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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


SY 2023-2024

Name: Date:
Section: Score:

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write
it on the answer sheet.

1. Greeks knew that the Earth is spherical. Who is the Greek philosopher and scientist
that first introduced the round model of the Earth in the 6 th century BC?
A. Anaxagoras
B. Aristotle
C. Plato
D. Pythagoras

2. Aristotle listed several arguments for a spherical Earth. Which of the following is an
idea of Aristotle that explains why Earth is round without a modern evidence?
A. Earth is round because circle is a perfect shape.
B. Earth is round because the sun and moon are also round.
C. Earth is round because it is seen in space photographs.
D. Earth is round because we have different time zones.

3. Below are astronomical phenomena that were already observed before the advent of
telescopes, except ___________________.
A. Daily and annual motion of the stars.
B. Observance of other planets such as Pluto and Neptune.
C. Phases of the moon.
D. Rising and setting of the Sun in the east and west, respectively.

4. Babylonians and Egyptians used an ancient version of sundial called gnomon. It is

used by looking at the shadows that the gnomon casts. What is it used for?
A. To observe what direction the sun rises and sets.
B. To estimate the circumference of the Earth.
C. To measure the distance of the Earth to the Sun.
D. To forecast the upcoming weather in the area.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

5. According to Kepler’s Laws of Planetary motion, a planet that is further from the
Sun would take how much amount of time to orbit the Sun compared to planets that
are closer to the Sun?
A. More time
B. Less time
C. The same amount of time
D. It cannot be compared.

6. Brahe’s work were pivotal in the formulation of the Laws of Planetary Motion. Which
of the following is not true about the work of Brahe and his assistant, Kepler?
A. Kepler believed that there is a force from the Sun that moves the planets.
B. Brahe assigned Kepler to interpret Mars movement around the Sun, but it
did not fit Brahe’s data.
C. Brahe, with minimal assistance of Kepler, formulated the three laws of
planetary motion.
D. Kepler, with his own observations, and with the works of Brahe, accurately
described the motions of the planets in the solar system.

7. Who believed that the vertical motion of an object is based on its element, which is
the vertical motion is in direction of its natural place?
A. Aristotle
B. Galileo
C. Newton
D. Kepler

8. In terms of horizontal motion of an object, which of the following statements is true

if we compare Aristotelian and Galilean conception of motion?
A. Aristotle believed that force is needed to sustain horizontal motion.
B. Galileo believed that the motion of an object does not depend on its
C. Aristotle believed that impetus is needed to sustain the horizontal
movement of an object.
D. Galileo believed that the motion of objects thrown in space was downward
due to gravity.

9. Galileo believed that projectile motion of an object is a combination of horizontal

and vertical motion acting simultaneously on the object. How did Galileo explain this?
A. Using a cannonball firing as an example.
B. An object will fall straight to the ground like a free-falling object.
C. An impetus will propel the direction of an object.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

D. An arrow moves forward as soon as it is released from the bow.

10. Galileo experimented on inclined planes to study uniform acceleration. Which of

the following observations did he make?
A. When a ball rolls down on inclined plane, its speed decreases.
B. When a ball rolls upward on inclined plane, its speed increases.
C. When a ball rolls down on inclined plane, its speed increases.
B When a ball rolls upward on inclined plane, its speed does not change.

11. Galileo dropped two objects with unequal weights, with a very minimal air
resistance affecting the objects. He noticed that both objects fell at the same time.
What is his conclusion?
A. When objects fall, heavier ones, fall faster than lighter ones.
B. Objects, regardless of the weight, would hit the ground at the same
C. Falling objects have same speed as they go down.
D. Objects fall with uniform velocity.

12. Which of the following statements is coherent with Galileo from the inclined plane
A. As the inclined plane became steeper, the acceleration of the rolling
ball increased.
B. The ball reached its maximum acceleration when the inclined plane was
positioned horizontally.
C. The total distance travelled by the ball does not depend on the time.
D. The velocity of the ball increased as the ball move up the inclined plane.

