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Self-nonself discrimination by the complement system

Seppo Meri1,2,3
1 Immunobiology, Research Programs Unit, Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, Finland
2 HUSLAB, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
3 Humanitas University, Milan, Italy

Correspondence The alternative pathway (AP) of complement can recognize nonself structures
S. Meri, Immunobiology, Research by only two molecules, C3b and factor H. The AP deposits C3b covalently
Programs Unit, Department of Bacteriology
on nonself structures via an amplification system. The actual discrimination is
and Immunology, Haartman Institute,
performed by factor H, which has binding sites for polyanions (sialic acids,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014,
Finland glycosaminoglycans, phospholipids). This robust recognition of ‘self’ protects
Fax: +358 9 191 26382 our own intact viable cells and tissues, while activating structures are recog-
Tel: +358 50 5812462 nized by default. Foreign targets are opsonized for phagocytosis or killed.
E-mail: Mutations in factor H predispose to severe diseases. In hemolytic uremic syn-
drome, they promote complement attack against blood cells and vascular
(Received 20 June 2016, revised 29 June
endothelial cells and lead, for example, to kidney and brain damage. Even
2016, accepted 6 July 2016, available online
pathogens can exploit factor H. In fact, the ability to bind factor H discrimi-
19 July 2016)
nates most pathogenic microbes from nonpathogenic ones.
Keywords: escape; hemolytic uremic syndrome; sialic acid
Edited by Wilhelm Just

Distinguishing structures of ‘self’ from ‘nonself’ is one considered as nonself and will be labeled for destruc-
of the very fundamental processes in biology and a tion (opsonophagocytosis or direct killing). Molecu-
property of the immune system. Sensor molecules for larly, this type of active self-recognition requires far
fine structures, like antibodies in the classical pathway less effort than maintaining a large repertoire of speci-
of complement, usually recognize nonself. This fic recognition molecules. A similar strategy is used in
requires a large repertoire of different molecules. For the actions of natural killer cells (NK cells), where for-
more robust recognition of targets, certain types of eign structures are recognized according to the so
pattern-recognition molecules are used, for example, called ‘missing self’ concept. Thereby, NK cells recog-
scavenger receptors, Toll-like receptors, Nod-like nize cells that lack or have lost host-specific major his-
receptors, and C-type lectins, which are molecules that tocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules [3].
bind sugars in a calcium-dependent manner. The latter Subsequently, NK cell recognition has been observed
include, for example, mannan-binding lectin (MBL), to depend on both the presence and absence of specific
ficolins, and DC-SIGN [1,2]. molecular markers [4].
The alternative pathway (AP) of complement can The discrimination between host and nonhost (or
recognize a broad spectrum of nonself structures by ‘self and nonself’) structures by the immune system is
default. Anything not actively recognized as self is also essential for the maintenance of the integrity of

aHUS, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; AMD, age-related macular degeneration; AP, alternative pathway; CCP, complement control pro-
tein; DAF, decay-accelerating factor; DDD, dense deposit disease; DMBT1, deleted in malignant brain tumor 1; FHBP, factor H binding pro-
tein; FHL-1, factor H-like protein 1; FHRs, factor H-related proteins; MBL, mannan-binding lectin; MCP, membrane cofactor protein; NK,
natural killer; PNH, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria; SAG, salivary agglutinin; SALSA, salivary scavenger and agglutinin; TEP1, thioester
protein 1.

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S. Meri Self-nonself discrimination by the complement system

our body. In addition to surveillance against microbes, development of new vaccines or ways to overcome
complement plays an important role also as a general microbial resistance to complement [11].
clearance mechanism [5]. Even in the absence of As is evident from the above, it is very important to
microbes an inability to distinguish borders of host know in detail the mechanisms how complement can
structures or an inappropriate loss of protection distinguish between self and nonself, what happens
against complement underlies many human diseases. A when errors occur and how do tumor cells and
disturbance in self-recognition is involved in distinct microbes manage to avoid being recognized by com-
syndromes like atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome plement. Both in malignancies and in invasive infec-
(aHUS), dense deposit disease (DDD), age-related tions, there is a need to neutralize the target’s ability
macular degeneration (AMD), and paroxysmal noctur- to block complement activation to allow utilization of
nal hemoglobinuria (PNH) [6]. Complement activation complement for attack against the unwanted cells. In
against self-structures may also occur in pregnancy contrast, the opposite situations, where complement
complications often involving endothelial cell dysfunc- unnecessarily attacks self (autoreactivity, autoimmu-
tion [7]. nity), require means to correct the errors or to provide
While the human complement system distinguishes therapy for the diseases they cause. For any interven-
between human cell surfaces in general (‘self’) and exter- tions, it is essential to understand in detail the molecu-
nal foreign molecular structures (‘nonself’), another lar mechanisms how complement recognizes or does
level of ‘self-nonself’ distinction occurs between individ- not recognize its targets.
uals. In pregnancy, as well as in transplantation, a con-
tact between the complement system from one person
The complement system–a key innate
(future mother, transplant recipient) with cells from
immune recognition system
another person may lead to incompatibility problems.
This may become reflected as a pregnancy disorder or The parenteral spaces of the normal healthy human
rejection of the transplant organ or cells. The problems body are kept free of microbes and other foreign mate-
currently are thought of being due to adaptive immune rial by innate immune defense mechanisms. As a cen-
responses (antibody or T cell-mediated rejection) but tral component of innate immunity, complement is
part of the problem could also be related to polymor- capable of destroying and invading microbes, generat-
phic variations in complement activating and regulating ing inflammation, and acting as a ‘waste-disposal’ sys-
components leading to incompatibility between self and tem [12]. Altogether the complement system consists of
nonself [8]. With the emerging easier and cheaper ways up to 50 different molecules in plasma and on cell
for efficient DNA sequencing, it may become possible membranes (Fig. 1). Each have their specific roles by
to analyze the role of these incompatibilities, for exam- acting as activating components, regulators or recep-
ple, in organ rejection. tors in the system.
Malignant tumor cells and pathogenic microbes Complement can become activated through three
cause different kinds of problems but common to both distinct pathways. In the classical pathway, foreign
is that they usually manage to escape complement materials are recognized by IgM or IgG antibodies,
attack. Thus, they resemble ‘self’. For tumor cells this whereafter the first component C1q binds and initiates
is natural, because most molecules that they carry on the complement activation cascade. Some structures,
the surfaces are present also on normal nonmalignant like bacterial lipopolysaccharides [13], C-reactive pro-
cells. It is, however evident, that this is not the whole tein [14], and degradation products of cells [15] can
truth. Some tumors have additional mechanisms to bind C1q independently of antibodies. In the lectin
protect themselves against complement attack, like pathway, sensor molecules recognize structures con-
secretion of complement inhibitors or production of taining carbohydrates, like mannose or N-acetylgluco-
additional protective layers of carbohydrates (like samine (MBL), for example, on yeast cell surfaces, or
mucins) on their surfaces. There is an urgent need to acetylated sugars by ficolins (ficolins 1, 2, and 3)
obtain new information about the complement evasion [1,16,17]. The alternative pathway (AP) is able, in a
mechanisms so that monoclonal antibody-based tumor robust manner, to discriminate normal human cells
immunotherapy could be improved [9,10]. from microbes (e.g., bacteria, fungi, parasites) and
A feature of pathogenic microbes is that they exploit from damaged or transformed human cells (e.g., virus-
different mechanisms to escape complement attack and infected or apoptotic cells) in an antibody-independent
thereby avoid being opsonized and phagocytosed. The fashion. Another key feature of the AP is that, it can
information on microbial complement resistance mech- amplify its own activation regardless of which pathway
anisms is valuable because it can be used for the it was initiated [18].

