Pursuit of Wisdom

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Name of Institution: Federal TVET Agency

Civics and Ethical Education


Learning Guide # 3
Unit of

Competence: Pursuit of Wisdom

Module Title: Developing Pursuit of Wisdom

LG Code: TVET CEE4 M01 L02-15

TTLM Code: TVET CEE4 TTLM 0112v1

LO 1: LO1: Significance of knowledge

Young trainees involved in training

concept and benefits of knowledge

Information Sheet #1

Knowledge is fact or condition possessing with mental grasp one or more truths, facts, principles
or other objects or preparation through instruction, study, research, or experience.
Humans have a natural tendency to want to know more about the world. They have an instinctive
thirst for knowledge. Humans require knowledge to harness and reshape the environment they
live in. It has given them power on earth. Humans improve actions of past generations to make
life better. The skills we have developed over the years have helped us to become masters of
nature. Today, humans are conquering outer space and have explored the moon.

Knowledge has helped man develop the power of reasoning. Reasoning is a process of thought
that helps to make objective judgment. Knowledge, reason and objectivity are related. When
knowledge and reason are put together, they can give rise to objective judgment. So the basis
of objective judgment is knowledge. With knowledge you make your life good. With
knowledge you are powerful, but with ignorance you are weak. A democratic system
benefitsfrom citizens’ knowledge, whereas ignorance weakens it.
Democracy is based on citizens being knowledgeable and informed. In order for people to
make good decisions, they need to gather as much objective information on the issue as
possible. Once you have the knowledge, then you can use reasoning to make a sound
judgment. Knowledge gives you power in any given situation. When you are ignorant you
become weak. The development of Ethiopia is supported by the knowledge of its citizens.
Written Test
Self-check #1

Group project:
Form two groups to discuss the relationship of knowledge, reason and objectivity. Group
leaders should report their ideas to the class for further discussion.(20 points)
Note: Satisfactory rating – 10points Unsatisfactory - below 10 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Group’s Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions







Information as a source of knowledge

Information Sheet #2

Information refers to an organized, meaningful and relevant data that had undergone through
analysis and interpretation. In other words, information is one of the principal sources of
knowledge obtained after evaluating, examining and inspecting various data gathered our senses.
Communication is a mental process of a sender transmitting a message to a receiver with intent
to create mutual understanding. The communication process requires a sender to encode a
message and transmit it to a receiver who decodes it. But mutual understanding is highly
essential during the whole process. If two or more parties do not agree on the meaning of the
message, communication fails to take place.
The sender of the message is the source or person who initiates the communication. Once the
sender has the need, desire or reason to communicate, he/she should consider who the receiver is
and arrange the message in a form mutually understandable. Hence, encoding is the sender’s
mental process of putting the message in to a form that a receiver will understand while the
message is the physical form of the encoded information. The message can be transmitted in
three major ways- orally, in writing and/or non-verbally. Once again it’s the sender who should
determine the most appropriate media or channel of transmission to meet the needs of the
situation. Decoding is the receiver’s mental process of translating the massage in to a meaningful
form. In other words, the receiver has to interpret what the sender is communicating in a form
understandable to himself.

Written Test
Self-check #2

Match from column B to column A(10 points)


1.Information a) It is claimed to be the principle of knowledge

2. Reasoning b) organized, meaningful, relevant data
3. Encoding c) sender mental process
4. Message d) receivers mental process
5. Decoding e) physical form of the encoded information
Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

1._____________ 3._______________ 5._____________
2._____________ 4._______________
Reasoning and Objectivity
Information Sheet #3

