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Sala las ovejitas

Teacher: Adriana Toporzys

Shift: Morning/afternoon

Let's play with the little body

After the adaptation period and having an elaborated group diagnosis in which the interest for the
body, the movement and its possibilities of expression as well as the pleasure for physical activity
and music is a priority, we will embark on a project that has the body as its axis, experiencing its
characteristics and possibilities through music as a trigger for playing and learning.
The child expresses himself and feels through his body, so it is important that he knows, explores
and enjoys it, not only its external and visible parts, but also those that he does not see but feels and
generate in him a great interest, a great fantasy. The child learns from the world around him, from
his body and goals. Therefore, working with the body will allow the child to communicate more with
the environment and with him/herself. In this learning process the child will be able to explore,
invent with his body and his movements allowing him to achieve his fluidity of ideas of expression
and flexibility to be able to develop his expressive and creative capacity. The project will be divided
into two stages, the first one: the body: characteristics, care, movements, skills and possibilities of
expression and the second stage will be based on the senses.
Duration 1 month

* Recognize the different external parts of their body.
* To take care of their own body and that of others, gradually acquiring habits and rules of
* Expressing and communicating through different languages (Body Expression, Music, Plastic Arts,
* To know one's own identity.
Conceptual Contents:
* The human body: different external parts. Characteristics, functions.
* Health and body care. Eating habits and types of food.
* Prevention of accidents in the garden and in the house.
* Personal and family history.
* Number: functions and uses in everyday life.
* Relations of equality (as many as) and inequality (more than, less than).
* Initiation in the social use of measurement and conventional measuring instruments.
* Oral language: conversation, dialogue, comprehensive listening.
* Meaning of new words.
* Image reading.
* Movement of the different parts of the body: limbs, trunk, head, etc.
* Representations in two-dimensional space: drawing, painting.
* Global and segmental image of the body in movement and stillness.
* Spatial relationships: near-far, up-down, front-back, side-to-side.
* Textures.
* Knowledge of songs.
* Knowledge of the production of sound with their own body, with palms, fingers, feet, etc.
* The own body and that of others, differences and similarities.
* Repertoire of games and children's rounds.

Procedural Contents:
* Systematic observation.
* Interpretation of slogans.
* Obtaining information through conversations, exchanges.
* Comparisons.
* Formulation of questions.
* Application of social formulas in the exchange: rules of greeting, thanking and asking for help.
* Interpretation of songs.
* Oral designation of natural numbers (up to 5)
* Knowledge of the use of measurement tools.
* Exploration of the possibilities of self-movement of one's own body and that of others.
* Orientation of the body in space: inside, outside, forward, etc.
* Hygiene and personal care habits
Attitudinal Contents
* The valuation of group work.
* Respect for the use of the material.
* The enjoyment of expressive production, of creation.
* The pleasure for the communicative exchange.
* Tolerance to the restrictions of a situation or game.
* The initiation in the knowledge and use of body and plastic languages.

