Team 38 - Pramodh Chandrashekar - AUDRIX

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AUDRIX Finance is building a cybersecurity protocol to simplify

audits in the DeFi space combining AI and Blockchain.

Increasing crypto scams and lack of transparency brings information asymmetry.

AUDRIX not only aids the Security Audits and Smart Contracts checks, but also provides an
ecosystem to accelerate the functioning of promising DeFi projects. We leverage a
combination of static analysis, automated tools, coupled with a robust manual review process
to provide industry-leading security recommendations to project teams.

Automation of Security Audits powered by AI and Blockchain is our foundation.

Crypto Hai! AUDRIX ke sath Safe Hai!

Pioneering in Security Audit automation is our goal. As of now, the whole conduct is manual.
Building a solid team to build AI algorithms and code-auditors was our biggest obstacle.
Increasing crypto scams and lack of transparency brings information asymmetry.
AUDRIX not only aids the audits and smart contracts, but also provides an ecosystem to
accelerate the functioning of promising DeFi projects. Existing players are more traditionally
inclined towards cybersecurity audits which get the scope of fraud and misuse. Establishing
AUDRIX Launchpad as an extension gives early stage De-Fi projects to reach out to our
services.Our Patent-pending AI automated conducts banks on trust and brings in more


Decentralised Finance is the future. India is the world's biggest and fastest crypto adopter
with an annual growth of 800%. ONLY 1/50 De-Fi projects are audited and documented, and
AUDRIX would establish the TRUST in this blockchain ecosystem. While blockchains
began life to facilitate the development of cryptocurrencies, they are now widely used across
businesses for smart contracts, online transaction management, asset record management, and
securing critical data. Acting as digital ledgers residing in a distributed infrastructure, they
enable the secure storage and structuring of important information in a manner that ensures
the integrity and availability of the information.

This technology has created the need for crypto audit to provide independent assurance
of the validity, security, and authenticity of the blockchains.

Token audit is a highly specialised practice that few organisations can undertake, with our
experienced and knowledgeable staff, AUDRIX, one of the promising crypto audit support, is
ideally positioned to provide blockchain security audits services.

Our team has a comprehensive understanding of blockchain and its implementing algorithms
and underlying encryption methodology.
Value Propositions

Security Audits - Assessment of Smart contracts and Blockchain code. India‘s first De-Fi
Security Ecosystem.

Token Locker - Liquidity is locked by renouncing the ownership of liquidity pool tokens for
a fixed time period.

Crypto Audit Essentials

A crypto audit performed by a professional cryptocurrency auditor provides for the use of
automated bug detection tools to reveal commonly known vulnerabilities and further manual
execution of systematic and structured code review of the blockchain project. The key goal of
crypto audit is the detection of high-severity bugs in a code. Before conducting an audit, the
security team of the crypto audit company needs to get a deep understanding of the project’s
architecture and use cases as well as recognize the key components of the target system. The
key phase of blockchain audit is threat modelling that reveals data spoofing and data
tempering and enables the detection of attacks on a blockchain system. And the last phase of
crypto audit provides for the exploitation of revealed vulnerabilities to estimate the scope of
potential threats a project under test can face and their further remediation.

Token audit conducted by crypto audit companies allows projects to prevent the exploitation
of vulnerabilities that may result in the loss of clients assets. Blockchain audits also allow
projects to prevent public access to smart contracts and, thus, protect them against facing the
exploitation of their vulnerabilities. A crypto audit performed by a reputable cryptocurrency
auditor will also serve as the indication of project reliability to existing and potential
Duration - Blockchain Security Audits

The main factors determining the duration of a token audit are the project’s size and
complexity. Depending on these factors, the duration of a crypto audit can vary between 1-2
days and a few weeks or even months.


The pricing scheme for a crypto audit heavily varies among crypto audit companies and, in
most cases, is set up on an individual basis.

For example, the price of crypto audit performed by the AUDRIX ranges between $1K and
$30K, however as of now we are doing pro bono audits to establish our credentials.

Idea Validation

AUDRIX raises $15,000 at $1.5 million valuation in their seed round for 1% Equity.
Looking for Seed Round to scale our dream into a reality.


- Launched AUDRIX token on BSC Chain BEP-20 (Pre-Sale on Progress)

- Collaboration with local crypto media houses
- Conducted 5+ audits across various blockchains.
- Team Setup for Audits in Bangalore, India.

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