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Gangstalking is The Federally Directed Legalized Thuggery Method that has Permeated Every Crevice of

the American Soceital Function.

 Gangstalkers are a belligerent thug militia attack squadron with military warfare tactical


 The violent, pandering, hostile, maniacal, aggressive, and homicidal protocols embedded in

gangstalking render its perpetrators as a government allied war agitator.

 The physical, gestural, verbal, signaling, vehicular, and overall methods used in this post

September 11, 2001 national security blunder are being covertly taught to men, women, and

children throughout America. It is difficult to know who learns this American brand of Domestic

Thuggery and how, but every American establishment, both public and private, have gangstalker

militia thug perpetrators inside of them.

 This program is not noble, forthright, feasible, or conducive to the advancement of American

society in particular, or to human civilization in general. Rather it is a civil war instigation

method, that pits the governmentally readied Domestic military thug units against private

citizens who are the targeted individuals.

 The gangstalkers are federally assisted by ground-level liaisons that give them covert verbal,

gestural, vehicular, and other signals as to where targets are located so that other gangstalkers

in the area can find and confront the targeted persons. This death panel authorization

mechanism is rooted in coward theocratic and aloof, stupid, and inept governmental ideals.

 The United States Congress is the root and cause of this anti-liberty brand of anti-constitutional

Thuggery and should be impeached as a whole so as to remedy this political atrocity.

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 The United States Federal Government has Authorized, Implemented, and Financed State-

sanctioned Terrorism, Murder, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault, Community Harassment,

and Workplace Mobbing against its Own Citizens ; The Post September 11, 2001 Legislative

Thuggery Debacle :::::

 Aside from Congress’ ineptitude, legislative illiteracy, spinelessness, political degeneracy, and

legal thuggery, The state and local legislatures of all fifty states have legislatively sustained

Congress’ legislative incompetence by signing off on earmark laden national security protocols

that have strengthened, emboldened, and reinforced gangstalking, the thuggish anti-freedom

American national security bill.

 The Gangstalkers are a nationwide thug military unit. The hierarchy that they follow and live by

is a nauseating political problem. The Congress of the United States of America has authorized a

mobile gulag, a democracy negating political catastrophe, and a national embarrassment all in

the quick stroke of a pen.

 The Gangstalking mechanism is one for the ages with respect to its anthropologically illiterate

pretenses, its legislative stoogery, and its constitutional failure. Cronyism is the new law in

America, and gangstalking is the military industrial barrier that protects that cronyism. The thugs

that perpetrate gangstalking activity when they are out and about are as bad as the thuggish

federal, state, and local politicians who blindly and foolishly sign off on it term after term. The

United States Federal Government ought to pack it in, declare itself a banana republic, and sell

its territory to more capable nations.

 The United States Federal Government has betrayed its duty of upholding the United States

Constitution. The constitutional precept of inalienable rights has been ignored, negated, and

stepped over in favor of military industrial thuggery such as gangstalking, which includes
community harassment, workplace mobbing, and covert war against the targeted person by

signaling, covert communicating, and surly violent thugs called gangstalkers.

 Murder, attempted murder, felony assault, aggravated robbery with a firearm, assault and

battery, vehicular assault, intimidation, and aggravated burglary are all allowed under the

Congress of the United States’ hastily passed and poorly implemented post 9-11-2001 national

security legislative blunders.

 Gangstalking is The Federally Directed Legalized Thuggery Method that has Permeated Every

Crevice of the American Soceital Function.

 Gangstalkers are a belligerent thug militia attack squadron with military warfare tactical


 The violent, pandering, hostile, maniacal, aggressive, and homicidal protocols embedded in

gangstalking render its perpetrators as a government allied war agitator.

 The physical, gestural, verbal, signaling, vehicular, and overall methods used in this post

September 11, 2001 national security blunder are being covertly taught to men, women, and

children throughout America. It is difficult to know who learns this American brand of Domestic

Thuggery and how, but every American establishment, both public and private, have gangstalker

militia thug perpetrators inside of them.

 This program is not noble, forthright, feasible, or conducive to the advancement of American

society in particular, or to human civilization in general. Rather it is a civil war instigation

method, that pits the governmentally readied Domestic military thug units against private

citizens who are the targeted individuals.