We play with the parts of the body, head, trunk, arms, legs, hands and feet.
We listen and play with the song The Battle of the Movement
This little finger, my little fingers: after listening to the song, we will imitate the movements proposed
by the song. We play with gloves.
We put faces on each finger of the glove and move them while listening to the song. We invent
possible dialogues between them.
We listened to the song "finger game" and drew faces on our hands.
We sang and imitated the movements of the finger puppet family song, played with finger puppets.
We discover our feet, we massage them, we feel the cold floor, the water, we walk barefoot on the
warm floor, we stamp the soles of our feet on posters, we cut out the footprints, we stick them on
the floor and we walk the little path. We dance "the song of the foot".
We danced to the field hockey pocky song, dressed up in costumes, built microphones to sing.
We play with the song "A jugar con el cuerpo" (Let's play with the body) and imitate all the actions it
With the song Mis Manitos, we recognize the different parts of the face. We put on make-up.
We play freely with mirrors.
We look in the mirror and feel our eyebrows, nose, mouth and other parts of the face.
We got a lot of cut-outs of parts of the face, made new faces together and pasted them on a poster.
We imitate the movements of the song "sabes flores cultivar". We play with soil, we make mud
While listening to the song Voy dibujar mi cuerpo (I'll draw my body) we do it on a poster. We put
together a puzzle of the human figure.
We use poster paper as support and outline the body of each one in different positions.
We invite parents to fill in and color the silhouettes at home.
With the material we invite each child to adopt the position shown in the silhouette.
We exhibit the work done and invite the duckling room to play with us.
We listened and imitated the actions proposed by the song "Mi cuerpo se mueve" (My body moves).
We talked about hugs and kisses, affection, how to show it, its importance. We hug, kiss and greet
each other.
We observe images and describe facial expressions and emotions. Because we feel one way or
another, when we are sad, tired, happy, bored, etc., we feel the same way.
With Pipo Pescador's song, we learn how to brush our teeth. We bring the brushes to the garden and
perform the oral cleaning. We felt the aroma of the toothpaste, explored its texture, talked about its
We paint with disused toothbrushes.
We listened to the song I blow up a balloon like this. Breathing games
A new friend arrives in the room, I introduce the children to a rag doll whose parts are fastened
together with buckles. We name it, assemble and disassemble it, dress it according to the season.
We imitate their movements. We teach him the songs we have learned.
We play the chair game
We sing and play traditional rounds.
We measure ourselves and compare heights.
We played with sponges and soap, washed our hands, bathed our dolls, talked about the importance
of hygiene and body care.
Health and body care. We talked about going to the doctor, vaccinations.
We play with syringes, we play doctor.
We play with the song "the warm-up game".
We listened and imitated the movements of the song "cuando tengas muchas ganas", we invented
different possibilities of expression and action.
We talked about our name. We applaud it. We talked about the names of our family.
We paint with our fingers on the letters of the name.
We bring photos and compare the changes and permanence of each one, what baby things we left
behind, pacifiers, bottles, etc., we take to the garden the games or items we had as babies and
share them with the infant and toddler room. We talked about the possibility of leaving them with
the babies for a while.
We put together a mural with the photos we brought with us, taking into account the changes
produced (what things we can do now that we are grown up).
Presentation of the attendance register with the photo of each child. We count, we compare.
Presentation of the weather panel.
Let's go to the bathroom (Diapers and toilet, bathroom trip, bathroom play - flushing, playing with
paper, playing wipe, etc. Do I know the toilet? We play with dough, liquid transfer, etc.).
Poster board indicating who is out of diapers.
Dactyl paint (with shaving foam, gel, flour and tempera)
Cut and glue different types of paper.
Various seals.
Drawing with crayons, thick markers and wet chalk on black and white sheets.
Puzzles to assemble and glue. (2 or 4 pieces)
Paint backgrounds with roller and draw with markers.

Closing activity:
Exhibition of the silhouettes decorated by the parents.
2nd part of the project

Playing with the senses

We listen to different environmental sounds, animals, vehicles, we try to guess what they are, we
reproduce them with different parts of the body, with objects and instruments.
We play with musical instruments.
We played with pictures of simple musical instruments and listened to what each one sounds like,
then tried to guess without the prop.
We play with keys freely
Rhythmic echo, with clapping, with, claves.
The dance of the statue.
We listen and imitate the ticking of the heart. We reproduce it with palms, with clefs. We establish
differences when the body is in motion and when it is at rest, games of pursuit and return to calm,
always recording the heart rate.

We play with different textures: cotton, sandpaper, fabric, leather, etc.
We paint with cotton soaked in tempera.
We seal with sponges
With our eyes closed, we try to find out what texture it is, smooth or rough.
Collage with different textures.
Blindfolded, we take out an everyday object, touch it, describe it, explore it.

