05 - Assignment - 1 IBT

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Who benefits from the outsourcing of skilled white-collar jobs to developing

nations? Who are the losers?

 Those who are located in poor countries will gain from the outsourcing of skilled
white-collar jobs to developing nations. Outsourcing is advantageous for
developing nations since it helps to support and create jobs that will lead to
sustainable economies. The producers in underdeveloped countries are the ones
who lose out when skilled white-collar employment is outsourced.

2.Will developed nations like the United States, suffer from the loss of high-skilled
and high paying jobs? Explain.

 Yes, I believe that the loss of highly skilled and well-paying positions, similar to
what happened when blue-collar jobs were lost, will have a negative impact on
the United States. Even if they are highly paid, it is their high level of knowledge
that enables their country to join the industrialized world. They play a significant
role in the nation's economy.

3. Is there a difference between the transference of high-paying white-collar jobs,

such as computer programming and accounting, to developing nations, and low-
paying blue-collar jobs? If so, what is the difference, and should the government
do anything to stop the flow of white-collar jobs out of the country to countries
such as India?

 Yes, there is a difference between the movement of high-paying white-collar

jobs to developing countries and the transfer of low-paying blue-collar positions,
with the former being lower paid due to the larger workplace and higher
employee compensation. This is useless for the corporation, therefore the
government should stop it. Every nation should support its citizens in finding

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