Nonlinear Optical Properties of Highly Oriented Polydiacetylene Evaporated Films

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Nonlinear optical properties of highly oriented polydiacetylene evaporated films

T. Kanetake, K. Ishikawa, T. Hasegawa, and T. KodaK. Takeda and M. HasegawaK. Kubodera and H. Kobayashi

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2287 (1989); doi: 10.1063/1.101104

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Nonlinear optical properties of highly oriented polycUacetylene evaporated
T. Kanetake, Ko Ishikawa, T. Hasegawa, and To Koda
Department 0/ Applied Physics. Ulliuersity o/Tokyo. Tokyo 113. Japan
K. Takeda and M. Hasegawa
Departmem a/Synthetic ChemL~try, University of Tokyo. Tokyo] 13, Japan
K. Kubodera and H. Kobayashi
NTT Optoelectronics Laboratories, Atsugi. Kanagawa 243-03. Japan

(Received 9 January 1989; accepted for publication 21 March 1989)

Third-order harmonic generation has been measured on highly oriented polydiacetylcne
(PDA) films prepared by the vacuum deposition method. Experimental values of the third-
order electric susceptibility XIJ ) measured for pumping laser polarized parallel to the polymer
chain show a sharp three-photon resonance to the IE" exciton in PDA. Potential usefulness of
these highly oriented PDA evaporated films in nonlinear optical applications is suggested.

The nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of conjugated specific direction. This rubbing process is envisaged to cause
polymer polydiacetylenes (PDAs) are currently attracting mechanical alignment of the polymer fibrils on the treated
interest because of the fairly large third-order electric sus- substrate, which are otherwise irregularly arranged. A
ceptibility Xi:') and the very fast NLO response time. I Due to thicker monomer layer of about roo nm thickness was then
the possible interest in NLO applications, third-order NLO deposited onto this substrate. After photo polymerization,
properties have been extensively studied in PDA films of the resultant PDA lUms showed it high degree of optical
various forms, including shear-melt-grown thin crystals,2 anisotropy, with an optical density ratio of around 30
Langmuir-Blodgett films,:; solvent-cast films,4 and vacuum- between the directions of poiarization parallel and perpen-
deposited films. 5 •6 A severe problem with these films is the dicular to the rubbing direction.
large light scattering loss due to their irregular structure. In Measurements of the third-harmonic generation
order to minimize this effect, it is necessary to produce high- (THG) were made on the vacuum-deposited PDA films,
ly oriented films of good optical quality. We have attempted using an optical system composed of a Q-switched Nd:Y AG
to fulfill this requirement by using a specific vacuum depo- laser and a dye laser, details of which are described else-
sition technique. 7 In this letter we report on the NLO prop- where.'·') The PDA films, either oriented or unoriented,
erties of these highly oriented PDA films. Some of the pre- were mounted on the rotable tip of a goniometer so that the
liminary results on these films have already been reported. 6 films could be rotated around the vertical axis perpendicular
Polydiacetylene monomers were used as the startiIlg to the impinging laser beam. The polarization of the laser
materials. These have the form of R~C= C~C C-R, where light in this case was paranel to the rotation axis. The dura-
R represents the substitutional side group tion of the laser pulse was 5.5111' with a repetition rate of 10
(CH z ) III U{ CH 2 ) 11 .. i CH 3' Here, U stands for the urethane Hz and the power density was, in most cases, set at about 80
group OCONH, which is known to stabilize the planar MW Icm 2 • Degradation of PDA films by the laser irradia-
structure of a polymer by forming an intramolecular hydro- tion was observed when the power density exceeded 130
gen bond network between adjacent side groups. The ther- MW fcrn". All measurements were made in the air at room
mal and photochemical properties of these monomers are temperature.
very dependent on the values of m and n, that is, on the For the experimental evaluation of the third-order elec-
length of alkyl chains in t he side group (this is described in tric susceptibility ill, the THO intensities (as a function of
detail elsewhere).x Such chemical flexibility enables us to the rotation angle e of the goniometer) were measured on
discover which monomer materials are suitable for film fab- the PDA fLlms. A fused silica plate was used as a standard.
rication. In the present study, we report on the results ob- Some caution was necessary in the measurements to prevent
tained 011 PDA films prepared using monomers with m = 4 the NLO effect of the environmental air. 10 When we used a
and n =.= 3,4,5. There PDAs are abbreviated as PDA-C~UCti focusing lens of focal length greater than 80 mm, the THG
(11 = 3,4,5). intensities from a I-mm-thick silica plate Ll'l
The first step in film fabrication was the vacuum depo- (SiO]) = 2.8X 10- 14 esu at 1.9 {Lmj were found to be con-
sition of a thin monomer layer (of about 10 nm thickness) siderably dependent on the air pressure
upon a glass substrate. The deposition temperature was [xt'i(air) = 1.8)< 10 17 esu at 1 atm and 1.9 pm]. However,
around 120°C and the deposition rate was approximately 50 when a 50 mm focal length lens was used, the THG intensity
nm/h. After photopolymerization ofthis layer using 365 nm of the silica plate was confirmed to be essentially indepen-
light filtered from a Hg discharge lamp, the surface of the dent of the air pressure. Thus, all measurements were made
layer was repeatedly rubbed with a soft silicone cloth along a in air using a 50 mm focusing lens. Experimental i 3l values

