon's HP as well as the
status. Luckily he only has one of these. Honchkrow will go down in fair time.
You know, I thought Weavile was Cyrus' main Pokemon, but I guess not? We'll see
soon enough anyway.

After the battle Cyrus will surprisingly give you a Master Ball! He'll leave
afterwards. Go in the direction he left and take the teleporter (the one that
is behind the desk is just into the conference room. There's nothing of worth
in there.

I have heard one report that there is in actuality a hidden RAZOR CLAW in here!
This will allow you to get Weavile much earlier if you're training a Sneasel
so I would recommend taking the time to find it if you have the opportunity.
Use the Dowsing App as always.

This is the creepy part of the hideout. Pick up the Full Restore next to the
yellow boxes then keep going on into the room where the trio are being kept.
Saturn is in here; talk to him to challenge him one final time. Pluto is also
in the room with Saturn, but he doesn't battle you like always.

| :: Houndoom Lv. 45 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 45 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 44 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 45 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 45 |


|- One final hit for the legends! - |
| :: Golbat Female Lv. 42 EXP: 1539 |
| :: Bronzor Gndrlss Lv. 42 EXP: 648 |
| :: Toxicroak Female Lv. 44 EXP: 1705 | - @Sitrus Berry
Reward: $3520

Saturn is practically the same as last time, just a little higher levelled.
You can use identical tactics to last time and come out of this battle smelling
like a rose. It is really very easy. Two die to Psychic, the other to fire.

Afterwards you'll be able to push the button, releasing the trio. Saturn will
leave and we must now follow suit. Exit the creepy part of the hideout, then
from the yellow teleporter go down into the newly accessible area with the
green teleporter for a free ride down to the exit. Exit the building and fly
to Orebrugh City.

When you get there, heal your Pokemon, then go into Mt. Coronet from the Route
207 entrance.

[066] MT. CORONET [MW066]
Floor 1F
Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

We already collected the items in here earlier on if you were following the
item collection parts. There was a stat boosting item and a Dawn Stone in the
room altogether, I believe. Go up and Surf across the water, then head right
15 of 29 to the Rock Climbable wall up ahead. Climb up and ascend the stairs to 2F. 12/25/10 11:03 AM

Floor 2F
Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

We already collected the items in here earlier on if you were following the
item collection parts. There was a stat boosting item and a Dawn Stone in the
room altogether, I believe. Go up and Surf across the water, then head right
to the Rock Climbable wall up ahead. Climb up and ascend the stairs to 2F.

Floor 2F
Items: Max Repel, Escape Rope, Timer Ball, Iron, TM80 Rock Slide, Max Revive
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 30% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

Now we are really exploring Mt. Coronet. Go forward on the path and pick up the
Max Repel on the platform. I love having infinite item space... get off the
platform, head down and use Strength to get the boulder out of the way. Pick
up the Escape Rope down south, then go up on the platform and down south 'till
you get outside.

16 of 29 Pick up the Timer Ball by here, then Rock Climb down and get the Iron on the 12/25/10 11:03 AM
ledge. Go back into 2F.

This time go north on the platform and go down the stairs, then go south and
follow the path to get the Rock Slide TM. Then go north, picking up the Max
Now we are really exploring Mt. Coronet. Go forward on the path and pick up the
Max Repel on the platform. I love having infinite item space... get off the
platform, head down and use Strength to get the boulder out of the way. Pick
up the Escape Rope down south, then go up on the platform and down south 'till
you get outside.

Pick up the Timer Ball by here, then Rock Climb down and get the Iron on the
ledge. Go back into 2F.

This time go north on the platform and go down the stairs, then go south and
follow the path to get the Rock Slide TM. Then go north, picking up the Max
Revive on the way, but try and be careful not to slip down the ledges.

When you approach the broken down door, Looker will appear again and after
some dialogue will just stay there. Weird. He will also give you a new item,
the Black Flute which will decrease the chance of Wild Pokemon appearing. The
flute never breaks, either, so it will come in useful a lot.

Enter the formed entrance from the wood being broken, and go up the stairs in

Floor 3F
Items: Star Piece
Trainers' Pokemon: Stunky L43, Murkrow L43,

Wild Pokemon identical to 2F.