 The gangstalkers are federally assisted by ground-level liaisons that give them covert verbal,

gestural, vehicular, and other signals as to where targets are located so that other gangstalkers
in the area can find and confront the targeted persons. This death panel authorization

mechanism is rooted in coward theocratic and aloof, stupid, and inept governmental ideals.

 The United States Congress is the root and cause of this anti-liberty brand of anti-constitutional

Thuggery and should be impeached as a whole so as to remedy this political atrocity.

 The United States Federal Government has Authorized, Implemented, and Financed State-

sanctioned Terrorism, Murder, Attempted Murder, Aggravated Assault, Community Harassment,

and Workplace Mobbing against its Own Citizens ; The Post September 11, 2001 Legislative

Thuggery Debacle :::::

 Aside from Congress’ ineptitude, legislative illiteracy, spinelessness, political degeneracy, and

legal thuggery, The state and local legislatures of all fifty states have legislatively sustained

Congress’ legislative incompetence by signing off on earmark laden national security protocols

that have strengthened, emboldened, and reinforced gangstalking, the thuggish anti-freedom

American national security bill.

 The Gangstalkers are a nationwide thug military unit. The hierarchy that they follow and live by

is a nauseating political problem. The Congress of the United States of America has authorized a

mobile gulag, a democracy negating political catastrophe, and a national embarrassment all in

the quick stroke of a pen.

 The Gangstalking mechanism is one for the ages with respect to its anthropologically illiterate

pretenses, its legislative stoogery, and its constitutional failure. Cronyism is the new law in

America, and gangstalking is the military industrial barrier that protects that cronyism. The thugs

that perpetrate gangstalking activity when they are out and about are as bad as the thuggish

federal, state, and local politicians who blindly and foolishly sign off on it term after term. The

United States Federal Government ought to pack it in, declare itself a banana republic, and sell

its territory to more capable nations.

 Gangstalking: The United States Federal Government’s Thuggish Chain Reaction Disruption


 Gangstalking is a post September 11, 2001 disruption protocol gone haywire. It is obnoxious in

its execution, ineffective in its aims, and deleterious in its composition.

 This thuggish, federally authorized containment, disruption, tracking, and confrontation

protocol is useless as a national security measure, which was its reason for existing. Rather than

serve as a constitutionally sound surveillance protocol, it has manifested as a legalized thuggery

device, the likes of which has rendered the United States Federal Government, its auxiliaries,

and its thug gangstalking participants as treasonous, hostile, petty, homicidal lunatics. The

lunacy of this program begs the suspension of disbelief to comprehend.

 The thuggish noise harassment that the thug Gangstalkers use to “mark” or “point out” targeted

individuals to other stalkers leads to those other stalkers being mobilized towards the derived

noise and the target, and once they arrive, they engage in thuggish, apelike, and degenerate

annoyance activities that are tantamount to juvenile thuggery.

 The thuggishly derived chain reaction that gangstalking produces is a direct result of thuggish,

inept, and incompetent congressional national legislation that was hurried through the

ratification process by frightened post 9/11/2001 politicians.

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 Gangstalking is the Thug United States Federal Government’s Undeclared War on Unsuspecting

United States Citizens all Day Every Day 24/7/365.

 Gangstalking is a war; make no mistake about it. The federally authorized thug units

(gangstalkers) are soldiers. The maniac vehicular motorists are tank operators. The spitting, snot
or mucous slinging, wind breaking, booger flinging, feces throwing, hot breath breathing, urine

spraying, food contaminating, pandering thug knuckleheads are The United States Federal

Government’s biohazard, disease warfare, biological warfare attack squadron. The covert

pepper spraying, mace carrying, battery acid tossing homicidal degenerate animals are this

country’s urban warfare chemical weapons attack unit. The pieces of federal garbage that take

signals on the beaches and in the water as to who to confront with space crowding and

attempted drowning mechanisms are America’s federally financed ocean thug attack battalion.

The idiots that make false police reports and make phony 911 calls on targeted individuals are

the national security communications and national libel and slander attack legion. The apish

perpetrators that take and give federally directed signals as to where a targeted individual is and

where he is traveling are the American perpetrator tracking division. The pieces of donkey feces

that instigate altercations are the United States Federal Instigation and Street Fighting Unit. The

monkeyish Gangstalkers that follows targeted people in retail establishments, watching their

moves, what aisle they are in, and what they put into their shopping cart are the State

legislature’s retail knuckleheads and thuggery battalion. The people that crowd your space and

attempt to instigate problems on city buses are the federally authorized metro bus war monkey

attack squadron. The stalkers that instigate altercations on airplanes are the Federal Ignoramus

Air Attack Sky Unit. The gangstalkers that harass targeted people in schools and colleges are the

American Academic Thuggery Battalion. The stalkers that perpetrate workplace mobbing against

targeted individuals at work are the American National Workplace Thuggery and Disruption

Attack Squadron.