2287 Appl. Phys. Lett. 54 (23), 5 June, 989 0003-6951/89/232287-03$01.00 Co) i 989 American Institute of Physics 22B7
x 104 the laser light. As seen in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), the THO
(a) Orient ..d Rim (E,,)
~. 5 intensities are nearly four orders of magnitude larger for the
11) parallel polarization than for the perpendicular one. The
corresponding X<3! values were estimated to be 2.9 X 10- !()
0.5 ....:-. :\~:~~.\
esu and 0.03 X 10 -10 esu for the parallel and perpendicular
3 (b) Oriented Film (E~) polarizations, respectively. The ,\)3)( II) value is, to some ex-
tent, dependent on the film quality and the thickness. The
maximum value found for a pumping wavelength of 1.90 pm
was about 5 X 10 - to esu. [Strictly, the XU )( II) values should
?: be corrected for the self-absorption of the THG light in the
., x'0
3 (c) Uncriented Film
film as discussed later.] However, the THG intensities in the
.E 3
unoriented film rFig. 1 (c) ] were found to be independent of
the direction of polarization, giving the isotropic average :to)
value of 1.0>< 10- 10 esu. The ratio of Ll )IX(3) ( II) is about
0.34, which is close to <cos 4 ¢) = 3/8, with ¢ being the angle
between a conjugated polymer chain and the electric vector
of the polarized laser light. This indicates that the polymer
chains in the unoriented film are randomly oriented within
- 60 -40 - 20 0 20 40 60
the plane paranel to the substrate. Detailed studies of the
film structure confirmed this result. I I
Incidence Angle e (/ deg )
The i 31 values fOT three kinds of PDA-C4 UC"
FIG. 1. Relativc THG intensities vs rotation angle fi around a vertical axis
at 1.90 flm pumping ill the air at room temperatnre, (a) and (b) for an (n = 3,4,5) films at 1.90 llYn excitation are listed in Table 1.
oriented polydiacetylcne (PDA-C,UC,) t1lm (109 11m thick) ill the polar- Previously, Tomaru et al. have reported the anisotropic i'l
ization direction parallel and perpendicular to the oriented axis, respective- values in an oriented PDA film, X i3l ( II ) = 0.11 and
ly, (c) for an ulIllrientcd PDA-C,UC, evaporated lilm (108 nm thick), Cd) X,l)(l) <0.01, both in thc units of 10- 10 esu. 5 The present
fe)f a i-mm-thick glass substrate.
X(31 values are more than ten times larger than their result.
Possible reasons for the large i 3 ) values in the present study
of PDA films were evaluated from the observed relative
are proposed to be due to the high degree of photopolymeri-
THG intensities and the film thickness using the following
zation and to the longer conjugation length of polymers in
the present samples. In Table 1, it is noticed that the X(3!( II)
2 I \ l/' 21/(3)'0
(1) value becomes larger as the number of 11 decreases from 5 to
rr ( J ~)"""' )
=::;.- ---) -

