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Conquest of Istanbul 3

The Conquest of Istanbul, the

Conquest of Constantinople or the
Fall of Constantinople, between
April 6, 1453 - May 29, 1453, as a
result of an intense 53-day siege,
the Ottoman Sultan II. It is the
capture of Istanbul, the capital of
the Byzantine Empire, by the
Ottoman army under the
command of Mehmed.

Before the siege, some castles and towns
around the city were captured by 10,000
soldiers under the command of Karaca
Pasha. Byzantine Emperor Constantine
requested that the Greek villages outside
the city and the civilians living in these
villages not be harmed as a last diplomatic
attempt, but II. Mehmed did the opposite
and ordered animals to be grazed in Greek
villages and the villagers found to be killed
immediately. Emperor Constantine's
reaction was to close the gates of Istanbul
and imprison the Turks in the city.
Ottoman attacks began on the Despotate of
Morea, led by Constantine's brothers.

Fatih Sultan Mehmet drove the ships 5-6

km from land. The weakest area of ​
Istanbul was the shores of the Golden
Horn. Byzantium had closed the entrance
of the Golden Horn with a thick chain
before the siege. Fatih Sultan Mehmet also
drove 67 small ships to the Golden Horn by
land on April 22, 1453. ...

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