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Fig. 1. The different pathways, components and regulators of the complement system. For simplicity, no receptors (except for CR1, the
C3b/C4b receptor, which also acts as a regulator) or factor H-related proteins (FHR1-5) are shown in the figure.

Recognition of targets by the classical C1) [22] or receptors for phagocytosis (C1q receptors)
and lectin pathways [23]. Because there are multiple globular recognition
domains, an average of 6 9 3 in C1q, the molecules
The classical and lectin pathways use sensor molecules can bind to targets with high avidities.
for the recognition of distinct patterns on target sur- C1q has multiple targets. Of these, the traditional
faces [19]. The C1q family of proteins includes C1q, ones are IgG (primarily IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses)
MBL, ficolins 1, 2, and 3 (M, L, and H, respectively), and IgM class antibodies. Antibody-independent bind-
and surfactant proteins SpA and SpD [20]. In addi- ing of C1q occurs, for example, to exposed phospho-
tion, molecules like adiponectin and a family of C1q lipids on apoptotic or injured cells and to various
and TNF-like receptor proteins with 15 members intracellular structures, like mitochondria, chromatin,
(CTRP 1–15) show similarities to C1q [21]. In their and cytoskeletal filaments, exposed upon cell damage.
structures, separate polypeptide chains (A, B, and C in This contributes to the clearance of injured tissue
C1q) form collagenous triple helices. At the C-terminal materials by the reticuloendothelial system. Macro-
end of each polypeptide, there is another part that phages that have phagocytosed materials opsonized by
forms a globular domain that often acts as a carbohy- C1q and other complement activation components,
drate-recognizing lectin. Hence, these proteins are particularly iC3b, secrete immunosuppressive cytoki-
often collectively called as collectins. Individual helices nes, like TGF-beta and IL-10, with the apparent aim
with a collagenous tail and globular end domains in of carrying out homeostatic cleaning without causing
turn assemble into bundles with a variable number of unnecessary inflammation or immune activation [24].
subunits. The final protein product looks like a bunch Suppression of immunoinflammatory responses is
of flowers. The recognition part is located in the glob- mediated by the integrin-type iC3b receptor CD11b/18
ular domains, whereas the collagenous tail interacts or complement receptor type 3 (CR3) [25]. C1q also
with effector molecules (C1r and C1s in complement binds directly to many types of lipopolysaccharides

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S. Meri Self-nonself discrimination by the complement system

