Iain Recipes

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Iain’s Collection of Recipes

An Engineering Student’s Recipe Book

J. Iain Sword
Produced for SurfABLE Scotland

May 27, 2018

A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Introduction I

Savouries 1
Homemade Burgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Potato Rosti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Soda Bread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Tattie Scones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Cakes 5
Apple Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Finnish Cinnamon Rolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Danish Hindbærsnitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Snacks 8
Scones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Scottish Shortbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Vintage Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Here comes a pompous introduction to what is really just a col-
lection of recipes I’ve gathered over the last few years typed up
in one space. The idea to type up my recipe book (a notebook
I’ve had since the start of uni) is courtesy of my dear friend Sofia,
who became my close friend during the computational fluid dy-
namics course at DTU. I’d quite often bring in surplus scones or
other baking to class, much to her delight, and usually followed
by requests for the recipe. So here they are, most of them have
come from the internet, but maybe it’s the Danish ingredients that
played their part.

Another role that this recipe book plays is hopefully as a

fundraising tool for the SurfABLE Scotland project run under ac-
cessibility charity Friendly Access. I spent last summer helping
out with their work, and intend to get even more involved this
summer. The work the charity does to help children and adults
with disabilities and conditions of all kinds is incredible, and re-
flects fantastically on Glyn Morris and Kev Anderson who do a Figure 1: Iain (the author) hap-
great job! pily carrying a huge surfboard at one
of SurfABLE’s lessons at Sandend
Beach, Scotland

A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Part I: Savouries
Homemade Burgers
Credit for this recipe goes to Heather Walton, a fellow student at
Strathclyde University. It’s become a particular hobby of mine to
add random additional things to the burger mix, such as little pieces of dices potato, garlic among others.
In addition it’s very nice when served with lightly fried vegetables such as carrots and onion. (Makes
10-15 burgers depending on sizes)

Ingredients Instructions
• 250g red kidney beans
1. Mash together beans, beef and onions
• 1 small onion
• 450g beef mince 2. Mix in the spices and flavours

• oil
3. Turn out onto surface and divide into burger
• Spices and flavourings sized lumps
– 1 chopped garlic clove
4. Fry each side in oil
– Beetroot
– Coriander • If storing, briefly sear each side to seal
– Cumin the burgers before wrapping in alu-
– Paprika minium foil

Figure 2: A homemade burger served with carrots and lettuce. I’ve since discovered that they go very
well with fried eggs

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Potato Rosti
A very high energy food which makes it good as a filling with the burgers for even more energy after a
long climbing or surf session. The ingredient quantities are left vague, but make sure the pan is at a very
high heat. (Usually makes 2 per potato)

Ingredients Instructions

1. Clarify butter
• Large Potato • Melt butter in the pan and skim off the

2. Grate the potato onto a sheet of kitchen roll

• Oil
3. Squeeze out moisture over sink
4. Mix in salt, pepper and spices
• Butter 5. Shape into 5cm disks

6. Add oil to pan and increase the heat

• Pepper and Spices 7. Place on the pan until brown on both sides

Figure 3: A pair of rosti frshly fried.

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Soda Bread
A recipe I was using every week in Denmark in place of buying real bread, the loaf doesn’t rise much,
but it’s very dense and full of energy, as well as being tasty. It helps that’s simple to make, and doesn’t
take long.

Ingredients Instructions

• 100g porridge oats 1. Preheat oven to 180o C

• 150g wholemeal flour 2. Mix flour, oats and bicarbonate of music in

• 350g plain flour
3. Rub in the butter
– may replace 50g with muesli
4. Stir in the buttermilk
• 400ml kaernmaelk
5. Kneed to shape, about 2cm thick, draw a cross
• 2-3tsp bicarbonate of sofa in the top with a knife

• 25g butter 6. Bake for 40 minutes

Figure 4: A fresh loaf of Sodabread

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Tattie Scones
A taste of Scotland to remind me of home, and also useful for cooking an energy rich breakfast! A simple
recipe to make, but ensure the potatoes are boiled soft before mashing. (Makes 10-20 depending on sizes)

Ingredients Instructions
• 450g peeled potatoes 1. boil the potatoes for 30 minutes
• 60g butter 2. mash all ingredients together until a consis-
tent dough is formed
• 120g flour
3. roll out until 1cm thick
• oil
• seasoning 4. cut to shape (triangles or quarter circles)

– herbs such as rosemary, basil etc. 5. heat oil in the pan

– pepper 6. fry 1-2 minutes per side (until browned)

Figure 5: A fresh batch of tattie scones, serve with scrambled eggs, black pudding, bacon or sausages!

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Part II: Cakes

Apple Cake
A recipe originally found in a student cookbook i was given 3 years ago, I thought I would reproduce it
in metric measures (the original is all in terms of mugs, very vague and not very engineerlike). I made it
in scotland the first time for my first mountaineering weekend trip, and in Denmark for a Sud−Danmark
cake table, also known as some students eating lots of cake. Although, the tradition goes back to the

Ingredients Instructions
• 2 medium apples 1. Preheat the oven to 220o C
• 3 tbsp cold water
2. Core apples, then thinly slice.
• 150g butter
3. Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla together
• 170g sugar
• 3 eggs 4. Beat in the eggs

• 1
2 tsp vanilla sugar 5. Pour in the flour and water
– or 1-2 drops vanilla essence 6. Fold mixture together
• 225g self raising sugar 7. Spread into a cake tray and push in the apple
– If using plain flour, add 2tsp baking pow- slices
8. Mix topping sugar and cinnamon together
• Topping
9. Dust the top of the cake evenly
– 55g sugar
– 1 tsp cinnamon 10. Bake for 25 minutes, then leave to cool