13. It is defined as the tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion.
A. Mass
B. Inertia
C. Action-Reaction
D. Acceleration.

14. What is the difference between Newton’s and Galileo’s assertion on motion?
I. Newton pointed out that an object in horizontal motion has constant velocity.
II. Newton claimed that an object in vertical motion has a constant velocity.
III. Galileo concluded that in absence of friction, an object will roll down an
inclined plane indefinitely.
IV. Galileo said that an object moving vertically would accelerate at an
increasing rate.
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Department of Education

A. I and II are correct, III and IV are false.

B. Only I and IV are correct.
C. I, II and III are correct.
D. Only II and III are correct.

15. Newton stated that in the absence of the downward force that pulls things down to
Earth, an object will travel with constant velocity along the direction where it is
propelled. What does he mean by this?
A. An object will only accelerate when a force is applied to it.
B. The velocity of an object in both horizontal and vertical motion are increasing
when there is no external force stopping it.
C. An object in horizontal motion has constant velocity, regardless there is
gravity or not.
D. Both B and C are correct.

16. There are two types of reflection: regular and irregular. Regular reflection occurs
when light strikes a smooth surface. What is observed in this reflection?
A. Light rays are reflected in random directions.
B. Light rays are reflected in one direction.
C. Image we see around us is a product of regular reflection.
D. Regular reflection is rarely observed.

17. We often see light passing through glass windows. What characteristic of light is
A. Absorption
B. Refraction
C. Reflection
D. Transmission

18. Dispersion is the separation of white light into colors due to refraction. Which of
the following is a suited example of this?
A. Passing of light through transparent materials such as glass.
B. Passing of light through a prism.
C. Passing of light through two different media.
D. Light not passing through a black curtains.

19. When an object appears to be white, how is it explain in terms of the

characteristics of light?
A. The object absorbs all the component of light.
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Department of Education

B. The object reflects all the component of light.

C. The object is penetrated by white light.
D. The object reflects white light.

20. Refractive index of a material is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum and the
speed of light in the material. Evaluate the following statements and determine which
is true about refractive index.
A. Light slows down when it travels from a medium with a low refractive
index to a medium with a higher refractive index.
B. Light speeds up when light travels from a medium with a high refractive
index to a medium with a higher refractive index.
C. Light slows down when light travels from a medium with a high refractive
index to a medium with a higher refractive index.
D. Light speeds up when it travels from a medium with a low refractive
index to a medium with a higher refractive index.

21. What kind of spectrum is made of the light released by electrons returning to the
ground state?
A. Absorption Line Spectrum
B. Atomic Spectrum
C. Continuous Spectrum
D. Emission Line Spectrum

22. When we see a rainbow, which spectrum of light is observed?

A. Absorption Line Spectrum
B. Atomic Spectrum
C. Continuous Spectrum
D. Emission Line Spectrum

23. The Energy of an individual can be determined from its frequency using the
equation: E = hf. Which of the following is true about this equation?
A. f is the Planck’s constant which is equal to 6.626 × 10-34 J·s
B. The frequency of a photon is proportional to its energy.
C. This equation is derived from the wave model of light.
D. The equation is only applicable to high-energy light, like UV.

24. A photon has a frequency of 1.50 x 10 15 Hz. How much energy does it possess?
A. 9.94 x 10-19 J
B. 6.626 x 10-34 J.s
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Department of Education

C. 1.34 x 1039 J
D. 1.51 x 1034 J

25. Which of the following is not a theorized idea of De Broglie on the wave-like nature
of electrons?
A. The wavelength of a particle is related to Planck’s constant.
B. If light, with wave phenomenon, can act like a particle, then a particle can
also act like a wave.
C. The wavelength of a particle is directly proportional to the momentum
of the particle.
D. The wavelength shows the wave nature of an electron.

26. David and Germer’s experiment proved that an electron has a wave property.
Which is the correct step followed in their experiment?
I. An interference pattern is observed.
II. A beam of electrons is bombarded to a recrystallized nickel.
III. The beam of electrons was diffracted.
IV. The setup is placed in a vacuum chamber.

