Test Bank For Understanding Nursing Research 7th Edition by Grove

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Test Bank for Understanding Nursing Research 7th Edition by Grove

Test Bank for Understanding Nursing Research 7th

Edition by Grove

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Chapter 05: Examining Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses
Grove: Understanding Nursing Research, 7th Edition


1. The most important initial step when developing a research study is to

a. develop the problem statement.
b. explore the background for the research problem.
c. identify the research problem.
d. state the research purpose.
The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in
knowledge needed for nursing practice. The problem statement is written after the research
problem has been identified. The background for the research problem is written to
identify what is known about the research problem. The research purpose derives from the
research problem and identifies specific goals for the study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

2. A nursing researcher determines that there is little information about the use of
complementary practices in treating obesity. This represents the research
a. design.
b. problem.
c. purpose.
d. significance.
The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in
knowledge needed for nursing practice. The research design is the type of study that will
be conducted to study the research problem. The research purpose derives from the
research problem and identifies specific goals for the study. The problem statement is
written after the research problem has been identified. The significance for the research
identifies how important the knowledge is to the discipline.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

3. When writing a proposal for a research study, the researcher includes a problem statement
that serves to
a. define the specific focus of a study.
b. describe what is known about the research problem.
c. identify a gap in knowledge needed for practice.
d. indicate the importance of the problem to nursing.
The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in
knowledge needed for nursing practice. The research purpose derives from the research
problem and identifies specific goals for the study. The problem background identifies
what is already known about the topic. The problem statement is written after the research
problem has been identified. The significance for the research identifies how important the
knowledge is to the discipline.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

4. In a research proposal, the researcher states that the proposed study will explore children’s
feelings about chemotherapy side effects. This statement describes the
a. problem background.
b. problem significance.
c. research problem.
d. research purpose.
The research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific goals for
the study. The problem background identifies what is already known about the topic. The
problem statement is written after the research problem has been identified. The
significance of the research identifies how important the knowledge is to the discipline.
The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in
knowledge needed for nursing practice.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

5. Which is included in a statement of a research study purpose?

a. A description of gaps in knowledge about the research problem
b. A discussion of the significance of the research problem
c. A review of what is known about the research problem
d. A statement about how the research problem will be studied
The research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific goals for
the study. The problem provides the basis for developing the research purpose and
identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing practice. The significance for the research
identifies how important the knowledge is to the discipline. The problem background
identifies what is already known about the topic. The problem statement is written after
the research problem has been identified.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

6. The statement in the introduction of a research study report—“while children who have
higher asthma control scores tend to have fewer emergency department visits for asthma
exacerbations, it is unclear how nursing interventions can impact these
scores”—represents the
a. problem background.
b. problem significance.
c. research problem.
d. research purpose.
The significance for the research identifies how important the knowledge is to the
discipline and to health care and the health of individuals and families. The problem
background identifies what is already known about the topic. The problem statement is
written after the research problem has been identified. The problem provides the basis for
developing the research purpose and identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing
practice. The research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific
goals for the study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

7. The statements in the introductory paragraphs of a research report that cite results of
previous studies about a research problem represent the
a. problem background.
b. problem significance.
c. problem statement.
d. research purpose.
The problem background identifies what is already known about the topic. The problem
statement is written after the research problem has been identified. The significance for the
research identifies how important the knowledge is to the discipline and to health care and
the health of individuals and families. The problem provides the basis for developing the
research purpose and identifies gaps in knowledge needed for nursing practice. The
research purpose derives from the research problem and identifies specific goals for the

