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This document establishes the TRANSFER OF USE AGREEMENT that we celebrate on the one hand, the
Transport Company……………………………………with Single Taxpayer Registration No.………………….., with
legal address at ………………………………. , which from now on will be called THE COMPANY duly
represented by its General Manager Mr.………………………………………identified with DNI No.
………………….., with power registered in the Public Registry of Lima and Callao in File No.……………….., and
on the other hand Mr.…………………… ………, identified with DNI No.……………………., of Civil
Status……………, with real address in…………………………..………., owner of the License Plate Vehicle Unit
Break-in No.…………………, Class ……………………, Make………………, Model ……………………, Engine No.
………………., Series No.……………., Year…………., who from now on will be referred to as THE
OWNER contract that, observing the legal formalities, we sign in the exercise of our contractual freedom,
according to the following clauses and conditions:

FIRST: THE COMPANY is a legal entity under private law, whose main objective is to dedicate itself to the
provision of Regular Public Passenger Transportation Service and other related services.

SECOND: THE OWNER is the owner of the vehicle unit with license plate No.………………...,
model……………………., year of manufacture…………………, class…… …………., as evidenced by the
Property Card No.…………….., issued on date………………..

THIRD: THE COMPANY agrees to include within its Authorized Fleet the vehicle unit of the OWNER , with the
purpose of providing regular public passenger transportation service on Code Route………………, authorized by
the Urban Transportation Management of the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima.

FOURTH: THE OWNER through this contract transfers the use of the vehicle unit of his property to THE
COMPANY, who undertakes to pay the OWNER of the vehicle unit for the use of the vehicle the sum equivalent
to…………………… …..

FIFTH: The validity of this contract will be one (01) year from the date of subscription and will be renewed
automatically, unless expressly provided by one of the parties.

SIXTH: THE COMPANY assumes responsibility and obligation for any non-compliance with current rules and
regulations, issued by the Administrative Authority, in which THE OWNER 'S vehicle participates.

SEVENTH: THE COMPANY is obliged to control and maintain in force the insurance policy against third parties
as well as the Mandatory Insurance against Traffic Accidents – SOAT, in accordance with the provisions issued
by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Administrative Authority. The costs of contracting
and canceling the policy will be borne by THE COMPANY .

EIGHTH: THE COMPANY will arrange the use of its colors, logos or interior or exterior advertising in the vehicle
unit, which it considers appropriate in order to comply with the provisions issued by the Administrative Authority
in the provision of public transportation service on the code route. ……………..,

NINTH: THE COMPANY undertakes to keep the vehicle unit in optimal operating conditions, and must notify the
Administrative Authority and the owner in writing in advance if it remains out of service due to mechanical or
other failures.

TENTH: THE COMPANY undertakes to return the vehicle in the same conditions in which it was received,
except for the deterioration caused by normal use of the vehicle, taking responsibility for any breakdown suffered
during the term of this contract.

ELEVENTH: THE COMPANY undertakes that the vehicle unit that provides services on the authorized route
does not have tickets or resolution of sanctions for transit and transportation pending payment, committing to
cancel within the term granted by the corresponding Administrative Authority.

TWELFTH: The parties expressly agree that any controversy or conflict arising from the interpretation or execution of this
contract will be resolved directly by the parties, for which purpose they undertake to make their best efforts for the harmonious
solution of their disputes in accordance with the rules. of good faith and taking into account the common intention of the
parties, a period that may not exceed ten (10) business days from the day on which the emergence of the dispute is
communicated to the other party. If, despite them, differences persist between THE OWNER and the COMPANY , it will
constitute grounds for resolution, under article 1428 of the Civil Code.

THIRTEENTH: Once the full resolution has been made and/or the duration of this contract has expired , THE
COMPANY must immediately return the vehicle to the OWNER .

This Contract is signed in triplicate, and THE COMPANY is obliged to send a copy to the administrative authority
(Urban Transportation Management), for its knowledge and registration.

The parties duly aware of the tenor of this document, in use of their faculties and rights, sign it in the city of Lima,
on the………days of the month of…………….of…………


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