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Marco Rene Barreto


Beauty is something that captures our attention and leaves a lasting impression in
us. It can be found in many forms for example: From nature's landscapes to human
creations. Sometimes beauty is determined by a combination of qualities that could
be the shape, color, or form, that pleases the senses or gives a feeling of satisfaction,
it is what we call pleasant to look at. However, it goes beyond just a physical

True beauty is inside a person's soul, from their inner kindness and confidence. It is
not limited to a certain age, race, or gender, but can be found in anyone. It is a
reflection of the character of each person and their ability to see the good in the
In the case of things or objects true beauty is not just what meets the eye, but also
what is under the surface. It is the story behind the creation, the handicraft and the
attention to detail that went into making it, and the emotions and memories it may
have. Also, its purpose and meaning. A simple object can hold great beauty if it has
a significant purpose or symbolizes something meaningful.

In conclusion, beauty comes in many forms and is not limited to superficial

appearances. Just a simple look at a beautiful sunrise or a garden of flowers can
brighten up our day and make us appreciate the little things in life.
Beauty also has the power to inspire us, it can bring a sense of peace mixed with
calmness and is unique to everyone. What one person finds beautiful may not be
the same for another that could find in beauty a source of joy and inspiration.

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