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NAME: Chowdhury Hisham Bin Alim

ID: 2031569630

This is an UNGRADED assignment. Please complete and submit your answers

to these 11 questions on Google Classroom.

Homework 2

Read the following Introductory Paragraphs and choose which one is The Funnel, The
Turnabout, The Relevant Quotation and The Dramatic Entrance.

1. My friends and I were supposed to take a trip to Sajek Valley during our semester break.
But, I couldn’t go because I came down with the flu two days before we were supposed
to go. I was very upset, which made my illness even worse. But on the morning of the
trip, I got a call from my best friend Khaled, who said “If you’re not going, I’m not
going.” That’s the kind of person he is. Khaled is my best friend because he’s loyal,
funny and caring.
What type of Introduction is this?: the turnabout

2. At first glance, driving can seem like a really easy skill to learn. If you’ve watched your
parent or older sibling drive, you probably know how to steer, which pedal accelerates,
which one breaks, etc. But once you get behind the wheel, you might be surprised to
realize that there is actually a lot to learn. Driving may be important but it is also tough to
learn. The most difficult aspects of driving are the rules and regulations, the hand-eye
coordination and the high speeds on highways.
What type of Introduction is this?: the funnel

3. When I opened the gift, I could not believe what was sitting in front of me. My parents
had bought me a Playstation 4 for my birthday! I couldn’t wait for my birthday party to
end so that I could plug it into my television and play the two games, Uncharted 4 and
Gran Turismo Sport, that came with it. My Playstation 4 is my most prized possession
because I’m a life-long gamer, I’ve gotten hundreds of hours of entertainment from it and
I was able to play it with my friends.
What type of Introduction is this?: the dramatic entrance

4. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. It means that
if you want to inspire others to change you must first start by changing yourself. The best
way to bring change in society is to volunteer for community service. Community service
is a good way to spend your free time because it exposes you to the hardships of the poor,
allows you to bring positive change to your community and teaches you how to be
responsible and
What type of Introduction is this?: the relevant quotation

Read the following Thesis Statement: Pohela Boishakh is my favourite holiday because
of the festive environment, tasty food and fun outings with friends.
5. Write the topic sentence for the 1st Body Paragraph:

6. Write the topic sentence for the 2nd Body Paragraph:

7. Write the topic sentence for the 3rd Body Paragraph:

Read the following Thesis Statement: The COIVD-19 pandemic has been terrible for our
country because it has hurt our economy, ruined our education and hindered our social lives.

8. Write the topic sentence for the 1st Body Paragraph:

9. Write the topic sentence for the 2nd Body Paragraph:

10. Write the topic sentence for the 3rd Body Paragraph:

11. Complete the following Thesis Statement: Hanging out with friends is a great way to
pass the time because we can go to movies, playing football and talking about random

12. Complete the following Thesis Statement: Cox’s Bazar is a great place for a vacation
because there are many tourist spots to see and you can spend a relaxing day near the

13. Complete the following Thesis Statement: Football is fun to watch because it becomes
intense any moment.

14. Complete the following Thesis Statement: I love going to Sultan’s Dine because of its
taste, service and quality,
Read the following Thesis Statement: The person I admire most is my mother because of
her emotional strength, her practical thinking and her incredible kindness.

15. Write the conclusion for this essay in 50 words: mother helps us to become the best
version of ourselves. A mother sacrifices lot of things without thinking about
anything else so that their children can achieve their goals.

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