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ans: B

ans: B
ans: A
all are correct
answer: D
plug in values to verify
answer: C
answer is: C
Let, total CS candidate = x and CS with rush > 0.1x = 6
Thus, x=60 and answer is 60/100
answer is B
Try to apply the formula of the area of a triangle and
equate that to get the height of the triangle.
use the formula 1/2*absinx to solve this math
Option A seems enticing but it is not must, we can think of 14 data below -5 and 14 above
-5. Also, 13 data below -5 and 14th-15th data can be -5 as well.
Option C can not be true, range is always non negative value
clearly a is a negative value and
b-a = 7 thus, a+b = 7+a
which must be less than 7
B: 5, 5.1, 12 and A: 5.2, 5.2, 5.2, 5.3
Based on this situation, we can discard both A, C
Only B is the correct answer.
observe!! It said an integer, not to
take all three integers (-_-)
Trick option is C: because if the question asked for randomly selecting a candidate
from all the candidates it was correct but the question asked for selecting the cndidate from
only who got 4/5 rating and it is: 1/28
Each face will have a 5x5 type square and thus surface area of one face will be: 10x10 = 100
The total surface area will be: 600
Total 100, filed out 80 and college students amongst them: 52
If the 20 who did not fill up are all college students,
then percentage would be: 72%
[y<2 will cause obtuse angle]

[y>6 will cause an obtuse angle]

Give a glance at product of two different
integers, so omitting the primes only would not
work in this case.

Trial and error based option checking problem

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