Visual Arts Diagnosis 2

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CODE: 17DST0011O
Tilzapotla, Morelos

Name______________________________________________________ 2 Grade Group____

1.- What does the subject of visual arts study?

2.- What are the visual arts?

3.- What is an image?

What is the difference between a symbol and a sign?

5.- What techniques do you know of that are used in the visual arts?

I.-Underline the correct answer

1. What is a sketch?

a) A preliminary drawing b) A finished drawing c) A color drawing

2. The secondary colors are?

a) Green, Violet, Red b) Brown, Black, c) Green, Orange, Violet

3. The asymmetric composition consists of?

a) That which is repeated or b) Uneven placement of c) The visual weight that falls
tends to be the same within an elements within an image on a single element
4. Composition is defined as

a) The way in which the b) It is the arrangement that

c) The reflection of the forms
elements of a work are makes it possible to give a real
and their meanings in the work.
integrated and organized. meaning to the work.

5. They are the visual elements of the form

a) Texture, volume and b) Dot, silence and texture c) Color, line and texture
background of the figure

6. Imaginary images that alter the true qualities of a person or thing and give them more
value than they actually have.

a) Realistic b) Figurative c) Mythological

7. They are so detailed that they look like photographs

a) Surrealistic image b) Realistic figurative image c) Advertising image

8. It is everything contained in the composition within the frame.

a) Framing b) Photography c) Sign

9. They are symbolic representations of abstract ideas through figures.

a) Allegory b) Drawings c) Painting

10. It is the space that is made up of natural or urban elements.

a) Forest b) Landscape c) Urban

II.- Instructions: Relate the columns by placing inside the parenthesis the corresponding

They are an artistic, expressive manifestation of visual ( ) Futurism

perception in which the individual creates and recreates
natural or fantastic worlds by means of material elements
using diverse techniques that allow him to express his
feelings, emotions and perceptions of the world that ( )Phatic function
surrounds him.

Art of the twentieth century that is characterized by ( ) Dadaism, Land Art,

multiple currents that are called isms. Impressionism

3.- Born in Germany, it sought the expression of the ( ) Expressionism

author's feelings and emotions, its main exponents were
Edvard Münch, Franz Marc, Emil Nolde.
( ) Image

Appeared simultaneously in different European countries,

it is a movement whose purpose is to dispense with all
figurative elements, concentrates the expressive force in ( ) Sign
form and colors. It can be of two types.

5.- Transmits an indication, an order or a ban. ( ) Avant-garde

He rejected traditional aesthetics and tried to praise

contemporary life based on his two dominant themes: the
machine and movement. ( ) Abstract Painting

It is a set of visual stimuli that are intentionally organized

to provoke in the subjects a series of perceptions and ( ) Persuasive function

8.- It is the perceptible representation of an idea. ( ) Symbol

9.- It intends to attract attention, through the use of

contrast, figure, color, and other artifices in order to ( ) Visual Arts
capture the viewer. Such as posters that are black and
white and one or more elements have color.

10.- It uses persuasion as a weapon, it tries to convince

the user in a logical way, although it is logical, it does not
necessarily mean that it is true.

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