Form 5 1st Seqence

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NAME: _________________________________________________________

INSTRUCTION: mark x on the correct answer
D. They run from west to east.
MATAMFEN BILINGUAL 7. If local time in town X is 10pm and that of town
INSTITUTE Y is 4pm on the same day, it implies that the
town X lies to the ___ of Y.
CLASS: FORM 5 DURATION: 1hr 30mins A. North.
C. West.
Name: _______________________________________
8. Water from the earth surface gets to the
atmosphere through the process of:
1. Ordnance survey maps show all of the following
A. Sublimation.
natural features except:
B. Precipitation.
A. Climate.
C. Condensation.
B. Drainage.
D. Evaporation.
C. Relief.
D. Vegetation
9. What other name can be given to the water
2. If the scale of a map is 1:25000, how far will be
A. Hydrological cycle.
the ground distance if the is a measurement of
B. Atmospheric circulation.
17cm on such a map?
C. Biogeochemical cycle.
A. 4.25cm.
D. Water circulation.
B. 8.5cm
C. 4.25km
10. On a weather map, a line connecting places of
D. 8.5km
equal air pressure is called?
A. Isohel
3. Figure 1 below is for question 3. The grid
B. Isobar.
reference for the mountain peak is:
16 C. Isotherm.
15 D. Isohyet.
13 11. Water vapor condenses into water droplets in the
44 45 46 47 48
atmosphere when:
A. Relative humility is 0%
A. 144467 B. Dew point is reached.
B. 469145 C. Temperature is 100%.
C. 465145 D. Condensation nuclei is much.
D. 144462 _____________________________________________
_______________________________________ 12. “Generally, mountain tops tend to be colder”.
4. On a topographic map, the evidence of a poorly Which factor of climate is referred to this
drained area is the presence of: statement?
A. Streams and rivers. A. Aspect.
B. Swamps and marches. B. Altitude.
C. Rock outcrops. C. Distance from the sea.
D. Lakes and springs. D. Latitude.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________________
5. The experience of day and night is caused by:
A. The spinning of the earth on its axis. 13. Which type of climate dose the data on table
B. The spinning of the earth around the sun. below represent?
C. The movement of the earth and the moon.
month J F M A M J J A S O N D
D. The spherical shape of the earth. Temp 7 8 11 18 22 22 24 21 17 12 8 8
________________________________ (0C)
Rainfall 81 69 74 66 54 41 18 25 64 127 112 99
6. Which of the following is a characteristic of (mm)
longitudes? A. Mediterranean climate.
A. They are parallel to each other B. Cool temperate climate.
B. They form complete circles C. Tropical monsoon climate.
C. They have equal lengths
D. Tropical continental climate. C. Sedimentary rocks.
D. Metamorphic rocks.
14. When the relative humidity of an area is low how
would the hygrometer look like? 20. Faulting will produced the following EXCEPT:
A. The wet and dry bulb thermometers read A. Horsts
differently. B. Rift valley.
B. The wet and dry bulb thermometers read C. Fault scarp.
the same. D. Dykes.
C. The wet and dry bulb thermometers show
little differences. _____________________________________________
D. The wet and dry bulb thermometers show
wide differences. 21. An exfoliation dome is formed by:
A. Wetting and drying.
_____________________________________________ B. Temperature changes.
C. Frost action.
15. This is the method of soil conservation? D. Pressure release.
A. Overgrazing.
B. Over cropping. _____________________________________________
C. Terracing.
D. Deforestation. 22. Study figure 2 and answer the question that

16. Sort out the odd statement from the information

on vegetation below:
A. Steppe, prairie and pampas are temperature
B. Prairies and savannah are tropical grasslands.
C. Prairies, pampas and steppe are of the cool
temperate climate.
D. Savannah, steppe and pampas have
continental locations.