We listened to the story of the little worm and the tongue. We play with the puppet. We move the
tongue, we talk about its function.
We celebrated the birthday of our new rag friend, we brought sweet and salty foods, we tasted them
with emphasis on the tongue and the sense of taste.
Blindfolded, we try to find out which food it is.
We bring fruits and vegetables, observe them, taste them, compare them.
We prepare jelly with fruit to eat the next day.

We wash our hands with liquid soap, we feel the aroma.
We light an incense in the living room, dance with quiet music, paying attention to the smell,
registering the sensations it produces in us.
We bring perfume from home, we feel its aroma, we compare, we perfume ourselves, we perfume
the rag doll, Carlota the sheep, we share the moment with the Ducklings room.
At lunch we recorded the smells of the food.

The view:
We open our eyes we describe what we see, we close them, what we see. We play blind man's buff.
We tried blindfolded to find out which friend it was.
Our eyes are used to see, we go to the terrace to observe the sky, nature, etc.
We play I see I see.
We describe objects and images.
We listened attentively to the song "yo tengo, yo puedo" (I have, I can).
We work on the body scheme identifying the location of each of the parts, arms, legs, feet, and the
function they fulfill, for example, I have two legs and with them I can jump, run, walk, I have two
hands, and with them I can touch, knead, draw, etc.
Presentation of a poster with real and colorful images that represent the senses, we try to make
correspondence between the image of each sense and the object that can be perceived through it.

Closing activity:
We performed the song "yo tengo, yo puedo" (I have, I can) and invited the other classrooms to


The battle of the movement
This finger, my little fingers
Finger game
Finger family
Song of the foot
Dancing field hockey pocky
To play with the body I say yes, I say no.
My little hands (parts of the face)
You know how to grow flowers
I will draw my body
My body moves
Song for brushing our teeth
I blow up a balloon like this
Chair set
The warm-up game
When you feel like it
I have, I can
The little worm
Environmental sounds

Guantes, títeres de dedo, maracas , disfraces, maquillaje, espejos, tierra, papel afiche, imágenes de
expresiones faciales, cepillo de dientes , pasta dental, muñeco de trapo, centímetro, esponjas ,
jabón, jeringas, fotos familiares, elementos de bebe, registro de asistencia con foto y panel del
tiempo, papel higiépaper, toilet paper, shaving foam, gel, flour and tempera, papers, stamps, thick
markers, crayons, wet chalk, rollers, musical instruments, claves, cotton, sandpaper, fabric, leather,
everyday objects, cutlery, plates, glass, etc., salty foods, sweets, acids, fruits, jelly, liquid soap,
perfumes, perfumes.
Note for the notebook

Dear family: hello! How are you? We are doing great, playing and getting to know each other a little
bit more every day. We are starting a new project whose axis will be the care and knowledge of our
body and its possibilities and we will carry it out through songs, music of all styles, food, musical
instruments and countless materials, we will explore, learn, play and have fun.
Children express themselves and feel through their body, so it is important that they know, explore
and enjoy it, not only its external and visible parts, but also those that they do not see but feel and
generate in them a great interest, a great fantasy. Therefore, researching with their bodies will allow
them to communicate more with the environment and with themselves.
Among other things, we are going to work on sphincter control with games, books, dough,
transferring, etc. It is very important that you let me know your concerns so that we can accompany
each other in this important process. We have planned some activities and materials that we will
need your participation and support in order to be able to carry them out.
For the time being, look for photos of the family where you can see the pregnancy, the newborn
baby, the baby at one year old and a recent one, as well as toys or objects that are no longer used,
rattles, pacifiers, blankets, small clothes, bottles, in case they are still using them (bottle and
pacifier), they should bring them with them on the day of the activity so they are not left in the
garden.If they are still using them (bottle and pacifier), they should bring them on the day of the
activity so they are not left in the garden, I will let them know.
As the project progresses, we will keep you informed of the latest news and the materials needed.
We are super excited and have days of fun and learning ahead of us. I send you a big kiss and stay

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