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Edupac School, Cabildo 2nd grade 2015.

Reading Comprehension Evaluation


Name: (1 Point)

Date: Score obtained: Total score:

I.- Mark with an X the correct alternative:

1. The book is called: 2. The author of the book is:

a. Prudence. a. Maria Luisa Silva.

b. Not a hair's breadth of foolishness. b. María Carvajal.
c. Razan the gorilla. c. Veronica Prieto.
3. The name of the main character of the 4. What animal was Prudence?
story is:
a. Kitty
a. Margarita. b. Mouse
b. Prudence. c. Piggy
c. Pamela
5. Prudence was a little pig: 6. How did Prudencia feel on the first day of
her first day of
a. cheerful and a little shy. ballet classes?
b. cheerful and fun.
c. and bustling. a. happy and excited.
b. nervous and fearful.
c. distracted and sad.
7. "Prudencia runs anxiously to look for 8. Prudence's classmates used a
her color mesh:
mesh and his new sneakers".
a. celeste
The underlined word is a: b. pink
c. blue
a. common noun
b. proper noun
c. qualifying adjective.
9. What was Prudencia's dream? 10. How did Prudencia feel in the classes
a. I dreamed of becoming a karateka
b. I dreamed of being a dancer. a. He felt very sad.
c. I dreamed of being a singer. b. I thought I was the best dancer
c. I was happy.

11. Connect with a colored line the character with the action he/she performs:

Practice bowing.

LIEBRE It lifts its paw very high, as if it were

going to fly.
He is jumping and skipping to the
rhythm of the music.

He plays the piano.

Edupac School, Cabildo 2nd grade 2015.

They soar through the air.

12. Prudence thoughtfully returned home 13. "The little pig tries to smile, but she feels
from ballet class: as his face is painted red".

a. Because she couldn't do anything about What does it mean when the face is painted
that! red?
b. Because she just wanted to play!
c. Because she didn't like anything about a. who feels joy.
what she did. b. who is ashamed
he saw! c. who feels pity.
14. Why is the teacher angry? 15. "In the late afternoon, he hears joyful
voices coming from the square."
a. because Prudencia converses during
the Do the voices correspond to a group of
class. animals playing?
b. because I am late.
c. because its legs become entangled a. soccer
with the b. Basketball
teacher. c. volleyball.

16. Which animals were the members of 17. Finally, what happens with Prudence?
of the soccer team? a. Play soccer every afternoon
b. Dances ballet in the mornings
a. Mice and squirrels c. Goes to bed crying
b. Geese and ducks
c. Dogs and cats
18. List from 1 to 6, according to how the events occurred.

_____ In the late afternoon, the little pig hears happy voices coming from the square.
_____ Mom, now I'd rather dance on the court, she responds complacently.
_____ Prudencia has a dream to be a dancer.
_____ Mom realizes that something has gone wrong.
_____ Prudencia no longer listens to the challenges and leaves the room very sad.
_____ Prudencia tries again. Maybe if you work hard enough you can become part of the
of the group.

II.- Answer the following questions, with complete answers:

Prudencia had a dream to be a dancer, what dream do you have?


2.- When Prudencia got nervous her belly ached, something similar has happened to you,
YE NO in what situation, he explains.
Edupac School, Cabildo 2nd grade 2015.

Reading Comprehension Evaluation


Name: (1 Point)

Date: Score obtained: Total score:

I.- Mark with an X the correct alternative:

1. The book is called: 2. The author of the book is:

a. Prudence. d. Maria Luisa Silva.

b. Not a hair's breadth of foolishness. e. María Carvajal.
c. Razan the gorilla. f. Veronica Prieto.
3. The name of the main character of the 4. What animal was Prudence?
story is:
d. Kitty
d. Margarita. e. Mouse
e. Prudence. f. Piggy
f. Pamela
5. Prudence was a little pig: 6. How did Prudencia feel on the first day of
her first day of
a. cheerful and a little shy. ballet classes?
b. cheerful and fun.
c. and bustling. a. happy and excited.
b. nervous and fearful.
c. distracted and sad.
7. "Prudence anxiously runs to look for 8. Prudencia's classmates used a
her tights and her new sneakers". color mesh:

The underlined word is a: a. celeste

b. pink
a. common noun c. blue
b. proper noun
c. qualifying adjective.
9. What was Prudencia's dream? 10. How did Prudencia feel in the classes
a. I dreamed of becoming a karateka
b. I dreamed of being a dancer. a. He felt very sad.
c. I dreamed of being a singer. b. I thought I was the best dancer
c. I was happy.

11. Connect with a colored line the character with the action he/she performs:

GACELA Practice bowing.

LIEBRE It lifts its paw very high, as if it were

going to fly.
Edupac School, Cabildo 2nd grade 2015.


12. Prudence thoughtfully returned home 13. "The little piggy tries to smile, but she
from ballet class: feels
as his face is painted red".
a. Because she couldn't do anything
about What does it mean when the face is painted
that! red?
b. Because she just wanted to play!
c. Because she didn't like anything about a. who feels joy.
what she did. b. who is ashamed
he saw! c. who feels pity.

14. Why is the teacher angry? 15. "In the late afternoon, he hears joyful
voices coming from the square."
a. because Prudencia converses during
the Do the voices correspond to a group of
class. animals playing?
b. because I am late.
c. because its legs become entangled a. soccer
with the b. Basketball
teacher. c. volleyball.

16. Which animals were the members 17. Finally, what happens with
of the Prudence?
of the soccer team?
a. Play soccer every afternoon
a. Mice and squirrels b. Dances ballet in the mornings
b. Geese and ducks c. Goes to bed crying
c. Dogs and cats
18. List from 1 to 6, according to how the events occurred.
1. Prudencia has a dream to be a dancer.
2. The mother realizes that something has gone wrong.
3. Prudence tries again. Maybe if you work hard enough you can become part of the
of the group.
4. Prudencia no longer listens to the challenges and leaves the room very sad.
5. In the late afternoon, the little pig hears happy voices coming from the square.
6. Mom, now I'd rather dance on the court, she replies complacently.

II.- Answer the following questions, with complete answers:

Prudencia had a dream to be a dancer, what dream do you have?

Edupac School, Cabildo 2nd grade 2015.
2.- When Prudencia got nervous her belly ached, something similar has happened to you,
YE NO en what situation, he explains.

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