 Gangstalking is a military industrial complex revenue generator. The timing, planning, strategy,

war stratagem, tracking, communications interception, vehicular stalking, signaling,

confrontations, phony police reports, courtroom disruption, street harassment, community

harassment, gangstalking thuggery noise harassment campaigns and the like, take billions of

taxpayer dollars to operate and will require billions more to continue.

 The United States of America is not in any major wars right now so it must feed it military

industrial complex by fighting, warring with, and attacking its own citizens.

 The United States Congress is complicit in criminally negligent legislative thuggery and its

federal, state, and local auxiliaries are complicit in the same. The United States Federal

Government has treacherously, violently, neglectfully and treasonously defamed the United

States Constitution with its horrible and thuggish negligence. It has authorized thugs in the form

of gangstalkers to endless fight a scurrilous battle with United States citizens for no identifiable

reason. The United States of America is a thuggish, inept, incompetent, wasteful, treasonous

war ape.

 A word on the United States federal government’s own brand of criminally negligent violent

thuggery; gangstalking, the most atrocious governmental program in the world; America’s

thuggish attack, hit-and-run, disruption, sabotage, and crimes against humanity module called

gangstalking, is an American nuisance. This “national security” protocol, which has thuggishly

tried to pass itself off as a “societal norm,” something that “the American people devised and

embrace,” is the most spineless, ugly, wasteful, and warrantless crime against humanity that

humanity has seen in its 2,000,000 year existence here on planet earth.

 This program, reeks of military industrial waste, anti-constitutionalism, anti-freedom, anti-civil

liberties, anti-success, anti-republicanism, pro-incarceration, pro-murder, pro-thuggery, pro-

embezzlement, and pro-sabotage, all having been stealthily crammed into post September 11,

2001 freedom-restricting murder-loving national security legislation that has itself infiltrated

American society in the form of signals, gestures, “cues,” vehicle signals, verbal commands,
general verbiage, nonverbal signals, grunts, groans, coughs, sneezes, missteps, space-crowding,

and other thuggish and hidden forms of communication.

 The government liaisons that were “enlisted” as the useful idiots that went into stores,

churches, schools, neighborhoods, libraries, shopping malls, corporate facilities, military bases,

police departments, and other places where people gather and congregate, when caught, will

say the same thing that every other weasel in history has said when caught doing something

stupid; “I was only doing what I was told to do.”

 Gangstalking is not the first program that the United States federal government has authorized

that was tantamount to a private war on United States citizens. Since the 1960s, the federal

government of the United States has authorized dozens of thuggish “social engineering”

experiments on the general public, all of which needed sabotage, rape, murder, entrapment,

incarceration, the DOJ, The DOD, plainclothes government operatives, assassinations, and

international thuggery to operate.

 The United States federal government has, since the 1960s, a plethora of third party corporate,

governmental, religious, and semi-governmental entities, most of which wanted access to the

hundreds of billions in tax revenues that the United States federal government takes in each

year, tax breaks, and other benefits from actively participating in American federal cronyism,

who illicitly influenced public policy through backdoor schemings, bribery, corruption,

racketeering, the sending of whores for sexual favors, murder for hire, and other such

tomfoolery, all at the expense of the American taxpayer, and to the detriment of the common


 The United States of America is a weaselly construct. It’s congressional “show hearings” that are

televised, made-for-tv, and inconsequential are merely thuggish distractions from its

authorization of gangstalking’s invasive thug units, who act in unison, in synchronization, and
monolithically, with the sole purpose of thuggishly disrupting the lives, activities, progress, and

civil freedoms of targeted persons, who are never briefed, informed, or otherwise notified that

they are going to be designated as enemies of the State or as political subversives.