I ,{, I
3. The present data arc, however, insufficient to conclude if
Here I is the thickness of the PDA tHm, which is assumed to such a trend is intrinsic.
be much smaller than I he coherence length, J) and arc 'e.' In the measurements mentioned above, the pumping
the third-order susceptibility and coherence length of the wavelength was fixed at 1.90 pm. The corresponding photon
standard fused silica glass, respectively, and I and I ~,cab are energy is 0.65 eV, which is just resonant to the three-photon
peak THG intensities in the fringe patterns of the PDA film transition to the I B" exciton at 1. 95 e V (see Fig. 2). There-
and silica, respectively. fore, there must exist a significant resonant enhancement
The relative THG intensities for 1.90 {-tm excitation are effect in the THG process. In order to investigate this effect,
plotted in Fig. 1 as a function of the rotation angle (J for an we have made THG measurements on an oriented PDA-
oriented PDA-C., U Col film ( 109 nm thick) in Figs. 1 (a) and C. U C 4 film in the wavelength region L5~2.1 pm of the
1 (b), an uiloriented PDA-C4 UC 4 film (108 nm thick) in pumping laser. The resulting THG emission covers the pho-
Fig. 1 (c), and for a I-mm-thick glass substrate in "Fig. 1 Cd). ton energy region 1.8 to 2.5 eV, where a strong absorption
The oriented film shows anisotropy in the polarized absorp- due to the IS" exciton and its vibronic side bands is observed.
tion, whose anisotropic ratio is as large as 30. The THO Therefore, the observed THG intensities should be corrected
intensities were also found to be strongly dependent on the for the internal attenuation of the THG field in the film. A
relative direction of the oriented axis to the polarization of theoretical treatment of the attenuation effect for the har-

TABLE I. Third-order electric susceptibility x''' of the urethane-based polydiacetylcne (PDA) evaporated films at 1.90,um pumping. The X'" values are not
corrected for the self-absorption effect in the films. The side group C,Ue,,: - (CH,).OCONH(CH,)" ,CH, .

Thickness ,( 10 '" esu)

Sample Structure (Al isotropic parallel pcrpemllcular

I'DA-C.UC, unoriented 550 1.8

oriented 530 3.8 0.2
PDA-c,ue, unorientcd lOgO 1.03
oriented 1090 2.9 0.03
PDA-C,UC, utloricnted 1200 0.94
oriented 1100 2.1 ()'o8