Figure 6: A freshly baked apple cake

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Finnish Cinnamon Rolls

Another recipe lifted from other sources, and given a measurement change. In this case, imperial to
metric, given the scales i had available. They’re time consuming to make, but they are also incredibly
tasty, the cardamom in the dough making them taste particularly fresh even after a few days. (Makes 12

Ingredients Instructions

• 240ml warm milk 1. Warm up milk, add melted butter, then mix
in sugar and crumble in yeast/gær
• 60g butter 2. Sit for 10 minutes (until bubbling lightly)

• 25g live yeast (gær in Denmark) 3. Stir in cardamom, egg and flour until the
dough begins to pull away from the side
• 110g sugar 4. Kneed the dough until shiny

• 1tbsp cardamom 5. Cover the dough, then leave to rise for 1 hour

6. Punch down the dough then cut the mixture

• 1 beaten egg & 1 to glaze
into 21 s then roll out into thin rectangles.
• 500g flour 7. Melt filling butter, then brush onto the sheets
of dough until covered
• icing sugar
8. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon
• filling 9. Roll into a snake and cut every 5cm

– 55g butter 10. Cover then leave to rise for 1 hour

– 150g brown sugar 11. Brush with the other egg then dust wth sugar

– 2tbsp cinnamon 12. Bake for 15 minutes at 200o C

Figure 7: Cinnamon Rolls

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Danish Hindbærsnitter
A recipe I’ve seen made a lot here (it’s quite traditional) and intend to produce more of once I return to
Scotland. The slices make very nice snacks and the raspberry makes it very refreshing.

Ingredients Instructions

• 350g plain flour 1. Preheat oven to 200o C

2. Mix the butter, flour and sugar
• 200g butter
3. Add the egg and vanilla
• 125g icing sugar
4. Mix until a dough is formed
• 1tsp vanilla sugar
5. Chill for 30 minutes in the fridge
• 1 egg 6. Half the mixture, then roll into a 1cm thick
• 200g raspberry jam (and fresh raspberries)
7. Chill for 15 minutes
• Icing
8. Bake for 10-12 minutes
– 250g icing sugar 9. Mix icing sugar with water until a paste is
– 2-4tbsp hot water formed
10. Spread jam and raspberries on each side of
• Toppings the pastries then stack
– Can be freeze dried raspberries, rock 11. Spread the icing on top and sprinkle on the
sugar, or crushed sweets toppings

Figure 8: My first ever attempt at a Hindbærsnitter. It failed in places and i couldn’t get food colouring,
so a crude jam drawing of a wave and surfboard was made with a spoon. But my flatmates thought it
tasted good!

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Part III: Snacks

Another mainstay of my danish baking as anyone who knew me in Denmark can testify to. Cheap, easy
to make, and quite tasty, they’re the most used recipe in this book (aside the sodabread). Enjoy in place
of buying baking at the shops. (Recipe makes 9 scones)

Ingredients Instructions
• 225g Self Raising Flour
1. Preheat the oven to 220o C
– If using plain flour, add 2tsp baking pow-
der 2. Rub together flour and butter
• 55g butter
3. Add additional ingredients
• 25g sugar
• 150ml milk 4. Stir in sugar and milk

– Replace up to 50% with kaernmaelk 5. Turn onto surface and kneed until consistent
• Additional ingredients:
6. Cut into squares and place on baking tray
– cardamom
– cinnamon 7. Glaze with milk and dust with sugar
– 21 apple (diced)
– 60g dried fruit (raisins, cranberries) 8. Bake for 12-15 minutes then leave to cool

Figure 9: Some fruit scones

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Scottish Shortbread
I usually make these for special occasions and as christmas presents. My first attempt was for a St.
Andrews Day dinner with my climbing friends, including a German exchange student. I’ve made them
in Denmark also to pass on a taste of my homeland to those I’ve met. (Makes 15-20 depending on how
they are sized)

Ingredients Instructions
1. Preheat oven to 180o C
2. Beat together the butter and sugar
• 125g butter
3. Stir in flour and work the mixture until it
reaches an even consistency
4. Roll out the mixture onto a well floured sur-
face until 1cm thick
• 55g sugar 5. Cut to shape, then decorate by embedding a
6. Dust with sugar, then chill in the fridge for 20
• 180g plain flour 7. Bake for 20 minutes then leave to cool

Figure 10: A batch of shortbread made for refreshments at the DTU climbing competition.

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A Collection of Recipes May 27, 2018 Iain Sword

Vintage Cookies
Another versatile recipe, with multiple variations possible due to the simple mixture. I usually make a
batch of both chocolate and ginger cookies, they usually go down well with my friends. (Makes ∼ 30
depending on additional ingredients)

Ingredients Instructions

1. Preheat oven to 190o C

• 150g butter
2. Beat sugars and butter together
3. Beat in the egg
• 80g brown sugar
4. Stir in flour and bicarbonate
5. Separate dough into halves
• 80g sugar
6. For vintage chocolate-chip cookies
• Break milk chocolate into small chunks
• 1 egg
and mix in
7. For ginger cookies
• 225g plain flour
• mix in grated ginger
8. Place tablespoon sized mounds of dough on a
• 1
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda baking tray
9. Bake in oven for 8-10 minutes
• Additional Flavourings (per half mixture) 10. Leave to cool
11. For ginger cookies:
– 100g milk chocolate
• Melt dark chocolate in pan
– 1 tsp cinnamon or grated ginger • Drizzle melted chocolate over the ginger
– 100g dark chocolate (to melt) • Leave to cool until chocolate solidifies

Figure 11: Vintage Cookies

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