 The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally

directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local,

state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all

of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States

Congress, terrified and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly,

and negligently passed and unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the United

States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called

gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each other to locate,

disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual. -----------

 Gangstalking is the DOD and/or DOJ'S application of these programs applied to private individual

citizens instead of political dissident groups. In a gangstalking campaign against a targeted

individual, you will see various forms of clandestine signaling/signals used by the stalkers against

the targeted individual so that the stalkers will know who to mobilize against.

 Gangstalking happens in all 50 States, and probably in other countries, particularly the ones

where the United States of America wields the most influence... I assert that the United States

has influenced similar pork barrelled, earmarked, and misappropriated national security

protocols to be implemented in other countries' legal codes so as to have other countries in this

control game with it.

 Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements.

Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war

against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via
vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance,

airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals

concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails,

text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-

based, cellular based, and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-

enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted

individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and

semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine military

industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.

 The military industrial complex is fed by the financial resources needed to perpetrate

gangstalking campaigns against people. Gangstalking fills the void that the military industrial

complex needs when all the world wars that the USA has involved itself in have ceased. Without

gangstalking, the military industrial complex would be left twiddling its thumbs waiting on the

next insanely profitable war effort that will line its coffers with American gold and silver.

 The federally directed part of a gangstalking campaign, the administrative side of it, the part

that is carried out and mobilized by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense,

Fusion Centers, and Private Security or Private Investigatory Firms, doesn't want the people

participating in gangstalking to feel "bad," or "unsatisfied" about their disruptive activity. The

federally directed harassment elements of gangstalking become apparent to stalker at some

point in their use of the signals, verbal cues, vehicular cues, gross physical gesturing, and other

tomfoolery, and the principal directors of gangstalking campaigns go through great lengths,

using gangstalking's human capital, to make it appear as if the targeted individual is not really a

"target" at all, but rather someone who is in league with the gangstalking, is ok with, it,

welcomes it, approves of it, and has "business" with the people stalking him.
 Gangstalking, the federally funded military industrial national security protocol that was poorly

implemented and snuck through the United States Congress via earmarks is regional in nature.

 Gangstalking was spread about the people like a deadly virus. Its hand signals, verbal

commands, vehicular cues, and all of the covert communications methods that gangstalkers use

to communicate with each other while locating and "pointing out" targeted individuals for

harassment and instigation purposes, are federally directed military industrial protocols.

 The kinds of people who will gangstalk you in Minnesota are a different socioeconomic

demographic than the kinds of people who will target you in Hawaii. The kinds of people who

will disrupt you in Oklahoma are different than the kinds of people that will obstruct you in

Alabama. The kinds of people that will instigate against you in Washington, are different than

the people who will vehicularly contain you in Montana.

 The kinds of gangstalking tactics you will ecnounter as a targeted individual will slightly vary

based upon where you are in the country, however the socioeconomic demographics of the

people who will use these tactics against you will vary greatly depending where you are in the


 Gangstalking is not a racially exclusive practice. Any socioeconomic demographic that an

America belongs to can participate in gangstalking and every socioeconomic demographic that

exists in the United States uses gangstalking tactics.

 A targeted individual, throughout the course of his gangstalking campaign, runs into some of the

most surly, disruptive, rude, obnoxious, careless, clumsy, disorderly, violent, thuggish,

buffoonish, useless, hateful, belligerent, silly, deleterious thugs on the planet. These are the

kinds of useful idiots that the United States federal government has “enlisted” to engage in the

series of hand gestures, verbal cues, vehicular movements, and other “signals” that these

unwanted foolish actors engage in to identify, subdue, and disrupt the targeted person.
 In the United States, a person is thrown into a legally and lawfully implement gangstalking

campaign extrajudicially. There is no declared rhyme or reason for why a person is put into this

campaign; there is no arrest, charge or conviction; there is no summons, legal proceeding,

judge, lawyer, jury, courtroom, mediator, arbitrator, declaration of intent to penalize, no fines,

receipts, notifications, prosecutor, hearing, phone call, email, communication from any

governmental entity whatsoever; no habeas corpus, bail amount, bail period, notification, or any

of the things that civilized governments do when they intent on initiating a criminal, civil, or

other proceeding against a defendant. And that is what a targeted individual is, a perpetually

guilty defendant in an earmarked, poorly implemented, inbred, foolish, wasteful, and

constitution destroying national security measure, that was passed by stealth through post

9/11/2001 congresses,

 Gangstalkers, being the thugs that they are, are the cause of derived car accidents, violent street

encounters, and deadly police encounters, all of which are used against targeted individuals as

weapons. Derived vehicular containment against a targeted person, the mobilization of

criminally insane street thugs, and phony 911 calls to local law enforcement officers are all

weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted individual. Because gangstalking is a world-

wide catastrophe, these tragedies are happening in all four corners of the world. This federal

buffoonery, this legislative thuggery, this political incompetence is enabled by a number of

nitwits using signals with each other.

