Sept 2023 Recalls 1

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01/09/2023 Square

1. Non accidental injury, spiral fracture

2. Homosexual attracted to classmate

3. Post menopausal, Blood stain when she wipes, no weight loss.

4. Diarrhea 2years old, video call

5. Medical error, missed button on X-ray. Telephone station

6. Polymyalgia rheumatica asking for side effects of steroid

7. ? Ear wax.. Reduced hearing and pain on left ear. Combine station

8. Teaching a nurse about ECG

9. ? Mumps orchitis. Combine station

10. Simman Morphine Overdose

11. Prescription, VTE prophylaxis with other prescribed medication

12. ?Mastitis. Combine station

13. Rape

14. ? Diabetic Nephropathy. Dm, Patient stable, urine result showed blood in urine

15. Chlamydia infection in neonate

16. 13year diagnosed with Epilepsy, for discharge, talk to mother.

06/9/2023 .Street
1. PSA result sharing + combined DRE.

2. Thalassemia minor.

3. Cauda Equina.

4. Urethral Discharge.

5. Subcutaneous injection teaching.

6. Preeclampsia.

7. Sickle cell disease worried (telephone counseling).

8. COPD exacerbation (Smoking Cessation Counseling).

9. Wrist Sprain (Sick note)

10. Missed Fracture Medical Error

11. Celiac disease referred for endoscopy.


13. Green Urethral discharge in male with multiple partners.

14. Prescription Quincy.

15. Chicken pox

16. Learning Disability with Diabetes

06/09/2923 Square
1. Optic neuritis

2. Daughter concerned about mother forgetting things (old case)

3. Oral candidiasis

4. Measles

5 .Pregnant lady BBN

6. Mrs Ali Mr Ali had stroke BBN

7. Basal cell carcinoma

8. Breast cancer refusing treatment

9. Simman Post op pain

10. Lithium prescription

11. Elderly abuse/NAI ?daughter refusing to admit

12 BLS teaching

13 Ear wax 2nd presentation

14. IBS

15. Addisons disease

16. ?TIA
7/9/2023 Street

1. DKA refusing admission

2. Difficult colleague cocaine

3. Teaching epipen

4. Pyschosis videocall. Mother was concerned. Patient hears voices, thinks

doctor is spy

5. Toxoplasmosis combined. Girl on steroids for PMR, works at cat shelter

6. Depression/peri menopausal syndrome

7. Aortofemoral bypass BBN

8. Old guy with falls. Postural hypotension (no recent change in HPN


9. Medication counselling for osteoporosis (alendronate + calcichew +


10. Measles college student

11. Pediatric developmental milestone 14 mo old who cant stand or walk


12. Osteosarcoma teenager xray results

13. Nose bleed with nose bleed point on ant rhinoscopy (not on

testosterone, no headache, just nosebleeds)

14. Prescription palliative medicine

15. Barretts esophagus counselling

16. Diabetic man with microscopic hematuria (no symptoms whatsoever,

just blood on urinalysis/dipstick)

7/9/2023 Square
1) Homosexual teenager

2) Simman: Atrial fibrillation

3) Teaching station: Speculum examination

4) Benign Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, raised BMI and takes OCP; combined
station: fundoscopy

5) Mother of a 9 months old that had a fall with a bruise on the forehead, child is active
and playful

6) Diabetes patient with learning disability

7) Erectile dysfunction with mild prostate enlargement

8) Prescription: Palliative care: Morphine syringe drive

9) ?Acute Cholecystitis Raised bilirubin, AST and ALT, with Fever and right
hypochondria pain

10) Acute Low back pain: urine dipstick: blood : ++ ? Renal colic

11) BBN; Massive intracranial haemorrge

12) Elderly hip fracture admitted from Nursing care home: talk to the Son

13) Epilepsy discharge: A 13 year old, talk to the mother

14) Bilateral leg swelling: Known to have hypertension (well controlled) on


15) Meniere's disease

16) Suicidal attempt; 16 yr old girl that took 20 tablets of OCP and slit her wrist
8/09/2023 Square
1) HTN 3 weeks ago presented with cough - Ramipril ( open bnf )

2) Phonecall - Lesbian bullied at work

3) Hangover Headache - Univeristy Student

4) Confidentiality - Father inquiring about daughter’s depression

5) Teaching - Abdominal Examination

6) Drug Prescription - PROM

7) Peripheral Artery Disease - Pt presents with bilateral leg pain on


8) Young Male - lower back pain and stiffness - Ankylosing Spondylitis

9) Old Male, diabetes follow up, blood in urine, otherwise normal no

diabetes complication - I referred urgently for cystoscopy + nephorologist

10) Breast Lump - Mammogram 6 mths ago

11) Ear - HL on left ear, normal examination, webber lateralize to right ear

- Urgent referral???

