05 - Byzantine Empire Test and Key Version 1

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The Byzantine Empire and Early Russia Unit Test

Choose the best answer.
1. What was the official capital of the Byzantine Empire?
A. Rome
B. Constantinople
C. Byzantium
D. Istanbul

2. What made the Byzantine Empire’s geography so advantageous?

A. It was large
B. It had good fertile land
C. It was easily protected
D. It was surrounded by land only

3. Justinian was the Byzantine Emperor from 527-565. One of his main goals was to -
A. create a tax-free state
B. restore democracy
C. use force in order to dominate women
D. revive the glory of Rome

4. What was Justinian’s Code?

A. A dress code for all men and women in politics
B. Educational rules meant for children
C. Body of civil laws and reference guide
D. A list of all the Gods Justinian worshipped

5. Before becoming Emperor Justinian’s wife, Empress Theodora held what occupation?
A. Teacher
B. Beggar
C. Actress
D. Musician

6. Which construction was named the most splendid church in all of the Christian World?
A. Notre Dame Cathedral
B. Hagia Sophia
C. St. Petersburg
D. St. Thomas Church
7. The Great Schism represented a divide in the Christian religion based on emerging opinions
regarding church leader, location, language, and lifestyle of priests. What were the two branches
of Christianity after the split?
A. Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic
B. Roman Catholic and Episcopal
C. Episcopal and Lutheran
D. Eastern Orthodox and Presbyterian

8. The image above depicts…?

A. Mary and Joseph
B. Russian Religious icons
C. Byzantine religious icons
D. Roman religious icons

“May I never be separated from this purple, and may I not live that day on which
those who meet me shall not address me as mistress. If, now, it is your wish to save
yourself, O Emperor, there is no difficulty. For we have much money, and there is
the sea, here the boats. However, consider whether it will not come about after you
have been saved that you would gladly exchange that safety for death. For as for
myself, I approve a certain ancient saying that royalty is a good burial-shroud.”

9. The quote above from the Nika Revolt was allegedly spoken by -
A. Justinian
B. Constantine
C. Theodora
D. None of the above.

10. Which of the following groups did NOT contribute to the downfall of the Byzantine Empire?
A. The vandals
B. The Crusaders
C. The Arab Muslims
D. The Barbarians
11. After Constantinople was conquered by Sultan Mehmed II, the city was renamed…?
A. Byzantine
B. Rome
C. Istanbul
D. Aleppo

12. When the Ottoman takeover occurred, scholars from the former Byzantine Empire fled and
eventually did what?
A. Started an uprising
B. Help start the renaissance in Italy
C. Formed their own empire
D. Taught children to hate the Ottomans

13. The image below depicts…?

A. The Russian Embassy

B. A Russian Orthodox Church
C. A Greek Orthodox Church
D. A Russian Government center

14. Emperor Justinian and his wife often attended chariot races. Who participated in these events?
A. Enslaved women
B. Peasant farmers
C. Rival factions with certain political goals
D. Young men under 18

15. Which of the following protected the city of Constantinople from flooding?
A. The Great Wall
B. The Sea Wall
C. The River Lycus
D. The Harbor of Julian
16. To prop up their shaky empire, the Byzantines -
A. surrendered half their land
B. used diplomacy
C. converted to Roman Catholicism
D. invaded Rome

17. Emperor Justinian’s reign was affected by which event?

A. A city-wide fire
B. A monsoon
C. A plague
D. A religious revolution

18. Why was Emperor Justinian considered a very unusual ruler for his time?
A. He didn’t have any kids
B. He gave political power to his wife, Theodora
C. He hated using force
D. He had no personal servants

19. Constantinople saw natural protection due to its location on…?

A. A Peninsula
B. A Fjord
C. An Island
D. A Mountain

20. What was the primary language of the Byzantine Empire?

A. Latin
B. Spanish
C. Roman
D. Greek

21. The Varangians (Rus’) who settled Novgorod and Kiev were –
a. Roman
b. Vikings
c. Greeks
d. African
22. After learning of Constantinople, Vladimir the Great selected _____ for his people.
a. Eastern Christianity
b. Islam
c. Judaism
d. Roman Catholicism

23. The image above shows the land conquered by the –

a. Byzantine Empire
b. Kievan Rus’
c. Varangians
d. Mongol Golden Horde

24. After the fall of Kiev, which city eventually became the center of power in Russia?
a. Novgorod
b. Suzdal
c. Moscow
d. Constantinople
Answers and day within the unit each was covered.
1. B- Day 1
2. C- Day 1
3. D- Day 1
4. C- Day 1
5. C- Day 1
6. B- Day 1
7. A- Day 1
8. C- Day 1
9. C- Day 1
10. A- Day 1
11. C- Day 1
12. B- Day 1
13. B- Day 1
14. C- Day 2
15. B- Day 1
16. B- Day 1
17. C- Day 2
18. B- Day 2
19. A- Day 1
20. D- Day 1
21. B- Day 3
22. A- Day 3
23. D-Day 3
24. C-Day 3

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