 { Gangstalking is an equalizer for people who would otherwise be couch potato bozos to feel like

they are superior to someone. If a mob of these thugs get together and start sending each other

their degenerate signals, directing them to a targeted individual’s exact location, the ensuing

confrontation with the targeted person makes them feel as if they have “worked as a team,”

“accomplished something,” or “did something neat or cool.” Rather they are herd mentality
schmucks who participate in an ill conceived and poorly implemented national security

mechanism that many other likeminded fools participate in all over the country to their

detriment and to that of their families or significant others. Pity them. }

 In the course of human events, the United States federal government has authorized,

implemented, and financed germ warfare against its citizens. A part of the United States of

America’s war on its citizens, also known as gangstalking, which is an American national security

protocol, the attack mechanism against its targeted individuals is comprised of the hurling of

(germs) at targeted persons. This thuggish weapon is aimed at destabilizing the targeted

individuals so that they cannot readily fight the gangstalking menace as they would when they

are well.

 The United States federal government has authorized countless assassinations against its own

citizens under false pretenses, particularly over the past 60 years. Many of these citizens were

not guilty of any crime other than being independent thinkers, writers, and political actors, each

with an idea as to how to eliminate the god-awful screw-job that is American politics.

 Many of these people met with “accidents” that certain of the American populace found to be

disgraceful, suspicious, and criminally inspired inside jobs aimed at silencing dissent and

advancing America’s political gluttony.

 The United States has seen enough of these accusations to know how much they can rob the

federal government of its credibility with respect to its governmental ability.

 So rather than target high profile dissidents, celebrities, and other activists, the thuggish

national security auxiliaries of the United States have taken to targeting citizens who are less

renowned, but independent enough to pose a threat to the United States’ national security bred

political thuggery.
 The United States is no longer the country of individualism. It has instead forced a herd

mentality on its citizens in the form orb illbred gangstalking protocols consisting of a system of

signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues, physical gestures and the like, which are aimed at first

containing, and secondly attacking targeted persons.

 There are a number of American industries that benefit economically from gangstalking,

including, the hospital and big pharma industries from the targeted individual’s injuries, the auto

insurance and auto body repair industries from the staged car accidents that targeted persons

experience, and, also the companies that targeted individuals work for (if they are lucky enough

to find work during their gangstalking campaign) —benefit financially from not having to pay

targeted persons a pension because chances are, with the workplace mobbing mechanism that

is prevalent in gangstalking campaigns, the targeted person will either quit or be fired long

before they can ever retire comfortably.

 (The thuggish United States’ legislative mechanism is beneath the dignity of the legacy of the

United States Constitution. With the thuggery that it allows (gangstalking), and the thugs that it

enables (gangstalkers), it will surely become the parish of the civilized world.)

 When the United States federal government takes responsibility for its ignorance, negligence,

and ineptitude in authorizing gangstalking, a post September 11, 2001 thuggery protocol, I can

tell you ahead of time what will happen.

 The federally authorized orchestrators of gangstalking campaigns, those thugs that signal other

gangstalkers as to the whereabouts of targeted individuals, will go to the Capitol building in

Washington DC with some drivel about “being afraid for their lives and that of their families,” “I

was only following orders,” and “wanting immunity from prosecution in exchange for the

uncovering of gangstalking’s Top Secret methods, agendas, and operational procedures.”

 The thuggery that the Congress of the United States unleashed upon American society, and

indeed the world, has embedded in it protocols protecting the cowardice of its perpetrators

from criminal prosecution, even the ones that orchestrated gangstalking’s assaults, rapes, and


 There is a mechanism called street theater. Street theater is a way of presenting

information to a targeted individual concerning a specific matter. The matter can be

anything, and yes, everybody around the targeted individual sees the spectacle as well.