and other bacterial components to help in the phago- interactions with complement need to be comprehen-
cytosis of microbes by blood or tissue leukocytes, sively worked out. This would be an important task
neutrophils, and macrophages. because of the potential role of these molecules in the
MBL binds to surfaces coated with carbohydrates development of atherosclerosis or metabolic distur-
containing mannose and/or N-acetyl-glucosamine [26]. bances, diseases of major importance.
These sugar assemblies, collectively termed as mannan,
are typically found on the surfaces of yeasts, like the
Activation mechanisms of the
common human pathogen Candida albicans. Also,
alternative pathway
some bacteria and their specific serotypes (like Sal-
monella enterica O:6,7 serotype) can have mannose (te- The AP is an ancient system, and as such very impor-
tramannose repeats) in their lipopolysaccharides, tant in protection against microbial infections. In addi-
although this is not common [27]. Ficolins have their tion to all vertebrates, some invertebrates, like
own specificity repertoires [28]. Structures that usually ascidians and chordates have an AP-like system [37].
are recognized contain acetylated monosaccharides. A C3 homolog, called thioester protein 1 (TEP1), has
Additional molecules in the family include collectin-10 been found in mosquitoes [38] and probably exists in
and collectin-11 (CL-K1) that bind to fucose or man- other insects, as well. The functions of TEP1 and C3
nose. Interestingly, mutation in the collectin-11 gene are only partially similar. Both are involved in antimi-
(colec11), as well as in MASP-3 have been found to crobial defense, but they are activated and regulated
associate with the rare 3MC syndrome with develop- by different mechanisms. In fact, TEP1 is more similar
mental defects [29]. Whether the association is related to a membrane-associated thioester protein, CD109,
to complement activity or something else is not yet than to C3. The function of CD109 is still unknown.
clear. Because of efficient amplification the AP complement
C1q, MBL, and ficolins operate primarily in par- activation can lead to inflammation and tissue damage.
enteral spaces. The surfactant proteins, SpA and SpD, Therefore, the AP needs to be strictly targeted only to
instead, are found on mucosal surfaces like in the res- structures that need to be eliminated. The mechanism
piratory tract and in the intestines. Mucosal surfaces of self-nonself (or host-nonhost) discrimination by the
contain also a soluble scavenger family protein called alternative pathway of complement has been studied
variously gp340, deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 originally using purified proteins. The actual activation
(DMBT1), salivary agglutinin (SAG) or salivary scav- system is composed of six main components: C3, B,
enger, and agglutinin (SALSA) [30,31]. We named the D, factor H, factor I (C3b inactivator), and P (prop-
protein as SALSA, as it was found to bind to erdin) [39].
microbes, recruit MBL, the surfactant proteins, SpA C3 is the central molecule in AP activation. It is
and SpA, and to regulate complement activation [32]. abundant in blood plasma with an average concentra-
SALSA is thus yet another sensor protein for the com- tion ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 gL 1. Because of its role
plement system, but operating principally in the in continuous surveillance for potential invaders or
intestines, respiratory tract and on other mucosal sur- damaged tissue structures as much as 50% of its
faces [33,34]. When bound to targets it can activate plasma pool may be regenerated every 1–2 days [40].
complement, but when in solution it inhibits the lectin C3 is spontaneously activated by slow hydrolysis to
pathway [32,35]. generate a form C3(H2O), where an internal thioester
Adiponectin and the C1q and TNF-related proteins bond (formed by side chains of cysteine 988 and glu-
(CTRPs) are an interesting family of collectins, tamine 991) has become disrupted. C3(H2O) resembles
because they have been indicated in the metabolism of C3b except that the C3a part has not become dissoci-
lipids and carbohydrates [21]. Adiponectin is an antidi- ated from the molecule. Functionally, C3(H2O) is able
abetic, antiatherogenic and antiinflammatory molecule. to act in manner similar to C3b in that it can bind fac-
As such it has been considered to have hormone-like tor B and generate an initial C3 convertase, C3(H2O)
properties. Its structural similarity to other collectins, Bb, where factor B has become cleaved and activated
however, points more toward a clearance function, by factor D [41,42]. The C3(H2O)Bb convertase will
possibly in the removal of potentially harmful lipids or activate native C3 molecules to C3b by binding factor
glycolipid particles. The functions of the 15 CTRPs B in the presence of magnesium ions will generate the
are still partially unknown. They have been implicated, actual AP C3 convertase, C3bBb, once factor B is
for example, in increasing glucose uptake, decreasing cleaved by factor D. The inherent half-life of the
fat mass or enhancing insulin sensitivity [36]. The C3bBb convertase is only 1.5 min [43]. The displaced
recognition specificities of these molecules and possible Bb can no longer bind back to C3b. Instead, factor H

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binds to C3b and promotes its inactivation by factor I. certain density can be extrapolated from the elongated
Factor H and the membrane protein CD55 (decay- structure of factor H. Once two C3b:s on a surface are
accelerating factor, DAF) can shorten the half-life of sufficiently close to each other, a single factor H could
the convertase by rapidly dissociating Bb [44]. bind simultaneously to two C3b molecules via its N-
terminal binding site [in complement control protein
(CCP) domains 2–5] and the C-terminal site (in
Control of AP activation
domains 19–20). Alternatively, in case, factor H forms
If the target surface supports AP activation, C3 activa- dimers under physiological conditions, they could rec-
tion will become amplified in cycles and the target ognize two C3b molecules when they are sufficiently
coated by C3b molecules within minutes. In contrast, close to each other. In fact, early studies could demon-
if the surface is a nonactivating one, the generated strate a ‘density effect’, a relative increase in binding
C3b molecules will become inactivated by factors H of factor H (but not of factor B), when the density of
and I, and activation stops. The fate of C3b is deter- C3b molecules reached a distinct threshold value [50].
mined only by relatively minor differences in the affin- On a self cell surface, also the membrane cofactor
ity of factor H for C3b depending on whether C3b is protein (MCP, CD46) on most cells (excluding ery-
in the fluid phase, bound to an activating surface or to throcytes) or complement receptor type 1 (CR1,
a nonactivating surface [45,46]. Soluble C3b and non- CD35) on all blood cells and, for example, glomerular
activating surface-bound C3b molecules have similar podocytes, can replace factor H as cofactors [51].
affinities for factor H, exceeding the affinity for factor These molecules reside on host cells and thereby pro-
B. This leads to C3b inactivation to iC3b, followed by vide additional protection against attack by autolo-
further degradation to C3c and C3dg. gous complement. The protection is limited to cell
On an activating surface, the affinity of factor H for membranes, and mostly only to those cells that express
C3b is relatively low. Thus, factor B binds to C3b them. An exception is CR1 that can reach the surfaces
rather than factor H and participates in forming of neighboring cells to provide a helping hand in C3b
C3bBb, a convertase that can be further stabilized by inactivation. Additional regulators operating at the C3
properdin (P). It is important to note that the differ- step of AP (decay-accelerating factor, DAF/CD55)
ence in affinity between nonactivator and activator and terminal pathway activation (protectin, CD59)
bound C3b for factor H is crucial. Factor H binding further guarantee the safety of viable self cells against
depends on the context of the structure to which C3b
has become bound. It is not only an interaction with
Random target “Self”
C3b but simultaneous binding to C3b and the surface
in the immediate neighborhood of covalently bound X NA
C3b H, I iC3b
C3b. C3b itself does not seem to undergo a conforma- C3b iC3b
tional change for increasing its affinity for factor H. C3b C3b iC3b iC3b
Instead, a tripartite complex is formed of the surface,
C3, B, D, Mg++
C3b and factor H. In solution, C3b apparently can
accommodate factor H binding via multiple sites to A C3b clusters C5 A
have high enough affinity to prevent factor B binding C7 MAC
“Nonself” MAC
[47,48]. C8
AP activation progresses as individual C3b mole- C9 MAC

