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MAGDA "Because what is important is not the happiness that is achieved, but the
happiness that is sought; not the goal, but the effort to reach it."

ALFONSO Good afternoon, with hope, with anxiety, perhaps with fear, once again
a group of young people culminate the cycle of basic education, to start another
one in secondary education. Life is a constant change and the passage from one
stage to the next is both painful and joyful; yes, it is hard to let them go, to see
them leave the nest, it is hard for parents, teachers and the school as a whole.

However, we understand that it is necessary for them to fight for each of their
goals, transforming themselves into the men and women of tomorrow; this is then,
a moment of joy, a moment that we wish to share with you today, the authorities of
our institution, the teaching staff, parents, students and friends of our beloved

We kindly ask you to rise from your seats in order to welcome the 2010-2013 class
of our school, composed of third grade students who will be led by their respective

(Presentation of the groups)

 We started with the group of 3 "A", accompanied by their teacher. Ana
Luisa Favela Ríos.
 We continue with profr. Javier Cruz Chávez, and the group of 3 "B".
 Then we received Professor Mario Alberto Pérez Pérez and the group of 3
 It is the turn of group 3 "D" accompanied by Profr. Abelardo Carlos Adame
 We invite the 3 "E" group to come in accompanied by their Profra. Ileana
Colunga de la Garza
 Finally, we received the group of 3 "F". and his tutor teacher Profr. David
Cuevas Martínez

(Presentation of guests.)

ALFONSO Continuing with our program, we are honored to have the presence of
special guests at the presidium table who share with us today this special moment
and whom we thank in advance for their presence at this solemn ceremony.
 Among us is Profra. Bertha del Rosario Zúñiga Vega, Zone 24 Inspector
 We are also grateful for the presence of Profr. Juan José Ruíz director of
our Institution.
 We are also accompanied by Profr. Francisco Javier Elizondo Santos
assistant principal of our school.
 We also counted with the presence of Profr. Juan Eduardo Díaz Agüiñaga
Secretary General of the Delegation D-II-77
 Also present was Profr. Sergio Agüiñaga Rodríguez, who is the Technical
Advisor of our school.
 At the same time, we are grateful for the presence of Dora Elida Agüero
Rodríguez, President of the Parents' Society and Representative of the
Social Participation Council of our high school.

(Honors to the Flag and Change of Escort).

MAGDA One of our obligations as Mexicans is to respect and honor our national
symbols. This special day corresponds to the third grade students of secondary
school the ceremony of honors to the flag.
Let's begin the civic ceremony by receiving our national flag led by the martial
music of the war band, followed by the change of escort.

(Pause)...(The principal hands over the washerwoman to the school guard.)

-Attention! Salute, now!

(The flag is then moved until it reaches the forum).

(Proclamation of the escort)

ALFONSO Next, we request the presence of the Deputy Director, Profr. Francisco
Javier Elizondo Santos, in order for the change of the escort to take place, its
standard bearer and the respective swearing in of the new escort.

(The two escorts are reunited and the Deputy Director removes the flag from the outgoing escort and hands it
over to the incoming escort.)

DIRECTOR "By the authority vested in me, I transfer to your care this Flag, it
represents the independence, the honor, the institutions and the integrity of the
territory of our country.

By receiving it, each one of you endorses your commitment as good and loyal
Mexicans, to love, honor and defend it as many times as the country requires.

"Do you protest to perform this civic duty?"

Students: Yes, I object".

If they do so, may the homeland reward them.

If not, let society claim them back.

MAGDA In the same position, let us swear before our flag the love and respect we
feel for it, led by the student:

Then we will sing the glorious stanzas of our Mexican National Anthem, led by our
War Band,

(At the beginning of the verse "Homeland, homeland...")

-Attention! Salute, now!

(The flag is handed over to the school principal)

Sign, now!

Guided by the student ____________________________________, let's say the

Student Pledge.

"With our feet firmly planted on the earth, with our eyes fixed on the distant horizon
of the homeland, with our hand on our heart, let us fervently mutter the following
We are Mexicans, we are Nuevo Leonans, because of the sacrifices made by our
elders, because of the lives of our heroes offered on the altar of the homeland, we
promise to always be dignified and great, to preserve the heritage of honor,
courage and progress that past generations have bequeathed to us, we promise to
give our lives in defense of Mexico and Nuevo Leon when the homeland calls us,
we promise to always be very Mexican and very Nuevo Leonese, we promise to
always be very Mexican and very Nuevo Leonese. likewise promise to give our
lives in defense of Mexico and Nuevo Leon when the homeland calls us, we
promise finally, to always be very Mexican and very Nuevo Leonese."

