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Zailen Williamson

Period 1

Say you have a choice, you can go to explore the ocean, or you can go to space and look for a
new place to stay. There are millions of other planets that we can live on if people start exploring space
now. Earth is hundreds of millions of years away from blowing up. Some reasons to Explore the oceans
are, the ocean life supplies health, space is too costly, and why go to space when scientists can send

We should be searching the ocean because ocean life supplies health interests. There are many
fish that pose as a health interest. In the article “Mars Can Wait, Ocean Can’t it states “Ocean organisms
are said to hold the promise of cures for an array of diseases “(pg. 212). This informs us that we should
advance the health of people. While we are putting our money into the ocean, we should also be putting
money towards sending robots to space instead of humans.

As well as the other topic, Scientists can help humans by sending robots to space instead of
humans. Scientists can send robots to space because, they are more reliable and efficient, also, it is safer
for robots to go to space than humans. According to “Packing for Mars” its states, “what good will come
from sending humans to Mars. Especially when robotic landers can do a lot of the science just as well, if
not as fast” (pg. 219). This shows why people should give money to send robots instead of humans. It
also shows that while humans can’t do everything, robots can do more.

Some people may think that space exploration is better because it costs less money. However,
these claims are invalid because, space exploration costs a lot more than ocean exploration. As the
article “Packing for Mars” states, “An outside estimate of the cost of a manned mission to Mars is
roughly $500 billion” (pg. 219). This shows that money can be saved for both projects. Also, the
scientists don’t need money to make money because they already have the things, while humans have
to be fed and have to be living or you can’t do anything.

People should use their money on the planet they live on before they spend it on other planets.
While money is big factor in humanity people can use it in useful ways. The ocean can help humanity
with health benefits and more life. While space is too expensive and isn’t necessary now. Ocean is more
useful than space exploration at the moment.

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