cules deposit randomly on the target surface. After the

X = any surface, A = activator, NA = nonactivator
formation of a C3 convertase via the activation of C3b
bound factor B by factor D, more C3 molecules can Fig. 2. Discrimination between activating (nonself) and
be activated. These new C3b:s will generate a cluster nonactivating (self) surfaces by the alternative pathway of
of C3b:s around the initial C3b molecules (Fig. 2). complement. Initial binding of C3b to any surface (depicted X)
Although C3b can bind covalently to another C3b occurs randomly. If the surface supports binding of factor H (self,
molecule to generate C3b dimers, multiple layers of nonactivator) the C3b molecules become proteolytically inactivated
C3b:s do not become deposited on the target. C3b has by factor I and activation stops. If the surface does not bind factor
H, factor B forms a C3bBb convertase enzyme with the deposited
more preference to bind to C4b or IgG than to C3b
C3b and cleaves further C3 molecules to a cluster of C3b:s. These
[49]. Also, the susceptibilities of the two individual in turn can generate new C3 convertases, whereby activation
C3b molecules in the C3b dimer to inactivation by fac- becomes amplified. As an end result, the target becomes
tors H and I differ [49]. A natural mechanism to opsonized by C3b molecules and also membrane attack complexes
restrict excessive C3b deposition and to limit it to a (MAC) are formed.

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complement [52]. These two regulators are attached to C3b

C3c C3d
cell membrane phospholipids via a glycophosphoinosi-
tol-linkage. An acquired defect in the anchoring sys- Factor H 1 4 7 8 11 12 13 14 19 20

tem and consequent lack of DAF and CD59 causes a ++ ++ ++

disease called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
(PNH) [53,54]. In PNH, descendants of the mutated
cell clone become susceptible to complement attack Fig. 3. Schematic structure of factor H. Binding sites for C3b,
[55,56]. In this disease, attacks may be precipitated, for polyanions (marked with ++) and pentraxins CRP and PTX-3 are
example, by infections that put the AP activation distributed along the chain of 20 complement control protein
ongoing. The night-time has been suggested to pro- domains (CCP). Locations of sites, whose disturbances because of
mutations or autoantibodies predispose to diseases. DDD, dense
mote disease attacks, because of low pH that has been
deposit disease (membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2,
suggested to increase AP activity. In reality, attacks
MPGN2); AMD, age-related macular degeneration; HUS, hemolytic
are not restricted to night-time and wide variation in uremic syndrome.
the disease spectrum exists. Clinical problems in PNH
are related to a tendency for thrombosis in blood ves-
sels [57]. This indicates that the complement and coag- Furthermore, ligands for factor H include the pen-
ulation systems are closely interconnected. traxins C-reactive protein and PTX-3. They have a
major binding site on domain 7 of factor H [69–71]
and a secondary site on domains 8–11 [69] or 19–20
Binding of factor H to surface-
[72]. Thereby, factor H can wrap itself around CRP
associated C3b–key to discrimination
and bind to a different site than C1q [70]. The pro-
The first clue to the possible mechanism for protecting posed function for the pentraxin-factor H interaction
self cells from complement attack came when it was may be related to labeling an area of tissue damage,
shown that human and sheep red blood cells used sia- where the pentraxins bind to injured tissue compo-
lic acid for their protection against AP attack [58,59]. nents and activate the classical complement pathway
Subsequently, it was shown that factor H in the AP via C1q. To avoid excessive inflammation and to
was the factor that directly interacted with the surface delineate the area of damage for clearance, the
to mediate the discrimination between activators and pentraxins would recruit factor H, which can inhibit
nonactivators [45]. Factor H recognized sialic acids AP activation and promote inactivation of C3b to
and other polyanions, like heparan sulfate on surfaces, iC3b, which acts as a high affinity ligand for the
where prior deposition of C3b had occurred. Further- macrophage receptor CR3 (CD11b/18). Phagocytic
more, factor H showed specificity in its binding to clearance mediated by CR3 occurs in a noninflamma-
polyanions, the mere negative charge was not sufficient tory fashion, because upon engagement of this inte-
for the interaction [60]. Binding can occur to gly- grin receptor macrophages are signaled to produce
cosaminoglycans (e.g., hyaluronan, heparan sulfate, immunosuppressive cytokines TGF-beta and inter-
chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate) or proteoglycans leukin 10 [24].
(e.g., versican, syndecan, decorin) [60] Later studies The N terminus of factor H (domains 1–4) was
were able to demonstrate that there were actually mul- found to bind to C3b and contain the functional activ-
tiple binding sites for polyanions in factor H [61–63]. ities, both the cofactor activity for C3b inactivation
Factor H has three binding sites for the main comple- and the decay-accelerating activity for the C3bBb con-
ment factor C3b and two to three for polyanions vertase [73]. Additional binding sites for C3b are
[48,64] (Fig. 3). One heparin site is located on domain apparently employed for allowing more dynamic inter-
7 [61]. Using site-directed mutagenesis, the endothelial actions with soluble or surface-associated C3b in the
cell, C3d- and heparin-binding sites were fine-mapped context of different kinds of surfaces [65,66]. An alter-
to domains 19–20 of factor H [62,64–66]. Studies on natively spliced product of the factor H gene, factor
the lipo-oligosaccharide sialic acid of Neisseria gonor- H-like protein 1 (FHL-1), contains the first seven
rhoeae [67] suggested that the region containing the domains of factor H and four unique amino acids [73].
domain 20 is more selective for sialic acid than the site Thereby, it contains the major functional domains of
at domain 7. Sialylated molecules include proteins, car- the N terminus but lacks the most critical self-recogni-
bohydrates, and lipids like gangliosides and glycosph- tion domains of the C terminus. It is a form of factor
ingolipids [68]. Although less studied, additional H that seems to lack the activator-nonactivator dis-
protection may be provided by negatively charged criminating capacity, despite the presence of the hep-
phospholipids. arin-binding site on domain 7.