A. I – II – III – IV
B. II – III – I – IV
C. IV – II – III – I
D. IV – I – II - III

27. An electron diffraction grating is modern instrument that shows the wave nature
of electrons. How is this used?
I. Electrons diffract to produce ring patterns in the screen.
II. A beam of electron is fired by an electron gun.
III. The electron beam hits the phosphor screen.
IV. The electron beam passes through a carbon disk.

A. II – IV – III – I
B. I – IV – III – II
C. IV – III – II – I
D. III – II – I – IV

28. This is the spreading of light when it encounters an obstacle or an opening.

A. Diffraction
B. Dispersion
C. Interference
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Department of Education

D. Scattering

29. Which of the following is a daily observable phenomena involving diffraction of

A. White light passing through a prism, and a band of colors is shown.
B. When sunlight bends around the atmospheric particles in the clouds,
and borders of colored dark bands appear.
C. When raindrops fall into still water, and they create tiny waves that spread
out in all directions.
D. Clouds are white because of water droplets scatter light.

30. What is the difference between the constructive and destructive interferences?
A. Constructive interference results in the cancellation of waves, while
destructive results in addition of waves.
B. Constructive interference occurs when identical parts of the waves
meet, while destructive occurs when opposite parts of the waves
C. Both constructive and destructive interferences result in a new wave with
twice the amplitude.
D. Both constructive and destructive interferences result in a new wave with
the same wavelength.

31. How would you know that diffraction is useful in viewing objects under a
A. When the wavelength has the same size as the object.
B. When the wavelength is larger than the size of the object.
C. When the wavelength is smaller than the size of the object.
D. Diffraction is always useful in viewing objects under a microscope.

32. You tried seeing a reflection of yourself on the back of a spoon. What did you see?
A. The reflected image appears to be smaller.
B. The reflected image appears to be inverted.
C. The reflected image appears to be upright.
D. There is no reflected image.

33. In a heat haze, what do you observe of the apparent image of the objects in front of
you that were formed due to refracted sunlight?
A. The reflected image appears to be extremely larger than the original objects.
B. The reflected image appears to be upside down.
C. The reflected image appears to be upright.
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Department of Education

D. There is no reflected image since there is no mirror.

34. Your friend is wearing a blue shirt, while you wear a red shirt. You both entered a
room with a fluorescent light, and then entered a different room with incandescent
light. How do you perceive each other’s shirts in the two different rooms?
A. The blue shirt appears bluer under a fluorescent light than in an
incandescent light.
B. The red shirt appears redder under a fluorescent light than in an
incandescent light.
C. The blue shirt appears bluer under an incandescent light than in a
fluorescent light.
D. Neither the red nor blue shirt appears darker or lighter in any room.

35. Why do clouds mostly appear to be white?

A. Because water droplets scatter color white frequencies in all directions.
B. Because clouds are too thick for light to pass through, hence, light is
C. Because clouds contain almost no water droplets.
D. Because clouds are gaseous, and hence, colored white.

36. This phenomenon happens due to the refraction of light upon hitting cirrus or
cirrostratus clouds. What do we call these?
A. Sundogs
B. Parhelia
C. Halo
D. Both A and B

37. Heinrich Hertz contributed significantly to the development of televisions and radio
by producing radio pulses. What part of these devices did Hertz invent?
A. Antenna
B. Screen
C. Power source
D. Remote Control

38. Heinrich Hertz produced and detected radio waves using a device called a spark-
gap transmitter. Arrange the following sequence of events on how he used this device.
I. A high voltage electricity was applied to create sparks.
II. A violent pulses of electric current was produced from the copper wire.
III. An electromagnetic wave (radio waves) was produced around the wire.
IV. Sparks jumped across the spark gap.
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Department of Education

A. I – II – III – IV
B. I – III – IV – II
C. I – IV- II – III
D. I – II – III - IV

39. Which of the following statements is true about radio pulses?

A. Radio pulses can be picked by and transmitted via an antenna.
B. The strength and rate of fluctuation of current can transmit radio pulses
with only one wavelength.
C. A physical contact between devices is needed to transmit and receive radio
D. Radio waves have the longest wavelength; hence, they can be seen.

