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Test Bank for Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 12th Edition, Eleanor Sc

Test Bank for Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition

and Diet Therapy, 12th Edition, Eleanor Schlenker,
Joyce Ann Gilbert

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Chapter 07: Minerals and Water


1. The mineral that is present in the body in the greatest amount is:
a. sodium.
b. potassium.
c. calcium.
d. iron.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 138
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

2. Binding agents such as oxalic acid and phytic acid inhibit absorption of:
a. potassium.
b. sodium.
c. fluoride.
d. calcium.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 139
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

3. Hormones that are involved in maintaining calcium balance in the body include calcitonin,
calcitriol, and:
a. thyroxine.
b. parathyroid hormone.
c. insulin.
d. epinephrine.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 140
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

4. The greatest amount of calcium is used in:

a. bone formation.
b. blood clotting.
c. neuromuscular activity.
d. enzyme activation.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 141
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

5. A mineral that participates in transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction is:
a. calcium.
b. selenium.
c. chlorine.
d. phosphorus.
ANS: A DIF: Hard REF: p. 147
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

6. Of the following foods, the type that provides the most calcium per serving is:
a. eggs.
b. whole grains.
c. dairy products.
d. leafy vegetables.
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: p. 143
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

7. Two important physiologic functions of phosphorus are:

a. general metabolism and bone formation.
b. heme formation and hormone synthesis.
c. acid-base balance and detoxification.
d. synthesis and absorption of fatty acids.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 146
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

8. Low serum phosphorus levels may occur in individuals recovering from diabetic acidosis
a. phosphorus absorption is disrupted.
b. phosphorus is used in active carbohydrate absorption and metabolism.
c. excess phosphorus is produced by the metabolic imbalance.
d. phosphorus buffer systems are depleted during acidosis.
ANS: B DIF: Hard REF: p. 146
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

9. The greatest concentration of sodium is found in:

a. intestinal fluid.
b. extracellular fluid.
c. intracellular fluid.
d. metabolic fluid.
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: p. 146
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

10. A factor that serves as the mechanism for regulating excretion of sodium from the body is:
a. the amount of water consumed.
b. body pH.
c. the hormone aldosterone.
d. vitamin D activity.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 146
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

11. Important metabolic functions of sodium include fluid balance, acid-base balance, and:
a. muscular action.
b. release of glycogen.
c. regulation of enzyme production.
d. control of body temperature.
ANS: A DIF: Hard REF: p. 147
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge
12. The mineral that is found primarily in the intracellular fluid compartment is:
a. sodium.
b. chloride.
c. potassium.
d. magnesium.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 148
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

13. Hypokalemia may occur as the result of:

a. excessive sodium intake.
b. prolonged diarrhea.
c. the use of multivitamins.
d. prolonged immobilization.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 150
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

14. A condition that is a serious complication of an elevated serum potassium level is:
a. sodium imbalance.
b. hypertension.
c. muscle irritability.
d. vomiting.
ANS: C DIF: Hard REF: p. 150
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

15. A health problem that can lead to hypokalemia is:

a. dependence on vitamin supplements.
b. dependence on caffeinated beverages.
c. myocardial infarction.
d. diabetic acidosis.
ANS: D DIF: Hard REF: p. 150
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

16. Physiologic functions of potassium include:

a. acid-base balance.
b. regulation of insulin production.
c. monitoring sodium excretion.
d. formation of hemoglobin.
ANS: A DIF: Hard REF: p. 150
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

17. Studies suggest that an increase in potassium intake can:

a. lower blood triglycerides.
b. lower blood pressure.
c. raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels.
d. raise blood sugar levels.
ANS: B DIF: Hard REF: p. 150
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge
18. Variations in the body fluid concentration of sodium largely determine distribution of water
a. diffusion.
b. osmosis.
c. absorption.
d. excretion.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 147
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

19. Minerals in extracellular fluid that regulate water balance are:

a. calcium and potassium.
b. sodium and chloride.
c. phosphorus and magnesium.
d. iron and zinc.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 154
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

20. Chlorine can be found in the body as chloride ions in:

a. hemoglobin.
b. bile.
c. gastric secretions.
d. skeletal tissue.
ANS: C DIF: Hard REF: p. 151
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

21. Sulfur is found in the body in:

a. proteins.
b. stored fat.
c. DNA.
d. glycogen.
Sulfur is found in amino acids, and protein is made of amino acids.

DIF: Medium REF: p. 151 MSC: Type of Question: Application

22. The amino acids that contain sulfur are:

a. phenylalanine and lysine.
b. threonine and tyrosine.
c. methionine and cysteine.
d. leucine and tryptophan.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 152
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

23. Trace minerals are called “trace” because they are:

a. less important than other minerals.
b. found in a limited number of food sources.
c. found in small quantities in the body.
d. difficult to analyze in the laboratory.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 152
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

24. Iron has an important metabolic function in:

a. oxygen transport.
b. thyroxine synthesis.
c. calcium and phosphorus balance.
d. neutralizing gastric secretions.
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: p. 152
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

25. Factors that favor absorption of iron include:

a. vitamin A.
b. vitamin C.
c. zinc.
d. intestinal flora.
ANS: B DIF: Hard REF: p. 152
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

