Edi 3

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EDI -3

Instructions: The sentences below describe attitudes, feelings, and behaviors. Some of
the issues are related to food, the way of eating and attempts to control weight. Other
issues deal with feelingss towards oneself.
In each sentence there are five answer alternatives, from which you must choose the one
that best describes you. The response options for each sentence are:
0 = Never.
1 = Few times
2 = Sometimes.
3 = Often
4 = Almost always
5 = Always
In each sentence answer if what is said occurs to you and do not leave any blank.
Remember that there are no right or wrong answers. Just locate what is most in line with
your experience.
1. I eat sweets and carbohydrates (bread, noodles) without worrying.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

2. I think my stomach is too big.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
3. I would like to go back to being a child to feel secure
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
4. I tend to eat when I'm upset.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
5. I tend to stuff myself (fill myself with food).
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

6. I would like to be younger.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

7. I plan to go on a diet.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

8. I get scared when my feelings are too strong.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

9. I think my thighs are too thick.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

10. I consider myself an ineffective (effective) person.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

11. I feel very guilty when I overeat.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

12. I think my stomach is the right size.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

13. In my family, only outstanding results are considered good enough.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

14. Childhood is the happiest time of your life.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

15. I am able to express my emotions.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

16. I'm terrified of getting fat.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

17. I trust others.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
18. I feel alone in the world.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

19. I feel satisfied with my figure.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

20. I think I'm generally in control of the things that happen in my life.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

21. I tend to be confused about my emotions.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

22. I would rather be an adult than a child.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

23. I find it easy to communicate with others.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

24. I would like to be someone else.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

25. I exaggerate or overemphasize weight.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

26. I can recognize the emotions I feel at any given moment.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

27. I feel incapable.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

28. I've been to potlucks (places where there is plenty of food) where I felt like I
couldn't stop eating.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

29. When I was little, I tried hard not to disappoint my parents and teachers.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

30. I have close friends.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

31. I like the shape of my butt.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

32. I am worried because I would like to be a thinner person.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

33. I don't know what's going on inside me.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

34. I find it difficult to express my emotions to others.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

35. The demands of adult life are excessive.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

36. It bugs me that I'm not the best at everything.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

37. I feel confident.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

38. I tend to think about binge eating (Unusually large amount of food).
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

39. I'm glad I'm not a kid anymore.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

40. I don't really know when I'm hungry or not

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

41. I have a low opinion of myself.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

42. I believe I can achieve my goals.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

43. My parents expected outstanding results from me.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

44. I'm afraid I can't control my feelings.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

45. I think my hips are too wide.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

46. I eat in moderation in front of others but binge (unusually large amount of food)
when they leave.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

47. I feel bloated after a normal meal.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

48. I think people are happiest when they are children.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

49. If I put on one kilo, I worry that I may continue to gain weight.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

50. I consider myself a valuable person.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

51. When I'm upset I don't know if I'm sad, scared or angry.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

52. I believe I must either do things perfectly or not do them at all.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

53. I think about vomiting to lose weight.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

54. I need to keep a certain distance from people; I feel uncomfortable if someone gets
too close.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

55. I think the size of my thighs are adequate.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

56. I feel emotionally empty inside.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

57. I am able to talk about personal aspects and feelings.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

58. The best years of your life are when you become an adult.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

59. I think my butt is too big.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

60. I have feelings that I can't quite identify.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

61. I eat or drink on the sly.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

62. I think my hips are the right size.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

63. I set extremely ambitious goals.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
64. When I'm upset, I'm afraid to start eating.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

65. People I really like usually end up disappointing me.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

66. I am ashamed of my human weaknesses.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

67. People say I am an emotionally unstable person.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

68. I would like to be able to have total control over my bodily needs (urination and
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

69. I tend to feel comfortable in most group situations.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

70. I impulsively (without thinking) say things that I later regret.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

71. I strive to look for things that give me pleasure.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

72. I must be careful with my tendency to use drugs.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

73. I am communicative with most people.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

74. Relationships with others make me feel trapped.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
75. Self-denial (sacrifice) makes me feel stronger spiritually.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

76. People understand my real problems.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

77. I have strange thoughts that I can't get out of my head.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

78. Eating for pleasure is a sign of moral weakness.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

79. I am prone to fits of rage or anger.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

80. I think people trust me as much as I deserve.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

81. I have to watch out for my tendency to drink too much alcohol.
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

82. I think being calm and relaxed is a waste of time.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

83. Others say I get irritated easily.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

84. I have the feeling that everything goes wrong.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

85. I have sudden mood swings.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always
86. I feel uncomfortable because of my body's needs. (urination and defecation)
(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

87. I prefer to spend time alone than to be with others.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

88. Suffering makes you a better person.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

89. I know people appreciate me.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

90. I feel the need to hurt others.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

91. I think I really know who I am.

(0) Never (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes
(3) Often (4) Almost always (5) Always

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