The peculiarity about street theater is that only the targeted individual will “get” or

understand the significance of the spectacle. This spectacle is aimed at the targeted

individual’s perception of his gangstalking campaign specvifically. I will present you with

a number of the themes that I have encountered in my gangstalking campaign over the

past 7 years in particular. These themes relate to the motivation of the orchestrators of

gangstalking for facilitating the earmarking of this thuggish program through post

September 11, 2001 national security bills. It is in my opinion, the designers of

gangstalking expressing their dismay at certain social, historical, and economic

developments in the United States. Gangstalkers and other useful idiots are used as the

“actors” in these spectacles. The list of themes in the street theater that I myself have

witnessed is as follows: • That the Civil War’s Conclusion and its Aftermath are Not

Applicable to today’s historical analysis of them. • That anti-miscegenation is a god-given

disposition. • That being pro-slavery is a god-given disposition. • That there is not

enough support for United States Veterans • That there is not enough respect for ‘’door-

to-door” church representatives (proselytizers) • That Latinos are special before “God”

are a not afforded the respect that they deserve by Americans. • That white women who

date or marry black men should be killed or incarcerated. • That black people should be

given a US state of their own to inhabit, one that is separate from the rest of America. •
That black people have come too far too quickly; for example, in 1964, they could not

vote in certain Southern States without tremendous difficulty, and much thuggery was

aimed at them in these areas. From 1965-2012 however, black Americans saw an

explosion of celebrities and renowned figures in movies, television, radio, politics, and

athletics, culminating in the first black president being elected in 2008. There was also in

this same time period, a stark increase in black judges, doctors, and lawyers. These

black success in American society destroyed the long-held theological narratives that

Black people were “cursed” by God for being slovenly and shiftless. • That this country is

not a piece of black heritage, because blacks were brought here as slaves as opposed

to legal immigrants. • That black people are cursed by god, and gangstalking campaigns

against their lives is the proof that they are cursed, because “god allowed it to happen.” •

That police officers deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities

do not put their lives on the line for their community. • That military personnel deserve

more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the

line for their community. • That security guards deserve more attention than celebrities;

namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community. • That

private investigators deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities

do not put their lives on the line for their community. • That private defense contractors

deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives

on the line for their community. • That confidential informants deserve more attention

than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their

community. • That bounty hunters deserve more attention than celebrities; namely

because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community. • That airplane

pilots deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put

their lives on the line for their community. • That state troopers deserve more attention

than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their
community. • That Illegal aliens should be given amnesty in this country for it is the will of

god. • That black people should be issued a separate currency from the rest of America.

• That racial separatism is a god-given disposition. • That the Bible should be the official

law of the land. • That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be allowed

to wield legislative power at the federal level. • That homosexuality is normal and should

be “normalized” in society with regards to homosexuals having a federally authorized

“place” in every societal mechanism, including sports, the military, and law-enforcement,

three areas where homosexual people have not had success. • That children should be

sexualized (or allowed to be by the entertainment business), prepared for sex, or

verbally taught sexual habits, but only if they are done so in a federally directed manner

and with the blessing of two married parents, one of whom must be gainfully employed,

and neither of which can have a criminal record. This is how sex should be taught to

children not by schools. • That The United States of America is God’s chosen Country. •

That the United States Military is God’s personal instrument. • That American

internationalism is god’s great plan for the world. • That taxpayer money is best spent on

war, incarceration, and foreign interventionism. • That gangstalking should be spread

around the world by America, for it is god’s plan. • That Christianity is the only way to

god. • That Jesus Christ is the “best” or “most efficient” deity. • That people should be

nice to Latinos because they will be the USA’s majority demographic in 30 years. • That

not every life is worth saving. • That not every person contributes to society in a way that

makes their life meaningful or useful. • That gangstalking is not federally directed, but

something that people have “made up” and follow on their own. • That black men who

are un-hireable felons can be used as “bodyguards” for white people. This rather than

put the back on the street fresh from prison with no prospects for earning an income. •

That formal education for black children is not necessary. That their future lives are best

suited in hard physical labor of some kind (or “grunt work.”) • That black athletes should
have their own sports leagues separate from the rest of America (starting in their

childhood years.) • That race-mixing will only lead to race wars. • That interracial out-of-

wedlock copulation is the ultimate sin. • That the after-life is racially segregated. • That

politicians are ordained of god and are answerable only to him, and not to the

constituents. • That fate exists and that a person’s personal choices cannot alter this

fate. • That certain people are destined for heaven from before their birth and some are

destined for Hell; and that even Jesus Christ himself cannot and would not save the

ones destined for Hell. • That certain swear words, vulgar phrases, and insults should be

punishable by prison sentences. • That crimes other than murder should carry with them