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

8. Which statement is a research purpose for a correlational study?

a. “This study will compare the effects of an oral antidiabetic medication to effects of
a placebo on glucose control in groups of randomly assigned subjects.”
b. “This study will examine whether pre-appointment telephone reminders increase
show rate among patients in an ambulatory well-patient clinic.”
c. “This study will use direct observation to identify methods parents use to
discipline children in public places.”
d. “This study will use questionnaires and school transcripts to examine the
relationship of dietary habits to grades among school-age children.”
Correlational research is conducted to examine whether there is a positive or negative
relationship among variables without attributing cause and effect. A study looking at the
effects of an experimental intervention on randomly assigned subjects to affect a specific
outcome is an experimental study. A study to look at the effects of an intervention on an
outcome is a quasi-experimental study. A study to observe and describe behaviors without
examining relationships among variables and without manipulation of the variables by
researchers is a descriptive study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

9. The nurse researcher states that a research purpose is to measure the effects of bar code
medication administration on medication errors. This is a study purpose for which type of
a. Correlational
b. Grounded theory
c. Outcomes
d. Quasi-experimental
Outcomes studies are conducted to examine the end results of care. Correlational research
is conducted to determine whether there are relationships among variables. Grounded
theory research is designed to determine how theory explains phenomena being studied.
Quasi-experimental research requires some manipulation of variables and comparison of

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

10. Which statement in a study about preoperative education and postoperative recovery times
represents a research question?
a. “What are the types of preoperative education materials that may be used?”
b. “What are the constructs that facilitate adult learning among patients?”
c. “What preoperative teaching will shorten postoperative recovery time?”
d. “What is already known about preoperative teaching and postoperative recovery?”
A research question focuses on description of variables or concepts, examination of
relationships among variables, and determination of differences between two or more
groups regarding selected variables. The characteristic of a variable is given in the
operational definition. The theoretical framework identifies constructs and theories about
the research study. The background about what is already known about the topic for
conducting is described in the literature review.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

11. Hypotheses to be tested in a research study are frequently found in

a. both quantitative and qualitative research studies.
b. qualitative research studies.
c. neither qualitative nor quantitative research studies.
d. quantitative research studies.
A hypothesis is the formal statement of the expected relationship(s) between two or more
variables in a specified population in a quantitative research study. A qualitative research
study often includes problems, purposes, and research questions or aims to direct the
research study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

12. What type of hypothesis is the following?

“Children with cystic fibrosis who use a cough assist device will experience less anxiety
about their disease and have fewer inpatient hospital admissions per year.”
a. Complex, directional
b. Complex, null
c. Simple, associative
d. Simple, nondirectional
A complex hypothesis predicts the relationship among three or more variables. In this
example, the variables are cough assist devices (independent), hospital admissions
(dependent), and anxiety (dependent). A directional hypothesis states the nature of the
interaction between two or more variables. In this example, the direction is indicated by
the prediction “experience less anxiety.” A complex hypothesis is correct, but the null
hypothesis predicts no difference. This study has more than two variables (not simple) and
indicates a direction and not just an association. A simple hypothesis has only two
variables (this study has more than two), and there is a direction predicted (experiencing
less anxiety and having fewer inpatient hospital admissions).

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

13. A statement about the significance of a study describes the

a. influence of results on nursing practice.
b. relationship among study variables.
c. study design and methods.
d. validity of the study measurement tools.
The statement about the significance of the study identifies its importance to the body of
knowledge and to nursing practice. The research purpose and research question identify
proposed relationships among study variables. The study design and methods describe the
type of study, sampling techniques, and tools used to evaluate data. The validity of
measurement tools is determined by whether the tools measure what they claim to

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

14. A reviewer assesses a potential researcher’s credentials and experience, the availability of
funding and resources, and ethical considerations of a potential study. This represents
evaluation of a study’s
a. expertise.
b. feasibility.
c. purpose.
d. significance.
The feasibility of a study is determined by examining the researcher’s qualifications, the
funding and resources available to conduct the study, the availability of subjects, facilities,
and equipment, and ethical considerations. Expertise refers to the researcher’s
qualifications, credentials, and experience. The study purpose identifies the focus and
goals of the study. The significance identifies the importance of the study to the body of
knowledge and to practice.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