Reason or reasoning may have different meanings. It could also mean taking part in
conversation, discussion or argument with another; it could also mean to justify, support,
persuade of influence others. Based on this topic, by “reasoning” means to the premises that
people create, the inference they make and the conclusion they finally reach at. In other words,
reasoning here refers to the condition or state of using the faculty of reason or critically
examining or seeking out inferences to arrive at conclusions. Through the process of reasoning,
one could reach at objectivity and hence acquire reliable knowledge.
A premise is a statement antecedently proved and which is made in support of the conclusion. It
is a fact or preposition that is proved or presumed to be true and serve as aground or basis for an
inference and a conclusion. The conclusion is what the whole inference or reasoning process is
trying to prove. So it’s what is inferred from the premises that make the conclusion.
Example: All developing countries have unstable economy---Premise
Ethiopia is a developing country-------------------------Premise
Therefore, Ethiopia as well has unstable economy-------conclusion
It is not always to distinguish premises from conclusion. Sometimes the conclusion is found at
the beginning of the argument /reasoning process/, sometimes at the end and occasionally, it is
stuck in the middle of premises. There are few words that usually indicate premises and others
that usually signal conclusion. Premises are often preceded by words such as since, due to the
fact that, because. And conclusions are frequently signalled by such words as therefore, hence, it
follows that, so, consequently. Attention to such words and phrases may be helpful, but they are
not always used and certainly not perfect guide to premises and conclusions.
There are two different ways in which premises can support conclusions, and those two ways
mark out two different types of reasoning process through which one acquires a reliable
knowledge. These types of reasoning are deductive and inductive reasoning.
Deductive Reasoning: is a method of reasoning which enables one to reach at a particular
conclusion from a general statement or assumption. It is very much systematic in the sense that it
contains a major premises conveyed based on prior or self-evident proposition, a minor premises
providing a particular stems and a conclusion drawn out of the implication of the premises.
Example: - Every democratic country in the world has adapted the principle of state and
religion--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Major premise.
Ethiopia is a democratic country.----------------------------------------------------------Minor premise
Therefore, Ethiopia has also adopted the principle of separation of state and religion-conclusion
Although, deductive reasoning has a significant role in the acquisition of reliable knowledge, it
is not without limitations. One of its limitations is that since deductive reasoning merely draws
out the implication of the premises, if, the premise happen to be wrong, then the conclusion
would be wrong as well.
Example:- All habits are bad
Reading is a habit.
Therefore, reading is bad.
This example illustrates the shortcomings of deductive reasoning which emanates from its
reliance on the statement of the premises. Moreover, since the reasoning draws known facts
already contained in the premises, it fails to give much deeper knowledge as such.
Inductive reasoning: on the other hand is a process of reasoning from a part to a whole, from
particular to general or from the individual to the general. For instance:
Every infection of HIV/AIDS virus so far observed has resulted in the death----premise
Therefore, infection of HIV/AIDS virus lead to death----------------------------------conclusion.
Written Test
Self-Check #3

Individual Work


Identify the premise and conclusion in the following arguments\reasoning.(12 points)

1. There were three eyewitnesses and they all were certain that the women they saw
running from the bank was the defendant must be guilty.
2. Of course the defendant is guilty. Didn’t you see her weak chin and beady eyes? No
other woman was near the bank at the time. Besides, she has no alibi.
3. Since her finger prints were found in the bank and the money was found near her car, the
defendant must be guilty.

Exercise- 2. For each of the following cases first tell whether it is “Reasoning” or not,
second based on the identified as reasoning, determine whether it is deductive or inductive
reasoning. Third, for each argument state the conclusion. (8 points)

1. I certainly hope that Charles Chaplin has a major part in this film. He is my favourite
actor, the funniest actor I have ever seen.
2. Haile Gebreselase always wins when he runs on a muddy track. So Haile Gebreselase
will win today, since the track is muddy.
Note: Satisfactory rating – 10points Unsatisfactory - below 10 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.


LO2: Knowledge and data

Knowledge and data

Information Sheet #1

Knowledge involves the gathering of information and data. It is the sum total of what has been
perceived, discovered, or inferred. It is about facts, ideas and skills that are shared through
generations. Specificknowledge can be obtained through analyzing and interpreting data. Data is
figuresobtained from observations or surveys. They serve as a basis for making calculations and
drawing conclusions.