“life” sentences. • That violence is not always a bad thing and can help get things done. •

That the law in America is “soft” and that it is ineffective in deterring crime. • That

gangstalking is a useful crime deterrent and behavior modification program. • That

thuggery is ok as long as its federally directed. • That acting like a thug is something that

can be learned by anyone regardless of their socioeconomic background. • That

thuggish legislation should be passed through Congressional bills, but only by stealth,

and through 5,000-10,000 pages bills. Character defamation keeps the targeted

individual’s enemies in play, as they constantly find new and more scandalous reasons

to act against the targeted person with hostility. The ultimate goal is to cause the

targeted individual to leave the establishment against their will, cause his performance or

demeanor in the activity to suffer, cause the target to “lose it” or “go off the rails” and

attack a stalker, causing the targeted person to incur legal drama (this scenario is the

most preferable one for gangstalkers because it causes them to become “the talk of the

town,” “talk of the office,” “talk of the church,” thereby making a “name” for themselves at

the expense of the targeted person losing their temper and acting in a way that is self-

detrimental.) This weaselly construct has been used in America for centuries by people

who harbor envy, jealousy, or violent hatred against another, and conspire to provoke
that person to wrath so as to injure that person’s name and reputation and create

interest in the name and story of the instigator.

 Concerning my suspicions of the Corporation Of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-day Saints’s role in advocating for legislation leading toclandestine, disruptive,

unconstitutional, military industrial complex driven gangstalking campaigns:

 The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actively

monitors my social media project. This is something that I know for a fact. The reason(s) is

that I am a former member of the church 2015-17, and having formally resigned from the

church, in spite of its warnings of me being labeled an apostate, I have, as a result, incurred

the church's wrath, hostility, and suspicion. I suspect that elements of Brigham Young

University's IT community are monitoring my project in conjunction with the church's law-

enforcement and semi-law-enforcement community in Salt Lake City, Utah and elsewhere.

This being done to see if I am saying anything "bad" about the church, which I am, to see if

they should ban me from the church (excommunication) which is a semi-legal slap-in-the-

face they like to give people who tender their resignation from the church and then later say

or write bad things about it (the church of jesus-christ of latter-day saints) on the internet.

 They may even excommunicate me ( which is something that I welcome) from ever returning

to the church for my assertion that the political and economic divisions of the church have

participated in the enabling of gangstalking for the church's benefit. More on this later.

 I speak about a highly consequential political, socioeconomic, and anthropological

governmental misgiving (gangstalking) that the heads of the church, who are sustained by the

general congregation as "prophets, seers, and revelators," never predicted, never disclosed,

never received "promptings from the Holy Spirit" about, never advocated against, and

probably are in favor of, because it scares the general public into a "herd mentality" which
the church could easily take advantage of and exploit to their benefit as "benevolent prophets

of God" who could put a positive or "Holy" spin on the matter while generating increased

tithing donations. ( I should add as well that the heads of the church never anticipated or

foresaw the advent of COVID-19 either. )

 I assert that the church has wanted since the 1800's to find a way to hijack the United States

federal legislature to its own benefit; namely to prove to its members that the heads of the

church are "real" prophets, that the church is "above" the United States federal government,

and that the "real" God is aiding the church's progress.

 In the 1800's the church was repeatedly punished for violating United States federal laws

concerning, mass murder, assassinations and assassination attempts, practicing polygamy,

and the non-payment of taxes. Despite having an instrumental role in the founding of the

state of Utah, the church has had repeated run-ins with the US federal government, even

prompting the United States at one point in the late 1800s to send troops into Utah to

investigate the church's activities. Eventually the United States Supreme Court

disincorporated the church, dissolving its status as an incorporated entity.

 A reliable, vetted, and fact-checked Wikipedia article on the church reads " The Late

Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. United States, 136 U.S. 1

(1890), was a Supreme Court case that upheld the Edmunds–Tucker Act on May 19, 1890.

Among other things, the act disincorporated the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. "

 The church was once again punished by the United States federal government in the 1970s in

response to a law that the church held banning black men from holding its lay-priesthood.