15. Identify the independent variable in the following hypothesis:
“Mothers of infants born with spina bifida who participate in support groups report higher
levels of confidence when caring for their infants than do mothers who do not participate
in support groups.”
a. Confidence in caring for their infants
b. Infants with spina bifida
c. Mothers of infants with spina bifida
d. Support group participation
An independent variable is a stimulus or activity that is manipulated or varied by the
researcher to create an effect on the dependent variable. In this example, use of support
groups is the “treatment” that is being used to manipulate levels of confidence in caring
for their infants. Infants with spina bifida are part of the criteria for inclusion in the study.
The level of confidence in caring for their infants is the dependent variable. It is measured
as a response to whether or not the mothers received the “treatment” of using a support
group. The mothers of infants with spina bifida are criteria for inclusion as subjects in the
study and are not variables.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

16. In a research proposal, the author describes what is already known about the research
topic. This would be included in the discussion of the study’s
a. background.
b. feasibility.
c. purpose.
d. significance.
The background section describes research about the problem performed to date. In the
section about a study’s feasibility, the researcher’s expertise, funding resources,
availability of subjects and settings, and ethical considerations are examined. The research
purpose identifies specific goals and the focus of the study. The study’s significance
discusses the importance of the study to the discipline.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

17. Which component of a research study is exemplified in the statement, “This study
identifies various themes associated with parenting children who have chronic disease?”
a. Aim or objective
b. Hypothesis
c. Research methodology
d. Research problem
A research objective or aim is a clear, concise, declarative statement that is expressed in
the present tense and which focuses on one or two variables, indicating whether they are to
be identified or described. The hypothesis is a formal statement about an expected
relationship between two or more variables. The research methodology identifies sampling
and measurement techniques. The research problem identifies gaps in knowledge.
DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

18. The statement, “Do patients who receive care in a Patient-Centered Medical Home have
fewer emergency department visits than those who do not?” is an example of a research
a. aim.
b. hypothesis.
c. method.
d. question.
A research question is a concise interrogative statement that is worded in the present tense,
includes one or more variables, and guides the implementation of studies by asking
whether or not there is a relationship between the variables. The research objective or aim
is a clear, concise, declarative statement that is expressed in the present tense and which
focuses on one or two variables, indicating whether they are to be identified or described.
The hypothesis is a formal statement about an expected relationship between two or more
variables. The research methodology identifies sampling and measurement techniques.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

19. All of the following aspects of a research proposal are part of the research hypothesis
a. methodology.
b. outcomes.
c. population.
d. variables.
The methodology is not described in the research hypothesis statement. The hypothesis is
a formal statement about an expected relationship between two or more variables. It will
mention the expected outcomes, the population being studied, and the specific variables.
The hypothesis is a formal statement about an expected relationship between two or more
variables. It will mention the expected outcomes, the population being studied, and the
specific variables. The hypothesis is a formal statement about an expected relationship
between two or more variables. It will mention the expected outcomes, the population
being studied, and the specific variables.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

20. In a study comparing the effects of complementary therapies on pain scores and narcotic
analgesic use in homeless women and women who own homes, which of the following is a
demographic variable?
a. Complementary therapies
b. Homeless women
c. Narcotic analgesic use
d. Pain scores
Demographic variables are characteristics or attributes of subjects that are collected to
describe the sample. Complementary therapy is the independent variable. Narcotic
analgesic use and pain scores are dependent variables. Pain scores are a dependent

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

21. A researcher’s expectations about the outcomes of a study are generally expressed in the
form of a(n)
a. hypothesis.
b. theory.
c. research question.
d. research problem.
A hypothesis is a formal statement of the expected relationship(s) between two or more
variables in a specified population. Theory is an abstract generalization that presents a
systematic explanation about relationships among phenomena. A research question is a
clear, concise interrogative statement that is worded in the present tense, includes one or
more variables, and is expressed to guide the implementation of studies. A research
problem is an area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge needed for nursing