The conclusions drawn from data about a specificarea may become useful information. After
sorting the raw data and analyzing it you can draw conclusions. The information obtained can
help you make an informed decision. As a citizen you need to make choices from different
viewpoints on public issues based on knowledge. This knowledge accelerates the development
of the country.

The difference between Information and data

Information Sheet #2

Data is a set of facts obtained by mere inspection, while information is obtained after close,
careful analysis of the data. For example, if a farmer observes that the soil in his farm is washing
away with rain, he may make a guess that this is because there is a lack of trees. This guess is
based on the data he has observed. But if he, or a researcher from Ministry of Agriculture, does a
careful study of the effect of deforestation on soil erosion and concludes that the farmer was
correct, this information and it can be considered more accurate than data.
Written Test
Self-Check #1 &2

1. The sum total of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferred is called data.
2. Knowledge involves the gathering of information and data
3. Data serves as a basis for making calculations and drawing conclusions.
4. Conclusions can be drawn after sorting the raw data and analyzing it.
5. Information is a set of facts obtained by mere inspection.
Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

True or False.
1._____________ 3._______________ 5._____________
2._____________ 4._______________
Types and method of collecting data
Information Sheet #3

Types of data
Qualitative Data: describes all sorts of facts that cannot be expressed numerically, such as
colour, taste, feeling, attitude, and so on. Qualitative surveys, for example, ask you about your
option, your experience and feelings. If a psychologist wants to understand the effects of
marriage on young girls in Ethiopia, he/she would conduct qualitative research, asking women
throughout the study area what their experience has been, how their marriage affected their lives,
and what their opinion about early marriage is. Qualitative data is mostly used for subjects like
psychology, gender issues, political opinions and so on.
Quantitative Data: involves measurement of an amount or quantity and always in the form of
numbers. If a researcher wants to know what the most serious issue facing farmers in Ethiopia is,
he may collect data on how many farmers are suffering from shortage of farm equipment, how
many have poor soil quality, how many lack fertilizers and so on. These figures can then be
assessed to determine exactly what the greatest source of problems for farmers in the country is.
Quantitative data is always in the form of numbers and is often analyzed using statistics or
computer programs.
Methods of collecting data
Observation: Involves the process by which the researcher actually goes to the area where the
data is going to be gathered and collects facts as he/she perceives them. This methodology is
usually employed by sociologists and Anthropologists engaged in the study of behavior of
certain society. Observation is employed to collect qualitative data.
Analysing Texts and documents:
Historians read ancient documents to gain better knowledge about what happened in the past.
Media experts may analyse newspapers and magazines to better understand what the important
issues are in a particular society. Sometimes researchers also study government documents to
consider how to improve the policies.
Interviews are often the best way to collect information about social issues.
They can be conducted in a number of ways, including in person, on the phone or by the use of
questionnaire prepared for the particular survey. The aim of this methodology is usually to
gather an authentic understanding of people’s experiences and hence is good mechanism for
collecting both qualitative and quantitative data.
Transcription and recordings
Provide an excellent record of naturally occurring interaction. This method involves the use of
audio and video recording devices. For instance, a researcher studying the issue for city residents
might use a video camera to record the households and neighbourhoods where people are living.
Latter, the researcher can use these videos to study ways to improve life for urban residents.
Another example is the use of a tape recorder to record an interview of persons living with
HIV/AIDS. Again, the researcher can use that information to better understand and teach others
about the problems these people face.
Written Test
Self-Check #3
Match from column “B” to Column “A” (10 points).
1. Qualitative Data a)Audio and video recording devices
2. Transcription and recordings b) Used to gatherqualitative and quantitative data
3. Observation: c) Measurement of an amount
4. Quantitative Data: d) Researcher goes the actual field
5. Interviews: e) Cannot be expressed numerically
Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