First off, go down the stairs to the right. Press A on the rock to get a Star
Piece, then go back up the stairs. Go up the stairs this time and it will take
you to the first of many Galactic grunts within Mt. Coronet. Enjoy.

Keep going and battle another Galactic grunt. This is already getting annoying.
Exit into the outside part of Mt. Coronet.

Mt. Coronet Outside

Items: Max Potion, Stardust, Energy Root, Blue Shard, Revival Herb
Trainers' Pokemon: n/a

|Abomasnow | Grass/Ice | N/A | 30% | 38 - 39 | Grass |
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 20% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Grass/Ice | N/A | 20% | 36 | Grass |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 40 | Grass |
|Chingling | Psychic | Happy+Night | 10% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Absol | Dark | N/A | 5% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Loudred | Normal | Level 40 | 12% | 37 - 40 | PokeRadar |

|Abomasnow | Grass/Ice | N/A | 20% | 39 | Grass |
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 10% | 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Grass/Ice | N/A | 20% | 36 | Grass |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 40 | Grass |
|Chingling | Psychic | Happy+Night | 10% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Absol | Dark | N/A | 5% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 38 | Grass |
17 of 29 |Noctowl | Normal/Flying | N/A | 10% | 39 | Grass |
12/25/10 11:03 AM
|Loudred | Normal | Level 40 | 12% | 37 - 40 | PokeRadar |

Now this part is awesome. Snow again and really good music. Truly amazing. Go
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 10% | 40 | Grass |
|Snover | Grass/Ice | N/A | 20% | 36 | Grass |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade |
10% | 40 | Grass |
|Chingling | Psychic | Happy+Night | 10% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 38 | Grass |
|Absol | Dark | N/A | 5% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 38 | Grass |
|Noctowl | Normal/Flying | N/A | 10% | 39 | Grass |
|Loudred | Normal | Level 40 | 12% | 37 - 40 | PokeRadar |

Now this part is awesome. Snow again and really good music. Truly amazing. Go
right and take the grass path and press A on the first gap you see when you're
travelling through the two tile width grass to get a Max Potion. Rock Climb
up the part at the end and go to the right to enter a small part of 4F. Go
up the stairs and check the rock for a Stardust, then exit this small part.

Now go back left to exactly where you climbed up the rock, and use Rock Climb
on the wall to go up yet another level. Pick up the hidden Energy Root in the
gap between the first two grass tiles, then continue right and press A on the
rock to get a Star Piece (remember you can use the Black Flute to reduce the
Pokemon encounters!) Descend the rock again and this time head left and push
the boulder down. Go left and smash the rock and check the rock to get a Blue
Shard. Use the Dowsing App in the grass to find a Revival Herb then re-enter
the cave.

Floor 4F
Items: Sun Stone, Full Heal, Max Revive
Trainers' Pokemon: Houndour L40, Golbat L40, Houndour L40, Stunky L42, Golbat

In addition to the 2F Pokemon...

|Zubat | Poison/Flying | Level 22 | 90% | 20 - 30 | Surf |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Barboach | Water/Ground | Level 30 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 60% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Whiscash | Water/Ground | N/A | 5% | 20 - 50 | Fishing S |
|Dratini | Dragon | Level 30 | 30% | 15 - 25 | Fishing S |
|Dragonair | Dragon | Level 55 | 5% | 20 - 55 | Fishing S |

Climb up the wall inside and fight the Galactic grunt. Break the topmost rock
with Rock Smash and check the solid stone now accessible for a Sun Stone. Keep
going right, use the Dowsing App to find a Full Heal in the middle of this
stretch, then battle the Galactic grunt. Descend the stairs and use the Dowsing
App again to find a Max Revive, then go right and out of 4F.

Mt. Coronet Peak

Items: Moon Stone
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

Wild Pokemon identical to Mt. Coronet Outside.

Follow the grass trail around then check the rock to get a Moon Stone. Use
Rock Climb and go into the cavern by here.

Top Cavern
Items: Green Shard (x2), Heal Powder, Stardust, Rare Candy
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L43, Croagunk L38, Croagunk L42, Stunky L40,
Murkrow L39, Glameow L42, Murkrow L39
18 of 29 12/25/10 11:03 AM
Rock Climb and go into the cavern by here.