40. What is the principle where the Newtonian Mechanics agree with, but not with
Maxwell’s Electrodynamic Theory?
A. Law of Ellipses
B. Galilean Relativity
C. Lorentz Transformation
D. Special Theory of Relativity

41. Galileo predicted that the speed of light in an inertial frame of reference is
dependent on a certain velocity, however, Maxwell stated that it is constant at 3.0 x
108 m/s. How did Einstein resolve this conflict?
A. By stating that the speed of light is constant for all observers.
B. By stating that speed of light is not constant but slows down since light is
C. By stating that speed of light is not constant but speeds up since light is
D. Einstein was not able to resolve this conflict.

42. Fernando is an astronaut who left for a round-trip to a distant planet. The
spaceship he rode moved at a speed of 0.95c relative to Earth. According to the
space control station on Earth, the trip took 20 years. How long was the round-trip
according to Fernando’s clock on board the spaceship?
A. 25.7 years
B. 19.2 years
C. 6.24 years
D. 8.56 years
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

43. In what case is the Special Theory of Relativity applicable?

A. When an object is moving and is accelerated.
B. When an object is in uniform motion.
C. When an object travels in curvilinear direction.
D. It is applicable in all cases.

44. Which of the following is not a consequence of the General Theory of Relativity?
A. Gravitational Redshift
B. Precession of Mercury’s orbit
C. Perception of length contraction by an observer.
D. There is no observable consequence from this theory.

45. One of the postulates of the General Theory of Relativity is the Principle of
Equivalence. What is this?
A. Gravity is not a force but a consequence of the curvature of space-time.
B. The effects of gravity and acceleration are the same.
C. Light can be bent by massive objects such as a star.
D. Existence of bodies massive enough to pull light and keep it from escaping.


46. It is the shift in the wavelength of the emitted light of an object which is
proportional to the speed with which the object moves.
A. Parallax
B. Doppler Effect
C. Distance Modulus
D. Cosmic Distance Ladder

47. Which of the following is true about cosmic distance ladder?

A. It is the measure of the distance of Earth from the sun.
B. It is the apparent change in the position of an object due to change in the
way it is perceived.
C. It is the most common method used to measure distances of celestial
bodies that can be seen from Earth.
D. It is a method used to measure distances of far-off objects using the
apparent brightness and spectrum of a star.

48. The measured wavelength of emitted light from a far-away galaxy is 5.05✕1010 km
and the rest wavelength is 5.00✕1010 km. What is the velocity of the galaxy?
A. 4.55 x 105 m/s
B. 2.52 x 1010 m/s
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Department of Education

C. 3.00 x 106 m/s

D. 1.24 x 108 m/s

49. Slipher and Wirtz discovered the doppler shift, which supported the Big Bang
Theory’s idea of an expanding universe. How did they discover this?
A. By measuring the increased wavelengths of light from a spiral nebula.
B. By detecting the remains of energy created after the Big Bang expansion.
C. By proving that multiple universes co-exist.
D. By measuring the abundance of light elements in the universe.

50. Arrange the following events chronologically according to the stages of the Big
Bang model.
I. Energy expanded, creating matter and anti-matter.
II. The singularity expanded rapidly in a process called inflation.
III. The universe cooled down as it continues to expand.
IV. Nucleosynthesis begin, and substances start to form.
V. Celestial bodies such as planets and stars were created.

A. I – II – III – IV – V
B. II – III – I – IV - V
C. II – IV – III – I - V
D. II – I – III – IV - V
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


1 D 11 B 21 D 31 C 41 A
2 B 12 A 22 C 32 C 42 C
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 B 43 B
4 A 14 C 24 A 34 A 44 C
5 A 15 A 25 C 35 B 45 B
6 C 16 B 26 C 36 D 46 B
7 A 17 D 27 A 37 A 47 C
8 C 18 B 28 A 38 D 48 C
9 A 19 B 29 B 39 A 49 A
10 C 20 A 30 B 40 B 50 D

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