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The ability to restrict AP activation is not limited to The atomic resolution structure of a complex
healthy normal cells but also malignant tumor cells between factor H C terminus and complement C3d
have means to protect themselves. Tumor cells usually has been solved by two groups [80,81]. These studies
express sialic acids, mucins, and sulfated polyanions at revealed the structural basis, whereby the AP can dis-
least as much as normal cells. In addition, for exam- criminate between host and nonhost structures
ple, glioblastoma and ovarian tumor cells can produce (schematically depicted in Fig. 4). This occurs by a
FHL-1 in higher relative amounts than normally joint dual recognition of distinct negatively charged
observed in blood [74,75]. Strikingly, factor H has host structures and the C3d domain of C3b by factor
been found to be the tumor antigen that is recognized H. If the target is not recognized as ‘self’, it will
by the BTA-STAT and BTA-TRAK tests that are rapidly be attacked by the alternative AP amplification
used for the detection of urinary bladder cancer [76]. system. Both groups found a C3d-binding site on fac-
Also tumors originating from skin have been found to tor H domain 19, whereas Kajander et al. demon-
produce factor H [77]. Thus, while most tumor cells strated that there is an additional binding site for C3d
bind the soluble complement inhibitors FHL-1 and also on domain 20. Domain 19 is apparently the pre-
factor H, some are even capable of synthesizing them ferred site for C3d because in domain 20 the surface
into their immediate vicinity. The local production of polyanion recognition site overlaps with that of C3d.
factor H and FHL-1 may create ‘a complement-free In the absence of polyanions, however, binding of fac-
zone’ around the tumors. Increased angiogenesis may tor H to a layer of C3d molecules could signal a satu-
bring more blood and complement to such sites, ration of the surface with deposited C3b/d to prevent
whereas altered metabolism and relative ischemia may unnecessary further C3b deposition. Surface-associated
increase complement activity at such sites, for example, C3d could thus compensate for the lack of polyanions
by lowering pH or providing targets for complement by attracting factor H through domain 20. Thereby, it
attack. FHL-1 does not recognize its targets on the is possible that once a sufficient layer of C3d, and pos-
basis of sialic acid expression but rather by sulfated sibly of C3b molecules, as well, has been deposited,
molecules like glycosaminoglycans. Factor H/FHL-1 AP activation no longer continues and stops. In solu-
production and binding to tumor cells should be kept tion, C3b is fully accessible to factor H and becomes
in mind when designing complement-activating mono- rapidly inactivated by factor I. Interestingly, when
clonal antibodies for therapy. C3b is bound covalently to an activating surface or,
for example, to IgG, C4b or another C3b, the access
Structural analyses of the recognition
Most recently, the AP recognition system has been
explored with the help of structural analyses, princi-
pally by X-ray crystallography. These have shed light
on the actual interacting amino acids in the different
factor H domains, target polyanions and C3b and
other details of the recognition process. Crucial for all
studies on complement was the elucidation of the X-
ray crystal structures of C3 and C3b by the group of
Piet Gros [78,79]. C3 has 13 domains that undergo
changes upon conversion into C3b. The biggest
changes are the release of C3a (a chemotaxin and an
anaphylatoxin) and transfer of the C3d part (the thi-
olester-containing domain, TED) to another region of
the molecule to allow its access to the surface where it
can bind covalently either to exposed hydroxyl (pre-
ferred) or amino groups [79]. Otherwise, C3b does not Fig. 4. Discrimination between self and nonself on cell surfaces by
factor H. On nonself surfaces like microbes (above), complement
seem to have any special surface recognition domains,
activation proceeds by default. On self surfaces, factor H binds to
which is in line with previous studies showing that the C3b-polyanion complex and inhibits complement activation by
recognition and discrimination is dependent on a sub- three different mechanisms: (1) inhibition of factor B binding, (2)
sequent interaction of factor H with the C3b-target decay dissociation of Bb from the C3 convertase, C3bBb and (3)
complex [45,46]. promotion of inactivation of C3b by factor I.