2288 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 23. 5 June 1989 Kanetake et at. 2288
PHOTON ENERGY leV resonance with the IB" exciton peak at 1.95 eV. The peak X{31
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 value reaches to about 1.7 X 10' 9 esu at the exciton absorp-
tion peak. Another feature is the sharp decrease in X(3) in the
region above 2.0 eV followed by a minimum at around 2.15
x n eV. This minimum cannot be attributed to the absorption of
2 the THG emission by the vibronic excitons, since the data
have already been corrected for this effect. It is conduded,
therefore, that the THG process in the PDA film is dominat-
ed by the three-photon resonance effect with the 0-0 IBu
exciton, and that resonance with higher vibronic side bands
plays only a minor role. At energies greater than that mini-
15 1.8 2.1 v. 2.7 mum, the magnitude of X<3) increases again and seems to
PHOTON ENERGY leV exhibit a second peak at around 2.4 eV. Since this energy is
FiG. 2. Chain direction components of the complex refractive indices; dose to the one-electron band gap, predicted from the pho-
nOCl» (broken line). K(3I!» (solid Iinc), and the third-order electric sus- toconductivity spectra in PDA crystals (the blue form), this
ceptibility I.1'O'! (open circles) of a highly oriented polydiacctylene (PDA-
second peak may be tentatively attributed to three-photon
C 4 U C.) film ( 100 nrn thick) at room temperature. Photon energies in the
lower abscissa are for n,K( 3M) spectra and THO emissions, and those in the resonance with the free-carrier generation process. How-
upper abscissa are for the pumping laser beam polarized parallel to the ori- ever, since the present data are not sufficient as yet to reveal
ented axis of film. the X(.1) spectrum above this second peak, we remain cau-
In conclusion, we have shown that highly oriented PDA
monic fields in the PDA fUm has been reported by Kajzar films made by a vacuum deposition method exhibit remark-
and Messier. 3 Based on a similar assumption, we have exam- ably good NLO properties which are almost comparable to
ined the normal propagation of the pumping field at (u and those reported on PDA-PTS single crystals. 12 An important
the third-harmonic field at 3m in the three-layer structure advantage of the present PDA films is the feasibility offabri-
composed of a transparent glass substrate, an absorptive eating a low-loss waveguide structure using a conventional
PDA film with complex refractive index h( = n + iK) and vacuum deposition technique. Towards this goal, we are
thickness 1, and the air. The theoretical procedure is straight- now making accurate evaluations of the optical refractive
forward, and we get the following expression for the correct- indices, light scattering loss factor, and other relevant opti-
ed li')1 in terms of the experimental li])1 given by Eq_ (1) cal parameters required for waveguide design.
and correction factors which should be taken into account in This work has been carried out with a close collabora-
the resonant case: tion with Professor Y. Tokura and S. Koshihara, Depart-
ment of Physics, University of Tokyo, whose innovative rec-
011 '''JlT
= IXL'lfIc,p Iii,t", -1- n;",
I ommendations are much appreciated.
ll",,, + I
(l::.kl)l + (al/2f )1/2
X ( 1 + exp( - al) - 2 exp(- al/2) cos(Akl) 'For a r~view, see Nonlinear Optical Properties a;fOrganic !..1olecules and
(2) Crystals, edited by D. S. Chemla and J. Zyss (Academic, Orlando, [987),
Vol. 2, Chap. IH-I,2,3.
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film, l::.k is the wave vector mismatch between the fundamen- Phys. Lett. 47, 457 (1985).
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'So Tarnam, K. Kubodera, T. Kurihara, and S. Zcmbutsu, Jpn. J. App\.
ix( 31 1corr values, we need the values of n,K( 36)). They were Phys. 26, Ll657 (1987).
determined from the absorption constants, property correct- 'T Kanctake, K. Ishikawa, T. Koda, K. Takeda, K. Kubodera. and H.
cd for the reflection loss, and a standard Kramers-Kronig Kobayashi, in Nonlinear Optics in Organics and Semiconductors, edited by
T. Kobayashi (Springer, Berlin, in press).
analysis on the same film used for the THG measurements.
IT. Kalletake, K. Ishikawa, T. Koda, Y. Tokura, and K. Takeda, App!.
This correction factor is approximately 3.4 at a pumping Phys. Lett. 51, 1957 (1987).
wavelength of 1.9 !-lm, but it depends on the film thickness. 'K. Takeda, M, Hasegawa. T. Kanetakc, K. Ishikawa, T. Koda, and Y.
The results for 11'13) Icorr (open circles) and n ,K( 3il») (solid Tokura (unpublished).
"K. Kubodera and T. Kaino, in Nonlinear Optics in Organics and Semicon-
and broken curves) are plotted in Fig. 2. [Note that the
ductors, edited by T. Kobayashi (Springer, Berlin, in press).
photon energy scale in the lower abscissa is for the n,K( 30) ) ")F. Kajzar and J, Messier, in Nonlinear Optical Properties ojOrgallic Mole
spectra and THG emission, and the upper abscissa is scaled cules and Crystall', edited by D. S. Chemla and J. Zyss (Academic, Or-
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1;1'. Kanetake. 1'. Hasegawa, K. rshikawa, T. Koda, Y. Tokura, K. Takeda,
There are several notable features in the experimental and M. Hasegawa (unpublished).
X(3) spectrum shown in Fig. 2. One of these is the prominent 12c. Sautcfct, l.-P. Hermann, R Frey, F, Pmdere, J. Ducuing, R. H.

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2289 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 54, No. 23, 5 June 1989 Kanetake et at. 2289

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