Top Cavern

Items: Green Shard (x2), Heal Powder, Stardust, Rare Candy
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L43, Croagunk L38, Croagunk L42, Stunky L40,
Murkrow L39, Glameow L42, Murkrow L39

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 35 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 40% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 35 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 50% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpinMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 10% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Fighting/Psychic| N/A | 10% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 40% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

We can't explore this fully yet, but battle the Galactic grunt up the top then
use Rock Climb to get down. Travel across this part by going right, go up the
stairs, go left, up again, right and check the rock for a Green Shard.

Go back to where you first Rock Climbed and climb down the well hidden path
that goes down northwards. Go down to the bottommost part and start breaking
the rocks so that you can get through. Also, break the rock right at the top
of this rocky passage and check the revealed rock for a Heal Powder (use the
Dowsing App if you have trouble finding it.) Go down the short stairs and break
one of the rocks and check the revealed rock for a Stardust.

There is a Rare Candy by the spinning grunt, too, probably hidden. I can't
actually remember where said grunt is at the moment, but it should be around
19 of 29 Next, use the Rock Climbable platform to go up (the lower passage is blocked 12/25/10 11:03 AM
by a Galactic grunt for the time being.) Go up the stairs then down, break
the rock, take its position and check the wall to get a Green Shard. Then go
up, around battling the grunts until you reach the Rock Climbable part you
of this rocky passage and check the revealed rock for a Heal Powder (use the
Dowsing App if you have trouble finding it.) Go down the short stairs and break
one of the rocks and check the revealed rock for a Stardust.

There is a Rare Candy by the spinning grunt, too, probably hidden. I can't
actually remember where said grunt is at the moment, but it should be around

Next, use the Rock Climbable platform to go up (the lower passage is blocked
by a Galactic grunt for the time being.) Go up the stairs then down, break
the rock, take its position and check the wall to get a Green Shard. Then go
up, around battling the grunts until you reach the Rock Climbable part you
first went down. Use it and exit this cavern.

Mt. Coronet Peak

Items: Stardust, Full Restore
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

Now go up to where the easily visible Rock Climb wall is, turn left and use
that wall to climb up. Go down the stairs, use Strength to push the boulder
out of the way then follow that path down to the very bottom of this part,
and check the rock for a Stardust. You can also find a Full Restore on the
layer of rock above the one with the Stardust on it and no grass by using the
Dowsing App (it's a bit over to the left.) Enter the cavern on the far left.

Floor 5F
Items: Max Elixir
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 1% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 1% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 30% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 1% | 39 | Cave Floor |
20 of 29 |Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor 12/25/10
| 11:03 AM
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|
|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 1% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

We're near the top now. There is a hidden Max Elixir about halfway through if
you bring out the Dowsing App. Go up the stairs.

Floor 6F
Items: Rare Candy, Full Restore
Trainers' Pokemon: Houndour L40, Glameow L42, Glameow L41, Golbat L41

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 5% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 5% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 5% | 39 - 40 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 30% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 5% | 39 - 40 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
21 of 29 |Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor 12/25/10
| 11:03 AM
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 5% | 39 - 40 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Chingling | Psychic |Happiness+Night| 9% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

Go up the stairs and battle the two grunts. There is also a hidden Rare Candy
in the space between the two grunts; use the Dowsing App to find it. Go to the
left and up the stairs to the final floor of Mt. Coronet afterwards. There is
a Full Restore behind one of the grunts, by the way (thank you, Drew!)

Floor 7F
Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: Golbat L39, Murkrow L41, Croagunk L40

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 10% | 39 - 41 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 10% | 39 - 41 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 20% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 30% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 5% | 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 10% | 39 - 41 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A | 10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
22 of 29 |Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor 12/25/10
| 11:03 AM
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|
|Chimecho | Psychic | N/A | 10% | 39 - 41 | Cave Floor |
|Bronzong | Psychic/Steel | N/A | 20% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Medicham | Psychic/Fighting| N/A |
10% | 37 - 39 | Cave Floor |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 20% | 36 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Clefairy | Normal | Moon Stone | 10% | 36 | Cave Floor |
|Machoke | Fighting | Trade | 10% | 39 | Cave Floor |
|Nosepass | Rock |LvlUpInMtCornet| 5% | 37 | Cave Floor |
|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 15% | 37 - 38 | Cave Floor |
|Solrock | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Ru|
|Lunatone | Psychic/Rock | N/A | 8% | 38 |Cave Floor Sa|

The final 'stretch' of sorts. Go up the stairs, battle the grunt, then exit
into Spear Pillar...