(Invite them to take a seat)

(Message from C. Director)
Next, I would like to kindly request Profr. Juan José Ruiz, Director of our Nuevo
León High School, gives us a message for our beloved graduates.
(Personal text) "Young people: I wish to tell you that winners are not born, they are
forged throughout their existence in a gradual way; it is necessary to take many
short steps like this one, but in a constant and firm manner. Thus, if we all human
beings set our minds to it, we will have the opportunity to reach higher and higher
goals. Many congratulations."

(Presentation of certificates.)
ALFONSO "You are your greatest wealth for yourself; and that wealth no one can
take away from you; for you are not worth what you have, but what you are."

It is the right time, young people, time for the last roll call, giving rise to the delivery
of our school stationery.

We will mention the graduating students who will receive recognition for having
completed their secondary education as the last period of basic education, such
recognition will be presented by our guests who compose the honorable presidium
as well as their tutor teacher.

For this purpose, we invite the school authorities and special guests to come
forward to present the respective documents.

From the 3rd grade "A" group under Profra. Ana Luisa Favela Rios
From Group 3° "B" in charge of Profr. Javier Cruz Chavez
From Group 3° "C" in charge of Profr. Mario Alberto Perez Perez
From Group 3° "D" in charge of Profr. Abelardo Carlos Adame
From Group 3° "E" under Profra. Ilena Colunga de la Garza
From Group 3° "F" in charge of Profr. David Cuevas Martínez

(Presentation of awards to the first places)

MAGDA Never consider study as an obligation but as an opportunity to enter the
wonderful world of knowledge.

Undoubtedly, the students who made these words their own receive today a well-
deserved recognition.

Today in this graduation ceremony, we will highlight the participation of those who
for their commitment, passion, dedication and effort, have been worthy of receiving
such recognition from our school for obtaining the first places in school
achievement during the current 2012-2013 cycle.

The students are:
From 3rd "A".
With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

From 3° "B".
With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

From 3° "C".
With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

From 3rd "D".

With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

From 3° "E".
With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

From 3° "F".
With the first place the student ____________________________________
With the second place the student ________________________________
With the third place the student ___________________________________

With a special mention, we will now list the first places of generation
The students with this honorable distinction are:
As the third place of generation, from the group ____, _____________________.
As the second place of generation, from the group ____, ____________________.
As the first place of generation, from the group ____, _________________.
(Message Second year student)
MAGDA Continuing with the ceremony, we ask that the student:
___________________________________________ from the group of 2°
____who will give a message to her classmates.

(Third grade student message)
MAGDA We also have the participation of the student:
___________________________________________ from the 3rd grade group
____who will address a few words to her fellow graduates.

ALFONSO "To be successful in life is not to become famous, but to achieve what
you really want".

(Inauguration of the generation)

We now request the presence of the Inspector of School Zone Number 24, Bertha
del Rosario Zuñiga Vega, in order for our graduates to be sworn in.

Students of the 2010-2013 Generation of Secondary School Number 68 "Nuevo
Do you promise to dedicate yourselves with all the strength, enthusiasm and ability
with which you are endowed, to honor your country, to exalt your family and to put
the name of your school on a very high level?


Yes, we protest!

"If you do so, the homeland, society, the school and your family will be very proud
of you."

MAGDA One of the most important values for well-being and happiness is
coexistence. Coexistence is a way of relating to each other, which we must choose
from a very young age. In order to live together, respect, love, forgiveness,
friendship and tolerance are necessary, and our young people live and develop
these values in high school.

ALFONSO In this way, the directors, teachers, administrative and support

personnel of our institution congratulate the graduates and their families.
It is true that today you are leaving and that a difficult life awaits you, but you do
not go unarmed to the struggle, you already carry... the preparation and the
knowledge that you yourselves knew how to take advantage of; with these noble
weapons, that your teachers and the school offered you, your struggle in the world

will be less heavy and our homeland will see in you better children and better
It is not a goodbye, but a see you soon, as we hope to see you again on the
beautiful road of life; feeling great and proudly saying I am a graduate of the high
school No. 68 "Nuevo León".

Young people! Congratulations!!!!

They bid you farewell:

Profra. Magdalena de los Santos Castañeda
Profr. Alfonso Hernandez
Thank you very much

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