26. The group of people most likely to exhibit signs of iron deficiency is:
a. breast-fed infants.
b. school-age children.
c. underweight men.
d. women of childbearing age.
Women of childbearing age are susceptible to iron deficiency anemia because of monthly
losses of blood in menses. Breast-fed infants have sufficient stores of iron to last 4 to 6
months, until they start to eat supplemental foods. Iron deficiency is not common in children.
Iron deficiency is not related to being underweight, although it may be associated with

DIF: Hard REF: p. 157 MSC: Type of Question: Application

27. The second most common type of malnutrition worldwide is:

a. iron deficiency anemia.
b. protein-energy malnutrition.
c. osteoporosis.
d. vitamin A deficiency.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 157
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

28. The metabolic function of iodine is to:

a. produce energy.
b. maintain the nervous system.
c. maintain dental health.
d. help synthesize thyroxine.
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: p. 158
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

29. The most reliable dietary source of iodine is:

a. seafood.
b. legumes.
c. iodized table salt.
d. enriched cereals.
Seafood is a good source of iodine, but most people do not eat seafood on a daily basis.
Iodized table salt contributes a commonly used source of iodine.

DIF: Easy REF: p. 161 MSC: Type of Question: Application

30. The clinical problem associated with defective iodine uptake and use is:
a. hypertension.
b. excessive weight loss.
c. abnormal cardiac function.
d. abnormal thyroid function.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 161
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

31. Symptoms of impaired sense of taste and smell are sometimes caused by a deficiency of:
a. zinc.
b. chromium.
c. chlorine.
d. magnesium.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 161
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

32. The minerals involved in hemoglobin synthesis are:

a. molybdenum and cadmium.
b. magnesium and manganese.
c. iron and zinc.
d. iron and copper.
ANS: D DIF: Hard REF: p. 162
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

33. When a person experiences impairment of taste, the condition is known as:
a. hypogeusia.
b. hyposomia.
c. hypostasis.
d. hypothermia.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 161
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

34. Zinc is important throughout the life cycle, but especially during:
a. pregnancy.
b. young adulthood.
c. middle adulthood.
d. older adulthood.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 161
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

35. Chromium facilitates the action of:

a. thyroxine.
b. lipase.
c. testosterone.
d. insulin.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 162
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

36. A genetic disease that causes iron overload is:

a. goiter.
b. hypochromic anemia.
c. hyperchromic anemia.
d. hemochromatosis.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 163
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

37. A major function of selenium is:

a. as an antioxidant.
b. thyroxine production.
c. red blood cell formation.
d. glycogen production.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 163
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

38. A major benefit of fluoride is:

a. providing structural support to cells.
b. preventing anemia.
c. preventing dental caries.
d. slowing the aging process.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 165
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

39. For public health purposes, the level of fluoridation in public water supplies should be:
a. 0.5 ppm.
b. 1.0 ppm.
c. 2.0 ppm.
d. 3.5 ppm.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 163
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge
40. The mineral that enhances the ability of the tooth structure to withstand the erosive effect of
bacterial acid is:
a. zinc.
b. calcium.
c. chromium.
d. fluoride.
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: p. 163
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

41. The percentage of body water in the average person is:

a. 40% to 50%.
b. 50% to 60%.
c. 60% to 70%.
d. 70% to 80%.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 166
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

42. Distribution of water content in a person’s body is related to the amount of:
a. body fat.
b. bone density.
c. muscle mass.
d. circulating blood.
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: p. 166
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

43. The extracellular fluid compartment contains blood plasma, dense tissue fluid, interstitial
fluid, and:
a. metabolic water.
b. fluid within cells.
c. secretory fluid.
d. sweat.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 167
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

44. Older adults may be at risk for dehydration because:

a. fluid needs increase with age.
b. they absorb less fluid from their intestines.
c. they lose more water through their lungs and skin.
d. their thirst mechanism is diminished.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 167
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

45. The term metabolic water refers to water that is:

a. contained in foods.
b. consumed orally.
c. moving from compartment to compartment.
d. formed from oxidation of nutrients.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 167
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

46. Solutes found in body fluids that influence movement of water include plasma proteins,
glucose, and:
a. electrolytes.
b. minerals.
c. vitamins.
d. calcium.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: pp. 167-168
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

47. The name of an ion that possesses a positive charge is a(n):

a. anion.
b. cation.
c. acid.
d. base.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 168
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

48. The organic molecules responsible for creating colloidal osmotic pressure are:
a. glucose molecules.
b. sodium ions.
c. plasma proteins.
d. amino acids.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 168
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

49. The hormone that causes the kidneys to retain sodium is called:
a. vitamin D.
b. thyroxine.
c. adrenaline.
d. aldosterone.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 169
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

50. The term used to denote concentration of electrolytes in a given volume of fluid is:
a. valence.
b. milliequivalent.
c. gram molecular weight.
d. pH.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: p. 169
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

51. If a cell is surrounded by a hypertonic solution, it will:

a. lose water and shrink.
b. gain water and swell.
c. be broken down.
Test Bank for Williams’ Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 12th Edition, Eleanor Sc

d. eventually burst.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: p. 169
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

52. The plasma protein that exerts the greatest colloidal osmotic pressure is:
a. fibrinogen.
b. prothrombin.
c. albumin.
d. hemoglobin.
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: p. 168
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

53. The action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) on the kidney will result in:
a. sodium retention.
b. water excretion.
c. sodium excretion.
d. water retention.
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: p. 169
MSC: Type of Question: Knowledge

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