[067] SPEAR PILLAR [MW067]
Items: n/a
Trainers' Pokemon: Croagunk L39, Stunky L41, Croagunk L43, Glameow L41

You might want to save first. Move forward in between the two grunts to get
sent into a fairly easy double battle. Now, DEFINITELY save, and put a Pokemon
that can deal with Bronzor to the front of your party. Walk forward in between
Mars and Jupiter for them to start attacking you. But your rival comes to the
rescue! Kinda. You now have You & Rival vs. Mars & Jupiter. This can actually
be one of the most annoying battles in the game at some points...

| :: Houndoom Lv. 46 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 46 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 45 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 46 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 46 |


|- Prevent the camality at Spear Pillar! -|
| :: Bronzor Male Lv. 44 EXP: 678 |
| :: Golbat Female Lv. 44 EXP: 1611|
| :: Purugly Female Lv. 46 EXP: 1803| - @ Sitrus Berry
| :: Bronzor Gndrlss Lv. 44 EXP: 678 |
| :: Golbat Female Lv. 44 EXP: 1611|
| :: Skuntank Female Lv. 46 EXP: 2059| - @ Sitrus Berry
Reward: $7360

Two Bronzor come out to start the battle. If you want the rival to be useful
you may actually want to kill the Munchlax because it does nearly nothing apart
from adding itself to your PokeDex if you didn't see the one back in the cafe
on Route 210. TAKE CARE OF THE BRONZOR FAST, or they WILL start confusing and
sleeping your Pokemon. Fire is the best method as always. The Bronzor will also
put Reflect and Light Screen up, meaning your attacks will have half the usual
power which is _not_ good for this fight. It is nearly unavoidable to not have
one defense up, however.

Skuntank and Purugly are the real annoyances, for their attacks are pretty
damn powerful. Purugly is also quite fast and has Aerial Ace to deal with any
Fighting-types that you might pit against it. Skuntank's only weakness is a
Ground-type attack as well and it is quite durable to anything else. Coupled
23 of 29 with the Sitrus berries they both have, it can be a difficult battle. Taking 12/25/10 11:03 AM
Purugly out with a Staraptor's Close Combat may not be a bad idea, because the
ability Staraptor has (Intimidate) will cut their attack strength. Munchlax
also tends to Screech a lot so you will get a better advantage physically.
Screech will help tremendously in taking down Skuntank, so having the rival use
power which is _not_ good for this fight. It is nearly unavoidable to not have
one defense up, however.
Skuntank and Purugly are the real annoyances, for their attacks are pretty
damn powerful. Purugly is also quite fast and has Aerial Ace to deal with any
Fighting-types that you might pit against it. Skuntank's only weakness is a
Ground-type attack as well and it is quite durable to anything else. Coupled
with the Sitrus berries they both have, it can be a difficult battle. Taking
Purugly out with a Staraptor's Close Combat may not be a bad idea, because the
ability Staraptor has (Intimidate) will cut their attack strength. Munchlax
also tends to Screech a lot so you will get a better advantage physically.
Screech will help tremendously in taking down Skuntank, so having the rival use
it is not a bad thing whatseoever. Note that Skuntank also has Flamethrower
for Steel-types and such.

The Golbat aren't much of a problem in comparison though they are armed with
powerful attacks such as Sludge Bomb. They'll die to Psychic, Ice, Electric
etcetera as per usual.

After the battle, the rival will heal your Pokemon and leave. Time for a fancy
cutscene! Cyrus will use the Red Chain and cause both Dialga and Palkia to
appear atop Spear Pillar, causing an earthquake as they appear.

