Gangstalking 7-20-21 - Is Not A

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Gangstalking is not a “fair fight.

” Gangstalkers will use, with the blessing of the federal government of

the United States, a combination of overt thuggery, phony police calls, clandestine thuggery, tactical
thuggery, hostile threats, and outright violence in what can be described as a “mobile gulag.”
Gangstalking is the political blunder that will end up leading to the international discrediting of America.
This thuggish program is what the federal government of the USA has attempted to embed into the
national consciousness as “the new norm.”

This is being done by federal liaisons, posing as everyday citizens facilitating, oftentimes through
example, the spreading of gangstalking’s many annoyance tactics as everyday “safety procedures” that
“everyone is doing these days.”

The more advanced methods of gangstalking such as electronic communications interception, thermal
imaging use, GPS interception, social media hacking, community mobilization, conversation
eavesdropping, and tracking protocols are used by congressionally authorized stalkers who work in a
covert capacity.

The thugs that participate in gangstalking are useful idiots. They do what they are told to do when they
are told to do it. It is presented to them as something other than federally authorized clandestine

The United States of America has lost its soul as a sovereign entity and is nothing more than a special
interest dump, a lobbyist’s cesspool, and a military industrial complex revenue generator.




This country has been legislatively duped into not only participating in gangstalking, but electing many of
the same negligent politicians that signed it into law under the guise of national security protocols.

A targeted individual cannot so much as go into a restaurant and order a meal without one of these
thuggish, hostile, mischievous, belligerent, federally directed thugs following them in or appearing later
and causing any number of problems or discomforts to the targeted person.

These American goons, which are tantamount to federally authorized henchmen will try to intimidate,
harass, or otherwise disrupt the natural life of the targeted person.

Thuggery has replaced the rule of law in America, and the Congress of the United States of America has
authorized and financed that same thuggery through the gangstalking mechanism, a fool-hearted
national security platform gone haywire, and turns a blind eye to this fact, knowing that when their
legislative ineptitude is exposed, that they will destroy the evidence, hire fall-men, spin the truth, and lie
about the prevalence and harm that this ultra-stupid national security disaster has caused the American
economy and society. The thugs that participate in gangstalking will never be prosecuted because they
commit their crimes in clandestine forms that are hard to record or detect, but are extremely obvious to
the targeted individuals that experience it on a daily basis.

Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing maneuvers,
verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted murder, felony
assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism, and other American
societal embarrassments.

The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via national security
earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 pages bills that no one in the country read through
entirely. The above named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled
against targeted individuals in a daily basis.

The United States Congress will never own up to its legislative incompetence; it would rather turn its
head to the thuggish human rights atrocities that it has legalized post 9/11/2001, in the form of hastily
passed, panic stricken, fly-by-night national security methods, that have handed over the rights,
liberties, and freedoms of the American populace to military industrial complex mechanisms, and
various other undisclosed “national security” groups that direct, guide, coach, instruct, and instigate the
various acts of thuggery that a targeted person experiences daily.

The concept of “inalienable rights” is dead in America, as are the concepts of law and order,
constitutional rights, and freedom. This country’s elected officials have sold this country lock-stock-and-
barrel to third party interests, most of which, are “national security” companies, defense and aerospace
firms, surveillance companies, and various other military industrial complex actors, that receive billions
in taxpayer money every year to find ways to instigate costly conflicts at home and abroad.

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