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

22. The statement, “In this study, elevated blood glucose is a value greater than 110 mg/dL,”
is an example of a(n)
a. associative hypothesis.
b. conceptual definition.
c. operational definition.
d. problem statement.
An operational definition is derived from a set of procedures or progressive acts that a
researcher performs to receive sensory impressions that indicate the existence or degree of
existence of a variable. An operational definition is developed so that a variable can be
measured or manipulated in a concrete situation. In this example, pain is the sensory
impression being measured on a numerical scale. A hypothesis indicates the researcher’s
educated guess at what the outcome of the research will be. An associative hypothesis
describes a predicted relationship that the researcher develops between the established
variables being studied. This statement is an operational definition, not a hypothesis. A
conceptual definition is the theoretical meaning of a variable. The problem statement
indicates the gap in knowledge needed for practice and provides a basis for the study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

23. Which is true about a causal hypothesis?

a. It describes the effects of independent variables on dependent variables.
b. It predicts a negative or positive interaction between variables.
c. It proposes positive or negative relationships among variables.
d. It states that a relationship exists between variables without indicating direction.
A causal hypothesis proposes a cause and effect interaction between two or more
variables. An associative hypothesis states that a relationship exists among variables. A
correlational hypothesis proposes negative or positive interactions between variables. A
causal hypothesis indicates direction.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

24. The hypothesis “A person’s mental status is not affected by a relocation to a nursing
home” is
a. null.
b. directional.
c. nondirectional.
d. not correctly worded.
This hypothesis statement is not worded clearly or correctly. A clearly stated study
hypothesis includes the independent variables to be manipulated or measured, indicates the
proposed outcomes or dependent variables to be measured, and identifies the population to
be studied. The null hypothesis, also referred to as a statistical hypothesis, is used for
statistical testing and for interpreting statistical outcomes. A directional hypothesis states
the nature (positive or negative) of the interaction between two or more variables. A
nondirectional hypothesis states that a relationship exists but does not predict the nature
(positive or negative) of the relationship.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

25. Which is an example of a directional, correlational hypothesis?

a. “Increasing hours spent in study groups is associated with an increase in GPA
among nursing students.”
b. “Increased use of study groups will result in an increase in GPA among nursing
c. “Nursing students who use study groups are among groups of students who have
higher GPAs.”
d. “Studying in study groups is related to GPA levels in nursing students.”
A directional hypothesis states whether a positive or negative interaction will occur
between variables. A correlational hypothesis indicates an association without attributing
cause. Stating that increased use of study groups will result in increased GPA makes this
statement a cause and effect hypothesis. The third and fourth statements are nondirectional
because they do not state whether or not there is a positive or negative interaction.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

26. The statistical (null) hypothesis in a research study states that there is
a. a causal relationship between variables.
b. a statistically significant relationship between variables.
c. an implied relationship between variables.
d. no relationship between variables.
The null hypothesis is the converse of the research hypothesis and states that there is no
relationship among variables. Any hypothesis stating a statistically significant relationship,
an implied relationship, or a causal relationship among variables is a research hypothesis.
Any hypothesis stating a statistically significant relationship, an implied relationship, or a
causal relationship among variables is a research hypothesis. Any hypothesis stating a
statistically significant relationship, an implied relationship, or a causal relationship among
variables is a research hypothesis.

DIF: Cognitive level: Remembering (Knowledge)

27. Which is an important feature of a testable hypothesis?

a. It may differ from the variables and population identified in the research purpose.
b. Methods of sampling, measurement, and data analysis are included in the
hypothesis statement.
c. Relationships among the study variables must be causative.
d. Variables in a testable hypothesis are measurable or able to be manipulated.
A testable hypothesis is one that clearly predicts the relationships among variables and
contains variables that are measurable or able to be manipulated in a study. Variables
stated in a research hypothesis are those identified in the research purpose. The testable
hypothesis does not identify methodological points to avoid limiting the hypothesis to
those methods. Relationships in a testable hypothesis may be associative or correlational.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