1._____________ 3._______________ 5._____________
2._____________ 4.______________
Information Sheet #4 Adapting and transferring technology
Technology issimplya conversion of input intomarketableoutput. One
waytounderstandtechnologyis tobreakdowntechnologiesneededby anyproductive
Technology transfer is one of the core issues of industry extension service where technology
can be identified in terms of techno ware, info ware, human ware or orga ware.
Techno ware(Tools):thecorecapitalforallorganizationwork.
Thiscomponentis theobject-embodiedphysicaltechnologies,likeartifact,implements, vehiclesand
structures.Techno warerepresentsthe physicalfacilitiesof technical performancethat
amplifieshumancapacities(both muscularand brainrelated)for producingdifferentkindsof
goodsor/andfor providingservicesthroughvarioustypesof physicaltransformation activities(that
eithersystematicallyconvertsavailableinputsto desirable outputs, orusesdifferent platforms
togiveaservice soughtbyclients). CertainTechno warearealsousedas

Thiscomponentis theperson-embodiedart-of-doingtechnologies,likeingenuity,
workdothings;whichmanifestsin whatpeoplereallydowiththeirTechno wareby
applyingacquiredqualification(fromsuccessesandfailures).Mostimportantly,itis their
problemsolvingingenuity andcreativity. Itincludesalloftacitknowledge (whichis knowledge
thatisnotdocumented, orrecorded, orcodified). Human ware iscrucial
capacityfortransformationactivitiesandservicesactivities,as wellasformanaging

Info ware(Facts):Thesourceofactionableintelligenceatwork.
Thiscomponentis therecord-embodiesknow-what–why-how-typetechnologies,like
systematizedconceptsand technicalspecifications(parameters,diagrams,formulae,
theoriesandmanuals).Info wareis the codified(whichisexplicitlyanddocumented)
knowledgeanddata-minerelatedto work-requirementsandwork-conventionsthatare
orotherspecificmanagementprocessesin use(efficiencyeffectivenessrelated).Good Info
Thiscomponentis theorganization-embodiedwork-operations-schemes-type
technologies,likerecipes,operationaltechniquesandprocedures.Orga wareis the
implementedwork-processforproducingqualityoutcomeby a team,ataparticulartime
withapermissiblecost.Orga wareislikeaprojectmanagementroutineforadesired
coordinationofactivitiesandresourcesforachievingplannedgoalsofanorganization in producing
anygoodsorprovidinga service. Orga ware alsoincludesactuallypracticed(best-
practices)proceduresof valuenetworkingandcoordinationas wellas

theprioritysectorsareusuallythose i n w h i c h t e c h n o l o g y t r a n s f e r t a k e s p l a c e
earmarkedbythegovernmentinthefiveyeargrowth andtransformationplan.These includesmall
scaleindustries inthe:
 Textile
 Agriculture
 Agroprocessing
 Leather
 Metal
 Construction
 Hotelandtourism,industriesbasedontherealitiesoftheregion.

Valuechainmappingandanalysishelps toidentify thedifferentchainofactions done onthe

productfromthevery firststeptothelastone,wheretheproductisready formarketing.By
Theconstrainttobeidentifiedcanbeintermsof technology,manpowercapacity,information,
organizationalstructure,etc.sothatifproperlymitigated,itcansolvetheproblem byincreasing
Oncetheproblem/constraintinthevaluechain isidentified,thenextstepwouldbelistinga
possiblesolution(atechnology)thatcan eitherminimizethe problemoreradicateit,thus giving
solution to theageoldproblemintheproductionprocess.But fromwherecanoneget the technology?
TheIdealwouldbe fromtheinternetwheresomeonesomewheremayhavedesigned
it,patenteditandnowitisafreepatenttobeusedbyanyo neinterested.