However, the legendary trio come to save the day! Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf make
a special cut-scene appearance and begin to fly over Mt. Coronet with their
respective colours, calming Dialga and Palkia down and preventing the world
from being harmed.

Then all of a sudden it gets dark and black puddles appear in the floor. A
creepy red Pokemon comes out of the ground - Giratina! Spilling shadow, it
gets ready to strike Cyrus, and swoops towards him! The screen blacks out
and when it comes back, a mysterious portal is left behind.

Cynthia will come now and talk to you, noting the distortion in the ground.
You'll see Uxie and Azelf go in and Mesprit will come out of its light and
show you to come inside. Say yes to Cynthia, and you two will follow suit.
And thus, we enter the Distortion World.

Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: See guide.

|Giratina | Ghost/Dragon | N/A | --% | 47 | Event |

Now if this isn't just the most funky thing. Lovely colours, serene music for
the most part, and a very weird atmosphere. Except plenty of physic defiance
here, for we shall be walking in all directions. There are no Wild Pokemon here
but there is one battle, and Giratina is waiting for you right at the end of
the Torn World - but be warned, it isn't as short as you may be thinking. It
can easily last about half an hour at the very least. It is basically complete
platforming in a Pokemon game. I reckon it's been done very well.

Giratina will fly across the 'sky', shocking both the player and Cynthia.
Cynthia will leave after a bit. Follow her to where she goes (you can actually
jump over the gap here) and go in the center to find out it is actually an
elevator. It'll go down and now you can jump across the floating platforms.

Once you reach proper land and go forward a bit, Mesprit will appear, and go
off. It wants you to follow it - walk to the left, push left and watch as you
defy physics for the first time! The controls are the same otherwise; walk to
the other side where the depression is, and press down to return to the normal
24 of 29 direction. The isometric feel is pretty cool though. 12/25/10 11:03 AM

Follow the path here and jump across more platforms to get to an elevator and
stand in the depression in the center to go down. Jump to the square ahead.
Cynthia will leave after a bit. Follow her to where she goes (you can actually
jump over the gap here) and go in the center to find out it is actually an
elevator. It'll go down and now you can jump across the floating platforms.

Once you reach proper land and go forward a bit, Mesprit will appear, and go
off. It wants you to follow it - walk to the left, push left and watch as you
defy physics for the first time! The controls are the same otherwise; walk to
the other side where the depression is, and press down to return to the normal
direction. The isometric feel is pretty cool though.

Follow the path here and jump across more platforms to get to an elevator and
stand in the depression in the center to go down. Jump to the square ahead.
This is an elevator with four choices of direction. Step on the top one to get
sent forward, then on this new platform go to the left depression and press
left to get onto a sideways platform that Cynthia is waiting on.

Talk to her and she'll move, letting you through. Go to the other side and
jump off the sideways part then send the elevator to the right. Send the new
one to the right again, then send the next one south. Send this one to the
left, then jump north to the next platform and stand on the top one to get
sent down slightly.

Now, go to the right with this platform, and you will arrive on an elevator.
Stand in the center to go down. Then stand on the depression on the bottom
side and platforms will appear; jump on them and keep going and Cyrus will
appear! He will talk to you a little bit, then leave. Keep going south until
you come to a crossroads, then head to the right and directly up. Standing on
a depression with the platform already there causes it to disappear, so many
paths are in reality unaccessible. The top right one does not already have
a platform so you will be able to cross. Do so, and on the new platform go
forward slightly and then go down on the shorter path, standing on the hole to
make a platform appear.

Cross this one to the other side, then on this T shaped one jump off the base
to another elevator and stand in the middle to make it go down. Jump onto the
obvious floating platforms to more land with weird plants, then go down and try
to jump off the ledge to have Uxie to appear. It will move up to the boulder
and then disappear again.

Jump off the ledge, activate Strength and move the boulder into the hole.
Then jump off the bottom end onto an elevator and step into the depression
to make it go down. Jump off the ledge on the left side to the main platform
and get to the boulder on the north side. Push it into the hole that Uxie is
hovering next to. Pushing it into the wrong one means you will have to cycle
around again to get the boulder. So, make sure to PUSH IT INTO THE HOLE UXIE
IS NEXT TO, and it should stick. Uxie will be happy and fly away. Go over to
the far left and follow the thin path in a right angle to find Cynthia again.
Talk to her, but she won't move this time. Go back to the elevator and take it
back up again.