28. Which statement differentiates research variables from research concepts?

a. Concepts are more abstract than variables.
b. Concepts are usually studied in quantitative research.
c. Variables are less subject to manipulation and measurement.
d. Variables cannot be concisely defined or clearly described.
Concepts are more abstract than variables and are usually studied in qualitative research.
Variables are qualities, properties, or characteristics of persons, things, or situations that
can be manipulated and measured. They can change or vary and can be concisely defined
and described.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

29. A researcher wishes to study the effects of a low-fat diet on self-esteem, weight, and
energy levels among obese women over age 40. Which is the independent variable in this
a. Low-fat diet
b. Obesity
c. Self-esteem, weight, and energy levels
d. Women over 40
The independent variable in a study is the variable that can be manipulated to determine
whether a specific outcome or result is achieved. Obesity and women over 40 are
demographic variables. Self-esteem, weight, and energy levels are dependent variables,
based on the presence or absence of the independent variable. Obesity and women over 40
are demographic variables.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

30. Which is true about a dependent variable in a research study? It is

a. manipulated by the researcher to test the research hypothesis.
b. the cause of changes in other variables in a research study.
c. the experimental variable in a research study.
d. the outcome the researcher wishes to predict.
The dependent variable is the outcome that the researcher wishes to predict or explain.
Changes in the dependent variable are presumed to be caused by the independent
variables. The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher and is presumed to
cause changes in the dependent variable. The independent variable is also referred to as
the experimental variable.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

31. In the following research clinical question, what is the intervention? “Does taking
antidepressants affect the risk of suicide for cognitively impaired adolescents?”
a. Antidepressant use
b. Suicide
c. Cognitive impairment
d. Adolescence
The independent variable is frequently used to identify an intervention that is manipulated
or varied by the researcher to create an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent
variable is the outcome that the researcher wishes to predict or explain. Research variables
are the qualities, properties, or characteristics identified in the research purpose and
objectives or questions that are measured in a study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

32. Which type of variable is used in a descriptive study?

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Research variable
d. Treatment variable
Research variables are the qualities, properties, or characteristics identified in a descriptive
or correlational study. The dependent variable is the outcome that the researcher wishes to
predict or explain. The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher and is
presumed to cause changes in the dependent variable. The independent variable is
sometimes called the treatment variable.
DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

33. During a study to measure the effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, the
researchers learned that a portion of the subjects lived in homes with one or more
alcoholic parents. In this study, the presence of an alcoholic parent is a(n)
a. confounding variable.
b. dependent variable.
c. independent variable.
d. unrecognized variable.
A confounding variable is an extraneous variable that is not recognized until the study is in
process or is recognized before beginning the study, but cannot be controlled. The
dependent variable is the outcome that the researcher wishes to predict or explain. The
independent variable is manipulated by the researcher and is presumed to cause changes in
the dependent variable. An unrecognized variable is a type of extraneous variable that is
not noted during the study, but may or may not influence the outcome.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

34. In the following research clinical question, what is the outcome? “What is the effect of
relaxation therapy versus biofeedback on the functional ability of clients with rheumatoid
a. Relaxation therapy
b. Biofeedback
c. Functional ability
d. Rheumatoid arthritis
The dependent variable, functional ability is the outcome that the researcher wishes to
predict or explain. Relaxation therapy and biofeedback are both independent variables that
are manipulated by the researcher and presumed to cause changes in the dependent
variable. Rheumatoid arthritis describes the clients. Research variables are the qualities,
properties, or characteristics identified in the research purpose and objectives or questions
that are measured in a study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