12) Thalassemia Trait - Otherwise fit and well

13) Simman Sepsis HAP

14) Mole on Chest - Positive family history and dead husband for skin


15) Dementia Counselling - Mum doesn ’ t eat, losing weight, no organic

cause, referred for palliative

16) vaccine counselling - coming up to 6 weeks, asking about vaccines

08/09/2023 Street
1. Teach med student testicular exam

2. Prescription lithium NSAID

3. Dementia mom weight loss

4. Headache migraine video, wants CT Scan

5. Raynaulds phenomenon

6. Wife had TIA, talk to husband

7. DM hypoglicemia refusing admission

8. Breech presentation combined

9. Clamydia conjuntivitis baby talk to mom

10. UTI in 3 yo child, simple

11. Post op NOF fracture com co codamol constipated

12. Post op cyst removal infection telephone (“angry” patient)

13. Ureteric colic went to OOH GP yesterday, came to GP today

14. Anaemia test results: low iron, vegan diet

15. BPPV, patient works in construction

16. Unstable angina in GP, fine now, doesn ’ t want to go to ER because

father died there

1. combined- perspeculum- mennoragia-complaints of heavy bleed and pain ) - got
steel speculum

2. Simman - morphine overdos

3. Unilateral nasal polyp?- presenting complaints- runny nose with streaks of blood ,
loss of wt , occupation - cabinet worker now retired, past med history- hayfever

4. Osteosarcoma bbn ( concern- i have my exms, could u please give a sick note/
medical certificate)

5. Fit note - medically fit patient - presented to hosp 2 weeks back after car accident
- no injuries (she tells that she was in a party and drank alchohol and then drove
car and got into car accident)

6. Colleague- late final year medical student

7. procedure- abg ( patient had so many concerns- what is the tests,complications


8. Oxybutinin doubled dose- pt had diarrhea and confusion - he is fine now but still
had urinary symptoms

9. Prescription- uti- nitrofurantion Additional drugs - amlo rampirl atorva Pcm

should be prescribed for pain.And vte risk assesmnet was done - dalteparin to be
10. Rape - pt was concerned was getting STI

11. Reccurent bouts of illnes in child - father was very much concerned

12. Febrile convulsion in child (age - 3 years)

13. urge incontinence( complains to going to loo more often , leaked urine before
going to looo , no cloudy or smellyy urine)

14. Barrette esophagus - endoscopy every 3 years

15. Utricaria in child -concerned mother- rash after hot bath once , after playing
with friends in past , pt will show u the rash in the beginning itself, worried if its
contagious - child can go to to school or not

16. Diabteies with OSA - day time sleepiness - occupation- driver - concerned
about job when u tell him not to drive -BMI high
12/9/2023 Square
1) Erectile Dysfunction- bisoprolol

2) phone call- Co poisoning

3)Video call- Autism

4) Dementia weight loss mother

5) Simman- post hysterectomy

6) BLS teaching (Adult)

7) Prescription - Methotrexate, folic acid, analgesic and emetics

8) Breast examination - combined station

9) Ear ache, combined station

10) BBN- post op with ischemic stroke

11) Delusional disorder, handed himself to police

12) Syphilis- result sharing

13) Seborrheic keratosis

14) Iron deficiency anemia- quiery cause

15) Medical student took cocaine at party

16) Stress incontinence

13/09/2023 Square
1. Depression mild with insomnia

2. Urosepsis SIMMAN

3. Oral candidiasis from inhaler

4. Urticaria from amoxicillin angry mother

5. Prescription PROM

6. Mesothelioma x ray showed bilateral pleural thickness came for

X-ray results he had an injury at work something hit him construction


7. Gout chronic stopped

8. Bilateral stroke bbn

9. Hair loss from medication for transplant

10. PCOS

11. Venepuncture for PCM overdose

12. Teaching abdominal pain exam

13. DVT management in learning disability

14. Cancer skin prompted by wife

15. Neck lump with history of leukemia and cancer in family

16. Age related macular degeneration

13/09/2023 Street
1)back pain - ?metastasis/prostate cancer

2)?otitis media child - combined

3)vestibular neuritis

4)obesity counselling

5)epididymi orchitis - combined

6)? conjunctivitis

7)ureteric colic review counselling

8)elderly care home dysuria...prescribe nitrofurantoin, dalteparin, para

9)iron deficiency anemia counselling / angry patient. Disappointed about

not being looked at in the hospital for 3 hours

10)cocaine addiction wanting to stop habit -telephone

11)simman - anaphylaxis

12)angry PT.- mother had dosa of drug changed . Why not informed.

Video call

13)low lying placenta -20 weeks gestation

14) vaccination teaching to 4th year student

15) postmortem requesting patient for husband

16) mother with child who is itching - ?scabies

14/09/2023 Street
1. Metastatic bladder Ca with UTI,

2. iron def anemia,

3. prescription end of life medication,

4. pcos, dka refussing treament,

6. ms coming late

7. depression,

8. osteosarcomas breaking bad news,

9. chicken pox,

10. hemorrhagia,

11. simman Pneumonia plus sepsis,

12. breast ca,

13. ear wax,

14. dvt,

15. medical error. Prescribed with the wrong antibiotics.

16. Shingles
14/09/2023 Square
1. Epididymo-orchitis

2. Mastitis/Breast engorgement

3. STI has a male sexual but married

4. Addison's disease

5. Antenatal follow up ?breech

6. Mother wants to know about immunization

7. Iron deficiency anemia - urgent endoscopy

8. Hypoglycemia Simmans

9. Harassment at work

10. Keratitis

11. Hangover headache

12. VC - Mother wants to know about child taking antidepressants

13. TC - Molluscum contagiosum

14. Domestic violence

15. Prescription - non valvular AF

16. Dementia end of life

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