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of factor H to C3b is restricted [49]. This makes the activity of factor H (in the N terminus) is disturbed or
bound C3b more resistant to inactivation and subjects the activity of the C3bBb convertase is enhanced. The
to become a subunit of the C3/C5 convertase leading underlying reasons can be mutations in factor H [98]
to AP activation, amplification, and initiation of the or autoantibodies against C3bBb (C3 nephritic factor
terminal pathway. Thus, the AP has elegant mecha- [99]; or factor H N terminus [92]. Reduced factor H
nisms to (a) promote activation on nonself surfaces control function or enhanced C3bBb activity can lead
and (b) stop it when sufficient and to (c) block activa- to overactivation of the AP in the fluid phase, binding
tion on self surfaces and (d) by soluble C3b to prevent and accumulation of C3b molecules and the membrane
self tissue damage and excess inflammation. Further- attack complex at sites that are not protected by the
more, the acute phase protein CRP can regulate and membrane-associated complement inhibitors. Typi-
direct the inhibitory activity of factor H to areas of tis- cally, this occurs at the glomerular basement mem-
sue damage during acute inflammation [69]. The other branes (GBM) of kidneys. Eventually, obstruction and
pentraxins, like PTX-3, may have this activity, as well thickening of the GBM leads to glomerular damage
[71]. and loss of kidney function.
While the pathogenetic processes in aHUS and
DDD are now relatively well understood, that of
Errors in discrimination–the basis for
AMD still remains unclear. A predisposing factor to
hemolytic uremic syndrome
both major forms of AMD, geographic atrophy (dry
The importance of the AP recognition and amplifica- AMD) or neovascular, wet AMD, is a polymorphic
tion mechanism is apparent in the disease atypical variant that changes amino acid tyrosine on position
hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). aHUS is an 402 to histidine in domain 7 of factor H [94–97]. This
experiment of nature, where single amino acid muta- influences the binding of factor H to C-reactive protein
tions in the recognition domains of FH or in C3d [70,72,100] and to glycosaminoglycans [101]. In princi-
predispose vascular endothelial cells, blood cells, and ple, factor H function could be disturbed in the retinal
platelets to damage [66,82–84]. Factor H mutation- epithelial cells (RPE), the Bruch’s membrane beneath
associated aHUS is a severe disease that even in the RPE, the lipofuscin particles themselves or in the
heterozygous form can lead to end stage renal failure, small capillaries behind the epithelial cell layer. The
brain edema, and death of the patient. Factor H high turnover of retinal pigment into lipofuscin and
mutations underlie approximately 50% of aHUS other degradation products requires an efficient clear-
cases that have a genetic background. Other causes ance system. In AMD, the clearance is compromised
for aHUS are mutations in factor I, MCP/CD46, C3, and deposits of lipofuscin accumulate in the retina
factor B or thrombomodulin [85–88]. Also, autoanti- gradually obstructing the vision of the patients. Factor
bodies against the C terminus of factor H can cause H abnormality could predispose to inflammation or
a similar yet somewhat milder form of aHUS [89]. In lack of clearance of the retinal pigment remnants or
about a third of cases, the underlying reason is still both.
unknown. aHUS is distinct from the more common
‘typical’ form of HUS that is caused by Shiga-like
Role for sialic acid
toxins produced by certain serotypes of enterohemor-
rhagic E. coli (EHEC, e.g., O157 or O104 serotypes) The factor H-mediated protection of glomerular and
or Shigella bacteria. The role of complement in this other types of endothelial cells, blood cells (erythro-
‘eHUS’ is still uncertain [90]. Common to all forms cytes and leukocytes) as well as platelets against com-
of HUS, however, is endothelial, blood cell and plate- plement was for a long time assumed to be due to
let damage, which predisposes to thrombosis, an glycosaminoglycans, especially heparin or heparan sul-
entity collectively referred to as thrombotic microan- fate. Heparin was also used as a model polyanion in
giopathy (TMA). Other forms of TMA can occur in studies addressing self-nonself discrimination and self-
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), PNH, protection by the AP. It was, however, puzzling that
secondary to transplantation, infection, drug treat- some mutations in the FH C terminus associated with
ment, malignancy or as a complication of pregnancy aHUS (like L1189R and E1198A) did not disrupt
[87]. binding of factor H to heparin but rather increased it
Errors (mutations, polymorphisms) in factor H or [102] . Recently, we found that these mutations inter-
autoantibodies against it can predispose also to dense fere most specifically with the ability of factor H to
deposit disease [91–93] and age-related macular degen- bind to sialic acid [103]. Removal of sialic acid from
eration (AMD) [94–97]. In DDD, the functional platelets and endothelial cells was found to reduce