Now, jump off the left, go around to the boulder and push it down the hole,
but not before Mesprit makes an appearance and dances for joy. It'll guide you
to where to put the boulder and as I said, it is to push it down the hole.
Do so, then take the path around to another elevator and take it up.

Jump off to the left, follow the path up north (some of the obstacles will
vanish when you get near them, allowing you access) and Giratina will make an
appearance again as you keep going. Remember that you can go behind some of
the plants, even if it looks like you might not be able to until you actually
do it. Eventually, you'll reach another elevator. Take it up again.

Jump off to the left, then go down to make a platform appear and cross it to
the other side. Go over to the right to make another one appear, cross it,
then on this T shaped one jump off the base and activate the elevator to go
down. You'll see Cyrus walking; but he leaves soon afterwards. Surf across the
water, begin to walk forward and Giratina will appear again. Keep going forward
to find that a sideways platform has presented itself.

25 of 29 Go onto it, cross it to the top then cross onto the platform on the ceiling - 12/25/10 11:03 AM
you're now completely upside-down! Go around and Surf on the water, then
descend the sideways waterfall. It's quite long but you get a nice view of the
Distortion World as you go (Torn World was such a better name...) Once you're
Jump off to the left, then go down to make a platform appear and cross it to
the other side. Go over to the right to make another one appear, cross it,
then on this T shaped one jump off the base and activate the elevator to go
down. You'll see Cyrus walking; but he leaves soon afterwards. Surf across the
water, begin to walk forward and Giratina will appear again. Keep going forward
to find that a sideways platform has presented itself.

Go onto it, cross it to the top then cross onto the platform on the ceiling -
you're now completely upside-down! Go around and Surf on the water, then
descend the sideways waterfall. It's quite long but you get a nice view of the
Distortion World as you go (Torn World was such a better name...) Once you're
able to Surf again, go north and left onto dry land. Azelf will appear now,
directing you with the last boulder.

Follow its wishes and push the boulder down this gap. Go around the platform
and jump off the end to end up on the original elevator we were on. Jump over
the first ledge and activating it (be careful you don't jump over the other
ledge as well, or you'll have to do all of that again!) Descend the elevator,
then go over to the west and push the boulder into the westernmost hole that
Mesprit is hovering by. Mesprit will be happy and fly away.

Next, head over to the east. Push this boulder into the westernmost one too -
namely, the one Azelf is hovering by and the one the boulder starts right next
to. Once you push it down, Azelf will also disappear. Go back to where Cynthia
is now and talk to her.

A new elevator will reveal itself. Now is a very good time to save your game.
Do so, then get on the elevator and descend. You'll be able to see Cyrus from
a distance - Cynthia will notice him and jump off. This is your last chance to
save before a battle now, so do so if you haven't already.

Then, jump off the elevator. Walk forward behind Cynthia, then Cyrus will push
her out of the way, blocking her access forward. Okay, I lied, THIS is your
last chance to save before the battle now.

When you're ready, talk to Cyrus. Your Pokemon should be fully healed from
when your rival healed them, luckily. Talk to Cyrus to begin the final battle
with him in the game. This is also the last time we get to hear the music.

| :: Houndoom Lv. 46 |
| :: Gardevoir Lv. 46 |
| :: Rotom Lv. 46 |
| :: Staraptor Lv. 47 |
| :: Empoleon Lv. 46 |


|- Defeat Cyrus once and for all! - |
| :: Houndoom Male Lv. 45 EXP: 1966|
| :: Gyarados Male Lv. 46 EXP: 2109|
| :: Crobat Male Lv. 46 EXP: 2010|
| :: Honchkrow Male Lv. 47 EXP: 1882|
| :: Weavile Male Lv. 48 EXP: 2046|- @ Sitrus Berry
Reward: $8640

Wow, funky background. Lovely mix of blues there with a special platform like
there was in Snowpoint Gym. Pity this is the only time we get to see this.