(Sometimes19thcenturypatentsarestill viablefortheconstraintunderdiscussion).
Idealwould belistingatleastsix possiblesolutions,andthenmakingathoroughinvestigationof

Written test
Self-Check #4

Match the terms under “A” column with their corresponding statement under “B” column.
(12 points)
1. Technologya) Textile
2. Orgaware b) sourceofactionableintelligenceatwork.
3. Humanware c) coordinatedtask-toolrelationshipatwork.
4. Info ware d) Talents
5. Techno ware e)Identify product from the first step to the last
6. Priority area f) Tools

7. Value chain mappingg)Conversion of input intomarketableoutput

Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

1._____________ 3._______________ 5._____________
2._____________ 4.______________ 6._____________
LO3: Truth versus Myth

Myth versus Truth in acquiring knowledge

Information Sheet #1

Human knowledge is built based on scientificfacts. Facts reveal the true nature of reality. Thus,
knowledge is truth about things in nature. Truth is the proven facts about something rather than
what people generally accept. Beliefs that are not true may be called myths. They are not proven
to be true through scientificmethods of investigation. The basis of a myth is often tradition.

You should be able to differentiate myth from the truth. Cultures hold myths as important
though they may recognize that they are not true. They may be used for social unity and to help
give an under- standing of how society works.
This is part of culture but it cannot be proved. In the northern and central part of Ethiopia, there
existed the belief that the monolithic churches of Lalibella were constructed by angels, not
humans. This is a myth. It undermines the great efforts of past generations who built the
wonderful structures and the technology they used. Although myths are important, they should
not be a barrier to develop our culture.
With knowledge, the world has transformed a great deal. Knowledge is key to improving
the life of people. Knowledge, wisdom and truth are tools to a good life. Today,
governments are making use of knowledge to improve the living conditions of people.
Myths are unscientific stories that people would like to tell and believe.Knowledge is
truth. Knowledge creates the force that changes society.
Written Test
Self-Check #1

Individual project:
Do you know any myth that have inspired you or any people that you know of? What were
they and how did they inspire.
Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

Information Sheet #2 Human development in relation to acquiring knowledge

LO4:Reading habit
Purpose and habit of developing reading
Information Sheet #1

The purpose of reading is to connect the ideas on the page to what you already know. Reading
literacy is directly related to the reasons why people read. Broadly, these reasons include reading
for personal interest and pleasure, reading to participate in society, and reading to learn. For
young readers, emphasis is placed on readingto learn and reading for interest or pleasure.

One way of obtaining knowledge is through reading. You can read for many different reasons; it
could be for enjoyment, learning or understanding. You may read a Civics and Ethical
Education textbook to learn about your rights, obligations and how democracy works in
Ethiopia. One of the objectives of reading is to get more knowledge. For instance, reading books
about Mars will enable you to know more about Earth’s neighbor.

In your Grade 7 chemistry textbook you have would have learnt about atoms. You have
definedan atom as the smallest piece of a simple substance or element that, when combined
with other sub- stances, forms molecules. You have also learned that it is made up of electrons,
protons and neutrons. You can study it because scientists discovered the knowledge about
atom. The many changes you see in the world and the development of technology are the
results of efforts made by scientists. Scientists discover new knowledge because they are
studying, observing and reading. Apart from what you read for knowledge, you should also
read for pleasure.
When you read fictionyou get pleasure and become more interested to read further. When
we finda subject matter that interests us we want to findout more about it, often through
reading on the topic. When we finda fictionauthor whose books we enjoy, we try to read all
of their books. Reading for pleasure develops our reading skills in other areas.

Developing a reading habit means to march on the great highway of knowledge. The habit
of reading starts when you are committed to read and make it a culture. If you give more
time to reading, then it indicates that you are on the right course to developing the habit.
The more you read, the easier it gets.

Reading is one of the cornerstones of formal and informal learning. When you are able to
cultivate the habit of reading you will become an informed person. A great reader is a
person who does not waste his/ her time for no use but one who reads continuously to get
ever new knowledge. Aim to be a great reader and aim to contribute to the development of
Self-Check #1 Written Test

Group project:
1. Form groups to discuss how reading expands your knowledge. Group leaders
should present their views to the class for further discussion.
Note: Satisfactory rating – 5 points Unsatisfactory - below 5 points
You can ask your teacher for the copy of the correct answers.
Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________


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