35. To reduce or eliminate the influence of environmental variables on study results, the
researcher may
a. completely describe all environmental settings encountered in the study.
b. discuss these variables in the study results.
c. use a research unit in a hospital or laboratory.
d. use a qualitative study design to conduct the study.
Environmental variables are a type of extraneous variable present in the setting in which
the study is conducted. To control for environment, the researcher will use a laboratory
setting or a research unit in a hospital. Describing the environmental variables or
discussing them in the study results does not eliminate the influence of the environment on
the study outcomes. Describing the environmental variables or discussing them in the
study results does not eliminate the influence of the environment on the study outcomes.
Using a qualitative study design does not eliminate the influence of the environment on
study outcomes.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

36. Which is an example of a conceptual definition of a dependent variable in a study

evaluating the effects of home nursing on coping among patients with chronic illness?
a. “Coping is a set of actions and strategies used by individuals to reduce the
stressors associated with chronic disease management.”
b. “Coping skills were measured using a five-point Likert scale with higher scores
indicating higher coping skills.”
c. “Home nursing can include registered nurse and nursing assistant management of
treatments provided at home.”
d. “Home nursing was measured in the number of hours per week and the number of
hours per day of in-home care.”
A conceptual definition provides the theoretical meaning of a variable. The dependent
variable in this study is “coping.” Operational definitions describe the actions the
researcher will take to identify the characteristics of the variable. “Home nursing” is the
independent variable in this study. “Home nursing” is the independent variable in this

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

37. Which is true about an operational variable in quantitative research?

a. It is developed so that the degree of its existence can be measured.
b. It is often derived from a theoretical definition of a related concept.
c. It is specific to the time and setting of the research study.
d. It provides the theoretical meaning of a variable.
An operational definition is derived from a set of procedures or progressive acts that a
researcher performs to receive sensory impressions that indicate the existence or degree of
existence of a variable. The conceptual definition is derived from the theoretical definition
of a related concept. Operational definitions need to be independent of time and setting.
The conceptual definition provides theoretical meaning for a variable.

DIF: Cognitive level: Analyzing (Analysis)

38. In a qualitative study, which is true about the definition of research concepts?
a. They are measurable variables that help illustrate theoretical concepts.
b. They are often defined or described as a result of the study.
c. They are written to provide a concise measure of theoretical concepts.
d. They must be clearly described to proceed with the study.
In many qualitative studies, the focus of the study is to define or describe the concept.
Unlike variables in a quantitative study, they usually are not easily measured. They are
developed as the study unfolds and do not have to be clearly described in order to proceed
with the study. They are developed as the study unfolds and do not have to be clearly
described in order to proceed with the study.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

39. Which type of variable is used in a summary of sample characteristics?

a. Demographic variables
b. Dependent variables
c. Independent variables
d. Research variables
Demographic variables are attributes of subjects that are collected to describe the sample.
Dependent variables are variables that change as a result of manipulation of the
independent variable. Independent variables are variables that are manipulated to observe
effects on dependent variables. Research variables are variables used in qualitative studies.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

40. Which is true about a statement of the research purpose?

a. It describes the background for the subject of the research study.
b. It includes a discussion of the significance of the study.
c. It includes the research problem statement.
d. It provides a concise description of the study’s focus.
The research purpose is a concise, clear statement of the specific goal of focus of the
study. The review of the literature provides background for the subject of a research study.
The study’s significance is a part of the overall purpose of the study. The research problem
statement is a separate statement and includes a discussion of the study’s significance.

DIF: Cognitive level: Remembering (Knowledge)

41. An examination of the researcher’s plan for using measurement tools to examine
relationships among variables helps determine the
a. research hypothesis.
b. research objectives.
c. study feasibility.
d. study purpose.
The research hypothesis is determined through the research question and is a statement
about the relationship among the research variables. The research objectives are identified
in the research purpose. The study feasibility is determined by the researcher’s expertise,
the available funding, measurement tools and sample population availability, and ethical
considerations. The study purpose is a statement identifying what will be measured in a
DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