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their ability to bind factor H and be protected against variable. Usually, the FHR proteins have relatively
complement attack. Thus, the fundamental defect in low plasma concentrations, that of FHR1 being the
aHUS associated with factor H mutations seems to highest (approximately 50 µgmL 1). At local sites and
be an inability of the mutated factor H C terminus to during inflammation, like in the middle ear fluid dur-
recognize sialic acid on the surfaces of cells in contact ing otitis media, the concentrations may, however, be
with the plasma complement system. Sialic acids are a higher [107].
group of carbohydrates that are regulated dynamically Strikingly, while the FHRs lack the N-terminal
at different times, ages, and conditions [68]. The functional domains, they all have homologs of the two
GM3 type ganglioside seemed to be the preferred sia- most C-terminal CCP domains of factor H [108].
lic acid recognized by factor H [104]. Some viruses, Thus, they may have an ability to distinguish between
like the influenza viruses, have sialic acids both as AP activators and nonactivators. But, why would they
their receptors on host respiratory tracts as well as do this if they do not have the actual functional
targets for their major enzymes, neuraminidases. Also, domains? The answer to this puzzling question may be
some non-shigatoxin-producing bacteria associated related to an ability to ‘fine-tune’ and regulate the
with aHUS, like pneumococcus, have neuraminidases. actual factor H-mediated control of complement acti-
The finely tuned self-recognition mediated by factor vation [107]. At times, factor H may unnecessarily
H can thus have implications beyond the typically strongly inhibit complement attack against a target.
complement-associated kidney diseases. By implica- FHRs have an ability to compete out the C terminus
tion, the maintenance of self-barriers and ability to of factor H, whereby the factor H-mediated control is
discriminate between self and nonself by complement released and complement activation is temporarily
may play a role in other common diseases, where sub- enhanced. The dimerization and heterodimerization of
tle changes on cell surfaces or other host structures FHRs would further make this effect stronger [109].
may occur. This may be a way to enhance attack, for example,
against microbes that have an ability to bind factor H
via the C terminus [110]. FHRs could then act as ‘de-
Factor H-like protein 1 and factor
coys’ to prevent factor H binding and allow comple-
H-related proteins
ment attack against the invader. The function of
As indicated above, factor H has the ability to distin- FHRs could thus represent a rational evolutionary
guish between activators and nonactivators by the step for fine-tuning the regulatory activity of factor H.
self-recognition domains in the C terminus of the Abnormalities in FHRs have been described, and
molecule (domains 19–20), while the actual functional some of them are related to distinct disease conditions.
activities (cofactor and decay-accelerating activity) Because of many similar sequence areas, the RCA
reside in the N-terminal domains 1–4 [73]. The alter- cluster in chromosome 1 is prone to genomic rear-
natively spliced product from the factor H gene rangements through gene conversion and nonhomolo-
FHL-1 is always active in the fluid phase but lacks gous recombination [106]. The deletion of FHR1-3
the discriminatory ability on surfaces. Its blood con- gene is relatively common leading to a deficiency of
centration is usually only about 10% of that of factor both FHR1 and FHR3 [111]. Interestingly, a large
H but at local sites it can be present at higher con- majority of individuals, who develop anti-factor H
centrations. Also, some tumor cells produce equal antibodies and aHUS have this deletion. The anti-fac-
amounts of FH and FHL-1. FHL-1 may thus have tor H antibodies appear to partially disrupt the self-
different clearance kinetics than FH and it may also protective ability of factor H. The reason for this con-
be produced in different quantities at different sites nection is not entirely clear, but it is possible that
or conditions [105]. The tumor cells may use FHL-1 FHRs 1 and 3 somehow induce or maintain tolerance
for their own protection in the local microenviron- to factor H. Alternatively, the interaction of factor H
ment where it is being produced [74]. in the absence of competing FHRs with microbial fac-
In addition to factor H/FHL-1, five different factor tor H-binding proteins (FHBPs) could generate
H-related proteins (FHRs 1–5) are encoded by their neoepitopes against which antibodies develop, among
own genes in chromosome 1 (1q31-32) in the regula- those also anti-factor H antibodies [112]. The emerging
tors of complement activation (RCA) gene cluster, anti-factor H antibodies are primarily directed against
where genes for most other complement regulators are the C terminus of factor and thus prevent its ability to
located, as well [106]. The FHRs vary in length and control complement activation on blood cells and
number of CCP domains. Each may have their own endothelial cells. This leads to aHUS, which–luckily–in
properties, but reports on their functional activities are most cases is less severe than in cases related to FH

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mutations. Also, removal of antibodies with plasma- Microbial escape of complement by

pheresis provides an additional method of therapy. mimicry of self
The role of FHRs in regulating factor H is sup-
ported by the recent observations of abnormal oligo- Despite the potent antimicrobial effects of the comple-
mers or hybrids of the FHR molecules associated with ment system many microbes are resistant to
C3 glomerulopathy [113,114]. C3 glomerulopathy opsonophagocytosis or direct complement-mediated
patients have C3 deposits in their kidney glomeruli in killing. Often, the complement resistant microbes are
the absence of antibody deposits. DDD is considered pathogens for humans. The reasons why certain
as one form of C3 glomerulopathy. C3 glomeru- microbes are virulent pathogens and others, often even
lonephritis (C3GN) is another one, but without dense close relatives, are not has remained obscure in many
deposits. This form is associated with FHR abnormali- cases. Apparently, part of the species specificity and
ties (oligomers, hybrids, mutations, deletions). FHR5 virulence spectra of microbes is dependent on resis-
mutation has been found to cause a glomerular dis- tance to complement [118,119]. Many common patho-
ease, FHR5 nephropathy, which is endemic in Cypri- gens escape complement attack using specific proteins
ots [113]. FHR-1 mutation and abnormal FHR and mechanisms. For example, we identified a new
oligomerization have been found in connection with family of complement inhibitors from the Lyme dis-
C3 glomerulopathy [114]. Some forms may even be ease Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes [120,121]. The
related to C3 mutations. Common to all these disor- proteins belong to the OspE family of outer membrane
ders is that they disturb AP regulation and predispose proteins that have the ability to hijack factor H from
to glomerular disease. the human or animal host [118]. Subsequently, other
groups made similar observations and another FHBP
family, CspA was also found [122–126]. Factor H
Protecting self by membrane binding molecules have since been found from many
regulators of complement different kinds of bacteria, including different types of
Discrimination between self and nonself by the com- pathogenic streptococci [127] and Gram-negative bac-
plement system is not limited to factor H, although it teria [128–130].
has the unique ability to ‘sense’ a variety of targets Group B meningococcus, during recent years, has
and operate from the fluid phase. On human cell mem- been the most important causative agent of meningitis
branes, complement activation is inhibited by comple- and meningococcal sepsis in the Western world. The
ment receptor type 1 (CR1, CD35), membrane development of vaccines against this bacterium has
cofactor protein (MCP, CD46), and decay-accelerating been delayed because its polysialic acid capsule is non-
factor (DAF, CD55). Their task is to limit comple- immunogenic and potentially cross-reactive with
ment activation at the C3 step [52]. Another regulator, human brain [131]. In addition to having an antiop-
protectin or CD59, inhibits formation of the mem- sonic capsule, group B meningococcus was found to
brane attack complex by binding to intermediate C5b- bind the complement inhibitor C4 bp by porin A
8 and C5b-9 terminal complement complexes and pre- [132]. This could prevent both antibody-mediated clas-
venting incorporation and polymerization of C9 sical and lectin pathway activation. Using whole gen-
[115,116]. These molecules specifically protect ‘self’. ome screening methodology and systematic analysis,
They are to some extent species selective, that is, tuned so called reverse vaccinology, proteins with potential,
principally to protect against complement of homolo- as vaccines, were found from meningococcus [133].
gous species. While mixing cells from one species and One of the most promising vaccine candidates turned
blood plasma from another is an artificial situation, out to be a FHBP [128]. Subsequently, the FHBP was
attempts have been made to transplant organs across included in a new multicomponent vaccine against
species, for example, from pigs to humans. This usu- group B meningococcal infections [129]. This vaccine
ally fails because there may be natural antibodies (Bexsero, Novartis) has now been approved for use in
(antigalactose, for example) against the other species’ several countries. Another vaccine containing two out
cells and because the complement regulators in the of the three main variants of FHBP (Trumenba,
transplanted organ may not protect against the recipi- Pfizer) has also been developed [130].
ent complement. Attempts to overcome this problem In retrospect, a concept that was developed earlier
by genetic engineering to remove antigen targets or to from functional hypothesis-driven studies [121,134] led
add transgenic human DAF or MCP to pigs have been to the same conclusions as unbiased genome-wide
under development, but so far the approach has not searches for vaccine candidates [133]. The most elegant
been adopted to general use [117]. feature of the FHBP-based vaccines is that antibodies