_____________________________________________ The features represented by letters W, X, Y and

Z in their correct order are:
17. A large area with the same characteristic of A. Cave, cliff, blow hole, cape.
climate, soil, pans and animals is a? B. Cave, arch, stack, stump.
A. Region. C. Geo, arch, cape, cave.
B. Environment. D. Cave, cliff, cape, stump.
C. Biome.
D. Habitat. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ 23. Which of the following groups of gasses is made
up only of greenhouse gases?
18. When two continental plate margins meet they A. Carbon dioxide-Methane-Nitrous oxides.
form: B. Carbon dioxide-nitrogen-water vapour.
A. Deep sea trench. C. Carbon dioxide-oxygen-sulphure dioxide.
B. Rift valley. D. Carbon monoxide-nitrogen-water vapour.
C. Mid-ocean ridge.
D. Fold mountain range. _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ 24. Study the following :
i. Heavey rain.
19. Rocks formed from fragments of other rocks or ii. Hail stones.
remains of living organisms are called: iii. Poor drainage.
A. Pre-cambrian rocks. iv. Rain bearing clouds.
B. Igneous rocks.
Which of the following pairs gives only cause of B. Mainly for subsistence.
C. Small farm sizes.
Flood in lowland D. Large farm sizes.
A. i &iv. 31. In which of these forests trees occur in pure
B. i &iii. stands for easy exploitation.
C. ii &iv. A. Mangrove forest.
D. ii & iii. B. Tropical rainforest.
_____________________________________________ C. Temperate coniferous forest.
D. Tropical monsoon forest.
25. Desertification is experience in _____________________________________________
A. Semi-arid climate. 32. an important way to conserve fish resource is to:
B. Humid climate. A. Practice indiscriminate fishing.
C. Cold climate. B. Make use of nets with very small holes.
D. Mountainous climate. C. Issue licenses to whoever wants to exploit.
D. Use nets with large hole for fishing.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
33. “It involves the sieving of deposits of sand and
26. The following are some effects of volcanicity particles of valuable minerals such as goal.”
i. It provide fertile soils for farming What name is given to the minim method?
ii. It provides man with a clean source of A. Shaft method.
water B. Placer method.
iii. It causes loss of life and damage property C. Open cast method.
iv. Soils change to rock out crop D. Adit method.
34. Which one of the following is an advantage of
Which combination gives only the beneficial?
hydroelectric power (H.E.P) over coal?
effect of man
A. HEP is a non-renewable compared to coal.
A. i& ii.
B. HEP is more difficult to transport over long
B. ii & iv.
distances than coal.
C. i & iv.
C. HEP is cleaner to use than coal.
D. ii &iii.
D. HEP is a greenhouse gas producer.
27. At what stage of economic development on the
Read the following newspaper report carefully and
Rostow’s model can Cameroon be placed?
Answer questions 35 and36.
A. Traditional society.
“Because of low rainfall, farmers were unable to
B. Pre-condition for takeoff.
irrigate their farms. The water sources were drying up.
C. Take- off.
Carrot, lettuce, cabbage, potatoes and leeks withered
D. High mass consumption.
and died.”
(Source: adapted from times scape magazine; 2012
28. Which among these is NOT one of the
April/ May)
millennium development goals?
35. The environmental hazard suffered by the
A. Eradicate extreme poverty.
farmers can be described as:
B. Promote gender equity.
A. Low rainfall.
C. Reduce infant mortality.
B. Global warming.
D. Reduce level of education.
C. Drought.
D. Desertification.
29. A cocoa farmer who grows some maize and
cocoyam’s in between his cocoa plants for
36. The faming type in the passage can be described
subsistence is practicing?
A. Monoculture.
A. Mixed farming.
B. Mixed farming.
B. Irrigation farming.
C. Mixed cropping.
C. Truck farming.
D. Monocropping.
D. Horticulture.
30. Which of this is a characteristic feature of
37. it is the fastest, most comfortable but most
intensive farming?
expensive mode of transport
A. Low yield per acre.
A. Land. _____________________________________________
B. Water. 44. the ranking of towns according to their sizes and
C. Air. functions is referred to as:
D. Cable. A. urban fringing
_____________________________________________ B. urban hierarchy
38. One of the following is an INCORRECT strategy C. urban morphology
for development that can be used by the low D. central Business district
income countries (LICs) to attain economic _____________________________________________
emergence. 45. “Bankok is the capital city of Thailand.40% of
A. Cheap loans and subsidies to industries. its passengers go by unventilated buses and
B. Restrictions on imports to protect infant suffer from chronic gas poisoning.”
industries. What type of pollution is referred to in the
C. revaluation of currencies to make export passage?
expensive. A. Land.
D. Tax holidays and creation of free trade zones B. Air.
for investors. C. Water.
_____________________________________________ D. Sound.
39. The following statements are reasons for trade 46. “The harnessing of rivers constitutes major
blocks EXCEPT: projects in both developing and developed
A. They protect infant industries within member countries”.
countries. Pick out the correct project and river over which
B. They lead to the production of low quality it is found
goods. A. Kainji project-river Niger.
C. They increase the GDP of member countries. B. Akossombo Dam project- River Volta.
D. They encourage good relations between C. Ladgo project-River Logone.
members. D. Aswan High Dam- River Zambezi.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
40. What will tourist wish to avoid? 47. Which one of the following is an activity of
A. Good hotels. volcanic mountain in Cameroon?
B. Good food. A. Mount Fako.
C. Shopping facilities. B. Mount Manenguba.
D. Civil strife. C. Mount Oku.
_____________________________________________ D. Mount Mandara.
41. A region has 30.000 inhabitants, with a surface _____________________________________________
area of 5.000km2. What is the population density 48. Why is Debundscha the wettest place in
of this region? Cameroon?
A. 0.1667 persons per km2. A. It is a low latitude area
B. 6 persons per m2. B. It is on a rain shadow slope
C. 5 persons per km2. C. It is on a high latitude slope
D. 6persons per km2. D. It is on a windward slope
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
42. The number of babies who die before the age of 49. “The Adamawa plateau has a tropical climate
one (1) in a year expressed as a thousand of the and savannah vegetation”.
number of live birth of a country’s population is: The most likely wind spread economic activity
A. Dead rate. practiced by its inhabitants is:
B. Infant mortality rate. A. Livestock rearing
C. Life expectancy. B. Oil palm cultivation
D. Mortality rate. C. Forest exploitation
_____________________________________________ D. Mineral exploitation
43. In a village that depends on agriculture, what _____________________________________________
factors will the people consider in locating their 50. If Cameroon eventually achieves her ambition of
village? becoming an emergent nation in 2035, the
A. Fertile soil and grazing land. country will then be referred to as:
B. Security and fertile soils. A. A least industrialized country (LIC).
C. Grazing land and building material. B. An advanced industrialized country (AIC)
D. Water availability and grazing land. C. A new industrialized country (NIC)
D. A heavily indebted poor country (HIPC).