42. Which is true about a research hypothesis?

a. It defines the various research variables and describes how they will be measured.
b. It explains the relationship of the research purpose to theory development.
c. It includes the research problem, purpose, and research questions.
d. It links the research problem statement to the study design and data analysis.
The research hypothesis is the formal statement of the expected relationship between two
or more variables in a specified population. The problem statement can link the research
purpose to theory development. The introduction contains the research problem, purpose,
and research questions. The research purpose links the problem statement to the study
design and data analysis.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

43. In a research proposal, a statement about expected relationships among variables is the
a. conceptual definition.
b. operational definition.
c. research hypothesis.
d. research problem.
The research hypothesis is the formal statement of the expected relationship between two
or more variables in a specified population. The conceptual definition is derived from the
theoretical definition of a related concept and provides theoretical meaning for a variable.
An operational definition is derived from a set of procedures or progressive acts that a
researcher performs to receive sensory impressions that indicate the existence or degree of
existence of a variable. The research problem identifies gaps in knowledge.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)

44. Which type of variable is manipulated by the researcher?

a. Demographic
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Research
The independent, or experimental variable, is manipulated by the researcher to observe
possible effects on the dependent variable. Demographic variables are attributes of
members of a sample population. The dependent variable is the outcome variable and is
the variable researchers wish to predict based on manipulation of the independent variable.
A research variable is used in quantitative studies.

DIF: Cognitive level: Remembering (Knowledge)

45. In a study of adolescent children using a group of high school football players and
junior-high school cyclists, researchers compared the length of recovery from concussion
between those wearing brand X helmets and those wearing brand Y helmets. In this study
“high school football players” represent which type of variable?
a. Demographic
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Research
Demographic variables are attributes of members of a sample population. The dependent
variable is the outcome variable and is the variable researchers wish to predict based on
manipulation of the independent variable. The independent, or experimental variable, is
manipulated by the researcher to observe possible effects on the dependent variable. A
research variable is used in quantitative studies.

DIF: Cognitive level: Applying (Application)


1. Which of the following are true statements about research problems? Select all that
a. The research problem in a study indicates the significance of the problem.
b. The research problem in a study provides a background for the problem.
c. A research problem is an area of concern where there is no gap in the knowledge
needed for nursing practice.
d. All published studies include a clearly expressed problem, and the problem can be
found in the first page of the report.
e. The research problem is a clear, concise statement of the specific goal or focus of a
f. In a research report, the problem is usually identified and often follows the purpose
The research problem in a study indicates the significance of the problem, provides a
background for the problem, and includes a problem statement. The research problem is an
area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing practice.
Not all published studies include a clearly expressed problem, but the problem usually can
be identified in the first page of the report. The research purpose is a clear, concise
statement of the specific goal or focus of a study. In a research report, the purpose is
usually identified and often follows the problem statement.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

2. Which of the following are accurate statements about study variables and research
concepts? Select all that apply.
a. Variables are qualities, properties, or characteristics of persons, things, or
situations that do not change or vary.
b. Research concepts are usually studied in quantitative research, are at lower levels
of abstraction than variables, and are not measured or manipulated.
Test Bank for Understanding Nursing Research 7th Edition by Grove

c. Some variables are manipulated; others are controlled.

d. A dependent variable is the outcome that the researcher wants to predict or
e. Operational definitions provide the theoretical meaning of a variable and are
derived from a theorist’s definition of a related concept.
Variables are classified into a variety of types to explain their use in research. Some
variables are manipulated; others are controlled. Some variables are identified but not
measured; others are measured with refined measurement devices. A dependent variable is
the outcome that the researcher wants to predict or explain. Variables are qualities,
properties, or characteristics of persons, things, or situations that change or vary. Research
concepts are usually studied in qualitative research, are at higher levels of abstraction than
variables, and are not measured or manipulated. Research concepts include the ideas,
experiences, situations, events, or behaviors that are investigated in qualitative research. A
conceptual definition provides the theoretical meaning of a variable; operational
definitions indicate how a treatment or independent variable will be implemented and how
the dependent or outcome variable will be measured.

DIF: Cognitive level: Understanding (Comprehension)

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