Houndoom is frail. However, it does have Will-O-Wisp to burn your Pokemon,

26 of 29 so be careful if you choose to send slow Physical attackers against it because12/25/10 11:03 AM
burn will half the attack power of a Pokemon.

Gyarados is as annoying as always. Annoyingly hard to take down if you don't

Wow, funky background. Lovely mix of blues there with a special platform like
there was in Snowpoint Gym. Pity this is the only time we get to see this.

Houndoom is frail. However, it does have Will-O-Wisp to burn your Pokemon,

so be careful if you choose to send slow Physical attackers against it because
burn will half the attack power of a Pokemon.

Gyarados is as annoying as always. Annoyingly hard to take down if you don't

have an Electric or Rock attack to use. Hopefully you have an Electric attack
to use, but if you don't then whack it with your strongest attacks possible.
It gives a massive amount of EXP when you finish it off, which is nice.
Gyarados is equipped with Waterfall, which makes use of its high attack stat
and Water-typing. That will be its main offense. Cyrus also has a Full Restore
which he will use on any particuarly weakened Pokemon, Gyarados included.

Crobat is pretty much the same as last time. Fast and loves to status. It has
Toxic to badly poison your Pokemon as well, so be wary. Luckily it is quite
frail and will die quite easy to its weaknesses as per usual. It also has the
incredibly annoying Confuse Ray. It isn't really tough, just VERY annoying.

Honchkrow will fall to similar attacks as it did last time. Be warned that it
has HEAT WAVE! Apparently he went to see the Move Tutor at some point. Either
way it means it will easily kill any Steel-types you have apart from Empoleon
who negates the Fire weakness with its Water-typing. I'll also take this chance
to mention that Cyrus has two Full Restores rather than one. Honchkrow is also
capable of using Night Slash and is quite fast, so don't expect any non-Abra
line psychics to outspeed it before immiment death, or near to. Well, I would
say that, but my L46 Gardevoir outsped it... Come to think of it, it is slower
than Murkrow. Murkrow has 97 base and Honchkrow only has 79 I think. Bah.

Weavile, like Sneasel before it, will go down to a fairly strong attack. It
has a huge weakness against Fighting-type moves and it also has little it can
do to pierce Steel. Weavile has Fake Out as well, meaning it will very likely
just flinch your Pokemon on the first turn it comes out. Its arsenal consists
of Night Slash and Ice Punch, both of which are very strong moves off its
129 base attack. Luckily it doesn't seem to have Brick Break. Houndoom will
also do quite well against it for the most part, but be warned Weavile is VERY
fast. Not Electrode fast, but faster than Alakazam, Sceptile and such. Weavile
has also been upgraded to Cyrus' main Pokemon now. I thought it would be...

Cyrus will leave after you defeat him and Cynthia will heal your Pokemon. Now
we face another challenge - Cynthia will take you forward and tell you to go
forward. Do so, and the screen will zoom in again. Giratina will fly below;
take another step and a bunch of platforms will appear. On the second one,
Giratina will fly under you quickly. Jumping on the third one causes the screen
to get much darker and Giratina will come up right next to you. Save now,
and engage it in a fight.

| Pokemon Level PossGender Typing |
| :: Giratina Lv.47 Genderless Dragon/Ghost |

Giratina enters the battle by flying down rather than coming from a Pokeball,
as per what should happen. It has no platform either; they were pretty good at
making sense with this. Giratina also has some of the best battle music in the
whole of the Pokemon series if you ask me, tied with like Pokemon Stadium 1's
Mewtwo battle, the Emerald Frontier Brain music, the RSE Elite Four and such.
27 of 29 Regi music was also really good too - they even have a remix of that in Pokemon
12/25/10 11:03 AM
Platinum! But it's event only, so bleh.

Anyway, Giratina in Origin Forme has reduced defenses than it did as the normal
forme we're used to (Another Forme) but it has increased offenses in return.
Giratina enters the battle by flying down rather than coming from a Pokeball,
as per what should happen. It has no platform either; they were pretty good at
making sense with this. Giratina also has some of the best battle music in the
whole of the Pokemon series if you ask me, tied with like Pokemon Stadium 1's
Mewtwo battle, the Emerald Frontier Brain music, the RSE Elite Four and such.
Regi music was also really good too - they even have a remix of that in Pokemon
Platinum! But it's event only, so bleh.

