Assignment Sem III 2011

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Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the 30/10/11 _____________________________________________________________________

Course Code: MS-95 Course Title: Research methodology Coverage: All Blocks ___________________________________________________________ Note: Attempt all the questions. Q.1 Managerial decision making is greatly influenced by the quality of information. Discuss the roll of and application of research in business Q.2 Describe the various methods of collecting primary data and comment on their relative advantages and disadvantages. Q.3 Discuss the essential questionnaire. What steps/guidelines will you follow while developing any questionnaire. Q.4 Briefly explain various types of sampling technique. Highlighting their merits and demerits. Q.5 Describe in brief, the importance of editing, classification, tabulation and demerits. Q.6 Distinguish the differences between parametric and non-parametric tests. What are the importance of non-parametric test? Q.7 discuss the managerial application of following techniques (a) Regression analysis (b) Discriminate analysis (c) Factor analysis (B) What do you understand by term decision making? Please explain what id the role of models in managerial decision making. Q.8 Explain the components of a research report and steps involved in its development. What precautions are taken while writing a research report?


Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the 30/10/11 _____________________________________________________________________

Course Code: MS-56 Course Title: (Purchase and Materials Management) Coverage: All Blocks ___________________________________________________________ Note: Attempt all the questions. Q.1 What do you understand by materials management. Explain strategic role of materials management in an organization. Q.2 Discuss critically linkages of materials management with other functional area of management. Q.3 What do you understand by sourcing, explain important aspects and stages of source selection. Q.4 What is negotiation process in purchasing, explain principles, techniques, guidelines and rules of negotiation. Q.5 What do you understand by manufacturing planning and control, explain with schematic diagram. Q.6 Discuss the importance of MPS and BOM, explain with suitable example. Q.7 Write short notes on following (i) MRP II (ii) Just in Time Production System (iii) Push v/s pull system (iv) Kanab System Q.8 Derive relationship for the basic EOQ inventory model. Q.9 What do you understand by selective control of inventory, explain following (i) A-B-C analysis (ii) V-E-D analysis Q.10 (a) What is procurement cycle? Briefly explain different elements of purchase cycle. (b) What do you understand by 5 Rs of scientific purchasing.


Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the 30/10/11 _____________________________________________________________________

Course Code: MS-09 Course Title: (Managerial Economics) Coverage: All Blocks ___________________________________________________________ Note: Attempt all the questions.

Q.1 Discuss the nature and scope of managerial economics. Q.2 What is the basic objective of affirms? Distinguish between Accounting Profit and Economic profit with the help of an illustration. Q.3 Differentiate between Monopoly and Monopolistic competition giving examples. Q.4 What are different methods of forecasting demand? Explain main determinants of demand. Q.5 What are the important characteristics of perfect competition ?Explain (with the help of graph)the profit maximizing output under perfect competition in short run. Q.6 What is indifference curve analysis? What are its properties? Q.7 Explain break-even analysis on the basis of its concept, use, drawbacks and advantages. Q.8 Explain how firm under oligopoly fixes the price and output?


Dear students, Please attempt all the questions and submit it to the _____________________________________________________________________

Course Code: MS-10 Course Title: (Organizational Design Dave.& change) Coverage: All Blocks ___________________________________________________________ Note: Attempt all the questions.

Q.1 Discuss the meaning and characteristics of an organization. Q.2 Describe how organization acts as a system. Q.3 Discuss the meaning and the theories of organizational design. Q.4 What are the key factors that affect organization design. Q.5 Briefly describe the horizontal, boundary less and virtual organization designs. Explain how they meet the challenges of the new environment .

Q.6 Discuss various approaches to job design. Describe the contemporary job design techniques. Q.7 What are the different methods of an organizational analysis? Discuss. Q.8 Interview any of the chief executive who is regarded to have built up an organization. Based on his experiences prepare a case study on institution building .

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