Instruction: Answer Three (03) questions choosing at least one from each section
1. a. Definition the following terms as used in Geography
i. Condensation
ii. Evapotranspiration.
iii. Atmosphere.
iv. Hydrological cycle (4 marks)
b. State and explain four (04) factors influencing the rate of condensation. (8
c. Briefly explain the various forms of condensation (6 marks)
d. State and explain the various layers of the Atmosphere. (2 marks)
2. a. With the aid of diagrams, state and explain four evidence of the earth sphericity (8
b. With the use of diagrams, differentiate between longitude and latitude (6 marks)
c. Explain 2 evidence of the theory of continental drift. (4 marks)
d. Defined the following terms as used in Geography.
i. Rotation of the earth
ii. Revolution of the earth. (2 marks)

3. (a) State four similarities between plantation farming and mechanized farming. (4
(b) Describe THREE problems facing fish and forest in to world today.
(6 marks)
(c) Account for the
Age(Years) Country A Country B
growth of many urban
0-15 58% 15%
centers since the 1950s. (4
marks) 16-64 38% 63%
4. 65+ 4% 22% Explain, using
THREE reasons, why many manufacturing industries are few in Developing
Countries. (6 marks)

5. .(a) Match the following problems in lump ONE with the corresponding solution
that is appropriate in column TWO.
Problems Solutions
i Disused factor building A Encouraging the informal sector
ii Water supply shortage' B Development
Developmentof ofbusiness
in Pollution of the air C Building of more new roads
iv Unemployment D Building more new reservoirs
v Traffic congestion E Improve security and discourage rural-
vi Crime and Vandalism F Education and lines for more than allowed
urban migration
Brifly explain TWO ways by which industrial growth brings about global warming.
c. study the table and answer the questions that follow:

Which of these is an Advanced Industrialized Country (AIC)? Give TWO reasons. (5

(c) Outline Two problems and TWO solutions of road transport
development in Least Industrialized Countries (LICs). (4 marks)


6. a) Locate and name the following information on the outline map of Cameroon
The Equatorial forest zone; river Chari; Cameroon mountain; the Congo basin; the
Chad-Cameroon pipeline; one Industrial region (7 marks)
(b) Describe the climatic characteristics of the equatorial region of Cameroon under
rainfall and temperature. (3 +3 = 6 marks)
(c) (i)
Describe TWO reasons why livestock rearing is highly carried out in the northern
parts of Cameroon. (4 marks)
(ii) Suggest TWO reasons why the Government of Cameroon considers the informal sector
important to the economy (3 marks)

7. a. Locate and name the following information on the outline map of Cameroon provided:
i. Bamenda
ii. One area of sparse population;
iii. A forest reserve
iv. One international airport;
v. One area where mining of petroleum (oil) takes place. (6 marks)

(b)Give TWO reasons for the low population density in the region marked in a (ii).
(3 marks)
(b) (i) Describe THREE problems common to Cameroon towns today. (3 marks)
(c) (ii) State the attempts made by government to solve these problems. (2 marks)

(d) "Cameroon will become an emergent state by the year 2035". How is the Government
of Cameroon preparing for this in the following sectors?
(e) (i) Manufacturing industries (ii) Energy (iii) Minerals (6 marks)


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