This is significant because every male church member twelve years of age or older holds this

priesthood so long as they don't abuse substances etc...

 The federal government of the United States threatened to revoke the church's tax-exempt

status if it did not remove the priesthood ban. This economic threat caused the president of

the church to have a "revelation" from God revealing that "black men can now hold our

priesthood." This was obviously an embarrassing scenario for the church as the federal

government (namely the IRS) "forced a revelation out of the Mormon "prophet."

 Because of its public legal wars with the United States federal government, ones of which

they always lost, the church's heads, namely those who are deeply embedded in the

Department of Justice, national politics, and the Department of Defense, have been looking

for political recourse.

 Excommunication is the church's thuggish, violent, pandering psychological attack against

the former members of the church who say negative things publicly, write negatively, or

otherwise communicate negative things about the church's doctrine (or maybe anything

negative about the church period;) after they resign from it. That's it; that's all I know about

the Mormon Church's excommunication policy. If the church were to scrape together a

reason to excommunicate me for what I am saying about it with respect to gangstalking, fiat;

I couldn't care any less.

 I believe that the church has a heavy political hand in the causation of gangstalking protocols

because of the following reasons. For one, every targeted individual at some point in time

gets approached by Latter-day Saint missionaries. This is done to make it appear as if "God"

has sent the targeted person an "olive branch" in the form of the Mormon church, one that

will give the targeted person relief. I assert that the church's knowledge and participation in

the street theater mechanism, as well as a deep rooted presence in the United States military

and the Department of Justice coupled with almost unlimited financial resources and deep

connections in the U.S. congress, are the means by which they are able to locate targeted
people for baptism into the church. Yes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

particularly in its political capacity engages in, and practices gangstalking through its

missionary program.

 The missionaries that I was approached by initially back in 2014, told me that they were not

scheduled to be in my particular neighborhood and were technically off for the day and

supposed to be headed back to the church for further instructions and missionary duties. I felt

a connection to their cause and purpose and joined the church on 04/18/2015 in hopes of

escaping the community harassment protocol that I now know to be gangstalking, but it was

something that I did not know anything about back then.

 Since 2008, the church has cast its high political hopes in two-time failed presidential

candidate, Mitt Romney. Mitt lost the republican presidential nomination to Senator John

McCain in 2008 and lost the general presidential election to incumbent president, Barack

Obama in 2012. I imagine that these were embarrassing political losses for Mitt; losing to a

much older candidate in 2008 and a black sitting president in 2012. I was first approached by

Mormon missionaries in 2013 in Cleveland Heights Ohio's Horseshoe Lake, but declined

only to be approached by new missionaries in 2014, in my Dayton, Ohio neighborhood and

was later made a member. I have noted that the political ambitions of the church circa mid-

2000s/early 2010s had peaked by the time I was approached by the missionaries.

 The church benefits from gangstalking in the following ways:

 • It can train the missionaries in street theater/gangstalking location maneuvers to find

targeted individuals, who weary from their gangstalking campaign would join the church.

The church adds a new tithe payer.

 • It can, through various military industrial thuggish disruption protocols, orchestrate

disasters in the lives of famous, rich, or renowned non-Mormons and later remark to its
members that it was “the hand of God” that did that because that person was a sinner and an

“idol,” (a celebrity). Thereby increasing the members’ faith in the church’s teachings as well

as securing more tithing donations from the members who saw in person “the work of a

living God.”

 • It can influence, through its vast gansgtalking-political, military, and law enforcement

connections, disasters in the lives of disobedient members to “illustrate” to the obedient ones

that “God” punishes disobedient Mormons. Thereby deceiving the more gullible members

into think that God acted against the disobedient member “in real life.”

 • It can orchestrate disasters in the lives of non-Mormons who “wrong,” “disrespect,” or do

“harm” to obedient Mormons to “illustrate” that the living and “great” God actively punishes

people who try to harm “his children.” Thereby deceiving the more gullible members into

think that God acted on their behalf “in real life.”

 • All of these scenarios are ones that I suspect the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

to participate in at the upper-levels, or the politically active levels of the church.

 I will include a link to the church’s recent $100,000,000,000.00 tithing embezzlement

scandal, as the church recently tried to “purchase” a piece of the internet in a tech stock

purchasing canard.

 —

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