Anyway, Giratina in Origin Forme has reduced defenses than it did as the normal
forme we're used to (Another Forme) but it has increased offenses in return.
Giratina sports the move Shadow Force causing it to disappear for a turn and
you cannot throw a Pokeball at it during the turn it disappears - or you will
get the message: "It's no good! It's impossible to aim at a Pokémon that's not
in sight!" Try it yourself and see. It works fine for Dig and Fly though. Hm...

Giratina has weaknesses to Ghost, Ice and Dark attacks. No attacks will cause a
whole lot of damage to it but you need to work at chipping away its health.
Empoleon is decent for this because it resists all of Giratina's moves and it
can cause a fair bit of damage with Ice Beam. At least it resists Shadow Force
and Ancientpower for sure. If you're lucky enough you may even get to freeze
it like I did! /brag

The best balls to use for this are Dusk Balls. The Master Ball isn't really
worth using on Giratina unless you're capable of importing more Master Balls
later via Pal Park, because Giratina is one of the only three legends you have
to capture before the National Dex. Uxie and Azelf are the other two. Mesprit
does need to be seen but not captured since it runs around Sinnoh.

Dusk Balls are most certainly your best bet. Normal-types also resist two of
Giratina's moves (Ominous Wind and Shadow Force) so they will be quite useful
stallers. Get Giratina to as low health as possible, status it if possible and
start throwing the Dusk Balls. Giratina has a very low capture rate (3) so it
will take a fair bit of effort. Giratina also has Dragon Claw which affects
everything and will deal a fair bit of damage. Only use the Master Ball if you
absolutely _have_ to.

Once you finally catch it, a portal will appear in place of it. Cyrus will make
one more appearance, announcing his intentions to stay in the Torn World. We
won't be hearing from him again after this. Cynthia blocks your way back,
so the only way to go is out through the portal... Inspect it and click yes.
Sendoff Spring
Items: N/A
Trainers' Pokemon: N/A

|Dusclops | Ghost |Trade+ReapCloth| 5% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 35% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Bibarel | Normal | N/A | 30% | 37 - 38 | Grass |
|Staravia | Normal/Flying | Level 34 | 20% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Chingling | Psychic | Happy+Night | 10% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Golduck | Water | N/A |100% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Goldeen | Water | Level 33 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Seaking | Water | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Solrock | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Ru |
|Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Sa |
28 of 29 o-----------------------------------------------------------------------------o
12/25/10 11:03 AM
|Golduck | Water | N/A |100% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Goldeen | Water | Level 33 |
35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Seaking | Water | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Solrock | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Ru |
|Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Sa |

|Golbat | Poison/Flying | Happiness | 10% | 38 | Grass |
|Dusclops | Ghost |Trade+ReapCloth| 15% | 39 - 40 | Grass |
|Graveler | Rock/Ground | Trade | 25% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Bibarel | Normal | N/A | 30% | 37 - 38 | Grass |
|Staravia | Normal/Flying | Level 34 | 10% | 38 - 40 | Grass |
|Chingling | Psychic | Happy+Night | 10% | 37 - 39 | Grass |
|Golduck | Water | N/A |100% | 20 - 40 | Surf |
|Magikarp | Water | Level 20 | 65% | 3 - 25 | Fishing OG |
|Goldeen | Water | Level 33 | 35% | 10 - 25 | Fishing G |
|Gyarados | Water/Flying | N/A | 65% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Seaking | Water | N/A | 35% | 30 - 55 | Fishing S |
|Solrock | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Ru |
|Lunatone | Rock/Psychic | N/A | 8% | 39 - 40 | Grass Sa |

You will appear outside Turnback Cave, Giratina's old lair in Diamond and Pearl
- so you are in the Sendoff Spring. Cynthia prevents you going through though
and will continue to do so until we get the National Dex. Use Rock Climb and
get up the wall and start making your way through the grass to get back to
Route 214. You might find some nice Pokemon on your way. Alternatively, you
can just fly back to Sandgem Town now since there are no items in the spring.

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