Kill The Beta

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10/13/23, 12:15 AM Kill the Beta :: Reader Mode for Google Chrome™

Kill the Beta

by Rollo Tomassi

13-17 minutes

Rational reader Paul recently sought out my guidance for probably the single mo
asked for advice I receive.

I’ve read through your blog entirely, and my biggest issue is, how do I kill
the beta? Every girl I sleep with, or even fool around with, I end up
developing feelings for. Even if it was a one night stand or the girl is
cheating on a bf with me. It’s like I have no self control; like I’m a girl that
agonizes over every guy she sleeps with.

I wish I honestly had a definitive answer for Paul. If I could construct some step-
by-step program, a universal template that men could all follow in order to kill
their inner Beta, I’d be rich beyond my wildest dreams. Just as I said with about
the Alpha Buddha, if I could find a way to bottle the essence of Alpha I’d be set fo
life. The real truth is that there is no simple answer to this, because each man’s
conditions are unique to him. To be sure there are common roots to their proble
and common mindsets that form as results of attempting to formulate working
sexual strategies (Beta Game) within the feminine Matrix, but undoing these
mental schemas and reforming a better functional sexual strategy is unique to th  
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