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developed against the proteins not only recognize the markers of ‘self’ provides protection to our own
target microbe but they also neutralize an important intact viable cells and tissues. In contrast, activating
virulence property, that is, recruitment of factor H by structures are recognized by default: anything not
the microbe. Vaccines against group B meningococcus positively recognized by factor H is being attacked
represent a breakthrough, because they complement upon. This fundamental mechanism leads to
the existing vaccines against other capsule types of opsonization and phagocytosis or direct killing of
meningococci. It is particularly important for use in microbes and other targets. Even senescent, ischemic,
individuals who lack AP or terminal pathway comple- injured or apoptotic ‘self’ cells can be recognized in
ment components or who are treated with eculizumab this way for removal by macrophages. An indication
(anti-C5) antibody therapy. Otherwise, complement of the importance of the recognition system is muta-
deficiency in these situations would lead to a signifi- tions in factor H that predispose to severe diseases,
cantly increased (around 1000-fold) risk for meningo- where complement attacks autologous cells. In aHUS,
coccal meningitis and sepsis. alterations in the recognition system predispose to
From the self-nonself discrimination point of view, complement attack against blood cells and vascular
microbes that bind factor H can be considered to endothelial cells causing thrombotic microangiopathy
mimic ‘self’. A comparison of microbial FHBPs has and damage to many tissues (e.g., kidneys and brain).
shown that they fall into two major structural cate- Most specifically, the factor H mutations affect sialic
gories: alpha-helical coiled-coil structures (such as yer- acid recognition. Pathogenic microbes have also
sinial YadA, group A streptococcal M-protein and learned to use factor H to escape C attack. Thus,
group B streptococcal Bac-protein) or beta-barrel-type many bacteria express specific proteins with a similar
membrane proteins (Rck of salmonella, Ail of Yersi- ability to exploit factor H. The ability to bind factor
nia, and OspE of borrelia) [134]. The binding sites of H is so far the best described feature that discrimi-
the proteins on factor H are usually located in the nates pathogenic microbes from nonpathogenic ones.
heparin-binding domains 7 or 20. The site on domain
7 is used, for example, by the meningococcal FHBP.
The domain 20 is used by the borrelial OspE and
many other microbial proteins. A survey of the finger- Matti Laine is kindly acknowledged for drawing Fig. 1.
prints of several different bacterial proteins and All current and previous members of my research
microbes on the domain 20 of factor H (using a panel group and collaborators are gratefully acknowledged.
of mutants) showed that the microbes use, not only Especially, the following have contributed to studies
the same domain, but to a large extent also the same presented in this review: Sakari Jokiranta, Hanna
amino acid side chains for the interaction [135]. It is Jarva, Martin Reichhardt, Matti Laine, Sami Jun-
astonishing that microbes as distant as borrelia, strep- nikkala, Taru Meri, Livija Deban, Jens Hellwage,
tococcus, haemophilus, pseudomonas, and even the Derek Ho, Satu Hyv€ arinen, Adrian Goldman, Veli-
yeast Candida albicans use a common site on factor H Pekka Jaakola, Tommi Kajander. Especially I want to
to recruit this inhibitor for their protection against thank prof Michael Pangburn, University of Texas
complement attack. Health Science Center. The author has received finan-
cial support from the Academy of Finland, The Sigrid
Juselius Foundation, The Stockmann Foundation,
Signe and Ane Gyllenberg Foundation, Helsinki
The classical and lectin pathways of complement use University Hospital Grants (EVO), Finland and
antibodies and other sensor molecules for specific Humanitas University, Milan, Italy.
recognition of targets. Somewhat miraculously, how-
ever, the alternative pathway (AP) relies only on two
molecules, C3b and factor H, to distinguish between
a wide variety of nonself structures from self. The 1 Endo Y, Matsushita M and Fujita T (2015) New
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