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1.-What territories did ancient Greece occupy?

2.- What was the area where the ancient Greeks lived like?

3.-What was Greece called in the beginning?

4.-What are the polis?

5.- Indicate how many historical stages there were in ancient Greece

1 stage

2 stage

3 stage

6.- What were the two most important polis in Greece?

7.- What political system was established in Athens? ______________________

8.- What does that word mean? ___________________________________

9.- Complete:

The polis were cities surrounded by _______________________

The _______________, which was the religious center.

The ________________ or large plaza, was where the market and the main public
buildings were located.

10.- Join with arrows:

 They were usually prisoners of war, children of

Citizens slaves or pirates' loot. They were men and women
subject to an owner.

 They were the men of Athens born to an Athenian

Non-citizens father and mother.

 They were foreigners who lived and had their

Slaves businesses in Athens.

11.- What was mainly grown in ancient Greece?

12.- What type of livestock was raised in ancient Greece?

13.- How many gods did the Greeks believe in? ___________________________

14.- For the Greeks, where did the gods live? _________________________

15.- Match, putting the corresponding number, each god with its power.

1 Zeus 7 Athena
2 Hera 8 Dionisio
3 Cronus 9 Hermes
4 Poseidon 10 Apollo
5 Hades 11 Sagebrush
6 Ares 12 Aphrodite

God father of other gods and men. God of Time.

God of War. Protective goddess of marriage
God of commerce. God of wine.

God who ruled the sea. God of art and music.

Goddess of wisdom. God who runs the kingdom of the

Goddess of wildlife, Goddess of love and beauty.
forests and hunting.

16.- Match with arrows each famous person from ancient Greece with the science
in which they stood out:

Philosophy Archimedes
Poetry Pythagoras
Physical Herodotus
Math Plato
History Sophocles
Theater Hippocrates
Medicine Homer

17 .-Explain what these Greek buildings are used for:

The temples for

The theaters for

The racecourses for

The gyms for

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