Special Exam (EENGR 310)

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1st Term Examination in EENGR 3100

Fundamentals of Electrical engineering

Direction.. Solve the following problems thoroughly. After solving all the problems, write your final answer
in the blanks/table provided in the questionnaire. (you will submit the entire solution for this exam).

Name : Leanne Ala Ali M. Bahman section : BSCE 5

What resistance R in parallel with resistances of

100 and 200Ω will give an equivalent resistance
Of 50Ω? R = ________ (2 pts)

For the series circuit shown(left), compute:

(1) Total current I = __________

(2) Power in the 5 KΩ resistor
P = _________
(3) Which resistor will have the greatest
amount of current?
(5 pts)

For the circuit shown (right), compute the ff


(1) The total resistance, R = _________

(2) The total current, I = ________
(3) The voltage across the 100Ω resistor
V100 = ___________

(4) The current in the 200Ω resistor

I200 = ________
(8 pts)

Complete the table below given

Circuit :

(10 pts)
For the fig(left), fill up the table below.(15 pts

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